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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1930 PACE THREE Ratepayers' Meeting To Be Held Tonight, Not Tomorrow Dredge "Baxter Dick" Has Arrived From Cobourg to Complete Work at Harbor Th ts SHANA WAN WINS cor" BANTAM AUSTI cnn ane, AT BONMANVILE Then Dump Load Inte Second Time Lake (By Malm Reporier) | Bowmanville, Aug, 18-~Iamen Oshawa harhour 18 now playing | (1 Beavis, of 140 Eldon Ave, was host, to the third dvedge to visit declared winner of the Bantam here this season, - Yesterday after. | Austin Car given away by the Bow noon the dredge, "Buster Dick manvitle Rotary Club In connection owned hy the Band and Material | With He annunl street faly when he Co, Toronto, in the harhour to | guessed closest (a the exact mile Anish up the odds and ends of | Bee Which was run hy the ear Bat work 1eft hy the dredge Primrose' | Nrday afternoon When the fal when it was towed awny to dradge | Was held last week {1 was found out the course for the Canadian | thet Ave parsons had tied In the Henley regatin at Bt, Catharine milenge ostimating contest thus Tho Baxter Dick is expected tof Necessituting the running of the start work this morning Becnune | thr & second time to determine the of her mode of operation, she will {Winner he able to swing Into action sooner The Hite Augtin Wi operated than could the Primrose, sinea the | for twenty minides Baturday after Inying of pipe lines through which | noon during which period it ran to pump the sand Is unnecessary, | 04 miles, Mr. Beavis' guess was { The Dick doas not foree the stream | 7.0 miles of sand and water which she sucks Four nthars who were antitied tn up, through a long pipe up on Lo | KHOR included James Wilson nf the land, as did the Primrose, hut | Chosaren,, Maxwell Brodie, of 277 y ' ! instead feeds 1 into large happers | Division wirveel, Oshawa, Mrs H in the hull of the vessel, The water Kdgerton, 84 Roxhoro Ave, Osh drains away from the hopper, leay- | AW, And Roy I, Whittingdon, 644 Ing the sand and sediment hehind, | #imeoe street north When a full load, amounting on pent ken abound, he arse vr| WAS | INEMPLOYED FOR TEN MONTHS needs oul Inte the lake and dumps It In deep water, Up to four loads John Mucha Gains Pity of Oshawa Court 8 day can he handled, The majority of the work which Today brief chapter | remains to he done to complete thi | year's program les In the "han! \ approaching the turning basin | gaction of this channel is only | dredged to 11 feel depth at present | allowing no move than a hare oles | ance of bottom for the fyps of | hoat that has heen calling aL the harbour for the past week and a halt, When (he Baxter Dick is |tvagie tile of unemployment Was through this channel will have a [wyitten In city polices court this minimum depth of 10 feel overall, morning, when John Muehi appear It is expected that some work [ed hefors the magistrate on # may also be dane In dredging up [charge of entering a ONR, to the edge of the southern end of | freight ear the pler, Al the preseM time the John's stor Aradged channel does not make [Lhe Interpreter contact with the pier until well | Without work up near the location of the Tree Micha had no criminal record, Line Transportation Company's | Wad committed ho theft, Ha was temporary warehouse simply guilty of the affence of hunt The Baxter Dick was hrought to | NK jor a Mase to sleep, he It but Oshawa from Cobourg, Hhe (8 up. [#0 EMRLY Bax CAT, : . \ . 