THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL City Treasurer P, A, Blagkburn and Mrs, Blackburn, King Street, are spending a few days In Sarnia, Mrs, Arthuy Trimm, Park Road, Is leproving in health. She is still tinder the care of the doctor, Khe 18 at her daughter's Mis, J, A Marshall, Rochester, N.Y, Mrs, K, Core, nee Mrs, Armas tage has removed from h4 Oshaws Blvd, to 18 Kingston Road, Tor- onto and will be pleased to see any of her old friends, SUMMER SALE Where A Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone BOSEW Miss Rolta Greene, of Ottawa, and Miss Annie Brown, of Londen, Eng, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, V. W, Frohel, Dearhourn Avenue, Mr, and Mrs, George Montgom- ory, Jarvis wsirvest, attended the funeral yesterday, of Mrs, Mont- gagmany'y winter, Mrs, Stewart, North ny, Mr, Thos, J, Boyd, with his wife and daughter, Gladys, and sister-in- Inw, Migs Sharrow, of Ottawa, mot orad' through the city yesterday and stopped for a few hours to enll on an few old friends, Mr, Boyd conduated a jewellery busi ness hare on King Bt. West and thirty-four years ago hs left for Ottawa, where he has since resided Mrs, George Warner of Detroit, aocompinied hy Miss Geraldine Tomblin, arrived in the city on Monday having made the entire trip by motor,. These Indies who have travelled nll over the United States and Canada oxprossed them. salves ax being charmed with the seonery and gay that in all their travels that 'they have never wit. nosed any scenery to equal that of Cape Breton, They expect to spend the next week or two touring the Inland The home of Mrs, Leo Brockman, had Masson Bt, was the scenes of # happy gathering on Monday even ing, Aug. 15th, when about forty whose marriage is to take place shortly, gathered to wish her "Bon "BEAUTY FooD" Health is always beautiful, It gives color to the cheeks and sprightly vim to the movements of the body, Health comes from the right kind of food. "Shredded Wheat with milk is the Health Food supreme--contains all the vitalizing elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form--iron for the blood, calcium for bones and teeth and proteins for building healthy tissue. Delicious with fruits. SHRE DDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT K CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, hagas Travel The King's Highway EXHIBITION SPECIALS August 23rd to September 6th, RETURN FARE-=$8.10 ticles Nahlbion admission ticket and coach from ates Return tickets good terminal inside Exhibition until September Sth, LEAVE OBHAWA Ntandard Tine af 00 am, A080 am, 00 am, NBO am. 0.00 am, 10,80 am, wedally except Sunday. Holidays only, Return conches leave Grounds to connect with awa at Bay at Dundas, 11.80 am, 19,80 pam, 1.80 pm, 2.80 pm, - 8.480 pom, 4.80 5.80 pam, ho.80 pom, 7.80 pm, hRBO pom, 0.080 pm. pm, 010,00 pm, be=Baturday, Sunday and unday only, : direct from Hxhibition regular coaches to Oshs Regular conchos leave Bay at Dundas dally except pity Bo 6.80 am, and ly at 7.80 am. and avery on the halt hour until 10.80 Age on 6.80 pan, and 8,80 pan, days Saturday, Sunday only 6.80 pon, and 8.80 pan. Standard Time, I -------- Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA girl friends of Miss Betty Melntyre, Voyage' on the sea of matrimony and present her with a mince) Iansous shower, The drawing room looked very pretty with its pink and white streamers attached to a daintily decorated basket filed to the brim with handsome and beautiful gifts, Miss Mcintyre, although taken by surprise, thanked her young friends in her usus charming man- ner, Vollowing the presentation =» dainty lunch was served by Mims Kay Wells and assistants and the remainder of the evening was spent in games and music, ---- THE LOCKED HOUKE When we are gone from home some days, | think, Our dresam-selves, our dim coun torparis are thers Yot lingering on the silence; chair by chair At the small table do they eat and drink, The ghost that's 1 with silly humor. ous air ] Banters the ghost that's you to anger's brink; With phantom Isughter does our china clink And moonbeams fondle your Imag ined hair, A shell where sound and color Ving or, dreams, Lonely to all the tides of night, our home, While the moon dances her on | chanted round; It 1s » gull-forsaken beach whose harenasy teams With memory of thelr shadows, a brain where roam The dear dim Images of toueh and sound, w=By Geoffrey Johnson In Bun day Times, (EMM ROM pic KENN Ride on over wall obstacles, win the race, LJ . LJ Oh, dear me, what a thing It Is to be a public character Ld LJ LJ and Poverty has ite whims and shows of taste, an wealth has, LJ . . God help the man whose heart over changes with tha world J . LJ Tt 18 a poor heart that never ve Jolees, and our hearts ars not poor, No! 1] . . Hope In said hy the poet to he the nurse of Young Desire . LJ » Don't eateh people short before they have done speaking . LJ » There are some people | would | rather differ from