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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 4

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'ACGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times Suscending THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every afternoon except. Sundays and legal heli i days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [imes Printing Company, Limited, Chas. M, , Mundy, President; A, R. Alloway, Ses retary, The Oshawa Daily Times is 8 member of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News apers. Association, the Ontario Provineisl Defies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By msl in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier delive limits) $4.00 a year; United States, $5.0 a year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, %residder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Ine, New York and Chicage WEDNESDAY, AUGURT 20, 1980 PE A DYNAMITER The address of W, C, Herring, sales pro: motion manager of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, at the Rotary Club on Monday, was just the kind of thing thal Is needed ull over Canada at the present time, Telling of the eampalgn of his campaign In organizing a "Dynamiters' Club" with all Its members pledged to think, talk and work for better business, he drove home the thought that depression was lnrgely psychos logical, and that by thinking and talking better times, conditions would Inevitably he improved, The whole idea, he said, was founded on a fable, and this fable Illustrates the point exactly, Once upon a time, the fable went, # contractor was awarded to dig an lrrige- tion diteh three miles long, He figured it would be all soft digging, so he engaged a gang of men to do the work, But after two miles had been dug, the men suddenly hit rack and they had no equipment to deal with that, Bo they sat down on the side of the road and started telling each other how hard the rock was, and wondering If they would ever be able to complete the job, Then the contractor came along, and asked what wan the matter, On finding out, he sized up the situation, and determined to take drastic measures to deal with it, He called for a volunteer dynamite squad, and soon blasted the rock out of the way and the job was finished, That fable fits closely into the present condition, For some years people have been going along In business, having fairly soft digging, Then when depression came along, too many of them sat down and bewailed the hard times, and wondered If things would ever get any better, But there was no sense in doing that, The only solution was to use dynamite methods and blast the difficulties out of the way and make busi ness better and that Is what is needed in Canada today, The General Motors idea of organiging a dynamiters' club, and applying It to the sells Ing of automobiles, with a view to making business better in a happy one, It is have Ing results, too, ax some of the officials tes tified, And it is an Idea which need not be kept to that company alone, It can be ap plied to all lines of business, Every man can be a dynamiter, thinking, talking and working to make business better, and apreading abroad, wherever he goes, the gospel of the better times that ure close at hand, In the next few weeks the dynamit- era have a great opportunity to put that gos pel into practice, and it would make a won- derful difference to the business outlook of Oshawa if every cltisen would only join heartily in this movement, become a dyna miter, &nd put his whole heart and soul in to the creation of a better business atmos. phere and the blasting of a road to better business, THE ROSS COMMISSION REPORT The report of the Ross Commission on Jrovinciu public welfare work, headed by , DD, Roas, of Ottawa, has been presented to the Premier of Ontario, This commission was appointed more than a year ago to ins quire into the public welfare institutions of Ontario, and into social welfare work gens erally, The report which it has now com: pleted ia an exhaustive document, with ree. ommendations which are far-reaching in their effects, but which, nevertheless, simp: ly eryatallise the thought of thowe social welfare agencies which have been, for years, panning resolutions, which, in the light of their experience in this work, seemed to be called for by eonditions as they existed, The commission itaell wan composed of men in which every confidence could be placed, They were P, D, Roan, well-known newspaperman of Ottawa, who waa ita chairman, D. M, Wright, M.Pselect, of Stratford, and Dr, J, M, MeCutoheon, head