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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE 8IX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 TEXTILES LOSE FIRST GAME TO LAST YEAR'S INTER. CHAMPS. 4-0 Hamilton Plays Errorless Ball and Scores All Four Tallies on Textile Errors A i ------ Game is Fast and Closely Fought With Homesters Scoring Once in 1st, and Three Times in Bth -- Bradd and Young Provide Fielding Features of Game, in Sensational Stabs of | Line Drives -- More Than + 2,000 Attend Game -- Rodgers in Fine Form o-- (By Geo, Campbell) The Oshawa Textiles made u gal lant bid for vietory last night when they met the Riseluys Coal Company tein in Hamilton dn the first round of the Semor "I" plavdowns, but were defeated 4 to 0, iseluys were Intermediate sons of Ontirio last season and ve oven frofiges tem this season. The Textiles put up a great weht and produced a game which thritled the hn erowd, Up in the Ambitious City they take their soft ball sevious, There were more than two thousand fans In attendance and they made thelr presence heard, wml ne mistake I reul nip-and tuck ball game and the "breaks" de cided the Jesue I'he ed in only two Innings, ith, In the hrst inning mah up missed the thivd Parish the wide ball and he site scored Iwo-hiug ton the program first and Chum uh Wil ' homesters seo the first and the first strike hut Hiesed wis He ger which eame ne In the fifth, with second, Beudy misjudged a hard My and (ell, alter hind mlsned the eateh, One mun scored upd the next man scored when Haley thre the hall wide, to home plate Fhe hatter seared on a Welders eholee In other words, while thie won a close hard-fought game on oi men on Riseln h qe an effect on thelr playing nnd with a good erawd to cheer them om, they should be able to defeat last year's champions in the return game, next Saturday und make the third EAME NECessiry Ist Innin Textiles Brady walked. Creamer fiyved out to centre, Young hit to Visel, who forced Brady st second Hradd whiffed, 0 hits, 0 runs, 0 ervors Wiselnyn=Cheyne missed the third strike but was safe when Parish missed the ball, Wainwright hunted foul on his third strike, Stout douh led scoring Cheyne, Kessler ground ed out to Haley, Martin popped out to Rodgers, 1 hit, | run, 1 error Second Innin Textiles--Rodgers i to left field, Carver walked Parish was out, dred to 1st, hoth runners advam ed, Morris walled fling the sacks Haley towed out to Turnbull and Brady followed likewise and the chines Roe I hut, O vans, 0 errors Risehiys = Turnnhull singled and took second when Carver fumbled the hall, Greenley hit to short, Mel rae witehed the third one go h Pasel fyed out to Parish, Bradd made a sensational cute of Cheyne's line drive 10 close Inning 2 hits, 0 runs, 1 error Third Inning l'extiles-- Nout of Creamers atbempt for a hit ded to 1st, RB Wiis the cateh Young radd fly made 4 nice grounded out Sixth Inning Tentiles=~Young out, Cheyne to Turnbull, Bradd struck out und so did Rodgers, 0 hits, 0 runs, OU errors Riseluys=Vasel walked, Cheyne grounded to Young, forcing Pasel at second Wainwright flyed out to Haley and Bradd hid Cheyne caught uff second but dropped the ball, $1out wits safe on Haley's fumble, Kessler out, Young to Haley, 0 hits, 0 runs, error, Seventh Inning Tentiles=Parish singled, Morris fouled out to MeCrae Haley willed Brady was called out on the third trike, 1 hit, 0 vuns, 0) error Kiseluys==Martin out, Kodgers 10 Haley, Turnbull struck out, Green ley wot another hit but MeCrae fyed out (a Creamer to retire the side, | | Wit, 0 rung, 0 error | Eighth Inning Fextiles=Cheyne made a nice put oiit of Crenmer's drive, Young ow, Walnwright to Turnbull, Bradd out, | Cheyne to Wainwright, 0 hits, 0 | runs, 0 errors [ Riselays=Pasel sent un screaming drive over Med base into left field Young fhelded Cheyne's bunt and tagged Tom ow, Wainwright struck out, Young drew thunderons up. | plause from the large crowd when | | he made a wonderful stab of « screeching line drive which was labled for & homer Young had to tke a high Jump and he just man | uged ta hang omo the ball, with the Mps of his hogers, 1 hit, O runs, 01 errors | I Ninth Inning