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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" VOL, 7==NO, 39 The Oshawa A A ' Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reforme Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City 196 FH FRAP E50 10 Dior Eaters Sunder and" Vue Holders OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1930 16 Cents 8» Week: 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES -- ALA lAss sass ssl TT TTT ITTY YYYY News in Brief ¢ by Conadian From) re Drowns Windsor,~--Caught in # weed growth while swimming near the Walkerville ferry dock, Jaek Alken, 14 years nid, Windsor, Was drown. ad, Boy Seriously Injured Hamilton,--With ons lung plere ed by the handlebar of his bleyele when he was in collision with "a car driven by Edward Rooke of 71 Wellington Street Bouth, Alex, Feldman, aged 12, of 800 King Street East, suffered serious injuri- os last night, Teds Find New Land Moscow, UU. B8. R.A Russian Aretie expedition on the icebreaker Sedov yesterday radioed that it had discovered new land at 79.25 de- grees latitude and 76,10 longitude, The message added that the land axtended for a great distance wesl- ward, and the expedition expects to plant the Soviet fag upon the new soll, TURK AMBASSADOR TO RETURN TO PERSIA (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 16=1t was reported: in official eireles. lo day that the Turkish ambassador to Pers sin, Mendou Chavet Bey, recalled yesterday, will return to I'eheran within a forthight or another will go in his place IGNORE REDS, IS BRITISH ADVICE But When You Strike, Strike Hard, Says Em. inent Jurist (By Canadian Frese Latsed Wire) woronto, Aug, 16,="Take as tittle notiea of the Communists As vou can, hut when you do come down on them, come down Ike a ton of bricks,' This was the advice offered yesterday hy Kir William Jowitt, British Labor MI" and Al rarney-General in the Ramsay Mac Donald Government who Is in Tor: onte as a delegate to the annual meeting of the Canadian Bar As sociation, Bir William is the only representative of the British Coy: ernment af (ha mesting, Due to the tactics of the British (favernment, Communism Js no longer & menace in the 0d Cauntry fir William declared, CANADA'S EXPORTS OF MANUFACTURED GOODS INCREASE 1929 Total Best of Any Year Except 1820 (By Canadian View Letaed Wire) OLawa, AVE LG, ==jxporta of tully manufactured Canadian made goods reached the high total of $607,800,000 in the past fecal yeas a high-level exceeded only In he post-hellum inflation year of 1030 and vepresenting and increase of 4800 per cent, during the presen century, In comparison, the ex port of fully manufactured #oods from the United #tates in the ears responding period increased bh) 148.0 per cent, 'These figures aio given In # preliminary report on the trade of Canada for the past fe eal year issued hy the Dominion eal of Htatistics, BA port shows that the exports of raw material other than staple raw materials of farm origin com prised only 18.2 per cent, of Can ada's total exports in the past flaenl Year, as compared with 41.6 pe cent, in 1806, : Of Canada's trade in raw mater iala it ia innteresting to note that importa of such comiiadities fram the United Htates mainly for use in Canadian factories last fecal year amounted to $280,000,000 while Canada's export of raw mat erlals to the United Htates were valued at §168,400,000, The increasing use of Canadian ris in Canada's foreign (rade Ia Semonstrated y the favt that overs soa imports inte Canada via the United ftates have been decreas: ing steadily in the past five yeara and a corresponding decrease ia noted in exporta to overseas eouns tries via the United States, LIQUOR PROFITS GIVE . MANITOBA SURPLUS By Canadian Press Losaed Wire) Winnipeg, Aug. 16.