'Huspended sontence,'" was Mag der the command of Capiain Harold stents Willis verdict, as he advise fed John to moye on tn same other | 1oeality and Ie | | he a writer?" "more than | fe [ow reporters "You weren't!" came the unexpeet | od veply of the city editor I nthe One more revealed through told of tan months Tul, and carries a crew of 14 men He was looking for & rich wife thought he had found what he quired, "I love you," he I ean tell in words," "Fry hgures,"" she replied, caldly Rr ------ "Oh, why was | ever hrought up t sighed the cub ta his sald, TT a oh he _ oe v Public Meeting ---- A Public Meeting will Be Held in Memorial Park For the purpose of discussing the two Money By-laws which the Ratepayers of Oshawa will be asked to vote on, August 28th, 1930. I ---------------------- TONIGHT at 8.00 pm BE. .e"el rl aren ---- Members of the City Council nd prom nent Citizens will be there to speak on the By-laws, tr ----------A A The Osliawa Citizens' Band will also be there to render music before and after the speeches. Ml roperty owners are asked to be on and M Monday evening at Memorial Park : 8 p.m,, to hear these two important mat. ters discussed. ONE NEW INFANTILE PARALYSIS CASE IS REPORTED INCITY Ten Months Old Child Is Latest Patient--Serum Administered One new case, considered tn he now well in hand, and no reported deaths, were the weekend Asvelop- ments In the infantile paralysis situntion in this elty, When the ten-month old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, C, H, Burke, #41 Allee street, developed the prelim. inary symptoms of the dread dis onse yesterday, Dr, Bryea A, Brown, the physician in attendance, not) fied the elty health department immediately, and the serum was administered without delsy, Re ports this morning stated that the progress of the disease had heen checked hy the prompt use of the serum This 1s the 16th case which has appeared sines Infantile paralysis first made itself apparent In the eily two weeks Ago Sinea that time there have heen twn deaths, and 14 canes are still in quarantine CITY NEWS | RY) NK "VINKD Nick Chuhanik tian of $20 and costs 01 when he war convicted in elty pollen eourt this marning of he ing drank, Chunhanik's testimony and that of the constable who ar rested him were al direct yvAVIRNG with each other on the main Issue involved, and the magistrate gave the henefit of the doubt to the of Neer waa given the op (0 dnys tn bamg Hike 'n hike fram Windsor Hollywood, Cal, this Is the ambi tion which animated. two young man, Michael and Thomas Downey, who passed through Oshawa Batyr- day, The brothers ave making the long Journey as the result of a fam Hy het and they expect to return to Windsor within a year, Thomas Nowney is a theme song writer and the hoya evidently intend io Ng thelr way across the continent Hefore leaving Canada they plan to onll at Ottawa to meer Premier Hennet! fut, tn Tom Thumh Keores Prign winning scores turned in on the Tam Thumb golf couves lant week include the following! Saturday August 8th, lucky num her, Gladys Bickle; Monday, Lucky number, J, Foard; ladies' low, Miss KH, Dettlor, 451 Tuesday, lucky num mer, J, Lautzi ladies' low, Miss W, Wilcox, KD; men's low, Billy Germond, 86; Wednesday, Ineky numher, ¥, Falrhart; ladies' low Miss I. Judge; men's low, |, K Owens, 44; Thursday, lueky num her, Miss (1, Kally: ladies' low, Mis Heanla Morgan, 8; men's low, BH Adams, 40 No Langer Associated In the repart In. Friday's Issue of The Times of the fatal secident tn Oharles Kalser of this eity, Was stated that the oar to which the aoeident oceurred wan driven hy W, DD, Peehles, member of the real estate Arm of Peshies and Mor den, "The Times has been inform ed that this statement Is not eor rect, as Mr, Peshles Is now cans nected in no way with Mr, Marden, their partnership having heen din solved on January 1, 1080, The firm an al present constituted is that of Farrow and Marden, The Times vegreta that this srror was made, and wishes to make it elear that Mr, Peebles ia not now assnol ated in business with Mr, Marden RAIN NKEDED | present? What In the greatest need of the Hoveral thousand farmers af the district will answer this question with the ttle ward "rain Another week has passed with practioally no vain falling and the continued drought Is causing pervious damage, [rT -------------- Can You Usea Ten Dollar Bill? If you own a Camera, there is no reason why a tenapot should net na yours on Sept, 1, The Oshawa Chamber of Commerce are ing a total of $30,00 in "Py ah tor photograph of "pai pn Tg inten the which a light on a history of the ecity, NO RESTRICTIONS ANYONE CAN ENTER Simply put yow name, address, and the title of | the picture on the back ! of the snap and send it to the Chamber of Com: | merce Office, King St, UN CONTEST CLOSES AD (By Wal Reporier) Whithy, Aug, 17.