of the eivil service commission at Queen's Parke Thede men made a long and pains. taking inquiry into all phasea of social wel fare work, and found deflelencies in many departments, In some branches, institu. tional care performa a very ugeful service in dealing with these conditions, but there are also other aspects of the work, partion. larly in preventive work, to. which all too little nttention Is given, This is one phase which 1s dealt with in the report of the com. mission, The outstanding recommendation of the commission is that the Ontario Government should form n department of welfare as » branch of governmental netlvity, with a dep- uty minister and s number of directors as soclated with him In handling the various sections of the work, The construction of additional Institutions for special types of patients, and the enlargement of present In. stitutions are ulso recommendations in the report, which estimates that to carry out all the changes asked for would cost in the jelghborhond of $20,000,000 in eapital out. ay, One cannot hope, of course, that these re commendations will be earried out at once, But they will serve as a foundation for the bullding of & new structure for social wel. fare work In the province of Ontario, Those who have labored in this cause will welcome the report, because It shows s correct un. derstanding of the problems which are to be found In the work, and because It offers splendid scope for Improving conditions which have become a reproach to the prov. Ince, and whieh are, after all, a provineinl, rather than a local responsibility, SP LIMITATIONS OF POLICE OFFICERS Considerable prominence Is being given by the Border Cities' Star to a rather unusual pollea court ease which was heard at Han. over, Ontarlo, recently, In this case, the chief constable of the town was given a Jal) term on a charge of having nssaulted a young man whom he had arresed for theft, The young man, Incidentally, was found gullty, and also sent to jail, hut the magls. trate found, In trying the charge against the the chief of police, that altogether too much violence had been used in making the arrest, The evidence In the case showed that the chief had blackened the young man's eyes, loosened several teeth, and poked the harrel of his revolver into his mouth, And the court, after hearing the case, decided that, In spite of his position, the chief. constable had committed an unjustifiable offence, and that a Jall sentence was warranted, This cane, of course, opens up the ques tion of how far a police officer Ix entitled to go In the use of violence In making ar rests, Sometimes, there are constables who neem to forget that civillang have thelr rights, aven If they may be suspected of of fences, Every man m entitled to be regard od as Innocent until proven gujlty, and that heing the case, there In no justification for any constable heating a man in taking him to jail, unless there is frat a proven ten dency on the part of the prisoner to fight, Even then, it Is doubtful how far the law would allow the constable to go, Policemen, of course, require all the protection the law can give them in the performance of their duties, but that does not deprive the British subject of his right to protection from abuse and undue violence, -- EU ASE A GENERAL REMEMBRANCE DAY All over Canada, In towns and eitles, decor. ation or memorial services, marking the an- niversary of the first days of the Great War, are being held, These have heen spread over the whole of the last three weeks, without any effort at uniformity of dates, In November, there will be a recurrence of this situation, The anniversary of Armin. tice Day will be observed, but there will he no uniformity of harvest, because the parlia ment of Canada has wet aside the Monday nearest to Armistice Day, not as a day of remembrance for those who gave thelr lives in the war, hut as Thanksgiving Day, a day for giving thanks to Almighty God for the pafe ingathering of the harvests, There is nothing In common between these two thoughts, and as a result the observance of the anniversary of the signing of the Armia. tice an a day of remembrance (8 more or leas of a farce, An time passes a atrong feeling in heing developed that Canada should have a national Remembrance Day, set anide for the decoras tion of the gravea of Canada's war veterans who have died since their return from the war, and for the solemn services of com. memoration of the sacrifices of those who are lying in battlefield graves, It might very well be suggested, an han heen done before, that November 11, in each year, be set aside an