-=Liquer pro. fith, succession duties, Amusement tan, income' tay, the gasgline tax and vecelpts from automobile li- cones gave the Province of Mani toba almost $1,000,000 more than was estimated and thus Premier John RAracken declared a surplus of $180,670 for the fiscal year which ended last April 30, The liguor profits for the year had been estimated at $1,750,000, They topped this figure hy $204, 00. Man Seriously Fy ACCIDENT AT FITTINGS LTD. PLANT TODAY Unidentified Foreigner Rush- ed to Hospital in Serious Condition and Two Others Are Also Injured FIRE DEPARTMENT ANSWERS RUSH CALL Services Not Needed, How- ever--Accident Caused by Molten Metal Container Dumping Prematurely One man, nw ye! unidentified was seriously injured and al leant two more suffered soverp DUrng in an explosion which necurred in the casting foundry of Vittings, Limited, 182 Hduea stresl shart ly after aleven o'clock this morn ing The oxplo cupaln of molien prematurel Danger from was feared, and the Are ment answered an immediate eal) with thraa pieces of apparatus Nn gonflagration developed, however although noxinu fiimens whieh were genorated made th imme diate locallt dangerous He eral minute I'he most badl foreigner, was rushed to the ho pital, whore hi TL) an nerious He is suffering burns and shovk possible ternal injuries Twa other men incurred painful burns, hut thaiy condition in nel regarded as sorious It was authoritativel just hefore going to press this al ternoon that the wan who les In the hospital with injuries that may prove fatal is Alex Waldyka, Bt, Julien known Hig Alex." when n dumped fire depart nrred meta) on oi for injured man " regarde from learn slreet, i] Limited 18 NIV of Fitting slate that Waldyka's name on on their records as A. Lodirk The explanation is given that the form in which many forelgnels give thely name for the company's records, Is an abhreviated form of the original Three men have heen treatod for minor burns, hut thelr cond! Hon 18 not serious enough to War rant thelr heing kept in hospital The names are given as J. Tobous ki, J, Carawice, and M, Litwin Alt two a'clock this afternoon hospital authorities stated that it was not yet certain whether or not Waldyka had fncurped internal in juries, and that he 1& suffering at present. chiefly from severe hurn on the faeces and cheat, Good hops for his recovery was held out at that hour Bread Prices May be Probed Minister of Labor to Conduct Investigation If It Is Warranted (By Canadian Press Lotssd Wire) Ottawa, Auk: 18. Rread prices In western Canada may he the sub. Jeot of an investigation under the Combines Investigation Aet if the survey of the situation now heing made hy F, A, MeGregor, registrar, In econmdered hy the minister of labor, Hon, Gideon Robertson, to warrant such action, A number of olty councils in Ontavie and Weal orn Canada have made requests to the department far an enquiry ins to the continuation of high hread prices when the price of wheat han tumbled ta helaw the dollar mark, It lg pointed out that bread is sells Ing at the same price now, with wheat avaund a dollar a bushel as it was when the price of wheat was at 81.50 a hushel No formal application has yet heen received hy the minister for an investigation under the act, and the question Is whether sueh a probe could be conducted without a definite ehavge of the existence of a combine having heen formulated, On this paint the minister fa une derstood not ta have reached a des elston, but he has instructed the registrar to 'gather data en the situation in order to assist him in redohing a conclusion, Hhould the minister decide that eirenmstances warrant it, he will apder a prelim. Official nary enquiry to asetrtain if a com. bine exists, a --, a w-- Injured in Explosion at Plant Here a Governor-General and Premier Attend British Empire Games Opening rived yesterday Suva Fiji auf the hitl that andoning utes south minutes I'he ship's RIVE glan ship whieh yesterday Ansintanee, al FORMER WARSHIP Windsor, Vadas, & Aritiah minesweeper that wal used in the Great Way and 14, 000 canes of 000 ave may, at Paoifie golaure was made yesterday aff Cal chester Light, nquad oharge of Chavies Kress, the service In Hasex County, The hoat was hound fram Monts real the ventive the selgure hut they sald enough tn indicate they helleved the heat and ita I'nited Rtates, although the oleay ance papers stated "Part Avthyv" Though their dresses were taken, the eaptain and orew tained, inatruoted to make avveatn hut te detain ianstructions, ENGLISH DIGNITARIES ARRIVE WITH INTERNATIONAY, APORTE VEDERATION WH, W. BEATTY, CHAIRMAN OF GAMES president of the OPH The photographs reproduced ABOVE show those whe take a prominent part In the opening coremanios of the Feitish Empire games at Hamilton, today president af the Internationa! Federation (9) Bir James Lelgh-Waod, ehalrman of the British council (1) Court Balllet Latevouy whe ay Great Airship R-100 Arrives Home But Fails to Break Record Abandon Liner In Mid-Pacilic British Steamer Tahiti Sink: ing and Passengers Take to Boats (By Canadian Press Lénaed Wire) Aig. 