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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT BR A TT) --r I SL. i me -- 5 RR os THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS GOOD GRAIN CROP Brockville=The haying is complet ed in this section and the farmers have begun cutting thelr gram and report a splendid crop, 4 NEW FIRE TRUCK : Port Hope.~Port Hope's new fire truck has arrived in town {rom Woodstock, "TAX RATE HIGHER Picton--The municipal tax rate for 1930 was fixed at 33 mills by the Vic- ton Council, This is an increase of three mills over last year's rate, In fact it is the highest rate for seve eral years, GRANDSTAND BURNED Perth=lire totally destroyed the grandstand at the South Lanark Ag- ricultural Society's grounds in Perth BEER WAREHOUSE ROBBED Perth=The brewery warehouse in Perth was robbed of 12 dozen quarts of beer and 13 dozen pints recently, TO HELP UNEMPLOYED Cornwall=Faving of several addi- tional streets in order to relieve un employment in Cornwall as far as possible, will be considered by the Roads Committee of the City Coun eil, TO BE ORDAINED Cornwall=A native of St, Andrews, Terrence Patrick McLaughlin, son of Mrs. McLaughlin of St, Andrews and the late John TH, McLaughlin, will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood, by His Grace Archbishop MeNeil, at St, Basil's Cathedral, Toronto PLANE'S FORCED LANDING Coarnwall=Many people of Wil Wamsburg viewed an airplane, "The American Fagle," of Kunsas City, Missouri, piloted bh Manning of Lindsay, Ontario, which was forced to land m u field at the farm ol Ward Casselman because of engine trouble, WILL REBUILD FACTORY rrisburg="The Glenunion Cheese ry, situated on Provincial High: Ne, 31, one mile north of Mor. rishurg, whieh was recently complete. ly destroged by fire will be rebuilt as soon as the work can he started, LIGHTS AS MEMORIAL Brockyille--~Mrs, Richard Johnston, Buffalo, N.Y, a former resident ol Lyn, has made arrangements to have St, John the Baptist chureh fitted with electric lights as a memorial for her father and mother, the late My and Mrs, Bagg, and her husband, the late Richard Johnston, DOUBLE RESCUE Brockville--James Andrews, Ot tawa, one of the guests wt a picnic given by Senator A, C, Hardy for the staff of his local residence, "Thorn ton CHM" at his Summer cottage near Rockport, sdved the lives of Mrs, Harty A, Hanson and hes daughter, Lorna, aged four Mc Fact way ROUND UP HOBOES Kingston--=Police are rounding up a gang of tramps who are causing a great deal of annoyance to citizen hy going from door to door begging They have been camping out near Kingston Junetion on property ud joining the Canadian National Rail ways known, as "the dugout." RECORD OAT CROP Kingston=Col, A, H. Fair, of Hemlock Farm, has a record crop of oats, In a field of a little less than five acres, the threshers secured 52) bushels, This works out at approxi mately 105 bushels an acre AYRSHIRE FIELD DAY Athens--More than three hundred persons attended the annual field day of the Leeds County Ayrshire Breed. ers' Club, held on the farm of thy, president, W, BB. Newsome, Plum Hol low. The Athens Band was in at tendance and a varied program wis given during the afternoon, LINDSAY HEALTH NURSE Lindsay=Miss M, McKenzie, us sistant supermtendent, at the Ross Memorial Hospital, has been uppoi ed to the position of public health nurse for the town of Lindsay, EX-M.P.P'S WIFE DIES Brockville==Mrs, Casselman, wife of W, H, Casselman, former member of the Ontario Legislature for Dune dis, dropped dead at her home in Chesterville, Sie 15 survived hy her hushand, three sons and (wo davgh ters, UNEMPLOYMENT IN OWEN SOUND HIGH Thirty Percent of Worlkers Without Jobs and Works Discussed Owen Sound, Aug, 18. Thirty per cent of the working population of Owen Sound are unemployed, and the number is increasing, It was brought out ut a meeting of heads of manufacturing and professional men and citizens gener ally Mayor 1, W, Thomson sided Among the suggestions public works which might be started was a4 rinlway lin Owen Sound and Meaford, opening up con nections with Northern Ontario, and removal of what is th West Hill, giving hetter entrance into the city on the blue water highwa firms, husiness pre made us to between known a --------" C HOPE WITH UNUSUAL FEATURES New Standards Help Improve