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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2f; 1930 The Whitby After Business Hours REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES STREET VAIL SUCCESS The committee in charge of the annus! Street Vair baye announced that the total receipts taken fn on Wednesday evening Iust amount- od to $2,000.74, It is estimated that when wil the accounts have been received that there will be a balance of somes $1,100, The ba- {ance is to be divided between Lhe Whithy Branch, Canadian Legion and Citizen's Band, nd news will be received a a a nie oy Daily Times H, ORMISTON 0. K. CAVE MOVES The 0, K, Cate has been moved to new quarters on Brock wsirest south, The new stand is in the lo- eation formerly oceupled by ¥, L. Odlum and across the street from the old stand. The appointments of the eafe are of the most modern (ype, and in- elude new lighting fixtures, and a fine paint job, mothers, r d by should know T5HOVSANDS of vital questions concerning your baby's care are bound to arise, Baby's Welfare tells you the answers, It was written for the use of every young mother by a thoroughly experienced physician, It isnot technical, nor does it take the place of your own doctor's advice, It is just a simple practical treatise in every day language. You cannot afford to be without it. Write for your copy to-day and save yourself endless worry, Baby's food Is of fost et Ailderation. Wursehim if posslnte, If you cannot, use gle and, endorsed by thousands absolutely pure and safe and exeedingly digestible, YOUNG MOTHERS thousands of doctors, It ls THR BORDEN CO,, LIMITED 140 Be. Paul W,, Montreal Send me, (ree, "Baby's Wallare", ales "The Best Baby" vesord book, TL LE TP TERE FELT TL TTI Council Sends Request To R. S. McLaughlin For Information on Orders J Councillors Are Indignant Over Instructions That Whitby Men Must Move to Oshawa -- Three Families Complain to Mayor, One Having Already Moved to Neighboring City. Hovoral men, who Hve in the town and work in the plant of the Gen. eral Motors in Oshawa, hive report. ed Lo members of the Town Councl) that they have boen told by the foreman In thelr departments that they must take up residence in the Motor City or give up thelr jobs there, ' Grave concern was felt by the members of the council at thelr last meeting when the matter Wan reported to them, It was clearly understood, ast spring, by repre. pentatives who waited upon the executive of the company, with re- gard to the order then issued by the general manager, which stated that men working In the plant of the General Motors must be resi dents of the city of Oshawa, that no action would he taken without consulting the towns affected Hence the action of the foremen in question brought forward the thought that perhaps the oder Is sued last spring was to be brought into effect without informing Bow: manville and Whitby of the propos. od action, Town Clerk, John Frost was in- structed to communicate with IL 8. McLaughlin, President of the company, to enquire what action if any, had been taken by the exe. cutive of General Motors, It has been learned oun good aus thority that one, at least, of the men, who was told to move, has taken up residence in Oshawa, There Is no doubt but that If the wetion of forelng men, lving in Whithy, to move to Oshawa or loss their Jobs were enforced now, it would be a groat hardship on many now living here The Week In Whitby Mr. Wm, Perey, of Toronto, form erly of Whitby, visited In town for u few days this week, Mr, and Mrs, Fenton, of Fort Wil. lam, are visiting with the Iatter's plater, Mra. Li. W, Dudley, In town this week A number of Whitby people went on an excursion from Cobourg to Rochester, held on Wednesday under the auspices of the Anglican Young People's Association of the district, Mr, R. N. Bassett, who has been In Toronto General Hospital follow. ing an operation, returned to his home here on Sunday last, and is making rapid progress toward re- ee covery, wr ¢ . -- EN and women to-day have found they need not be vic- tims of circumstance. They can mould their own futures without fear that even prolonged illness or premature death will ruin their financial plans. Our forefathers struggled a life- time that they might "get the home clear" and