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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" VOL, 7--=NO, 43 Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshawa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City Etat Ses, Sli OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES EPP PIPEIIS News in Brief Seriously Injured Guelph, --~Dragged for test beneath a binder when horses took fright, Herbert tained serious Injuries, v LJ » Convictions Upheld Raleigh, N.C.~Eleven textile strike disorders yesterday by the North Hupreme Court, Dies suddenly in Mexico Windsor,-~Word was between Monterey and Y while en route to Mexico City, . LJ Missing Boys Found Port Credit, -- After being since Monday morning, Johnston, LJ » . 500,000 Went to Nee R100 Quebec, --Hiatistics issued by the of roads 600,000 people journeyed to Bt, Hubert aire drome during the visit of the Dri According to Provineinl department estimate that more than tish dirigible R-100, the statistics 131,077 motor holes of all descriptions visited the airport from July 31 to August 13, . . . Atlantie Wight Deferred Le Bourget Alr Field. --Weather conditions continue poor along At: and weather oMeinls sald that Captain Dieudonne Coste would not be able flight to the United Ntates hefore Friday lantic wenboard of France to begin his trans-atlantie or Maturday at the egrilest, . » Ld Noted Mportsman Dies Hamilton, ~~Col, J. A, Taylor, a a Dominion-wide reputation and a prominent busi: ness man of Montreal died suddenly sportsman with there yesterday, Mussolini's Nephew Dies Cesobatico, Italy,~Nandro died yoar illness, LABOR MAN WANTS THIRTY HOUR WEEK Protective Tarif Also Ad-| vised by Tom Moore in Interview (By Canadian Press Leased Win) Montreal, Que, Aug, 21,-~Tar- ft for protection not for revenue; week; insurance worked out on a national basis Je the things necessary to ald Canadian president of the Trades and Labor Congross of Canada, stated in an Interview & six-hour day, (five-day and unemployment sult Canada's neods, are workmen, Tom Moure, here, "Labor in the past has not been At all satisfied with the way the Mr, "What I believe 'we shall now get under the Bennett government in a tariff for protec. taplft has boen Moore sald, handled', tion", TWO ARE DROWNED WHEN CANOE UPSETS Cobalt, Aug, 21,~Arthur Schulty of Chioago, a cook at Wigwasaltl Boys' Camp on the Timagami Lakes Lanoye whose home was In Toronto, were drowned yesterday afternoon when A mall canoe of which they were A short dis and G-year-old Edward the ocoupants upset tance from the shore, Although assistance was speedily forthcoming, both sank before two men who formed a rescue party could reach the vietima, ELEVATOR BURNS, | LOSS 1S $78,000 re -- Winnipeg, Man, Aug. vator in St, Red River from Winnipeg. chants, =m ------ WEATHER Pressure continues high © over eastern Canada and low to the northward of the wests orn provinces, while an area of low pressure centred off the south Atlantlo coast is moving northeastward, Local showers and' thunderstorms have occurred in many parts of the west but from the Groat Lakes oastward the weather has heen for the most part fair, Lower Lakes and Georglan Bay==resh northeast winds, mostly fale today and Friday, not much change in temperas ture, twenty the Cun- ningham, Fergus EATAKe man sus: convict fons growing out of Communist and $5 in North Carolina a year ago wern afirmed Carolina rocelved hers that Harry C, A. Majsonville, well-known Windsor "and Detroit newspaperman and latterly publie- ity manager for the Pere Marquetie Railway, died suddenly on a tian Tampleo mine sing from thelr homes in Toronto two lade were pleked up at Port Credit LIA evening by Chief Constable James Mus solinl, 20-year-old son of Arnaldo Mussolini and nephew of the Duce, last night following a two. 2 Damage estimated at 375,000 re. sulted last night when fire rased the Apsiniboine Grain Company ele: Roniface across the The structure was valued at about $60, 000 and it contained some 50,000 bushels of barley, property of Wil oy, Low and Company, grain mer: In Canada Will Now be Over B0 Percent Instead of 21 Percent MOVE WILL BENEFIT BRITISH PRODUCERS Argument Used Was That Canadian Plants Are Simply Assembling Units Used to Sell American Cars to New Zealand Under Favorable Duty Wellington, New Zeunland, Aug, 21 The government of the Dominion of New Zealand has decided to place Canadian motor vehicles and acces sories on the general tariff list, thus depriving them of the preference now accorded, announced the Rt, Hon, G, W, Forbes, Prime Minister, In the Mouse of Representatives, to