Quality of Stucco Residences There is now no excuse for a poor job While stucco has been Known and used by builders for countless geneorations--and has heen consld- ered as one of the fine building materiala--=so far an is known there has never before heen a definite standard whereby the quality of a stuccoing material could ha meas: ured, In ancient and medieval times such a standard was not necessary for stucco, because its application wan exclusively in the hands of skilled artisans who devoted their art to perfecting their materials and methods, Stucco in recent years, however, has not always had the benefit of the best workmanship and materials, As a result of the great demand for it, quality has sometimes heen sacrificed to pro- duce a materal of relatively low cont,' The new specification, whigh fs the result of extensive tests both in the field and laboratory, estab. lishes new minimum physical re- quirements for portland cement stucco, In the belief that prospec tive home builders and others as- sociated with the huilding indus. try are interested in knowing at ----aie AQECHITECT A. C. HOPE, Architect To those planning to build a, new home the design illustrated | hers suggests a comfortable, coms pact and roomy house, with rooms conveniently arranged to give the most service with a minimum of labor, Specifications call for in. sulation of walls and roof which will add comfort and exercise econ: omy over the fuel bill, least in part what these standards include, some of the important re- quirements are here discussed,' The term finish coat portland coment stucco Is understood to mean a portland cement mortar used to cover or decorate preced Ing coats of portland cement stuc- co or other suitable bases on 'ex. tarior walls and surfaces exposed to the elements, . Some idea of the strength re quirements for finish coat ports land cement stucco are shown hy the fact that these specifications re- quire that a two-inch cube shall withstand a pressure of four tons before failure, To ensure weather resistance this type of stucco must not absorb more than 10 per cent of water, Permanence af color is assured by requiring that only pure min- eral oxides be used, guaranteed by the manufacturer to be of uniform quality and proof against action of lime and the sun, Home builders should Insist that portland cement stucco to be used on their homes shall moet the re- quirements of this speaification, Copyright 1080, 'The Architects' | Small (le verviea Bureau, Ine, Ho ne tah v-- IEE. wl As the pia there 14 telephone hooth, fumily coat closet, housemalid's closet, den and wash room off the staircase hall, while in the front of the houss is the entry with callers' cont closet and vestibule, ht A breakfast alcove has heen ar ranged hetwoen the dining room and kitchen and forms a most convenient place for the children's meals to be porved The hinged seats HfL up and disappear into the wall There are commodious linen and clothes closots, algo a linen chute from top floor to basement On the second floor ara four hedrooms, tiled bathroom with a shower and separate tollet with washroom, The exterior of the house is an adaptation of Tudor style, showing half-timber, stucco and brick, Many attractive features, such an chimney pots, unusual bay windows and or: namental stonework ndd Interest, Outline Specifications Sige of House: 42 feet by 16 feet, Nultable Lot: 60 feet (rentage, Walls: Brick and stucco, Roof: Bhingles, Bulltsin Foatures: © Cupboards, breakfast nook, clothes chute, Cuble Contents: 28,800 cu, ft, Approximate Cost: $0,600, Roadeors desiring further inform. tion regarding aehoune of this design should communicate with Mr, A. C, Hope, 6604 MeKenzle 8t,, Vancouver, B.C, and mention design No. 24%, Consult a local architect If designing architect in 0061 WEAdo) pascal avg oo) BED Rk nad PICKERING Pickering, Aug, W--=Aflter having remained immovable by the prayers of the vicinity, for over u week, the skics opened on Vriday and deposit ed upon the village, just enough moisture to interfere withthe gar- den party being held by St, George's Women's Guild, in the Memorial Park, Although the attendance was not large those who braved the els ements were well repwd, The sport attraction was a ball game between the local girls' team and the Print. ers' Guild, The rain had made the groundslippery, which