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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 9

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TAL OSHAWA DAILY TIVES, FRIDAY, AUCUST 22, 1930 PAGE NINE JHE CLASSEHE ED S meets ECTION, 4 Lem! CONANT & ANNI ANNIS, BA "Wollcitors, Notaries PubMe, Bie, Conveyancing and general prac dlee of Law, Offices 7% #Blineos A outh, Oshawa, Phone 4, 0. nant, BA, LLB. A VV. An: nis, B.A, LL.D ioe ¥ MN, SINCLAIR K.C, BANK of Commerce Building, + SOURPH V, MANGAN, B.A ~TIATG rister Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of «Mee 14% King ¥t, ast, Oshewa, Phone 445, Residence one #47, , ANTETRON, -- CRE "AND + Vraser, Borristors, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete, Office over ptandard Dank, Eoirance Mimeoe coe Bt, Phone 12, J. V, Griteet, K.C., I. K, Creighton, B.A, N, A¥iduer, B.A, [OUTS 8, HYMAN, DARKIFTER, #olicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money -to-lean. 16 Simoos street porth, Phone 67, Resi dence H474W, GREEN. AND HUMPHREYS BAR- risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim dos Bt. N, Phone $160, Money to Loan, ALEX 0 WALL WA, WARRIH ter, etn, Conveyancing and general ractice, 23% King Bt, East, ont Es (tf) A HILL, BARKISPEN ets, Nun to loan, Alger Bldg, op osite Past Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8, EBBS, BARNS EA, Solleftor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third tioor new Alger Building, opposite Pos. Office. Phone 2000, Medical ------------------------ DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Of- tice hours O a.m. to 8.40 pm, Dr, B. J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, BH, Harper, special attention to child. von's Diseases and Obstetrics, Bun« day and night calls 2416 or 322, DR. MoKAY PHYSICIAN, SUN goon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King #t, Bast, corner Vie toria St, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1168 DR, TXVID ARCHER, M.D, OM I, R. C, P, and 8, Edinburgh, P hye plofan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 143 Bimcoo Bt, N. Phone 3020, residence 40 Cadlling Ave, North, Phone #180. BR. G. W. CARIN, PHYSICIAN, surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2416. DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- sian, Surgeon and Obstetriclan, office and residen:e, |85 Simcoe Street, North phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR, SHIRLEY, VETERTNARTAN Specialist Dispasos Domestic Anim. als, Oat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 610, (0 aug. tt) Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist PRT, BRYANS OF 160 DLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Juev & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treat. ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07. "Eve, Ear, Nose and Throst IY, SON, specialist. Office or Mitehell's Drug Store. Phone 8600 and 432). UU, BTENHOUSE -- OENERAT architectural work, Cecond floor. Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Ten. phone 000J, ; THOMSON AND JOHNEON, AR: soolate architects, Himcoe St 8. Over Fait Bros, Watch Repairing A, Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is solicited, Shoe Repairing 1) aot your shoes fixed like ow E, Menko, corner Simcoe N, Wititam Ww, (July 30-1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion-113 oents per word, Minlmom charge 300. Each subsoquent conssou- tive In 10° per word, Three conasoutive inser tions for thy price ol two first \nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions, 60 cents, poz number 10a additional Professional or Businem Cards, $3.60 per month tor 30 wards or lees; 4 conts 4 word per month for each wdditional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADR CONT