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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship ST. ANDREW'S AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCHES Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Rev. J. 8. I, Wilson (in charge) 11 am, 7 Union Services in St, Andrew's Church "Praying Victoriously" pm, "Living Dangerously" PREACHER, REV, J, 8, I, WILSON You Will be Made Welcome 'The Sunday School. in both Churches wil be withdrawn until further notice, King Street United Church | Rev. Chas, E. Cragg, M.A, B.D. r--ry held on Sunday next In view, of the request of the acting Medical Officer of Health that there he no gatherings of children at this time, the regular Sunday School services will not be 11 am,--"In the Light of Harvest." 7p.m.~"As a Fool Thinketh." | | The Rev. Herbert S, Cobb, B.A., B.D., of Wolse- ley, Sask., will preach at both services, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary hts, Rev, i B, Patterson, M.A Incumbent, 508 Masson Bi 9.50 am ==No School, am, Prayer, TI ----r Sunday I Morning _ 7 p.m.==Evensong. Special Intersession for rain and against enna, today din irst Baptist hurc KING NT, EANT Rev. Aubrey W, Small | 18 Aberdeen Wt, 10 am, CHURCH SCHOOL 11 am, Rev, William Pugsley of Taronto will preach No Evening Service Wednesday § pm, Prayer Meeting WHR INVITE YOu TO WORSHIP WITH US KNOX Presbyterian Church Bimese Street North and rook SBireet Mev, Duncan Monro Be Brock NEW, Phone SAG Sunday School Withdrawn Rev, L. Standret of Osh: awa will preach at 1) am and 7 p.m Sound Doctrine Hearty Hinging and a Real Wel: pome are features of Knox Chureh, CHRISTADELPHIAN GLORIES OF PAH BEIGN ON Evangel Tabernacle 900 King St, West 3'T, BALL, Pastor Residence, 81 Park Road South, Phone 10814, 11 am==Morning Worship 7 pmo=Evangeliatie, A pmoe=Tuesday and Thurs day, All Welcome ¢ ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, 8 O, MOORE, BA, RD, Minister #0 Kena Htreet, i The Pastor will Preach Morning and Evening, i ¥ 11 am~--"A Live Church," | 7 pam,--"Flying, Running, Walking." APPROPRIATE MUSIC Monday; 8 Piles Voting WiLCo! Reng, Phone path ZION NEWS Zion, Aug. Al=Mr and Mrs, Wil fred Murphy, of 'Taranto, spent the week-end at heme, Mr, Carman Choate, Picton, and Miss Reryl Oke, Ebeneser, visited at J. W, Balsoh's on Sunday, Mrs. Will! Stainton, of Buffalo, N, Y., is visitihg Mrs; Jas, Stainton, Miss J and Master Donald Burns, Oshiwa, ave holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. Thes, Trull, Mr. and Mrs Arnold Venner (es Stanley Chant, formerly of Zien) but now of Markham, have announced the arrival of a haby girl, Aug. 14th, Mr, Pert Northeatt has started threshing operations in his neigh» barhood and the yield iy good f, Alf, Ayre ia away to the fall fairs in Quebec, Misses May and Dara Ball in company with Misses Vida and Sybil Langiouid, of Oshawa, ure spending twa weeks' holidays at Mushgha, Mp, George Hogarth, eof ina, Sark visited with Mr. and Mend Ir, and Mrs, H (Pascoe on Monday, The Ladies' softball team enters tained the young men to a trip to a theatre in Oshawa Tuesday night, and afterwards at Misa Audrey Ayre's home for a supper, Miss Annfe MeMaster and her Sunday Sehool olass of young hoya and Mis, Fiee and her class of young iris held a pleasant pienie on hursday evening north of Kedron, Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churche Wing Wireel United "In the Light of the Harvest' will be thy subject of the sermon to he preached hy Rev, H, B, Cobb, of Wolseley, Bask, at the morning service of King WBireet United Chueh tomorrow, In the evening the pastor will preach on "As # ool Thinketh," whia---- Centre Mireet United Bervices nt Centre Birest United Church tomorrow will he conduels ed by Rey, CO, 1, Pelton, of Irving: ton, NJ, i A -- Salvation Army "Flower Bunday" will hs ob werved at the Salvation Army oie udel tomorrow, Ensign and Mrs, Dixon will be in charge and in the evening Ensign Dixon will preach en "God's Garden,' Wervices wil) be featured by special music and singing, Munday school to he held #t the usual hour (shawn Pentecostal Holiness Mervices at Oshawa