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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE 8IX THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 190 CHEVS. DEFEAT WHITBY ROVERS--TEXTILES VS. P. AND S. TONIGHT Chews. Hold Fast Travelling Whitby Rovers in Check 18-14 Whitby Rovers Lose Chance to Take Undisputed Leond- ership When Chevs, De- feat Them 18-14, Timely Hitting and Better Pitch. ing Prove Most Valuable Assets to Winning Team ~=Chevs, Can Tie With Rovers by Winning All Remaining Games, Although the Cheys, did not their pitcher any better support than their opponents gave their pitcher, they managed to defeat the Whithy Rovers on Baturday night at the Mo tor City Stadium, before a large crowd, by a score of 8 to 14, Their victory wis earned hy virtue nl more npportune hitting than was dope hy the Rovers Phe game was a postponed finture and the Whithy team cowd have cinched the leadership of the second half of the schedule hy u vietary, The Chevs, improved their chances of ty ing up the standing, by their win The game wis not uw. real softhall tle, 100 many ervors ring to gain this vesuls, hut it was in teresting however, because f the fing finish the Rovers put up in @ desper ate effort to pull the gine out of the fire, With the score standing at 10 to three against them in the fourth inn ing, the Rovers started theiy drive for vietory, I hey got one in the fifth and three more in the sixth, Right then the Chevys, decided that the gume was not a win yet and they proceeded fo grab off enough runs to eineh the verdiet, DD, Kennedy started thing out with a hit, VV, Elliatt hit hut wits put out on a fielders ehoice when sister Mabel made hey try for a hit A. Walker went out an a sacrifice fly, searing 1, Kennedy, With twa out the Rovers blew higher than the proverbial kite, HH, Holmes got a hit, B, Morgan was safe on M Blow's error, The, next two hitters were given free passes to hrst and D, Kennedy was safe on her second time up, thanks-4o an error, V, Il: Chott was safe on another error hy M, Blow and then M, Elliott flew out ta ¥, Watson to end the agony When the seorekeeper fAnally gm his bearings, it was found that the Chevs, had scored seven runs, mak ing the score at the end of the sixth inning, 17 te 7, But the Rovers were not through By the means of several hits, a few errors and a walk or twe, they man aged to score three in the seventh, and four in the eighth, The Cheys ot one in their half of the eighth he Rovers came to hat still four runs down hut they were through The batters went out ene, twa and three, V, Elliott capping a nice pers formance hy striking out the last ber ter, making her ninth strikeout of the game, Roth teams had an even dozen er rors, with M, Forrester, M, Blow, M Elliott, A, Walker and V, Fulton be ing the chief offenders, The Chevys had twelve hits and the Ruvers had only nine, G, Newman was the hest with the hat for the Rovers, getting three safeties, F, MoRride had two, D, Kennedy, playing in a new posi tion, right Aeld, turned in a nice game for the Chews, hhe accepted three changes without an error and had five hits out of six trips to the plate; On the other oceasion she reached first hase on an error, I, Goold and M, Elliott each had two hits Roth pitchers hurled nice hall hut the winner pitcher had a distinet edge She had nine strickeouts against ane and walked only three while her op ponent walked four, Whithy's reliey ing pitcher, F, Lott, had one strike out One of the features of the game was that out of nineteen safe hits, k Watson's twashagger was the only extra-base cloit, The teams; Whithy Rovers=FK, Me: Reide, vf; 1. Watson, 3h M, Forres ter, sa; H, Long, ef M, Sheridan, nj NC Blows 1h