Fextiles Rodgers walked uid othe | | Oshawa crowd pepped op when he | took second on uw passed ball, Carver struck om Parish got wit | wits ciaight om. at the ball hud Rodgers only got to fust helding mn sngle | second hine iter the to third hase, due Furner, bistting for | uke heen ilute ed out tao Martin, 0 hits crrors Kiseliys Cremer flew nut to Bradd in Crime 0 runs, 0 Wialnwright flew fot e winked Hnle Martin Hie hit out n Hessler out 0 Wa 0 0 runs, Fourth Inning Ie Rodgers popped Furnhull Curves wi Parish hit double pla 0 runs, 0 erron tiles out ain brithant | 0 hit retived tl slide Hone Fins fe outhit Kept the Wig Wi ta 0), of the four really eurned I'he winners the Textiles B to 4 hut the Fextiles off the sheet by pla perfectly Not a single error chalked against the home team The Riselays ure n machine and the what it's all about I'he lovely defensive hall and the sess A number of dangerous Hitters, all of whom hit the hall on a line The Textiles had five errors and oy ery one of them came critical stage in the game and direct hearing on the score Fine Fislding Rodgers, ex-Hamilton, hurled a smart game, He had five strikeouts, and kept his hits well scattered hin his support failed just when he need ed it most, Young and Bradd each contributed a sensational eatel to the evening's entertainment Young leaped high into the alr speared a terrific line drive which would have heen a sure homer had Igor by, He just managed to get the hall hy the tips of his hngers but he hung on, Wiadd sagged off line drive, one-handed, which was gos | Ing past on his leit ail Hoth eatehes drew a great den) aps | plause Riselays displayed MAI speedy felding, und their doublepla In the fourth inning wis one of the fielding features of the game, They | also flashed some real speed In the ninth when Pariah singled, with Rodgers an second, Art, took third and the ball wis thrown to-the plate Parish went to second and thi catcher threw to seeond and Parish was caught out easily and Rodgers wis held on: third hase As It was the game was tighter thane a Pullman Car window hut | the Textiles could have wept up the homesters' standard of "no errors," the game would likely have had to heen. called en account of darkness A four to nil defeat Is not a very se vere heating in softhall and the Tex thes are A to stretch the series Into three games. There (5 ne doubt that the strange diamond had fthall know played I sweet certiinly ut a had a ol ROH Za RY LumBER (0 EHO | ' You'll laugh at this snappy mile: _ weminute somedy drama, "DUMBBELLS in ERMINE" «With ROBERT ARMSTRONG BARBARA KENT BERYL MERCER Added The Seream of the Year LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE 30 Minutes of Fun! TONIGHT-WEDNESDAY went y . \ EL) AALENT Sis Flan i Lo) isela Farnhull fanned Ie daubled Mel'rae flved Cremer. Young mude un nice of Pasel's foul hall, i, 0 runes Lireen out to retire tle 0 error Fifth Inning Textile Morr! mee hunt. Hale Pasel to Turnbull Cheyne fumbled hut hit wit ifr nM Hea Morris taking ded Crenmer I'L winder the put out. | inned ot munaged to make 0 run 1] Riselays Che siriek ont, Wain wright Lunted down thied and Morris ploked the hall up Just before it went foul I'he vimner was safe Stout hunted safely und things looked had for the Textiles, Kesser ved out tn Brady who slight! misjudged he cateh, dropped the hall and then fell Wilnwright seared and Stout seared | on a wild throw hy Hale to the plate, Martin grounded to Bradd and Kessler w safe ut the plate Furnhull Ayed out 110 M ley ined MeCrae Creamer ta end the 3 runs, J errors OSHAWA'S | ATHLETIC MEETING | Athletic As errors 1 in Close | Fein Loreen | fiyed out tn Inning 1 hits | ingled The Oshawa Amateur sociEtion is into athletic activity with hoth feet At a meeting of the direc tars held last wight, it was unani mously decided to sponsdr the ama teur athletic meeting that is tn he held at Alexandra Park on Wednes: | day and Thursday, September 10 and | He eonjunction with the Oshawa Var I'his means that the permits of the A ALL of C, and the W,A AF will he taken out in the name of the sociation, which thus heeomes de finitely linked up with the athlete meeting, and