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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 5

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SAIS, Th a a EN y THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 PAGE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, A, B, Banner of Monroe, Michigan, are staying at line Genosha Hotel, | Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, (Roy Terwillegar on the birth of a bon, g BW, Redeliff, of Bradford, Vng Wind and Mrs, H, ¥. Redmond, of Montreal, stopped at the Genosha |: Hotel en route for Northern Ontario, Miss Lffie Lyon, Brooklyn, and Miss Tsobel Lyon, Beaverton, are visiting in Torento for two weeks, H. J, Lisele and family, of Brook: lyn, N.Y, who are touring in Canada have made the Genesha Hotel their headquarters for the Exhibition, Mr. and Mus, 8, J, Nehbin and rand Mrs, A, J, Parkhill have re- urned after & week's vacation st Fremont Island, near Gananoque, Mr, and Mrs, 1. 8 Rounior, of Detevit stopped at the Genosha Ho tel last night, They are on a tour of astern Ontario and wil travel to Biante of Maine, Mr, and Mrs, Ld. Viee, Misses Verna and Alma, of North Oshawa, Mis, A, Mreere and Miss Maxine Noble, of Oshawa, are visiting this week in Rochester, New Yark My, and Mrs. Ettenherg and H, J, Hurseharn, of Delkirk Avenue, are stopping at the Genosha Hotel while Eyisiting friends in this elty, They leave shortly for Detroit, Miss Ruth Wagar, Nassau streef, Is spending a few holidays with rel atives at Riee Lake Mrs, Commandant Barclay, has heen visiting friends in this eit, Lreturned to her home in Toronto, tos a) Wr J, Thompson and Party, fro Mount Vernon, New York Hiate, Sand Mr. and Mrs, J, A, Rogers of New York City, who are vacation ing in Canada, spent the night at ithe Cenosha Hotel B, Bennatt-Alder, 466 Kingston Avenue, Montreal, who is on husls ness In this elty was a guest last Snlght at the Genosha Hotel Ww Jamieson, Lebar Jacifigue and H, Harwood of the G4, M, OQ, EnMeel who are In town on business Lat the local GMC, plant and have § been visiting friends in the ally are staying at the Genosha Hotel, Mr, Harry Emmons, of East Ors ange, NJ. has been the guest of gf Mrs. Grace Yellowley for the past few days A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John son, B0 Burk street, on Thursday evening when they entertained the members of the Vietory LLORA, No M3 at a euchre, The prizes were won hy the following, Ladies, 1st, SUMMER SALE Wheve | > Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone BOSAW s i a | -- who | They evening, rectplent of a gold wateh as a token oity refreshments hostess By Annebelle Worthington Hinstrated Drvessmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern Smart junior chooses feminized #ports mode for town and vacation, IVs a darling dress of vivid bine and white pique print, that is sn thoroughly practical, LAttie shoulder capes create im- Jremion of fared sleeves, A pers ow Aceents the enol open V-neck line, Clreulnr godets or insets at either wide of the straight skirt, provide a soft fared fullness and suggest Princess lines, The smooth Atting hiplines makes it so entirely smart and sophisticated, A narrow belt nips the natural waistline, Style No, 8601 Is designed for givis of 6, 8, 10, 18, and 14 years, It's very inexpensive to copy White sheer muslin with gay red dots is fetching, Yellow linen with hiss binding in hrown used tn edge cape, hem and godets Is ultra-chie Pale blue candy stripe shirting and sprigged dimity in pink tones are attractive, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), Be sure to All in sige of pattern, Address Pattern Department, The Kum mer Vashion Magazine eontains most. interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear Alun darling styles for the kiddies, It Is 10 cents a copy No, LL LR) Hive Name Mrs, V, Peel, 3nd, Mrs, Thompson, consalation, Mrs. George Lee, Gen tlemen's Ist, Mr, H, Foote, 2nd, Mr George