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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WE DNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 om ------ a Bde dedi ddd iodides. Las alas an alana ss sdssslssls TTT YTTYTY Ld v bolas ad EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS AAA li lid dd yy TTY rv TY ALAA AL SLAs AAAALL VATALLY INJURED Kingeton, Joseph Jessop, mid~ dle-aged employes of the Canadisny Locomotive Company, was fatally injured when working In the moulding shop, he was caught be- tween two melting pots and so badly erushed (hat he died before reaching the hospital, BAT KILLING BECORD Morrisburg. Dr, George M, Gorrell, a , Morrisburg dentist, olaims the bet killing record for Eastern Ontario, With the help of a neighbor be has killed no fewer than 154 of thew in his house in a week, Armed with a tennis racquet, Dr, Correll made war on the invaders when his cel Inv and attic were suddenly infest. od and made his high mark of 60 dead bats in one night, The war Is continuing, BALLOI In HERO Kingston, ~-Duane Murdock, of the Government tug Beout, became & hero when a canoe with two ou GUPRBLS, & man and & Woman, up~ sol At Lasalle causeway, Murdock seeing the accident, ran along the bridge, leaped to the steamer Turret Court tied up at the cause way and dived in to the rescus of the man as he wis going down for the third time, 'Fhe gir! had managed (o grab the canoe and kept afloat until two young men went out to her rescue BEER CONFISCATED Belleville, ~Carling's Browery of London will not receive the huge consignment of beer which Was claimed as the firm's property after it was seized hy the provin- cial police hern weveral weeks Ago, IL was announced by Magis. trate R, NN. Casement of Madoe at the eonclusion of Lhe appeal! In local police court The shipment will be turned aver to the 'Attorney-General's des hase de abl YY e partment of Optarid for Yon, 1 is unlikely that prosecutions wi follow, LAGWINING i BUIN® BAKN Peterbore, == A large barn, # driviug shed avd a pig pen on Lhe farm of Charles Wuthertord, four miles south and east of Omemee, were destroyed by fire caused hy # holt of lightning, The songon's Lay crop, a large quantity of aif wife and 200 bushels of grain were lost doves) further BAIN DESTROYED Petreboro--A barn belonging to Morvis Dorgan was dostroyed ut Kipg's Wharf with the entire stock of farm implements and 1h tons of hay, Damage 1s estimuled nt $1,000 : WOMAN BADLY HUY Bellville, Mrs, sophia Crowe | lying in Belleville General Hospi tal in a eritieal ¢ondition, both legs hroken, as well as numerous abri slons; the result of au sceident In whieh she was hurled to the pave moent by a ear owned and driven by Henry Lench, farmer of Brigh ton township, He hag heen releq ad on hall of 85,000, Mrs, Crowe who 18 an aged woman, is the mother of Coroner W. 1B. Crowe of Trenton NEW CITY Aupiron Kingston At a meeting of the city eounell, Charles 11, Milley wa appointed Aty auditor to £111 (he vacaney caused by the resignation of A, H. Muir HOME GARDEN CONTENT Lindsay,--Winners of the Garden contest in Victoria Coun ty, in order, ave: Mary Hieks, Ju: Hicks, Wilwood Weldon, Gratton Moore, Audrey Watts Leonntd Webber, William Mortimer, Orval Moore, Morris Webster, Eldon The Arcade | Home | | Alighgt H day hy gley hen the 1igniand tamer and Beoltish Muse Banff Bpring under and the lest 1 nH he the runners 1 uo Heplember 1 tha the Canadian lights of this great annual gathering will § when the Clans to Carry Fiery Cross at Banff al held atl the Prince of Wale Pacifle Hallway lary Cross race, clansmen carrying a burning reminiscent of were summoned Hotel the patronagh of nusplees of the high of the clang the wir Larch through the tossing the cahey ind field events I'he centraled on the hallad operas ine presented ona en written hy 1, 1 Henley Willan, and the other, Hh one of in Dominion hinye heen rounded up for the traditional Caledonian games, musical programme this year will ha con Middleton distinguished Canadian sueh as putting the as well as the "stane, and more usual track songs of Robert Burns and (wo Yporating these songs will he titled "The Ayrshire Ploughman", with Arrangements by composer, rns' own cantatn of "The Jolly Luke Furniture Co. id - Summer A L E STILL ON This Weeks Specials Are As Follows: Comforters Large size, cotton filled Comforters, cov- ered in smart Silkoline in fine range of designs and colors, Size 72 x 72. Reg- ular $2.98 for, $2.49 Bed Covers Re gula r Beautiful colored Bed Covers, $4.79, Sale price, 3.95 price, Bed Outfit Highland regiments in Canada best pipers (no for Lads and lassie oniaen entered their trophies Ing kilt Hay have | ournr I'he Alfred Weather Tight Opera Com valuable f pany, now presenting a two-month season of Cann od In the flash. | dipn and OM Knglish operas al the Nanff Springs compete dros ULTIMALUM SALE will Every Article in the store marked with large figures em- Jintizing the fact that we owest possible prices are offering quality at the LADIES BOUDOIR SLIPPERS All sizes and colors, Be early Thursday morning. Ultimatum Sale Price, 49¢ pair HAVE YOU SEEN THE FAMOUS ARCADE $1.00 SHIRTS FOR MEN? Children'sPatentLeather Sandals Sizes B to 7}. Sizes 8 to 104. Pair......vv.v.., Sizes. 