PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAIL ¥ TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1930 EE -- The Whitby Daily Times os and news will be received at the Wa Bah ansh Offi a4 Go Genel snd Chronicle ~Telephone 13, Alter AEPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Public Utility Commission To Extend Fire Hydrants Decision Te o Spend $10,000 Decided at Moeting of Whitby Council With Utilities Body ~-- Project Will Provide Additions! Fire Protection And Work for Unemployed The Town Counell took aleps Al 4 special meeting hold last night ta relieve to soma extent the uns employment situation in the town, The Council, which met with the Public Utility Commission, decid. ed to make extensive additions te the existing watersworks system in the town, which would give employment to a considerable number of men for several months, The amount of money to ho ex pended hy the town In the work wis wel tentatively at $10,000, Counelllor Nelda explained to the meeting that the eounell had re volved a petition from ex-reeve Kanny asking for a fire hydrant in the north west seetion of tha town, in order to give Adequate protection to that section In cane of five, Tt was alse pointed out to the meeting that tha north west sootion of the town was not the only part where more fire protec: tion was necessary, Tt was the opinion of tha meeting that the time was now coms when this work could ba done to the hest advantage hoth to the town and th tha large number of men out of work, 0, W, VP, Kvery of the Publie Utilities Commission state od that the commission had hesis tated to undertake the extension of the water mains as it would sn tall an Inerease In the Axed charges and alan In the Interest on pystom, After oareful consideration of the subject, 1t was decided that AXtannions ta eight of the existing maine would he made, Tha total Isngth of the mains to he ald was stated to be In the neighbarheod OF Ave thousand feet and the es , timated cost would he about $10, 000, The proposed extensions run from some two hundred feet to thirtesn hundred fest, One of the extensions to which the meeting pald partioular attention was that along Reynolds strest from Duns dan to Glibert, This main would tie with the existing main runs ning along Ofthert street and . werving the Ontarie Ladies' Cols loge, It wan pointed out hy Mr, very that the Fire Marshall's department had asked for this ex. tension before but the commission had not seen ita way clear to hulld It up to the present, The slight extensions would also mean the placing of eight new hydrants, hringing the total number of hys anni in the town up to sixtys ain, The meeting passed a resolution that the charges per year for the fire hydrants be raised top dollars to forty dollars a yoar to take fool at the time when the f M payment, on the debentures to he insued th over the cost 'of the work fall due, The meeting was unanimous fu supporting the motion, of Council lors Reid and Davidson which asked the Public UtiltieggCommine sion to make Lhe prepo oxlons sions, The members of the couns off ware In agresment thet the commission should be given a free hand In the work and that (he council considered that the work should he done ns cheaply as pose sible, The plans and specifications for the Joh will be prepared at once and submitted to the Nallway and Municipal Board and the Departs ment of Public Health for vatifcie tion; It 1s proposed that the work shall begin as soon ss complote Are rangements ave hesn made, rw JITNEY TOURNEY OF BOWLING CLUB HELD LAST NIGHT Wm, Correll And J. F. Booth Tied For First Prize Tho weekly Jitney 1ournament of the Whithy Lawn Bawling Club was held on the greens Inst night and was a