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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" he Oshawa Daily Ti Succeeding The Oshawa Daly Reformer nes A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City A VOL. 7-~NOQ.42, Published at Oshawa, Ont. "y Dey acept Sundays and peony OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week: 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PACES News in Brief hy Comadion, Brom) Anxiety Relieved Olawim ily here as to the condition of the patrol ship "Beo- thie," sarryly the department of the interior's expedition to the sts In A 9 abe Arctic Islands, as been relieved by the receipt of a number of delayed messages, a mT Re Persia Will Not Cooperate Istanbul, Turkey, ~~Persiu is believ. ed to have informed Turkey that she ean under no circumstances consent to. military cooperation with the Turks against the Kurds in Persian territory, LJ] LJ Gardener Murders Three Pleasantville, N.J,=~A gardener climaxed months of brooding over fancied wrongs by killing his em- ployer, Mrs, Mary Parr, her sister and her nephew and then fatally wounding himself, \ LJ LJ LJ N: B. Liberals Seek Leader Halifax,~~The Liberal party of Nova Scotia will hold a convention Oct, 1 to select & new provinelal leader, it was decided at a caucus held here, » » » Borden Malls for Geneva Montreal,--Rt, Hon, Bir Rober! Borden, who has succeeded Henator Raoul Dandurand as Canadian re- presentative on the Counell of the League of Nations salled yesterday for Cherbourg on the Canadian Pac. Ag liner Empress of Beotland, on his way to Geneva to attend the Counell's meetings prior to the meeting of the League Assembly, LJ L LJ Aged Clergyman Dies Montreal, ~Feyv, Edward McMan- us, 'one of the oldest Anglican clergy. men in Canada, is dead at his sume mer home at Rawdon, Que, Rev, Mr, McManus retired some years RRO, Cabinet "Resigns Munich, Bavaria ~T Baravian cabinet resigned today after the de- feat in the Landtag of a bill which' proposed to levy a special tax on slaughtered livestock, Ld . LJ Open Verdict in Case of Death Brantford --An open verdict was returned by a coroner's jury last night Investigating circumstances purrounding, the death gn July 27 last 'of William Case, 64, retired far- mer, who was found dead inv his bed room with a shot through his fore. Ae ead Inflicted by a 22 calibre rifte . - . Raby a Day Deserted Montreal,~-During the past five days a baby a day has been desert. ed in Montreal, » . hd Fourth Case Reported Lindsay.--=A case of infantile par. alyssa, the fourth in this immediate district in the past few weeks has been reported from Ops Township, Fire Prevention Week Ottawa, Canada's fire preven: tion week thix year will be from October & * Tetober 11 inclualve, » . « uth Drowns ft, Thomus,-~Harold Chandler, age 16, of London, was drowned at Port Stanley yesterday afternoon, when he fell from the ground of the west breakwater into the lake, The youth was fishing for minnows and aither lost his footing or suffered a dizsy spell, Drought Committee Named Washington, =A national drought relief committee under the chair: manship of Heoretary Hyde wan ap: pointed by President Hoover yea: terday and will begin to function immediately in conjunction with state and county agencies in more than 300 counties. . Protest pont of Bible Kiagenturt, Austria,-~Objection by the Austrian Government to the sale of the valuable 43-lined Gut. enberg Rible to Dr. Otto Vollbehr of New York was reported in seml. official eircles, Threshing In doses) Winnipeg, ~Threahing will be general in Manitoba this week, ac: cording to a report issued by the Manitoba department of agriculture Durum wheat promises the greatest yield this year, Tt has escaped rust damage, prevalent in Marquis fields, and it is estimated will thresh out between 20 and 30 bushels to the aere, ut Air Marshall Visita Canada Ottawa,~One of the leading fig- ures in the air councils of the empire, Alr Marshall Sir John Frederick Andrews Higgins, K.C.B,, former alr minister for supply and research of the air council of the British air ministry, will be in Ot- tawa Saturday, in the course of a 10-day visit to Canada. WEATHER Except for light local show. ers the weather has been fair from Saskatchewan eastward with moderate temperature in all provinces, Local thun. derstorms have occurred in Alberta, [Pressure continues from Manitoba eastward a shallow low area over Alberta extending southward to Mexico, Ottawa and Upper St, Lawrence, lower Lakes and Georglan Bay w= Moderate northeast winds; fair with not Darkness DON BRADMAN IS ord For