THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 ' PAGE THREE Splendid Addresses Feature Opening Session of Sanitary Inspectors' Convention Here Thorough and Helpful Dis. cussion Centred On Im- portant Subjects From Health Standpoint DR. T. W. G. McKAY AND DR. A. HUBBELL SPEAK Official Oshawa Will Enter. tain Convention = At Luncheon Today In Genosha Hotel Banquet Hall Excellent papers, and thorough and helpful discussion made the opening session of the Ontario Bani tary Inspectors' convention yester- day & success from every standpoint and augured well for the helpful ness of today's and tomorrow's deliberations, A feature of yesterday's agenda, from the Oshawa standpoint, was the fact that two of the leading addresses were delivered by Osh awa delegates, Dr, T, W, (G, McKay, who gave a retraspect of the devel opment of public health activities inn rapidly growing eity, and David Hubbell, who outlined the variety of problems which confront the sanitary inspector in his daily ace tivities, Both addresses were well receiv. ed, and provoked useful discussion Summaries of the two papers will be found below, Today the corporation of the city of Oshawa will play host to the visiting Inspectors, when the city eouncil entertains the convention delegates at a formal luncheon in the main banquet hall of the Gen osha hotel, A full program meets the con- vention today, with seven address. os listed for the morning and af ternoon sessions, as follows 10,00 a.m. "Diseases Found in Meats," C. A, Dickonson, D.V.A, Oshawa, 10.40 a.m. "Typhoid Maver and Milk," N. H, Butten, M,D,, Peter. hero, Ontarlo, ' ' 11,80 am North Bay, 2.30 pm.--'"Food and Food Handling," R. H, Sanders, London, Ontario, 3.10 pm tion in the Malay States McDonald, Kirkland Lake 3.50 p.m,--"Sanitary Arrange ments for the Shrine Convention, Torénto," W, H, Meadows and 0, Peointon, Toronto 4,30 pm-~"The Septic Tank System and Proper Drainage," A PB, Earl, Toronto, Ontario Complete satisfaction has heen expressed by the out-of-town dele gates with the arrangements made for the convention hy the staff of the Cenosha hotel, which is head- quarters for the convention throughout the three day session, Mr, Hubbell's Address "The office of Sanitary Inspec tor was first legalized in Creat Britain in 1848, hy Section 17 of the Public Wealth Act, of that year, The Public Health Act, of England, was not unlike in many respects the Public Health Act of Ontario, and Boards of Health had power to appoint fit and proper John Richardson, "Health Administra Hugh persons as Inspectors of Nulsances, and were also authorized to enact conduct of such Officers, "This Act was repealed how- er by the Public Health Act of 1875, This Act, together with the Public Health Aet (London) 1891, and the Public Health Act (Beot- land) 1807, are still the principal Acts governing matters relating to I'ublic Health In England and Beotland, "Housing conditions and home conditions may be classed among the many essential' points which | the Banitory Inspector is called upon to deal with, A standard of fit conditions for the home might he taken out as follows: A fit house should be (nh) Free from serious damp- ness (hb) Bufficiently and satisfactor- tly lighted and ventilated, (e) Properly drained and pro- vided with adequate sanitary con- Continued on Page 7) WORK ON SEVERN LOCKS URGED BY ORILLIA BOARD Ottawa Informed That It Will Relieve Unemployment Orillia, Aug, 21,=The Council of the Orillia Board of Trade is for. warding to the Federal Government a copy of a resolution passed at a recent meeting asking that. work be commenced immediately on the locks of the Severii River section of the I'rent Valley Canal, it was announes ed Tuesday by the Board of Trade Secretary, George J, Overend The board states as its reason for making the request, that the com pletion of the locks would not only relieve, to a great extent, the un employment situation in this distriet but would at the same time place the canal on a paying basis com mercially The resolution ealls ats tention to the fact that hoth Gov- ernments have at various times pros mised to finish the work, CITY NEWS| FIRE DESTROYS BARN Lindsay, Aug, 21.