¥ | -- JE -------- at at i ttt ad "All the News While It Is News" he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ] A Growing Newspaper in | # Growing City Et i Dur Gaset wm we Pibbe Haider OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 16 Cents 8 Week: 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES - News in Brief Chinese Mysteriously Wanged Toronto,~ Finding the body of a Chinese hanging by a rope, his ayes blindfolded, feet almost Louch. fn the floor has wet the police here a problem to decide whether Mark Chong, aged 30 to 45, commitied sufelde or was murdered Thieves Hirip Hydro Poles Niagara Pally, Ont-~Trovineial polices are investigating the disap: pearnpes of a 'dead' hydro line In Stamford township 14,000 feet tong whieh was stripped from the 18st night, The aluminum eablo is worth $1,600, The wire was cut with a paly of heavy pliers, It is sald, Taschereau Adamant Quebec, Notwithstanding efforts made by delegations which enlled on Pramisr Taschereny asking him th delay for some months the bin ning of wweepstikes drawings, Wt] least the ons conducted hy the Army and Navy Velsrans' Ansnc inl fon, the Prime Minister renffirmed that such activities would have to ston, HOTEL CLERK STEALS $500 FROM EMPLOYER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Aug, 13, The man ager of the Whitehall Hotel sald | today that Ernost Kirkland, who surrendered to Montyenl and sald he had stolen #500 of the Hotel's money, disappeared on July 28 with funds which come into: his possessioff as a clerk AL the hotel, Kirkland sald, shortly left, tha manager befora the monhly accounting at which the hooks of amployeen intrusted with funds are checked over, A honding company made good the loss Lo the hotel, MENTION HAULTAIN FOR WESTERN POST ------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Noging, ask, Aug, 10, Rumors current in the city u few days Ago that his horor or Lisutenant-Gover- nor MH, W, Newlands, K, C,, was to votive from Nin vice-rogal position, wars revived to-day and the namo of Bir Frederick W. Hautain, chief justice of Baskatchowan, Ix men tioned as A probable successor, n" i stated that representations hnve heen made to Ottawa. that Wir Frederick's appointment would mest with general approval, DISCUSS REGULAR AIRSHIP SERVICE ACROSS ATLANTIC Camiruchion of Dirigibles in Canada Probable, Says R<100 Designer (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) ttawa, Aug, 10H Dennis touh Burney, Bart, designer of the R-100, had another meeting with Premier Richard B, Rannett yester day, at whivh plans were disounsod tor the establishment of rekulol atrahip service between the mother. land and Canada, Following the in terview with the prim minister Sir Dennistoun intimated that the construction of alrahips in Canada within the near future is not im bable, 4 Dennistoun indicated that he {a now in a position, when he ro turns to England on the R-100 this week, to disouss further the matter with the Dritish government, i The memorandum left by Bir Dennistoun with Premier Denne in understood to follow more or 108 closely the proposals outlined by fir Dennistoun In addressing the Toronte Canadian Club last week, to the effect that the Canadian and British governments should ad- vance 16 per cent, of the conatru- otfon cost of the new Atlantic type of airship, twice the aire of the R-100, at low rates of Interest, and also that each government should undertake contracts for the trans port of nlx tonn of mall per week at $8,000 per ton, making the post. al rates about 8 or 10 cents per etter, Trial flights by the pro- posed Atlantio type of alrship are necessary to demonstrate the fon. ability and practical value of the regular service later to he ontuhiish- ed, WEATHER The weather has been for the most part fale throughout the Dominlon with a little hgher temperature from the Great Lakes wostward and considerably below normal temperature In Kastorn Cans ada, Pressure is high from 'the Great Lakes eastward and over the Atlantio States, with low pressure to the north ward across Canada, snd a trough of low extending southward from Eastern Mans ftoba, Lower Lakes apd Georgfan Bay == Light to wmodérate southerly winds; fairtoday and Thursday, becoming # little warmer, GENERAL OTORS PICNIC POSTPO palice | had | Nanking, Seat of Nationalist Government, Defenceless as Communists Appear 20 | Miles Away TERROR PREVAILS IN CHANGSHA CITY | | Foreigners