PACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 TEXTILES -- PARTS AND SERVICE DECIDE SUPREMACY TONIGHT 6.30 Art. Rodgers and Teammates Play Sensational Softball to Blank P.and S. Textiles Give One of Best Exhibitions Ever Given, Of How Softball Can be Played -- Rodgers Al lows Only One Hit and One Walk -- Neither of Two Parts and Service Players to get on Bases, Are Able to Reach Third w=Score is 7-0 -- Textiles Have Only One Scratch Error Sensational Catches of Rival Centre. fielders and Textiles In. fielders Feature Game Did they make np fur Monday's game? Ask me! It hag heen sald hatore that the exhibition given by the Textiles intermédinie softhall team was not very ood, It wasn't even that good, It was terrible, But that was on Monday, Last night at the Motor City Stadium before a crowd which was larger hy an even half dogen, the Textiles put np ahs solutely the smartest display of soft. hall which has ever been pul by any softhall team In the cty of Oshawa, at any time, By their performance Set - SR and Tie Series they defeated the smart Paris and Werviee team by n score of 7 to 0 and this evened np rhe series, The sidden-denth game to decide the championship will be played ni the Stadium tamorrow night, There may have heen hoelteyr softs ball games but there never has heen n hetier display given hy any one team than that given hy the Plush Men last night, Home people ¢ldtm that they played "over the heads" hut even if they did, they hind thet» heads pretty high, Too great » height for the 1, aud 8, team tu u tain, last night, Hensational Mofthall Wonderful pitching, thrilling hits ting and sparkling catches ull con. tributed to the glory of thelr vie. tory, Creamer, Bradd, and Hols wll made some smart catches Young took the Hmelight with nie headlong dive Into space, (0 spony one of Boyee's line drives, Webster not fully vecovered from his ves cant Injury, took over the mound duties for tha Blue und White and although he hurled a njee game, he wits hit often und most of the hits wera hard, Creamer led the way with threa hits out of four, Hradd and Carver each had two safeties Even though the Textiles grab. hed off ten hits and seven runs, one run would have heen plenty scorer chalked one error ngnin« Parish and this was the only mis play made hy the team throughout the entire game a i GIANTS ~ C.N.E.~ World's G SILVERBROOK CREAMERY SUNNYFIELD SUGAR SALMO NOCKEYE OUR OWN NECTAR ARAN AT © TEA "wo BUY A DOZEN CAKES AT THIN Cornflakes Qu Fronts 1b. 150 Loins 1b. 200 SWIFT'S CIRCLR "§" AMOKED CHOICE CUTH~FOR BOILING 0 FINEAT FLAVOR PEAMEAL BACK BACON wer 370 Hath 35 BACON SQUARES AnckRAck™ 1b. 19 norgh TY hed * * ROASTS PORTERHOUSE .. Lb, 3c BLADE bh. 170 1b, 2%e ool 25 FRESH CONOR Salmon FRESH ATLANTIC AO PWorld's Greatest Food Rerallers Be sure to visit our Booths, Nos, 208.9:10 Building, Wa cordially invite you tg try a cup of our delicious Bohr Colles with eur compliments, GROCERIES PRODUCED IN ONTARIO'S VINEAT CREAMERIF BUTTER 2-59. FINE GRANULATED BROWN OR WHITH EXCEPT REDPATH (TORONTO AND DISTRICE ONLY) GOLD BEAL NO. 14 LOBSTER .\ BLENDED MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP Asparagus Tips WORLD'S FINEST PACKAGE COFFER 1-LA FLAVOR MONTY TIN i i Genuine New MEALS LAMB Picnic Hams Brisket of Beef ». 10- rearest Exhibition in the Pure Food "HEE" 1b, 32¢ 10 ibs. 48: 21% Je No 1 Be ' '29 FLANMTION TO You 4 IA no ib. Je 4 Cakes 1 §e aker 2 Pigs. | §e 43 "- TIN RO! RO AYLMER No 1% FANCY TIN QUALITY LEGS v.28. TENDER AND FULL MEATRD ib. Ze HN ROANTING MAYONNAISE OUR OWN ENCORE BRAND The Queen of Ralad Dreasing Vi OF JAR .... 0 a JAI 12 1oeense WOR JAR " " 128-0x.Jar $2.6 MAGIC "ia 16-02.Tin de FLEISHMAN'S Eat 14 for Health YEAST Cake ge SHIRRIFFY Orange Marmalade No. 2.Jar 33 BABBITT'S JENA Tin §e MARAR IES cou. Jar 2f0r2 5c FRUITS and te list of all native and te ntiractive prices. | p------ wo Sea Herring 1b. 100 ry My vol Fresh fruits and vegetables delivered imported Ti Great Adantic & Pacific Tea Co. -.. LIMITED, OF CANADA VEGETABLES 10 all of our stores, A and vegetables can but | or played perfect ball and this in. eluded some very hard chances which were taken by the members of the infield and hy the centre fielder, And while Art Rodgers was given simost perfect support, he certainly