Fourth Wicket (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Aug, 20 entrenched themselves in a position in the ericket test with England today when they ed 698 rung In their imnmgs to the Homeland's first inning total of 408 The mutch is for the Anglo-Aus tralian championship and played to a finish for most of today strom 1} leaving light of the late afternoon England lost the wicket the veteran Jack Hobbs before play, Habls, probably playing waning of grounds, was clean howled by Fair fax when he had scored nine land's second innings total one wicket seore at Noon London, Fng, Aug ralian went on thelr way great first Innings reors 20 Aunt the Kennington Oval to-day, for four Australin's youth was again Don Bradman, {ful ericket - master runs at the interval stood at not out, A They made 243 whieh fig made hy 8 wicket ures displaced the 22 Giragor and GG, H, Trott at In 1804, the N08 made in Australia season beating Wally Hammond 1028-20 National Exhibition he the Ath Champlonship Race, The five Canadian year will World Swimming Marathon ached August 27th the main section uled for Wednesday, SCORE 695 RUNS AGAINST ENGLAND'S TALLY OF 405 IN FIRST INNINGS' PLAY Veteran Hobbs Goes Down for Seven Runs at Open- ing of Second Inning-- Stumps Pulled Due to AUSTRALIAN HERO Sets New Record Four Ag-* gregate in Test Matches in One Season and, With Jackson, Establishes Rac. Australia being Australia batted England to open their second Innings in the close of in his last test match and on his home Ings when Stumps were drawn was 24 runs for towards n in the orieket test match with England at At the lunch Interval they had put on 6561 wickets an compared with England's first innings total of 405, in rare form and his personal total of ann vie During the morning with Jackson he set up a new record partnership for a test mateh fourth Lord's Rradman during play to-day alse surpassed the best aggregate num- her of runs In test matches In ona hy in | A feature of Opening Day at the this Marathon Women's prize winners in this event will ba eligi bis to compete against the men in "Householder" Mail Deliveries Are Scored by Letter Carriers Workless Stage Riot in Toronto (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 20 Pollea ve pervés were called out to-day Lo quell a near riot which occurred I following jostling for position (among 500 men who were lined up outside the gavernment employment ugency, Three men were hurt, one orfously It In feared, The men were applying for jobs connection with the Canadian National Exhibition which begins I'riday, Men have taken up thelr post shortly after midnight for the Inst two days In order to he at the head of the line, World's Largest Bridge Joined Span at Sydney, Australia, Nears Completion Amid Rejoicing In (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hydney, Australia, Aug, 80 Unfon Jacks and Australian colors flow from the tops of cranes and water-side buildings and the shriek. ing of whisltes and sirens today In formed the people of Sydney that the two sections of the arch of the (reat Harbor bridge had actually been Joined, The bridge the largest in tha world, will be illuminated to nighy with flodlights to commemor ate the event, The bridge, from Dawes Point on the south side of the harbor, to Nelson's Point, on the north, is 3,000 feet long, In width it stret. ches 1,675 feet while its headway in 170 feet to allow the passage, oven at high tide of the largest vessels, The span, which Is not entirely completed although the two great nteel. pootions have heen closed, will carry a roadway 07 feet wide, four rallway lines and two foot walks, The cost of the undertak Ing has heen about six million pounds sterling or approximately $25,220,000 It will ba open te trafic within a month or wo Australia Takes Heavy Lead i in F inal Cricket Match Dame Rumor is | At Work Here But Story : 'of Dynamiting G.M.C. Plant is Soon Exploded "I'm out to be a Dynamiter and make business better," This slogan, us emphasized by W, CC, Herring, sales promotion manager for Gen eral Motors of Canada at a recent meeting of the Rotary Club, is ale of a disconcerting rumor In the city this morning to the effect that some person or persons had attempted fo dynamite General Motors in the lit ern! sense of the word, Vvidently a local storekeeper while listening to a radio news broadcast from Toronto last night heard a dis pateh from Oshawa concerning dy namite and Genersl Motors, The reception on his machine was not very good and he failed to under stand that the dispatch wus a report of Mr, Herring's address to the