day 'the Prime Minister gave n lengthy review of the he tween Canada and New Zealand and told of the guvernment's negotia tons to conclude a direct trade trea ty with Canada, Mr. Forbes added the new Canadian administration had informed the New Zealand Goy ernment it could extend the Australian trade treaty rates to New Zealand products beyond the menth of October but that Canada was wi ling to negotiate a direct trade agreement The New Zealand government, said Mr, Forbes, was willing, pend ing completion of a direct agree ment, tu place Canadian molor-cars on the British preferential tarifl once more providing Canada would reciprocate in a substantial manner, N Makes From Canada In an interview later today the premier pointed out that of the 27 makes of American ears on the New Zealand market only five are paying the rate of duty charged on Ameri can cars, the remainder being ad mitted under the preference as they were assembled in Canada, Mr, Forbes yesterday received w delegation representing Rritish Mo tor manufacturers His visitors claimed the preference given to cars assembled in Canada. was working out unfairly against Britain, The deputation showed almost as many Canadian as American cars were im ported last year, $0,480,000 having been spent on American and $6,240, 000 on Canadian cars, The Prime Minister assured the deputation of his sympathy then and today's an neuncement was the sequel No Comment at Ottawa Ottawa, Aug, 21.--No official coms ment is available today on the an (Continued on Yuge 1) Authorize Big Hydro Project (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug. 21,Plans of the Ontario Power Service Corporas tion, Limited, for construction of a dam and an immense hydro elec: trie power development in Norths ern Ontario, providing employ ment for 1,000 men, have heen approved on recommendation of Hon, H, A. Stewart, minister of publie works, Announcement of the approval hy order-in-council was made by Mr, Stewart today, position of trade not Duty Against Cans Produced {1tting New Zealand Cancel GOVERNMENT DECISION AFFECTS $6,240,000 IN EXPORTS FROM DOMINION Aimee is Given Confidence Vote Los Angeles, Calf, Aug. #4] More than 100 leaders of Angelus Temple have adopted na resolution of confidence In thelr evangelist pastor," Aimee Hemple McPherson, while Mrs, Minnie Kennedy, her mother declared stories of Mrs MePherson's (liness and asserted blindness to be "Just blah", Mrs, Kennedy snld the ovangel Was recovering from a "face "operation at a Malibu Roach cottage, "It wis necessary to bandages her whole face and | think this Is whero tha hlindness story started", she continued il Bome men are llons In wsoclety and hoarse at home, Chicago Dally News »-- Canadian Motor Manufacturers Aghast At Probable Effect of Tariff Change Preference on Canadian Cars Nolther It, 8, McLaughlin, presi: dent, nor KH. A, Brown, vicesprosis dent, and general manager, wonld | kive any statement (his afternoon regarding the announcement of the cancellation of the British prefer: | ence on Canadian cum entering | New Zealand, [The Times was referred to 7, Ih, | Klett of the Campbell-Ewald Co, 14d, who Is publicity director for General Motors, hut Mr, Elllott sald that no statement would he given out as yet, und! fuller Ine formation was avaliable as to the effect this would have on Cana« dian companies, The move hy New Zealand may tffect the Canadian plant of Gen. eral Motors, considerably, how: ever, as this division handles the major portion of the corporation's exports to that dominion, and this runs into u large figure, Border Cities Worried (Npecinl To The Times) Windsor, Aug, 21 The Bor dor Citles Rtar today says "Just what would it mean to the Border Cities, If New Zoaland were to cancel the British preference on motor cars made In Canada? Pres mier Forbes of New Zealand has indicated that this will be dons unless the dominion continues tn wdmit New Zealand butter at one cont a pound duty Instead of the four cent rato which Is to go Into effect October 1, "It would mean thet the ex portation to New Zenland, of Ford ears and trucks, of all the lines manufactured here hy Chrysler motors, and of trucks and huses and Chevrolet engines manufae tured hero hy Oenern)l Motors would cease, That would he Inevit abla hecause with no preference, the New Zealand market would he supplied from the country of chionpast production, which is the United States, Export Figures "The Bitar has obtained figures on exports to New Zoaland for the enlendar your 1020 of two of the threa major automobile plants in the Rorder Cities Figures from the third, General