LITTLE: AG COMPRISH MUOR TELRPHONE 8 Ask tor Clansttied Ad Department Denia) HAR ation to X-ray Nurse In House A wolt's, Hpeoinl work, Cas extraction, attendance, Phone 909, 1812, Di. WM, COOKE, v WIMCOE oT. north, over Mitchell's Drug Htore. Gas for extraction, Phone b4, Dit. I, I, AUBBELL, DENTIPY, Nitrous oxid oxygen gns for extrac. tions, Office, Toya! Bank Dids. Phone 048, residence 1478M, OW, J. ¥, BROCK, DENTINT, 16 $imeoe Ht, N,, over Dewland's, Phone A Tes, 202W. Evenings )y appointment, Hit LANOMAID, DI. DAVIES, Brats 87 King St. B, special attention to gus extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In attendanse, Phones 1248 und 864, EE 4 pal specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Kye Care and Eye Hirain, Tbe Chita and Its Development, Dis ney Bloek opposite Post Office, "hone 1616, 17-1 mo) Engineering and | Surveying DONTVAN AND BMTTH ONTAR- in Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. eors,-sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 466 or 411 King #8t E Phones 2082) or 2044, Undertaking CURE BURIAL CO. 67 KING NT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 0643 #imcos street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, URHAWA BURYAL CO, M, I. Armstrong & Hon, Propristors. I"uneral and Ambulance Bervine, day apd night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celine, (4tf) (A Auk, Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE. 10 King St. wost, Oshawa, The old. ont Iire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING - INSUTANCE consult RN, N., Johns, 80 Hlmeoe north, Your insurance wauts at. tended to and your loterests pro- tected, Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE. man's, 80 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving sLOrege Ware: house and moving van equipment, hone 832 J x GARTAGE, MOVING, OWAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long dietance buuling, Smith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond bt, West, ONIIAWA'S OLDEST E8TAD lished furniture movers, Park Road oartago, Local and long distance, rank Cowle Prop, 65 Park Rd South, Phone 210, (Aug, 22-1 mo) ll iA FE i ------------------ Beauty Parlors ETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop, Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices 86, $7.60. $10' and $10, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 84 Simooe street north aE TXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham: poo $1. Phone 200%, WATEONE -- DARDER AND Boauty Shop, 9 Celina Ht, We spec: falize In ladies' hair cutting, mare celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 ceuts, Jor apprintments phone 2000, (Aug. 17-1 mo) Radio Service PATTERTES CHARGED 166 with rental $1.00, Pepaired and rebullt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St, Phone 1885W, (July 21-1 mo) OSHAWA TADIO BER VICE=10K- pairs on radios, power packs and oliminators, Tuhdn tosted and supplied, radio. poles for poale,, Batteries charged and repaired. Phone $360J, Charles Wales, 146 Llgin oast, (Aug, 12+1 mo,) OAR OR RADIO DATTERY, called for and delivored, The, Phone 18066), (18Aug.-1 mo) Money to Loan LUANE ON UOOD CMY PROPEL: ty and farms. Apply A. J. Parks hil, 87 King St. Kast, Phone 1614, (July 81st0) iY, wii arrange first mortgage on your residence, If well located, Bradley Bros, over Ward's, Simcoe South, (July 886) DC ------. - Auctioneer | » SULLEY AUC. M6 Simcoe St. §. Pihawa, Ont, {al attention given household furniture sales and Mg stock and Implements. Your Patron. age solicited, Spirella Shop GY STYLE, health, comfort, Personal atten. tion and service, Phone Mra, Blate tor, District Manager, 2180M, (Aug. 28:11 mo) Builders' Bargains Oak Wiooring 60. sq. foot; Walls board 27,60 thousand feet; Ready