Take to Gunboats | as Reds Threaten to Mur. der Everyone Between Ages of 15 and "36 (By Canadian Press Lessed Wie) Shanghai, Ching, Aug. 1J=Estim ites indicating 1,500 persons were slaughtered during the sacking of Changsha and reports charging the red attack was part of a well coor dinated vevolutionuty movement to foreigners, overthrow the goys ernment and establish a Soviet re ime throughout China reached here today I'he Communist goal, as investiga {tors of the situation saw It, was the overthrow of all foreign influence, destruction of the nationalist govern ment, downfall of the Chinese mili such as the northern com mangers now making war on the Nanking regime, and establishment of Soviet rule throughout the coun ry oust LUrists Tervar Prevails Hankow, Ching, Aug. 13=Terror pravalled in Changsha to-day as the Communist horde that recently snek« ed and burned the city was reported returning with threats to murder es eryone hetween the ages of 15 and {iH Iousands of Chinese fled from famous Hunan provinee capital red vengeance for wholes communists hy | provincial authorities, Governor Ho Chien wis sald to have directed the torture and killing of approximately 50 Communist suspects daily Fears were felt that provincial troops could no hold the city walls | agninst the Reds, reported only five miles away Men subd to he Communists were hunted down by troops and quickly execiited, The few foreigners re malning at Changsha stayed aboard foreign gunhonts Nanking Theatrened Nanking, China, Aug. 13--Fears that Nanking, seat of the National wt covernment, would fall into the hands of communist bands arose to diny with reports from the country side waving alleged reds in peasant garh antl armed with rifles had ap peared in large numbers 20 miles away, Nanking was virtually defen seless heeause few soldiers remain ei here MacGilliviay And Mowat Still in Jail the 10 ESCA sile executions ol Ottawa, Ang. 10,==There had heen no move up until to-day by dofonnn enunkel fo secure freadom on bail for NR, Harold Mowat and Duncan MacGillivray, former atonks prokers committed for trial on five eriminal courts arising out of the conduet of thelr business, Tuesday night the brokers spent thely se- oond night behind the bark while Hull police watohed In valn for an REDS RANSACK CHANGSHA NANKING THREATENED BY FIERCE COMMUNIST BANDS A - opportunity to serve warrants they hold against the nocused pale, HAWKS TRYING FOR LINDBERGH'S RECORD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Glendale, Calif, Aug, 18,~Frank Hawks, holder af the Kast-west trans-continental speed mark for alrplanes, took off from Grand Cen. tral alr terminal at 2.16.37 am, tosdny in an effort to hetter the PacifiostosAtlantio speed record hold hy Ool, and Mrs, Charles A, Lindbergh, -------------- Canadian to Try Pacific Flight Tokyo, Japan, Aug, 13,-All of- flonl obstacles having been removed Lieutenant Harold Rromley, Cana. dlan aviator, to-day sald he hoped to start hig non-stop trans-Pacific flight from Kasumigaura airdrome, near Toyko within a week, Kasumigaura fold, a naval air hase from which the Graf Zeppelin lant year atarted its trans-Pacifio fight has a 1,000 meter runway, Government: officials gave the filers permission to fiy their plane from Yokohama, where it was un: londed from the steamer Presi A AO 0S 1 0 x dent Lincaln, to the field of their cholee, : CANADA IMPROVES TRADE POSITION Imports From U.S. Drop $21,000,000 in One Month (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Aug, 13 Kaporis to Canada from the United Hiates during June wers about $21,000 000 less than for the sama month Iast yoar, Imports wera ahout 15,000,000 less \ The Ngures exports, 10830, $50,710,162; 1040, BRO. 485,804 imparts, 1050, $56,608,217; 1020, $44,815,288 Canada, usually (he hast tomer of the United States, tained that wtatus during (4T] mnin the YOUTH IS THOUGHT | month a ---- FOUL PLAY VICTIM English Lad Found Dead | With Face Battered Near Tweed (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Kingston, Aug. 13 With badly hattered and the cons dition indicating foul play, th body of CGoorge White, a young English: boy, was found early this morning, one mila south of I'weed, necording to information received hers at noon, The boy had heen employed hy John Countryman and disappeared last Bunday Dr. Mathes, coroner, ordered an inquest to he held at Tweod this evening he nen Toronto Though he has regain i