a a nt TT ia a Ea a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Commu PAGE FIVE nity - SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Annie Peterson, Mrs, Kobert Smith and tittle son Kobert, are holi duying for a weak in Mount Albert us the guests of the former's sister, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Diekwood, Mr, and Mrs, Gorden Dickwood, of Mount Albert, were week-end visitors here, Mr, and Mrs, George E. Bull, Sim: coe Street North, have returned to thelr home after spending a few days at Lake Katchawanoks, hile there, Mr, Bull caught a twelve pound lunge, Mr, and Mrs, KE, Wilcox of Galt, have been guests of tho latter's cousin, Mrs, A, I. Allaway, while on thelr way home from a motor trip to Ottawa, 1t+Col, and Mrs, James Harris, and Miss Peggy Hodgwon of King- ston, were visitors yesterday at the home of Col, Harris' sister, Mrs, M, Maliurre Hood, Richmond Street ant, Montreal, Is Hayes, of Mrs, George les, visiting Mrs, William Burke Btreet Mrs, 4, Crulekshank of Glad. wi, Mohigan, Is visiting her daugh- tor, Mrs, CHI Laing, Durke stroet, D. N. Fislding, advertising mana gor of the Niagara: Falls Review, who has been holidaying near Kadoo was A visitor In Oshawa to Ay, Mr. and Mrs, A. MH, Btephens, of Great Valls, Montana, and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Thomas of Toronto, are visiting their uncle, Mr, J. W, Borsberry, Before her marriage A WN PR 7 enCry CASTORIA A BABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTORS FOR GOV. CONSTIPATION, DIARRNLA | AE ------------ NOTICE! "The Times' will publish re pores of meetings of all Wo. | men's Organizations in the community. Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed: itor or Telephone Number | 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper. | SUMMER SALE Where » ur Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone BOSOW At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcos 84 TI CAE AN Mrs, Wtophens was Miss Lonle Tho. mas oldest daughter of the - late 'Isane Thomus, who resided on corn. or of Bond and Mary stresis, Miss Molen Lucas entertained st i miscellaneous shower at her home Innt evening In honor of Miss Helen Greens a bride to be of Beptember, I'he brides chair wan tastefully de. corated in blue and white, the color scheme which was carried out in al) decorations for the oceasion, About twenty-five friends of the bride-to~ bowers present and Miss Greens was made the recipient of many useful and benutiful gifts, The evening wus spent in games and pinging and the guests loft for home after the serving of dainty refresh. ments by the hostess, GUIDE OFFICERS VISITING CAMPS Provincial Commissioner Is Enthusiastic Over Sum- mer Activities Toronto, Aug, 14,-<Glimpues of woveral beautiful nooks und corners in Ontario, wheres young girls under canvas ure having the hest of a Canadian Summer out-of-doors, were brought yesterday by Mrs, 0 Al Routledge, Ontario provinelsl commissioner of the Girl Guides, who with Mrs, Horace Parsons pro. vinelnl wecrotary, has been visiting a number of Gulde exmpn Mra, Routledge, who Is of Lon don, Ontario and who is at present the guest of her sister, Mra, W, E, Itobertson on Nose Park drive, wpoke enthusiastically last evening of the sucess of the Bummer ae tivities, On MHuturday she visited the. provincial camp at Button Wem on Lake Mimeos, where Culdes ure present from Oakville, Beaverton, Allandale, Barrie, Toronto, (ol Hngwood, Hi, Catharines, Orillia nd. Brantford, under the direction if Miss Laure DD, Wauklay There hout B60 girls are learning and aying In the Guide regime In a Inrge encampment with central mons tent In & wooded setting The Oshawa and Whithy distyiet [enmp nour Fenelon "alls wan visit od on Monday, Mrs, Gordon Rad oliffe of Oshawa Ix in charge there where Mra, Graham Thompson Is lender In wooderaft and Misn Brooks a Heouter from Niagara "alle, N.Y. In directing wooderaft Three groups (here call themaalves the Birches, the Kime and the Ce dars Miss Nrooks attendance at the camp In In accordance with a nystem of exchange novoss the line which han heen worked out hy the || nunociation 'K. OF C. ARE HOSTS TO CHILDREN OF ST. GREGORY'S CHURCH Members of Oshawa Counell Knights of Columbus played host yontorday to several hundred child. ren at Lakeview Park, Ahout eight hundred were in attendance at thelr annual plenie Including parents, Many visitors from Toronto, and Peterborough, Councils attended, also supreme director, Leo F, Cralg, Rioux Falls 8, D. was guest of the Joon! officers for the afternoon. Kyents of the day ranged from the mad scamper for loo cream, pop corn, horns and novelty hats to the varied forma of sports, which were praliminaries to the appetizing sup. per which the Indies had prepared for all, After supper twa inter. council ball games hrought the ples nie to a close all declaring It the best ever held hers, HOTEL GENOSHA Shoppe Coffee NOW OPEN! DELICIOUS FOOD WELL COOKED AND 'A DELIGHTFUL PLACE COURTEOUS ~ TO DINE BS A COMPLETE SERVICE ; WITH HOURS OPEN: 7 A.M.