Motors, are not avallable owing to the fact that export production at Walkerville Is pooled in the genernl export figs ures of the corporation snd ean not casily be separated, Here are the figures fin 1020, the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limit ed, exported to New Zealand 4,477 cars and trucks, of uw total value of $4,400,040 and parts valued at $405,608, The Lote) enles from Kast, Windsor to Now Zealand were therefore $2,608,638, This wih equivalent to 4.8 per cent, Of the plant's entire production of crs and trucks, 7.7 poreent, of Lhe entire production of paris, and bl parcent, of all its business, "Chrysler Motors did nearly n much In the calendar year 1940 It sold 1,060 cars to New Zon lund valued at $1,770,000, Part wiles were negligible but the New Zealand (i pales Fepresentod olght percent, of the entire busi ness of tho comporation General Motors Business "While figures for General Mot ors are npl avaliable ans stated it muy he safely estimated that ahout wo omilon dollars worth of trucks, huses and Chevrolet augines reach: ed the New Zealand market, Ap» proximately 80,000 trucks were bullt at the Walkerville plant and New Zealand 1s one of the most fruftful automotive flelds in the world, so on the hasis that five percent, of the total truck produss (Continugd on Page §) -- Two Drowned At Belleville Minister And Farmer Meet Death When Motor Boat Is Swamped (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Baelleville, Aug. 21 Rev, Fred Mayhew, pastor of the Standard Chureh at Mado village and Sam Osborne, a farmer of Eldorado, Hastings county, were drowned when the motor boat In which they Ware passengers was swamped two hundred yards from the shore of Dickey's Lake, at Gilmour, last night, Bix other occupants of the boat narrowly escaped the same fate af ter clinging to the craft for over half an hour, They were finally rescued hy Harry Carter of Roehes. ter, N.Y Mra, Mayhew and her two children and Mra, Osborne any a small daughter are suffering from exhaustion and shook hut will re cover, William Thompson, opera tor of the hoat In suffering no 11 offects to-day, Diokey's Lake ia 45 miles north of Helloville and is In A aparsely populated district, The party were returning from a berrying trip and apparently the strain was too great for the craft and it capuiged In a miniature gale Mayhew and Oshorne dove over board and dsappoeared and their bodies have not yet heen recovers ed, Hoth men are well-known in North Hastings, Had It not bean tor timely pw wenoe of mind of Mr, Thompson, all would have met the same fate as none could mwim, Ho directed them In clinging to the boat, Ir Nickle, of Kldorado has ordered an Inquest into the double tragedy which will be opened as soon as the bodies have heen recovered, Provincial Constable Morris of Dancroft in directing the search "The most potent cooktall in London," mays an experimenter, 'In one called the Hwiss Itch! The triok 18 to drink a few, and try to say "Another Swiss Itoh," - Detroit News, (Ay Canadian Press Loessed Wire) Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,, Aug, #1, According to various reports from one to four persons met death whon' a car driven hy Perey Smith, taxieab driver, skidded in orosalng the Ashamun street. bridee over the power canal In Sault Ste, Marie, Michigan, and crashed through tho railing that guards the approach to the power canal, The number of passengers in the car ia not known, Smith, who was an employes of the Smith Taxicab Company was driving southgon Ashmuh strect ut 11 o'clock lasl night, Near the ape proach to the bridge he attempted to pass_another var, Hix own car swerved and orashed through the ralling, An alarm was hurerledly turned in and an attempt was made to locate the position of the oar and Its occupants, who are Four Believed Dead A fter d axi Skids Into Soo Canal placed at from one to four, Ate templa to locate the car falleg pnd a diver wan sent down with lke results, A plane from the Soo, Michigan, base tobk the alr and olrel®d In the vielnity of the fatal ity In ovder to ascertain the locas tion of the car, but this also falls ed, Attempts to locate the car by dragging and a diver were re. fumed this morning, and the plane, whieh has gone on veconaissance work to a forest fire, will again clrelo the place in a further at tempt to locate the car, on its re turn, Tho water at the scene of the fatality in 23 feet deep and very rapid, so that the work of the searchers ia handloapped, It ia exe pected that tho car and its occu pant or ovoupants will be located today and brought to tho surface. Accidentally Shooting Woman Boy Uses Gun to Kill » Himself (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Galt, Aug, 21.