Glawed Barn Sash 080; Slate Roof fng 3.88; 28 gauge metal roofing 5,66; House paint bbe, qt; Garages $n 'down payment, Asphalt hing log 0.456; Metal gelling 06.40; Sep tio Tank #6 down payment, Write now for Dig Free Sale Catalog. Amazing savings for July and Aug. tioneer, mn ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling o large number of small arcounts of this nature, and collect for same. For thy convenience of cuttomen who find it inconvenient tw come personally to The Times office, » telephone call will bring & messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.8K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS, BAND AND grave! for sale="To fasure prompt delivery, place wders fo Advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdaie Phone 1618, Le Second Hand Dealer - NEW AND WRECOND WAND 1UIC piture bought and sold, 186 Bloor Bt, KE. Phone 1617TM, (July 22-1 mo.) RE a Ke Sl ha Palmist MADAME NENA, PALMIET, 346 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone 3404W, (Aug 4-1 mo.) MADAME BROWN," PALMIBT, Phone appointments S044), 9J Louisa 'rest, (July 26-1 mo) SEE ALLA Pets and Live Stock. POULARY "MEN = di YOUR hoavy breed 1'%-3 Ib, cockerels caponized at 10¢ each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapon. fze, lves Bros, 629 Drew street, (July 26-1 mo.) FON HALEY =A GOOD™ WORK horse, Apply W. J, Trick Co, ltd (42¢) 70 HARRIS (din) LIVE DRCOYR $1.20. Ave, Toronto, Ba Pl A - Persone! WHY BUFFER?T==USE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appl ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Klectro Magnotism In one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century: In many canes where everything olse has falled the Harmony Klectro Magnetic Appliance has brought health, We are not out to soll you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you. Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says is correct, When you are satisfied the Har: mony will help you then It is up to you to use your own Judgment, W. C. Hutcheson, Dominion Hales Manager, 164 Willlam Bt, BE, I'hone 260, Oshawa, (July 26-1 mo.) SRT mn, Money Loaned ON VOUR™AUTOMONT L, ~CANR re-financed, Payments reduced, Additional eash given, Terms roa. sonable, Motor Loans and Dis counts, Bulte 6, 14) King st, L, Phone 2700, Open evenings, (Aug, 16 tf) Painting and Decorating arhanger, Poluting and graining. rloes right, work guarauteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone 3066w or nh tf) Motor Cars TED AT Jominion Garage, 88 Hound streut west, Phone $108, All gars at ous prico $1.00, (Aug, 17-1 mo) To UHRYRLERTR Sodan, In excellent condition Ia overy way, Car hus been nsed only two months, Phone 2700 or apply at room 0, 14 King St, K, Osh awn, (Aug, 18:1'wk) CARE OVERHAUCHED, RIEABON- able, ignition checked, If, Wilson, phone 2013W, betwen 0 to 6p, m, (44h) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD: orn suites including electrlo refrig eration stove, laundry conveni ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (37-11) FOI IK NT--APARTME NT, CEN- tral, 6b rooms, newly decorated, ull conveniences lease or by the month, Nox 746 Times, (163tr) CHEERFUL APAIUIMENT IN business section, uewly decorated, by the wonth or year, Box 747 Times, (163-11) APARTMENT, FURNISHED TON unfurnished, Kvery convenleuce Phone 10060 or 2347W, (str) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAI All conveniences hardwood Hoors Apply lradley bros, (BOLL) FIVE ROOM TRICK NUNGALOW, all convenlences, NDloor Bt, west Apply J, DD, Rutherford, phone His) (abet) FOR RENT--4 ROOMED COT: tage, garage and convenlences, Cheap rent, Apply 218 Albert Kt (du) MOT Hurd» HQUHE FOR RENT, NEAR ors office; AN eonvenlence wood floors throughout, fireplace, sin parlor, Apply 91 Ritson Road