Venteoosia) Holiness: Churveh tomorrow will be conducted hy Pastor 0, Legge Nt, George's Anglican Rev, Rural Dean Langford, of Port Whithy, will preach at the services of Bt, George's Anglican Chureh tomorrow Miss Dorothy Williams will contribute a solo at the morning services Nt, Andrew's and Bimeoe Mi, United Unlon services of the congregas tions of Nt, Andrew's and Bimooe Hireel United Churches will he held In Bt, Andrew's ohureh tos morrow, Rev, J, KB I. Wilson tn be In charge. In the morning he will preach on "Praying Vietor fously" while in the evening his subject will be 'Living Dangers ously," Viewt Baptist Rav, William Pugsley, of Toron- to, will preach at the services af First. Baptist Church tomorrow, Holy Trinky Wervices al Holy Trinity Anglis oan Church, Bunday, will be eon. dusted hy Rov, BW, C, Jurrett, ins cumbent Kvangel Tabernacle Rov, J, 1, Ball, the pastor, will conduct the services of Kvangel Tabernacle shureh tomorrow, Christ Anglican Bpeoinl Intersession for ruin and prayer against diseases will mark the services of Christ Angll- can Church tomorrow, The rector, Hev, BR, B, Valtterson will be In tharge Vree Methodist Rav, I, 1, Casement, the pase tor, will conduct the services of the, Free Methodist Church temaor ow Christian Selence "Mind" is the subject which will he discussed at the regular services of the First Church of Christ Helentist tomorrnw Albert Breet United "A Live Chureh ia the subject of the sermon which will he preached by the pastor, Rey, # Moore at the morning service of Albert Mtreet United Chureh to morrow, In the evening the pastor will preach on "Flying, Runping, Walking," Getting Rid Of Trouble None of us needs to he reminded of the fact that troubls "is very likely to come his way, If not to day then probably temorrow or the day after; If pot from one aoures, then another; if not a huke and overmastering one, at least bigger and more difficult than we will groatly enjoy, Things that are Aire to come Inte our lives after that fashion, and that seem to be fo Altogether inevitable, ought no! ta he resented or fought agsinst ton strentously, hut we might make some plans for meeting them, for there is a kind of phil osophy that will help us ta do that In a wonderful way; thore fa A right and rather sure way of getting rid of trouble And the veal trouble With, our trouble begine when we try tn wot rid of it hy the wrong method, as we an often Insiat on eying to do For instance, we may have an enemy, No matier how we gol him, whether It was our fault or his, or no mitted in what way hig enmity may week to express Itaelf, he 1s a real trouble and ans noyanee (an us, and thoughts of him obtrude themselves and pers haps spoil hours and days of our life, And sometimes wa try to met rid of the trouble and Annoyance he causes us hy attempting to get Ven With him! And that doesn't help In the least, Nometimes we keep on disliking or oven. hating him, and that anly makes matters wore, And even If we were to OArEY that hating te the wicked length of putting a hulle through him we would discover that ine atead of getting rid of hm, we had loaded. him upon our back forever Rut some day under a most for tunate inapiraton it may come to Us to the saving of our soul that thera is a perfect way of getting vid of an enemy and all the trouble and worry and heartache he onuses uw, and that is hy maks ng a friend of him, We may not, of course, he able to change him all at once, hut we can ehange our attitude toward him, we oan kil the enmity in eur own soul and the thing in done, and done per feotly and for good and all, And there isn't any doubt about It, there fa a somewhat similar way hy which we can get rid of the wultitudinous troubles that threaten the peace and comfort and happiness of our lives, There {6 a ppanible transforming process that will make them Inte somes (hing else than what they seem to be, It may not he easy to find sometimes and there ix no ready. made reoipe by which It may he accomplished, but if we are wise and patient we oan discover it, And ft In worth searching for a long, long time, tors of the ian Railway have no int INE the BW, Beatie, RA OA tne dividend