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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1930 PAGE SEVEN where / \ SSEBIE DS meets . Seller 10 ON... LU] oxtract 0eoe attahdands, Phone 960. WB, N, SINCLAIR 1 mor uild J y 1 Aven ister Solioitor, Notary Publie, Honvgyahoer Money to loan, O floes 1/ : King #t, Bast, Oshawa, 46, Residence phone 97, Vraser, Dorristers, Conveyanoers, Notaries fable, eto, Office over Standard Dank, Entrance Bimeoe coe Bt, Phone 18, J. VV, Griorson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A, I" Dewland's 16 simooe Resie ' Notary, over - Money to loan, Phone 67. risters, Solleitors, eto, 24% Bim. 008 Bt. N, Phone 9160, Money to ter, etn, Conveyaneing and goneral raotice, id King Bt, Rast, ARKIY foan, 'Alger Bldg, op- ne 14 ¢ FRANK 8, DDDS, DARRISTEW, Bolleitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey. Anoer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Post Office. Phone 2000, Medical + DRE. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, «Disney Blook. Phone 8060, Of fice Mours § a.m. to 8,80 pm, Dr. B. J. Marlewood, Spey) attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, BI KH Harper, special attention to ehild- ron's Diseases and Obstetrics, Hun. day and night onlls 8416 or 123, DR. MeKAY PHYSICIAN, BSUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi snve. King Ht, Bast, corner Vie toria Mt, Oshawa, Phone 04, ULL BATRA AAR SL 2 DR. GRANT DERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of {ntants and children, Office and Residence, 07 Dond Last, Phone o1ey to i X wd flice. . DAVID ARCHER, M.D, O.M, NO. P, and 8, Bdinburgh, Phy. Eon, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 149 Bimeos Ht, N, Phone 8000, residence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 01066, , 0: We Wn, VIOTAN, surgeon, . Obstetrician Office and resi ants, 813 Simcoe Street north, 0 8416, " ER, AROWN, PHYSI- Oh Tobi Kg on clan, office and resldense, 185 Simcoe Street, North phone $07, + Veterinary "Surgeon PRCA ' Specialist Diseases Domestic Animes als, Oat and Dog Mospital, 1203 King West, Telephone 080, ' (6 aug tf) For Nose, Threat Specialiat Htreet West Toronto will bs at his oftioe over Jury & Lovells Drug Btore each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone #7, apeotallst, Office over Mitohell's D Store, Phone 2600 and 433J. Architects architectural work, "Cecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res. phone 0007, te architects, Himooe st 8 Telit Bros. Watch Repairing Swiss watohmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat: ronage {8 wollelted, - t your shoes fixed like new fa 'Menko, corner Simeoe N, and lam W, (July 80-1 mo) [1 0 * Rates for Classified Ads. \ Smm-- n tnsertion==11 cents * Mistmam charge 300. "Bash subsequent consecu: re. tasertion 10 bor Three consecutive inser tions tar thy price of two fit (three conte a word), Minimam tharge nor three insertions, ¢ th, Pox anmber 10a additions) Professional or Business Cards, $3.50 per month oF less; 10 Veaitionn TIMES CLASSINTRD N UONY ag Rap ; COMPLISE WN TRIMPHONG 88 A lamified Ad " Department : «| Phone 94 ) |g ht and glasses, [4 soti's, Hpeoinl attention to X-ray work, Oss fon, urse In House north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Gas for extraction, Phone bd, " 0 I ' Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for exirace tions, Office, Moyal Bank Bids. residence, 1878M, Simeos @t, N, over Dewland's. Phone 1067, Nes, 202W, Evenings by appointment, " ' Dentists, 47 King St. 1, Special attention to gas extraction and Xe ray work, Nurse in attendanee. Phones 1248 and 864, WENMPTTIONING, -- PICOTING, nine cents & yard, Pleating skirts ane dollar, Dresses out and fited orfectly, Dmbrodery work, The Bei #ho 20% #imoos south, one 1454, (July 21-1 mo) " ' muscle anomalies, Author of oe Cire and Eye Strain, The flo