F, Low, hi G, New man, ¢1 12 Watson, If] J, Wilson, ih; A: Melwan, Chevi==l, Goold, 1h; D, Kennedy, ri Vy Elliott, pi M, Elliott, dh A, Walker, dh WH, Holmes, ef; RB, Mor an, 88; V, Fultan, eG, MeCamh 1 E, Eliott, of, and R. Elliott, If Roare hy inning free Whithy Rovers 0 3001 3340-14 Cheva yy ov A 4040701 x18 Umpires, WW, Fair and C Dell, give Sart OCeur ENGINE TROUBLE ENDS LONG FLIGHT Greater St. Louis Lands After Being in Aly 647 Hours 8, Lows, Mo, Auk, 18 The vecord-hreaking endurance Nght of Dale Jackson and Vorvest O'Brine ended abruptly yesterday when thely airplane Greater 8, Lous dipped down from 4,000 fast, ele) ed Lamhert-Bt, Louis feld twice and landed They had heen In the aly #47 hours 28 minutes 40 seconds, which wis 08 hours 47 minutes move than the former record vefuellng endur ance vecord set July 4 hy John and Kenneth Hunter in Chicago The landing was at 6.580.580 a.m (C870 The fAyers snnouneed that a crack in thely erank-case and two weak cylinders had eanusnd them 10 decide to end the Aight which hegan July 21 AMERICAN LEAGUE RENATONR STOPPED Washington, Aug, 18 Detroit anded Washington's winning streak of six Eames yestarday In A hig way, pounding three Wash ington pitchers for 17 hits and 1h rung, The seors wis 15 10 1, with gorrell holding the second-plies danators In eheck at all Maget i BBONLOENY Washington 010000000 gorrell and Hayworth; Crowd Liskn, Fischar and Hpencer Detroit LL RUTH GIES 44TH HOMER New York, AUR Is Hed Barnes staveed at hat and In the field yesterday to give the Chicagn White Box an even break with the New York Yankees in. a double hill, New York won the fivst game, Rta 7, in ten Innings, and Chicagn took the second in five innings, A ta 1. The gama was called on A gount of darkness and rain INDIANA BEAT RED sOX TWICK Boston, Aug IK Cleveland took a doubleheader from Hoston hare yestarday Oh to 8 ang 210 0 The second game was called al the end of the seventh Inning on acenunt of the Bunday hasehall Inw Joe Wright Wins Jack Guest's Title Bi, Catharines, Aug, 168. Joa Wright came hack today Pie gain the titles he lost last Year to Jack Guest and Johnny Durnan, and Naturday night rowing ex paris were hailing him as one of the greatest seullers in the world There ean he no denying the fact that this afternoon he was Invine eible and his victories were Im pressive, even If thers were no Boh Pearces or Jack Guests oul thera to give him battle Rafore the races stavied, Wright pinted that he was In the hesl eons ditton of his career, and that If defoated there would he no ex couse, Then he went oul and Eave ample evidence that he is a faster mouller now than he was (wo years Ako when he won the Diamond Heulls al the English Henley, In the quartersmile dash he rowed away from the field, and covered the distance in | minute, and A seconds, this helng 11 seconds faster than the time made hy Durnan when he conquered Wright in the holeterous sea here Iast summer, Wright set no records-- he dldn't have to In winning the fenlor singles, The race was rows ed against a froshening hreese that handicapped the seullers, and IL Was also over a new course, that 16 eonsidered slower than the one that was In uae in 1080, --- Nes Hugh: Being paged makes vou feel almost as important as you wish you were! Golf Tournament STARTS TODAY Runs from August 10th til Sept, 18th, 3 CONSECUTIVE GAMES FOR 80¢ HANDSOME ULOVA NATCH GIVEN TO THE Every Cavd Will Be Marked by Special Scorer TINY TIM GOLF COURSE OPP, GENOSHA HOTEL BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Pel, Hoshost®r 1000041 Baltimore , 0000078 Montres) Toronto crraennr 1h vienna Nowark :ovvvvns 0 Bufialn ,oivvnnne hi dorsay City 00000. 