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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" o-- VOL, 7==NO, 37 pic Ve --_--_ _ "ee The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City uiblished of Our 4 Udhaws, bi ytaada. Evmy, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week: 3 Cents s Copy TWELVE PAGES dd POY Neves in Brief Good Crops in North Port Arthur.--~The distyjet of Thunder Bay is enjoying one of the best seasons agriewlturally in ite history, Good hay erops have heen gathered, perhaps the most promis. ing polato erop ever known hers, and all vegetable, roots and grains are in a very promising condition, Vollows Vather's WV Wellington, N.Z=Vincent Ward, kon of the late Mir Joseph Ward, "Girand Old Man" of New Zealand who was twice premier and a eab- inet minister many times, has heen eloctod to sit In his father's place for Invercargill in the House of Ne presentatives Viying Boat Vorced Down Havana, ~The 72 passenger Com modore flying boat, 'Porto Nice" nf the New York-lie Ruenvs Alres alr line, equipped only for landing on water, was forced to land In a field 18 miles southensi of here when both her engines failed, All 16 paksengers and members of Lhe crew escaped without injury, al though the ship was badly damag od ' To Oppose Nievens Cranbrook, B.C. -=Opposition Won, H, J. Kieven, Trade and Commerce in the hy. election in Vast Kootenay has de veloped, William Tobson, dismisé ed from the Provincial labor bur eal} on Monday, has announced he | Mtavens nt the by will epposea Mr independent elestion as an candidate, Poliee Chief Buspended Kirkland Lake Chief Willlam Ahane head of the Teck Township force has been suspended hy the police committes of the munielipal council pending further enquiry inte A charge of neglect of duty, ne -- Acelamation Vor Dupre Queber, Que, It is reliably re ported that an acclamation will be accorded to Hon, Maurice Dupre, M.D, in the by-election necessitated by his being included in the Dominion Cabinet as Holis oitor General, Mr, Dupre was elected in Quebec West an July 2 Negroes Kidnap Girl Raleigh, N, CuomrMilton Togers, 29, who sald Be 1ves maar Angier, Johnson County, reported to Wake founty officers early this morning that three negroes had stopped his automobile near Garner, six miles from hers, overpowered him and kidoapped his 17-year-old girl companion, Anthrax Death Avertad Rurlingten, Vi.--=Anthrax antl: toxin sped here from Montreal hy aeroplane and dropped by para chute, saved the life of x brueh fac tory employe, suddenly with the deadly fast-working ILLES di Paralysis Grows More Prevalent in (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ' Calgary, Alto, Aug. 14,=The fnfantile paralysis situation here took a turn for the worse when three new cases were reporied Wednesday, This brings the total to ten cases and three deaths Outbreak in Ottawa Ottawa, Aug, 14, ~=Infantile par alysis has broken out in the capital but the situation is not regarded hy health oMoers as alarming. To- day It was reported two cases have heen isolated and treated with anti-paralysis serum, An epidemic of the disease early last fall reached serious propors tions In Ottawa, BENNETT AND MASSEY HOLD CONFERENCE || (Ay Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa Aug, 14.-Following a three-quarter hour conference yes terday afternoon between Premier R. N, Bennett and Hen, Vincent Massey in the Prime Minister's office in the east block Mr, Bennett stated! "I asked Mr, Massey to nee me and we had a very natisfactory talk." The Prime Minister went no further than that and Mr. Mas sey when leaving declined to diss cuss the visit, Mr. Massey has returned to hia héme at Port Hope, EE ---- WEATHER Pressure is high off the At Iantie coast and Over the far west States while a trough of low extends from Northern Ontario to the Southwest Mtates, The weather has been ht in all provinces, with the om of light showers in Mm districts of Ontari® pie ben \ has been a little warmer in Nouthern On: tarlo, Quebec and most dis telets of the West, Tower Lakes=Light to mod. erate winds; partly cloudy with a few scattered showers or local thunderstorms today and early Friday, then fair, GeOrgoan Nay == Light to moderate winds, partly cloudy with a few scattered showers ov local thunderstorms, = Fris 4 Minister of | Labor | | stricken | LOTTERY CHARGE PENDS AT WINDSOR Canadian Cities | Gangsters -------- BLIND CLUES HAMPERING POLICE WORK Police Obtain License Num- ber of Car Used by Killers But Found MRS. PERRI SLAIN BY TWO SHOTGUNS Three Shots Fired All of Which Miss Rocco Perri, | and Hit His Wife--Crime Occurred Last Night (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, Aug 14, Matlers have been complicated for (he polies hy the Anding of blind eluos wines the slaying of Mrs, Perri last night Inspector of Detectives J RN, Crocker stated this morning Tha major discovery has heen the finding of two New York auto markers bearing 1000 llcenss OE 4771, These plates show every indies tion of haying been hastily removed from a car, as short ends of wire were found attached to the eorn- ers, A local newspaper communies ated with Buffalo to discover to whom the plates had heen issued, and wera Informed they stood in the name of Isidors La Diectolre, 2618 10th street Niagara Falls, New York Fall to Find Owner Efforts to trace (he owner af that address falled but that there in such a man as In Dietoire has been established and his last ad- dress, according to an Rulfale eore respondent, was 1067 Niagara street, Niagara Falls, That was thasstreet address he gave when he made the last payment on his car to Ceneral Motors It was sald that he formerly liv. in Hamilton and had veturnea (Continued on Vage 3) ed Trades and Labor Council May Be Defendant If Action Taken -- (Ry Canadian Press Lotsnl Wire) Windsor, Aug, 14=Oflcials af the Windsor Trades and Labor Counell are in Toronto today, Interviewing attorney general WW, H. Price in re gard to charges likely to be laid ugalnst the organization, of running a lottery, The charges arise out of a sweepstakes conducted 'under the auspices of the counell on the Labor Day handieap at Bluebonnets track, fontreal Attention ef eputy erownsattor ney Louis P, St. Plerre way drawn to (he matter when inquiries were received by Windsor police from holders of tickets in the United Sta: tes, asking if the council was a bona fide 'organization, The tickets offer $200,000 in prizes on the race, a pers centage of the receipts to go for the velief of (ncapacitated union members In Windwor, Robert "I, Turner, president of the council, and a member of the Wind: sor Noard of Fdueation, is leading the delegation to the Attorney-Gen- eral, The interview was arranged on the adviee of Mr, St, Pierre, whe stated that, unless he receives furs ther orders from Toronto, he will institute a prosecution, Owner Cannot Be | Held Responsible for Murder of Mrs. Rocco Perri 4 smn on Suspect Gang Guns in Bessie Perri Toot at Hamitlion Home DD iA wed R-100 Is Homeward Bound, Expected to Break Record, A 3 ES BSS Reds Menacing tm ----. Nanking City * Nationalist Capital Appears | I+ Inland Doomed as Peasants Turn Communist Nanking, Chine, to-day against muninsty vaneing government oftien Wuehang, of Hankow, Allg worn thin capital and Hanyang 14 reported A Comes | nd ntionnlist | the wister| | and fCardingion #1, Johns, Nei, Aug, 14,.--At noon to«day the British divigible, homewnrd bound from Montreal lo Kogland, wan passing over the Biealt of Belle Ixle, having been sighted at theres points noar The dirigible wan well the steaft hut was plain many people Ferrole | 100 miles mouth of Delle Ferrole oul over by haut It was roughly estimated that the nirship wan (travelling nt a rte of sixty miles an hour, Fal clenr weather favored the passage of the giant dirigible For the frat 640 miles of flight the ship's verage milengo wan vory closa to the 60 mark, far fast of than she flew on the east to west flight or on her Ontario cruise. 600 miles up the Yang=| Should weather conditions off Now tae river from the nea, This oft less and y nppeared defensn whould was virtually doomed the reds continue their threatened attack, ofreling Mow within the thirty Lhe capital, dofondery remulned I on | practically all troops having been drawn Lo fronts | on whioh northern rebels aro Aghting and up the governme / remacy in China, Uneasness wan rife turned Communists peared insurrounding town: with rifles ants Many were summarily guspocied hera ax poa | and ap! armed: Communists one ed hi Han: kow, where sandhag defe being mounted, Pleping, China, thousand Chinese erected and mac Hive i uns Three | Lo | 1" reported Aug nre have drowned in the I'u Ghunghts| plen distr) rallway, Stratfor the ot, Bhanhaikuan where rains. have flooded | 1,000 villages, causing great age and washing out the rall line, Wifth Barn In. Wook d, fifth in less than a week Perth county, totally destroyed (he fine barn on the property of Donald Robertson of Nithburg yesterday, | north of | Mukden 40 miles Along (he dums five, in Another han + Quebee Que, Aug. 14.