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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PACE TEN amid a a a ' AUGUST 21, 1930 pI POPP rr PPIs sstrsvd CHILD INJURED Madoc. ~IMIls toy Hoover (wo year-old son of My, and Mrs, Dam on Hoover was knocked down und seriously Injured when he was struck by a car driven by Herbert Onskey, CONTRACT AWARDED Belleville. Patterson Constriues tion Company has received word that its tender for the alterations to the Ontario Government cold dil DT -- Ee rc ofc eh MAKE A "Clean Up" OF THE FLIES! ait . Germs, Dispose und Deal ure wppreand wherever flies nre allowed to gathot In these days of modern sel ence there In no excuse fo! one fly in your home Npray. the rooms once n day with Mly-Kil, a new insecticide that really Kills flies and your troubles aro ayer Will not harm the most dellents fabric, leaves A mild pleasant aromas Protect baby, children, nroteet health Mana firotect the Your own for nny of ort Babcock, EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS AAAAAAaAAceanataatancCans Lrighton, Ontarlo, The contract storages plant, has been sccepled, is n large one, TAX BATE VIXED Brockville, ~The Kiizabethtown township vate was fixed at 15 mills, MUNT VACE TIAL, Lindsay Howard Wilson, Orme. mee youth, who 1s charged with mansleughtor as he was the driver of the car In which Helen John. ston lost her life In an sceldont north of Downeyville in the early morning of July 26th, came up be. fore Magistrate 1, 1, Moors in pol- fee court and was sent on for trian) before the next court of competent Jurisdiction MISSING GIRL VOUND Kingston, A nineleen-year- old gir), who had been missing from her homes In Portsmouth for two days was located nt Heeloy's Bay and 1x now at her home MAKEN SECOND RESMLE Kingston, Russell Blundell, deckhand on the steamer Brock ville, has two rescues to his credit inside of two weeks, As the Brockville was docking here Hob. of this elty, who was waiting for the boat, fell off tho wharf, Mundell plunged Into the water and saved him, Two weeks no a woman employed on the ves sel fell overbonrd and he saved her CONVICTS PASS EXAMS Kingston, --Baventesn convicts in panitentinry hers pissed Ontario Dapariment of Kdueation examina tons Seven secured high school entrance; thres passed In subjects for lower school matriculation one passed middle school work and five obtained upper school examina tions. Only one out of 18 failed Two won first class honors, and two took second class honors NOUHOOLMANTER NAMED THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, There are twe girls who are dee sirous of winning the Canadian diving champlonship more than the other entries, and these two have discharges nu gas bullet which spreads a cloud of gas and frrit tates the mucous membranes to wtieh an extent that the victim be comes helpless and in a vhort time unconscious, hut, otherwise suffors no injury PLANE DAMAGES CHURCH London, «The church wardens of Holy Trinity, Henley, have Ix sued an appeal for Information con corning an aoroplane which, they allege In fying low over the chureh, displaced a large stone cross surmounting the hell turret and also damaged (he conductor PRETENSES PROVEN Paarl, # African Abraham Combrink, colored laborer was charged rocently in the magistrate court with having obtained $10 from Mra, ¥, C, Rabe, a European woman, hy false pretences, He pre tended that he wan endowed with cortnin supernatural powers, which he could exert in such a way an to caus her husband, Christopher Vradorick Nahe, who Hying to return to her FALSE win the best chance of winning the Canadian trials, Heve they are, with Doris Ogilvie of the Toronte Ladies Swimming Club shown om Eo CLP the left and Helen MeCormick, who In the defending champlon on the right, Miss Ogilvie has one win ngalnst Miss McCormick to hey ere. lowing to Thorne, Thorne has heard that Lulzo Is the king pin on the island of Tonga, and he goes there deliberately to annoy Lutze, -- Arriving at the "same time Ki Tongan In Ellen Bradord, who has come out to marry Roy Armstrong the only white planter on the Island, toy has proven too weak for the temptations spread befors him hy Lautze, to whom he has losthalfhis plantation in gambling, He In drunk when Ellen arrives and she Hghining | -- decides nol to marry him until he reforms When Lutze and Thorne see len both men want her not. being bothered by A) buts Lutze any con seloncn or Instinets for playing n faly game while Thorne ronizos | such a gird Is not to bs had for the | taking, the rivalry between the two In this Instance is particularly in triguing Musie by Junop In Val Burton and Will fmterpolated In "Paradise Jeddo Premium | dit within the past few months and she hopes to score anothey one these (rialy, look on terry The girls are shown whove both In action, and as they sv lym, I#land,"" b M i, Monte directed and corded COURTICE NEWS 10 returned wooky pnider Wagarville Misses Alma and Carrie Courtice, Chicago, nro spending holiday Courtice, Nichols hag i pleasant Mr, and Mry relatives hey Mr Jin motored to the week er short Mrs, Wa Cornwall roe | #nider motored other places Mr, Geor Itoh, Nos Mitehell My end Mr, and wers rocent To and week two Ww. Mrs RCA Aug on und Mr short and Tony 1d with Iter ently, Mr ronto, which Is an original story Daaring, Kutterjohn Mr, Hi fnider visited and she and Mr, | to Montreal ye Hhort, und it, Courtice Hyde visitors at peannrio by Bert Glennon Photophone re MELAREN n> For Kiddies especially, these quickly made desserts are a real favorite. / Christies Arrowroots build Healthy. - Mrs home visit WwW. H ufier with # with Mrs. | Short Epon! Mrs Brooks, Carl und Mr, and in and Wanton, Mrs, Mrs. Howard werns with Mr over the | Toronto, | Mrs, A.V -Happy Children' Look around you at young Canada . . . the sturdy healthy bodies faces, Many of these youngsters, like their parents before them, Christie's Arrowroots, ever won such unanimous approval from the women of Canada because of their long record of purity and high quality which has always been rigidly maintained, . + + the bright, eager were brought up on No other Biscuits have Canada's Oviginal Arvvowroat Biscuit Cobourg The Nrighton Hoard | apart from her, of Kdueation has engaged Thomas | He was sentenced by Mugintrate J Hampson, WA, of Port Burwell, | B, Miller to five months' imprison to tench mathematics In the High | ment with hard labor Hehool The school will begin teaching of upper schosl work in Naptember, It will also provide fn four-year course In agriculture, baked in Canada by Christie's vince 1853, undle"s home Mr Jack thas FLY CHASERS Fiykin BOTA Fiytox BOT Be Flytox Nprays . Boe Whigs +... 100 Fil. ... noe Wilson's 10¢ Montgomery and | children Toronto, have returned | after a lengthy visit at her | father's, Mr. W, H, Nichols | The Best Produced MU nt LED liana in America | oraouarutviations to Mr. and: Ne. "Paradise Island" With Ken Har. | Edn lan, Marceline Day, Tom Santsehi | . | Mr, and Mrs, 8, J. Courtice and | t sua oa rices | Miss Iva, J.eamington, have re. | | turned home after visiting rain musieal comedy drama of lave and | tives here and taking a ten day's adventure in the Routh Henan, ix the {trip down to Quehae, home oy | A J 3 for 1 gd Pad TOURINT TRADE PICKS UP Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 8 Lindsay. "The number of tour double shosts for 10e Insts In and through Lindsay this Fiyeolls, 4 fop 10 sonnon has not heen As groal. as last year, but the number has When In nead of Drugs greatly" Increased during the past "QUICKLY" "Phone week, TMerorts aro now filled, ish THE REXALL STONES ing Is good and the tourists are Jury & Lovell, Ltd. gv King St, KE, Kimeoe Nt, N, Phone 28 hone ON RR an: ah "Paradise Aaland," a Tiffany | Feacher NEW PINTOLN VOR POLICE Berlin. «The Prussian police are henceforth to be armed with a nov ton | "In hospital Dear me ||} Telephone 262 Five DirectLines | ol kind of pistol with which ste- | These two, Thorne and Lutze, have | ® es | | petition to see who could lean the attrnetion today and Friday at the | - The story Is conearned with the what is the matter with him?" connful arperiments have recently | matched wits for boats, cargo and PR ad er : ths ce | farthest out of the upsairs windows Naw Martin Theatre, Tho leading | | Teacher; "I see Mills is absent thi roles are enacted by Kenneth Har | morning Does anvone know where Ian, Mareeline Day, Tom Santachi, | he 4s" Betty Boyd, Gladden James, Vie | | Wil Please, sir, he's in hospi Potel, Paul Hurst and Will Stan. | eo tal" | rivalry between two adventurers, | Wills: "Well, sir, we had a eom been made, The pistol, It Is sald, girls many times, Lutzo usually . in and he " won, C--O " I L, CLOSING OUT SALE Saturday is the final day of the great outlet sale and at 10 p.m. the doors will close in the greatest clothing sale Oshawa has ever seen. Great quantities of clothing for men, women and children are on hand and these are now offered to you at prices far below the actual cost of production. Be sure to visit this outlet sale before the doors close. Come in and see for your- self the wonderful bargains that are being offered before the curtain rings down on Saturday night LAST CALL ONLY 3 MORE DAYS BOYS' SUITS SATURDAY DRESSES Cleaning out irrespective of all former costa--Ladies' Spring Coals in a good selection of colors and sizes, mostly A knock-out blow to prasent or for. mer values, Boy's sturdy Tweed Suits in many shades and sires, All Four Piece Suits fie 3 ust pune: Somt wip $7.95 Resa Suite: AndiSoWAE: WaNs al $1 4-95 $12.95 Cash and Cavry--~Only one to forgotten, This is a very fine group fawye each customer of two pant worsted suits for. which BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S COATS An opportunity to get a good, warm winter coat in a first class English Broad 5 cloth fabric; richly trimmed with good Jricoting and poiset, twill fabrics. Ne $4.95 fur collars, thee are largely in Misses \ priced as low as Sizes. Special MEN'S TOP COATS GIRLS' DRESSES Ain Suse An ees yin, to Mish au $438 are now. offre to yo Come In t-morroy snd set the . RR I BB wonderful group we have to offer at Con Price selection, [) BLUE SERGE SUITS Worth 65¢ PORCH DRESSES TWO BLOOMERS Corn brooms with strong handles A positive gift, These are beauti. 4 Positively all wool; made from "Fox" and wall filled, brown: hound fully made garments that you will Hired to" prion, Cory. dub $4 OB RR BR rT ] 8 the price Bg rag egy - 3 . : dh JRappy oty at yor torday and while they . TWO PANT SUITS 29¢ WOMEN'S DRESSES Save now an never before--DPrices : A vait sslsiion ol women's dress smashed to atoms, all former values $ 95 " mal) Sred Wether ol ne roe tr ry ri urd These come in all sizes and colors ° In Miner | a $3 J) you might easily pay $40.00 in the and cannot be syuelied elsewhere at regular way of business on sale this low price. Today ® . These, we must sell out' this week at Manufactur ers' Outlet £3NEW $3718 Corner Richmond and Simcoe 12 Silk Dresses good quality silk dresses, that would generally sell at $1000 or more, Misses' Dresses $9.9 in price, Thean goods could wet possibly he made for the meney, Every one must be sold at this low Fashion's newest atyle dresses for Misses' woar with bolero coat or cape styles in high grade silks clear: ing now irrespective of all profit or loss, You must come early before the best are picked out 'Overcoats

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