=Thomas Old. man, eighteen year old farmhand, committed suicide by shooting himuelf last night when he foared he had killed Mrs, David Main uged 25, wife of his employer, on thelr farm near Bheffield, a fow miles from hare, Oldman died In the Galt hospital a few hours after the shooting, Mra, Main has a bullet. wound im her head but hoy condition 1s not considered nerious, Oldman was practicing shooting at ma tin ean with a 88 calibre rifle and a reconstruction of the Affair lends to the belief his hit ting Mrs, Main was ontirely acel: dental It appears Oldman had made the statement to people on the farm that it he ever shot any person or animal he would shoot lilmuelf, Mrs, Malin suddenly walk: od past when Oldman was firing and received the bullet In her hend Hho dropped partly stunned and the hoy immediately turned the sun on himself, Mrs, Main recovere | suffieiently Lo return to the house to tele. phone for a doctor, Her hushand on driving Inte the yard from Sheffield a minute or two later found the boy unconscious on the floor of the stable, Roth vietims | Were rushed to the Galt hospital where Mrs, Main was given treats ment which enabled her to return liome hut death ensued in the case of Oldman, Coronor Radford of han ordered an Inquest, VICEROY GIVEN GANDHI'S OFFER FOR INDIAN PEACE All-Indin Congress Will Consider Negotiations Next Week Simla, India, Aug, 21,=Viceray Lord Irwin today received a letter from Mahatma Gandhi, jearvied by Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Mr, Ja yakar from Poona jail," The Vice: roy indicated he would see Mr. Jay: akar soon, The letter was understood te con: tain the Mahatma's terms for cessas tion of the civil resistance campaign in connection with which many hun dreds of congress volunteers now are in prisons throughout India, The communication was written after conferences among the con gress leaders, including Mrs, Saros ini Naidu, the Pandits Motilal and Jawarhalal Nehru and the two moi. erates who instituted the parleys for peace, It wax said today that the result of the Poona conferences would be considered by the all-India Congress working committee at Delhi next Tuesaday, OVER 100 HOMELESS AS FIRE WIPES OUT Victoria, B.C, Aug. 21.=Re tween forty-fiva and fifty women and probably seventy children, he: sides the mill workers numbering about 160 were made homeless hy five whioh practically wiped out the sottlament at the Kapoor Lumber this eity Company, noar Hooke, Tuesday, British M. P.'s Among Victims As Yacht Sinks Six or More People, All on Board "Islander," Are Lost (By Canadian Press Lobsed Wire) Powey, Cornwall, Eng, Aug. 21 At least six persons, among whom It was thought were two or three members of parliament and ons or mora women, wera helleved drowned when the yacht Islander was wracked on the rocks of Lan. tivet Bay, during a violent storm in tha night The yacht had heen chartered hy Commodors Henry Douglas King, Conservative member of par- lament and there was grave ap prehension that he, with other members who had been Invited te pecompany him on the cruise had perighed when the yacht met dis: aster In a channel gale, The Yacht, which was owned hy Lieutenant Colonel John N, Dig glo, had been taking part in regat tas of the Moyal Yacht Aquadron along the south coast, While identity of the vietims win not revealed in first despatohs en, it was reported that the owner WAR among those lost when the yacht was wrecked, Signals were received here that the hoat was In distress and a lifeboat went out from Fowey, The life saving crew was unable to approach the vessel, however, and a lifeline was shot over the yacht, Apparently nobody on hoard Was able to grasp the line, 'Heavy meas subsequently caused the yacht to change het position, making her if anything more in- accessible to the life savers, Two constguardsmen bravely des Ing olf and reported that they distinotly heard the soreaming of cended the face of the over-hang- (Continued on Page 3) RAIN STOPS PLAY IN CRICKET TEST Could Not Proceed Today-- Australia in Strong Position (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Kng,, Aug, 28,~Play in the oricket test mateh between England and Augtralla could not proceed today owing to heavy rain, The matoh, which ix for the "ashes", Anglo-Australian erioket championship symbol, is helng play. od to a finlsh and will be resumed when weather conditions permit, An the test stands at present Aus tralia would appear to he in a very strong position, . They were 280 runs ahead after the fiver inns Inga were completed yesterday and England had lost Jaok Hohba' wicks ot In thelr second visit to tha wick. ots and had put on only 24 vuns, Prospects are that England will have to continue en a wet wioket and be at a 'great disadvantage, foores in the mateh ave; Australia G05; Wngland 405 and 24 runs for one wicket, Plans Transatlantic Flight From Montreal to London, Eng. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Aug, 21 A transatl Iantie flight from Ht, Hubert alr port Montreal to London, Eng, will be attempted by Captain Boyd, not. ed Canadian flier, In the famous plane, the Columbia, In which Ads miral Byrd and Chavies A. Levine flaw acrons to Vurops, it was un nounced hare Lo-oay hy J, A O'Brien representative of Captain Hoyd, The start. will ba made within the next ten days oy as soon there after as wonther permits, Recently Captain Hoyd in company with Rog or Q, Williams made a non-stop flight from New York to Bermuda MORE LICENSES ARE SUSPENDED IN ONTARIO IN 1930 Drunk While Driving And Reckless Driving Cases Increase (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 21 Figures Is: sued by J, 1, Rickell, rogistrar of motor vehicles for Ontario, reveal a substantial Inerease in the num her of aute drivers' loenses sus pended In the first seven months of 1080 as compared with the cor responding period of 1080 From January to July of this year, suspensions numbered 1427 as compared with 016 for the sama period in 1089, The entire number of lleenses suspended for all causes In 1080 totalled 18458, More than half the suspension this year are due to reckless driv: Ing, the number being 704, Ins toxloation comes next with 484, Up to July this year 28 United Ntates tourists loat their loenses for intoxication, 4a for rockleas driving and one for criminal neg: ligence, SEES LOOPHOLE IN NEW LIQUOR LAW Sir Henry Drayton Com. ments On Release Of Vedas (9 Canadian Press Leased Wire) oronto, Aug, 21,-="1It seams to be a way of getting around fhe ex: port act," sald Sir Henry Drayton, ohalrman of the Ontario Liguov Control Roard, last night comment. Ing on the recent release at Wind. sor of the steamer Vedas with 16,. 000 oanen of heer aboard, The veniel left ostensibly hound for Port Arthur and It was reported at the time she was earrving the bear for government liguar stoves, This was denied hy Sir Henry, The whole matter seemed to he a ques tion of inter-provineial trade, said the Itquer hearth chairman, and, therefore, would not come within the jurisdiction of the hoard, He far, he said, the hoard han recpived no report on the affair, and knew nothing of it, tl - dove originates in the heart; brains "have nothing to do with it, -=Detroit News, AN IS KILLED IN GARAGE EXPLOSION TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE IS SHAKEN BY BLAST WHICH TAKES LIFE OF MECHANIC CECIL GATCHELL 1S TRAPPED BY FLAMES IN HATELY'S GARAGE AND BURNED TO DEATH WILLIAM BAGNELL AND WILLIAM CHALLIS BLOWN ACROSS STREET AND INJURED rem--r Cause of Explosion Believed to Have Been Leak of Acoty« lene Gas, Although How it Became Ignited is a Mystery ~- Body of Victim Not Recovered For Over an Hour-- Building Gutted, Together With Three Valuable Auto~ mobiles, and Loss Will Ex Bowmanville, August 2), lowing a teriffic explosion on I ceed Figure of $10,000 I'vapped in a blazing garage fol« emperance Street shortly before ten o'clock last night, Cecil Gatehell, of Lover's Lane Bowman~ ville was burned to death despite Iwo others, William J. the efforts of would-be rescuers. Bagnell, Bowmanville merchant, and William Challis, automobile salesman, who were in the garage at the time were thrown hy the force of the concussion, almost across the street I'he cause of the explosion is a mystery although it is bes lisved by some to have héen caused by a leaking acetylene outfit which was in the garage, low known, | | five-day fishing trip and could -- a ------ * 112,940 Out of Work in Canada Minister of Labor Says Fig: gures May Reach 200,000 When All Reports In (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug, 21 In K4 contres which have replied to the query of Hon, (0, D, Robertson, minister of labor, on unemployment figures there are 112,040 peopla out of work in Canada and it is estima ted this number will increase to 10,000 during the winter, Mr, Robertson gave these figures to the Kmployment Rervice Couneil of Canada today at the opening of the annual meeting, The figures, he pointed out, did not include 14 or 15 centres which had not reported, er the number who were out of work in numerous small centres throughout the