04 lending rirereiehd sunday's Meoves hBnltimore 87. Tovonio kVirst game 14 Innings, KMantreal Bh Newark Vist game 14 Innings, fending 7-4 Buffalo Mersey City #4 Rochester xVirst game 14 innings, maturday's Beoves Toronto A Baltimore 0h Newnrk co Montren) 0001 daveey City ,. 6 Rochester ,,,.h ending ,,, bh Bultalo ,.,,,.6 SATIONAL LEAGUY Won Lost Pet reed LUT rire AP hah RELL ATH rrr Bl IL 101 LLM i114 hu NL rar 408 cori Woh ME Chicugn 'e Brooklyn New York WL, Louis Ty Pissshurg ,,.,, Boston : Cincinnati Philadel phin Bunduy's Seoves Chicagn ho Philadelphia Brooklyn ho Pittsburg New York 12:4 81, Louis Boon 1-0 Cincinnati ABecond game 18 Inning Baturdny's meoves New York 0-8 Cinelnnnt Brooklyn i-% Vitshurg Boston [) i, Louis Chicago 10-4 Philadelphia AEBeond game ealled ani AMERICAN LAGE Wan Los Philudelphin Washinglion New York Cleveland Detroit Chivagn iW, Lous Boston 1h il munday's Beores KNew York 81 RCWeagn KFirsl game 10 innings Clevaland 0-2 Hoston Detroit Ih Washington Other clubs not soheduled Saturday's meores Philadelphia 4 Bt, Louls Washington I Detrolt Only games played First Nioht's | Swimming Honors To English Team Hamilton, Aug, 1H Paced hy # pretty, fale-hatred world's cham plon, England's allstar swimming asl ohariged up and down Hamil ton's new, -whitestiled pool Batur Aay night to almost sweep he Firat night's program of the Bri ish Empires Games water sched "wie Twa records wera tumbled ane a world mark In the Hritish quest for titles, Bond Celia Wal stenholme, who three woeks ago Hel up A new figure for the 200 Sard. hreast stroke for women In England, knocked 1 down with a finished triumph In tha same avent fram a strong field of swim mers from Canada, Wales, Heol land and New Fealand, Miss Wal senholme raced the distance in 2 minutes hq B-H seconds one and IWofIftha weconds better than her recently set world record A few minutes hefore this smashing performance, 1. W, Trip pert, Knglinh hack stroke star, had toppled the Canadian record for 100 yards hack stroke winning the event In 66 8:5 wecands. The Old mark wan two seconds slower Phillips. Wine Diving Nearly put out of the In England's conquering Australia and Canada pushed forward their threat late in the avening, each country sending out A winner, The sea-hound conting ont fram down undey took care of the 400 yards free wiyle for men, Noel Pryan of Australia and Gordon Hrideon of New Zealand (Ehting It out to the last stroke hafore (he Australian won, In Oven mare Impressive fashion, Canada swept the men's spring hoard diving as Alfie Phillips, Dos minion champion, easily outpaints od the finld of six, Oyril Kennett of Toronto, a elub-mate of Phil 1pA, wan wecond, and Arthur Btott, smiling youth from Van oouver, third, wn FAIR WARNING ao Nurse waid an amorous patient, I'm in love with you, I den't want to got well" J "Cheer up, you won't," she assured him: "The doctor's in Jove with me, 100, and he saw you kiss me this Meture drive PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono, Caswwms, Sports Bbw CHEE, PROVE TOO GOOD VOR WHITBY BROVEKS The Whithy Rovers would have linehed. un pines In the pluyolts if they had defeated the Chaves, on Saturday night ss the victory would hays muds them champions of the second half of the sehedile, As IL was, the Chaves, improved thely ehunces of tying up the stand ing whan they pul up # good hrand of hall to win the game by 15 to 14, Both teams had an equal number of errors hut the Chevs, had » decided advantage in pitehers snd hasides this they outhit thelr viv win from the County Town hy 14 to 8, Frvors proved very cosy io hoth teams hut more sn to the loners ' » ' vs, OMI, TOMORROW NIGHY The usupl lnrge crowd of | adios wofthull fans will ha nt the Sladivm tomorrow night 1n tha last