deserved It, He pitched a heanut) ful game, He allowed only one hit, a wingle gathered hy "Wink" Gums. mow In the sixth inning and Gum- mow managed to get to second hase before the Inning was ended, This was the farthest any P and MH runner got towards home plata, in fact, "Doe" Rowden win the only other member of Lhe (eam to gel on, He got the same distance and was given his chances, by a walk In the first Inning, Both these Incidents happened with twd men out and in every other in. ning the team went out, one, (wo and three, Never any mors than four batters faced Rodgers In one inning. Ha had six strikeouts, plenty of control and mixed his de. livery nicely, A truly commend: able performance, A. Parish, the Textiles catcher wits Injured in the foot by a foul tip and continued the game under {#arious handicap, Rowden, the rival backstop, was Also injured hut pluekily continued, One of the features of the game was that Rodgers struck out six batters and Afteen flyed out, An other peculiarity was that "Johnny" Brady made a non-stop-trig around the bases on a bunt, Bradd's bom er and two-hagger proved deciding factors In the Textiles scoring ef- forts It was a great game and Rodgers The | Fivery other plays |, | | | | | {and avery one of his teammates des wrve a great deal of credit, There hould he at least five hundred ipeople at the otor City Stadium tos { morrow night to wee the third, de ding, wsudden-death game he tween Lhese same two teams, Lo de. cide which team will represent Osh. #wa In the Intermediate OAH A playoffs Box KReore ARRHPOAE 140138] i001 200046 Iho 1 P.oand B Gummow, 2h Gray, It Rowden, ¢ Webster, p Hubbell, 1h nn T, Elllott, ss 1000 Hoyee, rf FH 00 Little, of 10065 ah 0 124 Textiles \LRHI'O Hrady, rr f Creamer Young, ss Nradd, on Nodgers, Carver, If Parish, o Morris, ih Haley, 1p rf p DO~DoOod>29_ MM 710276 1 Neore by innings 13840K87RD nnoonoonon Textiles D0000480 7 Riruek out hy Wabster, 2, hy Rodgers, A, walked hy Wehster, 9, hy Rodgers, 1, Two-haggers, Crea mer and Hradd. Homers, Nradd Umpires, Garrow and Dell, Sonpay Cornish Total I", and § [] | Single Sculling Race Postponed on Account Of Rough Water Hamilton AVE, IT Whitecap ped waves dotted Hamilton Hay Inte yesterday an a hrisk east wind | blew over the olty, and eager seul Hing stars waited In vain for a Ist down tht would enable them tn row aver the bay's course in the Rritish Empire Games' Ainglan event, Thousands of spectators found vantage points along the olife on the west side of the hay to walt for hours for a glimpse of Hob Pearce and Joa Wright, hurly principals in the Australia<Canada seulling olasnlo, At 7 o'clock games oMoals announced postponement of the day-late regatta until Thursday morning, a oe New Martin : NOW "Paradise Island" MUBICAL ROMANCE OF THRE SOUTH SHAN COMEDY "STOP THAT NOISE" FOX NEWS The most important news and views of the universe formance fielders of both teams made sitional catches and the ly, and neither one veaches third night was 7 ta 0 for the Textiles the I', and 5, team ¥ Ld there is not at least five li much disappointed ball und the V, and * the game tonight will not be to play # dozen Innings i home run we the that they can play, Humilton admission to these ner meets Hi Hirst I he there should he ' Ld I'u Congratulations to Whithy They wt 13 10 1 title Aces the Heil net hy capturing hey defeuted hall. Tt does win (sha amt Whith iy Jury title, h should have two 0 . ¥ the yo nike I'he Toronto on Oshawa Arabs will pla Baturday afternoon Ale ol played at Faronto, The will likely Art Lower hus embarked the game will not be Park, FetUrn game game | he well kn hoy played Incidentally, ATT Aw Anribs, When he Isn't busy for the Oshawa Aarabs, Morris his chicken the windows as soon as possible the chickens think that it 4s daylig . . Art with windows for The Oshawa Shamrocks lost esterday when they were to | I'he Shamrocks seared in lust session slim lead until the anid the team scored three t earn a two-goal lead for the the Motor City Stadium » home L I'he Robson Leather Co might in the second gan mpan of the nery won the first game right in the game tonight and so capture game will he played at Cowan Campb Game is Close and Hard Fought--Oshawa Sham: rocks Fade Badly in Final Period and Homesters