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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 10

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a EASTERN FOUR GENERATIONS Peterboro, --Vour generations rere represented when James Web- wr. of Campbelleroft, celebruied is, ninetieth birthday In his home, tepresentntives of the other three onerations were Alex, Wabber, drs. Dallentynos and Hitle Jacgue- ine Ballentyne of Peterboro, INJURED IN CRASH | Pleton, Mrs. Georges Babcock of Cherry Valley wan taken to Pies on Hospital suffering from cuts ibout the body whan the cur which he was driving plunged into the fitch near Waring's Corners on the loomfield road, HYDRO EXTENSION Gananogue,--1t is expected the 1ydro will be turned on shortly he ween Lansdowne and sbout one nile from Gananoque I INVITED TO KEMPIVILLE Brookville, «An inyitation to Rev. A. U. Cameron, pastor of Ht, Hes Presbyierinn church, Ottuwn, ind formerly pastor of Ht, John's thureh, Brockyille, to hecome pan or 'of Nt, Paul's. Mesbyterian shureh, Kemptville, will be for warded to the Capital ar the result sf a largely attended meeting of he congregation of the church PRUNK DHIVERS JAILED Cornwall, --Two drunken drivery | who are at present in all serving | 10 day terms meted out to them n Police Court here, were respons sible for two serious motoy aeel fonts which oceurred on the King's Highway In this district ---- jy ,-a. GET INTO THE SWIM! Not that we expect you to dive' into the cold waters of Lake Ontario this am, and win the Wrigley Maras thon, but we do want you to be one of the host of friends and customers who have found that It pays to purchase thelr DRUG STORE NEEDS At our stores, Our dispensing stant composed only of graduate Pharmacists, which Is your assurance that every pres scription left in our care will receive only intelligent professional attention, Our squad of delivery boys are tealned in the art of get. ting your parcels to you in the least possible time, Why not take advantage of our fast and rvellable wer. vice maintained from N am, until 11 pm, When in need of Drugs Phone THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell, Ltd. King St, KE, Simcoe St, N, Phone 28 Phone 08 "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 ------ TARIO NEWS | B00 UNEMPLOYED Cornwall, Vixing the number of unemployed persons In Cornwall at the present. time wt 500, Mayor Auvon Horovitz hes submitted the result of a wurvey to Hon, (i, D, Robertson, Minister of Labor in the Dennett Government, DANCE HALL BAIDED Cornwall,--1n thelr campaign to stamp out violations of the Liquor Control Act of Ontario at publi gatherings throughout the district, Provinelal olies swooped down up. on a dance at Finch and gathered five men into the net, As a result three wero convicted of having 1 auor (Negally and two of consume ing when they appeared in Police Court, mc -------- DEATH STILL MYSTERY Tweed, ~The verdict returned by the Coroner's Jury that George Graham White eama to his death by drowning, still leaves many nspocly of the case shrouded In complete mystery, Despite the fact that was produced which suggested a possible motive for suicide, clove friends of the dead man hold no belief In such a theory, and witli wuppect that White was the vietim of foul play evidence TWO INJURED Kingston, =~Thrown from thelr cir when It was struck by a hit-and run driver on the highway near Odessn, Mrs, Sarah Snook and Mrs William Holland of this city are in the Kingston General Hospital, Mra, Bnook Iu suffering from wu slight concussion and chest ang spine Injuries, while the main ars tery of her right arm is sever od Mrs, Holland Is less seriously Injured ACCES BRANTFORD CALL Kingston Rev, M, C, Johnston, who resigned from the 1'irst Bap tist Church here, has nccepted a call to Calvary Baptist Church, Brantford, and will take over his new charge Oclober 146 Rev, My Johnston came to Kingston in 1025 on his graduation from McMaster University, Toronto FIELD CROP COMPETITION Cobourg, ~The results of the field crop competition In oats sponsored by the Seymour Agricultural so | cloty are as follows: 1, W. Rennie; 2, A. TT, McKelvie; 4, John Locke; i, John Thompson; 0, Robert In nes; 0, W. A, Wynn, 7, James Waters The competition was a close one, HIGHWAY WORK PROMISED Peterboro,---That Immediate ac tion may be expected on the com» pletion of King's Highway No, 7, eat of this elty, is the announces ment contained in a letter from Hon, (i. 8, Henry, FLOOR COLLAPSES Peterboro, What might easily have been a more serious nceldent oecurred at the home of the Misses Nellie and Elma Rogers, Fenella, when a part of the barn floor