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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN :D SECTION, --¢ meets Legal CONANT & ANNI4, BATRTBTENS Hollcitors, Notaries Publis, Ete, Conveyancing and general prac tice «@f Law, Offices 7% Bimeos St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4, 0. b ant, B.A, LLB; AT Ane nis, 8, oy LLB, 'WE, N, BINCLA nn Ke, UANK of Commerce Bul A a vister. olleitor, Conveyancer, Money to loss, Of flee 14% King #t, Cast, Oshawa, Phone 445, Residence phone Ki47, 'ORTENEON, ~ CREIGHTON "AND V'raser, DBorristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance 8imone coe St, Phone 18, J, FV, Gruarson, K.0., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A, es . TT BATNITITER, ,Bolleltor, Notary, over Dewland's ftors, Money to loan, 16 Simeoe street ports, Phone 67, Resi dence B478W, Lomb BD HUNPHAEYR BAN: risters, Bollcitors, ete, 24% Him- 008 Bt. N, Phone #160, Money to Loan, EAN ALES WALT, WA, BARN: ter, etn, Conveyancing and general ractice, 23% King Bt, Kast, hone 4087, (tf) A 1. PARKHILL, BARKINPEK ete, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8B, LBDBS, BARRISTEN, Solicitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey. ancer, money to losn, Third floor new Alger Bulllinr, epposite Posi Office. Vhone 4000, RA Medical DIR, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 8060, Of- fice hours 0 am. to 8,80 pm, Dr B, J, Haglewood, special attention 10 Burgery and X-Ray Dr, B H. Harper, specinl attention to child ren"s Diseases and Obstetrics, Wun: day and night calls 8410 or 142, DR, MeKAY PHYRICIAN, BUN goon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence, King Ht, Hast, corner Vier torla Bt, Oshwa, Phoue 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN flurgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 07 Bond East, Phone 1166 TH ARCHEN, WM. " LR. CP and 8, Edinburgh, Phy: slclan, Burgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 143 Simcoe Bt, N, Phone $020, residence 40 Cadlline Ave, North, Phone #166, La BI CW, CARN, PHYBIVIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 613 Simcoe Btreet north, Phone 8415, DR), ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. ke Cg] stetrician, office or if vesidenie, AS Simeon Street, North, shone 3107. Veterinary Surgeon HINCEY, VITIRTNARTAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anime als, Oat and Dog Hospital, 903 King West, Telephone 080, (6 aug th) Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist PICT, BRYANS OIF 100 DLOOR Htreet West Toronto will he at his office over Juvv & Lovells Drug Htore emoh Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, noses and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, ye, r, INOse an at PR 0h RICHARDRON, specialist, Office aver Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2600 and 433), Architects UC, BTENTTOURE ~~ OUNEWAT architectural work, [Cecond floor, Royal Bank Bullding, Phone 1406, tes, phone 000), ci - THOMSON AND JOWNBON, AS: soolate architects, Himooe 8t, 8, Over Felt Aros, Watch Repairing FA VON GUNTEN BXFEWT wisn watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage ia solloited, Shoe Repairing got your ahoen fixed like new fa hy Menke, corner Himeoe N, and Willlam W, (July 30-1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads. Flret lnsertion==11 cents per word, Mialmom charge 300, Each subsequent eonsecus tive Insertion 10 per word, Three consecutive inser tinne for thy price of two first \nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge Nor three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 10a additional Professional or HRusinem Cards, $3.00 per month tor ¥0 words or less} 10 cents a word per \nonth for each udditions) word, TIMKS CLASSIFIKD AlN DONT LITTLE AG COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE Wa Ask for Clamwitied Ad