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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1930, p. 5

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a Sr A TOMO pe (2d TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1930 PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community The ABC of Vitamins And Where to Find Them | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Rey, and Mrx, Joha Van News, of Philadelphia, Pa. Ave wisiting Mrs, MH. KD, 81 Centre Wires, Miss Greta VMs, 1 Contre rivest uw visiting at Lhe sumer home of Me, and Mrs EV Lanier, Take » Unys, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur il, Blep- hens, Great Valls, Montana, and Mrs, Walter Thomas nro the guests of Mr, J, W. Borsbery, 410 King Btreet, onst, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mutton and daughter, Ruth, of Mary sfireet, Oshawa, ware recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Westlake, Holina, Mr, and Mrs, €, Churehley and family, and Mr, and Mrs, O, R, Hall, of College avenue, wera recent visitors at the home of My, and Mrs, George White, Rolinn, Unparralleled Value-Giving Period at py Something that you certainly cannot miss, and that is=Our Great Hosiery Sule, Never in all our store history have we been able to offer such values in Real Silk Hosiery. "Only through shopping as it were hy this we mean a visit to all leading hostery mills and just picking out the cream of perhaps surplus stock or substand- ards of the better class hosiery. Below are a few of the larger quantitiesi==Many other lines not mentioned, Silk Hosiery | Silk Hosiery 4 ?, J ' uv. Thy - Bot Bug Ladiow Pure Thread Wik losers, BOO pairs Ladies' Full Vashloned Ren) Bik IY hts 4 ) Hosiery, Sheer Barvice welght Hosiery (No ime Nothing to equal the wearing quality at thal 4 ogular value, which was 81,00 per pair, A) portections in the silk in #ny way.) "They are regu i 51 to 10, © fo alr or L mill subestandards of u Rogulay 81.256 line ha " Hson Wh to 10, Ble ply or $ 10 In the newest shades only, Unpuralitled 69 2 puivy for .. 1011 ' Value-giving Period, Ver Pair ' Cc Real Silk Hosiery 1] Men 's Socks Fashioned Renal Bilk Chiffon Howlery, Thin is | 44 the newest of all Chiffon Howe with ("I'he New we BY EDWINA NOLAN Director of Home Service, General Electric Refrigeration Department HILDREN--and adults, for that matter--need food containing the various vitamins, if they are to enjoy health and vigor and even dispositions, Take vitamin A away child and he is underfod" neni Viiamin B #rowth Is stunted, With. amin C, seurvy may develop, And vitamin D is [} . similation of food, Suiisl 0 ss In what foods are these vitamins found? Let the United States De- lentils, lettuce, liver, milk, nuts, okrs, onions, oranges, parsley, parsnips, pens, potatoes, pine. apples, rutabagab, spinach and other greens, tomatoes and whole grain products, Vitamin C~Found in apples, bananas, cabbage, young Rois cauliflower, grapefruit, wuavas, lemons, onlons, oranges, * aches, pons, pineapples, potatoes, rasp- berries, rutabagas, spinach, sprouted legumes, string beans and tomatoes, An to vitamin D, this is supplied through open-air sunshine, from three Miss Byelyn Holden is visiting her aunt, Mrs, ¥, O, Phillips, Riche mond street, east, Mr, and Mrs, Henry und family wera recent visitors ut the home of Mrs, Henry's sister, Mrs, Frank Rogers, Hampton, Boeke, "Thues are one ling of hive bh Pulrs the many for this Mr, KE. Gibbie spent the weekend in Port Perry visiting friends, James Holden of The Times edit. orial staff has returned to the elty after spending a pleasant vacation at Peninsular Lake, Muskokn, Miss Kayes, of Kingnadnlo Ave, has secured a cottage nt Heyden: shore Park, on the lake nt Whithy, and will spend the last two weeks in August there wilth her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Kayan Mr, Don Holden of the General Motors ofee, is spending a vacation on Peninsular Lake, Mus'ula, The many friends of Bert Jones, Burton Rd, who is now in the Oshawa General Hospital with a broken hip are sorry to hear of his accident and wish him a speedy recovery, LEND-A-HAND CLUB The Lend-a-Hand Club held its monthly meeting at Lakeview ark on August 7, the meoting taking the form of a plen.n, Bister Hodeworin, Py presided, Sistor Welr donated an candy Jar, and In !ne draw tor this distor Disney held the winning tioket, The plento was one of 1 most enjoyable eventa halid by the a HEADACHES Yohem® nate: ti by Asp! ne jo an har on fei panic i fk re ye ht Tani, JU dosan's depress nen i A RR GASPIRIN 'NOTICE! "The Times' will publish re- ports of meetings of all Wo. men's Qrianiastions in the such to Women's Page Ed, itor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remembes to use only one side of paper. td sheer Chiffon Hall HOSIERY olny thin sepson, and weathor pers pdLink, the elub will moet agaly nt ha pork for Ite Heplember meet ing Mr, Harry L, Wallace, a for nor resident of Oshawa and an @m- ployee of General Motors, who has heen residing In Trenton for some time past, hay returned to Oshawa and Joined the sales staff of Moffatt Motor Bales Lid, He will reside at 22 Cadillac Ave HOLY TRINITY W.