>=Paul Kus gene Dufour, a 17-year-old youth of St. Anne de la Pooatier, was held eriminally responsible for the death of Louis Bouchard, a butcher of 8t, Onesime, Kamouraska, following an Inquest hy jury held yesterday in the coroner's court at St, Ones aime, Bouchard was ploked up in a dying condition near Bt, Anne de la Pocatiere, last Sunday morning and told how he had been attheks od, beaten and robbed of $150 he carried on him, Provinelal police started an ins vestigation ut Rt, Anne de Ia Po. oatiere which resulted in the arrest of Dufour and a friends of his age Ludger Labrie, Labrie, who testified at the in: quest yesterday gave a full account of what he alleged was a premes diated murder, statins that he waa a mere witness of the scene and Youth Is Named as Murderer, Two Other Men Are Implicated that he saw ohard down with a plank, in to be held in custody here pends ing a decision of the attorney gen eral whether falling cuted for ohard's death, Another A cartman by the name of Leo Des. chene who Is supposed to have driv- en the youths back home after the Hin testimony brought out the fact that Dufour boasted of the deed he had Degchens orime, that seriously, Deschene mandation lable to four's Inenrr the attorney-general ing warned the authorities of Du. allegations Hous Labrie Dufour knock ho should ha te prevent proses Nous Wan mportant witness Just committed but did not take him following recoms of the jury, In also prosecution from for not have L] foundland and on the Atlantie ocean ha at all favorable {tap peared that all existing records for trans-Atlantie fiving by lighter thannah will he eamplete! smashed BRITISH RAILWAY MEN ALARMED AT whips the | ROCCO'S Wir The murder of Hesslo Paryl who filled news columns not go long she according to authorities Hamilton, scena of murdep polices near garage Perrl wan shot, and (4) {Murphy and Rocco and Mrs Murder Suspect Dies Suddenly | In Sarnia Jail Here are 3) Two Lert Perri, 'Mrs. Mary Richardson Dies STAFF REDUCTIONS Unions Face. Alternative of | Lower Wages or More Unemployment (By Canadian Vreas Letsnd Wire) London, ng, Aug 14,-The British Railway trades unions are gravely concerned over the confinus ous 'reductions of staff whieh have taken place throughout the country not Is the prospect of a two and a halt per cont eut fn wages, moot. etl for November, to the Hking of the men, The nfons submitted, a your ago to a two and a half per cont voducs tion of wages, This amount was restored to the men in May with the undorstanding that the action would be reviewed in November, The 'men consequently are faced with the problem of whether to in slat upon retention of the old wage woala which would almost certainly result in further reduction in staff or to agquiesce in the relmposition of the decronne in order to help stop the diminution in the num« hors of those employed, The rallway clerks asgoolation is disturbed at the staff-combing pro- oss proceeding at headquarters and. in district offices where they olaim that mon who would soon be entitled to superannuation are hes Ing asked to antedate thelr retires ment, Tt in learned that the new wages programme favored by the uniona and involving the wages of more thaw 100000 of the lowest paid workers from November onwards includes a minimum adult wage of 00 shillings a week, From Unknown Cause To Be Investigated (By Canadian Press Leased Wires surnin, Aug, 14 Mi Murty Richardeon, who was held at the Lambton County Jall for two weeks charged with the murder of her mothersin<daw, Catherine A Richardwon, 78, wax found dead in hor cell today, Cause of the death Is uncortain, Jalil officials helleve who took a fainting spell similar to those which she fre. quently took, Dr, W. D, Logle has ordered an Inquent, and a post morten He will wend her stom uch and contents away for analy- G Richardson ohavged with her mother<in<law by ing polson Pollea alivgeu she gave her mothorsin<law stryeh nine on July 18, causing the aged Indy's death They proved, that the aveused was the chief "benef clary for the estate of the olderly woman and that on threa ovcnsions Aho had