Department Notary Publie, Dental sotl's, #peoial sttention to X-ray work, Cas extraction, Nurse In attendance, Phone 059, House north, "over Mitchell's Drug Hore, Gas for extraction, Phone b4, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac: tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg, Phone 648, residence 1376M, DF, JV. BROCK, DENTIN, 13 Simeoe #1, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Nes, 202W, Evenings by appointment, , LANOMATD, . DAVIER, Dencists, #7 King Bt. 1B, Bpecial attention to gas extraction end X- ray work, Nurse In attendapne, Phones 1248 and Kod, emstitching HEMPITIONING, = PICOYTNG, nine cents a yard, Pleating skirts, Jne dollar, Dresses cut snd fitte perfectly, Embrodery work, The Dell Shep 26% Wimeos south, Phone \dbe, (July 21.1 mo) Ls Optometrist On TICK, OPTONETRIVT, sbecialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Kye Care and Eyes Strain, The Chilo snd Its Development, Dis ney Bloek opposite Post Office Phone i816, (July 16:1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND BMITH ONTAR- 10 Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-diviglons, town planning, municipal engineers, $65 or 411 King St, B. Phones 20682) or ab44, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING WT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence H42 Himeoe street, north, Phone 810) and 810W, aE ORHAWA DURTAL™ CO, M, IW, Armstrong & Sow, Proprietors, IPuneral and Ambulance Mervice, day and night, Phone 1083W, N17 Celina, (dtl) Insurance DAVIE AND #0N, INNOWANCE, 10 King Bt, west, Oshawa, The old. ost Mire Agency in Oshawa, 40 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN" PLACING INFUTANGE gopsult R, N, Johns, KO Himooe north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pros tected, A Transportation GAWTAGH "AND WTORAGK COLE: man's, 86 Bond west, Hpecinliste in furniture moving siorage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 83, a OARTAGH, MOVING, OWAVEL sand and cinders, Looal and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone #24, 10 Bond Bt, West, ONNAWA™S _ OLDENT _ ENTAN lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage, Local and long distangs, Jrank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd, South, Phone 315, (July 81-1 mo) Beauty Parlors TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop, Hpecialists In permanont, finger and marcel waving, Pere manent wave prices #5, 87,60. #10 and $106, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2008, Apply 848 #imooe street north, : TXPERT MARCELTIRG WY DET: ty Ward at Netty Lou Permanent Wave Hhoppe, Marcel and shame poo $1, I'hone 2008, = WATRON'S HARDTR AND Beauty Shop, § Celina Bt, We specs iallge In ladies' halr dutting, mars calling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For apprintiments phone 2004, (July 17-1 mo) Radio Service POTTER CHANGED 16e with rental $1.00, Fepaired and rebullt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Htap Rligdon, 0 Mill 8, Phone 1880W, (July 81-1 mo) URHAWA™ RADIO RR VIOE==1N- pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubos tested and supplied, radio poles for Male, Batteries charged and repaired, Phone 8360J, Charles Wales, 140 Elgin oast, (Aug 18:1 mo,) OAT ORT RADIO WATTERY, culled for and delivered, 70, Phone 1666J, (18Aug-1 mo) Money to Loan 0An arrange a lirst mortgage on your residence If it la well lo: cated, Hradley Rros, over Ward's Store, Simooe St, South, rs ;. (July 28:1) COANE ON TOOL CITY TROP: ty and tara, Apply A, J, Parke hill, 87 King 8t, Kast, Phone 1014, (July 818) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC: tioneer, 36 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm: stock and Implements, Your Patron: se tolicied, - Spirella Shop health, comfort, Personal atten» ton and service, Phone Mra, Blate ter, Distriot Manager, 3180M, (July 211 mo) RUGS