\, NALE Owing to an error, the sale of Children's hand made clothes, Ap- rons and home made coolilng was announced in yesterday's issue of The Times as being on August 2, The correct date for this event Is Thursday of this week, Augpst 14, and it ise to be held ai Arnold's store on Himoeoe Street Houih Experts have estimated the age of a cypress tree growing in Talluhas- see, Fla, at from 2000 to 2800 years, rm OVER 15,000 DAILY DEMAND SARGON Vast Growing Ariny: of Bavgon Users, Marching Single Wile, Would Encircle Globe in (nly Few Yeurs Time (My WWiehard § Ki ty) Atlanta, Ga-~More like a tale from the Arabian Nights of old than a record of modern business achievement reads the story of the marvelous growth and development of Sargon the new selentifie com. pound which hat become the sen: sation of the drug trade thornghout Canada, the United States and other countries, The old illustration of the pehble dropped into the pool best deseribos the phenomenal and urprecedents od demand and its. fae is rapidly spreading over the entire Contin: ent; Neoontly compiled figures voveal that i Bh 16,000 men and women are marehing into drug stores dally for Sargon and Rargon Soft Mags Pills, the marvelous new treatment that ia restoring lealth to countless thousands hy new and remarkable methods undieamed of only a few years ago Atréady more than 8,000:000 auf. fering man and women hava put it to the test and have told other milllons what it has done for them, Marching regulation army fash. lon=-aingle tile--this vast arty of Sargon users would veach from New York go San Francisco and at the present rate of sale==would, in a few years time, envirgle the en: [tive globe, The only explanation of Sargon's Arumph In the Medical World is Sargon's true worth, Dack of ita triumph in the dro stores ls itn triumph in the homes and it In the grateful endorsements of ita mils tons of users that has made it the mont widely talked of medicine in the world to-day, i Sargon Is extensively adverjised, #t in true, hut no preparation, ne matter how extensively advertised, could possibly meet with such phe. nomenal success unless it possessed absolute merit and extraordindry powers as a medicine, J There can he but ane possible ex. alanation for Harmon's amusing success and it oan be told In one | word==MERIT! Sargon may be obtained in Osh. awa from Karn's Drug Store, aa aanaite Doll Lots od ¥ WOMEN'S CORNER i es, ~~. La v er pri THE COOLING DRINK For variety, heat Jelly until It is syrupy and add it to leed tea or lemonade, The mixturo will make fn rare, elusive flavor, If the jeliv has a color ft will tint the drink 'and make It more Inviting to the oye as well as to the alate, Try adding mint Jelly te lemonade Mint Is a revived flavor Just now coming again Into favor, Our partment of Agriculture answer: Vitamin A~fome common sources of vitamin A are avo. eados, bananas, string beans, but- ter, earrots, cheese, cod-liver oll, dried cowpeas, cream, dandelions and other greens, eggs, lentils, lettuce, liver, milk, Peas, swee squash po tatoes, spinach, matoes, Vitamin B---Common sources Are asparagus, dried and fresh beans, brains, cabbage, earrots, eaulifiower, celery, egg yolk, fish roe, grapefruit, kidney, lemons, grandmotherg appreciated it but we had forgotien ite deliciousness for yours Lime Is another revive al of a Diensing flavor, too mueh neglected heretofore GARDEN CALENDER When the delphinfums are through blooming be sure to cul off the blossoms and in that way insure a second crop of bloom Remember the pansy hed may still be kept going if blossoms are out off Ar there your garden od now I some of the annuals have diad down clean them out and hes gin to 111 Mm with seedling plants of the parenninin which have heen left over any « carnations In They may he layer: THE GARBAGE CAN Hide the garbage can from WHAT "a Hy Annebelle Worthington Musteated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Kvery Pattern ' Happy! Of course in their new play togs, not alone because Paria says it's fashionable for small members of the family to be dress od alike, No indeed! Youngsters Just adore it, Waoh pattern ia des signed in niges 2, 4 and 4 years, York I/° WEARING Kaoh pattern costa 20 cents fn stamps or coin (eoln preferred). He surg to fll in