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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1930, p. 4

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'ACE FOUR The Oshaw.i Daily Times Succeeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) rhe An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal hell days at Oshawa, Canada, by [he [limes nting Company, Limited, Chas. M. Mundy, President; A, R. Alloway, See etary, The Oehaws Daily Times is 8 member of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News apers Association, the Ontario Provineis) ailies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, fly mail in Canada {outeide Oshawa earrier delivery limits) $4.00 a years United States, $5.0 8 Year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107. H. D, [vasidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Ine, New York and Chicage WRDNERDAY, AUGURT 15, 1080 Ne rae Ee -- a -- rrr THE NEW POLICE BUILDING The description of the proposed new police building, as described in last night's issue of "he Times, indicates that the city council, in making ite plans for this espentinl plece ol equipment tor an important eivie department, is determined to secure a building that will be worthy of the city, and which will be Ades quate for the needs of the polive department for many years to come, There are no un necessary frills, of course, for the huilding is designed for utility above all else, and no matter which site the ratepayers may select, it will be in a good loeation to serve the needs of the community, One has only to visualize the finished pros duct, as described in the plans, and to coms pare that with the present disgraceful police headquarters, to he convinced that the police station bylaw ought to ho carried, The most compelling factor is the need for a new police station, The present antiquated premises are nothing more or less thun a disgrace to the community, and should have been con demned long ago, And the only way to re place these quarters 1s hy erecting a modern building, in which will be accommodation for all the requirements of a police department such as Oshawa ought to have, In cane there are any ratepayers who ave not convinced of the need of passing the police station bylaw, we would suggest that they pay & visit to the present police atation, and lnok it over, We feel sure that having done #0, they will go home with their minds firmly made up to vote for the bylaw. which will remedy the conditions which are far from heing a credit to the city of Oshawa TIME FOR ACTION The Great Lakes Harbor Association, at iia convention at Green Bay, Wisconsin, last weel, went on record as urging on President Hoover and Premier Bennett that the time is pipe for definite ation in connection with the development of the Bt, Lawrence Waterway, The resolution which was passed ealls foi immediate diplomatic action between the governments of the two countries with a view to having the vealisation of this new outlet to the ocean realized, This resolution should have the support of all the lakeport cammunities on the Great Lakes, All of them, Including Oshawa, have everything to gain from the completion of this project, and the sooner it Is started, the sooner will iv be possible to have ocean ateani ers galling up into the lakes to dock at Osh awa and other harbors, There Ia good reason for helieving that some action will be taken in the near future on the Bt, Lawrence Development scheme, President Hoover has long been committed to it, and there has been more than a Buss pieion that the delay was caused by the ins difference of the late government of Canada, Mr, Bennett, however, has given a definite pledge that he will go ahead with the pros ject, #0 the time for action seems imminent- that is, if the pledges made during the heat of an election campaign ean be taken to mean anything, LOOKING TO THE WENT The eyes of Canada today ave turned to the weatern provinces, where the 1030 crop of grain ia vipening and will soon be har veated, After laat year's crop failure, there have been strong hopes for a large evop this year, Reports from the west have heen scanned more eagerly than ever before, and the announcement of a few, weeks ago that a better than average crap was likely, vevived optimism, in spite of the uncertainty of wheat prices, The last report of the Winnipeg Free Press, long regarded as an authority on erop mats ters, however, raises some doubts an to the extent of the orop, It states that rust and drought have dane much damage in many seotions, This, however, is counterbalanced hy the report that in other aeotions there are better than average yields, and in nome theve {a even a record yield, It seema certain, from the general trend of opinion from the west, that the evap will be much higher than it waa in 1929, probably aver one hun dved million bushels more, and that repre. A ---------- sents nearly one hundred million dollars in cash, "he