have a little "nest egg." To-day Life Insurance is used to guarantee success in all such pro. jects. In addition, it removes a load of care and makes life happier. A man aged 35 can set up im« mediately a $17,000 Life Insurs ance estate by an annual deposit equal to $1.00 per day,* (Other ages and other amounts in pro« portion) Ffelong + Contrast this with a struggle, filled with uncertainty, 'Jubilee Ordinary Life Policy If you are interested in insurance which will perform this service for 'you at lowest net cost, ask one of our representatives for information fitting your particular case. ondon Life Insurance Company "Canada's IndustrishOrdinary Company" HEAD OFFICE . LONDON, CANADA NY J. C. HORTON, E. L. DILWORTH, District Representatives,- 14'; King Street East, Oshawa Misses Clora Hopper, Mildred Price and Helitha Vanstone are hols Saying at Wasaga Beach this week, inn Isabel Davey entertained on Friday evening last in honor of Miss Gladys Faton, whose marriage takes place the end of the month, Mr. Robert Halliday has joined the stuff of the Bunk of Commerce, Mrs. Fugene Nicholson and child- ven, of Detroit, are holidaying at the home of Mr, Robin Nicholson, Miss Blow, of Ottawa, has been Yisiting at the home of Mrs. George Javey, Mr. N. W. Stuftord, Kingston Rd, west, has purchased the stock and business of the Whitby Monument Co, and has moved it to his works on the Kingston road, west of the town, Mr, and Mrs. E. Pellow, and child- ren, Pointe Claire, Que. have heen visiting the former's mother, Mrs. 8, Pellow. ; Mr. and Mrs, John MeClellan, of Chaplenu, are holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs, Jas. McClel- lan, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley I, Robins left this week for their new home in Durham, Ont, where Mr. Robins has heen promoted to the agency of the C.P.R, station there, Their many friends in Whitby wish them sue- cons In their new home. The C.P.R, agency in Whitby has been given to Mr. Donnelly, who bought Mr, Rob- ing' hours on Walnut 8t., and mov. ed In this week, Mrs. J. C. Conner and Miss Edith Conner left this week on a motor trip to Montreal and eastern points, Mrs, W. KE, N, Sinclair and Mrs, Goo, A. Ross were among the guests at the Garden Party at Government House in honor of the British Jurists and Canadian Bar Association, Mr, and Mrs, 8. E. Thompson and children, who were enroute from a trip to England, where Mr, Thomp- son had been on business, spent a fow dnys with the former's mother, Mre. W, J. Thompson, before ro- turning to thelr home in Engie- wood, NJ. the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. Joe Wightman, Aged Ten, Succumbs to Dread Dis- ease After Hard Fight Was Son of Member of Statesman Staff ONE NEW CASE 1S REPORTED IN TOWN Brother of Dead Boy Suffered With Spinal Meningitis When a Baby and Was Left a Cripple. Precau- tion is Urged by Doctors The first vietim of the infantile paralysis opldemic, in Bowman ville, Joo Wightman, aged ten yours and four months, succumbed to the dread disease yesterday af: toernoon. shortly aftor five o'clock. The lad is the elder won of Major and Mrs, H, D. Wightman who have been residents of Bowman: ville for the past year. This fat. ality bocomes doubly poignant by the faot that the younger hoy was a vietim of spinal meningitin when a baby and in left a cripple, One new cane of tho disease was also roported in the town yester: day and the serum was rushed from Oshawa and given before the symptoms became very marked, This makes threo cases of the soourge in the town at the present time but nono of those are con: sidered werious in nature, Taken 11 Monday The Wightman lad wan taken II on Monday of this week and dos- pite the injection of the weram tho disouse steadily gained ground until at noon yesterday his lite wan despaired of, His family were with him when he passed away shortly after five o'clock in the afternoon, \ The lad who wan a bright little fellow and well known in the town will be lald to rest in the Catar- aqui Cemetery at Kingston on ri. ay, Mr, Wightman is in charge of the composing at the Canadian Statesman office in Bowmanville coming here about a year ago from Kingston where he was at one time on the staff of the Kingston Whig. before the newspaper amals gamated with the