seheduled meeting of the OMI and the Chevs A Bima helween these two Leams is one of the hes! sporting miiraetions In this eity They alwiys put up an utevesting game and nearly slways they wowofihall battle which has the funs tniking forms week wfiar (he gnme has heen Nnished Default means elimination for the Malle whisg or tha Chevs,, whilé victory will give the winner a ehanes te Whithy for the leadership the second section, In ofhey OMI, must win and the an nol alWord to lose LJ ' LJ CHEV N, TL] Bg in of words ("hav PAIN AND BERVICE vo, TEX THLE Matt GAME TONIGHT The Arst game of the intermadi wie Annals for the ehamplonship of the local | ntermedigte sofibull Tongue will ha held 1onlght at the Motor Cy Biedium and Judging from he Interest helng shown among the local softhal) tans, ther should he a lovee crowd hand A EPenl many fans have will patiently for (this Inst the long walled on heen sorios and hous Ing il lina Saturday's Winners At Tiny Tim Golf Course Cras F'n Ihe Ihe he An of he turned in on Baturday at he Fim Golf shows that following captured pEiges fon senres. of day's play Ladies prise, Miss 1, ont Theatre, Gents' prise, My, |} Loach and , Bakeogeorge, tied The following are asked tn play olf far the weekly prices: Lndies Misses Marion O'tonnell Mary Klisuk, MeQuald and Mrs, Cran field (lenin J Karle, G HNmiyuin sre Courses PEFRONNK the hous! Hald, Reg i} Wallan Foik Andrews, B n Bucknam, and i nl Miss G. Lunn Sets! New World's mark Alamford Heidge, England, Ang IK Miss GO, Lunn in winning the BRO-yard run In the women's nma taur nthietin ehamplonships here yoptarduy, ant up what Is elatmed to he a new world record of # minutes IK 1h seconds for the distances Whe defeated Miss H. Christman of London hy aight yards, NEO vapds Appears 1 Fran Linn elu world No oMoinl record for womens ecampetiition hooks hal n the record Radka of Germany mark af 2068 46 for KOO metres in the Olymplos of 1088 This dis tance 18 shout slght vards shorter than S80 yards INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE AREKTHRN WIN TWO devaey Clty, Aug, 18The Jer wey Clty RAkesters won hoth games of a doubleheader from tha Roch apler Jad Wings hers yesterday, talking the apaner (un twelve Innings hy a A«to-8 count and the nighteap, whieh wan an abbreviated seven-in ning affale to the tune of 4 to 1 ROYALS WIN TWO Newark, Aug, IK -==Montreal tank hoth ends of a doubleheader from the Beara yesterday, winning the opening game A ta 8, alter four teen Innings, and the nighteap A morning" to Bin seven frames, wivived, fhe Paris and Berviee team will he without the weryivey of thelr regular piteher, Alex, Weh wer hut Dov' Bowdeu and White ly make a smart hatlary and the Yoxtiles will have to play much letter hall than they ald on the ouensslon of the last meeting of these two teams, he Textiles have nol defeated their rivals ye, this season, hut they will he #1 full stvengih tonight snd they intend Lo. make un gallant, bid for the right to raprasint Oshawn in the 0.48 A, Santor "I playoffs, Don't miss this game tonight , » » BUNDAY BCHOOL BOVIBALYL FINAL TOMORKOW Tha championship of "A" section of tha Sunday Behool softhell leu gue will hs decided tomooyrow night wd Alexandra Varvk whan the King BL. Bepnedicits and the King WE UL, meet tn the third and de viding gume of he The usin boys won 1h of the fHnnls but the Married fen es right hi ko und foreed the nto the third gum he winner of tommyow night's game plays Codurdnle, the winner of "Hl saction, for the chummonship of Lhe thool Bofthall Leagues the fhrst of operation long ine Were ain frst ginme "rep Funda This Is far thi hit they hnve gront und tha Loam playing w smart brand of hall Park tart Tl we The tomorrow Ah