one uncertain factor remaining is that of price, It might seem selfish for Canadians to find satisfaction in the misfortunes of their fellow-tarmers to the south, but that does not alter the fact that the wheat erops in the United Btates have suffered tremen- dous losses by the recent spell of hot and dry weather, "The effect of this wes seen in the sharp upturn in wheat quotstions last week, Bo, with the possibility of wn short crop In the United Btates, Canada should do well with its 1980 wheat, unless it 1s again made the basis of a huge gamble, as was done Wn YOAr BEO, Meanwhile, the west Is gelling Into ite harvest with optimism, looking to the 1980 erop to bring about a great revival In busi ness, And as the west is hopeful, so is the east, for it has been abundantly proven, that in spite of the advances in mining and in. dustry, the wheat erop Is still the barometer of Canadian prosperity, SL TIME HEALR THE WOUNDS Time Is a groat healer, Hixteen years ago, the German hordes were tramping rough-shod over little Belgium, spreading death and de atruction wherever thay went, Now the Bel alan government Is advertising In German magazines, asking the German people to #Vigit Belgium," This year, n great Inter national Exposition is being held in Antwerp, a city whieh suffered greatly from the pholls of German lieavy guns, and a special effort is haing made to induce thousands of Ger mans to attend, WIXLEON VORTE ARO==Y eH, 6) Years ago, the name of Germany was anathema to any Bel gian, But time has softened the hatred of the onetime invader, and the hand of com merce is atretehed out to clasp the hand which was once a malled fist, It is well that time heals these wounds, The animosities and hatreds of 1914 con tained in them the germs of warfare, and these will have to be exterminated from the world if there Is to be lasting peace, Only hy replacing hatred with good fellowship, by having friendship take (he place of animo ality, can people live side by side and maintain peaceful relations, Belgium has, through the centuries, on many occasions been the cockpit of Europe, Yet that little country has always chosen to forgive, and in the pre sent instance that forgiveness (8 beyond the seventy times seven, and ia an object lesson to the rest of the world, EDITORIAL NOTES "Oshawa (a again a great lakes harbor, On Thuraday, the harbor was re-opened for lake traffic after being closed for eighteen years, I'he rallwaya will feel it, as there are many large shipments which will be made from Oshawa by hoat whieh formerly went by rall,"s=Owen Mound Sun Times One reason why the truth often hurts is that it is stretched so mueh, Mince the coming: of Tom Thumb golf course, service stations now have real vom petition in securing corner lot sites Widening the roads will not solve the con gestion problem, so long as there are driv ers who persist in taking the middle Soviet Russia has reiterated ita refusal to pay the debts. of the former regime, That vefusal to meet ita obligations 8 one of the reasons why Russia is an outcast among the nations The Sudbury Star issued a very creditable special edition to mark the inauguration ol Sudbury as a city, Such enterprise In what marks the local newspapers an real assets to the community, Mr, Bennett may be premier, but on July 28 he lost one of hin great diatinetions, "le ia no longer the only Conservative member between the Great Lakes and the Rookies, An antistobacco leaflet says a cannibal will not eat the meat of a man who haa used to bacco, Now wateh some enterprising to bacco company use that in ita advertising, The Chinese generals are very modern in their methods, Both aides in the lateat war have claimed sweeping vietories, Many folks try "keeping up with the Jones's", but Babby always managen to keep just a little bit ahead of all the other golfers, a Included among the signa that summer ia * nearly over are the advertisements for the Canadian National Exhibition, According to Dorothy Dix, a solentiat saya that each kiss shortens the life of the kinwera, In many oases It shortens the single. life. ~=8t, Catharines Standard, "The automobile in the poorest exercise known, "'==Dr, Harvey Wiley, For the drive or, maybe, but look what it does to the ped: The Commons and the House of Lords in Britain have had a big vow over a coal bill, Lota of us have had experience of the same kind of an argument, THE OBHAWA DAILY a TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 ---------as aaa Other Editor's Comments a -- COMIN' THROUGH THE RYE (Readers Digest) Few persons understand the ex orassion Comin' Through the ive," There is in Meotiand a small stream called the Rye, The give forded {1 Boing to ohiroh, weheo und to market, and as the water whi i fool oF two deep they had to hold thelr skirts up, Fhe boys would meet them in midetresm and kiss (ham without diMauity, aa the iris souldn't drop (hair skirts 1o make any restistance, That's what Rabari Hurne meant