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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- und the Community SO IAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, R, Work of Winnipeg Is risiting her sister and hrother-in- mw, Mr. and Mrs, D, Moffat, 20% Athol Street Kast, Mrs, W. J). Eeby, of Toronto, Mrs, M, Gatchell, of Budbury, Mrs, K. W. Woodcock, of Port Are thur, and Mrs, W. A, Fountain of Dongola, ave visiting at the hone of thelr sister, Mrs, T. 0. Argue, 888 Division street, Migs Marie Gatehell, of Toronto, Ww visiting at the home of her aunt Mrs, T. GO, Argue, Division street, Mr, George Wilson, of The Times composing staff, is leaving tonight for Campbeliford to spend & vacation on the Trent river, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Argue, of Tillsonburg, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Argue, Diviglon street Miss Clara Hopper, Queen street, is leaving shortly, to spend A vacation at Wasago Beach, Misses Lois. and Nora Mundy re- turned today from wu week's boat trip to Mackinac Island and will spend the next week at Gull LAke, Mr, and Mrs, steld Miller and Mr, and Mrs, J, Turnbull, of Glen Morris, are spending the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, A, R, Alloway, Bimeoe street north, Mr, and Mrs, C, M, visiting the former's sister, Cull, at Orillia, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Boyce and son George, are leaving Monday for holidays at Wasago Beach and Collingwood, Mr, J, H, Richardson, Montreal, WAN A guest at the Genosha Hotel yesterday, en route to Muskoka Iake for the weekend, Mr, and Mrs, snd Mr, and Mrs, R, itayed last night at the Benosha Hotel, They will con nue on to Montreal and Into the Ktate of Maine, returning In time fer the Exhibition, Mr, and Mrs, |, Hale, of Topeka, Kansas, spent last night at the Mundy are Mrs Thomas Holland M. Bpear "SUMMER SALE FASHION SHOPPE Phone 8088W At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near (vr Ring & Simcoe 8, For oe i We Genoshia Hotel, Oshawa, in the course of a trip which will (ake them through Canada and (o (he Hockles, The Misses Hilde and Veda Morrison, Detroit, were guests al the Genosha Hotel last night, en route to Montreal via Ottawa, iL land, Ohio, Oshawa In which has taken Ontario, Quebec, They have heen enchanted with the good vords And. scenery encountered, Brady and family, Cleves pent lust night In the course of a trip them through Miss Dorothy Robertson, Chris: tie mvenue, Is visiting friends in Peterboro, Miss Edythe Vokes, Walkers ville, Is visiting ul her home on Albert street until Sunday, Miss Violet Jeffrey, RN, of Tor ronto, was a Kuest al the Genosha Hotel last night Moncton, NB, al the Oenosha Mr, KK, Vine, stayed overnight Hotel yesterday Mr, and Mrs Toventn, Are week-end In Oshawa hard Is connected Motors of Canada WwW. Gibbard, spending the Mr, Gib (lenersl 0 of with Young and today and Mrs, J, C Malcolm are leaving on & motor trip ta Ottaws and Norway Bay, Quehoe, where they will he joined hy thelr other son, Cromwell, who has heen swim ming Instructor at the Ottawa City Camp for under-privilegad hoys at Christie Lake Mr son, M. R Mt Mr. and Mrs Johnson of this city are in Thomas #al tending the funeral of Mrs, Johns son's sister, Miss Madge Poulson who died yesterday evening, Miss Poulson has heen (11 for the past Year Mr, KE, KE, Geyer, Mr. Samuel Depass and Mr, Ben Whittam, of the Famous Players Canadian Cor poration came to Oshawa last night, following the opening of the new Capitol Theatrs at Port Hope, and are spending the day In the efty and dough WeEah of Mr lames Perry tar, Cora, of Toronto, were end visitors at the home Henry Heott, Taunton Migs Mary Howine nurse-in training from the Ontario Hosp! tal, Toronto, Is spendin her va cation with her mother, Mrs, E Bowina, of Taunton Miss Evelyn Andisch and Mr, Ed, Mullin, of Oshawa are spend. ing the week-end In Markdale , JarCol, CO. H Ackerman, of Peterhovo, wan a visitor in tho eity last night Mrs Jas. Christie, Guelph and « N. Whitalser, of Hamilton, are the guests of Mrs, A, Adams, Lloyd street, Messrs, Kd Hurns, Richard i Noxon and Glenn Mundy Joave this | avening for two weeks in the Mag anatawan River distviet A ery in the night may be the first warning that Bahy has colic, : o Saves for alarm if Castoria is 8 pure vegetable aration bri wick Somiory and can never do the slightest harm, 8 keep a bottle in the house, It is the safe and sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation ; diarrhea, When tiny ton . a ted, or the breath is bad there' d of ! ation. Children Ful ge | taste of Castoria, and its mildne;s makes it suitable for the tiniest infant, and for frequent use, And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for rowing children than some need. aly strong medicine meant only for adult use, Genuine Castoria always has Chas. H, Fletcher's signature on the wrapper, Pree scribed by doctors | SHOWERS AND 40 ANBNSEN RY AND COMFORT RATES