Alesiandri Witla huvp 4 ORHAWA SATIONALN LOS) FOr MIMICO BEACH gama ul night | n'elnek tn ni h Chip Nations! nr Vil un wliurou nlievynoon ducielvel I'he I'he Nat nd Wahile game when the hy Mimien Beneh Hine ER NT | complete outlet looked Wha 1] helley erne Jopnnns Lhe Kinnng he Ware honten are of the war mn no fepm National Lion ary Win Lima This hun no fut noxpecing Ve nl Vinny something ile inp pens Hie Nulk, can not possihly tuke the leadership Local Tennis News ------ he Calin wa Ey from he hay they loop men while Intermediation antry anni cliuh fret detent Haturdu) entertained Whith Whith mul when hi hat h Faille double team had the men datihle hiv place them: wn for fret wHh » he wn in CONTIN win daithlios he Lunt mised (Iuhinwa Whith find to Hingh Feverne fon ann fore with Ohinwp Wilh tie plien, wited hy » the in an Hoare mateh having win (shinwi of | he detul) | 14 nl followa | Mane doteniod nm wien nf Integy (Osh) (Why tl, fl ana Mi Pingle Halliday Menn' Doubles Arthur (Wh) defepted M and. Marks (Osh) 6:8, 6:4 Hascom and Lindsay (Wh) de | foutod powden and Drummond (Osh) 6:8, B08, AA Ladies! Doubles Misses Correll and Hiohardson (Wh defeated Misses ile and Martin (Osh) 6:9 Jef, Hd Mixed and torn Hoss and Dy Gaels doubles Misa Fleming (Oph) defeated Miss Mills (Wh) 6:2, 6) New Martin TUES, --WED, Sensational "Big News" Whe Shot the Queen of the Dope: Ring? PATHE NEWS NIGHT AT THE RITZ ANAP SHOTS -------- wn Yh Ends To dav "OH YEAH" hud | Ions | farmer mesting hel ween | Huiner | RESULTS AT HENLEY senor douhes University Barge, Philadelphians 4, Detroit, No time, 140-00, senior wlghtes=t, West. widows, Bulalo; 4, Vetvolts B, Dons 4, Landers, Kime, 1704, High schoo) eights, 1 mhlest, Hamilton 2, Lachine, Time, 5.41 Henlor winglosest, Joe Wright Avis & W, V, Ghimore, Philadelphia Ww A. Durnan, Toronto, Tine 8.58, Beanlor foursss=1, Walltux; 4, In chines #, Detrolt, Time, 1.60, IM, Junlor fours, with vox wwnins=1, Detvolls 4, 8, Cathar. ness BH, Wesisides; 1, Argonauts, Fime, T.01, Quarterly dush 1, doe Wright, Argos; 4, V. Wehmelor, Detvolts #, 4, Durnan, Dons, Time, 1M, 180: senior wightse1, wides, Bulinlo; @, Wysndoties; Imihine, Time, 6.058 High school fourss=Hamilion 4, (unopposed ) ; 140:0h, senior fourse=1, Wes. widens &, Donss #8, Detroit, Time, 7.50, 140:0h hme, Lenndern Argon 4 wan, senor eight geet, Detvoit ; 4, Tw undevns B, Avgonantng 4, Westsldes Time, 7.04 IB0:Ah, wenion (unopposed) Rosa Grosse O'Neill Wins Twice at Ontario Women's Track, Field Meet - West. LJ singles, V, Vi, Whelpion, W Durnan, Argos, Time, senior Argon; 4, mn WwW. Reed, (TL a RL I Taranto, Au 14 fefore un Ala pppointly small crowd, the Ontario women's track und Held ehampion hing were decided on Saturday af | ternonn. wt the University of Tor Adium Daspita the ack of alioudance the mast provided some Koen competition and the Canadian Ladies' Athlete Club of Toronto, whi eponsored maet, conduct {tin & very efcient manner, tha Hint of events being completed » 0 elovk here wars (hres junior, intermedintie and with Ihe juniors predom ann fhe oil full nl divisions apior nnting In the senlor sprints, Mrs, Rosa (lrossa O'Neill staged a comehaek hy winning the 40 metres and tha LOH metres In the shorter raee he had a comfortable margin of a yard over her young vival, Miss Kay [Cheifiithe hut In the Tonger Adlstanes margin was hardly notlesahls, than wu fool separating the two runners, whe wera (the raul fontenders Another vird would have given Mies Grif ithe the victory an she was rapidly | mining the former "queen nf | the loin ane onl the cinders" A wiiff fare wind the runners bhuek and the ware rather slow | held | thine | | | Leafs Lose 'Two Games to | Baltimore Baltimore, Aug, IN The