17 Ihe disabled Neitish steamer wirelessed at 1230 am, oda passengers and evew were ah hip at 0 degree 7 nin latitude hy long tite message sail the crippled bulkheads ware expected 10 Way moment A passed the Tahiu turned hack to he expected alongsid master ol 00h degrees, wield Ay Narwe and Wilh noean today SEIZED WITH BEER Liquor Worth $60,000 Tak- en by Canadian Officers at Windsor (By Canadian Press Lonsnd Wire) Ault, 10 ="The steamer heer valued at $60, selgure authorities of the Canadian in Windsor, "The undey the dook Raflway in Lake Erie ofMeers head hy A In of of preventive to Pant elearanen men Arthur, according to papers The pres wera reticent about carga wera "destined" ta the names and. ads Vedas were not des Kress said he had not been of the the 'heat, pending further (By Canadian Press Lonaed Wire) Cardington, Kog, Aug, 148 firent Dritain's giant dirigible, (he 100, cama hack homa today af tar an eighteen day (vip neross he Atlante and back to Montreal and uther Canadian elties, With her landfall near Fasnet Ireland, long hetore daylight, the divigibla passed in the beautiful anny weather up the Hrisfol ehan nel and neress England to arrive Over ite mooring mast here at 10,40 am, (A440 am, BET) Departure from BE Hubert Aly port, Montreal, was at KUN pm oul Waodneaday night, the trans Atlantieo -erossing of 8,887 miles helng completed tn A6 hours and 13 minutes at an average rate of speed of G8 miles per hour, . Graf Holds Record The fastest erousing In an aly orate was made in August, 10RD, hy the Graf Zepplin, whieh needad only A6 hours and 24 minutes to travel 4.9006 miles - nearly 1,000 miles mare than the R100 travell oil hetween Lakehurst, NJ, and Friedriohshaten, Germany The rat's average speed was 7H miles per heuy, Crowds whieh had gathered from hofore dawn witnessed the arrival of the dirigible, whieh is the lave: ont graft of ita kind in the world, Lord Thamaan, Beitiah aly minister, headed the afelal welcoming com mitten He himself was at the field ainea 1.00 am, The dirigible cronping travelled almost without deviation along thé great olvele route hetween the twa places, At timea with favorable winds it made A reat a speed as 100 wiles per hour, and other times was slowed down hy adverse winds to an little An twelve or fifteen miles per hour, in nAking the No Marving Incidents Have for m rainstorm which wade for roush molng yesterday morning and caused gome small teara in the fahrie of the envelapa the ve men trip was made without ineids ont, One of the ship's aly engines, damaged on the trip aver, was net In ure at all, but through a large Part af the vaturn trip anly three engines wera used anyway so its lack wan not felt Throughout the vip messages fram aboard told constantly of an enjoyable trip, Passengers were represented an wishing only that they might ameke, An aseldent to the ship's stave Friday, whioh wee ousltated cold weals during the latter stages of the trip, was ae cepted with good humor, | th WW, Heally Hmpive games | wha will he present {mania MH Hon KH Openings ih Vi BH, Bennett Empire Games Open Today Viscount Willingdon Form: ally Opens Big Program This Afternoon (By Canadian Prosn Leased Wie) Hamilton, Aug, 10 Hamilton wo day became play ground of mpl Attended. hy ideal weather of Hons, British Empire games, concely edd om this Lake Ontario. ei pened in all fs colorful setting with formal of an imaugural, a Houvish of a and the wishes ol world untries ol nil Hes pageant pond Sport loving Eleven oi Whose representatives from every quarter ol plaved their part in the glgantie wn dertaking Fhe class of the empire athletes in every line of sport en deayvour are hep I'hey ute the new mtrasempire ambassadors whose pres sence not only assures the fiend est of competitions among all of the same blond, but fv acknowledged us ane more mighty hoon that unites all Hiitish peoples His Majesty the King was person ally represented by Visconnt Will mpdon, governor-general of Canada, and honorary president of the games who personally pened the program thiv afternoon. Premier KR, RB, Ren nett and Prime minister G, Haward Ferguson of Ontario are also in at tendanoe, ST. LAURENT HEADS BAR ASSOCIATION Succeeds Premier Bennett Rowell Chosen as Vices President (Ry Canadian Proan Lotant Wire) Toronto, Auk, 180, 8 #8, Laurent, K.L., Quaheo, was elected preaident of the Canadian Bar Awe pooiation heve tosday In sueoossion to Premier 1, 1, Reanet, Announcement