with the revival of track und Reld athletics in the elty, At the meeting, the directors ap (inted M, Melntyre Hood, ehalrman, NV. M, Gilbert and Ross Mek innon ns ty Hv A te have the athletle meeting In conjunction with the fair bird, and to represent the OA AA In the conduct of the meeting. This means that the whole program of athletics will he undep the supervislon of the Oshawa Amateur Athlete Ans soclation, which, ax the body ofclally recognired hy the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada and the Women's Athletle Federation, will come into the limelight In Oshawa athletios afs ter being dormant for a few vears, Work on the cinder track at Alex andrea Park hax been started. The surveying of the track, so as to make It a perfect quarter milo oval, haa heen completed and the track staked out, The next two weeks will he a period of feverish activity, as it will he u hig task to get the einder track laid Pos. rolled hard before Septem her 11, There is every assurance, however, that it will be ready in plens ty af time, and that it will, when eom- pleted, hie ane of the finest in Ontario Keen interest in being shown loc ally in the sports events for the twa day program, Several entries hive heen received for the local event; as well an those which ave open. and many Inquiries have heen made lintry hlanks. can now he secured from the manager, M., Melntyre Hood, at The Times oMee, or will he sent, an request, to any interested parties, Supplies of forms have heen sent to all the leading athletie ¢lnhs in Ontario, and it ix expected (hut there will he a splendid lst of com pettors in all the: open events The 'silver trophies which ore be awarded In all the major «(x at the athletic meeting have hee * finitely ordered, and they prose 0 posite aveay In oall, elghte | ver trophies are being offered, with in| | Morris, fyed owt 10 Martin to end | | the game IL hit, 0 runs, 0 errors Beore hy Innings GO000D0000-0458) 1 O00 i KA The Teams | Fextile Brad | | Young, & Bradd, 2h; | ) If Parish, ¢e:1] Furnes Textiles Wisela YO 00 x (ahinwa {LL reamer, « Kodger TERE | | Morris, Mi Hale | Hamilton Riselays Cheyne il Wilnwright, Mh tout, Hi Kessler | rp Martin, 2b; Turnbull, 1h Greens | MiCrag, « Pasel, | Ih ley, vl Umpire Hooker, Hamilton [ell ind ill race ind | spree rela championship fog trophie evel which ollered few Championships, » tthe three fthall Hutures I'he those | me cups | the girl twelve no the het te unl winners the | rely than the | in re shindlian | that the ire well worth winning For the benefit of list of fodlow Girls 100 yard Cords 60) vad Girls high Ciirls 440) (irl 100 dus) Ontario and Darham ¢ Men's and Boays' Events vires many h published event I dush, my hurdle Jim ape yards relay, virds open conhi nile | ed | | | 100 1X) 1H NAO 140 {Ine 1.20 Pele High Jump, oper 10 yards, confined vo Durham and Ontario eauntie | 10 mined tn und Ontario counties 100 yards, Durham HO yards Durham I'he fyents open yards, open virds, ope virds wd mile yard viru open reliny relay, hurdles apen [ie ope open rel, Durban IR confined Counties IN. eonhined Counties ents and hove unides will he staged on Wedne september 10, while the other events on the program. will held Fhursday, September Marting i pm nner und Ontario hays under and Ountarin girls' ey hewn 10 14 dav, he on | 1 Belle lun on Program In response to a large numher of requests from local and out of town | Athletes, a Ave-mile race han heen | Added to the list of events for the | Oshawa Amateur Athletle meeting | 6 be held on Thursday, Nept, 11. | For this races, a beautiful silver trophy In offered, also sllver and hronge medals, Thin event In ex- pected tn attragt a large feld of runners from all over Ontario, and Will ha the opening event on the nthistie card for the men's opan aventn, Entries oun he sent to M Meintyre Hood, at The Timea' of. Lal German Girl Makes New Record For 1,000 Metres Herlin, Aug, 20 ==Lina Radke, of Germany, women's Olymple * R00 metre champion, bhetterad the world's record for 1,000 metres to day when she ran the distanes In three minutes 8 5:10 seconds, The listed world's women's ves oord for 1,000 metres in 5.08 1.8, wet hy