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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1930, p. 8

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«+ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930. PAGE SEVEN BRAMPTON MOVES TO OSHAWA TODAY -- WHITBY BEAT O. M.L Geo. Sproule Will Not Play Today - Brampton Moves to Oshawa Today Geo. Sproule, Injured in Saturday's Game Will Not Be Able to Play Todsy -- Brampton Is Bringing Large Contingent of Sup- porters--Record Crowd Expected to Attend Game at Stadium Brampton, Aug, 15, = Nrumpton will "shut up shop" for Lucelslors' return game in Oshawa to-day and close to 1,000 fans will nccompany the team, Confidence is general that this is Brampton's year, and that to-morrow Excelslors will be reclaimed champions, . And if the seniors ean bring home the victory the town hopes to establish a pre- cedent in the records of the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association, for on their season's record the second and third twelve are right in line for the Intermediate and juniors honors of the association, The jun- fors are ns yet undefeated, while Harry Bproule's second string had no trouble ast night in defeating the lowly Paris twelve, registering thelr seventh victory, They com- mand the leadership and wlll con- Lest the group finals, Saturday's gamo cost Kxeelsiors Lhe loss of the veteran Bproule for to-Aay's game, Some years ago he sufferad an injury to his right knees and in the heat of battle Saturday when he threw himself against an Dhawan player to stop an apparent gonl, Sproule went down and had Lo retire, While it is Improving, he will not be able to play to-mor- row so the "hreaks" aro even |f Oshawa agoin field a team without their sterling defense player BI Conlter, Cora or Powell will take Sproule's ploca and the home will be re-organized, § The players are eonfident of set ting the Issue right In Oshawa, They have lost only one game on foreign fields this wenson although it was a decisive, heating that they took from Oshawa, The rooters are trying to make arrangements to take along the Peel and Dufferin Regiment Band and If Brampton is unnaturally quiet in the afternoon, there will be a great celebration in the avening if the Ontario honors eome this way Quest Wins Second Race- Evens Series Aug, 13 Bf a series of five races for the Rochester, ~The second Cup wan a groat disap- pointment to everybody, The This. he, the United States defender, broke her lower starboard spreader after only two minutes of racing. Poth boats were at the time on the starboard tack, Thisbe pounded terribly on a huge wave and Skip. per Barrows, looking up, saw his starboard spreader broken off elone. to the mast. This allowed his long, tapering mast to bend badly to leewurd and at once he easod hie sheets and hauled into the wind'and dropped his sall, Gooderham carried on and finished the race alone thus evening the werien giving each boat one first, The eourse consisted of a triangle with 2% miles to n leg, twies around, It was scheduled to start at noon, At exactly 11.45 am, with the sounding of a eannon, a white eylinder was hoisted on the starter's hont, ' The start was to weather, and the hots played up and down the line, At 11.55 a.m., the five-minute gun mseounded and wn blue eylinder was hoisted, The two skippers then began more care. fully to size up rival moves and taation, The wind was blowing about fit. teen miles an hour, somewhat ligh- ter than on Monday, but still fresh out of the northwest, The sea was perhaps a little more choppy, This time the boats were both carrying full canvas, and their sally looked beautiful. As far as appearance wa concerned Thishe's canvas was perfect, The hoats looked very much alike. Of course, the num= bers on their sails were different, but at a distance this in no guide, Both hulls were white with green bottoms and their sails were almost oxaotly alike, Canada's The New Zealand government has offered a substantial bonus to stimu. late