decided success with twenty-four players (aking pm! The tournament was the Ihird time that play had heen started for the set of prizes offered, The frst two ocenslons on which play was atariod It was found neces APY to postpone the event on Aus eount of welt weather AR A Ts sult of the postponemants six sets of privos ware given Inst night, There wera two (les In the poore, Willlam Correll and Frank Booth rankink frst with a scors of forty points, In the play-off Mr, Booth won the Arst prise and Mr. Correll rama necond For ascond place George Ander won and Georges Robh were also tied with thirty-Ave points, Mr Anderson winning the deciding ond Ohavies Barton ranked fifth with thirty-four points and J, M Hinks secured tho sixth prises by making thirty-three points The games worn featured hy a 10 tn 1 defeat administored to one team, COHERRIO OLUB MEKTN The Cheario Club of the Rehoe cn Lodge, Whithy, held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Arthur Hopper, Mary street, The afternoon was spent in quilting, after which supe Per Was sorved, CLEAN UP NTREETS Workmen were busy yesterday cleaning up the strests with the street sweeper. The atrest fair which was held on Wednesday evening, having cluttered the pavements with papers And other dirt, The change after the work power, ART. COLE running as smoothly as it should, BOWMANVILLE or ------ rp ---- Ag. 4, Lat, Auth, }, Lat, Comp, C, ¥r, Comp, ©, yi Marion Rickardb~Crerm, Germ, Comp, 1, Manley Rickard---Ane, Hist, 1, Ag, 2, Cham, 1, Tat, Auth, #, Lat, Comp, 8, Vr. Auth, 8, Vr, Comp, % Mauriea Rose-~Eng, Comp, (, Eng, IAL, 2, Can, Hist, 1, Geom, 1, Phys, 2, Alban Rundle Hint, Auth, 1, Eng, 14, €, Can, a Tar! footb-=Ann, Hist, Harold Blemon-~Ane, Hist, 4%, Vig 1, Chem, 8, Ist, Auth, 1, Lat, Camp, #, Vr, Auth, 1, Pr, Comp, %, Bernica Biainton-- Eng, Comp, Eng, Li, 8, Can, Hist, §, Geom, | 2 New: the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, Bowmanville Representa | I'he following are the resulis of | the Middle Bohool Bxaminations at | the Bowmanville igh Mehool, The | peeratary of the High Behool Board CO, 1, Mason has the certificates In his oMoe on King Breet and will give any requiring their's if they | will eall and seo him * Marks are Indleated an follows 116 to 100 paroent; 4-66 to 74 parcant| B80 to 86 percent; ( | 00 to bY percent | Douglas Adama Ane. His Alg, 3, Chem, 0, Lat, Authors § Lat, Comp, C, Pr. Auth, ©, Fi Comp, B | Joseph Alexander ling. 141, ( Cn, Hist, 8B, Geom, C, Pls ( Adu Allin --=Ane, Hist 4 Alf | Auth, 8, Lat, Comp, ¢, Wy Auth, 2, I'v, Comp, 3, term, Auth 1, Gharm, Comp, € Marion Allin Hist, 4, Geom, uth Allin-«Lal Auth, ¢, Fr, Camp, Oswald Anderson Kng (!, Eng Lit, 3, Can, Hist, 1, 1, Physies Ciara Anhlas Eng, Lit, C1, Can, Muriel Baker 1, Chem, C, Marion Batlle Ving, Lit, €, Can Phys, © loah Hint, 2 Rernlen Hellman Florence Rennet! Ant Alg, 8, Lat, Auth, §, Int Fr, Auth, 1, Ir, Comp, 8 Joan Bopthame=Lat, Auth Lat, Comp, C, I'v, Comp Novelda Nevry-(iraek Avoid Marjorie Rradt lug. Comp Bog, Lit, 0, Can; Hist, 1, Geom Germ, Authors 1, Germ. Comp Lat Eng Lit, RB Can o Auth, €, MM Camp tieom Comp, (Jeom, # Ag Kine Hint, 0 Ane, Hist 1} Camp. eam, 1 ing Hist, | Rell «Eng, Lt Can Ani Fist, Hist, 1 Comp SS § B of cleaning was completed wi quite noticeable Ah es F Have You An Oiling Problem? Talk It Over With Us We would like to talk to you about oil==and how to get the most out of it, Maybe your tractor does not work just right, Next Ume you see our truck coming down the road, ask the driver to stop, He knows oil and how to recommend the right oil for your tractor, car and truck, He is able to talk with gov about oil=eand is more than willing to do so, SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL X-® Jower Guanline and Oil Company Tinted 407 Central Bldg, Toronto 2 DISTRICT MANAGER TELEPHONE 14 Maybe your automobile is not Maybe your truck engine is not giving you its full | 4, Lal | Germ | Kng Lit, 1 {doit yo [QO Pr ( | Bn [ Camp | Author, 2 | Ag 1, Bowmanville | Daily Times advertising and subscriptions will be received at The Times in the Cowan Telephones==Offico~~587; Housemr131, vem, Herbert Mortlock Bowmanville H igh School Renylts Comp, (, §, Geom, | Kng Hint Ag ©, Olver Braid Eng, Liat, tf, CAR Allen Clemeanos Chem ( Eng, Lit, €, , Phys, § Clemenes (laom Charl Can, Hint Harhert Colmer Greek Auth , (ireak Aceld, t Haohart Corbett Alith. A Chem Fr Ag (O', Fr, Auth, €, Comp i Comp, O Geom, |, King Hint, 1 Cowling tan Mianloy | ng, IM hype | Hinnley Geom, 1 ifredn Kliliott Comp, 4 Kilint Flaxman Can, Mint, ( ng, Comp, # Hint, €, Geom, | King, Comp, ¢, Hist, !, tGaom, | Kn. Comp, §, Dunn Eng Lat LB aderm. Auth, 1, Hist, # Comp, §, Geom | King Ani ing tirnee Hotty vn Fale ni Annie Gardner Eng. 14, 3, Can Kyvalyn Goddard Eng 14t, 1, Can. Hist, 1, Germ Auth term, Camp, © L ton Hackney Kng, Comp, ©, Cnn, Hist, 8, team, 2 Haunting Ag, '( lal Lat, Camp, ¢', Fr, Auth mp, Norah Heyward ne Lit 1, Can Parath Hon lat. Cami | Hynde Phys, Wallnean Horn FUerm, Comp, Willlum Ingram ink fohn Jury Ane, Hint, 1} Chem. 1 Lat, Auth, 1, Lat I, re, Auth, 1 Fe, Comp, 1 Jaesle Kno Eng. Comp LV 1, Can, Hist, 1, Geom, | ( (y Auth, Eng, Comp. 8 Hist, 4, Phys, ( Lat, Auth | n Honeymn tisom Gorm. Auth | 91 | I Al, | Comp 2 Eng I'hys Ane, Hist, ¢ Auth, 8, Lt Ir, Comp Auth, ¢ ng. Comp, © Hist, 1, Geom Winnie Lancasiel Allg. 1, Cham, 1, Lat Comp Ir, Auth, 8, Lenin Milley "y olyn Millson Can ing Comp, Hint, , Geom, 2 at, Auth, © ng Camp, Hist, Ane, Hint, €, Alg Auth, 8, Im Pr, Auth, 2, ¥r, Comp, # Morris=-Eng, - Comp, ©, Can. Hist, , Germ term Comp, A Maori Ane Hist Lat, Auth, 1, Joan Millson dt. 2, UAn Inhn Minora Milde Mbore lit 'un Muriel Moore , Chem, 8, Lat Hotty Mug, Lt LB I" ? Lat [| Kenneth Alg, 3, Chem, Auth, 4, Fr, Camp Kenneth Oshorne Ghom, ¢, Lat, Auth, §, Comp, 8 Fro Auth, ©, Fr, Comp, Neluon Oshorne - Ane, Hist Auth, C, I'v, Comp, 0 Kvelyn RNiokard--Ane, Hist, ©, EEN a eA A Ane, Hial I CANADIAN PACIEIC i. CANADAS '" } GREATEST STEAMSHIPS NATLINGN FROM Montreal to Cherhourg, Nouthamps ton, Hamburg Aug. 21 opt IR yaa Montclare xAug, {0 Duchess of Richmond Hapt, HB yao «+ Montealm yDoes not oll al Hamburg, To Haves AntwerpLondon Aug, BR Hept, 36 oo Matpgama Mept var ams saa ay Montrose Oct, 3 ives Montealm To llamo Liverpool sNelfast NAME 10 sept, 18 Minnedosa sAUg. 20 aNept, 10 'Duohess of Redford sAUR. 07 assent, 17 Duchess of York Aug. 20 \ Melita wlept, 4 lent, 90 Duohen of Atholl Rept, 14 | Duchess of Riehmand aDoos not eall at Liverpool aCalls at. Liverpool only, "ROM QUKRRKEO To Cherbourg-Nonthampton Aug. 10 Sept, H Empress of Soot. land Aug, 20 sept dopt, 2, Sept, 18 Bwpress of France 20, Kmpress of Aun tralia Apply Local Agents or Ji BL MACKAY, General Agent Phone Adelaide won Canadian Paciftio Nidg. TORONTO Comp, 0, 4 Garm, Tuerk --¥ng, C, Germ, Auth, uth Ink Lit, Comp, 2, Morley Yanstone «Ane, Hist, 1 Al, 1, Chem, 4, Tat, Auth, 1, Lat, Comp, 8, Pr, Auth, 1, I'v, Comp, 1, I Paine Wagar Eng, Comp, (, | ng 1A, 2, Can, Hist, 2, Geom, 1 Phys, 8, OGdrm, Auth, 2%, Germ Comp, 2 Gnovgs Werry-¥ng Hist, 2, Geom, 0 Thelma Werry team, C, Annie Wilkins ng Can, Hist, ©, Geom, 2, Kennath Wood=Yng, Comp oan, Mist, 8, Geom, 1, Phys, © | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Library Lit 8, Can, Can, Rist, iM, 6 e Pacarating Painters are taking advantage of the Library being closed during the holidays of the Librarian and Are klving the Yhrary a» mush. neaded