Lents wera tha victims of A doubles re varse at Oviole Park yesterday af ternoon, the Birds capturing the Arst game in 18 innings hy a 2 tn 1, und romping off with the night Loan with ease, to win hy 7 (to 8 While the second tilt was "Just nouame the opening contest was norenl theiller, with Phil Page Annlly Towering his eonlors, after pltehinge an unusunlly elective game "he joving a 1 Lenfs wen! to the ninth en tn 0 lead, hut with one down, Jos Hauser halted his Afty fifth home van of tha season Inte the vight-Aeld bleachers, putting him Just ive homers hehind Baha uth's all-time record After Hauser's eontribution, the tonma netted down to a stubborn battle, the snappy fAelding of the Nivds preventing Toronto rung in hoth the eleventh and twelfth aes alone With two down In the twelfth, Padden singled to centre and Hef fer was sent Into the game an a rinuper Koupal was winged on the left arm hy Page, and when Dalrymple heat out an infeld hit tn tote, the sacks wera congentad, Motinwan's ringing single tn left hrouht in Heffner with the decid Ing run It wan fortunate for the Orioles th Liou Koupal wan also in form, for Page went great guns for the Canucks and had a slight edge on hin rival, Koupal walked Ave, while Page with the exception of hitting one hatter, was the soul of control, Tha Birds secured 11 hita to 10 for the Leafs, ; | followers of trae) lin the | { | ultogel her Two English Athletes Capture Major Honors at Hamilton on Saturda, Lord Burghley Sets NOW rs oo olde the Press mest in 190% Canadian Record for 440. yd. Hurdes and 8S. E, In| glehart Leads Field in 220. yd, Dash--W. J. Savidan of New Zealand Comes Within a Minute of Alf, Shrubb's World Record Mark for Six-Mile Run, 14 Baring ta the Civie wast, end of a regula, carry Hamillon, Auk, with the enirance Hladium the Highlander full Ing Lhe hy the sihletie from n comtingenis of Hung British Empire, who ave 1A) Threntens World's Wecord While Knglund eaplured most nf the glory of the day with Canada savond the other dominiong snd col ones well land ware represented A4i4 gaviden of New 764 that the younge that Ww. J showed members of the Kmpire family neeq hid, #hight oil m {run throngh 8 encouragement 10 bring A record-breaking effort and the closing event, the six mile the New Zealander eames thrilling races to win bh # comfortable margin in time that wis within a mintite of Af Bhrubb's {world "ome Iwenty-sls {ihe | wehisveiment { Cannda British tine and followed | who wae in closest pursuit, when tha! Ba LL component, paris of the world. | 40.49 74 mada in Vidinburgh YORYS HED, AB Whk racord-hrasking Emallcombe of English athiste reonrd fhe of Wh Cass in i" fin idun wet the Canadian mark si I. mingles ing part in the weak's carnival, and | Jim Dandy Startles continuing until the fHirsl thres in the six-mile run had mognied the etor's dale at the seme end of the field, the first day's progriain of the British lmpirs game here on Baturday provided the real. that has heen provided for Dominan wat # thellling wind vecord-hreaking sfternoon and whi so Impressive snd well condietad hut many of whom cums merely auriosity and with #8 feeling amething less than Lolermie track und Neld svents until the very end, having heey re menrnsted Into dyed-in-the enthusiasts and losth to wadium for of mil thing that not on program CHpReiy from of for woo) love Lhe EINE some BT fany WH nitendance of ove of one for the graceful threatening and finishey, records he world's mmrk Dominion performances hy the sompetitors alpbcinlly In the hurdles and run ning hop step snd jump, slong with the enthusiasm of he speclators and the perfect manner in which he program was carvied out, Augie od wall for the suceoss of the games