RUGH--SMYRNA REVERSIBLE rugs, B00 down, 200 a week, For a samples phone 1818W, LAug: 20-1 mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found of this nature, and collect for same. necessary lose arising from handling » large number of small arcounts For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will rgeelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT because of expense and Building Supplies CUENT BLOCKS, BAND AND grave! for sale=="To Inrure prompt delivery, place wdery In advance of delivery date, W, Borrowda'e Phone 1618, £8 3 ts a] Second Hand Dealer NEW AND FRCOND WAND VU niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor Bt, XK, Phone 1617M, (July 23-1 mo.) Fr Palmist MADAME TENA," TALMIRT, 4b Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone hagdw, (Aug 3-1 mo,) MADAME TROWN, PALMIBT Phone appointments 2646F, 03 Loulss 'reset, (July 206<1 mo) VE eli TTR RL, ------ eS i Pets and Live § TOULANY "MEN = WT YOUR honvy breed 1%-8 Ib, cockerels eaponired at 100 each, Minlmum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapon. igs, Ives Bros, 680.Drew sireet, (July 268<1 mo, YO RATE =A" Go0OD ~ WORK horse, Apply W. J, Trick Co ili SR Persone! WHY BUFFER ==URE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appll- ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you! Klectro Magnotism In one of the greatest discoveries of the 40th century, In many cases where everything else has falled the Harmony [Klectlo Magnetis Appliance has brought health, We are not out to soll you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says Is correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then It is up to you to use your own judgment, WW, C, Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 1064 William Bt, XK, Phone 2640, Oshawa, (July 86: mo.) Money Loaned GN YOUR™ATTOMONTN, re-financed, Payments Additional ensh glven sonable, Motor Loans and Diss counts, Hulte 0, 144 King wut, 2 Phone 2700, Open evenings (Aug, 16 tf) Aaa TAN reduced Lorms reas Et a ll ul Motor Cars ONT YOUT OA WANHED AT Jominion Garage, §§ Bond streut west, Phone S108, All gars at ous price §1,00, (July 17-1 mo) TOE CHEV, COATH FOR NATIT Will well cheap for cash, Phone 2007J, (40¢) FOR WALE==T000 CARYNCET 0 Sodan, In excellent condition Ia every way, Car has been used only two months, Phone 2700 or apply at room 6, 14% King St, K, Osh awa, : (Aug, 18:1 wk) TON FALE =A CHEV. COACH, Apply 180 Brook Ht, 1, al (410) TOR NATL CHEVROLET aE: dan, first class appearance and eondition, Real buy at $100, Phone TW, (43a) FORT NALE= WHIPPET™ fix sport roadster, new, has rumble seat, trunk rack, wide windshields, Bix wire wheels, Owner will nues rifice, Phone 1068, Bowmanville, (43h) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- arn suites including electrio refrig eration stove, lanndry convent ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied. Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co Lid, manager for owner, Toronto, i (27-41) FOR RENT==APARTMENT, CEN- tral, bh rooms, newly decorated, ull conveniences, lense or by Lhe month Hox 740 Times, (16011) CHEERFUL APAIUTMENTY IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (1hdtty APATTHMERT," TUNMNTRHED ON unfurnished, Ivery vouveunlence "hone 1560 or R347TW, (ate) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood fHoors Abily Bradley lsros (NULL FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, alls conveniences, Rloor Ht, west Apply J. DD, Rutherford, phone (HER) (unten) TO RENT--HIX ROOMKD HOUNIE, detachod, avery convenience, south end, with or without gurnge Apply evenings, 38 Frank Kireel (400) FOR RENT--2 NICK I'URNISH od rooms for lght housekeaping Reasonable, Use of olectrie wash or, Apply 287 Arthur Bt Phone DOOM, (410) FORT MENTS 1 O0MRBI Cor Lage, purage. and convenlences, Cheap rent, Apply S18 Albert Mt, (401) HRIGHT Board If "hone (41e) RENT ROOM ED IRICR house, hardwood fintsh, close to Motors, rent veanronnhle for win ter months, one 21564W, Fon rooms in desired 1040W FOR RENT TWO private home Alko garuge (41h) HOUR TON NT, NEAR SOT ors offies, All conveniences, Hard wood floors throughout, fireplace, wun parlor, Apply #1 Ritson Road North (Aug, 20:1 mo) FOR RENT DEAR PAC Firat elas offjes bhullding, $10 per month, Apply Dradley Nrom, over Ward's Store (430) FOR NENT TPT, 18TH RIN rooms, newly decorated, every convenlence, = heautifully situated, Apply 10 Colborne St, HN, or phone 3479, (43d) FOR RENT = 8 FURNIHHED rooms, every convenience for lght housekeeping, suitable for youn couple, Phone H138W I. (480) ARUEN" ROOM ET WRTCR™ OUST All conveniences, 08 Allee wtreet, Cloke to High School and Mot ors, Thirty-five dollars per month Louls Hyman, Barelster, Phone 07, (480) Room and Board TOON AND HOARD TN TRIVATR family, very ecantral, also garage, hone 1088), (400) BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATR home for student or teacher, Ap- ply 848 Times, (dln) : Toronto, Articles For Sale TART, Gir" VET, "BYONG, CIw dors, black loam, $1.67 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Ks scry Dros. 882 1 31, (May B41) gd Dd oa L50 per load, Also es dry body wooed, Whterous Meek Ulmied Phong 1268, __ (Arr, 201 FOR SALE---HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd, plapos, new aud used pianos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply C Trull, Phone L666, (111-tf) w PA . e shes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishns, ete, in in the eity. The Paint Bors, KO King street wast, (Apr, 26 tf) VOR BALJM== NEW AND USED bloyoles, accessories, auto tren and tubes, also clean bousshold furniture, Kyverything clearing chenp, 164 Eulalie Ave, (Aug, 1-1 mo) COMBINED COAL onk dinlpg room bed, #ingle bed, ehlld's tricycle, Phone Y70W, (420) GRAY WICKER Al condition, Very AKL, FOR BALK und gos stove, sulle, dresser, new dinner wet, child's cot, chalrs, FoR sALE baby earringe reasonnble, hone (41h) ron HALE ONK MARBLE shelf 4 11, 4 in, long by 1 ft, wide #8, Quoan Mary Whop, 20 King Ht 1 (48n) Business Opportunities FATT NOW=YOIUT" "AN "KANN money quickly, taking orders for the most besutiful line of Person fl Christmas Greeting Cards aver thown In Canadn Write for pay tHeulnre Itognl Art Co, 810 Mpa dink Ave, Toronto , -- wor Real Estate For Sale FACHITICE 1 ROUGH IW fore full, hungnlow types summer cottage, Heyden Mhore Park, Whithy Town water, electric Hght, fire place, seraened porch 1, Potter, Port Whithy, P.O (Whe) HALE WITH TWO Hen bargain, town, Phone (400) Lor room Owner 191aW FOR BALE ON ARK RD north, B0x146 Phone 0380 r 8, Good location #176 (44h) AETVTON BTATON "TORT NALLY with six ncres, Cholea land, Dwell ing In good town on highway, prand place for eabing and money maker, Will exchange on Oshawa property, Phone Holden 871W, (43h) FOR BALE--NEARY NEW, ONE ux roomed brick house, situated In north end worth $4400, to he unarifieed for 28000, ®mmall eash payment, balances monthly, Apply Hradley Hros, over Ward's Ntore (420) " Lost and Found LONT BETWEEN TORONTO and Oshawa on the highway, n tnull brown leather sult case, cons taining young girl's clothing, Fin der: please return to Chief New hull of Peterborough, Ont Fon butlding, loaving LOT (400) LORT = W RINT WATCH tween Hydro shop and four cor ners, Phone §704W (400) EL OHA wn Situations Vacant NATIT NOWESVOU CANT HATRN money quickly, taking orders foi the most beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards over shown In Canada Write for partioulars, Remal Art Co, 410 Hpadina Ave, Toronto, a a el EE ---- ded Agents Wanted WIFHAVE ERECT 86, FINANCED und equipped a Million Dollar Publio Market in Toronto whieh In ready to open, We require one agent In Oshawa District to sell a small bloek of Preferred Mhares, Sufficient" leases have heen