Standard, Take Precautions No slackening up in the pre. cautions aro being made and every offort is being made to warn par. onts to keep thelr children from crowds and plenics, Although nothing has yet been done, In view of this death, the Sunday Schools | funeral of Mr, Matthew Brown, bro- Mr, Bmokler had to pay for their night's lodging and slso the expense of bringing him in touch (again with his children, When he arrived on the scene Francis and Jewslo had evidently forgotten about the spanking received lust week for they welcomed thelr father with open arms, They 'evi. dently haa little fear of a repeti- tion of the spanking and quietly informed thelr parent that they had had a "swell time', The great adventure was then over and all that was loft was a nice ride In & car back to thelr home in Toron~ Teacher *"Skinny"' Nervous, Gains Pep 14 Lbs, in 3 Weeks #$t, Aurelie, P,0,~'"Was nervous, exhausted, So skinny, was embai- rassed," says Miss Alphonsine Vor tier, teacher, "Tried Ironized Yeast. Onined 14 Ibs, In 3 weeks Now healthy and happy.' Teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurs os, mothers, ministers all write of galing of 6 to 16 he, In 4 weeks, with new Tronized Yeast, Blemish od skin clears, "Nerves," coustipa- tion, Indigestion gomovernight, New pep first day, Ironized Yeast Ig two great tonics in on, Welght-bullding hrewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood-en riching Tron, Many times more ef fective than unmedicated yeas! Results in half the time, Don't he 'skinny', weak, ner ous, in danger of serious 111s, Take these pleasant little tablets, Ne yeasty taste, no gas, If not delight ed with quick gains, manufacturer refunds money, Cet Ironized Yeas! from druggist today, [eel great tomorrow, New pounds quick, You buy tea for its flavour why not have the finest "q AlL AD A" | 'Fresh from the gardens ri-------- NEWS ABOUT TOWN | High Bchool Lose High School lost thelr first game of the playoffs to the Whiz on Tuesday night when the Whiz broke away with ninetecn runs in ono Innings, The final score was 21 to 10, There will be no more softball this week as wome of the High Hchool lads are competing In the Empire Games at Hamilton, Garden Contest Winners Cash prizes were awarded for the Home Garden Contests which wers conducted by the Depart- ment of Agriculture hero under the supervision of J, Y, Kellough, local representative, Most of the gar- dens wero very good although un- favorable weather tendered tic make wome of the gardens poor, Those who figured in the prize money had exceptionally good gardens, and the Department con- kratulates them on the success of Lhe enterprise, The County was divided into Iwo party and following are the wl out hagguge, In Bowmanville, De- ciding that Bowmanville was no good place to stay the night Lhey called on u local resident and told the story that they were on vacis tion and thelr vacation was taking the form of nu hike, What they wanted they sald was a night's rout, Awkod what thelr name was they stated Mary and Annie Lick, ovidently In memory of the *"lck- ing' they had had recently Mr, Walter MucCurl, Mr. John MacCaurl Sr, Mr. Norman MucCarl and Dick MaeCarl motored to New market on Tuesday to attend the ther-in-law of Mr. John MacCarl, Wellington $t., Whithy. Mr, Jim Anstey, Mr, Ronald Love, Misses Hazel, Bernice and Tilly Love, of Whitby, motored to Picton on Saturday and spent the week end with relatives, The Women's Institute will hold thelr annual plenic in the Town Park on Friday afternoon, Aug. 22, com mencing at 8.80, when Pickering und Brooklin branches will be guests, This plenie will take the place of the regular Friday meeting, Come and bring your baskets, Miss M. V. Powell, of the Ontario Department of Agriculture KExten- sion staff, has been appointed as of- flelal representative of the Feder uted Women's Institutes of Ontario for the Ontario section in the Wom en's Building at the Canadian. Na tional Exhib bon, In the py of tho President, Mrs, A, KE. WOlker,| io worrying parent and today at |Prl%e winners for West Durham: Miss Powell will have charge of the noon he gro In a Bday ut 1. Bob Kean, exhibits, and the arrangement of ary Tae rolloven a Hoa yin 2. Clifford Pethick, the program of addresses and dem wayward and adventurous = off 