North, (Aug. 20-1 mo) FOR RENT==-DERK BPACE first claws offices building, $10 per month Apply Bradley Nros., over W rd' " Rtore (430) FOR ne NT HEPT, 16TH HIX rooms, newly decorated, avery convenlence, bhenutifully situated Apply 19 Colborne Ht, KE. or phone 2479 12d) FOR RENT «= 2 FURNISHED rooms, every convenience for light housekeeping, suitable for young couple, Phone 3338W IN (420) ARVIN" ROOM ED RITCR TOUS All conveniences, #3 Alice street Close to High Hchool and Mots ors, Thirty-five dollars por month Louis Hyman, Barrister, Phone 67. (4320) TO WENT == UPPER DUPLEX, hardwood throughout, all conveni. ences Alexandra Btreot Phone SURV, (44h) APATTMERT, FOUR ROOME, electric refrigerator, wstove, furs nished If dosired, central, Rout free to Heptember first hone 1400 (4c) THREW ROONED™ HOUSE 0 rent at 388 Figin Ht, Kast $10 per month, Apply 70 Eldon Ave, Phone 28071, (480) 170 LET. JOUR ROOMED briek bungalow, furnace and bath, Phone 484, Whithy (420) FHROOM YLAT TO RENT WITH haat, water, light, phone and gars age, Phone 1710J, (440) A TOLTY FURKTEHED COTTAGE on beach, after September [lrat, Cheap, Hox 02 Telephone Howman ville, (dd) FON ENTS FURNTETRD En: room, breakfast If desived, Apply 70 McMillan Drive, Phone 2820W, (440) THITATED rooms, furnished or unturnished,' Convenient for husiness couple, Thone 2035M or call 106 Willlam Kant, (440) 31.3 For Rent TWO TTRNIEINED™ OR™U nighed rooms to rent, hot heating, electric stove, Phono 19141, TOR RERT-=TWO rooms In private home, desired, Also gurage, 1046W WATT" TRITOHT 1 IRONT und menls for business Iadion, "hone 41 HAW, Articles For "Sale AND GW Vin, "BTOND, CTW ders, black losm, $0.69 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Ks sry Dros, 883 rv } NFU water Kurage, (44¢) Broa Board if hone (44¢) "NOON men or (440¢) "J (May 3-1) MIALD HARD AND aCe] WQOUD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288, (Apr, 261) ron BALL --=HEINTZMAN "co Ltd,. planos, new and used pianos, alwo radios, Intest models; terms arranged, Apply ©. Trull, Phone 1666), (hie) FOI WALK = PAINTH, VARN: islien, We have the largest assort: ment of paints, varnishns, ete, In in the elty, The Paint Btore, RO King street west, Apr, r, 26 t1) FOI BAL Jif NEW AND USED bleyeles, wccessories, auto tiren and tubes, alge clean household furniture, Kverything clearing chonp, 104 Kulalle Avo, (AUR, LOW nlmost 1s 1 mo) OVEN, new, (Ain) MOTYAT wil (44h) "CABLE, hone (44h) ALI=000n PIANG AT Alo rank) and some beds bb Ritson Rd, N, (44a "HOODTCONDL #5 cash, Apply Phone S846) FOUR "BU INE In Moffatt gas ntove, Phong 1646M FON BATE ="1 olectrie range, $20, son Hardwire OR ALG APT Harry D EETCTITG Almn wireet Luvgnin complet = v ONE BICYCLE IN tion, Will well for to Ho Broek Kt, 1 A | Le -- Real Estate For Sale FON WALE=NEARY NEW," ONE six roomed brick house, situated In north end worth $4400, to be snorificed for $3000, Small cash payment, balances monthly, Apply | Bradley Bros, over Ward's Store, (43¢) Situations Vacant CYRTATSAR™ MONREY -- KARILY, quickly earned taking orders now for our hoautiful line of Personal Christman Greeting Cards, Sell on aght Regal Art Qo, 410 Hpa- dine Ave Toronto (880) hh F TIVE Wanted to Rent TWO OR REE UNPURNTSHED rooms wanted, Phone 740M (43h) IMREE Or FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms by young couple, with or without garage, State terms, Apply Box 866 Times {4 dh ressmaking --_-- DENSMARER "WILL GO OUT BY the day or sew at home, Also al- terations, Phone 3310W, (Aug, ¥1<1 mo,) PRERENARING == LADIES AND children's dress and nurses' uni- formu, Phone L77J or eall at #11 Albert Ht (Aug, 18-1 mol a nr For Sale or Exchange FOI ALI==MTURT™ Nii SOLD Immediately four roomed cottage, 488 Irench 8t, Nowly papereqd and painted « Inside and out #17H0, Wil uocept fully pald