and Its Development. Dis ney Bleek Phone i616, oveciniist in opposite Post Office, ; (July 10-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONTVAN AND WMTTH ONTAR: fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. oars, sub-divisions, town planning, munieipal engineers, 405 or 411 King St, X. Phones 2532J or All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This ruls has been found necessary lose arising from handling a large number of smal) arcounts of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring & messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Teleph 23K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT because of ex; and Ads Bring Results one 35 For Rent FOUN Tous Kh "HoUBw, #1 monthly on Westmoreland; 7 roomed attractive house, $30, Church and Colborne, Phone Holdon, 871W, (460) , For Sale or Rent FOITAALI "on™ TENT = B1X room house and summer kitchen, with. land, near Harmony school, Apply 88 Ritson Road north, y (44c) RETURNED IO TORONTO 900 AM. TO-DAY Articles For Sale AND On'. VEL, BTOND, Cin: ders, black loam. 81.67 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Es scry Bros, 832 r 11, (May 8-tt) MIXED HARD AND sOFT yoou slabs, $3.50 te load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288, (Avr, 301) FOR SALE-HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd, pianos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply C. Trull, Phone 16664, (111-1) FOR HALW = PAINTH, VARN. ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishos, ete, In in the city, The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr. 2 tr) Building Supplies gravel for sale=To lnsure prompt delivery, place 'rdérs In advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale "hone 1018, ! : BAND, URAVEL, BLACK LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking Phoue 1079W, (July 12-1 mo.) 2644, U JURTAL C0. ¢7 KING BT. last, Ambulance, Residence 0648 Himeoe street, north, Phone 2104 apd 210W ul OSHAWA WONIAL 00, M7". Armstrong & Sou, Proprietors. I"uneral and Ambulance Servite, ) day and night. Phone 1083W, § Celina, (otf DAVIE AND #0N, INSURANCE. |10 King #t. west, Oshawa, The old. ost I've Agenoy in Oshawa, 30 Re. utable Fire Companies, consult R. N. Johns, 80 Bimooe north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro. tected, T RAGE COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage Ware: house and moving van equipment. Plone 83, re GANTATUW, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and olnders. Local and long distance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West, Ji lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage. Local and long distance, Frank Cowla Prop, 06 Park Rd. South, Phone 3185. (July 21-1 mo) Beauty Parlors permanent, Shop. Npealalists in finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices $5, $7.00. $10 and $15, All other lines of Bouts Culture, Phone $008. Apply § HON; Simooe street north. LXPORT MAROBLIING BY DET Ward at Netty Lop Permanent 'avo Shoppe. arcel and shame poo $1. Phone 8008, 9 Celina Bt, We spect faline 'In ladies' hair cutting, mar celling, shampooing, 8 Marcel a cents, For appyinting ts phone 4068, (July Qi A, Ch ain ad Beauty Shop: 7-1 mo) Radio Service PATPTERIEN OHARUED™ 16e with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered. 614, Luly Hh tioneer. 'Ont, Prompt sereice, Stan Bligdon, 0 Mill St. Phone 1880W. A (July 81-1 mo) pairs on. radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale, Dattorien charged and repaired, Phone 8360), Charles Wales, 140 Blgin oast, (Aug 12-1 mo,) Monay to Lean oan arrange a first nortgage on your residence if it Is well lo: cated, Bradley Bros. over Ward's Store, Simcoe St, South, (July 88-tt) ty and farms, Apply A, J. Park. Ly 37 King a Bast, one Auctioneer Son eh ing Patron. Spirella health, comfort, Personal atteu- \lon and fee, Ph ter, Distrlot Mana S180M, y ~~ (July 31.) mo) hv 8 8 PA. B® hanger, paluting and gral rloea Plght, work guarautesd, R40 Plue Ave, phous 3088w op J00Tw, . A130). Mrs, Bate} « Ww ork Wanted NEW PHOCKEI=1r YOU ARK bothered with cockroaches, [ will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 1738), (July 16.1 mo.) "Second Hand Dealer NEW AND WECOND HAND TUR: niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. 