- RARE Pa" 4 PAGE TEN J THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 | Mr, nnd Mrs, J, H, Perry and son | wi ' . are with friends nesr Bela, Mugko- | | t 4 . ka, this week, ON RELATIVITY 7 " Id 0 @ ; ost 4 ' Misy Kathryn Thompson Jas ve. | i urned from a pleasant holiday at | w . "a Hi : --- ! : ERTL {fasta House, Port. Sydney, Musko- | oA Foaming Silvery Brew ns Ha . 4 * * wy / Mrs, Harry Hamilt and 4 pe ) , Toronto Man Has Delved In : : Tina a : R | enitdren, of Sault Ste, Maria, aye | HAT'S the new drink . , , O'Keefe's to Philosophy Since 0 hd, Yisiting vith Mr, und. Mrs, F, H, M, STONE GINGER, In its foaming, bie : ; rwin, at "Inve ' a Boy or of --- 2 4 it ~ bse Tl Panton and | silvery stream is all the deliciousness . + + / i little wong, Donald and Bobby, are all the racy vigour and sweetness , , , that Ll] a a y i «/ spending a holiday at Limberlost of ; 8ST A wera lier deieing Joke. phil ' ' Dada, Xo Ana. Aad laans. -i : : Lodge, near Huntsville, Muskoks, | one associates with the words : STONE ry arly age, W, Donald Mitchell, i 4 Miss Ella Richardson 'has been GINGER, O'Keefe's now make it from under the nom de plume of "Logus dons . : Sassen - - 7 appointed by the Mothers' Allowance a treasured English recipe, Philotus", has published "The Great 4 4 / - X y Sommission, ot Trane, yo mem- A if Relativity," 7 5 er of the loen others' owance i FRE Word hr Mitchell, who was ; Neal aX - si ' board of South Ontario, and will ret Ask Jor it at fountainy, or better ill, gos born in Pembroke, Ont, of Sgoteh y : us Becretary, ; 8 12 bottle carton from your dealer paremtage claims to reveal tha "the " a ve mg oh # Kenneth Beamish, of Osh. Earth does not weigh so much ag one ' wa, 10 has been in any Of ounce, that matter is weightless" and { bY ol. pital Jor {routmant, has been con 9 [1] gives a new definition of weight and HII GRO, BADGEROW valeseing nt the home of her mother, KEEFE S 0 0 e force of energy, [ ' rs, Wm, % ¢ also of the force of energy, H : uote aries Bt. Tandon, piysis M 1, Brown, Brock Bt, South, claims to reverse Newton's equation ; Mr, and Mrs, J. J, O'Connor, of of attraction, and. Einstein's space clan, native Canadian, and gradu. Whitby, announce the engagement time-energy theory, Ie gives other 2 Jean te of the Xiuivaraity of Toronto; of their daughter, Kathleen Mary, to concepts of philosophy in axiomatic |g, Keroll Boyd, co-pilot of fhe "on on WHO Ji Vowsinke his native couns | Mr. John Norman Coffey, youngest form, chief of which seems to be his Bellanen monoplane Columbia, iy. ape eyes of medical Sonenrch gon of Mr, and Mrs, Junmes Coffey, statement that, "Knowledge or intel on the vound trip, New York to workers ave turned toward Can- | Toyonto, the marrisge to take place ligenee is the relative, transient, per Bermuda, plans a solo flight nda, He is at present staying at | the end of the month, sonal and material reflex from ob- | grom New York to London as Toronto, Migs Helitha Vanstone was host~ O'KEEFE'S BIVERAGES LIMITED i : 8 3 8 ay ol , re jects und elements of external realit soon ns weather permits, He Bl eerie | #58 AL 8 Aatware shower on Friday wi partially retained in memory--in or intends to demonstrate a new evening, Aug, Bth, given in honor > + alse manufacturers of on the negative plates or cells of the simplified system of navigation {couple wish for them a happy and | of Miss Helen Greene, whose marri- in y prosperous married life, age tokes place in Beptember, The brain | his remarkable worl AM expects to cover (he Boon | ------ . room decorations were of apple | Lhe author ai this yemiarkabié wor miles within 30 hours, { he . y RO a er 4 believes himself to have made the ATKINBONCARLAW green and hellotrope streamers an | most remarkable discoveries in res | pee ------------ A nuiet wedding took place at St, | many pieces of beautiful Deauville : cent generations, and thereby set a those who are called to the