ad consciousness and his condition is vaported improved, (he man plek ed up hy provincial pollen on Yonge Hirest north of Richmond Hill on Sunday, night cannot rem emher who he in ft Thomas. =A potatoe famine wis predicted last night in this dis trict, when It was learned (hat thers would he no late crop. The Intense heat han dried the ground and withered the plants R-100 Seeks Record Tonight for Crossing Atlantic Eastward St, Hubert, Que, Aug, 114, "Thiv teen has no terrors for the R100 British dirigible which will sall for England to-night nfter her first trip to Canada, This morning she was all primed for her trip with hey Ran bags bulging with a new sup ply of hydrogen and everyihing on | hoard wplek and span { The R100 will go buck without the services of (he starboard for ward motor, This engine developed an defect on the trip over Ontario and after examination HH wan de elded not to vepalr it here As | good tall wind will likely ha hes hind the divigible, oMeary of the! Province Takes Action to Eliminate Level Crossings Toronto, Aug, 18, «Fifteen grade separations and eight rallway cross Ing eliminations are now conten: | plated hy the Ontario department of highways and, If ordered hy the dominion vallway board, will play an important part In the provinelal government's plans for unemploy ment relief, Hon, George H, Henry wtated yesterday, Mr, Henry sald he intended to confer with Premier BR. 1, Rennett thin week ond and would urge up- on the dominion government head the needs for greater activity iu crossing elimination and grade wo: parations, At the present time there nre seven grade neparations In the vourse of construction Wood hridge subway, Trenton overhead, Soarboro' overhead, Owen Hound overhead, Concord subway, Doug. al Avenue, M.C.R, and the Waters ship thought ths motor would not he wanted | UnoMelally the ship's navigators | have sald she will likely return aver much the same route as she | took on her westward trip The | hig atrship will cast off from the mooring mast at ri to-night and daylight will sen her far down the Ht, Lawrence and over the "humpy' parts which caused hey much trouble on her Inward voyage, 1 whl thought she can make home airport at Cardington In fifty hours, whieh will easily he a record for crossing the Atlantie in a Hghter than alr craft An har | | ford overhead All Involve the! employment of conslderahle stralght labor and the Trenton! overhead for instance represents a aost of approximately $126,000 The separations contemplated hy tha Highways Department are Thamesville subway, Rowmanville overhead, Cornwall subway; (oy ornor's Noad, seven miles east of Woodstoek; - PMR, at Nlenhelm Hreslan subway, NShedden subway! ON on Garrison Road, Worl Erie; CNR, at I'reeman, C.N.R, at Binbrook; TH&R, Rismark; CNR, east of Langstaffe; ONR., north of Orlllia; Paris east and L'Orignal easterly, Rallway aros- sings which the department hopes to eliminate are two east of Wen dover; two O.P.R, west of Tor onto on Dundas Street; two T, H & 0, at Bt, Ann's and two CPR, near Norwood, Tourist Killed | Near Brighton Companion Thought Fat. ally Injured in High. way Accident (Npocial to The Times) Cobourg, Aug. 10, = Joseph Kilai, United States tourist was instantly killed, and a companion in the car, name unknown at present, was seri. ously Injured and is not expected to recover, when the automobile In which they were driving east went into a ditch alongside Ahe provin. olal highway two miles west of Brighton at 10.80 this afternoon, No reason can bo given for the oar running off the road Inte the diteh, as the aceldent occurred on & straight streteh of highway, The Oar Was badly dgmaged, and pass ing motorists took the dead man and hig injured companion from the wreckage, Dr, Rundle and Dr, Dure, of Rrighton, wera called to the seene, and the latter took the injured man to Nellevile hospital, Provinelal OMeer MoBrien is In. vostigating the accident, A Frenchman has invented a land ing gear for airplanes that prevents them nosing over when student pilots make landings at too sharp angles, Runaway Auto Creates Havoc (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 18, Maloolm Franklin oranked his oar, The oar Was in gear, 'The net result was a policeman unhorsed and bruised, Franklin out and bruised and Eyn. est Howard pinned against a pole which brought the runaway vehlele to a halt, Howard was seriously injured and taken to hospital, Franklin wan arrested on a charge of oerimin. 