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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1930, p. 3

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Aa alta ata RRS . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 PAGE THREE Algebra, MAZO R.; English English Literature, day night, and that at the time Bey | mows had been engaged in siphoning womer ' 1 | | while house aft %, #H. Brooks Arthur Langmald and Mrs Langmald, hoth of this city The | following item from the Wellington | Weak] News somsersett, will] tharefore proye of Interest ed acint With two deaths occurring mm 1h rh hy past twenty-four hours, infantile pa ek police rameter pells ir \ aware of the thrown on hipped 1] mile werned, an ription on police court confront the harenliay R \ {i I Y » [] , aw ' NDI! 4 ob Anclent ince es er ay ternoon - ul Iostitute in June, After each Hisaty, Li Geouetry, I Physics, Lana lan n 6 igence ervice i ame ' ts | i #2; Chemistry, 355 Li { Court Refuses Alibi Large name is the list of subjects In which | #2; Chemistry Latin Au hors, ¢ ; '| Extensive Alterations Te B third ANNIE, DORIS 11 Ying Comp, | Details of Inquiries for Cane { Where the wisrks are given in fig ) ARKLESS, DELBERT G0 Fag tullding permit for construction i | " Were Aged Ten i | Seymour was remanded one week | nly the number of marks shown al | C} A ; FOR KIWANIS (ll Hi] warded Local Firms for sentence by Magistrate Willis in ARMOUR, EARLE W.1 Physi ment during the past Composition, 11; had surprised Seymour in i garage to the Bank of Montreal building m Land : I, V, Disney hss taken aut is per ing Pictures Canadian Intelligence Ser: Officer, Urges Parents to W, Brooks, of Middle Groen, | Seymour's only defence was that thereon of $2,500, Ryehlo | 1 Oslisws Kiwanis yesterday, in the : data! icient Method Evolv. ming Pools Closed Courtice, and Mrs | to the garage and repair the zirhy Aixtean yours ago Tuesday bir) the ""Menti Gate", to whom, i) (he Other ten include uw garage being | flivered hy Kiwanian Bill Hare, whe | EA Araol testified that he had not given | small army prepared to hurry out | of war denied the known an hon erandiah being added 10 the vesids | fow men, and comradeship with one's | alysis which has raged throughout In ony last Issue wa vecorded | in question nel which left the island all hut {In France constructed or planned particularly on the fact that Kiwanis | and the building up of export trade HR oughout PORT PERRY ' awn ( ar of aspect today I'he little victims of | Brooks of Middle Green, The fun wlty of wu practical joke when the | compet sentence Britain's own | to the oncoming generation ns no | wympiathy 1s not enough; Kiwanian placing of the Oshawa Chamber 0 and Mrs. David W, Ferguson, 13026, 1080, when the Inrge and In. | this morning, in connection with | haek of those Augusr nights wnen | endured on the way to unknown jn her hrother, Mr. BK, I'arme (he address of the day was deliver. | Commercial Intelligence Bervies PRISOI, [ ' 199 Bimcoe street south, One case | Which the decensed gentleman wi vis discovered that although Tony, | Nower of the vouth of Britain," of what the dramatist has sald In Hen! of Karama, wha is well known as an | dan products fram foreign couns tions, elaimed & life in the person of [rondueted the tunernl service, hoth | sound to the English word denoting | Aeld of France or Flanders hoyond "The time 10 visualize what will | gegement of thelr daughter, Mar [time ta & history and explanation of | merce, well In advanee of the tims ) ny i nee | A af an exh 1 his suhies LITT athe the General Hospital yesterday nop, | wers farm employes of the decens Vie his . case came up, Tor milion ta thelr decith before the | Afterwards comes in Inovianlane | Parry, the marriage will take place | fenawledge of an expert in his subject I'he Inquiries are gathered in Ip ) 0 A f [ | ww his hearers | Ottawa, wo gh } the