resulted jn many amusing acrobatic stunts, on the part of the players, Ven the umpire displayed a keen desire to fondle the sod, Tt is doubtful if any- one present knew the final score A heavy electrical storm came just at the gme of the concert, so andi ence and artists adjourned to the Town Hall, where the evening's pro grim was carried ont, The program which was one of the best ever pre- sented in the village, was under the direction of the Harvey Bros, the A and B Battery . Boys of radio ame, who were asvisted, by other radio artists, and the Oshawa Boys' Band, All the performers gave their ervices gratis, in aid of the Rectory Fund Bor, on Vridav, August * 8th, at the Pickering Private Hospital to Mr, und Mrs, Perey Ward, Dunbar. ton, a daughter Born, on Tuesday, Avgust 12th, at the Pickering Private Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs, Fred Annan, a son I'he Women's Missionary Society, of the United Church, held a quill ing in St. Andrew's Sunday School on Wednesday alternoon, We are pleased to report that Mr Lyndon Cronk, who underwent 4 slight operation, this week, Is mak ng rapid progress Mr, und Mrs Stephenson, and Mr, and Mrs, Thos Stephenson were tim guests of their parents, Mr, Mrs. Jopn Stephenson, during the week end Memorie minds of and wir days stirred the villagers, on Sunday MOrning, the notes of the bugle, announced the parading of ( Company, Mth Battalion, of Oshawa, Saint rge's Anglican Church company was encamped dur. the end, on the lake propery of w a sham battle took alterno Seve village of the when to ree The ng weel front, on the H. Moore, where place on Saturday al of the voung are members of Mrs. A, Hogue, is and Raymor n men of the the eompuny and children, e proud ar abroad th Do | 1 terested passer Ashbay, H made its way into Oshawa harbour, Saturday, under the command of Captain Hogue While the Toronto radio casting station was announcing the position of the R100, as it glided Jo and fro, over that city, on Mon day morning, the residents of the village were able to stand on the lawns an®yiew the mammoth of the as it hovered on the horizon like tv great silver sausage, Although dis appointment was felt, when the air ship did pot pass over the village on its return trip, there was some con solation in knowing that we were af forded a better view of it, than those some larger centres. The immensity of the machine could he ganged from the fact that, when first i reckoned to be only while in reality of twenty five ns broad alr, living in ighted wa mile at lew it miles AWRY, 0 distance MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Aug, 12.In the nbhsence of our minister, Rav, Wolf. alm, who Ix having his holidays, Rev, A, Bunner, Bowmanville oe cupled the pulpit here on Bunday Next Sunday Mr, Stewart of the Prohibition Unlon, Toronto, will he the speaker Mr, and Mrs, Karl Osborne, Pro- vidence, visited har parents, Mr and Mra, T, Power, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, 1, CC, Snowden, Mi! dred and Bobby, motorad to Mus. koka and spent the weekend there, Mra, Snowden remained for a week Misa Ellen Gimblett visited friends in Helleville on Sunday, The August meeting of the W, M.S, wha held on Wednesday, Aug, Ath, at the home of the President, Mra, W. J, Snowden, when a very enjoyable time was spent, The Mission Band and young ladies of the neighbourhood were Invited to this meeting, The programme cons slited of Devotional Tople, Mra, F, Swallow, A splendid reading on "Hymns and thelr Writers by Miss Ida Stevens was interspersed with singing a verse or two of each hymn, The solo , "One BSweetly Solemn Thought" was nicely sung hy Miss Edna Swallow, Miss Ellen Gimblett rend the lust story in the Mission Band Study book en: Crranse your skin with Eliza. beth Arden's Venetian Cliansin Cream. Tone it by patting with Ardena Skin Tonic, Nourish it by applying Orange Skin Food. These three steps supply every important need of the skin to keep it lovely, Elizabeth Arden': Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell, Ltd. King St, KE, «= Simcoa St. 8 Phone 28 "Phone O08 bp Coirls' Club met titled "Coming Canadians," After the programme supper was served on the lawn, and a social hour en- Joyed, Mr, and Mrs, lyan Law spent Sunday with ber father, Mr, Gates, Cherrywood, Miss Mabel Dowson, Providence, Yisite Mrs, Charles White on Sun~ ay, Mr, and Mrs, Ivison Munday and son, Nay, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Lan- canter, Newtonville, Miss Muriel Baker, Solina, spending a few days with cousin, Miss Belly Snowden, Misses Vera Power, Greta Mun- day, Hilda Voley and Dorothy and Marjorie #tevens are spending n weak at a cottage on Bcugog Island, Mr, and Mrs, A, Igird and won, Alfred, visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday, in her ZION Zion, Aug. 12.