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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 PAGE SEVEN domestic work from being carried | are making use of such conveni-|and then through the proper cool- | having spent the first thirteen | plaint, for the abatement of nui | ed, one bas, for a moment, to look | tion to put an end, for sll time, SANITARY HEALTH on without the use of artificial | ences, or also may effect a nuis | ing before being put In the con-| years of my life in it as a school lance; to take very occasionally | back over o few years und realize {to the opprobrium attached 10 d Hght, ance and menace to those resl- | tainer for distribution to the con- | hoy, and then being away from it | samples of water for chemical [an outstanding fuct Over forty | Oshawa and the entailed economies "Wor proper ventilation two dents in the closely adjoining vie- | sumer, This alone is not sufficient | for Lhe next ten years, after which | analysig, to have milk forwarded | vonrs ago, there came into being | loss and Vile wostage, dependent conditions are quite necessary to infty. In the formation or installa- | the constant and regular process | I returned to my home town, as a | for analysis of fat content, total | what was really the first great )on the annual scourge of Typhoid, 4 be fulfilled: tion of an outdoor tollet it has | of the sterilization of all utensils, | graduate medical practitioner, my | solid, specific gravity and guess | concerted local community effort, | Mis was consummated in the (n) There should be sufficient | Peon considered advisable to have | containers, and equipment through | memories of its Public Henlth re- | tioned "robbing of cream", or ad- | namely a clyic movement to gocuve | construction of our Municipal space outside the dwelling to al-| 8 draw box, or bucket, (water | which the milk passes in its pro- | lationships in those earlier days | mixture of water, hut not for bac. | for Oshawa permanent industrial | Weter-Works Plant, the ingtalla- 1)| low for a moderate circulation of tight) which can be easily taken | cess of pasteurization must be |aro very vague, terial contamination, Nor was the | prosperity when the Oshawa Rail- | tion of 'water mains and ua sewer 1 alr, and / Away and proper disposal of the | carried on, My old preceptor in medicine, | PAeterial content of the water [way came into being tem, with the provielon of An ---- (1h) There should be falrly good night soll made without danger of "General repair may be classl-| and the man whom | succooded. given much consideration "Ansuredly this is the axial |#dequate supply of water for hoth (Continued from Tage 3) means for the circulation of air |#orkage and seepago which might | fled In many ways, each one pecu- | ultimately, in practice, Dr. Fran g AL this time we had a haphaz- skeleton the frame-work around | industrial and domestic purposes. vonfences, and with a sink and | throughout the dwelling, more | 108d through the earth's veins to a | liar to itself, In enumerating them | cis Rae, was the then Medical Of. |#'@ system of box drains for {wiih the City of Oshawa has he Nallway sllowed foi sultable srrangements foy dispos-| particularly through the living | Well from whence the domestic (we might start with: ficor of Health, Ho was also a |"t0TM-Waler disposal, but no wal | fater developed has bull up its | growth in body, in size, And wealth Ing of waste water, etc; and rooms and bed rooms, water supply is being furnished, Aa) Back yards---Accumula- | member of the Provincial Board of | "7 WOYks system, nop Munitary Rows 1 civic body, han created that wills] of the City, as an industrial and (4) In good repair; and should | "The importance for health that | thereby contaminating and pollut- | yoy" oe vegatable or animal waste, | Health and its, some time, Chauiy- | ©7%8% and disposal, As 8 fire pro-|ingness to uccept and adopt, new | civic unit, The waterworks and have the drains should bo maintained in | 0% 981d supply, unleveled grounds causing pockets | man. Following his death in May, tection SYHLOm, half a dozen | ideas for community betterment, | sewer systems provided for the (8) A sufficient and satisfactory | proper condition needs no em- "Water supply is one of the | which may rotaln water for a suf-| 1890, the Town of Oshawa drifted sLritogically placed large PMOYBKE | wow quite characteristic of our | health protection of the citizens domestic water supply; phasis, Where defects are found it | Most important if not the most | ficlent time to cause stagnancy, | Placidly along nearly ten. years, Sluornd, kept tilind hy un over poopl themselves, and the promotion of (1) Adequate washing accom-|# necessary to draw this matter | Important