car or lot un part payment, Apply 108 Church St, or phone 2404M, (41d) ----p-- = Caulking NOW TH YOUR OPPORTUNITY to got Your house caulked, makes house" warmer, saves fuel, shuts out fnwects, drafts and dampness, ntops window leaks, gives comfort, For estimates apply to.J. 1H, Laws won, route J, Oshawa, phona 783 r 8 (Aug, LA 1 Jue) ME A. Room 'and Board Wanted YOUNG OFFICH™ GENTLEMAN desires furnished room and hoard, Contral locality, Out of town weekends, Apply Box S57 Times, (48h) TR DIR RR G R RRE ANIG G CR Rad Hematitching WENSTTICNING ™ TIOOTING, nine conta a yard, I'eating wkirtd one dollar, drossos cut and fitted perfectly, Kmbroldery work and all Kinds of men's repairing, eto, The Dell Shop, 201% Simooe south, Phone 1656, (Aug, 23-1 mo) er ren, Vhone Kgoneral work, Appl # Bond sirest west, Help Wanted--Female WANTED=A man for housework, used to childs =A RUETABLY™ WO: 12780, (416) WANTED -=CROM PETENT COOR for two weeks relief y Employment Hervice, (440) ton with koneral In Ago 22. GTI 1R general, Phone 1681J, UTRT.WANTE WORR AR COOK Situations Wanted WOURUREN VEN BEERT PORT. reference, (41¢) hoy eleven, small family, no child. ren prefered, frst class refersncos, Phone 1036112, (480) "NEEDHE VORTYON"AR "Hox B68 Timen, (440) sary, substantial plicant mu $626.00 to on merclu 4083 Bt, 1 Que, plastering, Phone 139 library. Yo Intest "let Phone 147 YOUN whare bed other, Hep FORTHALE house, Colborne ¥ a REED inderwear, fine, high sombles, clothes, wtyles nnd tory. formation Limited, "Room and Board NUR INEER Phone 2! aod, "For Sale or Rent centrally located, AVI Agents Wanted Lo consumer, dresses, wool underwear, hoslory,; lingerie, Lower prices, Bimeoo, a Help--Wanted Male TIONE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa, $650.00 weekly to start, Experience unneces nwo share of profits, Ape at be able to furnish $1,260.00 cash deposit 1aiwe, Addross Manager Jenis Street, Montreal, (36b-80) Ea ad Rs Contracting CONTRACTING == CONURETE electrio 0) alterations. for estimates, (han -- NOPRITRAAW SE CTRCUCATIRG u will enjoy roading the fon at minimum cost 2. 47 Simcoe Bt, North, ("11-8 Lf) gr se ------------ -- TAOY 10 pitting room with an irate couch bed, Board (4d) ROOM 10 (421) i ---- "ON WENT= t. W, OTE WEAR™ AND Boll complete line of quality knitwear direct Made-to-measure Ku- sults, Botany ahildren's ete, New Fall Exclusive terrl Bend for In Hritish Knitwear Ontarlo, colors today, (44h) Ean, TIME TABLE | Whitby, (Effective (Da Laave Bowmanville 618 am 7.20 am, AA am, 4 *9.45 am, 10. Mam 1 1.5 pom, 480 pm, J, 0 pom A A440 pm pm, 7 R30 pom, 9, 9.45 pom 1H pom Leave Hospital 6 Ll} 10, 100 am, 1 LW pm, ) 3 PM H.00 pm, 1 SUNDAY A Leave Bow anville 0.00 am, HL am, JA pm, 4 10.00 pon, Leave Hospital 10.00 a.m, 1,30 poy, 10, 2 1 J 1,00 pm, 11, Reasonable T, A G 7.10 am, E10 aim, 7.40 pom 10, 1 Whithy 730 am, 438 pm 4 6.50 pm, 7 MN | Time marked * Whitby Hospital, 1, 145 pony 3 S48 pm, 6 745 pm, NK 10, Whithy 1 4 Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINES WEEK DAY SCHEDULE on and alter April 37, 19%) vight Saving Time) Uolng West Leave Arrive Oshawa Whithy 7.25 am, 50 am, YAS am 10.35 aim, 1.0 pm Arrive Hospital Noam 20 nam, 10 pm, 10,50 am, AS poy 400 pom, 0 p.m, 10 p.m, 43 pm, sp S15 paw 540 pom, 6, Spm R00 po 9.5 pom, 20 pom, 10.40 pom 40 pom, LSS pom Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa 6.50 am, 7.50 am, 8.50 am, 10.20 a.m, 10.08 p.m, 1,30 pm, 248 pon, 4,10 pom, 5,08 pon, 6.08 pm 7,50 pa, 0.08 pm 1010 pom, 1045 pom, H30 pom, 12.00 pom are though busses to 10.55 pom, Arrive Bowmanville 7.30 aan, 8.20 am, 9.00 aan, 10,88 amy, 12.40 pom 400 pom L220 pom 440 pom, am, 0 am 00 am, am, 15 pom, 30 pm, a5 pm, AS pom, 35 pon, 0 p.m M0 pom, 50 pom, 10 pom S40 pam, 6.40 pan, £00 pom 9.40 pom