Ro tary Club but conceived that some hody had attempted to blow up the local plant of the Motors, This morning in conversing with his customers, the storekeeper re marked about the news he had heard over the radio, The rumor was soon abroad but died a quick death when the truth became known LESS HOURS, MORE WAGES ONLY HELP FOR CONDITIONS Tariff Tinkering No Benefit to Unemployed, Heaps Declares (By Canadian Pion Leased Wire) Vancouver, N.C, Aug. 20." Made in Canada or Mado in von couver, or a Made In Winnipen campaign unemployment condition' declared A. A, Heaps, member of pariiament-elect North Winnipeg at the Vanéouver and New Went: minster disteiet trades and labor coundll meeting last night, "The solution' he continued, "1a the fhour day and larger wages, What people are suffering from Is lack of purchasing power, because, as producers they recelve but a small share of the return from thelr product, So we must increase thely purchasing power, And we must absorb surplus labor, The only way to absorb this sures plus ix to lessen the hours of work TANKER AGROUND | BUT NOT IN DANGER | (By Canadian. Press Leased Wire) Halifax, NH, Aug. 20.--The Im. perial Ol) Company's tanker Tors ontolite, ran ashore at 1.30 this morning on a shoal in the strait of Canno, Calgary, Alta, Aug 20. -House holder mail deliveries came fire at the convention of the Fed erated Association of Letter Cars riers here yesterday, Delegates des cided to disa altogether, ouscholder mail is u system of advertising by which eirs culars addressed only to " Houses holder" are given to postmen to de Hyer from house to house on their routes, The convention went on record as Yavoring deliveries of such matter only when completeadd resses, ins under {prove of such deliveries cluding name, street and number, are affixed, American magazines received par per day, "I'he old parties ut Ottawa," he sald, "have been offering a quack cureall for years, No matter which part is In power, The remedy for unemployment or any other econo- mio trouble is the tariff, But we members of the labor party know the remedy is not effective, All countries are suffering from unems- ployment to-day and tariffs cannot oure it." ry BUSINESS BETTER IN UNITED STATES ticular attention, The practice of sending these maguzines into Cans ada by freight and then paying posts age mm Canada for delivery was cen sured and. a resolution was passed requesting that they be charged from office of origin, Tt was also suggest od that postage be sufficient to pre- vent such magazines being sold cheaper through the mail than through stores in Canada. (Special to The Times) Hamilton, Aug, 2. = With over three hundred delegates in attend. ance at the opening session of the fifth annual convention of the On: tario Provincial command of the Canadian Legion was opened here this morning with appropriate ceres monies, Addresses of welcome to the delegates, who represented 177 branches of the Canadian Legion in Ontario, were delivered hy Mayor John Peebles and other civic dignas tories of Hamilton, The presidential address of Lt. Col. HH, Ackerman, provincial presi dent, stressed the appropriateness of holding the convention in Hamilton while the sportsmen of the whole empire were assembl 1 in the eity, said he felt this augured well m in t rature p-elhvrg for the sygcess of the convention, Oshawa Probable Choice For The 1931 Legion Convention Organization, he sai' was still the greatest problem of the future and while there had been an increase from 135 branches to 177 branches since the 1929 convention, there was still ample room for further increase through active work by the branch representatives, William Jenkins, Oshawa, was ap pointed a member of the Credentials Committee and M, Me¢lntyre Hood, Oshawa, was appointed a member of the ways and means committee, At this stage it seems certain that 1931 conveiition will come to Oshawa, No other place has been mentioned as a possibility and Oshawa delegates who arrived here on Tuesday even: ing, are confident that they have the unanimous support of practically the whole convention, Head of Large Company Predicts Rapid Recovery Coal Mines Resume Washington, Aug, 20. Hopeful reports on general business con- ditions and the anthracite coal in- dustry--a link of the economic syatem which has been weak in re cent years---were received by Presi dent Hoover yesterday. Eldridge R. Johnson, former pre: sldent of the Vietor Talking Mach: ine Company, predicted rapid busi ness recovery, sald he was putting his money in the stock market, and pleaded for high wages as the cure for the