when ha wrote "Gamin' Throwgh the Rys" NOT ALL POWERYUL (Amhorsthurs Behn) It In un mistaken idea that keep ing & thing oul of & paper 8 going to hush It up. Newspanurs mre not wn powerful that they hold in thelr hands he difference het wean publinity and silanes, Vary often when an avant 1s not reearded In (he papers Just as it took plies the reports Lhat gain olveniation nie apt to he more harmful if harn there 16 thi A plain printed slate juent of fact yearding the nipur LIAR | ENDS TWO YEAS RHAVING (Tha New Outlook) A Pranchman with a Hiking for [eprinun Nuuras has hoon counting in the Lime that & man ordinarily davoles Lo cammon oeaupaticns of Ife He Nude that n man of seventy lias Nnauslly spent shout ninetesn vonrs working, twenty-Lhroe years in hed, nine years amusing himself or heipng Amused, ane Year In aural, and two yours shaving Iimaali This laut portion of time he sonia Lo eonnl 1er ae on of the greatest wastes of Hin But, trying to tmagine what we would look ke If we all had beards wa Ara nol inclined to aeves with Wim. Hven If we did all save some time from shaving thera Jan's any vel) guATANIER ThA we would pul | that time to any hatisy ae WAITE o THAT a elty rises and falls with ita vammercinl enterprises that ete ahead ts the eit back of He commercial en I'he eit hist met ETT | They should give the same support [10 the industries they new have a { they are willing to promise Raw ane | Priend! all does mush ta anid a better ery conperation an the part nf make better husineas Vey HEE ment made in a olf The hatter a sity hacames, the move valuable property hesomes | Hard tes can't last forever «ni Her ean prosper Sone ition hit [& happy wedinm by planning 10 have | healthy, steady growth and then ear Frying out that plan | | EVERYONE AHOULD GEY THE | BOOSTING BPIRIT iE re m-- "Bi ts of Verse TIME A day I cain remeber when a day and thege Hut now A breath of dawn HWAY I wonder as | through For fecord of the hours, where can tiey he Nao tine apn lack one had separate meaning and FE A Caan, and iia AOAC MY meme y Hy some small thing 1 knew ach day from all the others, | eould LLL A) Phat was the merning Simon cut the hay And Toft fe drying tn the sun, while | Lay prone upon it watehing elouds drift hy Or or: Ran wan falling lke a moth i's tears And when your letter came {1 sop ped, and all The ale wrew sunny and perfumed A wall hing to remember; but the hours that run Hach mre cach before the day i done ' And do net answer when Teall the Foll, But wake af whole These take from life a very heavy toll} Ry Jessie | | PAVE \ life an undivided Beattie, in "Blown Fhe aie in automatioally washed in # helmet that has heen invented for workers in dusty, gaseous and other dangerous surroundings Our Glopitying==Rut God terbid Athat 1 should ®lory, save in the ores of our Lord Jewus Ohvlat, by whom the world ia erueified une 1, Ha I unto the world. -=Oal, Prayer: Phe King of Kings ia drawing Mtr, The Haviour of the World ia a] Was long enough tar this, and heve | Ne Eye Care and Eye Strain by C.K. TUCK, Opt.D, (Goprriams 1034) ran WT When wa ranch mindie life the diminished power of aecomoda- ton ennnes & form of sirain aven in those ayes which have #siweys measured normal according to all standards, Wven in (hess normal oases, headaches, vertigo and NAUARR MAY develop Aus tn strain halng felt when the secommodnilon in depleted naturally with the ad YANCINK YoRrvs There are also what are knw al premature cases, Hele Hume oases where Lhe power Is hyoight low due to depleted energy dun in (Hiness, malnutrition, undernaurish ment ale These cases also Hing WInnnen A NOoAnsRry relief and many A young student will fina then necessary only until thele wirongth In suMelently bullet up and many of them may after w glvan period dupenss with the weering of the ginsans entirely or perhaps for a projonged pariod may use them only for close work, But should the physical condition vempain ha [OW PAF, EIANABA MAY DE A NACARRILY. | ut all times (To he continnfi DRIFT THREE DAYS IN AN OPEN DORY Fisherman Tells How He and Companion Sur. vived Ordeal NS Three days A with # very mes Tunenhiirg, Pelt in an apen dor gre supply offend and water, and given up for lof) after they had stray ed from thelr vessel In a dense fog | about 180 miles south of Cape Bieta canst where they were plelied up by a pani vessel and carried tn Madeira wits the thrilling experience of ( harles Seote and Joseph Clarke, members of | the Rehing sh Madelyn: Hebb Wn emmmand of Captain Freed Tanne the Lunenherg deep sea Hehing leet Ihe Are natives of New funndland Ihe Madetvin Hab was Aehing a [the northern edge ol Hank Quern | when an the morning of May 15, Beall Land Clarke, In company with the rest Loaf the crow, leit the vessel to attend to thelr trawle, Dense fog prevailed at that thie, anid the twa nen wi were dory mates, failed to Toeate thel trawl The il the theee day exposure and dread uncertainty is told Clarke) Salle to And our