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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" res The Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in » Growing City VOL, 7==NO, 47 Published ot Oshaws, Out, Vay Kacopt Sundays and roa A oi OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents » Copy EIGHT PAGES 4 ld ded cleats died leds ert News in Brief | (My Conadian Prose) Body Found in Well Londo, Ont Missing since noon on Saturday, the body of Alexander Massie, 19-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Alexander Mas sie, employed im the farm of Gordon Athan of the Second Concession = of "Delaware Township, « was «found in a well at the rear of the farm LJ » New Air Route Opens Lisbon, Portugal =Direet air con neetion between Cirent Britain = and Portugil was established today with the flight of u large Royal Air Vore homber heiween Southampton wn: Tagus. The trip was made in ten hours without a stop . v * Miners Killed Berlin, Aug Nearly a score ol coal miners were buried when of the galleries in the Hildebrand pit near Kattowitz, Upper Silesis collapsed. Nine had been extricated last night seriously injured. Tt was feared the others Jere killed fhe Principal on Way Kingston=Hanilton Vyfe, prin cipal-elect of Queen's University, is expected to arrive here about Qe! 27. Word has been received that he Is sailing from England on the Can adian Pacific steamship, Duchess of Bedford, on Sept, 19 » » . Appointed to Court The Hague, Netherlands, Hh Cacll Hurst has heen appointed n member of the court of summary jurisdiction by the permanont court for International justice, taking the piace of Charles vans Hughes, who' recently resigned A previous report hat Hughes had heen 0 ilu this oMce wan erroneous hn . » Tropical Hurricana Washington, I'he US bureau last night warned the vicinity and to the ws west of Bermuda of a turbance attended | winds whieh was be in the vicinlty of longitude 63 und mm northwestward weather uth ane tropical dis hurrieun: wing north as Elevator on Rampage New York-=An elevator in Hotel Gotham in Fifth Avenue, wild yesterday, causing a flood killing a man, Andrew Dublin; assistant engineer, was repairing the car ae the street level when it start ed upward suddenly 'then dropped ta the bottom of the shaft, then shot to the top, crashing inte a water tank on the roof LJ LJ the ran . sent to Penltentiary Hamilton Clarence Eastman, 19 years of age was to-day sentent ad to three years In Portamouth Penitentiary by Magistrate Bu bidga when conyleted of stealing An automobile MILTON GIRL WAS NOT KIDNAPPED Suspected Kidnapping Turn: ed Out To Be An Elopement Guelph, Aug. 24 covered here Zitita (Nikoega) Zen ith, pretty Slay girl of = Milton Heights, Ont, who wan said to have heen kidnapped from her home there to-day No action will be taken as the ofMcers have found that the girl wan not kidnapped, and is being married here to one of the men of the party, As she Is 10 vears old and left her home of her own accord, ofeers point out that she has the right a marry here If she wishes, When Zitita's sister saw her get. ting Into a motorscay early to-day, in what has turned out to he evi dently a carefully planned elope: ment she gave the alarm. of a kid: napping. HALIFAX HARBOR BOARD RESIGN Retirement of Members Is Caused By Change of Government Poliea dis w-- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, N.8, Aug, 26==Char 'oo W, Ackhurat, and John Murphy, members of the Halifax Harbor Commission, issued a joint tatement today announcing that hey had resigned, The commia voners. said they had sent theh resignations to the mintster of warine, to take effect at the pleas. are of the governor-inseouncll, In thelr statement the retiring com: missioners sald the 'Interesta of the harbor made it necessary that the Incoming administration be given ample time to take over the work. and, the statement sald, "we understand that the government is prepared to name a new board of commissioners', Peter R. Jack, who was chale man of the commi alon, resigned when he accepted nomination in Halifax County as a candidate in the last Dominion election, He wan defeated at the polls. The vossels in reported at noon to latitude 27, and nn STRONGHOLD CAPTURED BY GOVERNMENT opr Three Thousand Prisoners Materials Nationalist Army TROOPS IN MUTINY New Panic Created Among