-~When an am- phibien plane containing twa Tore onto men wan foreed down in lake Ontario twa miles outside of the Whithy Harbor on Baturday after: noon, fortunately the plight of the nirmen was netiead and a fshing host rushed tn the reseun, The plane, plloted hy C, Juckson and A,B, Bmith, was on a trip from Montreal to Toronto when the gas: olipe supply hecame exhausted, The aviators at Arsl attempled to paddle to where, hut, dun to a stondy oltshore hyeeze, found them welyes drifting further out inte the Inke, One of the aviators tied a swenter to the paddle and, sianding Amphibian Plane Runs Out Of Gas and is Towed by Boat Into Whithy ro on the top wing waved the distress signal, 0, Behoheld, an Oshawn manu facturer, happened to ses Ihe plight of the men through his hi noculars while standing on he ver anda of his summer home nt Hay denshore Park, Whithy, He sent word tn Constable ©, Greenfield, who with Harhormaster 1, Watson and J, P, Blavens, In the latter's Aohing hoat, weni tn the rescue and towed the plane Into the har hor, The aviators tinue thelr flight shoul Saturday evening after thelr, fuel tank wera ahle tn eon 7 n'elock refiling marning with OUtawa report In connection Lieutenant this refeyences an mentioning his name with appointment as Governor to the Hon. W. ND. Ross, ¥, W, Cn: wan, of this city, stated that he had no comment to make on the report, taking the view that It was nol a matter on which he could properl the time, hut Imterviewad In amment al present that he had never sought public honor Hf this kind The mention af the name of My Cowan as a possihle appointee to the Lieutenant-tGovernorship arous od no little interest and satisfaction in the eity ta-day, The long and hanarahle connection of the Cowan family with Oshawa, and the impor tant place occupled hy Mr. Cowan and his father, the Inte W. F. (a win, In the Industrial and eommar elal life of the enommunity would In the apinion of many eltisans wha spoke of the possible appointment te Tha Times today, make the hanor nat only ane far Mr, Cnwan hut far the city In which he Is sn highly esteemed and respocied a eltieen While it will he seme time he fare any oMcial announcement ves garding the appointment is forth of Ontario In succession | in RNy way | F. W. Cowan Refuses to Pass Comment on Report That He May be Lt.-Governor MAY BE HONORED W, OOWAN Praminent yh n of this elty whose name is mentioned as the neat LieutenantGovernnr of Ontario, Mr, Cowan has declined 10 coms ment upan the report, Cowan will have at least the aportunity of refusing the Mr first coming, It 1s eansidered hy those who are In a position ta know that Cobourg Horse Events On Saturday Cone cluded Performance-- Death of Toronto Horse | Was Only Unfortunate Incident--Many Prizes Awarded to R, §, Me: | Laughlin's Entries, only ane inetdent Nelson €, a Taronto entrant fn the Nopthumbepriand Bieeplechase the Cohourg Horse Bhow last week was a glorious successor to is tradition laden Past Riders hunting enstume military uniform, hroadeloth and whipeard habits, hlooded horens with majestio hearing and showing the mark of careful. training, the Oohours Military Band in Ha red and plald uniforms and gayly-styled ladies made the threesday gathering. a shaw of ealorful glamor and thrill Ing daring, The five steeplechases held dur ng the meet comprised the most interesting olass ta the majarity Marrad hy the death of costumed In heilliant young officers in lady viders in | af the frst, honor Show U pheld Fine Traditions of Past best vin of the five was the added