remote patirws Hanae Tan with iy gy ta pig le 2 ildete | J: W. Murphy Co'y, Ltd, new standard for philosophy, eta Dae BiG oF ORANGE ing last, when Edna ithelmine | be out 25 gi ands were pres- | bal physics, p rary ar i thus also [Outposts The full detalls ot the | "Two QUALITIES -m Neo ase % WE | Carlaw was united in marriage to | ent, The evening was spent in con Distributors LAW education, - *It promises to affect the |2eheme, have still to he worked | ney - ERR Thomas Moody Atkinson, sn well | tests und music and dainty refresh --_ -- entire scientific thought of the age," oe Lord I 1d ] [known citizen of Whithy, The yal. ments were served | Pr P. " y decla n en LOC 'agslield announced | din ceremony was performed Vy . he sis. Jakes o "| bout he | the gift at a dinner to Colonial Of- | |e, John Ligls Ws of Bt, An- | ---------------- : : : { . fice representatives In London he | 's Presby C} } wile full of groceries, silk linge delighted to receive, either personal ) 8 ! | dre Ww Pr. resbyteria® Church, | 4 g Iv or otherwise, any criticism for or ald On behalf of The Government reat TOW tten e e mbrellng, blankets, sweaters, hrl against any statement, axiom or de- | I propose to accept tho gift and to . ; , KT, WHITBY WOLF CUB CAMP : : stunning in 1 . Xpress to | ghness thelr ap red TB ie p ' Ata . ves the Wolf ' . wimp | I , do i ) finition, appearing herein, for the expre to his h fod . ' | \fter many adventures th . : ie . rit of progress is formed in etiticism preciation and gratitude I'he | 4 ! | Cubs returned, more or less un egiuon an [1 ren S an articles ealeulnted to he popular laial i n y a 3 Y 3 NEN and unbiased investigation Rajah, It was explained, wished the | 1 damaged from their second annual tha erowd he refreshment hon gift to be applied to some worthy | ; ( y last B jay, Some of tha h did n splendid business, und, on 1) RAJAH GENEROU object In the colonial empire, and | " y } Poi a! CI Cay anh ine old Str eet Fair ) Last Nig t v 7 le, ble gid bi i Mogi HTT ) | It was after considering various | i | campaigners and after seeing them ry vesedn to feel that complete suggostions {hat the Rajah had de- » . eat # "kabob," it is diMecult to im ueiess was attending thely effort cided that $525,000 should go tol R agine them in any other environ from traffic, and willing workers be The od od henafit the children of civil servants | 4 \ ' | 18 : a a 'y ? | : 2 bilge for the parads Sudby hand | ov " ment than the great outdoors Thousands of People Congre- gan the fing! preparations for the! given out shortly sfter the paride ! ¥ i the colonies or «of ' We started off Monday morning { fa | There were booths of varied | ended and the resulta of the judg The Rajah 1s an Englishman, Sir | " X .in spite of tha threatening slorm gated Around Stands in types, all calenlated 10 tempt the | committee composed of Capt, 1h Charles Vyner Iirooke, who rules | ' 4 and hy noon tents were pitched and dimes and quarters out of the pockets | VY, 1. Moore, Mrs, Albert Jackson fers $450,000 to British Dyer 5 Bn spare | A be | our camp life had started, T won; the Centre of the Town of those willing to "take n chance" | and Mi Fd, Bowman, Most dilag . y es wi ap f if over L hs day was a mixture of work an und hen the crowd begin to es | idated cur Hm" Humphrey; best Government to Use in an million natives--Dyaks and Ma | i ) trips to the swimming hole until and Gave Generous Pat. nad jhe verything was in readine single clovin=-Charles King best Education lays and Siler jormer hondshuming | nv, 4 & k after supper when we had a treas ronage lo the Many At. Throughout the whole evening twin elowns--the Blair Brothe Jihats Bre ks % nA | " i f i 4 ure hunt Fach of the threes '"Bix- t ti Off d L Ti FUPBIng mags of humanity gathered | best decorated bieyele--Master Arm --r-- nes Yoks, who In 1830 was X es' arrived at the vital spot at the ractions ered 10 1Hem | , ound the booths, and the people | tage; hest decorated doll earringe dingapore,--- The Rajah of Sara. made ruler of Rardwal by the Sul. . 