Score Three Times to Earn Two-Goal Lead for Return Game of Group Finals -- Second Game Will be Played at Stad: jum Next Wednesday The Oshawa Shamrocks have & hard fight ahead of them, After leading the league for the entire season and losing only one game, they journeyed to Campballford yesterday to play the firat game of the group playoffs and they were defeated by a noore of d to 1. This means that Camphellford has a two-gonl lead to defend in the wes nond game whieh will be played in Oshawa on Wednesday, : The game was by far the closest which has heen played In the lea: gue thin season, "Pete" Garrison noored the first goal for Oshawa In the fiat period, From then on the you can check that the opposing team is playing smart hall A whitewash 1s something new {ig Stadium tonight to see the third and deciding game, we Textiles can put up the fem can emt finlshed before When both these team mld champlonship games is of their first year in the Oshawa City i" much for Oshawa tewms wi left-handed hurler recelved a grant of several hundred chickens fron performing one Campbellford Wins First Game by Two Gon he defeated bh the I he ines retin game South Ontario pla the } S PORT SNAPSHOT Textiles Even Up Berles There were about three hundred fans ut the Motor City Biadivim lant night and the brand of softball put up by the Textiles deserved an attendance of whout three thousand Rodgers allowed only one wis only one serateh error chalked against the team some members of the Textile infield grabbed off the limelight by their sen amount of territory they covered, perfect When the Parts and Service tem get only two runners on bases It wis certainly a smart pei hit and one walk und there I'he running eatehes but centre smart the bet wll of your next Ihe pity lis Cone L . Sudden Death Game Tonight hundred peopl ut Mote Cit will be brand ol Hie Vet Mimi five orion Hab the Best gun shout three of the dirk hey are pli Foighn win the 211 of round the (A playoft + record erowd on hand tenight a LJ Whithy Tuxis Win Juvenile Title Fusis celebrated sol thaull Teague I'he Whithy [ndustiial Juvenile both lia st sections of chedyle wight to capture the secon shen Whith ertheles | | fein entered next thre » Aarabs Play in Toronto==Not Here the Monuarel ed hu first game with the a8 wis previously annou Oshinwa, hut sunita Park, billed to here tart the alurdn (sl of for the career ol chicken ruining the Liovermmnent of 'the dit hen is WEnyY manages il present trying to suppl hen Is 11 ba will nat be abl | Cong IN Ing tn that Art all the » time hi LJ la fist game ol the grow Camphellford | \ heat th faded badly to win Hh period and in the Rime which will bie next Wednesday Tannery vu, Whithy Tonight Whithy Maple ofl fave meet the Whithy and onth Ontario wre ellford Scores Three Goals in Last Period to Win Ist. Game of Finals 3-1 | | plenty + n teamu battled tooth and nail, Play sirged up and down the fAeld and the defence men of both teams had to do Al the end of the third period the seora wan stil) standing at 1 to 0 Halfway through the last period, tha Osh awa Bhamrocks eracked under the strain, Condition was found lacks ng and the Campbeliford © team finished strong to take full advans tage of thely opportunities "hey neored three times in the last period to win the game hy 8 to 1, Thin deféat puts the Shamrooks hack to the wall and they will have to give thelr very heat tn overcome the two-goal lead Cumphelitord han heen strengthened hy the addl tion of three or four very capable players and they ave out to make A Rallant hd for the honors. "The return game la on Wednesday The Oshawa team lined up na fols lows: Goal, Htokes, Point, Ntephen, cover, W. Luke, centre, Danlels, Luke and G. Luke, centre, Daniels, homes. Nlack, WNovin and J, Cars dinal, outside, Garrixon and Inside, H. Cardinal, subs, H. Luke, Perry and Kunkel Man wants little here helow; wants little and goats a lot, hut usy ally it's In a cemetery, P'iNladel phin Inquirer, CRICKET NOTES Bi, George's were without u lea go engngoment on Katurday, »o they entervinined a team of #6 bull players in a friendly game, captained hy Mr, Karl Cunning- ham This game Is an annual affair and provides quite an Interesting deviation from the usual league game WH, Haworth, the elub's principal