8! negligence, pp ------ EX-KAISER SAYS GERMANS INNOCENT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Genoa, Italy, Aug, 18,--~Wilhelm Hohensollern, the former Emperor of Germany, to-day telegraphed Raron Alberto Lumbroso thanking him for coples of his articles on origins of the war, The articles recently were published in Glor wale di Geneva, ahd favored (er. many's disclaimer of tha war guilt, The former Nalser praised the baron's "objectiveness and docu. mentation," and declared that the Itallan nohleman's conclusions "re. veal convinelngly tendencies lead: Ing to conflagration of the pre-war Joliny of Russia, France and Eng: and." ANNOUNCES PROGRAM HON, GEO, 8, HENRY Who yesterday announced a pros | for elimination including Bowmansille overhead gram Crossing of the hridge, Atridis Suffer Heavily from British Troops | Negotiations Continue For, Peaceful Ending of Gandhi's Campaign Peshawar, India, Nog. 10. Au thentie reports from the nerthe western frontier Indleate that the netivitie of Iritieh homhing planes and ground tgoops have cut great holes In the Nhs of the hostile Afvddl tribesmen who men peed the area this week Many of the foree first wan ostimatod at grow with the idditin tribes, © hava withdrawn hoavy canunltie hud heen Which at 10.000 nnd aller bi | od Lait night only about 1.200 Khilafatists were loft in the Most away district, while in the caves of Bhajurl plain only about §,000 of the oviginal Afghan force re mained Plsatioction reported this week Was stated that developments among the Mohmands had been lonrned Governmen Menor s wkd that the active assftines of Poshaway natives to the Afpidis was on the decrense, although sympathy with the mavement continues strong In the elty Peshawar has heen strengthen od by reinforcements of (roops and war materials, and ne foap Is felt for the eity Negotiate For Peace In anothéy part of India occur rod a meeting Lak us intonded to hing peace 1n the Rational Cly II Disobedience campaign, Mahats ma Gandhi, sitting 1a his quarters al Yeroda prison in Poona, cgn forrod with four of his foremost nsnlatants who also are prisoners the Pandits Motilal and Jawar halal Nohrj), Mrs Harojinl Naidu und Vallabhai Patel, With them sat Sir Pej Bahadur Bapru and M. Jayaker, who as peace makers are seeking to have the Nationalist activition curtailed pending the round table confers once In London in October, CHICKEN THIEVES. TAKE 700 PRIZE BIRDS AT BEETON Woman Pursues Marauders With Gunfire But They Escape (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Reeton, Aug, 13,-«Twa thieves escaped today with 700 pedigre Wyandotte putieta from the farm of Mrs, K. M, Altkén, athtough pursued with vifle fire by the a The marauders also sol fire to the, house which wan completely Waleed Mrs. Altken, whe wan alone in her house awoke te hear the vols herd at work early dn the worn. ing, when she discovered thelr truck loaded with poultyy, Hhe fired with her vevolver hut the thieves truck proved ton fast for the one in whieh Mra Altken took up the chase, ' Mra, Altken 1s Internationally known as a chicken raiser, In other tribes was hut today 1 no Chinese City Terrorized as Reds Slaughter 1,500 ACTIONT v AKEN BY FIRM AS PLEADS GuiLTy 10 | PRECAUTIONARY STEP TO FORGERY CHARGE | Hamilton Man Admits At. tempt to Swindle Royal Bank (By Canadian Press Legaed Wire) Hamilton AUK 13 "Guilty, your worship!' replied James Over and in police court this morning when he wan charged with forgery and uttering In connection with the attempt to swindle the TNoyal Bank He was remanded (1) to- morrow for sentence Overand's wife, Florenea and Gerald Viynn faced three charges each, two of forgery and uttering and one of conspiracy hut the crown's cass AEainst Mrs, Overand was weak and all charges dropped This freed of level | Flynn of the conspiracy eharge, as replacement | it ramoved the (individual he Wik | thought Hkely tha funeral will take [alleged to have conspired with, Ha | elacted to he tried in a higher enurt on the other counts and was committed Gropes Way to Bafery Cobalt James TPlehes who Hy ed alone in a two-story frame house it West Cobalt, had to grope his Why safely with a hlanket around his head when fire from an (unexplained rause, destroyed 1h | hullding | In (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Kila Lick, Kingston road was scruek and painfully In. jured hy a car at 10.450 o'clock