Lee, consolation, Mr, Charles Nelleck Refreshments served hy the hostess assisted Mrs, Howar and Mrs. BR, Bint, 'the rest of the EYENINE WAS spent In playing games Mr, and Mrs. KB, Desley and dudley spent the week end in Tor were hy onto, to welcome home Mrs, Dee loy's two sisters, Mrs, Allan Mar shall of Nydney, Australin and Mrs, Kharpe whe has heen spending six weeks in Nlowbridge, England, returned to Oshawa Monday night ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Margaret Johnston Smith, daughter of Robert Smith, Hroxhurn, Sedts fand, 10 Frank H Pascoe, of Hamp ton, Ontario, the wedding tn take place early in September PRESENTATION TO DAVID B, SMITH Ahaut thirty friends of Mr. David H. Smith gathered at the home of Mrs, Dalton, at 259 Simeoe street south, early this week for a farewell party before Mr, Smith left for Eps som, Surrey, England, where he will reside in the future During the Mr. Smith was made the of regard from the many friends he has made durlol his residence in this A social time wan spent and were served hy the Mr, Smith left for England from Montreal yesterday, WOMENS MEETINGS | Luss omni TO TAKE SARGON 1575482! i BACK TO SWEDEN 3:22 "1 was horn in Bweden 66 years wo and I've never in all my life found the equal af argon, [| suf Jered for | 3 AUGUST ADOLPH WILSON trouble and indigestion, My whole system Wan toxlo, Rargon drove avery ailment out of my body and 1 am now well, fall of energy and |. feeling fine! When L visit my na- tive country soon I am going to take some of this wonderful medi gine hack to my countrymen, "gargon Pilla didn't upset we like other laxatives, but over: came my constipation entirely, August Adolph Wilson, 14 Haund- era Ave, Toronto, fargon may he abtained in Osh. awa from Karn's Drug Store, Peelow ment committee for the missionary meeting on August 27th, {And the ten erowded heart, A meeting of the Ladies' Auxi lary of Qedardale Chureh was held Wednesday with the president, Mrs, H, Day, In the ehair, Mra, Day led he devotional period, and gave a hort address, emphasising the im. The report on Hunshine Rags wan resented, showing returns to date A wsale of small articles, home cooking and tea was arranged for Friday, Aug, 28nd, at 2.00, Tables for tea will be set out on the chureh 10 years with stomach [lawn, Mine OG. Pankhurst and Mra, HW, were named as refresh: "VACATION Now have we apace to realise the night, And time to wateh the gliding of the hours, Here are old trees, silent and alm: Dla light, The anelent eure for streets and troubled towers, Tos day hall veap Time's fullness close and with the falling sun Hear righ store home, that memory may keep One perfect fortnight from obs livien, A tilted moon seeks uarhor in the west, The orehard Is becalmed above the grass, The drifting fire-flies signal as they PARA, M Anchor with htacy to-night and © AL rest, To-morrow, the distraction and the din, But now God's lelaure and a song Within, " : The less money a woman has the more things she oan see that she would like to bhuy.=Detrolt Naws, Ad We HG to préax Roston police have raided one speakeasy alxty- pix times, It wpeaks well for the quality of liquer found there Lite, ss, AS, ' MHireel Address City Prov incall] MACNIDERS CAME FROM BELLEVILLE New U.S. Minister to Canada Will Visit Old Homestead Washington, Aug ¥) | with one leg over large leather chalr, Hanford Ma Nider, American minister to Can ada, began to do what he deserib od an "going to sehool on Canadign Amerioan affairs" | The minister as he will for some days to come, spent hours going aver correspondence on affairs hetween - the two countries He sald one of his frst plans Is tn visit the MaeNider family home stead at Belleville, Ontario, where his great-grandtather, William MaeNider, settled many yours suo His grandfather, Thomas Hyron MuaoNider, moved to the United the arm of »n Hinton, Mr, MaeNider was formally na tional commander of the American | Legion, He sald he wan Interested in the development of the Cana dian Legion, In which he has many friends RULED BY 40 MEN If They Had Control of British Empire It Would Soon be Wealthy New York, Aug, #0.