-Mr, and Mrs, W, W. Glaspell, Mr, and Mrs, Tracy Glas pell and children, Mr, and Mrs, F, B, Glaspell and family motored to Seugog on Sunday night and had their supper there, Visitors at Mr, Jas. Sulley's on Sunday were Dr, and Mrs, RW, Clarke and three sons, Bowmanville, Mi, and Mrs, W, J, Sulley, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Kitchen and children, of Midland, Mr, and Mrs, Id, Wade and four ehildren, of Ebenezer, Mrs, J. W. Balson is slowly recoy ering from a serious attack of hem- orrhage of the lung, Dr. McMullen in attending her, Mrs. Agnes Richards has been with her daughter, Mrs. J, Balson, LL Mr, Hy Curtis and (daughter, Mil dred, Warkworth, have heen at J, W Balson's and Walter Trull's, pur chasing sheep for the fall fairs, An son Balson expects to go to Mr, Cur tis' to fit these sheep Kedron Ladies and Zion Ladies came together in quite large num bers Wednesday last and enjoyed the afternoon immensely, Visiting ladies entertained with a splendid program and Zion served delicious refresh ments \ Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and family, Dr, and Mrs. Harding and Mr, Charles Ferguson, Oshawa, were guests at the home of J. W, Balson of Sunday. Miss Jean Balson went home with them Mr. and Mrs, Deb Flintoff, Ebene ver, ealled on several in this neighbor hood on Sunday Rev, George took Rev, My Sunday Rev, Mr. Bick is away to geon for his holiday after having his tonsils removed in Oshawa Hospital last week George Sonley, of Brockville; Miss Kate Empringham and mother, of Toronto, have heen holidaying with the former's sister, Mrs, Fred Cam eron and Mr, Cameron Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Frost and child ren, of Peterhoro, were visiting Mr and Mrs, Langmaid, Oshawa, and called on a few around this corner, Mr, Frost came here 15 years ago as the public school teacher, Master Lewis and Norval Allin, Ritson Road, Oshawa, spent holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Pierce, Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Miss Miriam Chant, Toronto, visit ed her sister, Mry. R, Cameron, re cently Mason, Bowmanville, Bick's work here on Ynheay SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Aug. 4.~The Quadratec last week at the home of Miss Alma Clements; Miss Ia Moon in the chair. The mest ing opened in the usual way and quite a number answered the roll call, Several items of business were trans acted, after which the following pro gram was enjoyed: Duet hy Miss Iva Reynolds and Miss Illa Moon, Read ing, Miss 1. Reynolds and a contest by the club, Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the meet ing and a pleasant hour spent hy all, The supper and dance held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Dru ean on Saturday evening was well attended and a splendid success Those who went for a good time had t Mr, and Mrs, I, Dumara of Secu gog is visiting the latter's sister, Mrs J. Wannamaker on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Clarke ae companied by Mrs, E, Neibel and Mrs, R. Scott spent Sunday in Peter- boro with relatives, Mr, and Mrs, J. Hall and Mrs, 8 Wooldridge of Little Britain visited Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Shunk on Sunday, Mrs. S, Sweetman of Pleasant Point is visiting friends for a few days, Mr, and Mrs, DD, King and family of Pleasant Point visited Mr, and Mrs, I Trwin on Sunday, Mr, Milton Demara of Seugog visited Mr, Bertram and Glenn Wan- amaker on Sunday, Miss Dorothy Orchard and friend, Miss Bennet, of Torénto, have re- turned home after a pleasant week spent with relatives at Janetville Beach, Mr.) Grant Orchard also spent the week-end at the cottage, Mrs, I, Billingham and little daugh ter have returned to the city after an enfoyable two weeks with relatives, Mr, Elgin Frise of Toronto. spent the week-end at his. home