wan made hy #iy Douglas Hagen, Chiel Justice of New Brunawiek before the selects fon war made that the prime minis ter regretted he could not accept fA continuation in oes In view ol ha ofolal duties, ' Hon, N. WW, Rowell, KC, Tom ante was ehosen soneral vieespresis dent, DL MeCarthy, K.Q, Tovento was oleoted Ontario vieespresident ane Pithlado, KC, Winnipeg was elected to the office of treasurer, the have Piplit Lome the globe umities for Canada, (4) Lord Burghley, nated English hurdler, aunt Willingdon Canadian prime minister, who will also attend wha 18 ehalrman of the British wha affiointes at opening osres All Hope Is Now (By Canadian Press Lossed Wine) Makehurn Mine, Coalmont, B.C Alig Ih lames and amoke thiew a new barvier today Aoross the entry ta the underground fomh of 42 miners Ilya in the deptha of the Nlakeburn mine, where the d8-man afternoon shift Was trapped by A pas blast and vave In Wednesday, has halted all afforis to recover the bodies of the Hisfated crew, Pifhead, Makebhurn, N.C. Aug 1h A sad-hearted craw of coal digmers labored last night to open up A miners' tomb, gam-manked and sweating, staggering about in the foul aly of the mine depths, they sought to hring out the oorpees of thelr mates of the af ternoon shift, trapped when a cavesin followed a gasblast Weds nenday svening, Forty-aix are on the death Net «hut only four hos 188 have heen recovered In two days' toll Until midnight, OROWN struggling through the eave-ina along a halt a mile of mine shaft were eatled "rescuers" A faint hope was held aut for the ven of the gang who had taken thelr lamps Into the pit on Weds nenday at noon, who had almost worked out thelr trick before an Yaftersdamp' explosion went black cont rushing in hundred tons down A moore of sopes, Bul now there In no tWlk of resuce for dead ALOK ALL hope is abandoned, PART OF POULTRY LOOT RECOVERED (Ry Canadian Proan Loansd Wine) Reeton, Aug 16=Word was ve ceived herd that the Provincial Pos lice had located part of the haul of ehekens which were stolen fram the farm of Mes, Henry Aiken of Ree ton on the morning of August 1), following whieh the hennery was set ahlase I'he first lot wad recovered in Tors onto Township, some distance north of Neetn, while a second lot were fund at Egbert, near Ivy, in Sim coe County, ENDURANCE FLIERS START ON 27TH DAY (By Canadian Presa Losasd Wine) Sthouts , Aug 16=Campleting 633 hours in the aie at 811 am, (eat) to diay, Dale lackson and Forest O Reine vefuelled their vecordsbhroaking endurance plane. Greater St Louly, and swung into their twenty seventh day of sustained flight, lant night, the Abandoned | For Men Entombed in B.C. Mine NEW ZEALAND THREATENS REPRISALS 'CONSIDER WITHDRAWAL OF BRITISH PREFERENCE ON CANADIAN BUILT AUTOS DENY RUMOR THAT PERRI SOUGHT A POLICE GUARD Reports of Threat on Life Refuted---Little Light on Murder (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Hanlon, Aug, 1h Polles to day were still following tha few alien that may lead to the appre nensinn of the layers of Mrs, Bes wile Parr, wife of the self wlylad hootleg king who met hoy death Wadnesdny night from the volley of shotguns fired In the Parrl EATiKe here In absolutely nothing new ta report," wan Inspector of deter tives J. I, Croeker's comment Wa do not leek for an Immedinte developments," The police, he sald were ing oul a eavafuyl wiudy and invont! gation of the erime, hot up ta to night had nothing definite tn re port : I'he fed A report that apcaned the slaysr nights before the murder, heen warned of an attack upon himself and had sought pallies protection One development in the solution of the orlme that came to Hght today wan (he digenvery of the ammunition hox from whieh it 1g pupposed the shells uwed In the erime were taken The hoy and contents ware found on A lawn al Caroline and Markham streets Whether It was thrown hy the gun men fram thelr motorcar or was lost An thelr hurry to escape wm nol known, Polles are endenyoring to tries the purchaser | wo mre inspector emphatieally den Nocen Perel, whe guns, had twa Turning Point In War is Seen Nationalists Win Victories in Shantung and Honan, Rebels Fleeing (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, China, Aug, 16.