and improve methods of produc: tion of a mative plant that ylelds a fibre simifar to flax. NEW MARTIN THURSDAY FRIDAY THAT FUNNY MAN BEN RUBIN IN "Sunny Skies FOX NEWS COMEDY RED HEADS LAST TIME TODAY THE GOLDEN CALF " | Gallant Fox's Rival Takes First Place in Famous Miller Stakes Saratoga Springs, N.Y, Aug, 13-- Whichone, Harry Payne Whitney' hope to defeat Gallant Vox in the Miller Stakes, which had its forty- first renewal at the Union Avenue course yesterday afternoon, Only two other three Jeat- «olds op~ posed the son of Chicle-Flying witch, Gone Away and Spinach, and beth were from William Ziegler Jr's barn, Hhey finished in that order, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE RED WINGS WIN Newark, NJ, Aug. 13=Three Ne- wark errors at critical stages of the contest gave the Rochester Red Wings the first game of the series lust night, In the first inning, Bobbie Barrett let Toporcer's bounder go through him with a double play in sight, and again in the ninth Bill Windle com mitted a pair of bobbles, with the result that the visitors tallied four runs to establish their margin of vic- tory Leafs Lose Another One Jersey City, Aug. 13=Johnny Allen who blanked the Leafs on each of the Jerseys' first two trips to Tor- onto, held them to ten widely scat tered hits here last night, and gained 4 06-3 victory in the opening game of the series, The Leats were woe- fully ineffective in the pinches leay ing 16 men stranded on the pathy, I'he contest was a rather weird one, the two clubs committing a tot- al of ten errors, of which the Jers seys were charged with seven, Allen pitched quite brilliantly throughout, petting as many strikeouts as he al« owed hits, Just before the start of the game the Jerseys announced that George Grant, right-hand pitcher, obtained from the Cleveland Indians a few years ago when "Lefty" Bhoffner went up in the majors, had been claimed. by Rochester on walvers, will more than likely join the league leading Red Wings in Newark to. morow, Dropping Far Behind Last nig defeat pushed the Leafs deeper into fourth place and further behind Montreal, which best. ed Reading to-day. Both clubs plased rather sloppily in the first Inning and each count od twice, Cote, who struck out, renched first on a passed ball, Rog- oll singled to centre sending Pete to third and he scored on Harris' single to right, Rogell took third when Selkirk booted the ball and counted ay Burke forced Harris, Kunesch batted ou an infield hit to Allen and when the latter threw wildly Burke tried to More but was out, Keesey to Schec- Jott BRAZIL AND CUBA INFAVOR OF PLAN Inform Briand That They Are Not Hostile to European Union Paris, Aug. 13,--Foreign Minis- ter Hiriand yestorday recolved the first direct reaction from un Ameri can republle to his memorandum concorning the formation of a fed. eration of European united states when Nragll and Cuba made known their approval. European countries had express. od the fear that nations not {nelud. od In the proposed "United States of Europe" would feel that Europe wan seeking to erect a disorimina- tory body. After receipt of the two replies the Foreign Ofce let it he known that the new world republics had expressed confidence that such 8 union would involve no hostile at. titude or action toward other con. tinents or groups of nations. The two republics' replies to the Briand questionnaire agreed that the proposed federation was pers footly compatible in its form and roposed function with normal re- ations' with other continents, FOURTEEN TRAPPED IN WINDSOR FIRE. Windsor, Aug. 18.