-+Fire break. ing out this morning from an un- known cause totally destroyed the barn of Noble Dunn, Mariposa Township. The house and driving shed were saved by the afforis of the Oakwood and Little Britain fire forees UNSIGNED LETTER RECEIVED The Times was in receipt yester- day of a letter signed "Ratepayer' but which failed to reveal the iden. tity of the writer, It must be pointed out that The Times can not undertake to publish any let. ter unless the name of the writer is disclosed for the private informa. tion of the newspaper Public Meeting A public meeting will be held in the Council Chambers CORNER SIMCOE AND RICHMOND STREETS CON Friday, Aug.22nd AT 8 P.M. To discuss the two By-laws now before the rate J payers ' All citizens interested in the By-law are invited to attend this most important meeting G. T. MORRIS Chairman Property Committee T. B. MITCHELL Mayor By-Laws regulating the duties and | | | | NORTH-WEST WARD RATEPAYERS ARE AGAINST BYLAWS Meeting of Ward Association Last Night Condemns Expenditure On Civic Buildings A resolution opposing the passing of the bylaws for the construction of $153,000 worth of municipal buildings, which will he presented to the ratepayers on August 25th, at & mesting of the Ratepayers' Association of the North-West ward last night, Aldermen Peter McDonald, Cam- eron and Bulley were present al the meeting, Alderman MeDonald speaking at length against the by laws, and Aldermen Cameron and Bulley supporting it. A discussion of the merits of the hylaws Was heartily undertaken by the meeting, and the resolution opposing the pro- Jeet was passed practically unani. mously The meeting recommended that hy way of relieving unemployment, the council take up other local improvements, including the con struction of the subway, and the commencement of work on an outs fall wawer, At the commencement of the meeting, president Sidney Carnal) outlined the functions of a ward association, emphasizing the fact that the association should hae broad minded in its outlook on ely. le problems, and consider the hene. fit of the elty at large, as well as that of thelr own particular ward, Monthly meetings will be held by the Ratepayers Association of the north west ward, on the third Wednesday of the month, two days after the regular council meeting on the third Monday of the month, An agenda will be made out for each meeting te acquaint the people better with eivie affairs and the detaily of municipal govern. ment, OSHAWA PYTHIAN SISTER RETURNS FROM CONVENTION Lodge Sessions At Tampa, Florida Mrs, 8. Bohwarts, member of the local lodge, Pythian Sisters, has returned from Tampa, Florida, where she attended the Joint As- sembly of the Supreme lodge, Su- prema Temple Pythian Sisters as a delegate from Ontario Mrs, Schwartz reports that the convention was most successful and that the delegates enjoyed their stay in Tampa and the generous hospitality which was extended to them, An address of welcome on he. half of the Btate of Florida was des livered hy Hon, Doyle E. Carlton, governor, while Mayer D, RB, Mes Kay conveyed the oMolal welcome of the eity to the delegates In addition to the business sea: slonn, the delegates enjoyed sight- weeing tours Including a visit to the famous Ringing Tower, donated to the American people hy the late E W. Bok, Mra, Schwarts states that the Singing Tower Is one of the finest edifices which: she han ave; been privileged to see, The sonven- tion was in session for one week starting August 10 COUNSEL MAKES AN ELOQUENT PLEA IN CASE OF FORGERY Bench Commiends Swanson's Address But Reserves Judgment--Accused Pleads Guilty "One of the ablest and most elos quent pleas I have heard in a long time," was the way Magistrate Wil. lis characterized an address by D, A. J. Swanson, counsel for the de- fence In the case of Peter Parayko, this mening, Parayko. charged with forging a mortgage in favour of the National (irocers, hat Pieudey sollty, and appeared this moming for sen. tenoe, » JR The court gave due cognizance to the argument pregied hy Mr, Swanson, that Parayke, in commits ting the forgery, had no eriminal intent, and no intention of fraud or Injury to the National Grocers" This is as much a orime of society against Parayko, as it la of Para: vko against society," declared counsel, who asked for suspended sentence, Crown Attorney MeGibhbon heaits ated to recommend suspended sentence, and the case was given a further adjournment of one week for sentence, \ a Windsor has refused the gift of an elephant because it would take too much to feed him, 8t, Thomas fared better and hecame famous over a dead elephant.