fact, however, that only one ne vhich Is situnted near the chapel! had brought the lguor into the house | os thousands now go on jonrneys | Nimed eye, and Instinet ih hep | 1'orr Paryy wey fr, and Mra ueeeeded in supplying | hewrer Miaw ring throngh the Cane ! \ \ r ar and family, [he A endy, in Pa 1 the vei if the glahe A list ) cases which have ocenrred in the [heather and fern her veracity when Ton marked or in onknown grive I The prayer of the whole Mr. and M Turner and fami J {. Dend Paris, in the a bs a lah | nf these inl / fon ite | HHEVRY iy ehild if | i y. tor onveying those not | fluid short and Miss Blaine Toms { of projected pleture with spoken and the Chamher will in turn 13 children ill at the present tine ul "0 y OF it withdrawn I cl Tha nu #" ils a gH thar "| slian} 1 n memorial thon that has hesn ag in the Lint and tami! Hambion: Mr | en ( hie I, and it \ "nn # r ] invords in the township of Last | friends, hut on hore the tiscripition, | transferred to his fe, wh [ tish unknown dead in Loo discavery of the silenium cell, and its [any of tha produets mentioned In thelr dead, much Jess hulld [0 Faint, Hn ian ehuren whan eof nitlar to tl Henin el | the A ( 1 y ficer, Only one case has ceenrred where decossed was a falthful num Speeder Fined ramiamberad in ithe ins trie cell, similay the silenium f auras an the fim concerned ante heeame the hride of My. Cec) wrdso osed with hel I ir TANH Evidence that the city is thorough {Ann Brooks of Courtios, Ontarin | the rate of 38 miles per hour on Rit hardson closed with a el feontained in a letter veceived res {ing the month of August In the ab |. glyon in marriage hy har hrothes talkie industry toda Hgenes Department, which stated eral Motors pienie which was to have | Kam banker at Bristol, Jack on the | two rings and a 8k dress, appear friends In Toronto on: Monday and Mrs John Draper were | Miss Marjorie Purdy of Cas: | projection of sound, Resonance has | complete Hist of trade fnquivies, and charge of the pienis had with oll brother ¥, XH, Brooks Courtice, Can Magistrate Willis allowed her tof and son of Whithy, pant elvie holf Leask of the | Cit hat to match and carried a | remedy frequently lies in the con 1a ( Commerce on the method which 7 Infantile Paralysis H Export Business May Rece iv stamding his been secured, with the | Latin Comp, 421 French Authors, © Docket This | | Made to Bank of M Albert Ferguson and Edvard I, second class howorss MT, i. 11 ting, | stunning \} ty Eng, Lit, C3 Canadian History, | > Curtin Succumbed ir i | adian Products From For: ures, the student his not seenred Comp, Hg ¥ng, Liv, Cy Can, Hist, | alling $15,870, have heen issued i ---- ter the subject pg : H 1s Chemistry, 113 Latin Authors i Mu a 4 city police court this morning, Police J ) ' i Latin / 8.1 the largest item in the Jot is that | SUT ONE NEW F. w Brooks Had Inherited (ih | ; (Continiied on Paya i) Sod "siditions | Initiations Perfrormed--Ad: INFORMATION TO BE owned by Luther Argol last Satur Simeone Street North, at a cost nl | ' ' ' > at 2 A : The di f asoline from the gas tank at the t to huild a dwelling at 244 Alice | i Acting Health he death occured al soline om Kh e ourme S e mnm m 0 hu ¥ | | vice Gathers in Inquiries he dite My, Brooks was born in| Mr, Argol had called him up on the | is building himself a 20 | nersons of Bill Ratz and Archie Hays Joseph | ctor of Argol's car [tins Neel "vanished In the mists" | words of Rudyard Kipling, whose | uit hy N. Pawlenzok at 624 How explained to the incoming member instructions to Seymour to go to his | of the country ar the other end, Bo | ored burial given thelr comrades ence. of WwW. Williams, 18 Frank | daily as on which Kiwanis Oshawa manufacturers will en \ f Ww fy | this city and district duiing the past [the death after a very brief ines Wife Found Guilty | defenseless hut which at once ea. | for British dead tresses positive