1. Phone 1617M, (July 23-1 mo.) AEUONG MAND DEALER=WE buy and well used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1030, M, Collis, 8 church Bt, (July 16-1 mo) Palmiot STADAME NENA, PACMIET, 870 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone J404W, (Aug 8 1 mo.) PROWN, PALMIST. Phone appointments 2036F, 03 Louisa street, (July 286+1 mo) > _-- Pets and Live Stock. TOULARY "MEN -- hoavy breed 1%-2 Ib, coockerels caponised at 100 each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapons ise. Ives Bros, 039 Drew street, (July 20-1 mo.) Personal WHY SUFFER?==UBSE THE NEW Harmony Eleotro Magnetic Appli- ance, Others are obtaining health; why not you? WRiectro Magnotism is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. In many cases where everything else has failed the Harmony leotro Magnetlo Appliance has brought health, We are not oud to sell you somethin that you are not satisfied wil benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says In correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own judgment. W. OC. Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 1064 Willlam St. RB, Phone 260, Oshawa, (July 20-1 mo.) Contracting UONTRAUTING ==" CUNURETE plastering, eleotrio oi Alterations. Phone 130 tor estimates. (L¥th) HETIL TNE Builders' Bargains Onk Yiooring 00. 84, foot; Walls board 87,60 thousand foot; Roady Glased Darn Sash 080; Blate Roofs ing 2.88; 28 gauge metal rooting 5,656; House paint 680, qt; Garages $10 down payment, Asphalt hing. los 5,45; Metal Qelling 5.45; Sop. tie Tank #8 down payment, Write now for Big Free Sale COatalog. Amazing savings for July and Aug. ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-20 TO 60 nore farm with buildings, on or close to Highway and to Oshawa, for tofm of yours, with option to purchase, Possession any time tI next March, Please upply to Box 770 Times, (48) WANTED THURNIBHED BED. sitting room and kitehonotts, Cons tral, Btate torme, Box 840, Timor, (4bn) a dl ------.---- ama For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites Including electrio refrig. oration stove, laundry eonveni. ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt, phone 2671 or The Trusts and Guarantees Co, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (27-1) FOR RENT=ATA iT MENT, CIN: tral, b rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lense or by the month, Hox 7406 Times, (168tf) CHBERVUL APATVTMENT iN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Timon, (168-10) AVATNERT, YURNISHED OR unfurnished, livery convenience Phone 156060 or RB4TW, (str) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Mradiey Bros, (N8LE) FOR RENT™=="2 "YUuRNISHED rooms, every convenience for light housakooping, BU38W, ' (810) FOR TERT==A" VERY MODERN seven roomed brick house, ul) cons venlences and beautiful grounds, on best rosidental street, §45 per month, also several houses In var fous parts of the city at lower rental, Apply Bradley Brow, Phone 430, (480) TOR RENT Z"LIOHT THOURK: keeping rooms, very reasonable, overy 'convenience, Ww, ©, Hut. cheson Bldg, 106 William street oant, (880) NEW, MODWRN RIX ROOM ID brick house to rent, furnished, fmmedinte. possession, Apply 340 Ritson road south, (840) FOR TUNT="1T FURNIBHED Badroom, all conveniences, 187 Bimeoe streot north, Phone 18346 Ww. (adr) NORE TFURNTEHED BrbRrROOM rent reasonable, Apply 78 Bond street west, (840) FOR RENTSTURNIEHED™ nop. room with all conveniences, wuits