Foreigners as Communists Approach Capital of Hun- an Province (By Canadian Press Loasad Wire) \ ish hat HK Wy wel hinese Nil troops dynamited the west Ww all of the captured the northern for th the any Fadan toda hold fre rn city ol Ay the sron " ces il prisoners arm and ma I'hree Wer taken well as Kun HSH h weriment us cannon chine \ returnin capital has usands ol 10s Hnnist | within of Changsha, f Hunan province, n new the ty with th Jit pria tie ind Chinese evacuating wird Hank Adding to the dan er of the situation is the fact that of General Ho Chien's Nank ing troops have mutinied wheres the fifteenth ar hy General Ho against the communists is report ed here to have joined the reds While the Nunking government has issued a mandate offering amnes ty to all northern enemy troops, with the exception of General Feng Yull and General Yen Hal Shan, whom the government deglines to pardon for their part in the re. the same time it is making the Manchurian Wir General Chang Hweuh Liang tn wimation here mandiute which President Kaj-Shek has signed, points REOWINE- Communist mennie ruptive Ie ith « rine miles PRI seize] Core \ al vl lard nee 10 idling inti I'he Chaing to the the China WATERLOO SOUTH | us RYsites st d ree It | For Seat in Provincial Legislature (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tarentn ed to tary of the ation, that Waterloo islature election It was announce I hnson, secre Liberal Awsoci Liherals the tiding of South, in the Ontario Leg had decided to contest made necessary hy resignation of Karl K. Homuth, servative, who unsuccessfully tested Waterlon North in the recent dominion general election Water lon: South Liberals will hold « vention at an early date to nomin ate a candidate \ug. Jn hy Hi H Ontario 0 the the Con ron con O Fire thenight to have originated fram defective wiring completely destroyed the Delaware County Children's Home here, No children were injured Delaware, Liberals To Name i ror-- pro Chinese Troops Dynamite Walls of Taian City Lone Mermaid to Battle for Laurels With Havks Swim Stars and Large Amount of War| Captured By | AND Wis of "ALL TO GAIN Tosmorvow's hig swim hesmansaf¥alr hy the entry who finished Ah and won 8800 in signed on the dotted fine some of the swim favorites host chance of winning, and Anna, for the public, (1) Mendel Bur ng's Physician "Visiting Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Aug. 26 Lord Daw on of Penn, soft-spoken physical to King George, is in Winnipeg to day, The man who gilded the King of England from threatening death late In 1020 sturd health yesterday made his frst to the Canadian prairies hy aleplane He flew from Kenora, in Ontario beautiful Lake of the Wood try, to Winnipeg, the los start to roll we NO WORD RECEIVED FROM ARCTIC FLIER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ang. 6-While no wei has been received from Major 1. | Burwash who is ena (hight to the magnetic north pale, hy the north west territories hraneh since Satur diay, offielals expect he is in the neighborhood of Cambridge Bay of on King William Island, On Satur day the explorer left Coppermine lo ohlry coun where Prat ward (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) simian, Aug, 30.-1t wan persia: tently rumored to-day that Pundit Motilal Nehrn, a nationalist leader now in Jail at Allahabad, will he re. louned on medical grounds, No confirmation is avaliable hut It In known that some anxiety la folt for the Nationalist: ohlettain, The government of the united pros vincen announced yesterday that Indian Nationalist Leader May Account of Health the Pandit had heen examined hy Dr, Roy and Dp. Ansari, and lates would be examined hy medical board, It Is understood that the govern. ment {8 eavefully watching the health of all prominent olvil dis obedience leaders, leaders who are In prison, fearing that disorder would occur were any of them to dle, " Ottawa, Aug. 26, --Elesation hy acclamation of Premier R, I), Rens nett and 14 of his Ministers in you torday's. by-election clears the way for calling n session of Parliament to deal with unemployment, for early in September, The date of the opening probably will. he announced after a meets Ing of the Cabinet, now called for Wednesday afternoon, when a quorum of Ontario and Quebes Ministers will have returned to the Halifax Marbor commission waa formed in 1028, Ce