action, as evidenced [rom this city will recalve 4 def f the dread disease were Albert Wan [eral took place at Wellington ce name of Pony Wineglass" wis culls | safety and the valvation. of her | words alone can, the harrors of | Part Perry Aug, 0 UL concern themselves with active mea Commerce on the weekly confidens ' 9 f 4 f y 1} hat Ge Pylor Crescent, and Vidward Curtin, |[fuentind attendance afforded some | chirge of legal possession of liquor down the "futaly funnel" to the (graves, They give warning in a | Mins Helen Turner of wm | hy Charles Richardson, chief engi his means, In effect, that de | ' la f | | i ' f allahl 1 neat of tubercular meningitis, # diseise | held throughout the district, He vho 1s ow Ukrainian, pronounces his | many of them to "otha themselves | ahstraetion" about tha Journey's Mr. and Mis. Gaol Tackson ho rity on radio and talking pie | Lele will ho available 10 loen 4 1 ( } | 0h y given f the gener: Baby Joseph George FH," MeCanm=[in the chanel and at the | a glass contalner for intoxicants, | In the paths of thase and of the | fal) under the harrow of wer is |E0erive to Mr, Avie Brock, 80 | he development of "talkies Fos they are given aut for the general One New Case ofl The hymn ""Ahlde with Me vite appeared before the court, and | fring ceased and grist eame again | with fron Hps, and Patalism with |" in Beptemher the ability to translate that knowledge | from all par anf the world hy the | .: A 4 Mrs we i rafitah wal i i I'v ( 16s ) ating cise has been reported since yester- [and elose to the upper honndary | without hubby heing that will not end ta show gratitude | ary, 'Do not look ton closely, sen | Alex. Brald, Mr. and fra. Brower, [with a very profitable half hour [adinn Trade Commissioners statin | Mn f ni i 08 1] Vin RO] 3 | i 0 city up to fifteen, As two of the pu "Theron ware floral Ly later or with some gratuitous in| eannot be that Britain will ever | is that the nations may London fours, Cape, Nhode and | 192 nehironize visual with audi | quivies will he malled to the Oshs y break that continentg! hond which | out an that Journey gan i [1 AUTH 0 Ti i" rough the pho ap! i ol In f \ Township Almost Free brought in the hearse, Nearly pl! I'he ehurye was quic) Idavd Tay Lup through the phonograph era, [get fn touch immediately with neal which were dadieated ta the Ble | hutlding and the survive! of n rem r | Mrs, Hawa, Torontn 0 of sensitivity ta light, and | the weakly list The secur Whithy according to Di | I 1 With sincera sympathy from the | found guiliy. and "emanded for sr Arto Parieres and |auverval add | bury property ensitivi ght, a vankly a securing of i memorials In the Aelds where they | of M¥ I | her oy ol fi ol ten dolla whthough nfinitel mare hensive The confirmation of the placing fur and no new cases have heen re wo I mi pidd aw fine | William Kinkead of Listowel, The ly prepared to take every precaution [Canada Ha leaves ta mourn his son Road South minister Nay ar, wore a gown of flowered ehits | prominent among which he cited the [in part: "Wa shall he pleased tn been held Saturday has heen posts |@state, three davuchters, Wilda Mrs {in court again this morning, accor Mroand Mra. A. Boyes and fam: | yg, " 3 L LLL] Boyes and fy wiithy an Thursday attending presented almost insuperable difficul: | fall details pertaining therein," cals of the city health department | fda. two sisters, Mrs, Avthur Lang. | go on Hoult: [day ut Jaekeots Point [ honquet of sweet peas and roses, [struction of a new huilding ) he new roctory {x haginning to announced at yesterday's [thay have evolved ta handle this . LJ L] 1 I ---------- aimed 1wo veatns in ul | ; Ld Below are given the results of the C; Canadian History, 3; middle school expminntions held at] C5 Chemistry, 23, ¥ 9 ( ' ' 4 the Oshawg Colleginte and Vocation ANDISON, JACK W,; visting 1, indicating first class hovers! Freneh Comp, | t | Morning | clues honors, and C, pis real Building i NEW MEMBERS Alighra, Cy Chemistry, ( | ) y a Dread Disease -- Bod y | Pau ging of attempted theft of ) eign Countries To Be For: J [ gusoline from a motor ear, Alvin| pass standing, but has heen glven ) 'J Wy | Algehra, 131 Chemistry, 21 | City Engineer W. C. Bmith's drhit ANDERSON, Constable Alexander testified that he calling for alterations Fine Estate in Old SSED ON QUICKLY CASE REPORTED dress Given on Talk. PASSE Q $12,000) | Lewis ' ott, Wngland, on July 22 last of | rear of the car street, with an estimated expenditure Two new members were initiated in , ork: (Kditorinl In the New York Times) From All Parts of World ' ' Take Precautions--Swim. Conrtica and was Lhe brother of | phone that night, asking him to gol Fourth Avenue, wt a cost of $1000, 1° The wddre of welcome wis de Called to the witness stand, My, | 6b one end of the wiwad and her | son was Among them, "the fortunes | of Avenue, at a cost of $100 and a | the principles of service ta one's fel: | arage for any purpose on the night | began the journey acres the than | And there are still other memorial treet. at a eost of $24 founded The peaker eammented {JOY @ Hitle warmer place in the sun HA 1 ' 1} ed Impetu iy the result of the two weeks assumed a more vious 1 of heart trouble of My " w peetators thought somebod wits | Cred nm Winston Churehill said in The "pletures" wre making vivid | ' i their motte, "We Build Passive I i 'EN { I no: LL OU F | | I y | f# the | tial Inguiry Hast of the Canadian Ferguson, tensyear-old son of Mr, metry on Priduy afternoon, July {cd in Magistrate Willis conrt | willie Agnin mumary 16 brought | modern warfare which these men | Farmer of Hamilton ure Al ing ARI ten-year-old son of Mrs, F. Curtin, | Indication of the raspect In I'he myster as solved when it | ships pissed fn wavried file the | langusge whieh all can understand | 14 the guest of her ain Mys, Wm {eer of the Film and Slide Company, | alls ax regards engniries for Canis ' 7 v uni ' vi 1 " al | f (lame something similar in Jts manifesta W, M. I, Wilkes, Wesleyan minister | namie an a manner closely akin in| "In the dust of darkness" In some | beginning Part Perry have announced the 60d. Mr. Richardson devoted | firms through the Chamber o ) » y i, Port | ! : "> pehinie hl mond, aged six months, who died ul Braveside Ihe ix pall-henrers "Wenglar millions who followsd them a full | hafora the harrow is set in motion, | OF Mand Mr KW. Brock, For ensitig , in addition to the teehuieal | publi Some assurance may be takin wis sung In the chapel, The arave dunteered the information tht she | from the Nerth Sea to the Buphrat: | unseratinizing gage, and Ux with | Among the week end visitors 10 10 every day language, the speaker nadian Intelligence orvien ak day, This brings the total number vi tof the cemetery, was lined with | (act, Some doubt wis und honor to thoes who He theve in | Ing one must keep one's sense [ Tavonto; My, 15, Gibhie, Oshawa tarting with the first attempt ed in all the principal trade centres never £3 ; (hin Miss Hue i ambinatin nwa f( m Wf Comme th tients have died there are actuall hte that a motor-lorey had to ba | formation relative to the gost of the Cineinnttl Hh L hile 1m he traced the combination | nwa Irn hey f nmmerece aaech | holds her 10 her d®a bhayond tha | end may he the end of a oivillza || | | Toronto; My and My The epidemic has made no further | were from ralutives and persons) | so far as Tony wns « and | the researches of Thomas Edison, the | firms wha may he concerned with Vikan | nant of peoples that annot even A pretty wedding taok place In ' ; ! the final utilization of the photo-elec- Liha husiness after that depends nf Rundle, township medical health Wesleyan Wellington," | tener 5271 mare names to tha [4,000 | Ms Rar al He unburied . . which tl windation and basis of [nf 0 \ { resirinte ported