gave way, precipitating a team of horses hitched to a wagon and a seeder down into the basement, IT'S A POOR JOKY, When soma heart carries away an ache, When something sicred Is made to appear common, When another's weakness provid od the cause for laughter, I a The Best COAL Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices -; m= Produced oo A DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 382 TI i -- "ry rr era el Five DirectLines BIG INCREASEIN CANADIAN POWER Construction of 'Huge Pro- jects Proceeds In All Provinces | Ottawn, Auk, 28, looking hack on the progress of water-power do. velopment in Canada for the first six months of 1030, the Department of the Interior announces that at tho present time hydro-electrio con. struction amounts to n greater fg. ure than at any previous period in the history of the Dominion, Power 'plants now under active construction promise to develop more than 1,680,000 horse-power, with an ultimate capacity of near ly 4,000,000. horse-powor, This tremendous total will serve the Canada of the near future, Many installations comprise the Initial stages only of a program that will keep? stop with the growth of the country's needs, Ny far the largest project under way Is that of the Deauharnols Light, Heat and Power Company, on the St, Lawrence river, about 30 miles from Montrenl, A power and ship canal approximately Nf toen miles In length and 3,000 foot in width will lead the water from Lake Bt, Francis to a (00,000 horse-power station located at Lake Bt, Louis; The first units supplying 200,000 horse-poweyr are to he In operation by October, 1032, and by daepening the canal pro. duction may subsequently he In eranned to 2,000,000 horse-power, The Shawinigan Water and Pow er Company has commenead con truetion of the first of six develop ments on the upper Bt, Maurice River, with an inital Installation of 160,000 horsepower, At Chite an Caron, on the Baguenay River nhout 20 milew below Lake Bt John, the Alcon Power Company Is making progress on the installation of four 65,000 horse-power units which will be ready for operation oarly In 1081, A 00,000 horse power plant at High Falls on the Liavre River fs nearing completion by the James Maclaren Company, and other ambitious projects halp to make Quehee a leader in power davelopment In Ontario the Power Commission Is earrying (0 completion this year a 54,000 horse-power development at Alex ander Landing on the Niplgon Riv ar, from which power will ha fod into the Thunder Bay system, The Installation of the tenth unit of 68,000 horse-power in the Queens ton station of the Niagara River is practieally finished and It will go into operation before autumn At Chats Falls on the Ottawa River the Commission Is jointly carrying ont a 224,000 horsepower under taking with the Chats Valls Com pany the latter having a leanne to develop on the Quebec side of the site The rapld opening up of North ern Ontario has created a growing demand for power, and there are practically unlimited faellities for its development hy water At the canyon, on the Abitibi River, the Hudson's Day Power Company have heagun construction of a 275,000 horse-power plant, and in the Co- balt distriet the Canada Northern Power Company Is completing a 13,000 horse-power installation on the Montreal River, The Algoma District Power Company has re. cently added a unit of 11,000 horse-power to ita High Falls plant, Other provinces tell the same story of growth and aeclviy, In Manitoba the Northwestern Power Company are utilizing the Seven Sisters site on the Winnipeg River to instal six units of 37.600 horse. power oach and at Slave Falls the eity of Winnipeg is planning eight 12,000 horse-power plants, tp he gin operation about September, 1031, In Saskatchewan, the Arst hydrosaloctric undertaking of the province was placed In operation on June 12, when power wan delly ered In Flinflon over a B8-mile transmission from the 42,000 horse-power plant of the Shurch Il River Power Company at Ise land Falls where an ultimata in. stallation of 84,000 horse-power iy expected, The British Columbia Power C'orporation. has hegun work af Ruskin on the Stave River, where thera will ultimately be an instal Intton of 188,000 horse-power, On the Nridge Niver is planned a unit which will one day develop 300,000 horae-power, In the Prince Rupert distriet the Northern Brit. ish Columbian Power Company Is constructing a Falls River plant, with an initial installation of 4, 000 horse power, to be increased to 13,000, . In Alheria the chigary Power Company has completed a new transmission line whieh will carry power from the recently com: pleted Ghost. development