during the six days of this week The day sew the establish ment of a standard of exeellancs in-all departments that will he hard (to excel in the Dominion or in other parte of the Kmpire whaye the games will be held in the fu thre Vive Countries Win Prizes There. was un succession of Lures In the apening progrem the initial Empire ames Ath lotes from nine parts of this Em pire competed and while places in the four avenin in which ehamplon ships wera decided were confined to Ave countries thers was an In dieation that the honors will he fairly well distributed before the carnival coneludes next Naturday, There wera five events on the pro gram on Eaturday with titles decided in four and the determined for the halt mile hy two heats, Of the four completed events there wera two hots and a final In the 440 yards hurdles and threes heats and a finul In the 220 yards dash which one feld avent, the running hop step and Jump, and one distance vace, tha six miles, completing the program The first ehampionship to he Ades termined was that In the hop, sep and jump and 1t had a plensing culmination when Canadian finishes od first third and fourth in the event, with the winner, Emalloombe of West ind Y of this elty, setting the frst of three new Canadian re nerds However, It did not (ake the Mother Country, ¥ngland, long to show that sha still belleves in showing the way ta hér younger dependants and hafore the program was ended Enellsh athletes had won two champlonships, had finlgh ad second, thries thivd, twice and fourth ence, Tneluded in England's achievamenia of the day was the netting of A new Canadian record for the 440 hurdles by the blond nobleman, Lord Burghley and the threatening of the Canadian furlong mark hy HW, Knglehart, whe was only twosAfthe of n second behind the record made by Bobble Kerr ---- Hoe CARTW TRH RE 1 AlLHoN | anol hey lone fen nf grantest | and held athietivy gpeciacilny tL Jim mud sound upeeiators, | dere { honors, Ciallant five remuined | famous | The opening day, with its | ry 16,000 | Var! the setting of three new Canadian | Whi hone and twelve lengths in the Travers | I Note will vote an | | | heing | finalists | fhe an tators Including Governor Noose ond shaciacla offieful | yenr nla Racing World by Beating Gallant Fox and Whichone prings, N.Y Ag sangationnl witnessed sines he of Man o' War, Chaffee Dandy galloped through he turdny to administer a heating to tha twin conter for A-year-old championship the previous) imdefented Vox, winner of six conser races and the almost Wihiehone Whils » HAratogn In the turf ha most peel Karl's eninll crowd of 40,000 spe al gunned hy the astonishing the Callfornin-owned smartly ridden by Jockey whipped the Vox and hy six good lengths onny Workman bh Minka, 1a lien tande THE OTHER FELLOW (Sault Dally Star) to politicians: Your Inf vou anyway need to look friends I'he alter is onl ou fell fhe (ther (®0 AL Map NARHA i" Next Tuesday \Wea take you tn Morosen, wheve life ie a matter of wits lnre a matter of fate and Women ¢ mui er of uel, "Women Everywhere" A Thrilling Romance of the ! Foreign Legion with | J. HAROLD MURRAY-FIF] || D'ORSAY | HARBOR SCENES Motion pletures of the Opens ng of Oshawa Harbor to be shown at this theatre 3 times dally «« Monday, 18th Tuess day, 19th} Wednesday, 20th SAVE MONEY ! "Roll Your Own" with Z1G-ZAG CIOARRTTE PAPERS 120 Leaf Book « 5c The original automatic hook, One Ata time, No waste, 120 leaves So Demand ZIG-ZAG refuse imitations I --------------) ARINGING UP FATHER 00, In) Paninre Barviem, tne, Orem Brian (give maarved By Geo. McManus AS LONG AS | CANT GO OUT: | BUILT A MINATORE GOLF COURSE \N THE CRLLAR. WELL PLAY AFTER

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