Dr, Rundle informed The Mr. Brooks was the second son and costs in cit th ' vhich is the foundation a ) fn hawa on the restricted list Fhe pulpit af the Linied Church | savamony. was nerformed by Rey, R Mr, Ri 10 check the spread of the scourge 18 loss wife Mis Polly George Fdith Dafoe, 23, who pleaded gil Plekarin Ug: | Minne No lvance of the hogan his vaeation ron with hat and shoes to mateh | inadaptability of. man theatres pres | furnish vou pieh week yf § y 88 ) ' ) 0 hid eo y, 3 nn N H poned indefinitely, This action fol-| (Pro) Thomas Plymouth Misses | panied by her mother, who ha " 1 fr, and Mi Theu tiston who attended as hridesmald, P {ihe marriage of thelr nephew, Ver canes, and the only real Congratulations were #lsn ex \ 4 § v hie ff Oshawa I | y yesterday maid and My Joseph Langmald, | ing that the eity of Oshawa is for Mrs. (1 MeMurty and daughter EE uy AMIR twas {give an Idea of lin appearance up Information. The Intention of tha [and Mrs, 1, Creyderman of Tor all talking pleture projection to-da which vecelvis this service, © was f { nte yl hat of speedip | ul ' ' Times this morning of the lute Mr, John VV. and Mrs Hn v chi peeding PICKERING will he oceupled hy supplies duro giohards, BA. The hride whe [outline of the leading difficulties which [eently from the Chief nf the Intels seen dn the faet that the annual Gen Hartland Davonshive two sons, | ty yesterday morning to the theft of fand H, Taw spent the hollday with ainton, whe Cand earried a houguat of Talesman | viously used for silent pietures, to the Jin advance of publication with a y i 3 mM er kr ho home, | AN ' lows a conference which those in [Mariory and Mollie at home one | from Napanee to td Edith home, | tamily and Mr. and Mrs, | worn a fronk of shell pink chiffon | ties in man \ non Rowe tn Migs M tended tn the local Chamber of suspended. sen ( 4 i i 4 J N \¥ |} I i] R are 1" A J Parents' Responsibility hoth of Oshawa, Canada biddew territory sn far as Fdith fra, Crawford and Mrs. V. KE, (art brother of the groom. The | neheon that the District Governor kand vright wey in Gravenhurst over wadding muni In a statement to The Tunes, In My, Nrooks was wall known in| concerned from n an _sampletion and: will be 8 arodit | Hartley Lewis assistant Medical [those purty: when a hoy, ha laf the weal end [to the parish, as well as ay addi Health Officer stated this morning: [Canada forty-five years ago to in | I Bunting 18 spending Aion to the village "Although the situation in Oshawa, [Merit a very fine estate In Homer CITY NEWS Hl «vacation In. Muskoka r as regards poliomyolitis, has not [sett kKngland He had the nleps and Mra, Robt, Login of Hes. | reached proportions where 11 can he lure of renewing old aequaintances aler, ware the guests of Robt, and club golf tournament in the near fu CO. H. Payne, divector af the 1 avery few vars Mrs. Bomerville on Tuesday voturn they will yeside at 6 Hon K uyne, divector af the led an epidemic, it is serious en- in Canada every f ane i : j called 2 a, every possible MAYOR ON HOLIDAY © Mrs, Maotirill of Toronto, spent. a Brougham, Aug, 11 In the pas field Ave, Toronto ture nN Ottawa, has stated that he eons . ; : Lavor 'I. B, Mitchell left the «it | Mr. and Mrs, Gibbs and Mr, and | * wldevs this methods hetter than that ANP T 0 We IN Layor ow days last wer with the Misses 1 Inte Mr, 7 [ } prespitiontry Sips » fipevent 14 ay ) ' Jiafsnon WUYURER oi recently ta enjoy a brief vacation from J : pind did hi I homes Rios [Mrs daw Gibbs, Jr, returned on | Weathe rpraof portable shelters | employed hy the Chambers of Com further spread of the infection, ' . hile dut His War o ! , 3 IN y pte WY 1 meres and Hoarvds of Trade "In hi oennection it eannot be | manager of the Regent Theatre | bumine ith 4 pv aie tus ta bie abser Miva Laura Andraw of Toronto, {wons, his funeral which took place | unday after a week's trip to the | have heen invented mn