on the Bow River te Kdmonton a distance of 175 miles, Other lines ara hes Hydro-Elaetri ing extended throughout the pros vines, The Maritimes res have large PASTRY BREAD FLOUR XXX, ECLIPSE, MARVEL 24 lb. Bag 85¢ FLOUR FIVE ROSES 24 1b. Bag $1.10 HOGG & LYTLE LI PHONE 203 --, 4 TE MITED 4 wources. in water-power, and there the #t, John River Power Company announces completion of thelr 60, 000 horse-power plant st Grand Valls, At the samo time the Nova Beotin Power Commission ure pul ting Into operation threo new hy- dro-electrie developments on the Mersey iver, totalling more (han 30,000 horse-power, Buch active development indies utes thut the Dominion, with its un. rivalled vosources, will take Hrs place among the power-producing countries of the world giving Can- adinn Industry a greater impetus, TAKING STOCK OF FISH RESOURCES Scottish Expert To Chart North Atlantic For Newfoundland #1, John's, Newfoundland, The government of Newfoundland fn colluhoration with the Empire Mar: keting Board has under way a pro grossiva move to nid the fisheries of the Ancient Colony and the marketing of the product involving the expenditure of $50,000 annual ly for five years This nmount Ix to ha granted on mn oqunl share basis hy the government and the' hoard and will result In a chart ing of the North Atlantie around Nowfoundiand, and a check of the actunl fish resources of those wat orn, ng wall as the establishment of a fisheries axperimental station Tha research work Is being car ried out by Dr, Harold Thompson who wis loaned by the Heottish Wishery Board for a period not ex ceeding slx months He has just recently been attending an meeting of tha Internation) Fisherin Council ut Copenhagen, this counell halng supported hy members of 15 Kuropean countries Hig work has had to do with haddock whieh is a relative of the cod, and he | hiologist nt the Reottish nt Aherdeen All data collected In connection with had dock by the Interested Kuropean countries that are members of the international wre sent to him for eollnting ha is the European authority this par tlenlar fish With regard to the work In Newfoundland son has elven some iden of iis ¥eope When the scheme mater Inlzes an experimental station will he established at a suitable loea tion which has the necessary fac Hien, such an fresh and salt water clrenlntion, electric power, Al the santo time a considerable part of his time will he devoted to in vestigations of existing conditions of the Newfoundland fisheries, The work ultimately to he done will consist of charting the ocean hed, and ity ish resources Dr, Thomp son here intimated that the British Admiralty Ix about te commence charting the ocean bed, In the same way that is proposed for Newfoundland, from HSpltzbergen to Greenland When this charting In done the next thing Is aetunlly to take stock of the fish and fish foods in our waters, Information ns to methods of processing fish al ready available from the researchos of the fishery stations of the North Atlantie which have been some time in operation, will ba imparted to the fishermen all around the Island. During. October he will probably give a short series of Jee tures, The funds will he contynl led by a committer, half the mem hara of which will be nominated by the Newfoundland Government and half hy the Empire Marketing Hoard, The work will he carried out In co-operation with Canada, United Htates and France, who maintain a committen already func. tioning and entitled "The North American International Fishery Research Committee," BUSY WEEK FOR BOSTON HARBOR Facilities Taxed As Million Pounds of Fish Landed Ronton Aug, 22.+ facilities of the Boston were taxed to the limit when 2,806,400 pounds mackerel and 4,077,100 of groundfish were Monday to Saturday, Neslde the fresh mackerel the seining feet also hrought in 8500 barrels of salted fish, The bulk of the eateh wan mado In the Routh Channel grounds and off Chatham, The fish were gf mixed sizes running from one to three points each, A considerable amount of bullkeyes, welghing ahout a pound eneh also were land od hut there was litle call for them, Swordfish wore seares hut the domontio supply was added to by shipments thom Cape Breton where the fleet are just beginning to make 'catches, The fish have moved from Georges and ave now largely cons centrated on the peak of Brown's Bank, So far this season 12,060 fish have heen landed here, an com- pared with 20,127 at this date last year and 11,448 in 1028, The new dragger Mxetor, latest addition to the Boston fahing fleet left the pier on Aug. 2 on her maiden trip to the grounds, The new craft in 100 foot long and curs ried a crew of 11 men, She