0 game time but the "White Six N were tora than liberal with their | 1 t, Migs Huntley! second, Miss H wak, the English ruler of a state [ton of Borneo in gratude for hin was the quickest in Anally unearth Whithy made mer Inst night in] patronage The Citizens hand, fli | Michue thivd, Dorothy Combe in Bornco, has offered (he British SppH lo) of n rabellion among | ing the tréasure. Wednesday was | © magnificent gtyl From the time] tioned on a platforim®on Broek Styest | At eleven-hivty the draw for ihe Government the sum of $450,000 fu | the matives, Fhe pre ent ruler sue. | | | Viettors' Day and {t was gratifying | the grand parade started from the] North, kept things lively with the big prizes of the "alr was made bh recognition of the. friendly reli ae ae d his fathe r, Bit Charles, Sr F 4 to the Cubs that so many parents | town hall at eight o'clock until the} musle, while the veices of those in| Jaroes Palmer, blind war veteran of tions between Sarawak and the | 1017 Ho Is married to the Hon \ / 3 " and friends tonk such an interest | lust straggler had wended his way | charge of the booth added their! Whith The winners of the prizes Government } Brett, daughter of Viscount ¥ J in the Camp, During the afternoon | home, the area around the four cor | quota to the noise of the aceasion | were ns follows--Vietor Radio, Noi Most of tha money will probably d : / and evening many games were play- | ners wae a scene of gaiety and mer | with bells, voices and other noise | man Gillespie, of Whithy: dining he nsed for a fund to asslet In the --- Y ; A Jar y ed Including enother Treasure | riment as the Street aly of the Cit making appliances | room suite, Peter Goliniek of To education of colonial civil ger. | \ ' ' is? g Hunt which took the form of a! zens' Band and the Canadian Legion Ny all appearance the ponte; five tons of eon), Hilda 1.ee vants' children, The fund will he ROAD ROLLER USING { i old | number of clues which had to be | was a splendid success, . The crowd | Fair was destined to be a success ih] of Whithy: si "plot 0 brenkfant se! ndministered by trustees who will { figured oni and followed up In | which attended was far heyond eo every t | , y B he \ . , ' ( eyo X purticuln I'he goods on the | HI, Watts, Mary street, Whithy he nominated by the Rajah and b DIESEL ENGINE IS 8 old 3 | Sew the "Ned Fix" were the win. | pectations, and everyone was flled | hooths were being handed out us| noaddition a ten dollar gold pleee the English Secretary of State, Aes NOW IN SERVICE ¢ * Lin ners | with the carnival spirit as the spiel | fast as they eould he handled, und | was glven (no ench amd every prize cording to an announcer ent from # | | 1} i bo ; | On Thursday we set ont for ad ers did thelr best th attract the at-| lucky winners were earvying home | winner who eame forward ni tha Colonial OfMen In London, the Brackvile oc Wh 8 aria "a yi ing ¥ i | venture on an all-day hike, After | tention of the crowd to the various! sueh articles as aides of hucon, hams, | claimed his prize at the draw " * ( Of roe ') n 4] ' i income will ho used in the educa rou vi db wi n : | n couple of games to help us arrive | tion of children whose parent nears announces experiments to test fat pur destination, we set about pre jess gin ii dig | paring our dinner, which consisted serve the Empire abroad, und spe the use of Diesel engines In motor cial consideration will be given [cars and aeroplanes, this Canadian municipality isn putting them ! A | of individual '"kahobs "Kahobs'! | qa ---- es practical = use for lot omotion Jr 3 ¥ rg consists of a heterogeneous mixturs land j | 4 [4 J f of vegetables, fruits and meals, # , MM ( tirat A [ : A i d intermingled and baked (smoked { | | e yr 'S Iirst of its kind in the Domin. ) fo 4 4 3 a V on a green stick over a wood