Germany ta en of and Roards of ade In many too strongly emphasized that the | who was responsible for the fakin ip 18 n ol holidaying at her home here on sunday Kawartha lakes ' d onstruction ta he car | 10vger eitias throughout the Dams [long and so far as is known an act 4 afternoon was Inrgely A NN Tawar' sant the "ble huitting, som ghia 30h Jar fies Kreatest responsihility rest upon the | of moving pletures of tha npenine ring. nat been uppointed W. W. Monnay Is spending an week | attanded Much sympathy is felt I L parents, It is their duty to keep |of the Oshawi Harlin Hg maw A | Wolfe Island vith friends on for tha family tn the serious illness | Weel a Aid boraus, where they mer months, 4 ye RUB ) their own children at home: permit [stated this morning that he was NO DRY SPELL Masters Tobby and Billy Heron |of Mrs, Knox Sr, at this time { fyeale Ane A them to attend no places where ga- | Botting n tench with th hm Although the weather has been ver of Brooklin wre visiting relatives in| Wicks therings of children occur, such as Montrenl and expects too 50 Ting the past three weeks, A ty " y any | ' ey fueh any! Ig felt by the many Mind Muriel Ooak of Terontd ia the villnge [friends of Mrs, Ravolay aver her | oon 0 Me FS M Wi oni Sunday Sehools pletuyes In the Regent Miss Dorothy ng her mother, ™ " picnics, parties, Wh } persons returning from the district to theatres, etc the north report that there has been Andrew of the erious fllness in Toronto at this Oaok Ng Lie ls enjoyin 0 phere | ay | Joying a two time and all wre hoplng for her | And Mrs. Grant Gorow rent "We have ne reason to expect an no lack of rainfall, The Muskoka re specific source of infection but he gion has not suffered from lack « veeli's vacation peedy recovery, ' Ar | Aunday with f ( ' BAY, Mr, and Mrs, WV. Reddit and Houses are at & premium In the Mira BL flandy 1% JiRduns. | mil are enjoying a two wesk's illage at Waren! he her | [ ell an I hey are at least gatherin Hols vhile in certain townships |" village al n 18 nimbey uh soe | ye Id miming places | heen out of the elty for the past | ture while Sata J of My pain in Toronto, Inst woek points for children, swimming | | t holid hai further north farmers have heen com in. the town and vicinity have been | few days on a brief holiday has » plalning of too much rain viecation with friends In Canning employed on road construction on | Miss Gries: Rude = ar visitin o { PY vis ¥en closed For the same reason, the [turned to towi Inoking a lot het. BARGAINS OFFERED tan No, 7 highway, wishing for 8 nears | ora yo J Mroand Mrs, Win, Stork of Ralles [hy place of residence the Mathew Wl ea TW. MaLaat | noi Committee of the MI plenic | ter for his trip The Mayor has ang | clean and scheduled for this coming like all In the fashion acquired a Now is a good tine ta by of apparel. Local men's wear store Ville, and My, and Mrs, Rothwell of | house being well filled at present, | Afr Laws Meboan MoA wht A wow sleet sonking dovie Forontn, wera 1 " op " "nm A v Wi N 1k i ; oon o ih " hie Ros! of Robt, | 1 Feashy of Tosonta In working |, vests of Mr, and Mrs. Hukh Lucas | punches & hole: through the venter of has generously co-operated with the [cont of tan A I od ark on dunday [with W. Hadley carpentry |W Wthy, ant week x Tong roll and toasts 18 hefore the in | y a r 1 , . nn ' Health, Department and postparied ind ladies' clothing stores are offering A A. Htereitt Is spending | Mr, and iy rocker of Tor I A Ad Tandwich ail the picnic some real bargains this week in sum "There is no cause for general al: 1 Love of both, tie lege and army hus mer merchandise, Unfortunately va heen invented as an exercising ma: | oipion time places a heavy demand on - + faw weeks with friends In Ot CT TTINTNAT, ery meastire which ean arm, hut every me bua Juvanied as, art axetsising wa: | onto were with the Il. Mathews | 4 ing Awa, [family on Sunday, . | ITIZE