than agree with. | . LJ . I am not fond of anything orig inal; I don't like It; don't nee the necessity for It, » . . Who that has a heart, evar falls Lo recognise the silent presence of another? . LJ LJ I don't know how it fs exactly, but the law seems to put things up in price, . . » A Ag for time, sir! Use him well and he's a hearty fellow, and noorns to have you at a disadvan tage, Boy Scout Activities SCOUT EDITORIAL The recent epidemic in Oshawa brings to the minds of all Seouts | tha tenth Scout law During the time of the epidemic and indeed, at all times, boys should be very enreful to wash thelr hands frequently with soap and water, make ing u special point of doing so be fore meals, Doctors will tell you that most in foctious diseases are caught through | direct contact with the person garry: ing the disease or by touching some article recently handled or hreathed upon by them The germs thus picked up are more often than not, carried into the system through the mouth after food has been handled or the hands put directly in the mouth, Many of the infectious diseases could he avoided if everybody would be particular not to handle anything which they are about to eat, or put their hands to their mouth unless they have taken the precaution of washing them immediately before. The Chief Scout was very wise when he made the tenth Scout law, and hoys would do well to pay special attention to It in these days, and also afterwards, for it may mean the difference between sickness and health, ' Always wash your hands thorough. ly before by (1) Work on A oo Rally in progressing, and a meeting of all committees working on the arrange: ments iv to be held on Wednesday wy u Vegetable om pou a ls Com, Anyone hs in poor health Wen fo hastinie » it. on was ta le Compound dT tried fhe a Liver Pills 1 fied in the package, 1 have taken them every night since snd | can fesl myself improving, I sm so thankful for the good they do me that | have told several women about it. Mn, G. W, Posliff, a63 Huron $., Stratford, Ontario, Lydia E. Pinkham' Veoetahle Gorpount in ' nd have display uwarded for ome handicraft to here will he prizes com handicratt, and there will al sor he different hich the var ons 8 enter in the sports line, 80 practice up your Second Class Fire lighting, and Veletion Fire Lighting, ve have to perforn will Le the pillow fight ing, and relay events which will sll bring points for your troop on the Cup events, so be prepared for any thing und evervihing (2) Troop Leader €G Terrett of the Bth Troop Is on a bicycle hike to Donald, Ontario," whout one hundred miles north, where he is visiting Vx 8. M., 1 Cornish on the Ingleby Fur rs Ww counts ma ure going to a Change hen there Farm On his wa Gulde Camp fie visited the fir! it Fenelon Falls ith Troop Owing to the ui the present time visable nol te have this week Unless au fin the next nieetin sickness prevalent it is thought ad a Troop meeting withreal I he held « thi CEUs, i Fri OF Next week In the me preparing themselves far the rally their various capacities should be mn Aime hoys 100 WHEAT MUFFINS Recipe makes 100: Mix In order given: Wight eggs, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups lnvd or hutter, ¥ cups milk, 14 cups flour, 16 rounded Leaspoons baking powder, salt, sifted together I use this recipe In making ens tire wheat mune and in making bran, grahuem or cornmenl muMns by stibstitutime for half of the white four, half bran, graham or corns mos! "Most beauty wpscialists hold that plenty of sleep in the secret of good looks, says a Columbus pap or, We Imagine when Rip Van Winkle cama back to town avery hody thought it was John Barry more. ---Dotroit News | | known whit fear wis at night | every night he was afraid By Thornton W. Burgess srn-- A seapegracs, do what'er he may, Will often have a winning way. Mother Brown Vor three nights and three days Jim Crow had heen a member of the flock over in the Green Forest, Vor three nights and three days he had tasted the joys of freedom, And now he wis ful to confess that this so-called freedom did not taste as sweet as he liad expected, It would soon he time for the flock to seek u lonesome part of the Green Vorest to go to hed for the night. Jim Crow didn't like to think of it, Never until he had left his home at Parmer Brown's had he Now, All the other Crows were afraid I'm not going to do it" said Jim Crow, talking aloud, us it drew new to the time to seek thelr perches for the night "Whit Is it you are not going to do?" inquired his father, Blacky "P'monot going back to the Green Forest to shiver and shake tonight," declared Jim Crow "What are you going to dot' quired Blacky "I'm going back where I was," de clared Jim Crow, "I'm going buck where T can have plenty to eat with out working hard to get it; where | sleep without worrying, and don't have to fly away [ron every man | see, What is more, I'm going right this minute" Jim Crow was as good as hi In spite of the tuunts of the