--SUNDAY 8 AM. Corner of King and Mary Streets. ATTENTION Eat for Pleasure And Vitamins, Too vs, % BY EDWINA NOLAN Director of Wome Bervice, General Electric Refrigeration Department MEALS must have appetite ap- peal, Otherwise they become monoto- nous and no amount of coaxing can induce the family to est with en- Joyment what does not appeal to the appetite, Eating for pleasure Is important and meals should have two things beside food valpe: variety and eye- appeal, There must be variety as to flavor, color and texture of the food served; and the food must be attractive to look at, Pleasure In osting is an ald to digestion, Here are a few ways in which variety and attractiveness may be added to » meal: ONE: Add interest to a menu of all soft foods by serving chilled celery, erisp lettuce salad, young tender radishes or cold slaw, TWO: Add variety to a bland meal by providing a sharp contrast in flavor ie tart currant or gooseber olly, or » eanape © some highly seasoned food, which can be kept in the electric refrig- orator ready to be prepared st a minute's notice, THREE: Add attractiveness, when most of the food is to be rather colorless, by choosing » bright vegetable, such as beets, to- matoes, carrots or greons, Or use garnishes of fresh parsley, green pepper rings, water cress or pl mento, These keep fresh and sviap with adequate refrigeration facil ties, FOUR: Make certain that food which should be cold is served cold, such as salad greens, molded salads, olatin desserts, fruit cocktails, rel shes---olives, celery, radishes, FIVE: Take special care in re- vamping leftovers that they do not resemble too closely the dish from which they originated, WR 22 Farmer Brown's Boy Finds the Clothespins By Thornton W. Burgess out In the barn Hut wis not to ha found rasenlt!" Ho He knows in stealing thoes wus getting in mischinf out of fuht | The one who does a thing forhidden In wisest when he keeps wall hid den, «dim Crow Farmer Brown's Boy looked first all about the house outside, Then all around the yard and finnll clothesping keeping WHAT ea id Yorf I/ WEARING Here's a splendid dress to fresh. on your mid-summer wardrobe for oither town or vacation, Tt in clear loaf green and white printed batiste, for amart folk ar now wearing cotton froeks almost oxclusively for daytime oceasionms It ts Individualized by a flaring shoulder cape with scalloped edge which shows lingerie nota In sheer white organdie piped In green tucks mark natural nip Horizontal waistline and oreate a Amari ped+«in effect, The pointed treatment of the ch oular skirt is quite unique and slim ming Style No, 8477 can be copled for a mere trifle, It takes hut 8 yards of A6+inoh banstiste with % yard of 32+inch organdde. It comen In mares 12, and 20 years, . Id; 16, 1% Printed dimity, linen, lawn, fine muslin, shantung, volle, pique and tub silks appropriate, Pattern price 20. cents in stamps or voln (coin preferred), He sure to All in sige of pattern, Address Pattern Department, Tho Bummer Fashion Magazine contalns mont interesting wtyles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darl ing styles for the kiddies, It Is 10 OBnts a copy. No, 8477. Sire EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEN EE) Nama DR RR RR DURE ER Address Stree! EERE EERE EERE Ofty Provinces Jim Crow "I'he binek muttared Farmer Brown's wall enough that he | Now, he's | Muppose he Las hidden those clothesping In his treasure house, | guess it's a good thing | know where that treasure house is," Now, what Farmer Brown's Boy enlied Jim Crow's "treasure house' was merely Jim Crow's hiding place for various things that he might plek up from time to time, Jim Crow, like most other Crows, had a fondness for pleking up and hiding wll sorts of small articles, wapecially such ag wove shiny, Thess things he hid up In a corner, of the haymow, Ha was always very secretive when hiding things, Ho would watch to wee that no one way looking, Wa never took anything there openly, Parmer Brown's Boy had discoversd Jim Crow's house quite by nccldent, Te did n't Jot Jim Crow know that he had discovered It, When some small object that was wanted proved tn be missing, Farmer Brown's Roy would visit that treasure house when Jim Crow was not about Usunlly, he found the missing article, Bo now, Varmer Brown's Boy had no doubt al all that he would find the missing clothping in that treasure house, "I'I have those clothespine for you inside of Ave minutes' he promised Mother Brown, and at once went up in the haymow Lo Jim Crow's treasure house, There he found just one eclothespin and that an old one that had heen there some time, "Wall, what do you know about this!" exclaimed Farmer Brown's Boy, "If that binek rascal really did take those clothespins, he must have put them in a new hiding place, and | have n't the remotest Iden where such a place may he" Parmer Brown's Boy want out into the yard and whistled a pecnl inr enll, TL was gue he always used to eall Jim Crow. A moment ater Jim Crow appeared on the ridge pole of the "barn. Then ha flew down tn tha shoulder of Parmer Nrown's Roy "Bo you harn, were Brown's Boy "Caw! replied Jim Crow might have meant anything "What have you dona with those clothespins?" demanded Varmer Brown's Boy "Caw! replied Jim Crow, and Farmer Brown's Boy was Just as wise as hefors "You ought to be shut up for nunishment," sald Farmer Brown's Roy ware out hehind the yon? suid Farmer which {to the Jim Crow, quite "Oaw"! sald un If he approved fa Farmer Brown's Boy went in house and got one of the faw romaining clothespine. 