4, Percy Westlake, onstrations for the Provincial In- wing 1. Lioyd Moet situtes, from day to day throughout |"! . the exhibition. An attractive pro- gram is being arranged in co-oper ation with the Institutes Branch of the Ontario Government, This year the entire east wing of the Women's Buflding will be occupied by the various Women's Institutes of the Dominion, Mrs, Cameron, Dominion President of Federation of Instit utes, will give an address on the op: ening day. I'he lady In question made up her mind that theses people should not he alone on a vacation and vo informed the pollco who appre hended the young adventurers and held them for questioning, Der- haps the stern countenance of Bowmanville's Chief of Police, Hydney Venton, ecauged them to toll the truth for they Immediately made It known that thelr name wis not Lick ot all but was Bmok- ler nnd that thelr father resided on King Street West In Toronto Chief Venton gol In touch with sm ---- . Bruce Muir, i, Robert. Barber, 7. Betty Sowden , Harold Forsythe, KARN THE DRUGGIST | FOR SERVICE 2 rine PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFF 10) EN A A SR RTE ae aa | 1 - . | Canada proposes to shut out | United States people who go there | to look for work, Those who neek something else will he welcomed For this Week Bowmanuille News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at Telephones--Office--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Infantile Paralysis in Bowmanville Claims 1st. Life in Present Epidemic ------_---- A A ns usual Boston Transcript, Daily 3000000 End Shopping Times Be sure to visit your Arnold's Market this week-end=--and share in this value-giving event, The Times in the Cowan SUGAR wn AGe Marmalade Real Good Values-- WASHES EVERYTHING TENDER ROASTS OF YOUNG CHIPSO BEEF Large Package 174 a Blade Rib Roast ib. 17. Grape Rate pkg. 16 | Shoulder Roast i. 15¢ Puffed Rice pkg. 16¢ « Brunswick Sardines 2 tins 1le Chuck Roast tb. Ie FINE GRANULATED 40.0Z. JAR may be closed this week and should the epidemic hecome ser fous ft Is not likely that the schools will re-open as scheduled on Hep: tember 2nd. Parents are utged again by the medical men of Bowmanville .to call a physician Immodiately any symptom Is noticed, It is only with the injection of the serum in good time that the erippling or death of the child in avoided, It 1s hoped that in the Interosts of the genoral public parents will take this warn. ing and do all In thelr power to avold anything whieh might load to a furthering of the epidemic, SPANKING CAUSES GIRLS TO TAKE A BRIEF VACATION Runaway Toronto Children Returned to Father At Bowmanville ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED # op Ww 3 TALL TINS 33 Kipper Snacks 2 tins 1le Dinner Blend Coffee 1h. 44¢ Babbitt's Cleanser 3 tins 25¢ GENUINE NEW SEASON'S ! SPRING LAMB Fronts wn 1Ge Legs 29: Loingh 22 FRESH RENDERED BEEF Dripping 11. Carton Oe Evidently imbibed with a spirit of adventure or perhaps more cors rectly a memory of a quite recent spanking at the hands of thelr fathor, rancls Smokler, agod 13, and hor slstor, Jossle, of 66) King Street Wes, Toronto, aged 10, net out from their home on Tuosday on what they claimed was a vaca tion, Theo east appeared to appeal to them most and they hit out along the Kingaton Road and after various short walks and rides in passing autos they arrived in a most unconventional manner, with. Fruits and Vegetables LARGE RIPE Bananas 19¢| ICEBERG HEAD Lettuce 2 10a 23¢ NO. | GRADE COOKING Onions J uw 13¢ KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE 2 15. Packages ple CLARK'S ASSORTED SOUPS 2 ms 15e EXCRPT AND 'ONICKRN WITH TIP-TOP WEINERS - 1» 22¢ SUGAR CURED BREAKFAST BACON Ib. 28. Delicious mid fia: vor, Try a pound this week, FANCY 8 CRABMEAT 5 Ye "SALADA" TEA Brown Label Ibs NE "Quick Relief for Women uk Women 'need not endure' periodic + pains and headaches. They can spare | themselves this suffering by taking 2UTOO TABLETS. ¥ Mra} Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved In 30 minutes of severe pain and Vv, about ZUTOO TABLETS and what thay will do." Just try the tablets and know for, yoursel! how quickly " they stop the pain. "ffs "8 w RA STANDARD No, 2 SIZ UALITY TIN PEAS : A 3 tins 23

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