here, Mr, WW, Keen in Toronto on Sun. day, Mr, Henry Morgan, wife and fam. ily of Sunderland visited Mr, A, Rob. inson and family on Sunday, Migs Illa Moon visited relatives in Toronto ont Sunday, Miss I. King of Oshawa visited Miss Iva Reynolds and other {riends for a few days, Mr, Reg, Abraham spent Saturday evening in Lindsay, Miss Norma Moon, who has spent the past month in Toronto, has res turned home, Mr, Reg. Owles of Port Perry was here visiting friendy on Saturday, Mrs, A. Tanner and daughter, Fins Vera Tanner, visited relatives in Oshawa recently, Mr, L, Scott and Mr, R, Scott were in Oshawa on Monday, Mr. and Mrs, I, Irwin and daugh- ter, Sina, were . recent visitors to Pleasant Point, The friends of Mrs, Jas, Loask are very sorry to hear of her serious aes gident which happened at Greenbank on Friday afternoon last, when she wis knocked down by a passing auto Mrs, Leask was taken to Port Verry Hospital and Is doing as well as can be expected, Mr, A, Wells of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Wells, Jr., of New York, visited Mr, and Mrs, C. W, Moon on Tues day, Mr, Albert Brown ands son of To ronto were the guests of Mr, and Mrs W. Rogers on "I'uesday, The Misses Laura and Hazel Mark of Toronto visited their sister, Mrs A. Bruce, recently, A number attended the street dance in Sunderland on Wednesday night, The regular meeting of the Wo men's Association was held at the home of Mrs, M, Millan on Wednes day afternoon with the president, Mrs, Jas, Shunk, presiding, Owing to the husy times the attendance was not so large as usual, Mrs, Geo, Cle ments read the lesson from the 34th Poulm, The minutes of the last meet ing were read and adopted, Many items of business ware discussed, The cook books of tested recipes are {ast disappearing, Place your order for one of these books at once and he conyineed for the small sum of twenty-five cents, At the close of the meeting the committee in charge served refreshments, KEDRON Kedron, Aug. 12, Miss Olive Luke visited her cousin, Mrs, Fverett Hoar, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, H, 17, Werry, old and Wilma, and Mrs, RR. J called on Mr. J, A. Werry, Killen, on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, John Mountjoy, Mr, Lorenzo and Miss Kose Mountjoy, Nestleton Station, Mr, and Mrs, W Samells, Nestleton, Mi and Mr Herman Samells, Caesneren, were re cent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman Mr, and Mrs, Conlin, Marguerite and Kathleen spent Monday in Toronto Miss Bernice Werry week-end with friends ville, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Emil Lawrence, Columbus, Miss Ida McCulloch, Enfield, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr, 8 Conlin, Miss Gladys Stainton, Winnipeg, and Miss Margaret Stainton, Toronto, spent Vriday with their cousin, Mrs, Koss Lee, Master David Heath, Barrie, has been spending a few days with Rob ert and Mark Hancock, Mr. and Mrs, Shipman and tha, Oshawa, were guests of § ell recenth Mr, and Mrs RR. Beath spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs, L, Hancock Mr, and Mrs, VV, Adams and Pearl, Oshawa, were visitors at the home of J, Mountjoy on Wednesda The Sunday school and church ser- vice is withdrawn here on Sunday, Aug, 17 Mr. and Har Luke Innis & Misse Conlin spent the in Shannon Mar Jew Ray Mr, Mrs, Carl CLff and and Mrs, Cliff, Sr, Oshawa, at Everett Mountjoy's, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mountjoy and hovs were guests of Mr, Clifford Col will, Hampton, recently, Master Roy and Miss Eileen Pere man, Columbus, spent Wednesday at LL. Hancock's, The Kedron Women's Association spent a very enjoyable afternoon as guests of the Zion Women's Asso ciation in Zion church on Wednet day afternoon I'he Kedron ladies supplied the program after which the Zion ladies served lunch and a social hour was enjoyed, Dr, and Mrs, Mc Culloch and Mrs, Heatlie, Orono; Dr and Mrs, Heatley, Indiana; Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield; Mr, and Mrs, HM, 1, Pascoe, Mr, Walton Pas coe and Missy Hazel McCulloch, Col umbus, and Mr, and Mrs, TW, Scott were recently entertained by Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe, Miss Olive Luke spent a few days with her mister, Mrs, G, L, Gibson, Oshawa Mrs. Harold spent Thursday Shaw, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Delbert