a be ron Now th ried it Sh be, 0 Automobiles alone, corting (A \ amt 4 Sh GAO llr a does took {30 ih od te aa Lanadian automobile tires axcesded $1,000,000 in value, CHRISTIAN CHURCH FACES PERIOD OF REAL OPPORTUNITY 'World Situation Demands Courage And Leadarship ' ==Danger Exists Mott gonsiders that wea are now living in the most dangerous time in the life of the world, "We are faclus an abso lutely unprecedented world situa tion," ho says, "unprecedented in point of opportunity, Never were 0 many doors open in every con tinent to the friendly constructive message of the Christian faith,' The situation 1s alee unique In point of urgency "hecause of the rising tide of nationalism pnd em cial patriotism which are now BUPRINE across the world nod ove leaping the banks." Every back ward race, every oppressed people, every deproessod stratum of society 18, a8 It were, on Its toes tinmling With new aspitations and hopes and ambitions, The mreat mission ary organiser and observer draws attention to the spiritual tide of Which he was aware on every oon. tinent. And the present situation In Also unprocendented in fia dangers, Why? Because of the rapid spread of the corrupting in fluences of aur so-onlled Western civilization, which is eating Hho a fankrane Into the less organised lands and races, The danuer fs tn ereasad by the faot that thera are coming forward in the non Ohriat Ian world generations left largely without veliglon, but trained In eiples to take the place of the re. ALraInts of the old falihs whieh Are heing inoreaningly Ainoarded And today an never before ant! religlous movements ara Aprineing UD, organised from a Russian base With worldwide plana for the Avowed purpose of taining a gen eration that not only would he wihtout yeligion, hu trained. in selentitio precision to fight rel #lon, across the world, Whilst we apend our time tn futile dsens. tlons aver non-eskentinle thoy are hertecting thelr planw, - developing their leadership and pressing thelr propaganda with relentless energy Diviaive influences, whether fn the Ohureh or state are playing direst. I¥ Into the hands of a movement whose announced Purpose fa the overthrow af all that we have hith. orto asmociated with the world upivitual, ? Tr ---- Ni trout, known all sontnent a the amont of is fish, are coming into the spot jah ra front the [1 Ing to Er alr phos Apeckied trout Is mow in fn Ane and will continue until Neptember i iy beat entry he Fg 1] . " saat LIE rh th ind foot Tod HAL , by Bdmund Salter . \eraon, N, J, July 29, to" Dr, John R Asbestos production in Canada Suriag 1029 set up a new high ree: 0 hsvoring to (ha finally revised laures of the Bureau of Statistics Shipments in 1020 amounted to 208 tons, valued at HERI an inarauss at 13.1% In quaAtity aad iw n . » wilh TT ain th spare Pravious year, h A Bold Prophet From Tekoa wr ---- When 'we look over the list of the prophets of God who rendered herols service for Wim in troubs lous time, as recorded In the Od Testament story, we are impressed with the great variety in talent and quality 10 he noted among them, Certainly they waoge not all built of the same paitern, Indeed it would be difficult to pick out a group of men from any page of history that showed a groater divergence In education and equip. ment. and ability than they seem tn reves), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Wook: 18), Amon==4to name but n fows= ware Just about as unlike one an: other as It wan possible for men to he, And yet they wers called to serve the same high ends each in his own way and to reveal the thought and purposes of God to the people, I wak, of course, Inevitable that It should he so, for they lived fu Aifferent times and under un groat variety of conditions ant if each Was to do well the task that lay hefore him (he great thing he needed was an individuality shaped In h' awn times and moulded to {1} the need of the day, We used to debate in a learnsd fashion the question nf wheather occasion made the man or the man moulded the noeasion to his hand, but eortain It is that man and occasion must somehow ha made to fit each other hefore. apything very much worthwhile