hawler, wan loaned to the baseball pluyors to even up the gams, but A, Haley prover the most dans gerons power, Wi, George's battery first put up TH runs, the chief contributor he Ing VV, Larmouth with 48, Haley aid dendly work with the ball fin lshing up with the fing analysis of wickets for 21 Although the baseball hoys were mostly wl son with a evicket bat, they wero right at heme when chas Ing und fielding the leather, and Hny chances the hatemen gave did nol go hegging, There was some smart fielding und some nice utehes mnde When the hasehull hoys went in to hat, they wlgo found Jim Viekup in form with the wall, He upset Haworth's stunts with a besuty, The howling held ' at times ind suffered When u baseball player hit he sure lays on the wood once, the usin! quiet cricket game was digs turhed with # few mild comical re murks from the grandstand, which to make the play Interest 0] runs Interesting und Ineidents It was an for pluyers and and no doubt, the vill seek to turn next spcounter wha WHE i bial) or of nn seamed ng The Innings closed for nite Ome ralhey humorons anjoynhle gnme peutntors alike hardball players the tables gt the Tunt sen of pett rickerers' elu bh heen two mg from the I'hiree weeks Were recently there havi thie ihe wi 1! stolen place w EAI en through two umpires' the WO Last wee tered by breaking 1 win iil other impire PEFRONS passes the wil wish 10 enuse the person or appeal to thelr de Geyer alone, and to full fanning ow! things under those they aril Four English | Boxers Win At Hamilton I'our sami- the boxing Hritlsh Em in hy Eng. Inst night a 10-hout Hamilton, Aug. 21 (iyals lead to ehnmplonghip of the unthered heve Mhat ple were battlers they dominated card of wrestling bout nm onemi final, was won hy the oun ry, hut In the two opening events the Hash grapplers fell before the Kil of Canndinnne Three Canadian fighters appear In the mill-fost failed ta keap with the Dominion'n wrest) cantingent, and nol one wear or of the Maple Leaf canie through to vietary, Noss Galloway of Ht homan, fighting tn the flyswolght divislon, wan outpointed by T Fardos of Kngland in the epening number on the boxing program, nnd Paul Mecteay of Montreal lost on A close decision to F, I, Meach om, kngland in tha 146:-pound class Canada's debacle was coms plete when Teddy Phillips, young brother of Jackie Phillips, the Nominion professional welter welght (tle holder, was oleanly outpointed. hy the erafty Fred Mallin of England, H, M, Tuler, the fourthg Old Country eoterie to wea laurels Inst night, hooked up with Tom Holl of Neotland in the mont ensationnl battle offered the 1,000 fans gathered for the show land's when in Ing pace Walter Hagen is in Line For Another Championship Orion, Mieh, Aung, 21.--Walter Hagen, anestime king of the pro- fessionals, who is without a major Rolf title for the first time in 17 yearn hovame the favorite to win the thirtieth annual western open golf ehamplonship yesterday when he turned in a record-hreaking 87 to lead a field of 142 competitors in the 18-hole qunlitying round over the Indian Wood course, + Hagen and Johnny Pareall, 1528 national open champion, who shot a brilliant 48. produced the only thrills of the poomingly superfluons qualifying round, seoren of which will not afs fect tha tournay proper, First Outside Team to be Admitted to Local City And Industrial Juvenile Softball League, Captures League Title -- Defeat Red Aces 13.11 to Cap- ture Second Half--Game Is Well Played but Better Team Wins Whitby Tuxis have signalized thelr first year as members of the Oshawa juvenile league by carrying off honors in hoth halves of the schedule, and the leagues champion. ship Invited at the beginning of the season to join the lengue, so as Lo fill.up the schedule, the Whithslnns proved that they were more than mare schadule-fillers, and procesd- 6d to edge out Ned Aces and Mi Gregory's, of Oshawn, tha only other entrants. for juveniles cily honors Now the anomalous situation has arisen of a team from outside Osh awa bacoming champions of the city of Oshawa Last night the Tuxis outht com pleted thelr successful quest of the champlonship, when they edged out R two run margin over the Hed Aces In what will he the last juvenile game of the season, Play Ing on'their own grounds, they