-=Vie tory for Nationalist arms fn Hhane tung and Honan provinces inelnd ing the recapture of Tainan capital of Bhantung province, was claimed hy the government yesterday In Whitt HOMe ohRervers say May prove the turning point in the eivil WAR Rebel torees, which had ovoupled Toinan for nearly two months wera driven onl and hurled northward, At other points in the two warria. den provinces the insurgent foroes wera overwhelmed and flung back taward the Yellow river, ISSUE STATEMENT ON UNEMPLOYMENT EARLY NEXT WEEK Response of Municipalities in Giving Information Encouraging (By Canadian Proms Latand Wire) Ottawa, Aug 16=The responses received from the Provinees and wu nieipatities in connection with the in quirien sent out from the department respecting wnemplayment conditions manifest an encouraging desire 10 cosoperate with the Dominten Gov ernment, declared Hen, Gideon Ro hevtaony, Minister of Labor, here ves day, The minister expressed grat fication over the large wanhes replies he had alveady received "About the beginning of next week," he said, "1 expect to he in a position to Iasue a summary to the ol Unless Canada Will Pur. chase New Zealand But- ter, Retaliatory Measures May Be Adopted PREMIER FORBES MAKES STATEMENT Unfortunate That Butter Made Issue in Election Campaign, He Says, Hop- ing "Better Counsels" Will Prevail (By Canadian Voss Leased Wire) Wallmugion W AK 14 Pramier Worbhes stated to-day that unless Canndn wan prepared to pur thaws New Zealand butter, the New Zealand government may he com palled to consider withdrawal of the application of the Heltish prefer ontinl tariff to motor ears impor! ed fram Canada I was unfortunnte minipter sald, that the of ow Zanlond butter had heen made an lspue In the recent Cane dan general election, hut he hoped "hetter counsels' would aventusil provall an ho did not want to adopt rotallatory measure Canada, ho wild, had the advan! Ain of hoalng nhie ta get her manu factured goods Inte New Zealand British goods, this baing of tremendous advantage, partioular Iv tn Canada's motor Industry, Which In closely allied with the Am orlean motor ear Indust) tha prime importation | | | fH IE wan announced some time agn that all the General Motors axpor business, partioularly regarding Chevrolet nutomohilon, had heen transferred the Canadian com Panny In this way, the company secured the hepeft of the British prafarence, while ft meant that the CAFR Were made to a large extent hy Canadian labor instead of in the United Matos factories Hines the New Zealand motoring ROABON oecurs at the apposite time of the veiar to that in Canada, the peak demand for enrs from New Zonland comes At the time of year when the domestic production of ANGE In nt Ite lowest point, and WK the New Healnnd business aids In Keeping the plants in operation more steadily throughout the year Any cutting off of thin business would thus affect tha Canadian deneral Motors company and Osh» Awa workmen to a considerable extent, It helieved, When questioned hy The Times (hig morning vegarding the above dospatoh, WH, A, Brown, vieespres! dont and general manager of Gens oral Motors of Canada, said that ha preferred to make ne statement op the matte) In in J Chicago Gang Made Big Profit Records of Slain Leaden Show Huge Revenue, Much Hush Money (Ry Canadian Pies Lanssd Wire) Chicago, Way Aug 10 w= Carefully weserved records ol a alain gang leader, were made public by the state's attorney's oftice last night, showing enormous receipts from lig wor, gambling and viee interests on one side of the ledger and substan Hal disbursements to Judges, palitis clam and police on the athe The cancelled cheeks, notes aml edger sheets of Jack Zuta; viee ove evdord who was shot down in a Wisse consin dance hall recently, wera found na weeret sale deposit box yesterday The veeords fneluded the following ems A cancelled cheek for $330 made onto a former judge of munieipal superior and eriminal courts Cheeks totalling $600 either mada payable 10 or endorsed in the nama of a former state senator and west side political leader A cancelled check for 880 mada payable to a large Cook County pols tical club Cancelled checks of $300 and $100 endorsed in the name of an atiorney whe ix the brother of a cireuit court Judge A ledger sheet which is headed "period end. No 13 inclusive" shows receipts of SAMAR and net profits of 518, Investigators believe this wits the record for ope week of the gambling and bootlegging enter press giving a general picture of the ecpnditions with which the Govern ent donlres to deal, prises of © the AutasMovan-Aiella gang,

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