Hall-Hrad feature on Saturday sf the setand last avent of (he meat, All around the first 1ap, Mekpoeket and Mary Jane were neck and neck, with Buddy ahout sven lengths hehind. At the end Plekpocket led hy # and Huddy was ereeping up through the secand lap, arnnan, head, Half-way | Plokpocket Increased iia lead to a and Buddy gained an hath Near the and, It aeemed that Hud dy might win, hut Plekpoekat passed the stand half a length In front, and Mary Jane lost to Huddy by a head Allan MacKay of Oakville rode Ruddy, Don Hogers orade Plok pooket, and Graham Grant, who alan awned Plokpocket, rode Mary Jane . The Heller Bkeller ohase was O'Malley Actor, owned hy Frank Higgina; "Helier, owned by 0, 8 Richardson; and Grim vaek, exhibited hy J, MaeNamara of Tarontn, The Touch-and-Out Hake wis most exacting, and Miss Hlsanar MoLavghlin, of Oshawa, viding saveral of har father's horses, had rather touch luek on three neces alons, - Riding Michael, Dark length, Hleeple of the spectators, and each of them provided excitement. The Michael and Rathmare, it seemed (Continued on Page 9) ' Toronto Stock Exchange | loka 16% LER My Ihe High low Ol 1h % HER fl hh [ERM LR in iY 0% 201 hy ih 1h LIRR hlovk Hr, A, Heras, | Can, 1st Cookahutt Oty, Dyy, Din, Herm, Dm, Stirs, Hr, Wal, Fora , Int, Nkl Int, Pet, Ind, Aloeh, Tmp, Of Ms, Hy, Mt, Pwr, AAV Hhaw, fd 8, Station 40 LILA 10 Standard Wong Exchage 40 21 il Lh 800 A800 no 3) 1240 40 219 Ad LL] ann ARO 20 10 ol A LB] ano ako 200 49 2340 Abana Ajax Amulet Rig Mis, Oh, Res, LK, 8h, 3880 2000 110 30%A 130 207A 130 Neruda, 8h. Ged, AUGUST 30th 8d, Bs, 140 IRL 140 fdn Ita fan (RE Tk Wr ian 174 Hi Hr, | Oshawa New York Exchange Close 190% AR ny a3 ih Th (1 1748 TN LEM AY Wh 108 Linw 100 8 LRM 06 a2 14 84% (LEM 11% TN High 124% LL 207 0% 465 mn (F] 194 4 Tw ftack Am, A Wr Am. Tel Am. Inter, Anadoanda Hath, Bteel Hyena AM Own. Pao, Ohvysler Oal, Gas Fax Film (en, Klee, (tan, Mat mi, Tal, Mt, Ward Nat, Cash Ph, Rd, Coal Paramount N, Jen, Radia... Radia Kih Mmmans 8, af N, | 1.8, Rieel Vanadium Yeal, Truck Money 2% per oent, Wifey="T'm going alternoon" Huhbhy-"Shapping Wifey="Nq, \ won't have time | dust want to get some things 1 need, Can Py 4 fy Nu At Y 2 ---- rap uptown this DECIDE 0 FORM LEGION BRANCH IN BOWMANVILLE MEETING HELD THERE FRIDAY NIGHT WAS ENTHUSIASTIC Decision Was Reached Af- ter Informative Address by M. M. Hood Bowmanville, Aug, 14 Re (ween thirty=hve and forty Veiey ang of the Groat War of the town of Bowmanville met in the Parish Hall of thie Anglican Chueh 1am night and after some Intersting discussion decided unanimousiy 10 farm a hraneh of the Canadian 1 gion, British Empire Service gas gue, in the town, This decision wik reached after a lucid and eon vineing address hy MM, Melntyre Hood, provineinl exeentive repre sentative of the Legion and brief addresses hy Geovgn Walsh, pres) dent of the Oshawn hranch of the Legion, and LtCol, 1, Mi aighiin who strongly endorsed the project of organizing a hraneh of the Leglon In Bowmanville Major Hoar presided over Ihe meeting, and after the decision tn form # hraneh of the Legion had hom venehed, an organising com mitten was appointed to secure as large a charter membership na possible, and 1n make plang fo a further meeting tn he held on Friday, August 80 al which the formal avgantzation will he com pleted and the officers of the hraneh elected The memhers of the organlging commitien, ure. as follows: Chateman, Major Howvg peevetary, Thomas Hoss mem hers, J, Humpapge, (i. Crambie, A (, Kilpateiek, T. Hamilton, Fred Cryderman and 1, WW. Tall Iogistation Kaplained In his address, M. Melntyre Hood first gave a roview of the new pen slang and war veterans' allowance lagislation which wak passed #! the last session of parliament, and declared that this legislation had only haan secured hecause of Lhe constant. and untiving efovis of the Canadian Legion The Legian had heen formed In TOEL, and had heough! ulty and constructive