=In the opinion of James W, Gerard, form erly ambassador to Germany, 40 men 'rule the United Atates My, Gerard compiled a list of these men for the New York Times, which asked him to amplify a sen tence in a pamphlet he wrate on dosing the erusade of Visoount Rothermere and Lord Beaverbrook for RAritiah empire free trade and hgh protection, In that pamph let he wrote "give the 40 men who rule the United Rtates ten years for the development of this indus trial empire (the British Kmpire) and no country on sarth could ap proach it in per capita wealth," Explaining why he, as an Ameris oan, should write on the subject Mr, Gerard wrote! "1 offer ax my excuse, the interest that America in common with all the world has in the Proservation of British pros parity,' A hint of the traMa "cops. ' It doean't add to your prestige to make all the noise possible with your motoreyeles Orillia Packet A Very fine exhibit and program of addresses hing heen arvanged hy the Nations) Council of Women In the Women's Bullding st the Vix hibitlon this year, Above In a group of the convenes, Including (1) Dr, Vdun Guest, national cons vener of public health, who has charge of the luncheon on Monday, August 88; (4) Mrs, W, 1, Mes Faviand, antlonnl convener of cilzanship, who has charge of the luncheon on Tuesduy, Wept, 4; (B) Mes, W. J, Wilson of Oltnwa, nas tonal president, who will he In Toronto for the opening (4) Mrs, A, Wesley Bundy, general convener of the exhibits (5) Miss Mary Mes Mahon, nations! convener of trades and professions, who will have charge of the luncheon on Wednes. day, Aug. 97. By Thornton W. Burgess CA ------ ro -- STRIPED CHIPMUNK TEASES PETER RABBIT Ihe one who takes delight in teasing You'll find Is anything hut pleasing Peter Rabhin Ii | | 13] i | vil He ha dived dow | een thie with I MLO \ out | Hou | Ih | us Witting | elt chepter hin dre ell h isl wlmo ay I fight hing fight old sto won hig hlued Wh Peter Instantly dining | tween wall would INTED STATES. 2+ where he | nent twa until wlriped noth His Laid ll} Petey R171 I AY | Chipman d th soning 0 hat blaek Chipman) dd Pet [| "AWhat black Chip d ineired ACTORS HAVING HARD TIME Chicago Chorgs giv enronts 10 Broadway in their dreams are de touring hehind ofguy stands and ho nlery counters in Chiongn thess days, for the theatre here (8 suffer Ing Ha worst summer in the eliy's hntory Hat not only Is the rank and fila of the profession affected A matinee hero fs ramping an eleva tor In a loop skyseraper A pops Ine Juvenile lead has found em ployment fn a lumber yard, Lead Ing ladies are saving "Order, please!" and a villian 1a welling necktioa in a shop on the Nou! Mich, "The main sonree of payeheoks the profession In summer in Ohicago are the stock shows that Are cual here and sent out on the Port, Butesnat one steak show was sent out of Chicago thin sums mer and penerally there are from 26 to 20 | 0} oy there | Whoever hewrd of a black | ed Chipmunk,' | of him I Steiped Chipmunk was playing a Joke ripe look all He wis plight Chilpinuik; shont pretending te sid he there Peter, turning to show Fhere hie is now ure enough! There sat the Tittle black stranger Just where he had sat hiedioire He turned his head once soe whut Striped Chipmunk wold have to say, but he discovered Striped Chipmunk was no long And, when he hastily turn the little blac! stranger wis tr there Peter actually rub hen he looked again Chipmunk stranger had where meant | jiere 1 pil I Lach no lone hoeye itriped black ere wal where he "I don't see any black Chipmunk,' dd Siriped Chipman I really am wing to he worried about you, Peter, You seein to be peeing things Chip really HY Wil Are vithe, Petey Nn Poter ii awake!" retorted NOVEr Wilh life Na, sir, Awihe I think vou are playing tricks on me, Strip CONE indignantly | awake an all my I never wis more