present depression, His "eure" ia similar to the pro: posals of Henry Ford, who has re. peatedly urged inorease of buying and consuming power by wage in: creases in times of depression, A conarete bit of improvement which will take care of 10,000 men who have been unemployed was re: ported to the President by Labor Secretary Davis, who told of the opening of 20 of the 32 anthracite mines of the Philadelphia: and Reading Coal and Iron Company in Eastern Pennsylvania, Automotive Building, world's largest and finest motor show struc: ture. will display advance models of the 19381 motor cars and autos motive products at the Canadian National Exhibition, August n to September & - . -- wv together splendid but was the cause) | progress SETS RECORD WILLIAM 1 ATWATER | Chief tost pllot of the American Aeronautical Corporation, who wet a new world's solo record of 28 hours and 18 minutes and B28 wes conds of sustained flight In an Am. | phiblan plane over Port. Washing: ton, LL, 1 A ---- sant | Give Blood For | Paralysis Serum| Kitchener, Aug 20.-Fifteen for | mer vietims of infantile paralysi gave some of their blood at the Kit chener-Waterloo hospital here terdny for thema nufacfire of serum | Dr, J. W, Fraser of Kitchener, an nounced this morning I'he blood | was taken by an official of the On- | turio Department of Health and will he used in the fight against the dis ease In Ontario districts where cases have been reported yes NO FATALITIES IN ORGANIZED FLYING NOTED IN CANADA All Fatal Accidents Oceur in Civil Aviation, Report Indicates Ottawa Aug, 20 Definite in all branches of aviation Is noted in the annual report on elvil aviation issued yew terday by the Department of Na tional Defence, The report covers the year 1080 and records imports ant developments In alr mall ser vicen, forest patrol, and general commercial flying throughout Canada, Flying when conducted under proper conditions Is quite safle, the report states, and in support of this the record of alr mall ser vices In Canada 15 cited, Not a angle Nfe nor a single pound of mall waa lost in three years of or ganized operations While the "unnecessarily large number of aceldenta' in eivil fly ing In described as a disquieting feature, the majority of them are attributed to over-confidence or neglect of ordinary precautions. The record of organized flying services, including the mail service is described am remarkable, In northern flying, the moat hasard- oun of all, only two serious acel denta occurred on organised flights in 1020 and services such as (howe of tha Ontario Government show a clear record year after year, There were 20 accidents In: volving death or injury in 1980, according to the report, The death toll consisted of 14 pilots; 18 pas: elvil | Tribesmen Are Again Aroused Indian Congress Urges Afridis to Resume Revolt --British Acting (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Poshawar, Indian, Aug, 20, Reports reached this elty today that Indian Congress emissarios from British territory have gone Into tho Bara valley in an effort to urge the Afridis to renew thelr hostili ties on the Kurram border Activities of the Hajl of Turang wml today were reported meeting With some success nmong the Bas tal and Kwhaezal Mohmands, The Utsar veglon Is still occupied hy Ghilzal warriors, Authorities of the adjacent district of Aghanis tan today made an effort to hold back the tribesmen on thelr side of the horder, "This action was ox pected to have an good effect on the Bhawal tribesmen of Waziristan Letter Kept Boeret Simin, India, Aug, 20.--The lot ter of Mahatma Gandhi to Viceroy | Lord Irwin, laying down conditions of abandonment of the campaign of civil disobedience, fa expected here to reach the viceroy today, It was declared that contents of the letter will ha kept strictly seo ret and that no announcement eon corning it Is likely until the end of | the month, had it that Mahatma has proscribed endors In government ax a elvil London reports have the nament of dominion status for din by the labor basis for abandonment of the | disobledionce campaign AUSTRALIA EMPIRE BAD BOY DECLARES ACTOR Needs British and Canadian Financiers to Clean Up the Country (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Quoe,; Aug, 20 Aun tralin fs the bad boy of the British Kmpire and only a soclal revolus tion can wave hér from complete hankruptey and ruin," doclared Willlam Faversham, noted actor, who arrived In Montreal last night from Vancouver on his return from an oxtended tour of the antipodes "All the people seem to care nbout In King Hport,' continued Mr, Faversham, 