happened, and we never can Judge any man fairly or adequately unt) wae look at him In the 'Heght of the day In whieh he Vived and the tasks that were given him to do Tha Wible tells us of a number of great leaders who wore soma thing after the fashion of this herdman prophet of Tekos, They came from ohseure places and fram a quiet and lonely life, call od tn go Into mreat cltles and speak some word of rebuke and warning te great populations, The idea In, of course, that in thelr nulet and retired 1ife a divine mess safe might he mora likely to reach them than If they wera living where men ware all about them And no doubt It has often work: od that way, and yet that sort of thing doers not always work oul ideally, Ho often the man from the country eomes into the eity and In impressed by manifest appear pnees and falls to wea deeply enough tn Judges accurately and righteously, | The countryshred prophel sometimes goes In OX» tremens when he thunders his jude: ments against the grent motropotls tan Hite that he falls to understand or appreciate at ita trues worth In fact any man who feels him: pelf, called to" witness in a tragle fashion against the sins of hig aga needs tn he a man of unusual sirength and poise and stability f his witnessing In to have any bene ficial affect, Bome auch take quite ton much satisfaction in tha pro Cons, #8 You have seen soma social reformers whe wore manifestly filled with satisfaction that they lind a wpecially tragle story of conditions ta tell. Thundering fudements of any kind agoinat any one has 'heen long ako discovered to he a very risky and altogether worioun business Nefore any one should under: take it he should at leant he posi tively assured, an Amos wan, that he was divinely called to the ens tarprise, and should, as he did ap parently, pul that . assurance to nevers tenting, The ranter and the real prophet may sometimes look a little alike hut in reality they Are an far apart as the poles, Amos had some strong and bitter things to say, but you feel ax he saya them that 1t fa an honest and heave man talking and not a sen sation monger, which Is what some fovoalled mocial reformers chiefly are, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev, John Lindsay, Pastor, Sun. day, Aug, 4th: 10 am, Sabbath Neohool and Bible study, 11 a.m. and 7 pom. the regular serviees conduets ed by the pastor, A hearty welcome extended to all, United Church Minister, Rev, A, 1, Richards, B.D. Sunday, Aug, 24: Union services with the Raptist Church, Rev, I, I Beat will be the preacher throughout August. Sums mer visitors are very welcome to these services, St. John's, Port Whithy=Reotor, Rev, D, RB, Langford, Sunday, Aug, B4th, 10 a, wm, Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 am, and 7.80 pan, Rerviges, preacher, Mr, Reg, Terrett, of Oshawa, Thursday, (t0-tay), 7.80 hi WA: Business and Devotional meeting. Baptist Chureh-- United Koaviges all August, The United and Baptist congregations worship together, Ae Revi 1 I, Beat in charge, ible School at 10 am. in both ghurches 11 am, in United Church, subject, "Swimmers to the rescue," 7 pm, in the Baptist Church, subject, nh ning for life" 8.30 oh Als ehureh, monds A ov. J will preach, onday, 8 pm, ne uot Thy. Knatom subject, "1 n an cordially invibed, It in not generally known tha the Prairie Provinces == Manitoba, Saakatehawan and Alberta = eon. tain important commercial fish. orieai - In 102% (he eommerelal Value of fish caught In thes pro- vinoes axcesded M, me Come" All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome Alcohol and Youth BY AW, Vield wuperingendent, Woynl LYLW Tomplars of Temperance + Crisall. A Mogt men are so bypy making a living that too little attention 1s fiven to the "making of a Ife" and yot there is nothing in this world of more importance than the train. ing of the young; bringing to the minds of the boys and girls, those great and abiding truths about right Hving that will prevent them making shipwreck of thelr Vives, Robs Children he whole history ef alcohol is ons of destruction, hearthreaks, sorrow and death, Vor every man killed in war, Aive™ave come Lo an untimely