coun: try, and in rural areas, Henator Robertson sald he cons sidered the figures received a con: sorvative estimate, It was not un reasonable to say, he added, that there were now 200,000 people out of work in Canada, I'lgures coms piled on August 15, he stated show. ed that out of 200,607 union men in Canada 26,700 of 10,0 percent were out of work, The government of Canada does not propose to adopt paternalism: As a polley in dealing with unem- ployment but it does propose to help the people ta help themselves, Wenator Robertson declared, "A proposal has just heen made to me that if the federal grant to teohnioal education were restored it would be a great hoon to the un- employed, [I do not know what the government will do because the matter has not heen congidered, Rut 1 do know it would at least en- abla the unemployed man to ims prove his skill during the time he Is out of work," he said, this gas became ignited is not The owner of the garage, Jack Hately, was away on n not be located last night rom reporis gathered from wile nesges of the fatal hlage the thred men were Inspecting a truck or al car just inside the doors of the garage when a terrific report whieh shook hulldings all over the town blew the front clean out of the gars age and in five minutes left the bullding in flames which shot skys wards and despite the efforts of the fire department gutted (he builds meg in a litle over an hour, Attempt Rescue Noss MeKnight and Dave Tordiff, two local hoys made a brave als tempt to release the unfortunate man white the flames roared abou (Continued op Page §) TICKET MYSTERY DISTURBS WINDSOR Bundle of 32,000 Street Can Fares Stolen And Being Used Windsor, Aug, 21,--With tiekets from a bundle of 42,000 reported missing at the offices of the local Hydro-KElectrig Raflways being use od daily hy car riders In payment of fares, officials and detectives in vestigating the mystery are still unable to find out how they gou into eirculation or who Is respons gible for their heing migsing, The matter has been put up tn the insurance company, which ass sumed responsibility for the tieks eth under policies it fssued, and at present John Holland of A, 1, Wills son and Company, the Insurance firm involved and Detective-Mers geant Dunean McNab of the Winds gor police force conlbased thems selves baffled, The Hydro Rallways keep ten bundles. of 82,000 tickets worthy about $2,000 on hand, On Friday the custodian of the tickets notices ed that tiokets of serial numbers that should not have been issued were appearing in a fare box, The supply on hand was checked up and one bundle reported missing Tioketsa bearing the same numbew have heen appearing in fare boxes ever alnee, s The last act of Lucien Cannon in the late Parllament was to defend the Reauharnois deal, Wa would lke to think that it had something to do with his defeat Ottawa Journal, Grain Export Situation at Montreal is Disquieting Montreal, Aug, 21,.With grain exports through the port of Mont: real now lower than they were at thin time last year and few ohars ters hooked for the rvemaining months of the 8, Lawrence navi gation seamon, grain and shipping brokers here sep little prospect of marketing Canada's all wheat erop or even equalling the poor showing made last year, In Montreal elevators, have a total capacity of fourteen willion bushels, there are. today twelve million three hundred and six thousand seven hundred and sixty-one bushely of grain, while actual orders for ex port amount to oply 419,968 bush. ele, With the elevators filleq al most to capacity and. few orders for grain in hand or in the offing, Arain and grain-hoat congestion in the port of Montreal would seen to ha indicated, but the situation, it la understood, was foreseen and which about tha number of boats awaiting grain loadings will be limited als most to the number needed to taky care of orders in hand, Rlevatora have been filling gradually during the last few daye and there has been a slow moves ment of grain out of the port, The week-end will probably see a slight ohange for the better with good quantities of grain taken out by freight and passenger liners and bulk cargoes due ta leave on tramps at that time, It ia unlikely, however, that the movement of grain from Montreal will eatoh up to that of last year Ak the difference hetween lash year's figurga and those for 1930 in considerable, Qraln 18 reported to he clearing more rapidly from the head of the lakes, but the movement evidently has no bearing on the export busls ness hecause oharters have not been taken here,

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