signed lo guarantee prompt payment of Interest and wu high. valuation ot the Common Stock, Apply Invests ment Bankers, co. Financial Ads vertlalng Agency, 100 Day Ntreet, 43a) halt he WRT Contracting OONT w= plastering, electric 0. alterations I'hone 180 tor estimates, (18te) FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without board for young man or girl, All conveniences, Very reas onable, Near factories, Rox 001, Oshawa Dally Times, (41b) For Sale or Rent FO FATE ON TTRRNT=T"NO0W house, centrally located, Apply 40 Colborne 8t. W, (4310) 1] 08 Help Wanted--Female WATE =A WRLIABLE WO: man for housework, used to child- ven, Phone 14737, (416) CAVAULY WOMAN VOR HOUR: work, 8 or 4 mornings an week, Box 861 Times, (Aug 10 if) "P pol ainting snd Decorating : , i PA Jorhanser paluting and grainivg, 'rices right, work gunrautesd, #40 Pine Ave, phone 3066w or 2067w, (7440) Farm To Rent FARM TO RENY=TT8 AcE AT Oshawa Harbour, Virst clogs land In good state of cultivation, Good hufldings and improvements, Im mediate possession to plough, Full possession April 1st, 1041, Apply to 6G, D, Conant, Barrister, &e,, Oshawa, Ontario (WH Oct, 1) wos pwn Ls I Fr Fi rele FG Builders' Bargains "Oak ¥1ooring Oc, wa, Toot; Walls bourd 27.60 thousand feet; Ready Ulazed Barn Bash 08c; Bliate Roof. ing 2.8K; 28 gauge metal roofing B.66; House paint bbe, qt; Garages $10 down payment, Asphalt hing. leg 6.40; Motu) Celling 6.46; Rep- tie Tank #6 down payment, Write now for Dig Free Bale Catalog, Amazing savings for July and Aug- ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton, Wardha aia hh dw For Sale or Exchange BTS MOOS VENEER HOURE on Oshawa Blvd, will exchange for small acreage, or house and lot outside of Oshawa, Mone 2800), (41¢) FOR BALE--MUBT BY, KOLD Immediately four roomed cottage, EK Vrench Bt, Nowly papered and painted inside and out #1760, Will mnecept fully paid ent lot as part payment, Apply 10% Church Bt, or phone 2404M (414) ROOM ™ HOUKBK Oak floors, All elty conveniences, I'aved street In north, Will ex change for bungalow where differs anea In pries Is not too great Write full description, Box Kb4 Times (420) wr wn, Ce A, .,H Or BEAUTIFUL Situations Wanted YOURERERTIR SEERA TORT tion with boy eleven, reference, I'hone 1681) (41e) Dressmaking PREBEMARING =""LADINE™ AND children's dress and nurses' unl forme, Phone 6770 or call at 211 Albert Ni (Aug, 18:1 mo) ee Wanted To Buy WANTED 0 WOY="F "ROOM house In north, price must he right, Write full particulars giving price and terms, Dox 808 Times, (420) . Notice NOTICK TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Alfred Frederick Hind, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Police Magistrate, doceuss od Notice Is hereby given, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the ostate of Alfred Frederick Hind, who died on or about the 11 day of August, 1080, at the City of Toronto are required, on or before the 1st day of Heptember, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to J, A, Meo Gibbon, solicitor for the exocutors of the last will and testament of the sald deceawed, thely Christian names and aurnamos, addresses und descriptions, the full particu. lave, In writing, of thelr claims, statement of thelr accounts, and the nature of the security, it any, held by them, : And take notloe that after such last mentioned date the sald exees utor will proceed to distribute the assets of the anld deceased among the parties entitled there. to having regard only to the claims of which It shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be Hable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person or pers sons of whose claim notice shall ot have been recolved by it at the time of such distribution, J. A. MeGIDDON, Dominion Bank Ohbrs Oshawa, Ontario, Solleltor for the Exeoutors, Dated at the City of Oshawa this 11th day of August A.D, 1080 If