this morning, while she wus en deavoring to cross the highway af- ter having gone for her mall Mis, Lisk who vesides on the anuth side of the hMghway on Liek's Wil, had erossed the road to go to the mall hox which is situated on the opposite side, She wan returns {ing to her home when the aceldent | Mrs Went, Aug, 118 Hon, (4, D Minister of Labor, an nounced yesterday the government is making a quick survey of un employment conditions in Canada and that the employment service councll has heen ealled to meat here on August 21 to consider in formation which will. have heen gathered hy that time After the eouncll has discussed uation disclosed, recammon dations will be made for consid eration of the government and will form a basis for unemploy ment relief measures to he sub mitted to Parliament at the special wesalon early next month In the last day or two, the Min ister stated, the Department of Labor has communicated with "all the Provinces and the mayors of municipalities with population of Otawa, Iobertson, | FIND FLIER'S BODY IN LAKE ONTARIO Consecon Man Discovers Remains of Man Who Died Trying to Save Friend } | (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, ng 10 The . funeral ArTANEsIments for Gerry Fitton [ Taronta pilot who was drowned in | 1.ake Ontario, August h, have nol yal heen definitely made but it is | place on Raturday with Interment at lxetar The hody was found Tuesday on the margin of The Heoteh Bonnet lighthouse, seven miles from the mainland and fifteen miles sant of tha spot. where Fitton mad hi¢ foraed landing on tha lake | Joseph larue, a Asherman | Consecon discovered the hod J ton had attempted to swim to shore in a storm to get ald for hig aom panion nf i Woman Is Paihfully Hurt in Accident on Highway Today | rhargse AWANEeA, and was travelling east at the time It ia not Mkely that any charge will he Inld against the drives The injured woman was removed to her home and the full extent of har Injuries have not as yet heen ascertained It is suspected (ha she may have sustained some hrok en ribs while she was also badly brulsed and cut, She is under the cara of Dr, Wilson, of this efty, ocurred. The car was in of Mrs, Hay, of Government Asks Cities for Unemployment Imformgtion Asking them to AR Near As 10,000 oy advise the more department possible the extent of unemploy ment. and to estimate what the situation will ba this coming win Ley They have heen asked to send the Information within ten days, so that the department will he able to sift the data and have it ready for the meetings of the employment service sounel) The minister algo stated that thera have heen conferences with the: bureau of utatisties, and that Af A result it had been decided to inelude in the taking of the 1081 consus a consug of all unemploy= ment in Canada, It will ba the first time this has been done, This special consus will include infor mation showing trades: of unem ployment, sex and the industry -in which they were last engaged, Buy in Canada Campaign Urged (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Stratford, Aug. 13,--Following a request from the Vancouver Aun, the finance committee of the eity council has decided to des spatoh a telegram to the Hon, I, Il, Rennett, Prime Minlater, "urg: ing that a "Duy Canadian Goods, * campaign be launched tmmediates ly as a means of stimulating pro- duction in the country and giving work to the unemployed, The Re: tall Merohants' Assoolation will likely follow the lead of the coun. oll BOY DYING FROM GUNSHOT WOUND LT WB Canadian Press Leased Wire) PT Rault Ste, Marie, Ont, Aug, 18, John, the 1l.year-old som of Mv, and Mrs, John Rogers, of Dayton, east of the Sault is in the Red Cross hospliue at Thessalon in a dying condition yesterday afters noon, A man employed at the farm, whose name fs unknown, was clean ing a 2% odlibra rifle, and had placed a ahell in it, The hell fail. {Ag to explode, the man sent the boy for another and as he was pasaing in front of the gun the shell, believed defective exploded, the bullet entering the boy's abe domen and passing completely through hia body, Half of Village Wasted by Fire ------ Fifty Houses, Half a Dozen Business Places and Church Burn o (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Masson, Que, Aug, 1d==Approx- imately 60 houses and a haly dows en business and other atructures including the church had been lald waste by fire at 2 o'olook herve this