11 to 2, Pair ..covivniis PRI cisiieieees 95¢ 1.10 1.25 OREN ER IR E RE ea EE TT TT TLL LETT TELEPHONE Five Direct emive Direct Lines -- = FOR 262 Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke | Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon | | Coal Company he nhsent Highland flings, | Brown Tamlin Indsny | deelded | bility of Margare VEN Thi noe the He perform reels WEIL BAND Kiwantg Club h apt the respon ) Win Hand | | tha town council will give a eltuntinl I Pater which house | dostroy radio | the oul | other d slruek nt grant tAnio | borough Down ad hi nid Ide of AMBKD W Putrhed tore JENTHOY ED Lightnl Harrington. eyvill of 13 newly in ome hoard hutlding mplete We nh Ihe A iu done HES WORK ON BI DGH I'otey HO loca CN motor rapidly, camplet nhout NEGLIGENCE Tha Invesilg Wann art traffie hore I I men, Bethune hi nnd 1 fon on he first w ott nla in the CHIN Johnstown of Kdwardshur ust wlaging enue the Dm properly beam Ww un dock hth, throug nnd through ninlon molect hile hel to no pd TAMOND \theus I and his roeently 'wedding WOUNDED BY When track plereed the breast of Mrs Gillmor, Nroek Jumped ing holo painful Injuries hut Shoes fons have man to ¢ wile celehrat unnivo ville the Ww, Mug mounted heen in nahle fis the work on the thi Hridge formerly Hhanly, mpluyin clone Hy rillway nnd Idge Ia proceading expected to peheduled seplemboy tiroot ne nf CHARGED Jury ealled to death of nin Ion hin douth | In the Township Fuesday, Aug hoa fall from @a tL omald fall wa the negligence ol in not Loe) from Co, Ing an houvy HE remove ww WHDIING rantuy Livingston of Athens od thelr diamond rsaey Fone fn hay and in forl fulline John A Who was sland Gilmour yeckived will recover on inflatable cush vented hy an Ohio hermen to walk on water instead of using hip hoolg, ONE TO 0 MANY A father would nevesgive his chil teacher dren written excuses from school had written one note =when he when they were Ho elalmed he too many to a married hey BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD LARGE AND SMALL BALLS 680 feet per lb. 600 ft. per Ib, HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. 54 CHURCH 8T, PHONE 203 sword Leading Boottish athletes of the dances nnd Hotel, will tions (SETTLED POINT ON IMMIGRATION 10 UNITED STATES | Comminioner Explains How Canadians May Obtain Legal Entry of Canndian letter (oll the | BOW dnt It Hor o of Frida + under wn rhiele ls Advice! I'liis render states, 'l Han here an my hone wo, 1 odo not e van would call it entering While hone wo June What Post Re entitled agned "Canndinn! nm oa Lana ler anadinn and who eine nothien year up Hey wooing nn Chicago ntuiiee who offered Fongghundd, which I took it and I have taxes and in eas on good chk mel an position in Nit lable Kt have heen here ever + child: hon neral oo en phowld en and ant prepared to go hack te Canada SUPE i non gquetih passport wile und myseH, pay our head tax and return: but am hesitant he civuse of all Ahis recent talk of depo tation, refusing admissions, ete, Should Ile well enough alone and remain here (never able to become naturaliz ed) and take my chance of never he ing discovered or will | he able to ad just things properly without any dif feulty Your correspondent states that |e wenld appreciote tf this matter could be bronght to the attention of the United States Commissioner of Tinimdgration for the district and a ml ing obtained "I should by all means Canadian to return to Canada with Wis wife and Jegalize thelr status They ure at present legally in the United States, and if they should he apprehended, they would he liable to arrest and deportation, and f deport ed under "the: law passed in Mareh, 1000, they «tild never reenter the United States, The fact that they had entered the conntry iHegtlly, and now desire to return to Canada vol untarily (at thelr own expense) for the purpose of legalieing their status, will not in any way militate against them ¥ "Helore returning to Canada, 1 would suggest that evel. secure two certified copies of their hirth certifies ates, ax prool of Canadian citizenship, alsa that each secure four PaRKport siee anmounted photographs, + They should present themselves ta the U.S, migration" officials at some border nort for exahination, 11 they be found admissible, they will be direct 1 to a [pric fan for physical exam ination Ren In possession of a med ical certificate, they will be divected to the American Consul to secure a nopsquoti immigration vise which will cost them $10 each, After se uring the vises