~Four women were carried from the second and third floors of a rooming house at Park and Church Streets, Windsor yesterday, when a fire in the rear of the building cut off their es- cape. Ten men, similarly trapped, leaped from second-floor windows into safety nets. The women wore carried out by firemen on ladders, the front and rear stairways being blocked by fire, According to a British explorer the world's windiest spot is within the Anarctic cirele south of Australia, where the average wind speed re- corded over a 22 month perind was more than 44 miles an hour, United States Department of Agri cylture axperts have found that ches. tnut trees retain their tanning con tent, used in ansing leather, 25 or 30 years after they have been killed BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL, LEAGUE +. Club Won Lest PC, Rochester ,.vvvy 78 M24 Baltimore .. NTE] Montreal 482 Toronto Al) Newark ABS Buffalo . ABS Jorsoy City +...., M1 Aon Roading 4 A711 Tuesday's Scores Jorsoy City .., 6 Toronto. . Rochester ,.. 4 Newark , Montreal ,.. § MNeading . Baltimore .... 22 Buffalo .. AMERICAN LEAGUE , Club Won Lost Philadelphia 7 an Washington ,.., #4 4h New York ees, 47 Cleveland hs Detroit 11] Chicago (1 Bt, Louls vives mn Boston 14 ERE rc, "ee teeny Tuesday's Ncoves Philadelphia 9-7 Cleveland New York .... 6 Detroit . Washington ,,. 5 Chicago Boston ' 6 St. Louls NATIONAY LEAGUE Club Won Lost Chicago ..... LL] ii Prooklyn ...e00 68 4h New York e044 47 Bt, Louls ,.. he Pittsburg .. 1] Boston Cineinnat{ Philadelphia .. 1 78 hl hn A368 Tuesday's Scores sChicage ... 3 Brooklyn Bt. Louis .... 4 Boston , xPittsburg . 8-8 Philadelphia 7 3 x11 innings, xFirst game 14 innings Other clubs not scheduled Phillips Wins Over Chevrier ? Hamilton, Aug . 13. Another Iarge crowd turnad out on the se cond night of the Canadian hoxing championships at the Arena last night, and although only fourteon bouts were offered, eight less than on opening night, quality proved hotter than quantity, the fans wit nessing some clever milling. Some favorites fell by the wayside and others had closs calls. Especially is this true of Teddy Phillips, fav orite to capturs the 180-pound title, In to-night's affair the Toronto bat tier was called upon to meet Chev rier of Ottawa, and when the box ors went into the final round, the vordiot was very much in doubt, but Phillips proved the stronger and caught the eye of Wha judges. One favorite to fall was Joe Be. hisiek, husky from the Yort Wil Ham district, who was kayoed in the second round by Sammy Lou- gort, Toronto. Sixteen bouts ware down for de. cision, but this number way cut to fourteen when doctors refused to allow Floyd Winger, Cardston, Alta, to compete against Tony Pe. nick in the 147-pound class, and Colin Walls failed to make weight for Harold McLeod in the 126. pound classy, Winger boxed Mon. day night and suffered a badly eut oye which failed to heal properly, Mimico Puts | Weston Qut | Of Running Toronto, Aug ot 13,---At Ulster Btadium last evening in the sud. den-death encounter for the right to meet Fergus in the senior "B" playdowns, Mimico defeated Weston three gonls to one in ona of the finest played and cleanest tnetosse contests of the season, The specta« tors were brought to thelr feo throughout the evening by the. bril. Hant display of the two net guardians who pleked off what ap pearod impossible shots, while the defonco and attacking divisions als #0 hold the limelight in their ox- cellent display of the national pans time, The best of good feeling ox. isted throughout the game in which only three minor penalties were in flioted, two to Weaton and one to Mimieco, "Sandy" Ryding was the first marksman scoring for Mimico about half-way through the initial quar- tor and while Weston were in close on several ocoasions thelr efforts wont fruitless, In the second per. lod the boys from the Humber re- glon pulled themselves together and after a nice combination at. tack Scott got the esualizor, No further scoring resulted before the half-time gong wounded a much. PORT SNAPSHOT A By Guo, Caxcremz, Sports Nditer Ophawa Congregates at the Stadium Today The Motor City Stadium will be a very erowded place at about 4.15 p.m. this afternoon, The second game of the Ontario Senior lacrosse finals is causing more interest locally perhaps than was created in either of the two previous seasons, Every lacrosse fan and the city and many other sports fans, who up until now have