end through drink, Al cohol haw robbed mors children of the opportunity to "make good" than any other agency known lo man, Hr Wilfred 1", Grenfell, Labrador's missionary = physician sys, "lI have seen mors women riined, more homes broken and more children brought to the hos pital 'through alcohol than through any other agency," Impress the Young If, with all the freshness of thelr Ideals, with thelr love of freedom und unbounded enthusiasm, we vould impress the young men and In The Shadow of the Bottle ERA SE -- women with the fact that aleohol Inn nureotio drug, which blunts and dulls our higher, mental faculties and gives free relgh to our bdser tendencies, wo would soon see a marvelous change in tha social customs of thin wonderful pro vinea of Ontario In our study of the drink prob lem, wa are confronted with several roRsons why young men and women commences to dabhla with aleoholle drinks, One reason in that at the present time {ts considered Yamart" to drink wine, cocktails, champagne at social funetions and the desire to imitate others leads many young people to drink Desire to Iinitate We all know that one of the earliest forma of learning was through the instinet of imitation, In the days of primitive man, camp fire stories were the vehicles of conveying traditions from one gens eration to another and the won WAR eager to imitate his father In all his ways, How true it in today that from ehildhood to adol escence and from that stage to manhood and womanhood, Imitas tion exerts a potency in determin ing what men and women are and what they de, The reanon we see (he drink hah ft increasing among young people today, ia becaure these young folks are following the instinct of imitas tion and doing what they see their elders do. Today we have easy fnoceas to all Kinda of liguor and it has hecome quite the popular thing to drink at social functions and the young are bound to imitate, mplendid Kxample President Hoover has set a aplen did example to his goople by retus ing to allow liquor of any kind to be served In the White Mouse, and realising the value of example, the National W.C'!U, in convention a few months ago, passed a resolu: tion dalling upon the people to fol. low the example of the President and abstain from all alooholle bevs orages, If some of our political and social leaders could be persuad- ed to set an splendid an example an Mr, Noover han done, our young people would not be faced with the temptation to drink that exists tos day, Alcohol dulls the brain centers en and mental victories are not won by men who cannot think, Unable to Think Recently I came across Chas, M Huaanel's book "Cause and Kffect" and waa Interested in hin disguas Canadian farmers are now pros dueing all the fine tobacco required by Canadian manufacturers, aoc. cording to a statement just issu by the Dominion Department o Agrioulture which also olaima that the tobaceo In of better quality than that usually imported, Canadian (oboe han Also become a factor In the British tobacco market, An increase of 58% In wotor tourist traftio from the United Slaten to Now Brunawiok 1s shown in Wallan for the 1930 season up to July 81 an compared with the same period laat year, according to figures Issued by the provincial government Bureau of In ation And Tourist Travel from returns from Canadian Customa onlleetors A the 3 porta of entry along the son of the sffect of drink on the working classes, He expresses him wolf thus: "he more they think the less satisfied they become, Lenders of men all know (his, for this reason England has her ale, Beotland her whisky, Vrancs her shsinthe, Germany her hesr, and we of America who are recruited from all of these have had all forms of alcohol. A man who has had woven to a fair amount of aldohol will not ask too many questions, If he does, give him another drink, This method of reducing the citi. ons of a country (6 a kind of idiot. Ie worvility==may hes used for ro. ducing them to sconomic slavery AK wall an spiritual slavery, for the man who cannot think has but small prospect af aver coming Into any understanding of spiritual truth," How often have we seen hoys und girls deprived