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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 SANITARY HEALTH INSPECTORS HEAR FINE ADDRESSES (Continued trom Page Yioner guilty of having that active case of Smallpox, on my list of patients, or, because 1, then, was the Junior Medical Practitioner ih the Town, 1 was solecied for the appointment, at what was then considered the rather large salary of one hundred dollars per ane num, "With the cessation nf the and a return of our people to ol dinary routine mundane occur vences, in 1018, thera developed among us eltizens of Oshawn A health-wisdom, which brought into heing en effagement, of our old fashioned and inadequaie methods nf handling Public Health uffatry, along with ap adoption of those principles of action, now go gener ally necepted as being underlying foundation for modern Public Health activities "Phe far-sightedness and idea! fsm of the then constituted Board of Health, served as a sheet an chor to steady the Lorm-tossed harque of 'ublie Health, On A basis was ultimately built up ou present, community-wide under standing of modern health work 1) War and that capltance, ngreeably wonderful we. hy our eitigsus, of a pro gramme of Vreveutive ang Pro toetive Health measyres "Insistenes on proper pasiteuris thon of all milk and milk pro. ducts offered for sale, for hymen constimption, in the City of Osh- awa, secompanied hy an endeavour {to obtain, as rapidly ns possible, | Tuberenlin Testing of all mileh cattle herds and elimination of ve petovs, together with sysiematl and thorough inspection of cattle for slaughter, and meat supplies, fresh vegetables and other foud stufte, in order to protect the con suming public, are the, in my mind, next most anportant wand noteworthy vesults which we have obtained in ony Pablle Health work VAL about the same time as this general up-stiveing which was takes ing place in our Town, our Board of Edueation had taken action in uw tentative way, for the health projection of sehool-going ¢hild- ren Pram an oxperiment, this passed rapidly Into a permanent ervice, and in January, 1020, a permanent full-time Public Behool Nupse, seting under the Board of Education, was appointed YAL the same time, the Local Pourd of Health appointed Is first Public Health Nurse, a full-time { Eppointment Tho Bihool Nursing programme | extended rapidly and grew so fast {that two Hehool Nurses soon he | came HOeCBRSAT Iwo part-time meen ------ SRR *ALL-CANADA YEAR" CANADIAN OPENS NATIONAL . FRIDAY Impressive Opening Ceremonies for "All-Canada Year" RDWARD WENTWORTH BEATTY B.A. K.C,, LL.,D Chairman and President Canadian Pacific Railway Company to officially inaugurate Fifty-Second consecutive Canadian National Exhibition ALL.CANADA PERMANENT FORCE BAND Capt: Charles O'Neil, Mus, Doc, 22nd Regt, Quebee Citadel, conducting Seventy-sia talented (nstrumentalists, reer slishments, in dally concerts, t military estal Pepe, of Militia and Defense.) recruited fram Canada's pers (By permission, Hertle, Gatterdam, Ravior, mary sh national ar in FIFTH MARATHON SWIM WOMEN'S RACE==10 MILES Riley, Benoit, Ruth Tower Corson, and Tianie struggle for world champions ship end barns, Automotive Building, 12 noon, Friday, Aug. 38, "LES VOYAGEURS" ress re-created [n lavish a vious grandstand presentations, Seats now on Reserved, §1.00, Boxes, $1.50, C 's yg pr departure from all prev ho sng HA admission, 25¢; 2,000-VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS All-( Fork Bormann i Coliseum, Tenth season, br. 1 A ( in ed av Aug 2 a Floor, 5c; Boxes, §1,00, : See All the New Cars and Accessories \ in the World's Largest Automotive Building AGRICULTURE IN ALL BRANCHES "Displays, Competitions, with $125,000 