not taken a great deal of interest in the National Game, all are discussing the probable out. come of the game this afternoon, The Oshawa Sry, must win today or hang up their lacrosse uniforms for another season, Tt will be 4 real game and the winning team will hive earned the victory. If you just cannot get to the Stadium to see the game, phone 35 for the, results, Ld ad » Geo. Sproule Will Not Play Today Geo, Sproule, the clever goulsscorer for the Brampton 1 will not be able to play in the game this afternoon, according to tl reports from Brampton, He received a bad wrench to hiy knee, which has been injured before, the game Saturday and although the injury is improving he. will not be ready for today, It is not yet known (10.30 a.m.) whether Bill Coulter will be able to play this if he does not take the field, the teams will be than they were on Saturday in Brampton » » " Whitby Rovers Defeat Malleables The Whitby Rovers did not have to play a championship brand of hall to beat the OM.1. team last night but they were quick to take ad. vantage of all opportunities and they deserved their victor The Mal leables turned in a very mediocre performance and although they were at the of the fifth inning, they seldom looked as good as the final M Rovers xeelsiors, mn on afternoon hit on more even terms Ld end and while leading the home found wanting, decision were to 7 alleables 12 team in drive for runs the the take a finished strong, to * a ' " Big Soccer Game Tomorrow Night I'he soccer fans of the city will all be Alexandra Park night to see the second game between the Oshawa City and the The N and look good to City are determined to overcome the lead. Both teams will be strength battle should result, The following Park not later than Grant, Lobbau, A'Hearn, Rat. team are ut tomorow Oshawa Nats, have a two-goal lead vite the round -but the at full and a real g players of the Oshawa City team are to report at the 0.30 pm, tomorrow Pollock, Fullerton, Dunstall, Cuncliff, Gilbert, Nichols, cliff Ihe Nationals report at ats, ood night, Shields, Cary, members the 600 pm, where Park will be Stureh, Brown, of Smart, te the following Oshawa the dress for Davidson, Lrodie, Fair will Smith, Stadium at they supplied Muir, I'ransportation to the McLean, Coll, Hurst, Grant Kame Boyd, ley, Simpron, Cow, and McGregor " ' Times va. Textiles Tomorrow Night The Times and the Textiles clash in the second game of the playoffs tomorrow night at the Motor City and there should be a good crowd on hand to see this game Textiles had a tough time Monday night 1ffair tomorr should Fapie, » * Stadium The \ and the defeating the Newsies on he even more interestin + A Challenge to Horseshoe Pitchers I'he following piece of information should be of interest to all mem bers of the General Motors Quoit and Horseshoe Pitching Club, Norm, Mallett and Jim McCullough, two employees of the firm of Hogg and Lytle think that they any other two Horseshoe Pitchers in the city have Ld » Ld can defeat and so these two ambitious "tossers" issued an open chal Any two persons wishing te accept this challenge may Mallett, J. McCullough, or Geo. Camphell, » » Ld . Oshawa Shamrocks Go to Campbellford The Oshawa Shamrocks, local intermediate lacrosse team, is scheduled to play their last scheduled group game in Campheliford today. 'The Shamrocks have vet to lose a group game and they intend to keep their record intact if it is at all possible, » LJ lenge, notify Norm, ington Natio "4H deciated the Wo of the fastest-played contests of the eason Lyons issuing that ATHLETICS WIN and Bill: Shores header yesterday pitching the world's champion his against n the Mack assault on Shoffner in the my out neoded resting space, SENATORS NO3% oul vo. | FIND AGED MAN IN Washingt Aug, 13- The Sox 5 to 4 yesterday in the first on Only one pass was given, PAIR EASILY Aug. 13-+Mose Grove tamed the Cleveland of a double- After Wandering From Home Philadelphia, Indians in both ends Poterbore', Aug. 13, «After hay ing been lost