uses the otter trawl system of fishing whereby the fish are scooped up in A hugh conloal-shaped net, drawn astern, She was bullt at Essex for the General Foods Company, clown n Luhoratory senior seheme nn on progored re, Thomp ol Five The working Fish ler last week of frouh pounds landed, from The dial telephone removes all the old wrong numbers fram the telephone operating-room and diy tributes them around among the customers, Helena ludependent, old son of A, to, and Jim Sorbey, his chum, who gave ahase to a man and woman, al feged drug store bandits, and captur- | a drug store at 25 Howard St, NANTUCKET HAS ARE CODFISH IN ne fusey a Duggel here tir ton ln when covered de tr th Omoeont rather cord cod whatever It wi of noms th roll to he wor re m by to lu more f Ask Investigation in Price dred prices and cheaper ing to hr, 1 inlon this constituent vestigation lowing and measuring fleet w placed nu ban on feed Ash and re quire a dally: eateh tn order to re tn for hy the ont Canada and the kotu Ww but G to handle price than that which ha here Re cod; haddoek, and 7H conts per hundred pounds for schak and on of one-half rod, Ne fr i" Ww LX price, which Is helng poverned ly the market prices and the gquliity of the Nish received " trained in Bill Applegath, (LEFT), 19-yoar W. Applegath, Toren. | | THE RUM RACKET, ASKS LIFE SAVER ¢ onl Cove Vi Codie) Jaye vor heen known Lo be particuluvly diet hut Jaume Buying ntion ihe 01 if heh ha Life ify that wirely oye to of 1 will te choo will Dagget ree corfinh I yi nes not that tly 0 lupded hers and open It win dis Cod had wiped ' {of Haun I'he report poco ent that M pint of there, h hind amon I hi umaed ho the ) wn i onl tht hve ind | prize, friend tle and all tend ted ouble fish pre 10 n ni the cord than hid con prapencl nite huppon too hy md holt Lo wen ™ ant to ™ \W In the plain the one 1 { i hu I Her deems pre the hottie Fike fish fn pnrt w (quite w whether m lus heen : Low enlnrly nant | | 1 1ethe a viethm « there | fo the I'hore that heing | of the ot nngle n nh id ih nee eket und pre nternnt inl nn | Ing mains to he nr ad [ inister yumo wi hap Canndinn oo he the nn rece rum ra inging Hauor wevo Ameri Be thi report vel Im tho « od ISHERMEN 10 ad them in a side drive on Jarvis St, .anee Ramashottom and his Viola, | charged with robbery under arms of Ancient Nuntuel In | felon wny Amerlean [town off the another « lidgny hulf-henrtod hell and copper horn oF know how continent builded winlke ny I'he dalle teularl plain omite enlont office, horn, | Wyor et Historical Boclety | haling shore for month SEEK GOVT. AID 2%: Lhe pIxty 1 wi | (TOMORROW) ATURDAY New Shipments of Goods Arriving Daily THE LAST DAY OF OUR ULTIMATUM SALE For the Final Day we are adding more Bargains and mak- ing Deeper Cuts Collar attached ov All wien $1.00 wife pee them, they've greal Men's Shirts BePAre, LADIES SILK STRIPED VESTS White and Mauve Hegular #9c, All sizes colors arvested couple, were the Mothers! Bring the Boys in and get their suits NOW at this opportunity--Remember school starts soon, A TOWN CRIER Custom Still Pre- served By Man With Bell and Horn wi of the tr last eriers in the - $100,000 LOSS AS paris in of undisputed great mujority | in this count In have thel throughout the miny contre hut NMutertown, N.Y., Aug 24, cake one gehupett reminder of Twenty-two bultdings $100,000 fire of on Lake J Wyer Is n " od In a which 0 through the Village mempn Hi ire rarel frnot 0 brass | 15 miles west of here, i or nol no ons ought to thie ettlers who the oMeial reminders taro yesterdn} i wurant in Nantucket Crouse, Aged 60, n re proprietoy ropresont tom old | vith the fir He ant rain or shine treats of the tow blowing h nts what the d the office The fire hroke out in n shortly after noon and through all the building wide of a street, town noerier of neket Wy ring and news Ve dn or n the 1 horn his hel ining Inhn he nt he 4) world over. | BOY KILLED WHEN not par com an unre no ons he or ome partienlnrly gue mor His hades of to the bell and high silk 'plug' hat od by the Nantuck an old-time heen puccaend n few hin month whan wlops to « { to ery hit n Aug, 22 Blonde three through Owen Nound, year-old William houpital about heing hurled of 1 wddition i amploy parents wera riding tha only son of Mr {liam Blonde of Detroit, Ie and Mrs, VORTH hans now but crier only oelety man Home vion the pre neo pays in, Whila driving from dollars n to the ear diteh he tires caused hrown into the in comparison with ent Ms nn day re reported to he the stipend of one old coun 22 BUILDINGS BURN | ware destroys pwopt Chaumant, One dropped dead as a garage owned by him caught fire, barn swept