Princess Helen hecomes recon- celled to King Carel, he ean hecome reconciled to anything=Chatham News, ---- HARDWOOD VIOORS Laid by expert wechanies, Old 'lwor Nnished like new, Os 71 Contractors, BW, dAYNES 161 King wt." West Phone 481 + lesidence BOTHW -------- TR -- -------- For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt, B, «~~ We Deliver aad at COAL COAL hone 108 W. J, SARGANT Yard== Bloor Atreet MK, Orders Promptly Delivered LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood Yard hone Oshaws B34 Whithy 14 Ey ih OLD MONUMENT T0 THIRST NOW BEING RESTORED Sailor Wandering in Desert Long Ago Dug Well For Travellers Amekhury, Moss A shipwreck ad sallor's monument to his awful thirst was recently rededicated here, Off to India when he was IN, walled Valentine Dagley, to be shipwrecked on the Arabian const and wander, tortured, for weeks In the searing desert Nagloy'n story, handed down in legend, 1g confirmed by n tale pub Hehed in 1704 hy Daniel Baunders, ona of several others east up with Hagley Nutives robbed the sallors of avery wstiteh of clothing, and they set out naked for Muscat, 400 mites merogs the sands Tareibly' blistered, famished and thirsty, the group at last encount ered nn party of friendly natives and hired them to take them. hy camel to Musent Only six of tha 17 who started arrived While wandering in the desert, the legend goer, Dagley prayed as never be fore, Whittier, the poet, a Inter re pldent of Amesbury, put that pray or into verse "ity me, God! Yor I dia of thirst; Take me out of this land aecur'st) Where the earth has springs and the sky has rain, I will dig a well for the passers-by And none shall suffer from thirst un 1, Home Hagley did coma, six years Inter, und with his own hands dug the well, Then he sat back to watch passersby quench thelr thirst, and to reflect upon what a good thing Is water and plenty of It It In 100 years and more pince Dagley came back from the ponn-~glad and lucky, When In terest In the well was revived, it long winoa had fallen into disrepaly, ven the underground stream that fod it dwindled away, Homewhere in the years it had heen named "I'he Captain's Well" and an old sign on a little shed over It was all that marked It, But now; thanks to the gitt of forms or Ntate Henator and Mra, James H, Walker, it is to have a beauty such an it never had, Restored with water once more flowing, albeit through pipes into a modern "bubbler", the well will he officially presented to the Town Improvement noolety by Mr, Walk. or, Mrs, Walker will pull the strings unvelling the restoration and Col, Ned Arden Flood of New York will be the day's orator, ALL IN THE FAMILY (From Capper's Weekly She went to visit a young lens tenant In a war hospital, but the matron said: "Wao don't allow ordinary visite orn at present, Only relatives "Oh, that will be all right, then," wald the girl, "You pee, I'm Lieus tenant Smith's sister," The matron: "My goodness,' she wald, "I'm awfully glad to meet you, I'm his mother," Probably It would do no good to ask, but we cannot help wondering whit corner prosperity is just around, I'he New Yorker, "a ROYAL YORK Ys Tea Fekoe nie 286) At all Superior Stores EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always PROPERTIES FOR SALE Nowe ron! snaps In beautiful homes, DISNEY REAL ESTATE, 20 King KE. gy STORE King #& Prince Ste, HR ------ SI, _ . "0 Machinery Repairing NOTHING 700 LARUR NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King de, W, Phone 1814 FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Simcoe Mt, Mouth a ------ AWRY | UMBI R (0 IVA | Hi "A ATHOI he Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa'e Main Corner ed Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 500 Carnegie Ave, [IPhone 1088 4 -- [] BYES 1 Tt w and glasses te Bard Off ELLA CINDERS--The Optimist

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