since four o'clock Monday afternoon, James Cadigan, nged farmor of 'Knnismore Towns ship, was found yosterday sitting on a tree stump in the midst of n thick growth of underbrush, His dog which had kept the vigil through the chilly night with him, still maintained his wateh, and mado it difficult for the successful wonrchory to approach, Mr, Cadi. gan, who ig little the worse for his 24 hours' oxposure and lack of food during that time according to relatives, is. nevertheless confined to hls bed, Ho is 79 years of age, and enjoys fairly good health, Leaving at four o'clock, he failed te return home, causing sternation in Kunismore Township, Nolghbors assisted in a geurech. A party of about 756 split inte small groups, keeping up the search all night. Athletics to victory by sescores of 9 to 1 and 7 to 0. Grove, in winning the first game, turned in cighteenth triumph of the year four defeats Stimmons, with two singles and run with two on base, lei Al home first game, In the second game, Jime- Dyke's double with three on in the fourth inning, removed the tens sion of a close contest RED SOX WIN IN NINTH Aug. 13-DBob Reeves's single with the bases full and two in the ninth inning yesterday scored the run which gave Boston a 5 to 4 victory over St, Louis in the first game of a series between the teams The Browns were shut out for seven Innings, by Gastons but got going In the eighth to score three runs and then in the ninth they man- aged to push across a tying run. Boston, PETERBORO BUSH J NATIONAL LEAGUE 4 seventh inning to go in front 6 tn | Betty Nuthall Is CUBS TAKE HOBINS Chicago, Aug, 13. ~~Bherlff ¥Vred Blake and his posse of bristling Cubs, corralled the Brooklyn Ro- bins, § to 2, after 11 funings of spectecylar buscball yesterduiy and hoisted themselves into a full game lead in the National League pen- nant fight, Lightning double plays, great pit- ching in the pinches by Blake and his mound rival, Dazzy Vance and close decisions, kept the large throng on its feet from start to finish, PIRATES WIN DOUBLEHEADER Pittsburgh, Aug. 15, ~Heuvy clubbing by the Pittsburgh Pirates carried them to. victory over the Philadelphia Nationals in a double. hender here yestorday £ lo 7 and 8 to J. The first game went 14 funings with the Phillies forging in front in thelr half of the fourteenth and the Pirates rallying for two runs on [, Waner's triple, P. Waner's double and Traynor's single. The Phillles counted five times in the 6 but a Pirate run in the eighth forced the gume into extra innings, CARDINALS BUNCH HITS Bt. Louis Aug. 13.-The 81. Louis Cardinals pounded thelr old team- mate Wee Willis Bherdel for eight bunched hits to win the opening game of the series from the Nos ton Braves here yesterday 4 to ? Jim Lindsey allowing ten seattered hits and only one walk Walking did the heavy stick work for the Cards, getting four hits in as many tripw to the plate weeounting for three of the 8 Louls rung, Former Allan Cup Hockey Star Meets Death by Electrocution -- Port Arthur, Ang 13 hockey wing star in Allan Cup ho play, George Traer, 30, was el ectrocued yesterday, While at his work as a lineman for the Public Utilities Commission of Port Arthur, I'raer came into contact with a wire which fellow workers said sent 22 000 volts through his body. He shud. dered, then fell to the rocks 40 feet below him, He sustained a fractured skull and broken arms, but it is be lieved he did instantly from the el ectric One-time key fianl shock Picked to Win | U.S. Singles Title New York, Aw 13 A ute attempt failed yesterday to add Helen Jacobs, second ranking femin. ine tennis star of the United States to the list of contestants in next week's national women's singles championship at Forest Hills, A transcontinental telephone call brought the information that contin ued ill health makes the trip impos sible This development, the surprising withdrawal of the champion, Mrs. Helen Wills Moody last night, left Betty Nuthall, 19 vear-old English star in the position of favorite as the official draw made at the offices of the United States Lawn Tennis Asociation na min combined with was considerable con. | | James Cadigan Lost for Day | One hundred and fifty piglons from lofts in Oshawa took part in the rade on Saturday last from Puslineh, Ontario, an air line dis. tances of 71 milex Considering this was only the second race these 1000 hatched birds have taken part in, the race was close and fast. A bird from the loft of Mr, Whitely being tho winner, The following is the result of the race with the positions taken by each loft and the yards per min ute flown by the birds. 