tran), we stant 1, in we thought, to row hack to the veuhe! alter Auite A while without Anding hei, we pave up the | Bunt and started rowing towards the Cape Neeton shore which was about | o 130 piles north of where we wee then All day with a tow short apalls In between, Toward evening to make matters worse started 1 Wow heavy and got ver vouih, We left off rowing so as | sve Our Arent for a smoother and made a diag out af two trawl tubs that were In aur dory, which wi put ont 1a keep the dory head on the wind and sea, and with one of us In the how and one aft, we teled to sleep Our small eraft, however, tossed about | just Nike an epi: shell and there ne aleep for us that night men alg this bh POW long we rowed "Ihe next morning, stl thie a fog [we hauled in the drag and again star od rowing for the land. Wy this time | we were hoth feeling pretty hlue, fo we knew very well that even (four strength held out to row the long streteh of 130 wiles, we were making wn much leeway that we would mis the Cape Heeton coast and make the Gulf of 81, Lawrenee, "The second day went hy the same an the first, with fog so thick that we contd hardly see much more than a dory's length, We tried wing the small dory sally, bat sean found eut that we then made more leeway, so aman we took to our oars, When the aeeond night arrived we put out our drag and let the dory drift, while we managed to get a few cat-naps Far Iy the next morning, which was the third day, we took our oars, feeling in our own minds, (owe didn't soon get pieked up it owas all over with us, We Weaan to see we would not make the land and that sur only hope was to he pieked up hy a vessel oF steamer, And ax long as it stayed thick, eur chances this way were small, the forenvon," sald Clarke, the taps of my rubber boots "Durin "Tout 0 ueing the bait tub for a stove, and {ol up a tub trawl for firewood 0othiv way we partly boiled bits of freah herring that we had in the boat for batt. We ate the fish and drank the last deap of water and longed for the for 10 lft About Ave a'clovk that afternoon the fag Nited, and a aeaman ean easily know how we felt A short speed afterwards we were ted hy the teen schooner St Clady Pherlault, of Pietow, tn command of Captain Peardon, loaded with lumber and hound for Madeira, You can think we felt pretty good when we found: ourselyes with the deck of a veREel ninee more under our feet and something good 10 eat" The men spoke in highest termn of he Kind treatment they received ron Captain Peardon and erew due the fun of 19 days to Madelia, at Which part they remained a week hey thei shipped on Pare the 8.8 vershire of Liverponl, England, nade a trip to Hrasil then hack to Ashon, Portugal, thenee to Halland, Liverpool at whieh port they finally where they took on general fargo for Liverpool at whieh a they finally and took the Hing to kindle a Ave, |- 100k PANNARS © KR Nova Seo 100K Dassen nthe 8.8 Nova Scotia LINER STOPS T0 SAVE FOX-HOUND Dog Wins Long Battle For Life in Waters of Bay of Biscay ye Bonny = When the Brigish finer Clan Maengh docked here, passenger told how the captunin had turned hi ship youd dn wid ocewn to sive tlie ie of # fowhound whieh had tullen ovethonid Phe Viner was carrying & nher of viable fox hounds from Liverpool fa Monbia When the vessel wi crossing the Bay of Wiseay, oie hoind was exerciaed ns sind round the deel and then tied up on the alter dee About B wii, she wing missed A senfelt was minde, bint the hound could not he found, and 1 wis concluded that she must hive slipped her colli and fallen overbowrd The loss. wis hmmedigedy veported to Captiln Turton, who wis on the hiridge at th I ship round und stemmed Yuck the esti sited distance traveled lp, plus wn extis ile The hound wis pin vessel vesmned her cong He oh Bend uw short whe hd been swinnin ter neuily an hour ored from the lip with lauded ul coping Atey fiom he Trine Hine since the mi Wh ed wid (he ' Toy uf Oi Cabiht sight ul 1 ielunie TERT Join her runing PUBLISHES BOOK Foro { vl | uphienl guestion i ry | i dey the turned his | | YOUR VALUABLES Fire, theft and carelessness--all have your valuables at thelr mercy. A safety deposit box cons so little that no one need take the risk of losing bonds, stock certificates, cons tracts, wills or other valuable papers Ask us about this service, THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 OSHAWA BRANCH T. W. Joyce, . Manager vill exuinine as | the I'N wive d them s Instead of mile a Lnited tales oft twodhind intl ae YOU Ca PREVENT FOREST FIRES ¥ /4 DEPARTMENT OF Canadian forest industries add five hundred million dollars annually to the national wealth. Their very exist. ence is threatened by forest fires, which directly or indirectly affect every citizen through their menace to the national pros. perity. Every Canadian should be careful with fire while in the woods, ORESITS Millions depend on the FOREST SERVICE / INTERIOIN

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