Remembrance Day, in. stead of having the Monday nearest that date declared to be Thanksgiving Day. On the other hand, there iu a feeling in some parts of Canada that the first Sunday in August should be the day set aside, Either iden would be acceptable, for those who are interested have but one thought in mind, and that is to have one day net apart for nas tional observance, one day on which every community in Canada would be holding ita decoration or memorial services, And on which every chureh in Canada would be hold: Ing commemorative services, There is a great deal to commend that thought, and it ia worth putting before the federal government, in the hope that even yet, aithough the he ginning of the war in now sixteen years past, Canada may take ita duty of remembrance seriounly, EDITORIAL NOTES A rare volume is a book that comes back after it has been' lent, Other Editor's Comments ----vw BRITAIN DOKAN'T NEED TO AVOLAOVK Zowlander in Nations! Re. view) The Dominions sre young, «rude, solt-opinfonated, wnd well-natished, They are quite "ape of taking for themselves a Vine that is antl pathetio to & good desl which Is characievistioally English, They wre heing sontinusily expowsd to broadsides of Wnghish idess, Ameri oan propugands, and are to a eer: tain extent being white-snted hy strong I1- not always deliberate, pro-American element among thely own people, Akningt this England stands mute und says nothing, The wdveriising of British goods as Brits inh 1s pathetically weak, Theres In peldom If ever any protest ageing suggestions that Yingland in decd ont, that hey sommercinl suprems: oy 18 gone heyond recall, that whe in doomed Lo decay, No smphasis 8 uid on the colossal burdens she in bearing, largely on behalf of other people, or the miraculous way they are being horne~"The English need to drop this habit of going about halt apologising for thelr country, (New VOOIs THEM (Vancouver Dally Provines) , , Franch entomologists who have hsen 'making au study of the pesky mosquito have discovered that ool ors affect itn notivities, Bus is its favorite enlor and Invites witaek It dislikes yellow and generally nyoids i Hummer campers can govern themselves accordingly, DARWIN TO WK VINDICATED (Toronto Matt and Empire) According to the New York Times, Mr, Hoover would Vike to in. wits an soonomy drive, hut has no oMeinlly documented siatistios upon which to base his apponl Thin In where Will Rogers has an wAvantage over the president, Dis Aussing, In the same nowsphper "What Is wrong with the country?' ha comes to the conclusion that it I mininture golf gourses,'" MI Hons of peoples have a putter in thelr hands "when they ought te hive un shovel Hult of Amerlon In bent aver In two more gens rations our ehildran will grow up WArds an far as the hips, then they WILL turn off at right angles and, WIth thelr arms hanging down, wa will ha right back wheres we start od from. Darwin was right, Be far un Toronto Is concerned the Fom. Thumb and Bobolink golf aolraes seam to have taken the ples of the stock sxehanges in pubs Ha eateam and popularity, | Bits of Humor PROOY Wife "Da you think the children wre making progress in their singing 1" Hushand : "They must be! At first only the man next door eamplained, but now it's the whole neighborhood THE RULE I suppose everyone | dresses (or dinner" Chambermaidt "Oh, ves, madam meals in bed are charged extra HIS LAST PLACE Would-be kmployer "And hoy long were vou In your last place Of Lag: "Three year" Employer 1 "And what were vou do Ing" Old Lag HER MISTAKE Mistress: "Yau don't know where the geyser in? 1 thought my lam had explained it ta you hefore she ef" Mald "Welt, mum, she did say the old geveer needed polishing up, hut 1 thought she was speaking disrespect lly of you, mum," REAUTIFUL! Frampt "Wil vou please subserihe halt-aserown to my fund for heauti ying the village Phe Viear 1 "Rut my good man, how are you going to beautify the village 1" Framp i "Hy moving on to the next,' 5 A NEW POLISH Now," sail the lady PNRARINGE @ new mald, "1 always want vou to olenn the grates with alaerity." Lord, mum, ve never tried to do Om With that hefore) I generally use hlacklead." Bits of Verse DESERTED Dark are the windows, last are the doors, I'he grey dust thickens Upon the toors mn the "Three years" Wild ix the garden, Gone to wild seed, Only a camp ground Now for ea h weer Here in the silence One spirit yearns For that whieh never Again returns Ah, could love's presence Shine on this gloom Windows woul brighton, Roses would bloom, Montreal Jo C0 My Duncan -- ------ + lxoooding Abundantly==Now un: 10 him that 1s able to do sxoeeds