1 V. Whiteley ........ 2 Bramloy Bros, .. 3 V. Whiteley 4 Bramley Bros, BW, Cowle ,.....v.00 6 MN, Arkwright 7 C, Sparrow 8 C. Bparrow ,.... 9 J. Askew ,. 10 J. AsKOW ...u4o 11 R, Arkwright ....... The next race will be flown from Drumbo, Ontario, a distance of Prarie EERE ER 06 miles, Whitby Rovers Defeat O.M.L in Loose Game 12-7 Olympic Track Star Receives 13 Spades A Ney Oly lau wit Jac apartment ceived 13 spades Mi course, mpie rel la h his k Ma 1 I ours, HONEST EMPLOYEES NEED HAVE NO FEAR, SAUVE DECLARED Only Those in Post Offices, Ottawn fal statement Insund late cla arn mii me Ag 1ve, red 1 nomy" inter nt York, a grand slam in One Bridge Hand Aug. 13 track star, st night wife and ckie, golfers Tewlett Ray Barbuti gained a Playing bridge Helen Hicks and at the Barbuti LL, he re in a hand dealth by He registered, of with 100 hou ey in ficks ents of Party Will Be Dismissed Aug. 13 Hon. Arthur Postmaster-General In yesterday de hat fumntien, honesty and would be his policy in ad the Post OMce Departs n ng The toxt of the statement of the Postmaster-General reads in part "Justice, ment shall ha respected tions he | ation " sh honesty, economy such my polley in the admin of the Postoifice Depart The law which governs us and the regula he observed with the all greatest discrstion, "Racial, fanaticism shall never pres I shall them ax the IT] ies out reserve, understood thelr duty wer have impartially due to the Ir aceradited e nothing to fear the hay shall tha latter and those who have nr political all with consider enem religious continue to most-dangeron of the country, "The vance m stituted agents of thelr party or the earriers of los and Infamous ealumniaes employees who have, with. conformed to the Inw in their ob fmpartiality and who shown the respect, political authorities or reprosentatives from me, 1 distinction hetween of nke na con tha themaolves netive SNOW STORM ENDS AFRICAN DROUGHT Capetown, South violent end Aug. 11, came to In many South Arica Africa's drought yostorday, purts of the Union there wore gales of per ad wind, ty wa and rain and even 'snow, Pro. 8 damaged, trae disloonts mails delayed, while vast none battering {ire fishing fleet noay Capetown were responsible for the loss of 15 lives, T0 BRIGHTEN UP AUTO LICENSES Ontario Markers To Be In Black on Old Gold Toronto, Next Year Aug. 13 After the for mal black and white of this year's liconss markers, will he Introduced in 1931 to Ontario motorists nome- thing a little jazzier, The 1 old gold background, ns Quobec's There will be stor Outside mn of will be black on Just the same markers this year, no change in the sy- letters and numbers, the color change, ettering the only variation from this year's mar. kers will ba that provineo and the "On top of the marker, the bottom nt it, 14 the name of the year it will road 131" "will appear at tho This year it ig and traffic officers claim that it interferes with the le. gibility of the marker's The holt holes too, will be at the top. Baltimore, \ number, ORIOLES SWAMP BISONS Aug. 13~The Orioles swamped the Buffalo Bisons with un ava the lanehe ing game of the day. chalked up a 22 to 4 victory, Th batt of base hits in the open- series here vesters aided by 26 blows, Among homers by e Flock, ing feats were Sands, Hawk, Mueller, Gill with two and Joe Hauser with one, to bring Whitby Rovers Practically Clinch Leadership of Sec. ond Half by Defeating Malleables