Capital, Already hound eastward from Calgary, the Prime Minister Bennett's Ministers Are Elected by Acclamation doubtlessly will communioser his wishes within the next 24 hours or #0 on the date for convening Mar lament, Sept, 10 and Sept, 4 are two of the days HKkely ta he cons sidered, Under Instructions issued, writs showing the election of Premier Bennett and his colleagues will he returned to Ottawa hy the first mall, On thelr vecaipt, the re-elec: tion of the Prime Minister and his 14 Ministers will be. oMeolally pub lished in the Canadian Gasette, Al) these writs are expected to he back (Continued on Page 8), NOTHING sav od from being an allired-Llnnthed. An nn woman marathoner of Miami, Via, have overything to gnin and noth ing to lose," sald And Anna is vy ndiud ged | offeial TO LORE" KAYS Pritley Holyoke this year's Henolt, popula Mass, and other Maesy women's swim, "1 | Annan an | Ahove are shown | hy swim experts (to have the who ny have a surprise In store ditt, popular Toronto marathon | Young | no slouch, New York Will | Welcome Fliers | From Germany Plans Made For Celebration Vo! On Completion of Atlantic Flight (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) York, N.Y. Aug Hi completed to-day for an welcome (to the German fliers expected to alight on the water near the Status of Liberty In Inte afternoon, It was decided to send out the city Tug Macom with members of the mayor's committee and greed the oconn fliers in the havbor, in. viting Capt, Wolfgang Von Gronan to hoard the tug, so that he might he carvied to the hattery in the same fashion as have many othel heroes of tha alr, Detalls of the reception ceremony were not decided on pending cons sultation with the fliers themselves HEAVY DAMAGE IN ELEGTRIGAL STORM Man Killed at Grimsby and Woodstock School Badly Damaged "e--- ~ Toronto, Aug, 26.-~Heavy dam- age was caused hy a severe aleps trical storm that swept western Ontavio yesterday, and caused the loss of one 1ifé, Howard Diggar, Grimsby, was killed by a bolt of Hghtning that struck a trea under whieh. he sought shelter from the storm, Twa relatives who also erouched under the protecting houghs were hadly shoeked Hatimated damage of $150,000 was done to the flue cured tohacon erop In the Simeoe disteiot, A dviving hallstorm followed the electrical disturbance and wrought most of the damage, A freak bolt atruek the Vietoria Sohool at Woodstock and caused many thousands of dollars damage, New land were ANNA ME FAVORITEN Nelson of Fort Dodge, lows, who Young, the "Catalinae Kid," who, it (this year, (4) Anna Priller Benoit, Isador Nponder, Port. Colhorne yon town last year by fAnishing in the who fest sprang Into prominence he In the 1087 swim, coming In thi Michel came secon, THREE GIRLS HURT IN MOTOR ACCIDEN " (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal Aug, 26 hres i tonrists from Columbus, Ohio, were injured, one of them seriously when thelr auto skidded from the high wai at Wvalrie, Que, vesterday crashed Into a tree The girls id wora enraute fram Quebep to Montréal, were taken to the Royal torin Hospital here, hut two of them were discharged when mino cults and hrilses were Auended to ------ Man Wounded By Gunfire of Coastguards Liquor Laden Speed Boat Seized After Chase Off Rhode Island (By Canadian Press: Leased Wire) Newport, RI, Aug. d6=One was seriously wounded hy coast guard gunfive and the liquor laden motor cruiser Mardelle was seized carly today by the coast guard after a chase off Newport, The wounded man, who is known as "Chips" Munson of Fall River, was taken ta Fort Adams for first ald treatment by the coast guard, His wounds proved to he so serious, however, that he will probably be re: goved to Newport for more ade: quate treatment, He was shot in the left side Three other members of the yum runner in the erew were gaptured and placed under arvest. when the coast guard boat, CG, IM, avers hauled the fleeing smuggler, The liquor cargo aboard the eraft was re parted to he sizeable When questioned at the Port Ad ams hospital the wounded wan re. mained silent. It was believed hy coast guard officers, however, that the speedy eraft is owned by a Fall River man The Mardelle is a mahogany cruise er powered with three large inotors and ds most elaborately fitted, All memhers of the crew wore trim unis forms, man -- A Ma Rita IN GRIND FOR