ND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arvive Hospital 10,00 wm, 13.48 pom, Leave Oshawa 0am, 0 pm, 15 pom, 15 pom, 945 am, 1418 po 40 pom, 4% pm 15 pm, 60.30 py, 15 pony R30 pom, X Ls 1045 pon, ing Kast Leave Arrive Oshawa 10.30 am, 1,00 pony S00 pom, S00 pom 1100 pam, Arrive Bowmanville 11,00 am 1,30 pam, A830 pom, bY 0 pan, 7:30 pom 9.80 po, 12.00 poy, 15 am, A pom, AN pony 5 pom MY pony 48 pom, 15 pm 7.00 pom, 9.00 p.m, 1,30 pom, Time marked * are through busses to Whithy Mospital Special Busses For All Ocgasions Ani a and | Caralul Dy Drivers lle Fhoue ar or Wn A Waiting Room, 10 Prince' St CPR TIME TABLE Ef astive April 21, 1950 (Standard Time) Going West 5.47 nm, Daily 0.0% am, Daly K25 nom, Dally V8 pon, Dally 6,46 pom, Daily Caoing East Daily (Except Bunday) 25 am M5 pon, Daily BA yom, Daily 1L10 pony Dally 12.05 am, Dually CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change In Tims effective July 17th ( Mandatd, Fn Jima) (Easept Sunday) An A 25 mm, Dnily, Eacept Bunday 2.55 wan, Daily 12.06 pom, Dinily, Ex LSE pom, Daily AAS poi, Daily BAL pom, Daily, Except Bunday 9.9% p.m Daily 100 pom, Daily, Except Saturday 12.00 a.m, Dall WESTBOUND Arrive Oshawa Dally a8 nom, Daily, Except. Sunday SAO mm, Daily 1 Dini) Dnily, Daily, Daily 1, Daily wm, Daily, § 1, Imily GRAY COACH LINES (Standard Time) Kifactive April 27th, 1030, Leave Oshawa Leave Toronte M Mm, AM, rm hl 1230 Yi 3 1.3 7.0 tell ¥ AY nl "NN Vi 10,8 1H.» opt Sunday AX wm Foneapt Sunday Except Bunday cept Sunday 180 1.% 25 Iv 4.5 5.80 16.5 7% 9,30 1h30 10.8 10% Y=Dially encept bunday 3 only, f=Baturdny, Mm Sundays inday aud Holidays only M Bennett will probably assist I, HB, in selecting his Cabinet, hut she cun't boss him nn on wife could Brockville Recorder and Times With thess midget golf courses, We expect an announcement that some one has made uw hols In 1%.» Russel Crouse in New York Kven- ing Post, EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop | Here Always a Going One Way The cur entered n one-way rodd at the wrong end, "Hi, miss," B policeman shouted: "Do you know that this 1s only one-way trae?" "low many ways am I going then officer?" she replied, a ---- HARDWOOD VLOOKS Laid by expert wechanics, Old loon finished Ike new, Oe. 1 Contractors, 5 W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phouo 481 » Besidence 8078W ROYAL YORK Gee TO Halt 3 Paved 28¢ At } Superior PROPERTIES FOR SALE Sowe real snaps In beautiful homens, Pl DISNEY REAL ESTATE, 20 King TRE 5 Rs Prony bpsttadiiin na, PHONE p55 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Ht. & «= We Deliver EO _ Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARUE NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King St. W. Phone 1914 -- COAL COAL hone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Hloor Atreet K. Promptly Delivered LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT | Whitby Lumber ang Wood Yard I'hone Oshawa 834 Whitby 18 REPAIRING WATCHES "OUR WWECIALTY It your walch is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and mako It tell the correct time D. J. BROWN I'HE JEWELER Official Watoh Lnspector for - Canadian National and Osh. awa Hailroads 10 King St, W, hone 189 Moc' (] Suits, $25.00. Special... $12.90 | Dominion Clothing Co. | oS King St, W, Phone 8141 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Eatablish 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ad- Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Simcoe Nt, South a Doe CART W LumsiR (0 ULL IW () Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa'e Main Corner Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave: Phone 1058 RRR EYES! isang in SE wate Olney Bleck Son te Bet Of ELLA CINDERS--Flying to the Altar No

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