'football, evicket and horse racing flourish at the ex penen of business and Industry, "What 1 feel Australia needs in a group of shrewed capitalists, say three from Canada and three from Ingland, to go In and clean the country up: start things all over again and put her upon an altos gother new footing." Asked about theatres conditions in Australia Mr, Faversham said "i ia sad te pee a country which once had a fine theatrical tradition, los ing complete Interest In any form of theatrical entertainment, even movies," ABANDON HUNT FOR PUBLISHER sengera and one third party, Kight pilot, five passengers and two other persons were seriously in- Jured. The accidents were diatrl buted as follows: Scheduled air routes--=1; light airplane elubs--- 11; commerclal-=13; manufactur er's test--=1; pleasure--1, dnd ground (injuries from propeller) ==, A statistical summary shows that only one aceldent occurred for every 216,602 alrcraftsmiles and for every 4,070 alreraft flights, : Two Years More For Bandit Pair Toronto, Aug. 3=Norman Sher. ratt and Jack Nevins, sentenced to eight years imprisonment and thirty lashes at Hamilton yesterday, on charges of bank robbery and car theft, were given A two years cons current sentence in police court here today when they pleaded guilty to robbing while armed a local grocery store, August 14, Sarnia, =A recount of the federal election results in East Lambton completed today affirms the election ofA T\ Sproule, Conservative and fives him a majority of 13 over Burt "angher, Erogrenive candidate and Van Lear Black, Baltimore, Now Believed Drowned Off New Jersey (Ry Canadian v Prot I Wire) New York, Aug. 20,=Search by airplanes for the hody of Van Lear Black, who vanished from his yacht Sabalo off the New Jorsey coast on Monday evoning, was abandoned today. Three planes which prossed the hunt for the Baltimore publisher for three hours this morning re. ported that there was such a strong tide out to wea and that ocean currents were moving away from shore in such volume that little hope romained for the press ent that the body would he found near the coastline, Coastguard hoats, engaged since yesterday with planes, the Sabalo itself, and 'the naval divig ible Lon Angeles in the search, wera still standing by today but Paul Patterson, oditor of the Bal timore Sun, of whese publishing company Mr, Black wax chairman of the hoard, sald that the yacht was about to leave the site where the publisher was missed at about ® o'clock on Monday evening after having apparently fallen over a Jate member, +» | the Winds Spread F orest Blazes (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Princes Albert, Sank., Aug, 20, Raging winds have undone the tireloss toll of firefighters In northern Saskatchewan, according to radio reports received here. Forestry men were downcast at the news that heavy rains failed to touch more than scattered patches of fire Liarassed areas Three serious outbreaks are burn Ing, as well as a dozen minor blazon, The extensive blaze Is 00 miles oast of Lae In Ronge, nt Nunn Lake, wheres hatwesn five and six townships of charred juelk- pine and poplar raise thelr hlack oned forms above the scene of donolation, Four Are Killed By Lightning most Violent Storms Rage in Alberta~--Three Killed In One Barn Calgary, Alta, Aug, 20,-<Four persons were struck dead yester day when violent storms streaked Shundor, rain and Hghtning aerows eastern Alberta, When a harn in sand-dune area of Hanna crumbled under thé shock of na Hghtning bolt, thred¢ mon wero killed and burned in the resultant fire, A girl wan killed by lightning near Youngstown, only 50 miles east of Hanna i The viellms aroi--John 60; Sam Kngle, hin son, 18; Derr, 356: Violet Witt, 22 Miss Witt, who resided farm five miles northwest Youngstown, wax hurrying Engle, Alex, n of to on | #helter an she was knocked down by tho Hghtning blast, The two Engles and Derr were cowering in A barn as-a bolt shattered the bullding, stunned them, and left them prey to fldmes whieh lovel. led the barn, IMlve horses were found doad in the wreckage, The rain Accompanying the lHghtning storms terminated a dry spell which had extended for three weeks In some parts, Harvesting will be resumed within a few days It in stated, BORDEN ABSORBS CITY DAIRY COMPANY Toronto, Aug, 20,--The sale of the City Dairy Company to the Borden Milk Company, New York City, was approved in the supreme court of Ontario to-day by Mr, Juss ties Orde. Shareholders of the City Dairy Company voted in favor of the sale at a meeting here yesters day, TWO MAY DIE AFTER SCARBORO CRASH CAR CRASHES INTO TRUCK TERRIBLY INJURING MEN THOUGHT FROM TORONTO Identification | Not Positive, But Victims Thought to be George F. Sparham and F. Hinde, Both of Toronto NEITHER REGAINS CONSCIOUSNESS Witnesses State That Driver Was Blinded by Lights of Approaching Car and Did Not See Truck Parked on Highway (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. 