~-Stratford © A Winners in Pictorial History Contest to be Decided Soon Just ten days from now, four Osh. awn people are going to receive an ind 0 windfall when the deci- sions are announced in the Chamber of Commerce Pictorial History eon Lest On Saturday, August 30th, the con. test will close, After 1200 d'elock noon of that day, no more entries vil he received. It is expected that Judging will he completed over the week-end and the four winners, two of whom will receive ten dol. lars in cash, and two more second prizes of five dollars each, will prob. #bly be announced on Monday, Sep- tember first There is still plenty of time, how- ever, for contestants who have not yet sent in their entries to do so, and a heavy last minute flood of photographs is expected, The contest falls into two classes, ~one for pictures taken since the first of January, 1930, and one for photographs taken before that time, preferably ones which have a hear. ng on some phase of the city's his tory, All entries will be judged prim arily with regard to their historical value, and their interest for Ogh- awans of the future who may refer to the Pictorial History of the city which is being compiled by the Chamber of Commerce, First and second prizes of ten dol. lars and five dollars are heing awarded in each division, and are heing paid in cash, Entries should he mailed to the Chamber of Commerce, with the name and address of the sender, the title of the picture, and, if possible, the date on which it was taken, on the back of each photograph, CANADIAN MOTOR MEN AGHAST AT TARIFF CHANGE ' (Continued from Page 1) tion went there that would be 1600 units averaging about $600 each or $000,000 without consider. ing buses or the value of the Chey. rolet engines manufactured here, assembled into Chevrolet cars at Oshawa And shipped to New Zea land, The known figures therefore, of actual production in the Rorder Cities sold to New Zealand last year are $2006558 by Vord and $8) ,- 770000 by Chrysler, a total of #, 438.538, which with the General Mo tors conservative estimates makes approximately $85,500,000 of husiness in 1929 done by the Border Cities plants direct to Wew Zealand last YOR "That business will he wiped out if New Zealand withdraws the British preference" The Butter Trade I'he production of butter in Can ada. has been steadily dechning for VOATS, apparently not because ol prices of butter fat have heen un satisfactory to farmers but because they have preferred to use their en ergies in the cultivation of other farm products rather than in feeding and milking €ows, New Zealand, which is favoured with outdoor pas turage the year around, has practically nothing to sell to this Mrs. S. Schwartz Supreme country but butter and its butter, which has a world. reputation for quality, has found a ready sale in Canada, especially since the King Government extended the Austral jan trade treaty to include New Zea: land, an action which automatically reduced the duty on New Zealand butter to one cent a pound However, under pressure of the farmers and of the political oppon ents, the King Government prior to the general election cancelled the ap plication of the Australian treaty to New Zealand to become effective October Ist, and unless something 1» done by the Bennett Government now in power, to relieve the' situa tien it appears that the Border Cities face a threat of the most. disquiet ng nature Tohn DD, Mansfield, president of the Chrysler Corporation of Americ the Chrysler Corporation of Cana- da, informed of the New Zealand de- cision, said, "I am not surprised, | have been expecting it" He said it meant the diversion of all the Cane adian companies' business with New Zealand to the United States plants, Ford President Concern Wallace R, Campbell, president and treasurer of the Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd, expressed regret and concern over the decision and ask: vd how he could get in touch with Prime Minister R, B, Bennett at once, Last year's business of the Canadian Ford Company with New Zealand amounted to over $52,600,000 "Probibitive," Bays Russell Toronto, Aug. 21,~"It looks pro hibitive," was the terse comment of T, A Russell, president of the Can adian branch of the Willis-Overland Company when interviewed today on New Zealand's action in placing Can adian motor cars on the general tars If list, "New Zealand was one of our hest export murkets, Mr, Russell added He did not wish 10 disclose the ex act