cont of pain! A mueh smarter looking Hhrary will great Mra, Meregor when she returns to town mea Again Ones again the time of the year Wan rolled around when the taxes hacoma due Yesterdny tha town LPOANUTAr WAR husky making out the tax hills vendy for mulling st the and of the month here Is one thing to ha thankful for and that In that the tax is no higher this year than val lant MN, John's Chureh Ninth sunday nfter Trinity Communion and sermon 11 am Bunday Mehool, 12.80 pm, Wven ing Prayer 7 pom. The vector will he In eharge of all services Nt, Apdrew's Church Horvieas at Hit, Andrew's Provhy Lorian Chureh to-morrow will ha an follows, Morning warship 11 a, m Munday Nehaol 10 am Evening worship at 7.40 0 m Holy Union "Nervices BL, Paul's and Trinity congress tions will warship to-morrow as follows morning services at Trinity AL 11 am, Fvening narvice at Mt Paul's at 7.00 pm Hay, D. W Hest and the choly and organist of Bt, Paul's In eharge of tha ser vieas HIGH SCHOOL LADS -nanfor health nurse of Oshawin Wan renched the 42 mark and then they left the ninth Innings sions, Theres was really very little to the game but it was fun to ses the Front Street change thelr pitchers ocen slonully Adams was not having mueh effect #0 they Yraded for James and Johnny had very Witla if any more success, As a 188 7a. sort. and more for fun then any thing Candler took a held of the hall, hut despite the fact thet he is procisimed as 'Lickus' on the back of his sweater he too war unable to show any form, The Leams were High Behool-=Adamg ¢ HWerl Colmer, pi William, 1h; Hackney, si 7, Bagnell, Zh; W, Bagnall, 4h: Harold Colmer, "i Oshorne, of; Ingram, I, ront. Kireel elim, IM; Bates Owharne, 2n; Can vf; Candler, ¢; M Oshorne, sx; James, 1h; Adams, pi Turner, fh; Oke, If, Umpires Auda anda Colwell TORONTO MAN I$ FINED 823 & COSTY RECKLESS DRIVING Was Involved in Accident in Which Oshawa Nurse Was Injured BB. V. Andrews of 184 r wlton Avenue, Toronto was fined #26 and aonts when he appeared hafore Mak istrata Ward charged with reek loan Ariving yesterday afternoon The charuos arose from an aecldent in which Miss Alberta Harris, involved and Injured on July 24 Miss Harris wan proceeding towards Oshawa at the time whan the Aefendant drviving a De Holo vondster aut In front of another car and being unable to complete the pass oranhed into the Chevrolet se dan driven by Miss Harrie, The Inttar was Injured and her car had ly damaged whila the ear owned hy Androws wan Also damaged. And raws Who was represanted in court hy I, Churehill pleaded not guilty and after lengthy evidence had haan heard the Magistrate hrought in a verdiet of guilty and fined the neciined an stated ahove TORONTO LADS ARE ALLOWED FREEDOM ON $200 BONDS Mike Harvgan, Wak Desmond Thldente Kugene Worgan and J, 1. (1. Horne all of Toronto who were lust woel remanded In custody for sentenes when thay pleaded guilty to sival ing gasoline from (the garape of W, D, Bragg on the highway holwesn Bowmanville and Newoastle, wera allowad out on suspended senteneas hy Magistrate Ward in Polled cour vesterdny under bond of two hund red dollurs enoh to keep the peaos There yespective parents wera re EASILY DEFEAT Students Have Not Lost Game in the Second Schedule The High Ne hoo) students contin wad thelr winning streak when they had litle trouble 1h disposing of the Front Htreet in the second game of the schedule 1ast night The score was deciplve too, 88 to 1, The game was something ke the moore, very one sided and from the first Innings the Front Niveel had ttle chance, They even en Hinted the services of Mike Oshorne and when he proved to he of ne aid and dropped out his hrother the diminuative Dave took his place and showed them