of an educations #0 vital of thelr future welfare, he. cause too much of the surnings of the household has gone to pur chawe drink, Investigation shows that the hoy whose education ends with the entrance class haw only one chanes in nine thousand of svar hecoming a really successful, na tlonally known citizen, while the hoy who completes the high school course will have ons ehanes In four hundred, If he goes through eols lege, he will have one chance In forty Kducation Wins Edueation will de much to save the coming generations from the 111 affects of alcohol, and It 18 a genu Ine pleasures for the writer to have the opportunity of going Into the schools of the County of Went worth and bringing to the young people a message that alcohol, aw St, George's ANGLICAN CANON ©, N. dePENCIER M.A, Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts, Organist and Cholrmaster=- Matthew Gouldburn, ALOM, 10,16 a.m=Bundny School, 11 am~=Morning Vrayer, Wolo hy Miss Dorothy Williams Rov, Rural Dean Langford, of Port Whithy, will preach 7 p= Tysnsong, Baptisms second Sunday onch month, | Methodist Free MISSION | (Over Arcade) l 10 BIMOOK WT, N, Rev. I, L. Casement, Pastor | Sunday, August 24, | 2.30 p.m. Sunday School 3.30 p.m, Preaching Ser- vice, Wed, 7.30 p.m, ==Prayer Maesting. | Cordial Welcome 0 haverage, in always harmful to the mind and hody, The eager ness with which the story Is list ened to, and the hundreds of splen. did essays that have been written on the' subject hy the seholars, testify to the value of such teach Ings Not the Culls One eannot forget, however, that past. experience indioates that un less. there in a great change In our social customs, one In every mix af the boys and girls now in eur nehools will go down through drink Those who go down will not all be the culls, because it seems to he A peoullar fact that the brightest minds, the young men endowed With the highest mentality, are very often the most affected by this nar cotie poison Nlow to Lear Man, the crowning species of oreation, In very slow to learn ihe truths that modern science teaches about nleohol vig, i. 1. Aloohol ix a poison of all lite, whether plant, animal or man 2. Alcohol 1a an habit forming drug, most deceptive, alluring and enslaving 4, Alcohol ik a specific cause of degeneracy, an active principle of death for hody, mind and soul, CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel Centre Athol St, West==Nurth Side REV. E. A, BROWNLEE of Toronto Preach ab Both Ker vices, win | Sunday Schoo! § p.m, Prayer Meeting, Wed, © pm, and Sat. 7.30 pom, | i | Oshawa A ------ -- "Christian Science' First Church of Christ, Selentint 64 Colborne Street Kast Sunday, August 24 Morning Service at 11 am, SUI KOT "MIND Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Sclence, You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorised Obristian Solence literature may be read, borrowed or purchased And poriodioals subscribpd tar, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from ¥ to b p.m, Centre St, United Church Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B.A, D.D. | Sunday, August 24, The Regular Sunday Schoo! Rervieen will not be held on Runday, Rev. C. J. Felton Of Irvington, N.J. Will preach at 11 aim. and 7 p.m, Pentecostal Holiness Church | 811 Celina Street | Pastor G. Legge In Charge | 10,a.m, Sunday School | 11 aan, Pastor G, Legge 7 pm==Evening Service Tues. 8 p.m w= Prayer Meeting Fel. 8 Pm, Bible Study Everyone Welcome HOLY TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8. C JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 10 a.m --=Sunday Scheel Il am, == Matine and Sermon, : 7 pm Evensong and Sermon. | Northminster | | United Church Rev. Mansell trwin, BA. BD, Pastor 80 Greta St. Phone aRe8\y | 10 am, «= Sunday School Closed, AW Jeremiah Real Eatate," and Watch for new date of Street Fair, | The Salvation Army Nimeoe and Oak Sts. Ensign and Mrs. Dixon LY FLOWER SUNDAY 11 am==Hollneas service, |. Sunday School: 10 a.m, and 2 pm, 3 pme==Band program Lakeview Park, T pm=="God's Gardens" » dpecial Music and Singing, in

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