problems pertaining to (hb) Roof of house---Looso| without any appointment being ou se from the Bpring aren in "Yeurs later saw a enlmination | industrial prosperity, modation to tho attention of the owner, with | the health of every individual, | shingles or places where = the | made Lo continue the services of jhe 4 igi hig a2 bart of the Town { oe cuol community neceptance, for "In the year 1905, the introduces (8) Adequate facilities for pre- | request that if he desires to have | Namely water, a beverage prepared | shingles have hoon removed by |n Health Officer, og awed Lhe Ire Brignde Lo Make [yo hin" in this case, not as in the | tion into the dozing Town, of An paring and cooking food, and (howe premises continue as places | Py God himself to nourish and in- | tempest, or through decay, Defect-| During that time, the reporting | (0 of the steamer then wmployed | 0 's.ue nentioned for materinl | setive case of Smallpox, together (h) A well ventilated store for | suitable for human habitation it | Yiorate fellow man and woman, | ive, flashing or broken eaves, gut-|of Communicable Diseases rested to pump water for fire protection |. . perity, and, therefore, a much | With the general ~*~ excitement food, will bo necessary to cause immedi- | the cheapest type, the hest type, of | ters, or rainwater drainage de-"| ulmont entirely with the family Purnohen. . mare eltruistie determinativg, | caused therehy, led to serious con "Touching on (he subjects an | dle repairs or reconstruction, beverage, and the one most used | fective or broken. physician and then as Lo whether No streets wera paved. An in: | yp, an aroused civic consciences | Fideration of filling the vacant indicated above, dampnoss is a "Aw regards Sanitary Conveni.| throughout the world, To say that (e) Walls--Detective pointing [or not he had heen called in to ate Hittovent type iy Macadam on the and an understanding as to the | position of Medica) Officer of quite frequent and rather serious | ences, every house should, where |® community needs this import- fn the masonary allowing damp- | lend on such cases of illness, Diph ve na " FouCA. Servet for trang gpecial needs for community health | Health Perhaps, because 1 haps dofect, and menace In an unfit practicable' have separate closet | Ant beverage to be held under nes to strike through, defective | theria, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox and Jory m purposes, The other gg he esponsibitities attached | pened to ba the Medical Practi- house, An important matter to be | Accommodation, and it 1s desirable | ¢J0s6 observation by persistent | oxternal plaster, or rough cust | Measles, it wevers in type, were Jit) 4 wero. dint roads, With very | neva' cave rise to a determing (Continued on Page 8) considored is whether the damp [Where a tufficlent supply of water | Bacteriological Analyses for thy peeling off in patches thereby ul- | about the only important report. jut ug 1 ant, metal" biased Upon 4 news is of n progrossive kind, | 1 available, and satisfactory | ¥afety of its citizens requires no lowing dnmpnens. Defective ar Ings. of Communicable Dheri thom; wooden sidewalks held al. | emssmmasmas ams --_-- BBE Ai Dampness of walls and floors, due | moans of drainage, to some proper emphasis, nal plastering badly cracked and | Which came to the attention of the fui univer RWRY, Shon! Meth * to mofsture rising from the ground | disposal haw been provided for to| "Where there is a piped supply | patches having fallon off, dirty or | Town Clork. The lesser Com. pn Just Som ncing i bo owing to the absence of a damp- [#00 that the modern type of water | with a storage tank on the prom- |loose wall paper ? municable Diseases wern accepted i 4: » Finis Inditteront electtis ' ' proof course of subsoil drainage, | closet be installed and made use |ises, danger to health not infre- d Cell : . by the citizens, if not as providen . i tf sting system Was in np DO YOU NEED SOME MONEY or coming through from ground |of quently arises from luck of caro], a i ay wPlaste: hadly tinl dispensations, as matters of a on 40d ie Ii Lareciany homey banking against the walls, must be "In the matter of the outdoor |in protecting and in cleansing the gracke & Joos. alls off in patch bumdrum course. Typhold: Feve hans of 3 Bouso-Jighting installa regarded as serious, Porous walls | tollet or privy, great care should | tank, The provision of a tap on | (0) did Jofgen With fiite was considered to be wlmost a fore. Sag igh iy etic Jones We will loan you money on your car, reduce your pres are another cause of serious damp- | he taken and exercised in each case | the supply lige or pipe, ao that! on thin to be ufo, iti shed of ordained annual event installation vonnested = with cis ent payments and give you additional cash, 12 months ar is quite essential that lv on Y urs tat condition da puer 10 onuing Pirposse pips lo be very difficult to keep clean, "But real health-information | terns and wells for water-sipply to pay hack A confidential service Phone 2790 for ing rooms should not ho so dark [reach such a state as to be detri- | line and under mo circumstances qefestive ehimpey, or _ defective | Was Lien dust eomiveueiog, te her Plrjosca and with jeachiing com. appointment, Open evenings till 9 p,m in ordinary daylight as to hinder | mental to the health of those who | from the cistern of supply tank, is Jive. 10 8 tarough paniiloms or sti. sshora) y Ju weed, ud Jui 9 savage Abowt pu) : on nes TL ---- undoublealy the safer and better oH Stairs Broken treads or | spection of school-grounds a4 Foi seoking an. explanation and R Motor Loans and Discounts risers, or hroken handrails or bal. | school-buildings, hack-yards, | understanding of the values of 1 i oli tataty rons of 4 nets usters. Want of hand rail or hal. | Junk-yards, stables wells, out-| community action, go far as th oom 6 14%, King Street East ® Water supply is taken | uster. Lack of ease In come and | door privies; to inspect on coms | citizens of Oshawa were concerns from a lake or river is through | go Improper height of riser and filtration and chlorination, the | widt later boing the real means or - Td: voitod or de | pivot of safety, cayed woodwork such as sash, | ars v aro iat Watley which ds ot frames, otc, Broken window glass ao - L nee more particular | broken out putty | Ouuvisoliny tha Cuaandt Huis x ly whove a well is the source of (h) Doors--Swollen or warped | NEW FIREPROOF | HOTEL supply is that great care should | so that they will not shut proper- ,| be taken in the prevention of any | ly; broken hinges, ete AN ENSEMBLE OF LUXURY ' A sub-poll-drainage which might (1) Fluss--Dofective chimney wer AND COMFORT awe cause contamination sufficient to | stopped flue, etc, nw create an epidemic of typhoid, | Heating: --- / SHOWERS AND BATHS i" The well should be proteced from (1)~--~S8toves or ranges--Troken 1): RATES AMERICAN PLAN ' all such drainage, and also from | badly set, or wanting setting: f £ si Eom ob ht any possible source of seepage | ovens, boilers, or hot plates crack ' BOUBLEF wa. gy Jen or stagnant pools, | od; fire-bars missing | 4 MJ . (k) » SPECIALWEEKLY RATES Furnaces--Inndequate, un- JROPEAN PLAN IF DESIRED [18 "Mille wots. Tons ou surely ap 1 And Judiy tustuies 2 A : } ORT "" yntioned defects A EUROPEAN PLA LE | Ine Water supply is of iif are ae aoe Joantioned dolects EX oY ub i FoARAGE CONNECTIONS. iat to 8 mai, and ro- | owner of the property at u t(me | nly ~~ : y a _|"~, x 3 : = % 3 SS LF Ee he he he , guidance of its destine ot the When they could he repaired at - ; SURF BATHING drat from hotel animal which produces it fo (he | months meri: Whercas, by a few | : For memos are not needed when you shop scientifically at Loblaw's. FETT RLM LINGER 26 Individual who consumes it, Tho | serious unfitness, he TAY pi | You will not miss a single item as you wend your way from section (RUSE EHETTOI ou J: iis ots dure mitk suphly | expensive to remedy, and quite | " to section skilfully selecting the family's grocery requirements. Ye Ye NZ : tion, at the proper degree ins Youn are permitted a ach wish | It does not matter which one of our ninety-eight Groceterias you unfit for human habitation, and happen to shop in--you will always find the products listed in the a, come condemned | same order and occupying practically the same shelves, thus giving SteliPants TeaairoaY rsvar, and: the you the magimum convenience while shopping. premises '] ) Some types of nuisance These Specials on Sale for Week of August 21st to 27th. | Drains-- Detective or unven. | tilated; choked or stopped: sur. | face traps | d ", ) : Antiseptic, detective' Hanan y dtu, gi stable Catelll's SPECIAL--~LOBLAW'S RICH FRUIT AND NUT 2 8° ne tive; manhole without suitable | Eggweat POLIFLOR cover; fresh ir le y rbd et Big Fars alr Minty or sid NOODLES ib. WAX Water closnis Ap \ y or i ihn yas Toul Phy. 9c This Delicious Cake is Baked Right in Our Most Modern, Sanitary Bake Tin 53c | ventilation; flushing apparatus de shop, of Pure and Wholesome Ingredients "'ective; no flushing apparatus sprasent; no water supply for flush ling purposes; walls, coiling, or SPECIAL--DOMESTIC floors, or seat dirty; water supply drawn from drinking water ch White Swan tern; insufficient or uBsyitable | TOILET water-closet accommodation TISSUE Fixtures---~8ink, bath, or hasin Sntravped or unventilated, defec- | Drolls 21c MAKES LIGHTER 1 1b. 1 fc Water supply-=Nn supply for an to ydrinking or domestic purposes; | BETTER PASTRY Ca n connected with water-closet sup- | ply; cistern supply; cistern in dirty condition; cistern in ulsuitahle The Perfect See Our Window Displays This Week Featuring Nature's Food 2) {] Wir ~ Position, or not accessible for og i MN a Defective or unven "i by PRIDE « AR ABIA Steel COFFEE RED RIVER i yl! y Tn, tilated; ventilating pipe too low BT 11 Jim, Jp i Hii ™ or near windows ] The Disti ished Coffee, In that 1 > g& dy h I J ! ii! m "One could go on enumerating | 2ve] 5c Fain ae ie ihe 41d. [|] ig 49° Phy: ! 