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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Aug 1930, p. 9

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i se pr sg sae Ee gr PAGE NINE « RELIED SE( ON NOON O \ CONANT & ANNI, BARRISTENS Bolieftors, Notaries Public, Ete, 'Conveyancing and general prac ice of Law, Offices 7% Bimcoe | th, Oshawa, Phone 4, O. , Conant, B.A, LLB; A. V. An: nis, B.A, LLB, W B. N, SINCLAIR KC, BANK of Commerce Building, ANGAN, B.A rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, Money to loas, Of- fice 14% King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 445, Residence phone ¥37, dRIBREON, CHE N A Fraser, Borristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete, Office over Btandard Bank, Entrance Simcoe coe St, Phone 13, J. FV, Grisrson, K.C, Ta Creighton, B.A, N, C, Fraser, B.A, [OUTS 6, HYMAN, BARRISTER, olieitor, Notary, over Dewland's tors, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street porth, Phone 67. Resi once 3473W, han MPHAREYS BAW yisters, Molicitors, ete, 24% Sim- ooe Bt. N, Phone 8160, Money to Loan, wy ALEX GC WALL, B.A, LARS: ter, etn, Conveyancing and general practice, 28% King Bt, East, Phone 8237, (th) AJ. PARKHILL, BARKISPER ste, Monsy to lean. Alger Bldg, op- site Past Office. Phone 1014, FRANK 8. EBBS, DARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldin-, opposite Post Offices. Phone 2000, Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Of fice hours 0 am. to 8,80 pm, Dr, B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B. H Harper, special attention to ehild- ren"s Diseases and Obstetrics, Sun- day and night calls 2410 or 122, DR, McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resis dence. King St, East, corner Vies toria "t,, Oshawa, Phone 94, Dk (ANT DE! PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1166, on PR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D. A. » R, C, P, and 8, Edinburgh, ye 1A gSuggeon and Obstetrician, Office 143 Bimcoes Bt, N, Phone $030, residence 40 Cadlline Ave, North, Phone 8156, dd PR. GC. W. CARR, PHASICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2416, . ARCHER BROWN, PHYS!. i Eg Se eon and Obstetrician, office and residence, 185 Simeoe Street, North phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR, BAIRLCEY, VETERINANIAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 620, (6 aug, tt) Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist w= 1eers, sub-divisions, Dental DW, 8, J, PHILLIPE, OVER DAS sett's, Special attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in alabansee. Phone 069, House 1412, north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Gas for extraction, Phone 64, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac: tions, Office, Roysl Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence. 1878M, Dewland's. oe ds 1 ' Simcoe Ht. N, over Evenings Phone 1957. Res, 202W, by appointment, ' A AID, ' Dentists, 87 King 6t. B, Special attention to Fe extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In sttendanme, Phones 1243 and 864, Hemastitching AUMBTITCHING, -- PICOTING, pine cents 8 yard, Pleating skirts one dollar, Dresses cut and Atte perfectly, Embrodery work, The Dell Shop 26% Simeoe south, Phone 1656, (July 21.1 mo) Optometrist CW. TUCK, "OPTOMETHINT, specialist in muscle anomsiies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care and Eyes Btraln, Tbe Chilo and Its Development, Dis pey Block opposite Fost Office. Phone ib16, (July 16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONTVAN AND SMITH ONTAR- in Land Surveyors and Civil Engin: town planning, engineers, 865 or 411 ©, Phones 20682) or Undertaking LURE DORTAL CO, 67 KING BT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 06432 Simcoe street, north, Phone 2104 and 210W, aE OSHAWA BURIAL. CO, M, I Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Bervire, day and night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (4th) municipal King St, 2044, Insurance DAVIE AND EON, INSURANCE, 10 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 80 Re. putahble Fire Companies, i WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johus, 80 Simcoe porth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected, --------- Transportation CARTAGH AND BTORAGE COLE: man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage wares house and moving van equipment, Phone 