NS AN ¥ : ------ -- rr r-- French textile experts have de ( annaght street, (Afb) have any bearing on the control of {one's purse and as a result the most of Mt 0 veloped a methad for pulverizing eats | ™ NOFTO -- (Continued on Page 2) hody {ug are not in a position to take ad AL p---- | ton, silk and weal, the product hes | WANTED ALL, KINDE OR a Se I lh varmtage of these attractive offerings, | a] | ing used in fine tapestry wall paper Stock Market Prices | decorative effects on paper sement wark. All work done bags tor sonadMe, Phone 1642 vr 4 (Aho) CONGERT TONIGHT fg | Ot a Po Daye a Marke. Summary by Canadian Prem An electrically operated overhead Only a Few Days Left to Got Toronto and New York stock Quotations Supplied by ridlway more than twa miles long Biggar and Orawlord, Alger Mallding, Ushaws Fin Program To Be Heard | lias heen installed hy a Hollywood FOR YOUR | was plaved hy Mise will he pre ent ta confer with the loc: | @hamber is to hold this infarmas | Core Kinkead, sister of the groom al eluh next Tuesda thon In a confidential Ala, and tn Atay the ceramony the hridal| An invitation has been extended (0 | gar in toneh with local firms whieh pouple left for a shart honeymonn | Oshawa Kiwanis hy West Toronto may he interested fn a partiouiar BROUGHAM trig to points north, Upon they | Kiwanis to he-their guests at an INer- | pradyot Accarding to a Reitish metal ex Three University of HWinais sclens | pert much of the noise of big eifies ists hive developed a process for us: | edn he reduced if hell makers will ing the acid obtained from hard cider add a litle mare tin ta the allave in the manufacture of artifical silk they use, producing softer tones Too Late To Classify AMAL UNFURNTRRED LIVING room and kitehen, conveniences, central, garage, Phone A2TM, (fa) NOOMEN it desived, all convens (Aa) -- APPLY IR peaple In show hese on Saturday Latin American countries purchase 17 per cent of United Atates medicin al exports and 24 per cent of Ameri toilet preparations and taney MAYOR RETURNS Mayor 'T. IN, Mitchell who has THRER OR FOUR flat, partly furnished for rent, very central, fenoos Phone BR0RW Saturday witicle A liieyele that is propelled by mo PLACING ROCK BALLAST Gangs of workmen are busy plac Starts ing ballast on the CNR, main line | 5 AY west of Whithy, Rock ballast lay THURSDAY heen placed on the roadbed for u dis | tance of many miles and when the whale line is completed from Toronto to Montreal this will he one of the finest stretches of rallway roadbed on the continent, . Toronto Stock Exchange ve an av-- | | | | { motion pleture company te move re ---- WA" in Alexandra scenery hetween construction shops OLD PEN Teck Hughes 40 fan fn Wright Harg 180 180 180 Park or PENCIL and sages, I'wa teatres | in 1 Paris Tike equipped Oshawa Citizens' Rand will glye | Meaty with head telephones to enable any kind w= their last concert of the Season at in any condition Mexandra Park tonight. The pra h pram ts as follows: Mareh, Tralian on the purchase L ATTENDED SCOUT REUNION word spoken an their stages, Mr, Albert KE, Ingham was In Hrantford during the past few days attending the reunion of Glllewi most gripping deamnath lang that was held at Iibat's park, stars, A new thrill wht Gillew!l Training wsehoo! in that | Dist, ofty, 'This school {x conducted for | Hi. Walkers Lob LL vol-Tal, 804% 2028 204% | Nerenade, Heauteous Night] Seles AN AMAZINGLY NEW AND GREATE R® the purpose of advanced instruc: | Ford ET 10% al Am, Taine) Mh a0 41% | tion, Home Song: Religions, Alone tion of Noy Beout work, Ing UML vA 28K 2 Ai, Ine a1 an 47 Cf Maneh, Albania Marchi God Save ig sd TAR RY 184% Auto 8trop Hu "My Hy the Ning ONHAWA REPAID Imperial Of 10% 19 Bendis Tie fom 70% | Tests at the Tiinis agvioniturel WAN q { | Ret, Ina fast and avlons modern 4 0 we. | 1Oblaw "A 128 13y y a0 axpoviment station have indioated merrysgosround of falsehood