ablo for two. Apply 70 MoMillan Drive, Phono 2830W, (340) FURNTEAED BEVENT "ROOM house, to coupls without children, vory reasonable, one bedroom ro. served for owner, Phone 080), (84h) house or would exchange 5 rooms floors, garage, contra, Phone 1960), (4b) TINEE NOONE "HOUSE 10 ront, $10 per month, Apply 183 Bt, Julien street, (800) TOMFORTADLY -- WURNINHED two room apartment with conven. N anted wanted at once, J months' work guaranteed, Phone 2035) or call 620 Bimoos street north, Oshawa. , suitable for room mates, (400) -- (OOMED houso or would xechange 6 rooms on fist floor for light and heat Very central, 8 Contre, (330) and charge of furnace, Phone ew, (3bo) FOR BALE-- NEW AND USED bloycles, mecessories, auto tires and tubes, also clean household furniture, Kverything clearing chenp, 104 Kulalle Avo, (Aug, 1-1 mo) POI FALE "MOTOR BOAT "Ming Oshawa," 806 feet tong, 7 IL, 6 beum, 110 horsepower Nedwing motor, mahogany trim, seating cn pacity of 24, Apply Box B21 Times, (841) POWNTLOYD CREAN ENAMEL stroller, good condition, £264 Bt Jullen Nireet, (8be) GAR FTOVIT VOR PATE, ATPLY #9 John Bt, Phono 600) hb) FOR BALK HECOND MORT- gage, value $1,300.00 Agreement tor sale, value $1,200,00-go00d pocurity--1liberal discount, Box 518 Times, (81-82-84) MOFFATT ELECTRIC WANGE, with coms! or wood annex, 8060, 204 Druce street, Phone 10680W, (Bbc) ONY PARTON WOTTE, §70, ONE Parlor Lamp, $10, one Dining Room Rulte, $00, All nrticles nearly new, offered for loss than one third of eost price, Apply 200 Arthur street, Phone 2740W, (fbb) EE , Real Estate For Sale FOR BATE = SEVEN ROOM house on Agnes street, Lot 40 x 182, Large verandah, "Two plece bhasemont, Four bedrooms, clothes clowets and lnon closet, built In kitehon cupboard, Decorated throughout and in good repalr, Owner leaving city, will sacrifice for forty-olght hundred, If sold within three days. A real snap for someone, Come and see, 141 Agnes street, (34h) MUR WE HOLD TNMEDTATRLY, 4 room cottage, 988 Vrench wireot, newly papered and painted Inwide und out, #1,750 Will accept fully pald car or lot as part pay- ment, Apply above address or phone 2404M, (Abe) Situations Vacant STANT NOW=YOU CAN WARN money quickly, taking orders for the most beautiful line of Pers sonal Christmas Greeting Cards over shown In Canada, Write for partioulars, Regal Art Co, 810 Spadina Ave,, Toronto, The Route Taken By the R100 Yesterday JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph, D, Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 PROPERTIES FOR SALE Some real snaps in beautiful Metal Bumping NO vENDENS C. Bailey, 91 Wilkinson (84c) repaired, Ave, Motor Cars OWT YOUR OAR WARHED AT Dominion Garage, 8 Bopd strect west, Phone 8108, Al) cars at one price §1,00, (July 17-1 mo) HEY, , ERAAULED und running OX, Real buy, Phone 2704W, (34a) YOR FALE=--ORE~ CADILLAC 8 eylinder chassis, $60 cash, Apply 87 Colina or phone 1082W, (33a) Personal ANYON WISHING THRANBPOT. tation to Buskatchewan, apply at onen, Box B31, Times, (6b) ss TERE i i US A is + ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family, very central, also garage, Phone 1028), (8bc) wu RE a rn i SE Tee > Situations Wanted ATT RERVECTADLE wWIinow wants position keeping house for widower or bachelor, by the first of Hoptember, Apply Box K26, Times, (88c) CICENRED DRIVER WITH 9 yours' experience, wishes position for part or full time, Will also tuke care of lawns and gardens, ete, In spare time, Phone 1356), (33e¢) WEBERLY TADY WANT A™ PO. sition as housekeeper, Mrs, Mary J, Cook, Neweastle, ,0,, Ont, (330) oy _, Notice OR. THONAE WERRAT STORE moved to Bimeoe Bouth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Aflments contipued by same fame ons Herbalist, (Julylb-1 mo,) Help--Wanted Male Ea a SALESMAN «= FULL OR PART time, Provious experience not es sontial, 'Good remuneration, Box NR, (340) EXPERIENCED BALES =~ HELP wanted immediately, Apply Deattle Drug Btore, King Street, (46a) Help Wanted--Female WANTED=EXPERTENCED RE: liable cook general, Household of three. References required, Box 48 Post Office, (330) URL TOR GENERAL WOUNE: work, Must be fond of children, References, Apply 31 Rowe Bt, (88¢) WXPERIGNCED FEMALE ( SRIT- for wanted immediately, Apply Beattie Drug Store, King street, (86a) sii START NOW--YOU CAN BARN money quickly, taking orders for the most beautiful line of Persons al Christman Greeting Cards ever shown In Canada, Write for partis oulars, Regal Art Co, 810 Spadina Ave, Toronto, TANG ATTENDANT = Wn have an opening for a wide-awake man in Oshawa who is desirous of Joining a now Coast to Const Can. adlan Enterprise directing the os. tablishment of hundreds of mem: hors in our new popular and nas tionally advertised ohain, This places you in a permanent busi. ness permitting a weekly income of $50 or more and roquiring an investment of only $150 in sup. plies, International Wayside Tourists' Homes Co, 801 Sterling Tower, Torouto, (800) Nursing SUNNY-NOOR, THEAL RUST home, nursing caro, $10 weekly up, Phone J, M, MoKee, R.N,, 860 Whithy, (July 16-1mo) Fort. MOUSE. Apply Jones Phone (86a) WANTED--GIRL, dork, small family, Drug Htore, Plekering, Plekering 6800, Lost and Found LOT =="IN"THIE DOWNTOWN section on Saturday afternoon, a parcel containing one new gent's Klingtight bathing sult, Finder ploase phone 8214), TORT -- AT DARNTANTE TA: villon Saturday night, Brilliant Hracelot, valued as keepsake, Finder ploase return to Mrs, May. nard, Oshawa-on-the-Lake, (860) LORT = RUNDAY," AUVGURT™ 4, Club Bag with 'men's furnishings botween Oshawa and Bowman ville, Phono 84077 or 288 Celina streot, Reward, a (860) TORT -- bills on Oshawa Four Corners about 9 o'clock Monday, Reward, R, H, Andrew's Adanac Store, 1052 Park Rd, South, (86a) TOUND=TROWN "FUR, PHONE 28304W, Good paint, | . For Sale or Exchange kood condition, for lot or car, hip roof barn, large stables, house, implement shed, ty, bungalow preferred, Holden, 92 Bimecoe north, 12 HIVER OT YTALTAN BEER, Would exchange Box "771" Times, garage, orchard, near Whitby on the lake, Will exchange on Oshawa proper- Boe (86h) DISNEY REAL VATATE, 20 King K, Men's Suits, $25.00, Speci ... 912.50 Dominion Clothing Co. | OB King Bt, W, Phone 2141 Rf Expert Watch Repairing King STORE Se. Established 1880 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARGE NOTHING 200 SMALL A danacMachine Shop REPAIRING WATCHES OUR WECIALTY satisfaction we can repair aud make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Lospector for Canwlian Nations! and Osh. awa Rallroads 10 King St. W., Phone 3 it your waich Is uot giving 161 King St, W, Phone 1914 Good Weather Ahead! w=D0 not 1080 yOUr care Let me finance you--Addle tional. Onsh Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS For Your Drug Needs PHONE 22 THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt. 6 « We Deliver Roown 6, 14} King St. East FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade yh. ROYAL YORK Orange Pekoe At all Superior Stores -- Tea te 28¢ Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1980 models, Ontario Motor Sales Lud, Doe CART W Lump r (0 eke al COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J, SARGANT Yard==80 MWloor Atrest MN. Dell Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Comer FATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop © Here Always Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1058 AAR -------- LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber Yard hone Osawa LL) Whitby 19 RYESI | | Soa dullsing Disney Block . STA Bad Of LAC Tau tBIR RH TIALLL ELLA CINDERS--He-Man Manners Be ---- ai SR HF Seas ra ------ 1 Lk To ear \J WN BA-TOWRD FI = a Ly ~\y/ pr S | Jil NRT ao mm \ ll lm hd a ('\

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