purchased strychnine from a drug store Police aunpected her also of having something to do with the death of her huss band, Clarence J, Richardson, ex Point Kdward constable, on May 28, 1020, and last Friday exhum- od his body arid removed nsoveral vital organs for analysis The acoustd' had hoon subjeot lo fainting spells and had threo times beon given troatment in the On. tario Hospital for the Insane at London, Last Friday she was com. mitted to trial on Bapt. 145. Families Mee rom Fire Anoras-- Awakened from «leap by the nowt of flames and the smel) of amuke, two familien were foros ed to flea in their night attire from their burnjug howe here, | (ALN TRNAS administers [RTHN) wife of Rosen Parrl, stapped from her gaiage last night, show shown | th Garages doors to RIGHT during an investigation some time Wis prroctod | RIDDLED BY BULLETS=POLICE VIND WEAPONS nelf«ptyled bootleg king 480 In well. known Jiquor disputes, a the touch of the gangster hand (1) Perri homa at 188 Bay St guns used in shooting, found later hy Cross marks. spot near which Mra, | Asslatant Crown Attorney Fd, | ano, 00 ARE HOMELESS AFTER BLAZE IN (UEBEC VILLAGE Most of Masson's Residents| Spent Last Night on Improvised Beds J Masson, Qu \u 14 | homeless by the disastrous fire which swept their village Wednesday, des stroying more than 40 th parish churely, the town hall, fire station, community hall and many places of business, with a loss esti mated approximately $200,000, MOL hundred residents of Masson, Que, 21 miles froin Ottawa on the north shore Montreal 'road spent last night on improvised beds in the homes of neighbours; the cons vent and other buildings which surs vived the conflagration, Appeals for assistance for the fire refugees were made to Ottawa and other points by authorities of the | village, but it was impossible for ré | lief to he sent to the place until to- day, and hundreds without roofs to cover their heads, some of them des. titute and nearly all hungry were obliged to shift themselves and to accept the pt more fortunate residents of place RAIN INFLICTS MUCH | DAMAGE TO CROPS Quebec, Que, Aug. 14. Tho heaviest crop damage by rainfall vrocorded for many yoars is report. od from the northern distriets of the Province, Timiskaming, Abl. tibl and North St, John were the chinf sufferers, The heaviest hit are the pars ishes of Normandin and Albanel in Lake St. John district, whore dam- ages to coveals and root crops run ay high an elghty. percont, Rendered homes, at than five for hospitality the Rumania, =A court Codreanu, organi ger and leader of the anti-Semitic "Iron Guard' organisation, on a charge ot Inciting othera to disturb Bucharost, nequitted Zelea {four | 6.50 Nine Killed as Trains Collide (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bucharest Rumania Aug, 14 Nine persons were killed and fit- teen injured in a head on collision | to-day nt | arest-Konstanza hetween two express trains | Secelaanu station on the Duch- line Tornado Hits. | City of Naples | Four Killed, 80 Injured And Populace Is Panic Stricken (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Naples, aly, Aug. 14 Govern ment figures of the casualties in to- tornado were announced as doad, six dying, twenty ser. tourly injured and ° about Afty Hghtly injured, Naplos, Ttaly, Aug, 14 vo of colebration of escapo from ¢pmago In last month's | earthquake, the section of Naples | occuplod by the Agricultural Mar. | gee today was swept by a tornado which took at least four lives and | injured between 70 apd 80 per: ons The elty was panle-styicken and police and carabineors had trouble in keeping back the crowds from the hospitals whore the injured were taken, The storm broke at am, the early hour it was | koeping the casualty list the market daw 's orfous helleved, us low as It was sinte was not vel crowded The four known found beneath the wall of: the Romeo Aeronautical works, a soction of which, ten feet high and 150 feet long, was knocked down Policemen and firemen ongaged quickly in res moving the romainder of the deb ris in the fear other bodies would hoe found. Many took sholter from the storm in its shadow and bares ly escaped whon it fell, From 3.456 am, to 4.30 am, nearby Rome experienced 4 ik rifle electric thunderstorm which knocked off tiles from 'roofs and carrfod chairs and tables left on open air halconies great distances, doad were debris of the | out one | about I mouth of "the tunnel, On the | 46 MEN ARE ENTOMBED IN B.C. MINE {RESCUE GANG DOES BEST TO RELEASE MEN Entire Afternoon Shift Caught by Cavein Which Follows Explosion of Methane Gas TWO KNOWN DEAD, ONLY ONE RESCUED Work of Saving Victims Im. peded by Blocked Passage Ways and by Presence of Gas Fumes (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) B.C., Aug. 14.