ef fart out of the chans which had rasutiod fram the multiplicity of arganizations. whieh had exisied prior to that time ince It had hean farmed It had gone Tarward until it had reached a total of nearly 100.000 apread from the Atlantio to the Paci Oamrade Hood then give » thorough explanation of The sey vies huresus operated hy the Can adian Legion In Toranto, London, and Ottawa In Rasisl VELAPANSE, widows anf dependents wha re gulred ald and advices In pressing thelr alaims for justies, and re marked (hat while the services of thesa hureaus were al the dis posal of all war velorang, whether members of the Legian ar not, they could not glve the fullest pos aihin asalatanece tn the needy vel orang of Howmanville unless there wore a hratich operating in the tawn ti give first-hand service, He pald a tribute ta the afforts whieh had heen made hy the Hey, R, | Bhires to help the veterans with thelr peahlems, hut painted aul that Mp, Bhives has used the sey viea huveauw of the Legion tn Kive thin pervies In elosing the speaker sald that It was the duty af every war vel Oran tn get Into the Legian and help tn Aght the battles of (hose wha eould nat Aght for themselves and painted aut that the Legion's sola alm was to give service, which made 1 the greatest servipa elub in Canada Idea Kupported fAeorge Walsh, president af the Heaneh of the Legion, apake an the value of the cams rdeship of the Legton, and pleads ad the suppoart af the Oshawa Heaneh to the comrades at How. manviile T-Col MeLaughling in a heief apeach, heartily cammended the ides of forming a Lesion hraneh in Bowmanville, and sald that there was a definite need of such an arganigntion in the town if ane Iv for the veason that {F was worth while ta perpetuate the comrade ship of war days, and to take care of those who were In need of an: alatanee, A number af other comrades took part in the discussion, du ing Which Majer Hear spoke strangly tn favor of the Rawman: ville vatovans taking up theiy res. ansibility, and having theip awn aulon Hraneh, The vote showed the gathering unanimously tn favar of arganis: ing a Leglan Heanch fn the tawn, and the committen which was ap pointed was charged with securing An large a lat of prospective mem: hors as possible, to he presented at the formal meeting an August 29, EMPLOYEE INJURED AT FITTINGS PLANT IS MAKING RECOVERY Alex Waldyka, whoa was severely Injured when a cupala dumped pre. maturely at Fittings, Limited, an Baturday morning, causing an ex. plosion was reported this morning ta he out of danger although sul faring from severe hua veeceived on. the fave and chest, Pry GQ, Ly Bird stated this worn: ing that no internal injuvies had heen disoovered. and that veason: able cartainty axisted that Waldyka in aut of danger, and on the yoad 10 recovery, At Memoria WANT UNIFORM. | OBSERVANCE OF WEMORIAL DAY Chamber of Commerce Fav: or Movement Now on Foot In Canada Full aceordanes with the move ment. now on fool to establish a uniform Doaminlaon-wide observance of Memora! Day has heen expressed hy the Oshawa Chamher of Com meres The Oshawn Chamher has decided to fall in Vine with several other Ontario municipalities whe are taking the lead in this matter, Accordingly, a resolution will he forwarded immediately to the Hon aurahle R. B, Bennett, Prime Mini sler of the Dominion vequesting the federal government 1o estahiish i Aefinite Asay In each year to he known as Memorial Day he following resolution has heen approved hy the Chamber of Commerce Alrecloviale yesterday CWhereas thera Ia a haphasard observance af Memorial Day in the tities and towns of Canada Without |g any ides of unity ar definitensss of dates, It 16 the opinion af this Chamher of Commerea that a eel tain day each year should he sel aside for the purpose of AhEervying | | Memnrial Day, and that such ah garvanee should he under the aus plees of the City Governments In Memoriam loving memory of |! Bergl, Clark Wal g4 Battalion, wha was