afternoon, Despite the efforta of fire forces rushed Yrom other oltiba an dtowns, and the assistance of every alsa hodied man in the diss triot, the flames had not heen brought under control at that houv, More than half the village, coms prised largely of frame atruotuers had been lald waste three and ones halt hours after the blaze was dis covered, No logs of life or human injury has heen veporied, As there is no water service in the village vw no five pump the reals dents had little success in fghting the roaring tlames driven on by the fresh wind, The situation was somewhat ames lforated by the presence of truoka from the fire departments of Ot. tawa, Buckingham and Hull, Their pumps drew water from the Lievre river hy means of several thousand foet of hose and steady streams of watar ware poured on the burning bulldings a PREVENT DISEASE SPREAD Company Decides to Post pone Event Due to Danger of Furthering Epidemics of Infantile Paralysis and Meningitis CAR TO BE GIVEN A FURTHER RUN Fuller Statement on the Situ: ation Will Be Made After Further Consideration Has Been Given to It (leneral Motors Pienie | pasiponed indefinitely In a sbile. ment given to The Times hy H, W { Nicoll this morning the "ERARONH the postponement are made The | for olen The General Motors of Canada with their policy of in all its activitie [ ia made this postponement {no [Avold unnecessar erowds which tend tn Inecrense the possibilities of infantile paralysis It wis clearly atated hy My. Nicoll that this was not. asked for hy the city health department hut the General Motors | felt that, as the avoiding of erowds [8 a precautionary method of pra venting the spread of the diseases, the postponement of the plenin | would he an ald In the precaution {ary methods now in effect Further Run Vor Car car which was to have heen on Maturday and whiel fts 07% hour run tn morrow will sonclude is run as soheduled and when the ofelal run 18 over the correct mileage will | he sealed | Refore the date of the plenie, a [further run of some period, yet in he decided, will he made," and the car given away on the basis of the | cambined mileage of tha two runs [ "rhe name of the winner will then Le disclosed on the new date whieh is held for the publie whenever that may he The offiein! tha Times hy follows Lin accordanoe aiding the. ely | The lgiven away completes stalement Mr, Nieoll given in| reads an OMclal Statement . "In accordance with the wishes of the health department to avoid unnecessary crowds or publlie gath erings of ohildren at the present time in order that all precaution may he taken te aveld the spread Ing of infantile paralysis or spinal meningitis, General Motors of Cans ada, Limited, have declded to post. pone thelr annual plenie indefinis tely "This 16 a precautionary measurs He tha company feels that they should co-operate In every way poss sible with the health department in eliminating unnecessary contacts which would tend te inorease the possibilities of an epidemie, "Careful consideration will ba glven to the situation and a fuller announcement regarding the pienig will he made tn due time" FATALLY INJURED ASSISTING POLICE (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cambridge, ass, Aur, 1%-==Ala len T, MoePhersan, formerly. of Hampton, NI, died yesterday of injuries vecelved a week ago at the hands of vrowdies when ha went tn the assistance of a police oMeen who sought to arrest # man for drunkenness, Police arrested John J, Donahue and his brother, Martin, who were velensed in bands last Friday top assaulting MeDheraon, Cod Fishery a Failure ft, John's Nfld, ---In Burin east, and parta of Burin West, that secs tion of the Newfoundland coast most serloualy affected by the tida! wave of last November, the ood fishery 1 a complete failure, aes cording to Men, H, NC, Lake, minister of marine and flaheriea, Two Youths Held In Murder Case (By Canadian Preas Leased Wire) Quebee, Aug, 18-=Two young residents of St, Ance de la Poca tlere wore today held at the Riviere Du Loup jail as chief wits nesses for the corenev's ingqueay over the death of Louis Bouchard, a butcher of ®t, Oneaime, Kame ouranka, who succumbed Monday to wounds inflicted by unknown bandits who robbed him and letk hm in a dying condition on tha road to Bi. Anne, last Saturday night, The twn youths, still in the teens, were arrested yesterday hy provinetal detectives and will aps pear at the coroner's inquest toe morrow morning,