AMERICAN PLAN SURF BATHING alrert from bor! EGAN" Royal Templars Lodge Holds Social Evening The Royal Templars of Temper: ance, Oshawa No, 68, held a very enjoyalile social event on Tuesduy last, Following a short business session in the Council Rooms over the Commercial Bank, 8 musical and vocal programme Was pre sented, commencing with coms munity singing, The [ollowing constituted the various items; Fiano solo, by Miss A, Britien; Bootch songs hy Mr, B, W, Haynes; Hecltation by My, D, Bmith; vocal duet, hy Miss A Britten and Miss 1, Fleming; Harmonica solo by Mr, Bill Var: roll, Becompanied hy Miss M, Par. rell, At ten pm, the members and thelr friends adjourned to the home of Mrs, Howden, Arlington Ave, where tha soolal evening was continued, Games were played under the leadership of Bister | Fleming, who Is now in charge of the Hoclal committee, A delight ful midnight luneh was served hy Mrs, Howden and Mrs. J, Wilson, hefore the pleasant evening wai hrought to a close Dave Smith, i, TF, Press Kepories Mrs, Albert Bykes und Miss Marion Ross left today via the Great Lakes for a trip west to Vancouver and Beattie, Wash, Gordon D, Conant was in Roch ester on Thursday attending the Canada Cup Yacht race between the Quest and the Thishe Joseph O'Brien is sponding a few days In Kingston, at the home of his mother, Mrs, Etta O'Brien Miss Grace Warren is visiting he aunt, Mrs, John Warren al I'rince Albert, Dr, T. BE, Kalser of Oshawn, was one of the guests at the recent Hrown Family resunfon at Por Perry, Miss Hilda Miller 1s spending a few days with hey parents on Sougog lsland Miss Phyllis Gevaw of Brougham Is In the Oshawa General Hospital, where she Is recovering from an operation for appendieitis Mr, and Mrs. Edward Matdman have returned from visiting friends in Cobourg Miss Margaret Davidson has re turned to her home at Cohourg ats ter visiting Mr, and Mm, C. Kewl, Miss Ethel Gulleridge of Cobourg has heen visiting friends and rela tives In Oshawa, Ea ET --_r." "It expanded with the heat" Our list of customers was considerably augmented during the recent hot spell, which would indi: cate that women are mere and more learning to appreciate the practices al, common-sense value of this modern laundry in solving the family wash problem, Meat of these new customers will he come regular users of our service if they follow the usual practice and orders generally become regular calls. We have five dif- ferent kinds of "family wash" servige==all done in soft water without marking, starching or rubbing of any kind, As a matter of fact, less wear and tear than any heme process and considerably cheaper. Phone and allow us to explain == or stop any ene of our courteous drivers, Ask about our special summer cottage sarvice, Phone 788 I 434 Simeoe St. South TE Ar Ideas for Serving Unexpected Guests BY EDWINA NOLAN Director of Home Bervies, General Bleetrie Refrigeration Department LI, housewives at some time or other have experienced that sinking feeling when unexpected guests arrived at the dinner hour, on a day when hothing special was planned for the table, If Phe guests stayed to dinner, it was 8 case of their "taking pot luek" or of hav- ing someone dash quickly to the corner grocery or delicatessen, But, thanks to new ideas, new recipes and modern facilities for food preservation, a simple family meal may be transformed into a gala affair in short order, Here are some of the ways of doing its Btart the meal "with a bang." That is, have an appetizer of some hors d'oeuvres or & canape or a tomato juice eocktall, served oy enld, Any of these will add a touch of festivity and the sup- plies for them may he kept ly on band in the refrigerator, What New York Is Wearing Hiusteated Dressmaking Tesson Furnished with Kvery Pattern It almost seems incredible that this darling French frock Is made with 1% yards of db6-ineh material with Byard of 20<inch contrasting for youngsters of four vears For the pert vibhon how with nose hanging ends that yeach almost In the hemline, 14 yards of S2«dneh ribbon 1s sufelent It's a quaint patierned aprigged dimity in pink tones, The collar is sheer white nrgandie with scale loped edge that may ha Anished with pleat or piped with bias bind Ing Tha all-round full-gatheved shirt emphasiges the normal walstline of the Hite basque hodiee The hem reflects the scalloped treatment of the eallar Miyle No, A878 ia de glgned In sliges-¥, 4 and 4 Years Daffodil yellow organdie, ght hue eallea printed in deeper blue with white plague collar, nile green polka-dotted Hnen and arehid and white gingham check with white pique are interasting combinations This ule Patern price £0 cents in stamps or enln (eoln preferred), He sure to Al In slge of pattern Address Pattern Department The pummer Fashion Magagine contains most Interesting styles for adoalts for LAWN OF VACARLION Wear Alen day ling styles for the kiddies ft Is 10 canta a copy y Garnish the soup you were planning with seme Whiphed ream and finely minced parsle) nr ¢hobped fimenta, which it in agile to keep for two weeks without molding in & covered jar in 8 modern refrigerator, Pinch off some of those 're irigeralor rolls," let them rise . bake them at the last min- ute, Dress up your salad eourse as Joblows, f ile the rolls are bak. ing, roll out seme pastry, sprinkle with sit or we bu hy out into sticks or "straws," bake in the same oven, Make eream or grated Ameriean cheese into balls and roll in ehopped olives, minced parsley or nuts, Then make one of the quickly prepared frozen desserts, These preparations can be made In very little time; and, an a matter of fact, while the hostess is chat- ting with her guests, And they Md so much ba the musesns of the meal, No, A114 Blge Name "Aireet Address Clty Prov, a i i is When Food Sweeten the stomach=instantly About twa hours after eating many people sulfer from sou stomacha, They eall it indigestion, It means that the atomach nerves have heen over-atimulated, There excess avid, The way to cor reet It is with an alkall, which neutralizes many times ita volume in aed, \ The right way ia Phillips' Milk of Magnesia-~just a tasteless dose in water, It {a pleasant, effiolent and harmless, IL has remained Sours the standard with physiolans in the §0 years since ity invention It 1a the quick method, Results come almost instantly, It ia the approved methed, You will never ue another when you know, Be sure to get the genuine Phil lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by Physicians for 60 years in cor racing excesa acids, Each bottle contalng full directions = any ENGAG EMENTS Mr, and Mrs, Hugh MeCulloch, "Morning Side Farm" Bast Whithy, wish to announce Lhe engagement of thelr eldest daughter Haus! Kisanoy to Walton Grant. younger gon of Mr, and Mrs, WU, L, Vaseos, Columbus, Ontario, the marrisge will take place in the Uniled Church, Columbus, early in Hep A Weddings -- BROWN=VOKES A quiet but pretty wedding tok wee in the Trinity United Chureh, righton, ut three o'clock on Thurs day afternoon, when Reta Mae Vokes, daughter of Mr, Alfred Vokes, and the late Mrs, Vokes, of Albert Bireet, Oshawa, wis united in matrimony to Robert Brown, of Parls, Ontario, In the presence of only immediate relatives und friends The ceremony wis performed hy the Rev, C. W, DeMille, former minister of the King Street United Chureh of this eity, The bride wis given in marriage hy her father and was charmingly attired In a gown of shell pink georgette, with deep pin lee and pink pleture hat, and egg shell shoes, She earried a houguet of sp ee i 'try, and G, payments, drugstore, TILLIE THE TOILER--His Own Worst Enemy _ AS N\@WT FOR "THE FiReT TIME " MAC BUD NELSON, THe HESTERA LEADER, HIS OWN HE "TOM WAS D ME "THAT HIS INSBIRATION Sa "THINK \T'S "TERRIBLE pin) It is not much to pay for guaranteed finest quality rT ily of the val Bhe wis wt land States, and on thelr return will mike their home In Oshawa, Miss Kdvihe Velor 1a her marriage Mrs, Brown wore 6) wis the veceplent of many lovely gifts und the guest of honor at sey ernl showers testifying to the high esteem in which she Is held, weetheart roses, bireith ley Isler, Wilk erville dress if Wite ehittfon, dotted with pate blue Howers and black velour hat und carried on besiguet of ere sweethienr! rose vid delphinium I'he itended bh lig brother, Henry Brown, of Hamihon CEE My i me or trip 10 New ling ley und bab tended bh Vokes, of wha groom Mi, und Mrs, ®t. N, Johns, havo returned to the cily after spend ing a pleasant vacation at Musko- ka Assembly, wwii the und wir Jel for Mantres!, Quebec and the FROM THE STANDPOINT OF GOOD BUSINESS A GOOD BUY JypsinG Oldsmobile from the standpoint of good business is one of the best ways to assure yourself that Oldsmobile is the car you want, For Oldsmobile has all the characteristics which identify a good buy, First, it is a known quantity . . a product backed by its own remarkably successful record over a third of a century, Second, it provides known quality. Engine, chassis and Fisher body are designed, not as units of individual excellence, but + + by Oldsmobile peinciples of balanced engineering . . as parts of a perfectly harmonized whole, Third, In smart appearance; in luxurious comfort and in absolute dependability . . Oldsmobile offers marked value. Every comparison serves to make that value more apparent. But why not make your own comparisons . . let your own sound judgment be your guide. to be an outstanding performer in every way . . and from the standpoint of good business . . a good buy. 4 'ou will find Oldsmobile We will be glad to explain to you General Motors' Owner Service policy, the most complete in the automobile indus. WAC, General Motors' own plan of deferred OLDSMOBILE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED ROGER L. CORBETT ATHOL STREET WEST . OSHAWA, ONTARIO 2h I \IISH WASNT o SO TWALOUS = WHY COULDN'T | HAVE BAD SOMETHING NICE ABOUT "THE SONG. { GUBRSS T° ASN'T \N ME «

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