Prize List U stacle, Distinet F.R.C.0, conducting, Parce Band) Opening General admission, 25¢; PROFESSIONAL TEAM RELAY RACE ie Ray, Sala, Newton, Gavemsd, and World's Graaen 0 merustioanl Wmttnevent "SATURDAY, August 23 GRANDSTAND TRACK ~ 2.30 p,m. por épled og ov hg bo y Contert Y and Pageand pers Mavi chegue or ! Jermancas, money over atin 71 3 SERRSEE Ah SAM HARRIS, General Manager pehool Dentists, later inereased in number to three, took up amploy: went under the Board of Viduus tian, Vive years ako, for vousons, as well As lo secure greater co-ordinated effori, the wervice provided hy the Board of Education was handed over Lo the Local Bourd of Hewlth, and wan absorbed, Into the programme of effort heing carried out hy the Local Board of Heaslth, s Our service has now, in the fen YEArK' Lime, Krown (ommensuralg: iy with the development of the City, and hun reached such dimen sons that it now requires to carry on ie work, an staff of eighteen parsons, namely, Medical Ofticar of Wealth, assistant -Socretary of the Local Board of Health and danitury and Plumbing Inspector, Offices Clerk and Btenographer; Public Heulth Nurse Bupsryisor five Junior Assistant Public Health Nurses; (each of thess heing In charge of one of the five districts: into which the eity Is divided); (ive, (part timer, Pub lie Health Dentists; two Medical Inspectors for Schools and Clinies; a Veterinary and ood Inspector; {a Laboratory Director In 1928 tha City Counel! still further understanding the needs of the City, appointed, as permanent official a Nelier Of fleer and Bocinl Wellure Investign tor, a lady who had had special training in Weltare Work In our work, the physicians of the City are interlocked, hy boing chosen as deputies to act where trestment of all cases of Com munieable Disoase is considered, and in caring for all eases of in digent medical attendance, foy sek persops, not confined in Hos pitals, Care of all such persons {harboured In Institutions 1s of course, as provided for logally, the function of the Institution In whieh the patient is domiciled "Parmit aconomis fu me In Instance Al A concrete example of the value of | Public Health Service, when ap plied in ita hest way, for tha hene fit of A community Ihe resulta that have accrued tn Oshawa through a special stude of the problems associated witlr the care the supervision, and the control nf the two Important diseases, Diph therin, and Rearlet Vever. Wa hava | very definitely convinced ourselves that thera has heen a reduction In tha morbidity of both (hess ais onsen, of nearly H0 per cént. navel the proportionate number ol casey per tolpl population, as was pre Kanied, with the commencement on our Public Health Nursing pro grammes of work in 1080, That in Lhat, where we had 100 cares of these diseases in 1020 One CEN safely say that AL the presant | date, ten cates Are What we | have Topo ed now I hope this hurried resume nf our activities will hava heen in teresting to vou, | desire tn axtend to you all, the hearty good wishes of the Local Hoard of Health and ith atficiale for the saecors nf Your present meeting HELP YOURSELF hey were dini of the hall "Lave YOURE man The girl made no "Won't vou give led again "Sail no answer "I way, are you deaf | | length I" | | | { | ting in a carne me a kiss pleaded the ep me a kisy he he shouted "Nal" she ralysed snapped, "hut are ou par like the First Cap--"Haw do vou new patrol Wagon ap-"1t'l Second ( do in a pinch ful Cleanliness. cult cleaning task, CHW, WATERS, President, + MADE IN CANADA | stated this morning Fretting about HAY FEVER? Or Bummer JArfuat, A fitop ? ike yg Arlee ore tha » in due, We Yond people y Vever "w who sap it wth pra) . J got relies ms # or your Lyell No ly , Amokes or soruma, 0] rmful or habit-forming drugs, DON HAY HALE®VEn, RAZ-MAH BOWNANVILLE IS SHAKEN BY BLAST (Continued from Page 1) them, Thay rushed into the garAge which was then a sesthing furnace and seeing the teapped man endeays oring 10 aseape, caight him hy the cont which was then & mass of flames and pulled to axtrioats him from his predicament The cont was Lorn from his shoulders and the garage Lwo new cars were ds strayed, and one old car which was outside the garage was Ignited and ruined, The building was com pletely gutted, The Times win Wie able to ascertain whether thers wis any Insurance us the owner 1s oul of town, Lorhe Allin, son of Harry Albin, grocer, who vecently uv: Lely uw resident of Oshawn chased wu new Bantam Austin ear iments for the funeral had (taken It to. the garage uw few Leompleted al the time minutes hefore the explosion oe | press curred and this with W new car owned hy 1, (, Helkey, manager of | the Royal Bank was completely de stroyed wich was ordered hy the coroner, | Inst night, | Whe desd man was well known in Bowmanville and was # prominent | Orangemnn, He bg survived hy hig | wife and two small children and! two brothers, Veter of Bowmane ville and Mervyn who has heen Int | wera not THE ABSENT MINDED PRO | FEBSOR | Ih wie # particularly ab | sent-minded individual, and the boy often had great sport with the pom fellow One day he was (repuring fo set out fur a short Jourie on horsebmel While suddding the hore he was thinking out an intrie lem. Bome hi hon ns he WIONE wily HURRYING nineter Citleens Help Many citizens aealsted Lhe Hire de partment In the handling of the hose and clearing of dahrisg when finding the body hut an large num- her of others hinderad things when they kopt in close proximity and of ten Inthe way of tha men working Nearly two thousund people witnes: sed the thrilling Nght to snye (he hutlding which was of frame, brick and sheet metal eonstrnetion, Vire men and police wre at a loss to find fn canse for the explosion snd while many theories hinve hewn propind fe prob tand hy and watched fdjusted the the fond idle FOR A WHIPPING Furning a corner wt {ull speed a mull boy collided. with the minister "SWhere ure vou running to, my In fle 4 avked the whit) in ministey of going in| BOVRIL AVYPrngs: | DELICIOUS ~ SANDWICHES a eg 10 wip nie PAV at 1" gasped the ier, "An mother bor ust' Ol Ege) whip you, thi v0," shouted the sir, suid one « pitting the foremost,' "replied (he pr tl wre Loo shiarl abbiue Ihe ou're it vine Yung turily wil hho haven't got there le (1 } Wile-«"1 wen ad 11 is Vikely that nothing definite will he known until the Inguast ie hind regained his hreat "Home," pasted the be RA RA Re A. "Ma's gor) lh RRR the lads then attempted to grab the man under (he shoulders but his feet must have been caught and they ware unihle to release him The building hecame so hol tha! the voung mon wera obliged to lave, thelr lives helng sndangeren All hope of saving Gatehall's life WhR then given up The fire departmant Inid on all avaliable hoss and three kleady streams of water weve kept direst ed al the hutlding for over an hour hut the fire practically burned it self out It was noted hy a large number of citizens that the pres sures was not good and tha recent sUERestion of an ext equiliger tank for the waterworks department will Hkel in view of ast nigh!'s | evemin he Lrought up AERIN hy enunet! Find Body About five minutes yam the time nf the explosion the fire wis subdued enough no allow the | workers to search for the hody, Af [ter removing tans of seantling and beams fram the pit in which Cats chell mat his the HEht an the Nira engine was turned to the gaping hole and Gutehall's remaing ware seen, charred almost