ran up an early lead, and stood off the nesanlt of the Acos in the dying moments of the game, to emerge BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.O ' ha nos he B07 he 6h3 2 047 Newark 71 468 Buffalo 734 4b) Jersey Cliy 'ee "408 Reading 1171 Rochester Baltimore |. Montrea) Toronto Wednesday's Bcores «+ 0:10 Jersey City , 0.8 Baltimore ,, 11:3 Montreal ,, 2-1 Rochester B11 Newark ,.,.4-8 Only games played, Toronto AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost £3 40 13 417 72 40 LER 1) hh a3 47 I 40 72 4" PC Mb MOK LE h16 HARA JA88 ART 142 Philadelphia ....., Washington ...44. New York ....... Claveland Detroit Bt. Louis Chicago Noten CE RO ERE RREN] thera Wednesday's Neoves Philadelphia 10 Detroit Washington , 14 Bt, Louis Only games played NATIONAL LEAGUW Lioat a7 in ha IL] hi LL) an 18 pc R03 AR Ang H26 Hod A682 4 hE Chicago ..... Now York coaveis Brooklyn .... Bt, Louis Plttaburg Noston Cinelpnati Philadelphia EE EEE EEE] reas 0 Wednesday's Scores Rt, Louls A New York . Cineinnat! 2:2 Brooklyn ..1 Philadelphia , 10 Chicago ,, Pittaburg «.....5 Roston Al Singer Takes on Tough Opposition in Next Two Fights New York, Aug, 21.-Al Singer of New York, lightweight ahampion and Jimmy Meclarin, Vancouver, signed through their managers you. terday for a 10-round nonstitle bout at Yankee Stadium, Sept, 11. They have agreed to meet at 143 pounds, seven pounds above the lightweight limit, Singer also agreed to meet Tony Cansoneri at Madison Square Gare den. Nov, 14, in a bout for the championship, "Aussies" Look Good to Defeat English Cricketers London, Aug. 1.---England will need to make a determined effort to avold a single innings defeat at the hands of Australia in the erloks ot teat match, At the end of play yesterday at the Kennington Oval the neores were: England 408 and 24 for one wicket: Australia 605, L) «1 il veanad Whitby Tuxis Win From Red Aces to Capture the City J uvenile Championship on the long end of a 13-11 score The winners, curiously enovgh were outhit by exactly the same margin, 14 safe huss blows for the Aces, 10 11 by the Tuxls outht Whithy, howsyer, did more in an xtra base way, including a double und a homer for a tolal of 1) huses, The second, third and fourth in nings won the game for the cham plons, In thess threes Innings they found Magill for nine of their alev an hits, and put them together with five led Ace errors {6 manufacture an sven dozen runs, one more than enough to win Lhe game, The only run produced by the winners outside thess three inn Ings cama in the seventh, when Bye clouted the only homer of the tus #1, also his only hit of the game with nohody on base ut the time Culltinan was rushed to the mound In the Afth inning, after Magill hud yielded the tuts) dozen rune, and held the winners dows to twa hits and one run in the las five Innings of the game, His tesm mutes unleashed a georing bee the elghth which brought them within two rung of vietory, but could not produce another punch In the ninth, two putouts being registered while Hhelankoff roosted patiently on third hase walting for #u hit to wend him home Mayne twirled a stond game throughout, tuning five, and walk Ing two Tagill had one strikeout to his credit, und walked two Gulltinan had nsither to his credit nor free passes 10) discredit during the half game worked, Beors hy Med Aces in while irikooyls ha Innings 400 210 140-11 Whithy Tuxis 0454 KOO 10x13 Ned Aven Andigon, 2h; Conp er, sr: Kitchen, ¢.; Peterson, 1h Oke, ih Gay, ef; Armour, If Joyen, "rf.; Magill, p.; Cooke, ef Mkalankoff, of, Gulltinan, p Whithy Tuxis Newman, If Cooke, 8b. Heard, ss: Seott, rf Brown, 1h. Mayne, pi Bye, ¢.: Hollday, ef; Clemens, 2h: Wil If Umpires on, Joynt and Watson, Moe CAREW LumBER (© 74 ATHOLL ST W OSHAWA Tellormade Suits. ...... Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. HOTINH, Manager gi -- Hear Jolson Sing Just as you've always wanted to see hime Happysgoslucky and full of fume BACK TO BLAOKFAOR IN His NEWRST AD BiocRST Success 1 IMAMMY | Scenes in TECHNICOLOR Tonight and Friday Irving Berlin's New Song Hits! AL dro tho ey \ Praag NIvriain nn BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManw SIMME ONE: WHATS IT ALL" oo ABOVT? ONLY TWO HUNDRED OF 'EM WL Z RUINED TAKE BACK YOUR PAPER: TS NOY ENOUGH