how ta play ball, AL leant he did some niles flalding and proelaimed loudly to the orowd every time he wan responsible foi HOLLING A man out The vesult of the game put the High Hehool in & pretty safe pos tion and If they win thelr last game against the Wiis on Monday evening they will have completed the schedule without a loss. Any» way they are certain of a place in the playoffs, The lads from the Main atvect started In to bat and were unable to soore until the third when they made a lane one to atop heing white washed, Hates wan the only man to complete the rounds, On the other hand the students started vight off the firat fanings and woored one adding more every innings In the game until: they FRONT STREET 80 easily relieved How to treat Headaches Neural Neuritls | lor check a Cold WEL Ome women se patient with paint |] ohhing with a head that throbs, or when they ache all aver, Sometl jo it's hours fore they | take Aspirin and get relief! t men take these tablets the moment that some sudden ache or pain threatens their comfort aud #0 should ht Aspirin 1a per eetly armless; it cannot depres eart, tablets "ampe a Bayer an ey genuine Aw nh always the s ne Always # it ian A sensible to suffer w ha eadache, a cold netiralgle al i" or ht thing else that these tablets relie Sos Josh " allowed: Buy b ihe hott drugstore' [1] "the ont an EASPIRIN TT I ------ A HARBOR SCENES Motion Pictures of the To Be Regent Starting yung 3 TIMES DAILY And Continuing Till Wednesday, August 20th ning of Oshawa Harbor ; hown at Theatre Today Aug. 16th quired to sign the bonds and be ve sponsible for (heir good hehaviour who will Phoenix far people Muskogee favernment tand for lee cream, shipped hy parcel post they mark it "If not three dave, never mind," i for a period of two yesrs, we learn, Is now being No douht delivered in Judge -------- demonstrated that the ideal farm of Mussolini has i dictatorship Is ollars never bought o much as in todays Pontiac Inspected in the spirit of today's close buy: ing, the value of the new series Pontiac Big Six is even more outstanding than in the past, Here is a big car, a modern car, a beautiful car and an economical car, priced interest ingly low, Consider Pontiac's definitely in- creased performance and value, represented by these new mechanical improvements, New and even stronger Fisher Bodies with new convex belt mouldings, Sloping non.glare VV windshield that deflects blinding lights from the driver's eyes and makes driving safer, Improved more powerful motor develop. ing 60 horsepower, Stronger and more rigid crankease, effects ing greater quietness, 4.point rubberdnsulated engine mounts ing, quelling vibration and noise, Improved four-wheel brake system w= practically no lubrication required, Easy worm and sector type steering gear, Weatherproof rubber draft seal collars on foot pedals and steering column, provad Lovejoy hydraulic shock pa bers with rubberinsulated metal links, Im sor Drive this great car, and investigate these features carefully, Your nearest dealer will gladly demonstrate, You will find that the dollars which go to purchase a Pontiac Big Six have greater buying power than ever before! The facilities of G.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred payment plan, are available to make purchase convenient, General Motors Owner Service Policy assures your complete and continued satisfaction, Moffatt Motor Sales Limited 88 Simcoe St, North Oshawa, Ont, Phone 918 ROY W, NICHOLLS, COURTICE, ONT, HICKS & SMITH, WHITBY, ONT. CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO, BOWMANVILLE, ONT\ H. R. ARCHER « MOTOR SALES, PORT PERRY, ONT, dill TRY IT --AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Anociate Dealers