they should return to the US, inmligration officials and pay a head tax of $8 each, They way then resenter the United States with a leg al status and proceed with their natu alization, once ne here, pi neluet mn I want to become fur n advise this supply the artists for these produce "I they will Tollow these directions | feel very evmhdent that they will noo difficulty whatsoever in re tering the United States It as exceedingly unfortunate that piel misinformation has been pub hed in the newspapers concerning Canndinn immigrat shall appreciate it If you will in ert gi trticle in your paper Anna C, MT illinghast Commissioner of Tmmigration for New England ATLANTIC LOBSTER CATCH INCREASES Both Weight aid Value Higher Than Last Year Hulifa yoo Dit gathered hiv the Department of Fislieries show that the lobster fishermen tn all the Atlan te const provinces fured well this year, getting larger catches and mote in landed value of the eatehes than in 1929. Nova Scotia's portion wis nearly double that of Prinee 10d wird Island, N Brunswick and Quebec combined New Hrunswiek showed the largest increase over the previons Vent Up until the end of May landing of lobsters amolinted to nearly 24,460 000 peunds, or J, 800,500 ponds more than in the previous correspond ing period, Tn each case the, total landings include some lobsters taken in Bay of Fundy waters of New Hrunswick in the season beginning on December 15, In the landed value of the eateh ta the fishermen there was an increase thin veur of phout $350,500 the figures standing at $2 AH19.500, in round num bers for the 1930 period as compared with $2.260,088 jin 1920 Largely increased landings featured the May lobster fishing. The total cateh in the four provinces Was bout 20,075,000 pounds ux against 17,118,000 pounds in May of last year, an in crease of sone 2950,000 pounds, For May, 1920, the landed value total wax SLOOR 196 and in May Just past it was $1,700,500, Tn Nova' Scotla 1,426,200 pounds were taken as compared with 9,994,300 pounds, Ihe landed value of the cateh for the month, hy provinees, ax compared with the showing for May, 1929, way as follow hive Tnerease LRA 2.080 24 25,280 Th 91,108 254,184 206,149 ¥ 094, 08 Ouehee t 1 Iitand New Nova Rrunswick Seotin T elephons norvice will be hegnn In the near future hetween Helsing. fora and other large elties in Win. Isnd and Melbourne and Sydunay, Australia, and servive to Africa and Atlan In planned, Veneruela's coal resources have heen estimated at £,000,000 metric fons, the fuel belng mined at two places, while ita potential power han heen estimated at 3,000,000 horsepower, ------ Conscigntious pawn brokers"Are YOU sure you have bought that re volver for selfidefense?' Wifes"Yeos, and now fot: the big sisting of full size walnut bed, 11 in, and Calcutta mattress complete, $23.95, for, We are offering something very special in these, mond shaped panels, fitted with Simmons' link spring con posts, with dia- 9.75 Regular * price, 39c¢ Chintz for 29c¢ 36 in. wide, domestic chintz in beautiful patterns and colorings. Suitable for any room in house. Reg, price 39¢, for, yd, 29¢ Chintz We still have several good patterns of Chintz left. Regular price $1.00 per yard, To clear at, yard, Curtain Nets 36 in. wide, Nottingham Filet Nets in smart, conventional designs, A splendid quality net at a very low price. Finishe ed with lace edging. Regular price 49¢, Special, 35¢ White Cotton Sheets In the finest quality (large bed size). Ranging in price, per pair, from $3.50 to $4.50 Very handsome Wool Roversible Rugs, that are quite new, In fawn, rose; blue and mauve, Some in Hora! patterns, others In Persian carpet designs, Nie WY A AN Regular $450 $3.98 for ... PEA A A ase ay Axminster Rugs Good Quality Axminster Rugs, 54 in, hy 27 Ine In wre, Colors, fawn, rose, taupe and blue, in Persian and floral dosigne, Regular $3,75, $4.95 EEE EERE EEE] BATH TOWELS l'hese are in a variety of colors. ranging from, per pair, 45c¢c to $1.75 BATH MATS Also several in sizes 20 x 22 in block designe. Colors green, rose and mauve, Regular price 89¢c, Sale price, 75¢ 22 x 36 in, in blue, rose, yellow and Regular price, $1.59. Sale price, $1.25 ALL WOOL BLANKETS With blue and white borders, Standard size. Regular $12.00 for, $10.95 Large size, regular $13.75 for ... Prices Size mauve, $12.78 Npecial PURE WHITE LINEN TOWELS With blue border, size 18 x 34, Regular price $1.69. Sale price, per pair, Also a line of HEMSTITCHED pure white linen towels. Size 22 x 40 inches. Regular price $1.98 pair, Sale price, per pair, $1.75 FLOOR COVERINGS Floor Oileloths in sizes up to 214 yards wide at, per sq. yard, 4 Yards Wide--Printed Linoleum In the latest designs. Regular price $1.10 per aq. yard, Sale price, aq. yard, Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St.E. Phones 78-79 brute scold we weain,"

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