killed in action Aug, KN, 1618, Cone hut net forgotten Oh we remember the morning the NEsERER CAME And wa knew hal mn, And nothing was left hut an hen aured name And a grave in a far off land of i aur snn Hyver vemembared hy his fathey and mother, Mr, Eamuel H, M¢ Cann, 187 Park Road North, Osh Awa, Opt (40a) Mr AND In nur dear son, Ince MeCann hig TAR WHE In loving memory of our dear Florence, who passed AWRY, August 1K, 1680 3 Today wa are thinking of sameane Who was always kind and true Whose loving way; seem tn ehear i each day, thal someone, Wis you "LEMMING And dear Flarvie, The Family (40a) WARAM Ti loving memory of Raymond Waram, who died Au gust 17th, 1087 Badly missed hy mother father and heather (40a) NEW MARTIN al shou make it & point to attend ta-nieght's gathering in the park, A meeting nf this sori unusnal fr ipality and it may prove of suMaeient value tn create a precedent bt thelp employment wise awning, 1 "Too Citizens Will Hear Speakers Discuss Proposals in Bylaws Park Gathering Date Changed From Tues day Night--City Council Will Hold Regular Session Tonight Following Open Meeti AS ng ALL RATEPAYERS KED TO ATTEND Voters Will be Given Comp rehensive Understanding of les cipalit he ope the purpose ministration sation hy-laws will he held at Mem + ariel Park to-night al eight o'clock and not 1 Kinally J Hand 16 to he in attendances and In addition ta the eral discussion a program of musig will he Ve All yale in th ha auld wilder wh "money The eit 4] If 1 midnight i118 no ues 'Affecting Muni y n meeting of citigens fay discussing the Ads and polien ol hitlding Tiegday night as orl Citigens' "m Hanned Tha speeches and gens ndered payers who Are 1n1eresls welfare of thelr ely 4] is something ithe history of the muni which followed in laler years, It at least affords opportunity for disouasion of a4 matter Oulstanding and whieh eancerns every properly which is af importance 1a Oshawa nie entitled to vole on a hy-law y eounell 1s also meeting to-night following the apen Air seks sion Al axplained that the counell 1s ange fous to kill two hirds with ene stone faven fathers mas ia park, Mayor Mitehell I means that the elvis he forced ta hurp the nll hefare they somplets the husiness on the agenda, t known whether all those who speak to-night will he In favar af the hy:laws should give the volers A more ems prehensive understanding of the ise gues invalved $160,000 Inw 18 carried will he erected ta house the elty of fices and the elty's department of The hulldings are praetis Hallo ally a nnn mig! from the AWN AN CAWR mises of the wavided the Oshawa the week end wan # fale sleed hale burnt In the ie five Is thought te have heen ean WALKER Walker, Aug: 1 Gordon, hit each speech An expenditure of required If tha hy two fine bhulldinge Is necessity and mereavey stration would provide for many who others it have in receive relief eiLy treasury, ING CAUGHT FIRR ing Are al the loeal Ries] Hiores, Limited, the anly excitement for Fire department aver The net damage Fs sed Wy a elgavette bulk dropped from ale af the upper win dows, or blown an ta the awning Bom To Mr, and Mr, BB, AOA Christie Ave, on A, 1080, a son, Rebar (40a) Late To Clamslly -- MONDAY Great Comedy Picture "Oh Yeah" All Star Cast JUMPING JACKS JUBILEE Klever Kartoon Komedy Vaudeville Skit DOWN RY THE GAS WORKS Elisa Comes 10 Town "Singing and Dancing WOMAN anted, COOK AND WAITREES Phone 2814, (40h) Coming Events 4 Cente En a pe CHORKN ing dance, Wednesday, 20th, land's "Wanted a Wifa", 1he, each tne ae, ALL RVEN. August Engels' Hall, aver Dews store, 'Hea short playlet, Admission (40a) PRIENDA ber of unemployed in this 6 p.m. eity, The Minister of Labor at Ottawa has asked the City of Oshawa to give information on the nums« Will all men and women unemployed please res port at the Covernment Employment Bureau, 8 Bond St. weat and regiater before Wednesday at. T, B. MITCHELL, Mayen

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