ine abundantly above all that we Ak or think according, to the ower that worketh in us, unto him 0) aotp. in the ahureh by Ohvist Jdesia throughout all ages, world linowt ond, Amens=Eph, 2:90, , . Prayer: = Our Heavenly Father, may Thy ineray Lowands Us ROVER 0eARS, The Chine Weakly Review, pub: Wished by J, B, Powell at Shanghal, Chinn, vepovin a very Interesting emax of B race mesting In thet elty an follows; HG, wis no climax In BYerYy wens of the word, JL came Just hefors the running of the champions race the second largest swespriakes In the Var Vasli---while the slewnrds of the sourse were wisngling shout the jockey who shonld plot the favorita (which sventually proved to he the winner) In the races, 1 in noteworthy thet the holder of the winning sweeps Heket rocslved something Nhe $225,000 "As the ponies wars heing par wded ahoul the paddock hy their ten proud mafoos (Keepsrs) an ex ploshon broke into the elatitar of voles of the anclosire, A woman wereamed, Mon shouted (hal a homh had heen thrown, The whole enelosire, holding some one thou wand people, was immediately in a sintn of uprony Hushands ware to he seen holating thely wives nvey the tron fencing dividing the stands wud pnri-mutuely Man withant thelr wives were to he sean sepamhb) ing for them olor malds pifont place. One ar two persons warn saon Lo He down, Beversl ma ginntive persons declared that ma far snd of the enclosure hingnrded that wn pony had holed Byvaryone was bontalng a retreat iy the canter of the troubln ny Within Jess time than It takes to tell the story, nm dogen wrmaed pol lee were Aashing through the eon fusion to find the sources of trouhla Riot. red menses and the otha things within the entsgory wears |i the aly It had to he hraoken dow atthe sturt, "War many minutes after the ploglon the crowd stand spellbound walting to hear the verde Pollee raturning from the nucleus of the frny ware sel upon hy persons in quisitive to hear tha wors Chin ane prirong broke Into thelr typles faceloning Inugh. All that eoulds he reported was that "AN AUTOMORILE TINE HAD BURST ON MOHAWK ROAD. That Body of AA Pours By James W, Barion, M.D DRUGK TO REDUCH WEIGHT It I unfortunate that so many Laverwalght individuals hava heard [of the thyroid treatment fo yedue [Ing welpht Altar Leying the system of taking A litle loss food dally they have found it irksome and haye naturally longed for a method thet would not he wo hurd tao undergo Accordingly they have learnsd from a friend who got the proserip thon from a physielan, the dosn of thyrold extract that 1s consldered safe, und they have teied It on themnalves The results have heen distressing In nome okies, and almost dinnst rons In others, hecause as 8 mals toy of fact thera Isn't more than one non hundred onsen nf over walght, that oan he classified an aus to lack of thyrdald extract In the system In fact Drs, Nowhurgh, Johnson and Falcon losses All Arhor, Mich, are oortaln that overweight never direotly oansed hy lack of thyrld action hut that It ix al ways due to food habits not ad Justed to the tissue requirement of the Individual efther hy sting more food than Is normally needed ar fatlure to reduce the food Intake despite the fant that thelr bodies show that less food should he eat an And even In the onsen wheres 11 would seem that thyrold extract should be ued always overweight HVORL Inorease al ape of puberty reneareh men are now finding thal the (thyroald extenot=<thyroldin ob tained fram anfmnlen affaotive In the treatment of averwelght anly In combination with a reduced diet Wino This business of thinking they OAN ont what they Hie whilst tak- ng the thyroldin, is the cause of Wuehelors und bach. | ware ween hunting the | thine guns ware to he hoard at the | Others | the opposite direction fram whenee | | OSHAWA Branch Office 03 Simcoe St. North Your Saving WILL EARN INTEREST Established back in 1884, the Central Canada has grown steadily until now, with assets of over Eleven Million Dollars, It Is one of the oldest and strongest institutions ef its kind in the Deminian, We are well equipped to handle your business and respectfully selicit your account Oshawa Branch, 23 Simene §t, North | In our Savings Department we pay 47; Interest an Depasits, and in our Debenture Department we pay 597 on amounts left with us for a period of ane year or more Copy of booklet Maney Matters" on request CENTRAL (ANADA ISAN axp SAVINGS COMFPAN Established 1664 F, J, Reddin, Oshawa Branch Manager po opines MINE ile Xi Did a ¢ hy 9 TORONTO Head Office King and Victaria Sts. LJ A SAFE many of the fallures of these ove Wolght ounen Kyan with reduction of