83, As. . GARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and colnders, Local and long digtance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond Ht, West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAR lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 315. (July 21-1 mo) PR, I", T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR + Btreet West Toronto will be at bis + office over Jurv & Lovell's Drug Btore each Saturday from 1 ti 4 p.m, for consultation and treat: ment of diseases of ear, nose And throat only, Appointments may Se made at drug store, Phone 87, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PRE TF, RICHARDSON, specialist. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 26680 and 432), Architects UO. 0. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL .~ architectural work, Cecond tloor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406. Res, phone H00J, A 0 ' AR sociate architects, Simooe St, 8, Over Felt Bros, "7 Watch Repairing swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. _ronage is solicited, Shoe Repairing T PLACE ' fot your shoes fixed like new fis y Menko, corner Simcoe N, and william W. (July 30-1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads. | Minimum charge 30c. Each subsequent 0oRSSOU- tive insertion lo pe? word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first (insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge fur three insertions, 00 cents, Box nambier 100 additional ~ Profesuional or Business Cards, $8.60 per month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per 'neath for each wddttiona) word, TIMKS CLASSIFIED ADN CONT LITTLE: AGC COMPLISH MUOR TRIRPFHONR 80 Ask tor (amwified AO Department Beauty "Parlors TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Spetlalists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Pers manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10' and $16, All othor lines of Heauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 86 Simcoe street north, : Vv BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham- poo $1, Phons 2008, WATSON'S BARBI AND Beauty Shop, 0 Celina 8t, We spec- falize in ladles' hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, . For apprintments phone 26063, (July 17-1 mo) Radio Service FAPTERIEY CHANGED 160 with rental $1.00, Fepaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (July 21-1 mo) "OFHAWA RADIO SER VICE=1K- 'pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for Male, Batteries charged and repaired, Phone 3850J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin cast, (Aug 183-1 mo.) Money to Lean oan arrange a first mortgage on your residence If ft Ia well lo: cated, Bradley Bros, over Ward's Store, Simcoe St, South, (July 28-tf) COANE ON GOOL CITY PROPER: ty and farms, Apply A, J, Park. hill, 87 King St, East, Phone 1614, (July 81-tf) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of smal} arcounts of this nature, snd collect for same. For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Imes' office, a telephone call will bring a messengar who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 13K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CRMENT BLOCKE, BAND AND grave) for sale="To insure prompt delivery, place wders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1618, oe Second Hand Dealer NEW AND BECOND HAND FUR niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor Bt, XK, Phone 1617M, (July 23-1 mo.) Palmist MADAME TENA, PALMIBT, 846 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone s424W, (Aug 8-1 mo,) MADAME BROWN, PALMIST, Phone appointments 2086F, 93 Louisa 'treet, (July 26-1 mo) Pets and Live Stock POULARY "MEN -- GET YOUR hoavy breed 1%-2 Ib. cockereld caponised at 100 each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapon- fze, Ives Bros, 0620 Drew street, (July 26-1 mo,) Personal WHY BUFFER I--~0BE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appll- ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Magnetism 1s one of the greatest discoveries of the 30th century. In many cases where everything else has falled the Harmony Electro Magnetic Appliance has brought health, We are not out to sell you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says is correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own judgment, W. C, Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 104 Willlam B6t, KE, Phone 260, Oshawa, (July 24-1 mo.) Builders' Bargains Oak Flooring Oo, a, foot; Walls hoard 27,60 thousand feet; Ready Glazed Barn Sash 08¢; Blate Roof- ing 2,88; 28 gauge metal roofing 6.66; House paint 6b, qt; Garages $19 down payment, Asphalt hing- les 6.46; Metal Celling 6.45; Bep- tie Tank #6 down payment, Write now for Big Free Sale: Catalog, Amasing savings for July and Aug. ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, tracling plastering, electric 0) alterations, Phone 130 for estimates, (180) Money Loaned ON VOUTR™ AUT OMORM EC ANS re-financed, Payments. reduced, Additional cash given, Terms, reas sonable, Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 6, 14) King st, B, Phone 2700, Open evenings, (Aug, 15 tf.) Help Wanted--F emale Toh MARCELLEN TO WOR on commission or will rent space very cheap, Down town locality, Apply Dox 818 Times, (87¢) Situations Wanted TOORKERPER: position, Phone Hae TELE typist, desires 1364 NM, For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD: orn suites including electri refrig- eration stove, laundry conven: ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 8671 or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Itd,, manager for owner, Toronto, ---m (87:41) FOR RENT-~APARTMENT, OEN- tral, b rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences lense or by the month, Box 746 Times, (168¢1) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (168-L1) APARTMENT, unfurnished, Phone 1560 or Every convenience 284TW, (an) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Hradley brow, (NOLIN) GARACE TO RENT. CENTRAL Phone 453W, (347¢) FoR -- RENT == 2 FURNISHED rooma~--every convenience for light housekeeping, Phone S308W, (#60) TO RENT -- BRVEN" ROOMED house, all conveniences, double garage, facing Memorial Dark, Apply 148 Contre street, (47) FOR NENT MODERN AIX room house, all conveniences, ren sonable rent, Phone 162 or 345%) (470) NO, 700 VIRENCH AT, ONHAWA, 6 room, all conveniences, $25.00 per month, Apply to W, J, Sulley, exclusive agent, 846 Simcoe Ht South, Phone 7146J, (870) NEW MODERN AIX OOM BON: gala, All convenlences, with open fireplace, wired for stove, will leave blinds And Axtures, rent rea sonable, For particulars phone A338), (870) OURE TO RENT=--810 GIN, nice condition with planted ger- den, immediate possession, $y per month, Apply 8, Snowden, 10 (iladstone avenue, (470) FURNIRHED ROOMA™ #2, PEI week, also garage, 165 Ritson Road Routh, (Ake) TO LIWT--ATX NOON NWOUNE ON Colborne street wont, electric lights, toilet, in good state of re- pair, Possession Heptember first Apply 24 Royal street,' phone 185 (28) FOR RENT =" WOON AVANT ment, centrad 8 suite bullding, nowly decorated, electrio refrigs erator, stove, Immediate possess sion, Rent free to September 1st, Phone 1400, (280) WONTITaN: way, suitable for garage or blacks smith shop, $10 per month, Less htan halt price. Phone 2, Whit- hy, (40a) TWO STORES + AND TUUR apartments for rent, $15 per month for atore with rooms, loss than half price, Phone 2, Whit. ments, $10 per month, Phone 8, Whitby, (10a) OR MENT TURNED OR unfurnished flat, veasonable, use of phone, Phone 1348), (490) -- RED HITTING ROOM, contral, breakfast if desired, Phone 1304), (40h) FIV OOM WRICK RUNGALOW, all conveniences, Mloor St, west, Apply J. D. Rutherford, phone GA8J, ' (antr) Articles For Sale FAND GV .VEL, ~BTONE, OI ders, black loam, $1.67 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Es scry Bros, 882 r 11, (May 8-1) MIXED HARD AND 20k 1 WOULD slabs, $3.50 per Also bons dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288, (Apr, if) FOR BALE~HEINTZMAN CO, Lid, pianos, new and used pianos, algo radios, latest. models; terms arranged, Apply C. Trull, Phone 16664, (H1-l) ishes, We have the largest assorts ment of paints, varnishas, ete, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr, 86 tf) FOR BALE~ NEW AND USED bicycles, accessories, auto tired and tubes, also clean household furniture, Everything clearing cheap, 164 Eulalis Ave, (Aug, 1-1 mo) walnut bedstead and spring, 21 Fernhill Blvd, Westmount, (87¢) FON BALV--BWAYT QUERKC range, A-1 condition, oil heater, blinds, linoleum, #1 Melaughlin Blvd (88h) REVO WANG VON BALE == three element, nearly new, hall price, 301 Vyroneh street (40) HN Business Opportunities DISTRIBUTOR. WANTED FOR Fruehsuf Trallers in Oshawa and surrounding territory Wonderful proposition for some