hevond recognition He wis lay ing on hi the alr Hig logs and arms ware terribly hunt and his hody and head though charad were recogni able by those who knew him Leoroner, Dr, Veron Harcourt storey was called and viewell the hody he fore it was moved It was then placed in an amhulanes and econtey ed In the Morris Undevtaking Uar ours pevENtYy death aireh The Injured Hagoell and William the two Injured men ware In ba progres sing favorahla Challis was hiown Aoroes the street and it Is helisved that he brake his arm hesides re colving lacerations on his arms face and hod Nagnsll was ales badly cut and alter medion] treat ment wan allowed tg pracead to his home on King slreet Other men WhND ware near Ihe seans time escaped unhurt, while nne man who was in a home nearly (we plocke Away was [hrown from Wis chair across the roam hy the farce William {Challis {of the eyplosian The Damage contenia has hean anlimated hy some as ahou! ten thousand dollars hut this 1s considered a vary econ pervative astimate and | |x axpent Lure ASIER because of the unequalled effls ciency of Old Dutch, your cleaning is dene with less time and effort) it is surprising how much a little Old Dutch will doy UICKER because Old Dutch removes all dirt, grease and grime with a quick, clean, smooth sweep. Old Dutch will help you make short order of the diffl- Always keep a can of Old* Dutch handy in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry==this will save you time and many steps and is more economical, ad that it will reach a higher fig Old Dutch Cleanser does all your cleaning BYTER~because Old Dutch doesn't scraich; contains ne grit) protects smooth and beautiful surfaces, Bette because Old Dutch cleans hygienically; takes the invisible impurities with the visible dirt, assuring Health Q. rd sie o> s Uld wry Clegnsel haek with his knees in | The | AL the | The damags tn the huilding and | Renides all the equipment in ito he wrung whey t told vou ahich net" Huhh useful" J You ie ] i hinye ii Arf aim gui Yancy Ped Cohoe. ALMON =~ Serve either hot or we coldefor Salads or Sandwiches. . . " 11bTin SPECIAL + ASSORTED BISCUITS 15. SPECIALS | EXTRA SPECIAL... MARVEL PASTRY FLOUR 24 1b. 79¢ ------ SPECIAL Nature's Best ANGE Choice Quality Tomatoes 25. NUGGET SHOE POLISH ol MANY FLOWERS FLYYOX - ure faa th 10 ingots ed S O A P CHICKEN HADDIE 80¢ 3 cater 19¢ | mikion ou 2 i od --" iT ORIED BI 260 WJ + hair Now Pantend 1400 Lomein ogre r-- Pa fa gr PAREN yA TR LJ CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin 8c "HOT or COLD TODDY od He 3lc BROOKFIELD CHEESE phoiure 19¢ J . SE" rm Pel Menta, " 100 MATT SL, Nd eC Bde KPAST F108 - hw W130 oy owe wept ap ors ARAL ER LEE LE] Fade VoS-- BEET ERERTE] ro SPECIAL SUNGLO BUTTER 2m 61cC CHOICE Orange Marmalade gy 29¢ ON SALE AT THESE PRICES Aug. 22--Avug. 28 WATCH for RED PRICE TAGS | 'HE ORIGINAL SNAP Hand Tin 1 4¢ Cleaner SHIRRIFF'S Marmalade 0 ran . 36¢ 4002. | Good Quality , 4=-STRING Each BROOMS 29.| EATON'S EATS [SPECIAL Fri. and Sat, only | Pea Mealed Rolls Choice Ib. 29¢ SPECIAL Fri. and Sat. only SPRING LAMB Genuine y Hol " Ib 15 c Mn Fore, Qua Whole SPECIAL~ Fri. and Sat, only * | VARIETY Loar| Cooked tod ies J Ib. A SELECTION of choice and quality items of good value. SALAD DRESSING Sia Jom, lw 23 AUEEN OLIVES in Yer Brand. of rte edll 7 1 Powe Luowsow SETS a eR TT BRANSTON PICKLE epi. dvvumin aoe gy PREPARED MUSTARD Yoor's 18 PRUNES a Pull and Meaty '™ 140 (BJ IT 'SPECIAL y SPECIAL--Cholce EATON'S Household Blend TEA 38¢ 1b. Potatoes | orowd 27€C 15 1b. peck Store open all day Wednesday and Saturday i i hE: Picnic Hams Frida , And Saturday Only 52 Simcoe Street North wily rr / A 4 Hom

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