swimmer, who has heen In the money before now, (8) Melvin "Duke" GLORY BHOWN AROVE was in Inst year's swing, (8) George In predicted, will stage a comeback only woman in the swim, (A) thy who hrought fame (to his home money, and (6) Wm, HNriekson, re when he floated until 5.80 a.m rd, while Vierkoetter won and Government to Accept Plans | 0f Commission | Many Large Construction Projects Being Put Under Way (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) I'nraptn, Alig, 24 Immediate tops are heing taken hy the One | tario Government 1a put inte ef fect all the major recommenda tions of the Royal Commission on foetal Welfare, Tha commission estimated that amount of money necessary to do this would he ap. proximately twenty million dels ars This was the statement made hy Premier GG, Howarg Ferguson In disoussing the report of the coms isslon which was appointed last year hy the provinelal government, The work heing carried out hy the government at the present time includes: Canatrvuetion of elinlos ta ems hrace the whole provinces for the purpose of arvesting at an early stage any indication of mental or physioal defects in children and adults and to provide edueatiwm for parents on how ta carve for their ehildven at home Evection of new hulldings at Orillia at a cost of $800,000 tn provide increased accommodation for patients and proper segrega- tion of differant types, Inoveased accommodation at Woadstaok for epilentios at a cost of half a million dollavs Conatruetion of wurses' home at Mimlea at cost of $200,000, Immediate oonstruotion of an in: stitution costing #400,000 ta pro. Vide for the criminally insane who are now housed in crowded quarts ora in the vefarmatory at Quelph, Reconstruction of institutton at London of a million dollars, Tobacea Crop Damaged Simeoe, =A heavy. and spotty the tobaceo growing Delhi yesterday afternoon wrought damage estimated at $150, 000 to the fluercured tobacco crop character New Zealanders po Way to Conference (By Canadion Prose Lonsnd Wire) Wellington, New Zealand, Aug Uh, Tha New Zealand delegation tn the Imperial conference in Lon dan sailed for Vancouver to-day Prime Minister, the Kt, Hon. G W. Forbes In his farewell speech al Auckland, expressed the opinion that the problem of Empire trade was gn important that the fostering of greater economic relations might gn a long way towards holding the Empire together MAN KILLED BY GAR IDENTIFIED Victim of Accident Near Kitchener Was Resident of Toronto (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wie) Aug. 4b I he antamaohile kitehener man killed in near Breaslay early on Saturda heen identified as Wiltred Randall of Foronto Albert Jacobs of Windsor, colared, is being held op a charge of manslaughter in connection with the accident Ward of tim was received today gerprint department. of of Ottawa, In police At the same no knowledge of a crimbivale reg against the dead man, ! cluimed the bhedy hui hurial arrangements shortly Jagohs has heen Hospital, where he going treatment in wn geeident identification of the vic fram the fin the ministry the provincial tine there is il his justice, IOI expects | he iis will removed from had heen under the Jall, He is At coat of three quarters driving hail storm of a visited district areund and on remand until nest Tuesday INDIAN FRONTIER SITUATION QUIET ---- | Chiefs of Turbulent Tribes | Are Handed Over As Hostages (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peshawar, India, Aug, 26.-~The Malla Khel geetion of the Orakeais and Chamkannis, fhe some time forming one of the most helliger ent of the hordey tribes, to-day handed . aver to the authorities twenty of thelr leading chiefs as hostages The situation on the narth western frontier was quieted to. day with no signs of further trouble reported from Mohmand and other Afridi-infested distriots, Remants of a force of Afghans defeated hy the Hritigh near Domel on Sunday are heing pursued hy a loyal Lashkar of their awn tribe hite | | as | ° mide | Case ARD MEETING DISCUSSES BYLAWS PROJECTS COMMENDED AND CONDEMNED BY SPEAKERS ATS. W. WARD GATHERING in Centre Street Last Night War Well Attended Meny Questions Asked Of Council Members MAYOR MITCHELL AND ALDERMEN PRESENT Meeting School Present Strong Arguments In Favor of Measures ~~ Several Ratepayers Cons dem Proposals As Extras vagant i § authorizing the expens $000 for a he livliaw diture nf | administration palice Hew huilding and a were hoth strongly awindly condemned the South-West sociation held in elvie new tation commended and 1 at a4 meeting nl Ward Ratepavers' A the hall of Centre Street Hehiool last might Npeaker poke for and aginst the measure but althougly there was no vy taken the gre of ra present wer 7 ater number tepayvers dently in opposition he meeting last night was well at tended President Dan Douglas of the Association us chairman in ecapahle Mayor I Mitchell MacDonald, Ald, Win, He Win, Sulle Ald, Nam Jack Ald, Waterous werms present peakers alse included everal ratepaver wh wneed their views in no uncertain terms and asked a good many questions of the cotnetl member Ald, Wm, Baddy, wha is the Asseciatio pe for the hylaws vineing way He need for an adouni and new police station out that when huailt the the city for many vears to come, The actual cost to the ratepayers would he ahout $8,000 a vear, he estimated, and weuld add little 1a the existing mill rate I'he council, he sald, was meere In its matives for supporting the project Denonncing the hylaws as extrava gant, 1 Kirhy attacked hoth pros nasal I'he city he sald was alread overburdened with debt, awing aps« proximately $L000000 an a total ase essment of $12,000000. He eanside ered that ether projects might hetten he undertaken for the relief of they unemployed and advanced the apinian that Oshawa eould not afferd to go ahead with two new buildings at the present time, He alsa considered that the plans for the administration hullding were more ar less makeshife and would prejudice the scheme of having at some future date eivig huildings in which the eity" gould take pride Criticlam hy Thos vatepaver, for the fact that pity returning officers far th vote were all men with steady tions hrought Mavar Mitchell and Ald, MaeDonald inte eanflict Mry Ning wished ta know why the citw conneil had not given the work to unemployed men and Mayor Mitehe!} then suggested that as this was a matter for the finance committen, (Continued on Page 2) Acting mdnney Ald, . A dy, Ald ol and hut Ane a member of ented the in ahisieed the ration bul g and painted would serve anathen the des hylaw posi 4 King Lon Chane Pass (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los 'Angeles, Aug, 26.-Lon Chaney, whose grotesque msereen oharacterigations wen him the sob. riguet of "the man of a thousand faces," died here early to-day after a vallant battle against anaemia and congestion of the hronehial tuhes, hemorrhage of the lungs shortly after midnight suddenly out short the noted actor's fight for life after he had bhaen fepuried on the + Noted Screen Actor way in Los Angeles Today road to recover, He was 47 yeary old, Chaney entered a hospital August 16 for treatment of an anemic eons ditlon resulting from a severe ats tack of pneumonia suffered in New York early this year, He failed to respond veadily to treatment and last week three blood (ranafusiond were resorted to, Last Saturday he hecame ovitioally ft hut aafeln passed the eriaia Veaterdas ha way adld hy hospital attaches to he rests ing easily, TE ---- London, Aug. 9%6.--A plan wheraby Great Britain would pur chase in bulk primary products from the Dominions and providing for the exclusion of competing commodities from other countries, in being prepared by Rt, Hon, J, H, Thomas, Hecvetary of Demin. fon Affairs, for submission at the fortheoming Imperial Conference, according to the Financial Times, The Financial Times further pays that this plan 18 based on complete monopoly and i intends ed to stabilize demand and encour: age investment of Rritigh funds in developing the Dominions, It is further proposed, the Plan For Bulk Purchases From Dominions Proposed Journal declares, ta huy commes dittes produced in the Dominiony on a partielpating scheme, Publi utility undertakings would ba eatablished, one to handle wool from South Africa and Australia one for wheat fram Canada; and another meat and other atapla commodities 1 According Times it will there shauld the Finaneial he suggested thaw be Y"gombination sellers" in each Dominion, held responsible for the disposal of their whale product te the buying organisation in Great Byftain, where a monopoly would be eas forced by an import hoard, tn

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