figures, "All I know is that we received a cable saying that on ac count ef the action taken some time ago, protecting Canada against New Zealand butter, that the tariff on Canadian made curs had been raised to 75 per cent. 1 understand that the two governments are conferrin by cable over the matter, It is dil ficult to say what will come of it," stated Mr, Russell rar A ---------------------- CANADIAN GARS BARRED FROM N.. (Continued from Page 1) nounced decision of New Zealand to place Canadian motor vehicles and accessories on the general tariff list, Ihe matter, it is understood, how ever, will shortly receive the con sideration' of the government Canada's automobile trade with New Zealand is fairly extensive, and has Leen growing, The exports of Canadian cars to New Zealand dur ing the fiscal year ending March JI last, reached a total of 10,349 with a valuation of $5,500,791. During the same peviod, parts to the value of $441 558 went from Canada to New Zeatand. The value of automobiles exported by Canada to New Zealand during 'the preceding fiscal year was $4,787,504 and parts R68 47) With a view to ascertaining just what weneral tariff it is proposed to apply ta Canada the department of trade and commerce is now com municating with New Zealand, The New Zealand Government has re cently changed its tariff; the general rate on foreign cars being increased from 80° per cent, to S64 per cent up to $1,000 in value and from 42% per cent to 4834 per cent on the re mainder of the value over $1,000 There Is some uncertainty as to whether the old or new general rate is applicable to Canadian exports, Under the former rate which ap Stock Market Prices Marke: Sommary by Onsadian Prem Sorento and Now York Stock Quotations Supplied bv Biggar and Orawford, Alger Building, Oshawe Toronto Stock brag | New York Exchange Low Close 164 HER 10% LL LRM 18% iN i 1H 18 ny 10% 1) LER Stock High Rr, A. Oll 16% Bras, LER TY Cookshutt 18 Oty, Dry, 66% Dis, Sgrm, 0% Gypsum 18% Hr, Wal % Ford ,, Int, Nki, 234 Int, Pet, 18 Imp, Ol 10% Me, Fri, 160% Mt, Pr, Ai Shaw, °° 01% Abana Ajax .. Amulet Rig Mis Ch, Res De, Mana, Faleon, Holl, ,, B88 He, OI: 204 Hy, Gold 48% 'Lk, 8h, 2438 Nrnda, 2078 8h, Grd. 195 fd. Ba, 118 Tk, Hg, 450 1748 Wr. Hr, 180 Close 196% LLL 110% LL) "HH 61% High Low Can, 128 Mr, Pr, 10% Am, Tel, 210% Am, Inter, 83% Anaconda 0% Auto Strop 61% Bendix' «« 31% Beth, Steel 804 Byers AM, 70% Can, Dry 034 Can, Pwo 170% Chrysler .. 28 Col, Gas he Fox Mim 43% Gen, Kler, 104% Gen, Mot, 48 Int, Tel, .. 4% Mt, Ward 00 Nat, Cash 40% Pl, Rd, Coal ! Paramount. Pb. N, Jor, Radio... Nadie Kth, Himmons St, NJ, US. Steel Vanadium Yel, Truck 23% Money 244. per cent, Great Britain is closing 18 more prisons, And this at a time when 2,000,000 are unemployed convino od one that the Rritishers are an 1obeRitob oper Record, Stock Am, Am, J 18 11] 0" 41 an 1) n PEFFEFEEF CHOSEN FRIENDS PRESENT PLAY AND HOLD DANCE Record Attendance at Pres entation of Farce, "Wanted A Wife" Before a record crowd In the Lodge Rooms over Dewland"s store last night the Chosen Friends held mn mosl. successful dance and pro duced a screamingly funny play entitled "Wanted a Wife," The play which was extremely well aeted and which kept the larga audience in Ate of laughter through. out Its presentation was a decided success, The characters ware; ' A bachelop--(leorga Norrish The Widow-=Mrs, Juck Marks Children, Arthur Harmer and Joyen Marks Business (irl ng. Wociaty Girl--Miss May Winters Home Grl--=Mrs, J, Noscos Next Wednesday night tha newly organized ITadies' Band will make ita Arst appearance in the Lodgs rooms when Afteen ladies will pre sent a varied program, The Chosen Iriends' Bofthall team will also pre. sent a drill, The musle for the dance last night was supplied hy the Georgina Orchestra, TWO MORE CASES OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS HERE Eighteen Children Now In Quarantine--Serum Has Been Administered Miss Helen Hunk Two mire cases of infantile alysis since noon yesterday, the total number which have red within the city sinee the hreak began up to 20, and the nun her of existing cases to IR The situation thus 1s approaching the epidemic stage, Tt is considered for statistical purposes, that polio myelitis reaches epidemis propor tions when the cases amount to dng per thousand of population This, in Oshawa's case, would mean 25 or 26 canes A feature of the situation recently however, is