in Loose, But Exciting Game -- Errors Are Plentiful But Whithy Plays the Better Brand of Ball Urged on hy a large crowd of enthusiastic supporters, the Whithy Rovary handed out a heating to the oM1 fast night at Whithy Town by a me of 12 to7, At the end of the fifth inning, the seore way 7 to h in favor of the Malleables but then the home team tightened up In their defer sive play and speeded up in their offensive Slowly but steadily they forged to the front They tied the games up In the sixth and peored again the oventh ta take the lead They clinched the verdict in the eighth inning when three hits and Muallenble ere rors allowed them to grab off four more tallle Meanwhile the OM, I, team was held completely off the sheet Malleables have only theme to thank for thelr defeat outhit the Whithy team by 10 t they had a total of arror while Whithy had eight The Malloable batters did not use the st of Judgment when had runners on the bases and several fine chances to advance base runners wore lost when the hatter popped out an easy fly The Rovers were right on their foas and took full advantage of alf their opponent's weak points, Thoy bases daringly but with sue cons and they hunted the Mallee nble hurler into submission, M Bhoeridan was In fine form and pitched a very nice game for the winners, She did not issue a single free pans to first base She had only one strikeout but she kept! the Malleables' hits scattered, EA Pipher, the loging hurler, had geven' strikeouts hut walked four batters, Her support wag not good and her teammates fell down at the times when ghe needed their assistancs mont M. Spencer was Lhe leading hit ter for the Malleables while J. Wil son showed the way to her Whithy teammates, Hoth had three safe hits, M. Forrester, M, Blow, I. McDonald, M. Kay and ID. Murphy oech had two sufoties, The teams Whitby Rovers--M, Sheridan, p.; H, Allaway, rf.; M, Forrester, ss. J. Willson, 3b; B. Long, cf.; BE, Watson, If.; M, Blow, 1b,; G. New« man, c.; 1, Watson, 2bh.; and A, McBride, rf OM. 1,.-M, Spencer, cf.: I, Donald, 2bh.; 1, McDonald, 2b.; Kay, su, H, McLean, 1b. 1 her, p.; D. Attersley, ¢.; H. ald, If; and D, Murphy, rf. Neore by innings: 0 M1 201 Whitby Rovers 031 Umpires, W, Fair feam Par) ore In two weore The selves They 12 to twelve hu he they ran Moe M, Pipe MecDone 220 000 7 102 14x13 and C, Dell, KEYS MADE fix ERRORS Reading, Aug, ~Montreal won the first of the series from Reading, 5 to 2, here yesterday, Leroy Her mann, Reading righthander, had the better of the argument with Marty Griffin, Montreal. twirler, but lus wildness and the erratic fielding of his mates lost the decision for him, BABE RUTH PLAYS HERO New York, Aug. 13~Babe Ruth twice played the hero role yesterday as the Yankees opened their series with Detroit by pulling out a 6 to § victory from a close duel between Fd Wells and Waite Hoyt, In the third inning, the Babe ham« hered ont his forty-third home rum of the scason, with Reese on base, to climax a four-run rally and give the Yanks a good lead. In the ninth after Charley Gehringer's home run had tied the count, Ruth came through with a single with tivo on to drive in the winning tally. Two men were out and there were two strikes on the Babe when he broke up the game. The home run put Ruth eight games and 19 days ahead of his 1927 record The Un it od Si hase States Bureau of Stundards has developed a device to measure the wave lengths of radio brondonsts with an exactness of bets ter than one part in a million, ilor-made its Ta | Sa Scotland Woollen Mills 8, ROTINH, Manager BRINGING UP FATHER OVER TO PLAY SOME MINATURE GOLF: DADDY! WHO \§ THIS COUNT DE STROKES? NO! | DON'T WAN'T TO PLAY ANY MINIATURE GOLF WITH Hind OR ANY ONE ELSE. GOOD: BYE: will You NO: AN DONT MEN TION MINIATOR & To f hing, SY / ape. A A IN = 0 a YES: \F ANY GU IN A GOLF SOF OR, LOOKS LIKE Wy ov Gon! THINK | GEE A GUY IN A GOLF SUIT ON THAT BOAT: KIN IT BE POEDBLE THEY WIN PLAY IN "THE WATER?

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