20.-Crashing ab, full speed Into the rear of a park. ed truck on the Kingston Road, ap! slop 27, early today, two men in wn Vght coupe wustained serious ine Juried which may prove fatal, They are In Toronto Kast General! Hospital and neither has regained consclounnoss sufficiently to tell his identity, I'rom papers found In the men'& pockets Provinelnl Constable J. Kay tentatively fdentified them an George I, Sparham of 260 Shey bourne fit, Toronto, and I", Hinde, 15 Lennox Ave, Toronto, Spars ham was the driver of the ar which bore a Michigan leone, The truck was standing on the highway facing west when the light car erashed into the loft rear ond of fit, According to the driver of the truck ond witnesses the rear High wig It, while witnesses attribute! the crash to the fact that Sparham wan dri¥ing nto (ha Hghts of any eastbound car, Hinde, who was on the side oft the car whieh received the impact 4 suffered chest and head injuries, A fractured collar bono, (Injuries leg, and rovera lacorations on hott! legs and arms, Sparham. has possible fractured skull, Both ine Jured men were taken te the hose! pital by passing motorists, Constable Kay, who Investie gated, wan unable to find a drive Ing Heense In the pockets of either man, and as a result the owners ship of the car fn not known, CARDINAL ROULEAU'S CONDITION BETTER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Quebec, Que, Aug, 20 His Eme inence Cardinal Rouleau passed an oxcellent night and his condition continues to improve, it was stated ut Hotel Dieu Hospital, The primate of the Roman Cathe, ollie ehureh in Canada hos been confined to hospital following an accident Monday, when he wa thrown from an automobile whic! went into a ditch when a tire burst, He received severe injuries about the shoulders and head, [] \ Jug of Wine Proves Death to Man Who Tumbles Over Niagara Gorge Niagara Falls, Ont, Aug, 20.~The elder of the two unidentified men who fell over the Niagara River gorge last night died in hospital ear ly today, The other, though in a eritical condition, ix expected to recover, He managed to tell a nurse his name was George Wilson, but could not say where he came from, The men, suffering from fractured skulls and numerous other injuries, were found at the bottom of the 100-foot cliff by a water gauge ine spector, William Hoshel, who heard their groans in the darkness, It is believed the two, after emptys ing a gallon container of native wine, had fallen asleep on the brink of the gorge and rolled over the edge, Fira ladders were necessary to take tha injured back to the River road alon the top of the cliff, In the hig band of the man who died from his injuriea today was sewn the name "G, Ross" (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los Angeles, Aug, 20,=The mystery shrouding Aimeo Semple MePherson's isolation at a Malibu Beach cottage remained unsolved today as conflicting reports of ills ness, blindness, a face lifting op: oration, and fistic encounter with hor mother went . unanswered by the evangelist, Guards stationed at windows and doors of the cottage, Mrs, Me: P'herson denied herself to all but a few while from numerous pur ported official sourcos emanated statements about her condition, Mrs, Minnie Kenuedy, mother of the evangelist, undergoing treatment for a broken nose whieh she saya her daughter gave her, fssued a demand that Mrs, Mos deck rail from his craft, Pherson return to her pulpit at Mystery Surrounds Isolation Of Aimee Semple McPherson Angelus Temple and show her one grogation "the effects of the face lilting operation" she says the noted pastor underwent recently, Late last night an official at the temple announced Mrs, McPherson 'was resting easily'. Karlior she had heen reported in a serious condition from a rervous breaks down and the board of directors of Angelus Temple asserted *'it 14 true physicians are greatly cons cerned for her recovery" Dr, Edwaod Huntington : Wile llams, nerve specialist called 'to attend Mrs, McPherson, sald she was not seriously ill and probably would be completely recovered within a few days. Dr, Willams alro refuted reports the evangelist had suffered a nervous collapses He sald she needed rest,

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