that all the latter cases have heen comparatively mild, Ser um has been administered immedi ately upon the reporting of each cane, and has proved its efficiency in checking the progress of the dis ease, Recommendations of the health authorities that childien be kept away from crowded places and con tact with other children to the full est possible extent are reiterated ar hring nee out plied ta Canadian motor cars, the tariff, inclusive of "hody duty" was 20 per cent, for the first $1,800 and on the value over that July 22, however, 15 per cent anount, On rate was ingreased to 2114 per cent up to $1,000 and 1644 on the remain der of the value, if any The whole question of Canada's trade relations with New Zealand, will, it is expected, he canvassed hy the government with a view to the negotiation later of a new direct trade agreement to replace the one which will lapse in October BRITISH M.P.S AMONG VICTIMS (Continued from Page 1) a woman apparently imprisoned in the eahin, The first sign of life was obtained when the coastguard, who were still trying to reach the vessel, saw a man dive off the deck and attempt to awim for the shove The savage sean were too much for him, however, throwing him back repeatedly, Wventually the swimmer gave up the strugale, sank and was seen no move, The yacht after that became a "otal wreck, Today boats from here were searching the sea in the vioinity for any sign of the sur vivors, Thera were at leant six persons, and possibly: more aboard the Tas lander when she broke up. Those on Board London, Eng, Aug, 21.=Confirm- ation that commodore MH. 1, King, member of parliament, was aboard the stricken yacht Islander was oh: tained hy the central affice of the 'Conservative party this afternoon from the Commodore's solicitors The central office fssued the follow: ing statement : "We have heard from Commodore King's solicitors. that he was on hoard the yacht Islander, Hix friends on the yacht, we understand, were Commander Searle, of Rerwick on Tweed. A. R, Rratley, of Dunmow, Essex, and Captain Glagehrook of Rishap, Stortford, Tt is also heliev od that one of Commodore King's daughters was on hoard. Myx, King at present is on a holiday on the Tale of Wight" this ---------- Many candidates who thought they heard the voioa of the people oalling them have now discovered that they wera ventriloquist with. out knowing It=--=Winnipeg Tris buane, | 1600 Men and Women at Present Unemployed in Oshawa City Council Forwarded Figures To Ottawa Last Night For Use Of Employment oJ NINETY TODAY MIR, AGNES HARIIN Of Courtice, formerly of Tyrone, Ontario, who 18 to-day eslehrating her ninetieth hirthday at the homes of her daughter, Mrs, 1, A, J, Bhort at Courties ihe Is In gond health and Is recolving the genernl eons gratulations of her many frends all aver the provines fhe was horn on what Ix known as the Jardine Farm at Tyrome, where she ved most of her life, HIGHWAY FLYING SQUAD KEEPS EYE ON ROADHOUSES Plainclothesmen In Fast Cars Said Patrolling Between Oshawa and Hamilton YRIying squads' are now al work for tha Ontario Provincial Pollee in the roadhouse districts For the past two nights fant cars, each earrying from three tn five plainclothesmen, are reported tn have hean flashing up and down No, 2 Highway, with Oshawa, on the east and Hamilton, on the west, an the houndaries of thelr operas tions Wvery voadhouse within the area, it In sald, has heen hrought under thelr surveillance Retween 0 o'clock Tuesday night and bh o'clock Wediesday morning, one resort of reputedly questionable charaet or was visited no fewer than five times hy one of the cars OMelnldom, last night, would neither confirm nor deny the report od activities of the new antl- road house squads They ara sald to he working on no set schedule The Hmit of their patrols will, it in réported, ha extended wherever and whenever tha occasion de mands Operation of similar sounds wan instituted hy the Provincial Police several years ago when Warder Cities roadhousa rowdyiam was at ith helght, PEDESTRIAN INJURED J, Stainton, 168 Burke street, was knocked down and slightly injured an he stepped off the curb Into the path of a car on King street near MacMillan Drive at noon to: day, The oar was driven hy Mr, Wollan, of Brooklyn, N.Y, and no hlame is attached to the driver, Mr, Rtainton's injuries were treats od by Dr, Wilson, Night base ball, of course, {a an effort to vevive Interest In the sport, hut if a base hall team can't stay awake in the daytime, how are you going to keep it awake at night t=Detroit. News, Pedestrians must stand up for their righta==but not in the middle of the road.