~Nes are tolling franticalls the Hyves of 46 min- the Blakeburn of Workers arn | 8] 'rinceton, squads to-day to save entombed In coal mine, just 50 Vancouver Two known to be dead, following an ex plosion last rvening whieh blew portal of the main tunnel One miner was released nlive whey rescyers dug through debris to the two bodies were found known dead Albert Cole, 21; Neild Smith about 38 Three hundred feet from thei A cavesin hase blocked the passage of the resecue- Defors midnight, the crew Sans struggled through the wreek to the point where the cave-in occurred, They released the singln survivor so far, and located the bodies of Cole and Smith Karly to-day all available worke ers of the mine were busy attempt « ing to force a passage through to the trapped men, who comprise virtually the entire afternoon shift, Cause of the explosion is unknown hut the hlast is being laid to mel: hane, or marsh gas, a compound of carbon and hydrogen which is highly explosive. It iw feared the ontombed crew, If not annihilated by the fall of coal from the slopes may suceumb to asphyxiation if cue ors miles east where The nge "prompt relief in not forthcoming, 1Ate-saving apparatus is at hand for Immediate use when the debris has been hacked away from the tunnel passageway, ire equipment has been rushed fo the scene, but ag yot there is ne indication that '{t will he needed unless a new explosion ignites in« flasnmable eon) gases and causes a conflagration, The Balkerburn mine located six miles from Coalmont N.C, on the Kettle Valley line of tha Can« adian Pacific Railway, It is 340 feet nhove sea level, and soma 209 men are on the mine's payroll resent ----------y + PREMIER SCULLIN 10 VISIT CANADA Australian "Prime Minister to Discuss Tariffs With Canadian : Govt. Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 14, The Rt, Hon, James Scullin, Prime Minister of Australia, ine tends to visit Canada after ho hast attended the Imperial conference in London, he announced today. Mr, Scullin sald his object in vxisiting the Dominion would ba to discuss tariff matters with tha Canadian Government, The Prime Minister declared he would much prefer to romain in Australia rather than .attend the Imperial Conference, for there was much work to be dono here in view of the couhtry's parlous fie nancial condition but he felt 11 would bo an admission of despain to say that Australia's condition was. such that it could not afford to allow its Prime Minister to ate Sloep was Impossible, tend the Imperial conforence, : Toronto; Aug. 13.<Expenditure will show a "substantial increase", Revenue in some departments will bo less, but still the Province of Ontario will finish the present fis. cal yonr with a surplus, Hon, Dr, J.D, Montloth, provineial treasurer, sald here to-day. * Dr, Montieth issued a statoment summarizing in a general way the financial condition of the province at the end of the first hall of the 1020.30 fiscal yoar, No mention wag made in the statement as to the expected roven. ue from the Outario Liguor Con trol Board which lat yoar yielded olght milion dollars, Dr, Montieth sald ho was unable to give any in dication as to_how the board's busi nos thix year compares with its the public peace, 102) turnover, Expenses Up, Revenue Down, But Ontario Expects Surplus Increases in expenditure, accords ing to the statement, are due to the new expense of old age pons slons which appears on the books for the first time this year, as well as to an increase in the total paye monts of mothers' allowances, Ane other major factor Dr, Montieth says, is the government's determine ation to bear. its full shave of un« employment ' relief by increasing activity in construction, and publie works: He notes a decline in the reve enues of the lands and forests des partment, in the stock transfer and land transfer taxon, and a reduction in the numbor of motor-vehicle pers mits fssued, On the othor hand, succession duties and the gasolthe Lax revenue are up,

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