on one HURLED FROM AUTO Fours dled In hours after the wind shield of a ear In which he and his The boy was Wil. The fam 'Iy had been holldaying at Port El. Meaford n Owen Bound a puncture In one of he THE ARCADE | Violet, pretty young wife of Lance Rameshottom, who was remanded in custody in police court while hes hu.band got three years and ten lashes for armed robbery of a drug store at Toronto, sketched by an artist as she appeared in courts room, This is the second girl ban« dit to get into the limelight in Tos ronto, It 1s reported that American grapefruit is becoming popular with the British, The Rritish will find that a monoels affords only hall | And Market | Conditions North ; I'wo hun hore fishermen demanding ifleation with higher hull arn appeal Johnstone, Dom parliament foi requesting an in Industry, fol mull cod cod not ane urket clus W member of into thn n han placed on refusal to buy 1 inches, hy local hu vosult in the local of the catches elu the Thin disposing 'N many herve The local fish dealers have also in the high quality of fish ealled | various buyers through American mar fishermen state they ould not land any more cod here would earvey thelr eateh to Inca Bay where a dealer is vend) thelr fares at a highem heen paid At prasent Canso fishermen nro iting 18% conta for thelr large 14g conty for market cod and werod Los 1 fishermen have heen gotting 114 ante for steak, 1 for. market, cont for haddock and Loon! buyers say it In Impossible y Inerease prices al the present me and two largo buyors say they {11 ha Porecod to close thelr doors ther than Increase the present Jazz and singing idol of America] BRILLIANT - BRIGHT HADES Famous for its own perfect tone, Phileo now adds perfection of tone from the radio station-- subject to your control simply by the turn of a knob on the front of the set. Now with Philco Tone-Control, you can bring in music, great artista, great speakers, your way---with the one quality you like best, Yet further, you can turn the Philco Tone-Control to "mellow" and bring in a prelude played by the great Philco Symphony Orches- tra in dreamy, luscious tones, Turn to "brilliant" and jazs bands are erisp and mappy, or turn to "deep" and they eroon and whisper at a touch of your hand. Phileo Tone-Control is an addition 10 all the great features which gave Phileo the leadership it still holds, Balanced Units and the wonderful life-like tone they produce are retained. And Philco also offers ita new, exclusive circuits producin that marvellous selectivity whic free fine tuning anywhere on the ial, Power and distanceability are extraordinary, In the new Philen Philco Tone Con Just turn this knob ta bry your» wil wh adda rvdency and shiny many Also--A Marvellous Battery Set For the first time in radio history rural dwellers can now have asel equal in every respect to the heat electrie seta. Now tnhes Just perfected for' battery operation make this Phileo set a for distance, selectivity and sensitivity, Battery con. sumption reduced 10 a point hitherto undreamed of--heautiful farniture models with tons Control==wonderfi | values. marvel BALANCED THR HIGHROY MELLOW . DEEP OF TONE H/LCO TONE. UNIT Licensed by Canadian Radio Patents Limited ADAMS FURNITURE CO. Limited ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Limited F. J. MITCHELL, Bowmanville CONTROL Screen Grid Plus yon have Automatic Volume Control which counteracts fading so you can not only get but hold and enjoy out: of-town programs, near and far. And Philco has added a Station Recording Dial on which you can permanently log your favorite stations, The two new Phileo Seta--Phileo Screen Grid and Phileo Screen Grid Plus -- are losed in Consol Lowboys, Highboys, and Radio- ne he-cabivem which will delight your eye sat r most exacting desire for lire furniture, See them today at your nearest Phileo dealer's. He will be delighted to give you a free demon: stration, without obligation, All models have Phileo Tone-Control. Operate it for yourself and learn Toe el I an your greater home entertainment, Prices from $145.00 to $290.00, (Radio Phonograph) less tubes. Easy terms, of course, when you decide to buy, MULCO PRODUCTS LIMITED OF CANADA TORONTO RADIO RUDY VALLEE who made his first Canadian ap: pearance with his band at the Summer Gardens, Port Dover, Ontario, Canadian girls are not so pulehritudinous as thess on the other side, Rudy is reported to have said, but more wholesome, The Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe St. South Sold in Oshawa by Phone 900 Sold in Oshawa by Adams Furniture Co. Simcoe St, S . Phone 701 | Jd

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