fire worm 00 Jandy ha far at winding on. } They looked fine when wa saw the of Diesel road rolls rr i8 now In ervi . ; 4 i . : picture of them in a book but after ge 7 y nervic { od | owd © S on the elty street g " wr ¥ ' g preparing them ourselves, we feel ne » LI, p . " safe 5a i . t The equipment received a civie | re ceproduced fnterests | Burns Although Mr, McCrimmon Ate In BAVInK that things are no | Here is veprodueed an Inter nn though ' what they seem and, moreover . IN roe are Kng- \ Contain No Narcotics Joception. on dbl al from ng ing sketoh of Crown Attorney Ans jg mu years old, he is down to his | (hat we have never tasted anything rv { } { ey wren BL a reatlons: pe ian, . | ma gus McOrimmon of st, Thomas office every morning sharp at ® | like them hefare' After dinney we PERSONAL ui " Alderman Hall, chalrman of the it indicates the ro g , Ont,, who ix recently veturned to * ottled down to tell stories and rest Uttlamne's stren; oh Is bein works committee, atche o'clock, and declaves that he feels RY bu ited, * Miers Worm operation : It weighs ty A hed " in| his duties after a lengthy visit (0 he nadt n but were interrupted by bovine, vis SE ICE : 8 4 ON8 | soones immortalized by Robert | (WERLY YeATS YOUNKOr: ov vo + | {tors who looked on us with an and can po 13 days withaut refue A in 8 : ut rotuel. thing but friendly intent We de an Co. Ltd, British made, its arrival 1s one of roses and lily of the valley, The olded on a dignified retreat, di It Is Customary With Us { eretion being the better part of | pci and Bs the lg the to offer each week values that really lead, Efficient mansyewsnis we 3} is not respons ! & Means more croared Empire trade . . Mirs Lucille Leask, who was dressed farnoon beside the creek launch- | sible for this, The desire (o serve you with your everyday needs at a sn we SARS [] eek in Whith un blue georgette crepe with picture | HH H 1 h 1 litel 2 x to us than merely getting your dollar, That's why every member of this organization in hut and shoes to match, and car. | INE battleships and lifeboats, manu trained to buy and sell efficiently and economionlly in order that we may offer vou, week ried a bouquet of roses, The groom | factured by the Cubs, We return in and week out, values that really lead==in merchandise and in courteous service, wan attended hy Mr, Lloyd Mors | ©1 somewhat earlier than we had wermmmmneee | COMBE, of Whithy, and the ushers intended hat all felt satisfied that were Lorne Kemp, of Whitby, and | We had found the adventure we Date Core Weddin S 8 Alger, of Oshawa sought 8 : officiating clergyman was Friday morning was spent li pre : ; J ey ; . Ne. 8 | av, Av li Rie hards, TR 1) , usalsted | paring and rehearsing our pro. | ello Pineappl Tin 23 | Lo Fi oe Ric Northrop & I. Dept. E, W,, Toronto the early tnngible evidences of In hide attendant was hour. pister, 5 x 3 i Can calle n, principal of | gramme for the Council Fire, at ROWE~LEASK y Ontario Ladies' Colle swe, Whitby, | which the 'Scouts were to be our | Try It With Rice~Cold | Whithy, on Thursday afternoon, Au For 'Quick Suds In the Tabernacle United Church, Mr. R {ding march and during the signing | rain, this show, fortunately or un | gust Tth, a very pretty wedding was | of the register Mrs, 8 R Alger, of | fortunately was never presented in | e ' solemnized when Miss Kathleen Eu-| Oghawa, sang "My World." Tall. However. the 'Beouts arrived pso page, 18 gene Leask, AT.CM., daughter of | = After' the ceremony the ha py | from Whitby at 7.156 to witness «a Mrs, W, H, Leask, of Port Perry, couple left on a motor trip to Mus- | fire-lighting contest (thank good. hecame the bride of Mr, Vernon koka Lakes and on their return will | ness we can trust the Scouts to Extra Value This Week Pearl~White Naphtha Kemp Rowe, only son of Councillor | yegide on Byron Street South, Whit. Keep their mouths shut), In fale A and Mrs, F, T. Rowe, of Whithy. | hy, The