Intake of food, and the use of thyroldin, the [nile treatment is to reduce the food | raduntly for a few weeks hefore starting the use of the extract, ven whera the reduction in pro Krenning favorably, thyraldin shauld not he glyen for mare than a manth at any one time, and always under supervision Now If the use of drugs or ax tracts for veducing welght Is only sultahle about once In a hundred canes, and avan In these oases food reduction should he un part of the trantmant, it does look as If cuttin down gradually an the fod Intak And Inereasing the axerelse was the only common sense method of ro ducing welght Other methods are unsatisfactory and may he unsafe (Registered In nocordance with the Copyright Act SWEET FOODS FOR CATTLE DON'T PAY Minneapolis Fooding expert manta at the University of Minne wotn's oollage of agrieulture tend to show It doesn't pay to eater to a onll's sweet (tooth Using molasses in grain mixtures fod to cnlves, It was found they wppeared tao vellsh the food, hut It hrought no greater gains in walkht than regular dista-- without the expanse of sweetness, IE Bernard Shaw had never heen horn it would have made n® particn lar difference =Arthur Brishane a A NR, Mal In Mii Reg fod lake in the TR he eS ian PLACE Strain by €, ¥, Tuer, Opt, D, (Copyright, 1028) Pam There in a popular belief that the exacting conditions of modern Hie with tte elose work, artifeinl ght, shop work, movement nnd glare are responsible for man's aye dafects, This Is only the meaning rend Into certain. artleles written and non slight way misinterpreted Our expoting eanditions of tasdny omphinsien the existence of condi tons of ervor and make It neces wry for thelr eorrection earlier thin would he the case If our lite Wan not so exacting I have ro pented time und time agnin that modern Hie with Ita strain falls houviost upon the eyes, Glare ete, have (11 effaots and attack the eyes The venson behind all (his 8 that the aye being in a greater or logger domren defective, 1a onslly strained axaminervs wre always on the wateh for what may he vonsidered perfect oye and are strnek hy the fact that very fow eyes ave normal, When we find a perfectly normal ove ft fn no uneommon thing for it to he hooked up with a male very lmperteot making poor team Work wheh the twa would work to pother, (To be Continued) ------------------ MUST MARRY JEWS OR LOSE INHERITANCE Ixeter, NH, Aug, 20.=Tha will af the late Harry Sussman, retived Portsmouth business man with pros viglons that his seven surviving children he marveled before they IY olnim to their share of an estate ontimated ta their share $100,000 FOR SAVINGS County win filed In Hookingham probate court here Alter hogueathing one-tenth nf the entive estate (a the Jewish na Hone! home in Palestine, Sues man's will wet forth (hat each of Wis ehtldren marey within five Yours thelr mates to he of Jewish tatth, or lose thelr share WOMAN 13 KILLED BY FALLING WALI London, Ont, Workman Alse Injured But Will Recover Landon, Aug, 80-=Trapped hy tons of debris that erashed Into the street from the pediment af the main entrance of the old Teoums woh Hotel, Mes, #0 MeDougall 41 Houllin = Hiveet, suffered injuries from whioh she diod last night, dinko @nho ar 607 Adelaide West, Tovranta un employe of the 1, HK, Horman Wreoking Company whieh In engaged tn the damolition af the old hotel, was also injured, hut at Vietorip Hospital 1 was stated that his condition 18 not evitienl, Bath mined persons were exivigated hy follow workers, pollea and an emer wonoy sguad fram five headquarters directed hy Ohief CO, 8, Beott, Men working on the raging of the hatel far the past month have left only a remnant of the ald hotel hullding, Yesterday they veaohed the main Righmond Street entimnes Which was bullt in a broad aveh sur mounting a raw of heavy pillars, Without warning the great areh fell forward into Richmond Street, oars ying dawn #&abo and falling upon Mya, MoDongall, who was passing Along the narrow, temporary hoard sldewalk, bullet outside a hoard bare rondo designed to protect padests rane, The harvloade was smashed dawn hy the huge stones, WITH NINCHRE REGRET CHay," ovled the sergeant at rife praetion, don't you know hatter than to five hefore: tha mnwe a lear? You Just wissed mem YLoAM away sary, sergeant" voaapanded the veeruit, appointment, DO YOU NEED SOME MONEY We will loan you money on your ear, reduce your pres ent payments and give you additional cash. to pay back, A confidential service. Open evenings till 9 pom, 12 months Phone 2790 for Motor Loans and Discounts 144 King Street East

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