Flintoff and children, of Courtice, visited at the home of W, N. Hoskins, recently Mr, and Mrs, M, R, Ballard, Mar garet and Ruth are visiting the for mer's parents at Nobleton, Mr, Frank Lee has returned to Ot tawa after spending the past week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, I, H and Keith Mrs, A | Mountjoy with Lee, Mrs, Harold Buckler, Lee, Mass, and Mrs, O, Orr, Oshawa, were visis tors with Mrs, Harold Mountjoy on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. A, D, Van Dyke, Miss Minnie Mitchell, Messrs, Hows ard and Earle Van Dyke recently spent a day at Orillia, Mr, and Mrs, A, R, Scott and family and Mr, James Scott, Colum- bus, visited on Thursday with the latter's sister, Mrs, 1D, Moffatt, Orono, KEYS AND BISONS BREAK EVEN Reading, Aug, 18, ~~Reading won the series from Ruffalo, three gam. en to one, by splitting even in a doubleheader here yesterday, With Leroy Herrmann pitehing six-hit baseball in the opener, tha Keys won by 7 te 3, Reading loat the nighteap 6 to 4 ONE CONTROL FOR FRUIT GROWERS | 15 RECOMMENDED Annapolis Valley Industry Needs Revamping, Says Commission Halifax, N.5., Aug. 18,~The creas tion of an organization to bring un der one control all the agen cies now undertaking the marketing of Annapohig Valley fruit is the key recommendation of the Royal Com mission which has been myestigating the industry. "The Consolidated Fruit Company of Scotia" is suggested as a name for the organi zation, In the commission report, which includes mm its lengthy list ol findings and recommendations that the present system of inspection | "so wholly inadequate as to be almost useless" and recommends that there varion ) NOV he complete and compulsory inspec tion of all fruit from the wall either for lor export The fruit industy Ville v he commi damentally the report got formation of a tion ypen to all valle to conduct all the hu austy fride pearance | Canadian consumption ol | | uf the Annapolis | jon found, is fun ound, From that has marketing organizi gio ne ol the Lristinctive in cosoperitivel perative Mar pmprovement of the {i barrel or lr used packing, spraying of infested ards, education to instill the with possibilitie f the industr per system ined th were all outlined imperative the report of i" oreh WINK pre of pruning ming | mn The the | gation be carried out for a peri years under yr comm mi sed Organ guarantee fon re financing of the prop vernment DR. MURRAY MACLAREN New minister of pensions and nation: al health in the Bennett cabinet, who is a native of New Brunswick with a very distinguished career, ---- -------------------------- -- Tudge O'Flaherty=1lave you heen before me before honor, Of riiver that looked loike a picture ol an Prisoner-No, yv'r saw but wan fage vours and. that was Irish king Judge Call the Discharged next ( on to recommend the | vers, and | Everyday Many Cases Of New Goods Are Being Shipped to The Arcade And equally as fast it is absorbed by the Buy- ing Public who really Know Values. Is there not some consolation in knowing that you are getting yow money's worth? You shop here with that As- sured Feeling, Ladies' Ships Good Quality Broad. cloth in many colors, and all sizes. 49¢ Ladies' Smart Millinery A selection that is hard to beat, The choice of the store. Reg. to $0.00, $1.95 Mosquito Netting 42 in, wide, Green or White y bi QC per yd. TheArcade Hens that Pay The ten-year average nf the cost of feeding laying hens at the Lens lxperimental Station of the Dominion Department of Agri oulture fs $2.43 per hen, This means that with eggs selling at an average of cents per dogen it takes 6.06 dozen or 81 eggs to pay for the keep of the laying hen only the eggs laid in excess of that number ean count as profit, This demonstrates the importance of carefully culling poultry flocks bes fora the laying season begins, It In the hens that lay from 150 to noxville 0 ar Hi) case, AE 200 eggs a year that pay, (WOOD Body Hard Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry DIXON COAL C0. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindling or Cooking BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD LARGE AND SMALL BALLS 650 feet per lb. 600 ft. per Ib.. HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. 54 CHURCH ST, PHONE 203

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