man or com pany with good eonnections, Write ut onee to The Fruehaul Trailer Clo, of Canada, LAmited, B25 Hier ling Road, Toronto, as man will be in town shortly to Interview (3Kh) FTA NOW=--=YOU CAN KARN money quickly, taking orders for the most heautiful Mine of Person nl Christmas Greeting Cards ever shown in Canada Write for par tieulnrs Hegnl Art Co, 810 Hpa dina Ava, Toronto a Help--Wanted Ma FTORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa Kxporlence unneces sary, $060.00 weekly to start, also substantial share of profits Ap= plicant must he able to furnish $645.00 to $1,260.00 cash deposit on merchandise, Addross Manager 4088 Ht; Denis Btreet, Montreal, Que (46h-40) Motor Cars ANT YOUR OAR WASHED A Jominion Garage, 88 Bond streo! west, Phone S108, All cars at one price $1.00, (July 17-1 mo) 1900 CHTVROTET COACH, equipped with trunk, for sale at saorifioe Make your offers, Tale phone 21771 (470) Painting and Decorating fi. GUTROLE, VIRET CLARE PA: perhanger, painting and graining, Prices right, work suarauteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone S0606w or R06TW, (an PHOORATON™ AND wishes employment, Cloankiness and workmanship guaranteed, LY Warrren Ave (4he) "Real Estate For Sele FOR RATE == fF NOOM BRICK veneer cottage, north end of elty, Newly decorated, all convenionees, Lot 40 x 118, Dargain at $3,600 Phone 34562 for appointment, (380) FACRTFICH TF NOUGAT BE: fore fall, bungalow type summer collage, Heyden Shore Park, Whithy Town water, electri light, fire place, sereaned porch, D, Potter, Port Whithy, 10 (dhe) abe i i | ry A Agents Wanted WAGTO GAR HWQUALE GAR To gallon, Harmless guaranteed pros duct, Used by largest Bus Come panies, Labels, ciroulars letters heads with agent's name furnish» od Free partionlars and proof, I". A, Lefebvre and Company Ltd, Magle Gan Rullding, Alexandria, Ont, (43:80) we PATNTRR, Bign Writer B0c per hour For Sale or Exchange | FOR RXORANGE=T088 1. Nn, motorcycle and slde ear, In good condition, for car, 480 Montrave Ave, (dha) FOR "FALE "OR EXCHANGE ON small house, 110 Fredoriek street, seven rooms, all cenvenlences, This splendid house must be sold for any roasonable offer, Apply owner, UU, Jones, of Jones Real War tate, Phone 2647, (40h) Situations Vacant PANN MONEY NOW TARTNG orders for personal Christmas Greeting Cards, Finest line ever whown, Easy to sell, Write for particulars, Negal Art Co, #10 Bonding Ave, Toronto, (860) BAAN GG TO 310 VER DAY--AM- bitious, reliable men. wanted al ones,' Part time pay while train. ing for Aviaflon Mechanics, Gare uwge Work, Driving, Battery, Klocs trie Acetylens Welding, House Wiring, Industrini Klactrieity, Machinist, Brickiaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Haire dressing, Act quick, Get your upplieation In now, Write or call for Information, Dominion Trade Behools td, 79 Queen West, Tor. onto, Fastern Headquarters, Em» ployment, pervice-=coust. tn const, od (Bat, Oct, 26) Lost and Found day night, purse containing sum of money, Phone 1308W, Osh awn (368) LOR =" RUTWEEN = WUTLRY and Whitby on Highway, club bag, sult case and lady's suit box, Kindly notify Ksaminer, Petor hora, Reward, (Boe) LORT =="RUNDAY, AUGURT 4 Club Bag with men's furnishings hetwoen Oshawa and Bowman. ville, Phone B497) or 258 Celina street Reward, (861) Help Wanted WANTED PENEONE TO GROW Mushrooms for us, in waste cellar spices all Fall and Winter, Karn upwards of $265.00 weekly, Illus. trated hooklet and particulars sent for stamp. Canadian Mush» room Jo, Toronto, (40a) A AR a a Notice TO WHOM TT MAY CONCHRNT I will not he responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date without my written ors dar Arthur Reward, Oshawa, Aug, 15, 1040 (fhe) "OE ENGINEER" WILL TRY AGAIN Dr. Barnes té6 Experiment With New Iceberg Detector Halifax, N.8.