aise of pattern, Address Pattern Department, Our Summer Fashion Magasine Is 10 Your, phys olan's yltra-yiolet a ahine, or from doses of good old. fashioned cod-liver oll, ' i All the vitamin alphabet belongs in the family diet, Bay it with milk and fruits and vegetables--with Wide varioty---and the chances are that you will have included most of the essential vitamins, Perish ables, properly refrigerated and wholesome, are necessary, The person with a charming dis- position usually is properly vita mined, Ry the same token, fe with A grouch, a snap or a snarl may be lacking a vitamin, encircling It with wire and train vines over this the circle large enough that you enn handlo the cap with convenience, sight hy fonving Muhke THE IDEAL HONT ESN The hostess who would give joy to her guests, must have the ap pearance of hoing happy at the task. "The hostess who fusses un duly, undertaking too elaborate a menu, and then Is all worn out and nervous when hor guests ar rive, fs sure to reflect her sphrn and her guests will not. have a good time, but feel anxious, It Is Letter to put on a simple party and be full of pep and glad- ness in the affulr, One way to do this In to plan a simple menu; an othor scheme In to get the house ready the day before and to pre pare In advance as many dishes an you ean Do not economize on help at this time, | y one in the kitchen whe will keep track of the dons a Wut a ama, "My daughter Si tharing is years old, She was very irregular, often sick at het stomach and had to stay in two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her + bottle of Vegetable. Com: pound, Catherine hae n taking ft regularly and she is goining in weight and way, | old the I Lan "od four girls are taking it with rn" =A, Chav Lydia E. Pinkham' Ve plahle Compo cents, Iuside-Out Finish), They a of our Regular $1.05 line ! You must see these wond Unparalleled Valua-Gliving Ver Per Pair ve wubestandards duos Kg to 10, arful sptoekings =. 5129 Pure Botany Kvent from Leading Hoslery Milly, In silk und wool mixtures, Hegulurly Hold at 86K to $1.00 paralleled value-giving perioa purchased Big They come Pure Bllks, and 10 to 114, i 20¢ Palr Wool, Hives aii i. Er ------ aan i while you are playing with your BUuosts They want you for x playmate, n hostess; not a servant, fretted by mueh enra for them, The danger ia that we ent too mueh In our unmpany moals, The old-fashion od gluttonons feast Is out of syle Netter In the delicious but simpla rapast with plenty of fruit, a cool or hot drink, dainty sandwiches weo cakes and a lot of Jolly dada i I the study of Christ which the Len gue has been earrying ont, Wiss Hampson spoke on tha "Christ of the Indian Road," and succeeded In holding the interest of her and lance throughout with a very In toresting presentation of her nies UY 4 Tha meating wns prayer hy Dr, Jack Duy ing the husiness session It was de gilded to appoint the secratary, Mise apenod with Naylon Weddings HOBINSON==ANDHRVEWS A quiet marriage was snlemnis od At the parsonage of the Bimeos dtrest United Chureh ou Saturday nftarnaen, when Marvy Boatrice An drews, Jiughter of Mi, aml Mra Noaran 2ndrows, was wnitnd 'e tha hots Ff holy mated wou to Regine flr Geo.pe Robinsaor sou af My mt Mrs, George Ito apm of Ox awn, he geremony was perforin hy the Rey, J. 8. 1, Wiisun, assis ant porter of the ehvoen FLORENCE SAMPSON SPEAKS AT ALBERT STREET LEAGUE Fine Missionary Address Given at Regular Meet. ing of League The young people's Leagua of Al bert Hireet church has as # speaker at thelr regular meeting last night, Miss Florence Sampson, In keeping with the missionary character of the meeting, and yet in line with CORN ¥ Serve with milk or cream, Hay Lee, to tha position nf enrres- ponding wecretary for the balance of the year, Mr, Loarion wan sleet ed (to the position of Arst vice president It wan decided to hold the yearly drive on Beptember 24nd The offerings for the evening ware turned over to Toss Clarke, chairman of the missionary commit. toe for application to the leagua's missionary givings lS always look for the red.and.green package when you buy corn flakes, Then you are sure of Kellogg's, The flakes with the "wonder". flavor, packed in the waxtite inner seal wrapper that keeps them oven=fresh FLAKES Extra delicious with fruits ov honey 0'Keefe's Dry addition to yo rage. At winter social a ere ina the delicious Olkiafes GINGER ALE all-weather «doors or tlatactory is a satisfying, sing, ur party. Toronto nk a most a ory Get It from Jour grouse or drugdint In the O'KEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED A - LEADER WHO HEAS SINSING BONG To THE CASING - REMEMBER * THA HEAR HM? "HERS TRA SINGS AY

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