there wan & chuckle he He looked over his here was the litle black tranger and his ghuekle sounded ex ac ily like Striped Chipmiunk's chinekle | wot only a glimpse for the tnstant Peter's head turned the Little black stranger dis appeared Wm the old stone wall When he looked hack Striped Chip mink had also disappeared, Never in all life had Peter felt less ure of himself was all so un real that he eauldn't believe that i could be real But he was begin NE to suspect that in seme way Just then hind Peter shaulder rier Iie on him 19%, T W The (Copyright Burgess) I'he Truth next ing al = NR a ------ It wan aldo an off season for tra veling tent shows an only a few were made up here, and several of these ave reported folding up or loping money. The chances of sub: | stitute work In looal current attrac. tons are slim, because for the Ars time in nearly a century there ia anly one legitimate attMmotion plays ing here, Last year in the middle of July thera were five, Pedestrian trafic along Chicago's Rialto 1a slowed up hy the saotors congregated all day at the entrance to the bullding where the casting offioen are located, Yet half" a bloek away the booking oMee of a vaudeville corporation veported that there Is no lack of work for standard vaudeville nots, and it wag learned that the organisation was now slgning up acts for 87 weeks' work instead of 46. Rut only 20 of the organisation's chain of 260 theatres are booked out of Chicago. Laat year popular motion ple: tures stayed In one house from five to six weeks In the summer, but Leaks in the Larder | Amount to Big Sums | | BY EDWINA NOLAN Director of Home Service, General Pleetrie Refrigeration Department I" has been estimated by various authorities that the average American family wastes approxi. mately 16 per cont of the food pur. chased, This is due largely to lack of proper facilities for food preservation, Even the thriftiest housekeeper would be surprised at some of her own extravagances If she were shown in figures the dollars and conta she wastes, The pint of milk that turns sour, the butter that gets an "off taste' and has to be used for eooking-fat, the tomatoes that become over-ripe, the Inst two or three eggs that atart as Grade A and end in a dublous grade, the imported cheese that sweats and grows mouldy, the left-over soup that begins to smell foul-=thess and other small larder lonks go to make up the 16 per cent spoilage, And food costs too much these faps for any family to be able to afford waste, the hest any have done this season has bean four weeks and the gen ern] run In two, However, theat ries! people here are looking for fn marked improvement in the sl uation next month as several outs standing muslenl and dramutie productions are hooked for Augist One of the hig movie chains has plans ready for immediate const rin tian of two large motion pleture houses here TRIPLE TRAGEDY ON ALBERTA FAR Son Kills Parents Then KILLED IN CRASH Slays Himself With Shotgun Edmonton, Aug, 22 Firat brut ully whooting down his aged father und mother, Joun and Mary Pech inet, aged KO years, Jean Pechinet, | | | | There are many women who pride themselves on never. using any eggs but the very best and who would be quite horrified at the ides of buying cold-storage eggs, yes they setually use many eggs the quality of which has become equivalent to one of the lower rades, Proper refrigeration facilis ties, constantly assuring a safe tem juste of below BO degrees, would eep these eggs up to high stand. ard, as well as preserve other foods stuffs in wholesome condition, Then, tos, foodstuffs not properly preserved may look good or taste good, but at the same time they may be contaminated, Bacteria in foods Increase at a tremendous rate in a short period of time, Health suthorities in all sections are at. tempting to arouse housewives to the De non of proper refrigera- tion because they realize better than others that the partaking of food which has not been properly preserved