~lcebergs during fogs and at night time, ane of the greatest menaces to ocean travel over the St, Lawrence route to Hurape, may be successfully combatted this summer if the work of Dr, Howard T', Barnes, lee-engineer expert, comes 10. a suc cessful conclusion, Dr, Barnes will leave Montreal on his tenth iceberg expedition ahaut the middle of July, This expedition will he sponsored hy the Shipping Fed eration of Canada and will have as its centre of operations Notre Dame Hay on the coast of Newfoundland, The hase of operations will be Lewis porte, Newfoundland The main object of the expeditions will be to try out the Barnes-Van Harne leeherg detector for which the iden was discovered during Dr, Dare nes' ninth iceberg expedition last sums mer, sponsored hy R, B, Van Horne, Icebergs, Dr, Barnes claims, have a voice of their own, and it was accids entally discovered during the experis ments last summer, that this voice could be heard through the water, I'he discovery was made when some ane "listened in" on a erudely made detector of rubber pipe with a funnel on the end, the latter under the water, Improvements and refinements have heen made on the apparatus now calls ed the Barnes-Van aay iceberg de: tector, and it is expected that icebergs will he discovered when approaching within a six-mile radius of the experi mental ship, The location of the feeberg Is deter mined through using two ar more des tectors in the hull of the ship, A ship carrying such detectors, determine the location of an leeherg, and tras vels on in safety from the Ay even during dense fogs, - r------ Empire Preference There ia special interest for Cans adian farmers in a communication received hy the Dominion Depart: ment of Agriculture from & London, England, buyer of foodstuffs, "The London County Council has laid down for some time pust now that preference shall he given by Empive I"oods, In furtherance of thig pols fey 16 has given permission to those responsible for buying foods to pay up to 10 per cont more for on Empire article than for ao similis far quality foreign product,' ha plates, The London County Couns ell provides food gupplies to over 80 lurge hospitals and 70 institu» tions of various kinds, I he yritish Government has de cided against the Channel-tunnel project, England Is willing to he a friend of Veance but not the next subway station,=The New Yorker, ----_---- rr -------- ROYAL YORK Or re Tea ne 28¢C At all Superior Stores Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Establish 1BKO 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Grandfather Morrow will probably stay in Mexico until the new baby has passed the colic stage, This de monstrates that he is & diplomat, -- phoe and Leather Reporter, EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop | Here Always PROPERTIES FOR SALE Some veal snaps in heautiful homes, DISNEY REAL ESTATE, #0 King B, "twat King yin a REPAIRING WATCHES OUR WPEOIALTY it your waleh Is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JUWELER Official Wateh Inspector for Canadian Nations) and Osh awn Kallroads 10 King St, W, Phone 180 RR PHO E mn For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Bimeoe He, B, = We Deliver COAL COAL W. J. SARGANT Yard Woop Alreet MK Orders Promptly Delivered #5 Bond Street, West, Before placing Automebile [ns surance, get my special rates, Hargain prices for lots in Dear. horn Park, subdivision, west of Simeoe N, J. H, R, LUKE \ Regent Theatre Bldg, JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J, Ww, Worrall, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8318 Co -- Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARGE NOTHING 290 SMALL AdanacMachine Sho 161 King St, W, Phone 1914 = Men's af Re $28.00, rd Dominion Clothing Co, | 08 King St, W, Phone died | -------- HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert wmechanies, Old 'looy finished like new, Ge. 1 ' Qontractors, mW, HAYNES 101 King Bt, West Phone 481 « Hesidence BO7TAW e---- FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ad Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1088 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Simeoe Nt, Routh a ARI W | UMBI R ( a ATHON Fw. (5H 1 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Comes -- F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 884 Whithy 18 Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegle Ave, Phone 1058 RVESIGHT SPECIALIST Spa laliving ip In Sin nomblion Auctioneer 716) W, J, SULLEY AUG, 346 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock aud luploments Your Patron: cite Spirella Shop - x i health, comfort, Personal atten. tion and service, Phone Mra, Blat- tor, District Manager, 9180M, (July 211 mo) Nursing home, numing care, $10 weekly up. Phone J. M, McKee, RN, 360 Whitby, (July 16-1mo) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT TY COUPLE, 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms hy Hops tember 1° Apply Box 829, Niner, (I) ELLA CINDERS--Guessing Wrong |

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