other Crows, he headed straight for Farmer Brown cornfield, where Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown's Boy were Just making ready to leave for home "My Ko odness exclaimed Farmer Brown's Boy, "What are those Crows making such a fuss about?" He stond for a moment looking across the Green Meadows towards the big flock of Crows, They were cawing excited ly, As he looked, one of the flock separated from the others and head ed straight toward him. The other Crows started in pursuit, then changed their minds, But the lone Crow came straight on L) "ft wonder if that is Jim Crow!" ex claimed Farmer Brown's Boy, "I Le lieve it Is, | helieve the rascal | coming home, He gave the call that he used to use when he wanted Jim Crow to come to him, There was an answering "Caw," and It seemed as if the lone Crow flew faster than ever In uw few minutes he wis so near that Farmer Brown's: Boy recognized hin There was no question but that it wa his lost pet Crow, Straight to him m can where | word rn Ends Piles Quick "fle sufferers can only get quick safe and lasting relief by removing the cause bad circulation of the blood in the lower bowel, Cutting and. external remedies can't do this an internal medicine must. he used, HEM-ROID, tha prescription of Dr, J, B, Leonhardt, a spscialut, sucoeadn, because it relleves thin hlood congestion and strengthens the affacted parts, HEM-ROID in nold by druggists everywhere, and han such a wonderful record of success right In this eity that Jury and Lovell Ltd, says to avery Pile sufferer, try HEM-ROID at my rink It must end all Plie agony or you got your money back, ama a i RS condition - Bargains in Good USED CARS One Whippet Six Sedan, late model,' beautiful 1928 Model A Ford coach----looks like a new car 1928 Chev, Coach==in first class condition 1927 Chev. Sedan--~completely overhauled 4 Ford Coupes--=from $40 up Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company, Limited Oshawa 138 King St. W, Phone 1160 flew the black bird and alighted on his right shoulder, Such a Jubbering as there was then! Jim Crow, with his bill close to the right ear of Var mer Brown's Boy, jabhered Crow talk as fast as his tongue could go, Yes, sir, he did so. Now and then he would give Farmer Brown's Boy ear a gen tle tweak "What's the matter with you, vou black seamp?" eried Varier Brown's Boy, "Whit are you making such a fuss about 7 One would think you had heen rescued from something, You could have come home any time you wanted to, Beside, you needn't hive gone in the first place) To all this, Jim Crow replied with Craw talk, not one word of which could Farmer Brown's Boy under stand Sut then, it wasn't necessary to understand the words, Jim Crow' netlons were quite us easly unde stood as any words and It was very clear, indeed, that Jim Crow was lighted to be at home once more up the Long Lane he rode on Vu mer Brown's Boy's shoulder, . and ueross the doorvard to the hack door There stood Mother own. "So that nuisance is back, Is he Wa RR HR A PA SR alr de | she exclaimed for good" Varmer lrown's ly mean that, He down in her heart see Jim Crow hack Boy grinned knew that Mother Brown didn't real knew that right she glad to k again, "I hoped he had gone Wis (Copyright, 1930, 1, W, Burgess,) He Hushand-1 say, Joan, why or earth must you feed every tramjg that comes to the door? | didn't know yon were so generous, Wife=You've no ides what joy 1. 18 to set 4 man eat a mes without finding fault with the cook ing Aad. asad, MANGAL Twoluamey - OMINION TO PERSONAL @® SERVICE And Where ALITY" ", Nurses know nouns, 2i0ns. a. SX i Bring rr diy ohne CARAS verte Sena aN "Rep Rose Tea En fo an hr ell LOWER PRICES Arc Maintained-- But Not at the Sacrifice of Quality "TASTY" Natinfy delicious "Tasty" Bread. 1 keenest, and Is full of nutriment which helps to make healthy ehlldeen, BREAD The Children's Seaff of Life 2 IT'S WRAPPED WHY PAY MORE? the ohildren's happy appetite with will satisfy the Nationally Known Items of Unquestionable Quality BROOKFIELD CHEESE fa 19e KARAVAN ATONELESS DAT FELE-NAPHTHA SOA AYLMER TOMATO CAT up 2 xan, 35¢ 3 vw 200 ROTTLE 19¢ SKINLESS BREAKFAST SPINACH VELMONTE IRRADIATED MUFFETS 2 ro 230 KNOX MPARKLING GELATINE - ™™ Values That Really Lead Navy Tollet CROWN OR BEEWIVE LN, TIN PAPER 3... 19: MLB, TIN corn SYRUP 2 = 29¢ 33 TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST revs COCOA i 1 SPECIALLY ROARTED AND GROUND SAVE THE WRAPPERS COFFEE Reid 190 29: contort SOAP 10 45 Goon QUALITY New PE AS NO, 2 TIN A BORATED TOILET SOAP Infant's Delight SOAP PER CARE 3 For 25: 6 Mayfield Brand BACON The Finest Lrand of Breakfast Bacon, Made from the best grade of Govern. ment-inspected Canadian Hogs Just try Mee You wilt be pleased, Machine « sliced for your convenience, TILLIE THE TOILER--The Handy Man Hi | br) --., so GONE: WHY QoulL.DN : A ME UP To BFK Ravin Ror 1 i [HERE THAT AT aK NE [Sas Boss - Do You NS \F \ My \ON RIGHT DON'T ow A rol SY i A 0 i O (1% 1) eC