has taken its toll in the tens of thousands, m---- SPECIAL SESSION OF LEGISLATURE URGED | Reginn, Bask, Aug, 21 "For the time being | would rather not miko any statement of the reasons for un spoecinl session of the Basket chewan Legislature, which the United Farmers on Vriday will nek the Government (on eall," sald Goeorga H, Williams, president of the United Farmers of Canada, Maskatehewnn branch, last night, will have pleaty to say on Iriday when we see (he Govern ment," he sald AFTER BEER PARTY Bault Bte, Marie, Ont, Aug. 21 | In an auto accident, which the pol. fea declare wan the result of a drinking party, Leo. Bernard, 21, of Detour, wan killed seven miles Jr, 40.your-nld farmer of the Ther. | (hs side of that place, and Gordon fen district, northeast of Wdmonton, | 1#clause, ulso af Detour, picked up ended hin own life Tuesday by in an unconscious condition heslde Hterally blowing his head off with | the ear after It had overturned in. A charge from a shotgun, Despondency over Anancinl Af: | soem mmm fairs is belleved to have caused fhe man to turn hin eamfortahle farm home into a shambles Alberta PProvinelnl Polles are In vesligating, It in considered Vikely that-an inguest will ha held, The Husher's Chorus Hugh, little aute, Don't you ery You'll he a junk pile Ny and by, - Hush, litle gas tank, Don't you ory, Pay day will ba here Nefore you're dry, | to the diteh, Was Constipated, Bilious, Tired. Now Well, New Woman Years of Misery Ended by "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Was always con stipated, pilious tired, out of sorts, #Hince taking 'Fruit. aTives' feel Ike new woman, pers fact health, Cons stipation all gone,' Muriel MeHendry, Montreal, Hosts of men and women write yonrs-0ld constipation and liver trouble ended over night with "Froftealives." Billousness, indie goastion, hearthurn, gas vanish like magic, Kidney and bladder ills, pain in back, fade away quick, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once, Rhoumntism, neuralgia, neuritis, #lek headaches decamp in Rurry, Complexion clears, Ten of nature's greatest remes dies combined in handy tablet, Mar velous discovery by famous Cans Sian doctor, Mpeedy results amase all, Quit being sick, tired, weak, Gel Tut aTives' from druggist tow any, a aa i =, BUILD ROADS TO GIVE EMPLOYMENT Quebec, Que, Aug, 21,--The sum of $600,000 was voted by a special order-in-Council by the Quebse Government at a cabinet meeting yesterday for the use of road con. struction, This sum was added te the regular highway budget of $13,. 000,0000 and will be used in road building throughout the provines where the unemployment situation in most serious, / / GIVEN HIGH HONOR \_.. Windsor, NB, «= The kghes! honor in the gift of the Rebekad Aeneinbly lodges was conferred on Mrs, Charles L, Wood, of Windsor, for twenty years a member of Leila lodge, when the Grand Lodge, 1.00%, and Rebekah Assembly for the Maritimes and Newfound. land met in Haint John, Mrs. Wood was Invested with the De. gree of Chivalry, which is confer. red only on members who have rendered their lodge distinguished pervies, Mrs. Wood is the wife of a former Grand Master, 1,0,0.F, ------------ The price of tin jumped over four pounds a ton the other day. That's the sort of news that makes a sardine reckless --London Punch, Welcome glorious rain! Ah, the beautiful rain that falls alike op the just and the unjust, But more on the just than on the unjust, be cause #0 many of the unjust are hootleggers and ride in their own limousines, --R, H. L,, in Chicago Er i Sa {DELUXE BEAUT MONDAY, AUGUST 2Sth MISS L. LOWES "PARLORS ' PHONE 38 BRADLEY BLOCK ~ EL a Li apo Lyons' Blue Label New Price 30° ron -=at your grocer LYONS' TEA I: Lyons @ Cv, (Canada), Limited, Toronte TILLIE THE TOLER--A Censor of Sons M OLAD Your ALT "THESE 0 1 SHEky TILLE iN \" EA! ei HELL o FVEN (F \T 18 BRAND NEW = SHE'S NOT ERE NO = NOT » f J vy, a ----------

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