24c I Mia h Hl", the very many different posi and spoken of by thousands. Tin -_ |! nl HE AEE tions and undertakings that are | UYING anew radios like buying a new car (iff I | i | if | expacted of the Sanitary Inspector, | Tn ea a a ps SR awso EGYPTIAN BLEND TEA first choose the maker vithe proven past per« i! | I | fA iit! il! | as possible for him to use in the LIBBY'S There is a decided flavor in this exe V7 ib. Cc Va ib. ¢ Black Flag Jormance, You know that maker has turned il Ht ! meeting: and studying of human | Homemade ceptional TEA that has made it a Eh 23 fa 45 Insecticide il if! | natura from the different classes | PICKLES household favorite since its hee n n Used in your sums i LL] that is new and practical in radio, and as a | losing tom per lt result of the most painstaking research and . i ! pothing sclinitely goed can he ar. | VISIT THE LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO.'S BOOTHS AND PROCURE thousands of tests ni as perfected a Q [fed at in the bettering of the A MOST REFRESHING CUP OF EGYPTIAN BLEND TEA OR PRIDE 0 ver that wi ve you the test " onso . vatistastion--true piu ll on Fy to Brunswick Radio, Medel 15 of oh Big foun For Soiled and OF ARABIA'COPPEE come Mh str to be of interest and usefulness to Stained Hand a 2 This perfected radio is backed by an organi. (lh sted) fhole Beubers of the Assocation _y hitkivod SPECIAL--FOR ALL FINE LAUNDERING~USE zation that has dovoted years and years to sound | tion, T shall have been thankful LATHER-0 SMALL (A LARGE A reproduction and entertainment--Brunswick to have had the same prepared. 2 Cahas 25 PACKAGE PACKAGE and Warner Bros. (First National Pictures). Dr, McKay's Papor c This t institution knows how to please ita r esiane ow Retrospect | ure a good supply o at this price and save great institution knows how to p superbly gned lowboy Sec d supply of LUX at this price and k | Though a native of Oshawa, and public} a aowe tia dhe publio must be cabinet of specially seasoned and ry 4 ativerol utighe, nu ------------ That is why all the resources of this jelected Gust ig igicdly - a -- SPECIAL--NESTLE'S Grane juice--Welsh's National 32¢ | SPECIAL~SOVEREIGN vast organization have been thrown into c.ned sloping front corer panels a0 ATTA A a] Eva od ; making as nearly a perfect radio as itis possibl porat Lunch Rolls--I ial, 15 sheets Fancy Sockeye to prouce--anit Ap a reasonable price, od carve fico: ond srelcher. Net tla Bt ie ity ue Roll. A Mpa an 3 Rolls 10c y Wo leave it to younow--just goto a Brunswick tings matched throughout. Heri- ' ) M I L K Sanitary Drinking Cupa---Dixle & ALMON doled PEA out ee zontal Tuning Scale placed for {in season' Brand... Package 9c uce Brunswick Records with erystal- ning convenience. Serviettes--High Park Brand, 50 12¢ re {+ ont at A : red {WL el A bi a I TALL Q@] goa elams...... Packie (HALVES) [J hows setting! Your be enthusiastic about it $1 98.00 Chou APH a EE TINS ben vy Punch-Haly '93, TINS or years to come : : . . tok IIIT 30 huh names Orangeade or Disbuters for Ontoie: : fit) Mim ol esi Used Aboard the R100 Kkovah ~2 Tine Ideal for Hot Weather Meals BENNET & ELLIOTT LTD. ; ttle, TORONTO Gili Lal aveste, |W SPECIAL--CALIFORNIA SLICED Plan . red | | : out something you can depend upon... even if it is radically new or different. i Brunswick has experimented with everything Ui if if of individuals with which he! tha, comes In contact, ax for fniétance, | tion--Try a eup of this satisfying Today. fiedom fd ec one h or ( 0 18 es. ~ n one Jwing his temper, am 1 Ju" 24C BW WHILE AT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION IN TORONTO, i 2Te'ste be Delicious Alone or with Jelly and Whipped Cream : Tene « Control | in [On nN 1 Hotel x g a. Tot e nest Hotels A Usa ; a laws he IR deiines on » 1 tunes the receiver exact tone to wok or 8 weoke J ' ' and ly, please any ear is nt AG PEA jrasisely ul all opera BRUNSWICK RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED assured for every OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN : , ol PAW ae ng onder Subsidiary of Warner Bro. Pictures Incorporated Da v, Nar. 4. C. ANDREWS, Poss . RR »-

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