--H8ault Daily Star, Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? W 80, your hig opportunity has now arrived. Mr, Reavely, the noted mipture expert, will he at the Genosha Hotel for one day only Saturday, Aug. 23rd and will be pleased to give free examination to any sufferer and to demonstrate hiv famous aps pliance, This appliance will eons tract the opening in 10 to 18 days and has cured cases in from three to six months, This appli ance ix positively demonstrated to you right on your own persen without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it ix the right appliance for you A consultas tion with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing, Don't lot this ops portunity get away fram vou, Re. member the date Service Council Large Number Register AS Employment Office Within Past Three Days At Request of City Coun- cil COUNCIL SUGGESTS PROJECTS FOR RELIEF Want Work On New Sub» way Started Immediately ~Wharfage and Docking Facilities Needed--Mayon Commends Work of Em» ployment Office Hixteen hundred men end women are among the ranks of the unem~ ployed In Oshawa at the present time, acourding to Ngures which ware forwarded to Ottawa last night hy City Clerk, I, 1, Hare, acting upon instructions from the sounelly This total 1s mada up of 1,860 men and 260 women, Following a notice published n The Times hy the eity council, 740 unemployed persons registered ay the local government employment bureau In the past three days, Ovey KOO persons had, registered prave ously thus indicating that thers wre approximately 1,600 men and women unemployed, A few mord reglatered to-day although they were ton late to he included In the figures which have heen sent to th government, vr. The Employment Herviee Counsel meats al Ottawa today when it wi) he ahle to examine the data on u employment from Oshawa and oth op elties throughout the Deminie of over 10,000 population, The council will prepare for the special session of Parliament. which Pree mier Bennett is expected to eall Koon for the purpose of combatting the unemployment problem, Employment Office Busy The government employment afe fice on Hond street west. was Uns doubtedly the husiest spot in the city yesterday as men and women crowded in to register thelr names hefore the lists were completed to he mailed, H, Power, assistant supe erintendent, was in charge of the office and the staff worked hard tn order to cope with the rush, Mayor T. RB, Mitchell in speaking te The Times this morning praised the employment eMee for Its coopera ton w for the eMeient manner In whien it coped with the situation, Want. Subway Niarted That work on the new ON.R, Bubwiy he stated as soon As POR. Able wan requested hy the eity oounell in (ts communication to the government The council pointed out that it was ready to go ahead Immediately and urged that there should he no delay as construction of the subway would provide some measure of relief for the unem« ployed Nuggest. Harbor Works The nead of wharfage and dooks ing facilities at the new harbor win also outlined by the eity eouns ell. These projects must he unders taken in the harhor development program sooner or later and the council pointed out that if they wera started this winter considers able amployment would result, All Classes Register Many trades were presented by the unemployed who have submits ted their names ta the employmens office Married men and single ig neluded while tha majority of women were girls bhetwe Ales of 18 and 25, " the BE -------- OBITUARY © | DEATH OF INFANT YVOGLETON The funeral was held this afters noon of the infant son of Mr, and' Mra, Fogleton, of 150 Olive Avens ue, The ohild was two months old, Death oceurred yesterday avenin at the Oshawa General Wospitals Interment was made in the ft, Gree gory's Cemetery, Fini --,,. In Memoriam ' MILNK-In loving memory of Helen, beloved wife of David Mine, Who passe onan Med away AU Rver remembered \ hy hushand and family, '° (43a) rm 00 Late To TO TRY OUR ROONEY brick bungalow, fursaes and bath, Phone 484, Whithy, DANCING AT SUNSET PAVILION avery Friday night, Admission Ale, (42), PRIMROSE NO, 72, DAUGHTERS and Sone of Bogland Plonie at 2 nm, Saturday, Aug Mease bring baskets, - (ta)