11 was u niles new one the sheets with it and then went hnek Into the house leaving Jim Crow ontslde. Then he pesped out the Xitchen window, Jim (row sat on a elothaspost It was plain (0 see that tha black scamp was watehing the house clossly, Present lv he flaw over to the clothesline, pulled nut the clothespin and away ha went around hehind the barn | Parmer Brown's Boy lost no time Ha raced across to the harn and [through the barn to where he could pask through a little window He wih Just In time to see Jim Crow fly away from the top of a straw stack out fn the barnyard, Farmar Nrown's Noy grinned He got a short Indder and climbed up to the top of tha straw stack, Brown's clothesping 1900 T, WW. Burgess) "Jim Crow Re Mother (Copyright The next story celves Visltors'" ------------------ NEW LUXURY Svdney, Australia New luxury will be introduced into the arid areas of Central Australia by the tourist camp which the Commonwealth Railways Department is about to establish there, Camps which will he 'moved avery day or two will he electrically lighted ; there will be portable show ers, radio receiving sets and portable gramuaphones, The catering, too, re ceived particular attention, lLxperi enced cooks will provide elaborate menus which would do credit to a first-class hotel, Lord Somers, Governor of Victoria, will take part in the first of the camps, each of which will occupy a fortnight During the fortnight 500 miles will he goversd, camp being changed each aay, A iesponsible railway official will accompany each party, and for short trips to more inaccessible points cam: ely and donkeys will he used, The whole scheme brings astonishment to the hardy ploneers who, like the ear- ly settlers of the Canadian west, never dreamed of radio and electric light ing, and depended on nature for their "showers." About 75 per cent of the total area of Denmark is under cultivation, sup- plylng_a livelihood to about M per cent of its population, He pinned one of | Thera in | a hollow In the straw were all of Unparalleled Value Giving Period Naturally this store is constantly anticipating the future, so that its service and mer chandise may always cope with the grow.h of this community, and changing con- ditions as they effect public taste and varying standards of living, But we are even more concerned in doing today's job wellein providing carefully selected merchandise for your choosing, i) serving you conscientiously, and adding to our long list of perfectly satisfied customers Take one glance at these items, then com: to the store and see the rest, PORCH FROCKS Ladies' beautiful Porch Frocks in a splendid range of new designs, Sizes 34 10 44. Un paralleled Value giving Period 08¢ Fach BEST QUALITY JAPANESE SILK FUJI All colors parelleled Value-giving Period Yard ,, Regularly sold at 59¢ yard, LU 39¢ SUMMER FROCKS In French flat crepes, pure spun silks, wash Crepes with hand-painted sizes in the lot Each iris ; : parelleled Value-giving Period, MOTOR RUGS designs Regular up to $14.95, Un« All $5.95 in all wool Plaids and large checks, A rug that would retail in the ordinary $3.50, Unparelleled Value-giv ing Period way at $2.59 32 in. WICKER FERN STANDS Regular price of this stand would he $1.95 ing period Unparalleled Vaue-giv $1 a SHE THOUGHT: "You'll never be lucky in loveuntilyouend'B.O."" Yel, to be polite, SHE SAID: "Your heart line shows many difficulties ahead." g "Luck" was always against him... until he ended "B.0." OMEONE else got the job he wantea, Someone else won the girl he ad mired, "Bad luck," he called it. But the veal reason was "'B.0."! One day a close friend told him what his fault was, and how to correct it, Today he is forging ahead in business a favorite socially, "B.0O,"==body odour ==no longer handicaps him, ee 0 Often we wonder why we don't succeed fastor--make friends easier, "BO." may be the unsuspected cause, For everyone perspires, Science de- clures that even on cool days pores give off a quart of odourcausing waste, Un. noticed by us, because 'we soon become accustomed to it, this ever-present odour Tu rich, ersamy, doublesdonse tubris HRI phaser Lind may he a constant annoyance to others, Don't take chances, Adopt the simple precaution of millions of particular men and women, Wash and bathe regularly with Lifebuoy. Ita gentle, creamy, antiseptic lather purifies pores so deeply that "B.0." completely vanishes, And how gloriously fresh=how satisfyingly clean you feel! Keeps complexions youthful Clogged pores stifle complexion beauty. Lifebuoy's soothing, otrating gently froes pores of lather purities~~makos dull skins bloom with healthy, youthful radiance, Its pleasant extra-olean scent that vanishes as you rinse==tells you Lifes buoy purifies, Adopt Lifebuoy today TILLIE THE TOILER---She's "Blind" To Some Things Pre A SECHESTRA LEADER, TILE AND DRINK ORANG I ADS Yau, ™ J: " -- Nong Foptmts Dondiare ow, THR way "ro YO LISTEN | DON'T LIK "HAY SONG « rT