bride has heen a member of [ A delightful phen of the choicest Cevien and BE I | 'FE \ i i i 4 to ourselves we want to point elightiu Par The hride w iven in marriage hy ari jos' C | 8A Asham tea, Picked at the moment ef perfection, ATE e R, ) as given AEC DY {the Ontario Ladies' College staff for | que tliat this was our first attempt, Refreshing and MFEnghening, her brother, Mr, Roy Leask, and |gome time, and also organist of the f 3 hen too, we only had three ------ i ---------------- wore a beige crepe ensemble, with | United Church, The groom is one of and 1 Y , 1-1b Vol . SL bh B a RT hat and shoes to match, and carried | Whithy's best know: large boxes of matches with us 1-lb, anil Brunswi Kk : BRIGHT ER REAKF AS1 a shower bouquet of aweetheart' The iy y Fh of ine, Jog After 108 Rainey of dodge-ball and Pkg. Pkg. e . . v : two eross-country relay races, we Sardines vin "8 . . ------ - -- 3 d meee | adjourned to our Council Fire, Ry , The better the breakfast, the brighter #0 Hin ps several Additional via. : BY I lend Wikis Lemon . | ors had arrived, and we commence the day. Don't fog the brain and clo our programme. After a few songs Neaties Evaboraind Horns Lemon or Orange h bod b p h " di # ------- R- { we presented our interpretation of é Milk 2 a 25¢ Victory~Banquet Queen Drinks ©. 28¢ the y by eating a heavy, indigest- . : a Spanish Bullfight, which ended a ible breakfast. Brighten the day by eat. olf ISLBTE| | { | ironing overs. os and parting in | § |@ BY De O i IVES ~ Shredden n : : : , ripping over a nd parting in , armalade ing Shredded Wheat with milk and do ; 7 IL | the middle. Hot dogs and cocoa og 350 Cocoanut 19¢ was the next item, but the rain ' to work with buoyant step and mental #24 "| [got in first and we had to take cover -------------- For Real Flavor I In our tents, In spite of the down- alertness. Shredded Wheat with milk Wh 4 ] : pour a few volunteers carried -the Veal Loaf 21¢ 20-0%. 2 Ser Jello 4 "nr 280 Nicholson played the wed- | guests that evening. Owing to the | hot dogs, ete, around to the tents, -- Jar ES -------- makes a complete well-balanced meal he 5 aud we 'carried ou in true Cub Fancy Japanese Jo's Tin Lifebuoy Ss + t. Later on t : Cr : containing everything the human a | Sh . Fo pt» Sa bide for ® abmeat 33¢ Selected Olives~=Fresh and Appetising Soap 3 cin 230 A I I we all turned in 'to bed, body needs for growth and strength. tired but happy, Our rat Job on The Pick of the Catch Try it with berries and cream. It's a a a \ Purdny an te re ne | (@ Finest | T A S T Y rare treat. } , we continued as usual until the Red ; | on time came for us to pack up and ; ' v/ "Ng \ leave, Sg another very successful Sockeye . : . \ ' \ camp came to an end, : Nl) We would like to take this op 1+1b. ' ; ANN . . portunity of thanking all our i Tin J} { irjelile Whe ave helped to make The texture and flavor are unsurpassed, Slices ; y % : ou Solider NO Bus Horseshoe, Clover Leat or Maple Leat easily and without efumbling, Made from the and Mra. J. Puckrin tor making us finest ingredients by Master Bakers in our awn #0 welcome on i A nd DOMINO modern plant. You will find it delightfully to Mr, Ivan Ross who took us all satisfying and nutritious, Wrapped at the out and brought us all safely home C a t % u ovens for your protection, Keeps fresh and again, sweet longer than ovdinary bread, A ! ¢ . ; lh A special meetin of the Women's 4 Institute iL be held at the home wor. lop 2 PA + Full \ > 0 ra. T. Desmond on Tuesday 0! 24-0% [] WITH ALL THE BRAN 4 ; evening, Aug. 10th, at 8 pm, te . afere a rrange y Avg OF THE WHOLE WHEAT audune ve ARO { Wake arabifements for' 2 Aur io With the tantalising flavar of selected sun Leaf . { Town Park on Friday, 22nd, when ripened tomatoes and iho finest spices, For ple ales or lunch boxes, it Just fills the bith, J | Pickering and Broo lin branches - 3 - -- will be guests of the Whitby branch, ' sk dali, --_ shh