and oak fu Qabuve was Moll ve Massey Haveisn 208% a gh i i) that large horses ave hetter than framosups, romance and veal, n anville ih he Carnival last even: Mo, Front Tw Q Pacific 11% 171% small ones for pulling heavy loads Nancy starts out like "Nweetle" m y age Hersey 87 Am a0 and that animals' disposition Is an ing, Two Oshawa residents, Mra, Con, Milm Pr 174% 17% ; iy and ends up tke Sarah Hernhavot Herbert Kdgerton of 3 Roxbors Bhwininn HY Chrysler 1 204, | 'MPOTLARt factor Trinity Chol, Thursday, Aus: | ough Ave, and Willlam Brody of Col, Gas AW 1A Havant taal ¢ iy ust 14, from 1,80, Arnold's » : drilling of loag 0% 40% known but never exploited tron ave stare, Himeoe Hire b's I deposits along the Pacific oosan about 200 miles south of Lima, New York Exchange Sook High Low Re, Am, OFF 16 18 Hrasilian HE] LER w Cookshutt , 10% 16% 181 | Hook High 10 ) } 19 Hongram AY, AN Ay | Am Lan dw 1 fam, 164 HER persons who are deaf ta hear every Rifleman; Overture, On Southern 2 pom, | Melody, Southern Star; Serenade, In LU | the Spring; Valse, Valse June da | Am. ¥. Pow, 68% 60% 68% | Mareh, The Middy; Intermission; This charming comedienne hecomoes one of the screen's Coming Events of a a ent Parker Duafold (Pen or Pencil) Old pena and pencils are worth 1,00 each to you at this store, k around the house and in your deal, Reaardion of kind or condition, we will allow you §1,00, for each towards a convertible Parker Duefold Pen or Pencil, Vou have always wanted a Parker Pen or Pencil, Here a splendid chance to own one, - PALMIAT, Home Monday (Hah) MADAME NEVADA Rows! Corners and Tuesday, CHILDREN'S HAND MADR olothes, apron and homemade cooking sale hy W, A, of Holy DON'T FORGET THE LENNON ' \ 177 Division Street tied as winners | Fox Pim he . | 1 the Hantam Austin oar, The ] (en, Blootrie a8 uwmanville Rotary Club fvishes Standard Mining Exchange Gen, Motors . 488, evil Re da Written and Divected hy KDMUND GOULDING who made "The Trospasser" a a 0 express through these columns [ta appreciation of the support from this city which had much to do with the success attained hy the carnival, WILL OPEN NOON . The splendid new atore erected for D, J. Brown, local jeweller Is to open ita doors in the near fu- ture, finest In the ally and will compare favorably with stores in the same trade in much larger cities, Eh -- ---- This stora will he one of the | Int, TelsTel, 484 Kelvinator 14% Mont, Ward 20% Phil R, C1, 10 Paramount BR' Pub, N. Jersey 874 Radio HL RY Radia Keith PERT Nimmona bE RTS Standard, NJ, 48 U8, Rubber 10 Hook High Low. 2 p.m, Alar 100 IR 118 Amulet Bu LL LE (1, Research ALL hoo AOD Faleonbridge 260 a0 tho Hollinger ADO ARO (3 1] Home O11 MA 5. 346 Hudson Bay 800 778 f00 Laka #hore 2950 23R0 23K0 | U, A, Nteel 167% Noranda SR00 2985 2225 | Vanadium Ry Sher, Gordon 126 134 1960 | Yel, Truck n Hud. Basin 140 140 140 Money, 2% per cont, a -- g Wy Peru, has disclosed about 180,000, 000 tong of high grade ore Matohes that go out after a definite pariod after they have heen lighted and self extinguishing elgavetio tips have hoan developed hy the United states Bureau of Standards to losgon five hagards -- Tests in England have shown that soils heated to the temperature of botling water for half an hour are rid of insect" pests and produce healthier plants, plonie whieh is being held at Island Grove, near Jackson's Paint, Lake Simeoe, on Wednes: day, August 20th, It 1s expect od that the Hon, R, WH, Bennett, KO, MP, Canada's new Prime Minister, will ha present to de liver an address, (86a DANCING AT BUNSET PAVILION avery Friday night, Admin: wlan, Be, (80) CHONEN FRIEND LODGE, TO. night, Engels Hall, Bl ber==the offer only lasts until August 16th so don't risk delay, Only §1,00 is allowed on any one unit purchased, Bring your od pen or pencil in today, ¥ hi Karn's Drug Store PHONE 378 Rl ry en

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