Minn Trickey of England at London In 1004, PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono, Caxramu, Bports Bdiler Textiles Lowe Close Game in Hamilton The Textiles Jost the first game of their sound with the Wiselays Con! team of Hamilton last night in the Ambitious City hy & score of i to 0, The game was very close and hard-fought, sib four runs re sulting from costly the of Ventile players. Rodgers pitched a smart game and the smart work the Oshawa pecially the efforts of WBradd Young, earned the the Hamilton fans, and they know softhall of nessed fries on puri ml team, es admiration © Wits unl and their here Woerowd than two thousand on hand 16 see the they wit sulthall plemship of Ontario lust yi more Kaine a real stripe Iisela woh the intermediate cham oil eri ure picked to repeat thi I'he determined to make ar and they uh they have an even stronger team vettrn game will bg pli here next Saturday and the Textiles ure the wo 10 the full three here bs no doubt that if the Oshawa tean can play their best beand of ball or get uw few of the the able to beat Hamilton Kanes breaks of game", that they will he he team here, hut 1 will take some doing LJ » How Softhull Tin Be Mayed Textile playing ut Park I'his 4 (eum ge Ld v the between the hits, the lust of While the were ie there ih An gimme going on in another part of the eit P11 i Koh the ach t only wits 1 to rin el thee I'his give i ( ) ) Wil ol Hindoo and Viremen three final ninth ofthall Beene 0 und the Wilh in the the with men on bases tluyed Ld Oshawa Shamrocks Must Win Tomorrow which is being up in LJ v I'he LOMO Ow oll Oshawa Shamrocks intermediate fem fu et Cirivphel I he wn feat hamroc) 1] the Shamrock round. und Catpheli the movi ! i the phi arder 1o OALA oi sin the i to defent phi "e bowuls 1 hellford hig crowd (shin wei tom » LJ Chevw, Win Poor Game | Maulleabiles tailed 11) sey i he rom 0. M, | ale Ty) expected might, in thelr exnctly twenty ot I'l Malleabl player ha Hin { hey 1" held heuvy hittin A chalked apnin either, one Ihe Foalthough yu y ta 4 petit gives the her In pe Mallenblen their rim IH OWis his { he the second half. Chosen Friend might at the Stadium hut tenm gfe out ol the uw win for the Chey 4 Ll Anrnby Getting Ready bokding for Satu rdny he Aarabs ay retin | re W to he in their hest form n atcha of Toronto in whit is really 1 nurel | I'} ht Aarinhs can eliminate the M hall the Monarchs | . LJ Ld Tannery Win First safthall league, gol off defeated brand of wll tH tend to treat the ime "ye Eun winner i" he medinte Fanner good start in the t) first 10 nen I'he thelr op ht, when th diame of the round, bh 4 senre of 'annery nice hall il the Hime und 1 £ontinne, the Allandale pre ent the 1 . . out of . Oshawa Bakery in Kingston Todny Bakery Wihall te travels to Ki frat 1 knoek » Oshawa Junior vn I'he tedn playont ini first round of the Ih Yakery I ingst phe gimme of the to pla the winners of the Limestone City Are CRMOT ready the "noenti eliminating . of . New Westminster Coming East? if the New Westminster Pxcelsiors will he finalists for Nest game Winnipe smart work of Vernon, their I'he Hina M . to goo and are confident Rellies and Mann Cup. New It looks very much as vielen the Brampton the the Westminster wan the mn" esterday hy a pene of thanks to thi tl who Varsit FINE it Yin bh led three times in the last period will be played at and nila on Saturday » Sunday School Softhall Final Tonight second game of the Sunday hool saithall league tondght at Park XL the "A" section gave the Bn" Cedardale, a in the frst game but the South Enders are Stadium, Toronte, LJ will of heating I'he fouls ho 1 BE | winners had to ha played Cowan's Wing winners ol section determined to hetter an thelr own dinmond LJ * . LJ Relay Teams Wanted==Five-Mile Race Oshawa's premier Athletic Meet, which he held at Alexandra Park on the new ginder track, on Sept. 10 and 11, should be successful event, Kverything is going along nicely and the persons in charge are more than satisfied with the progress which {x hein} made Entries coming rapidly and there are plenty of entries m eo event, with the possible exception of relay races, These events do not soem to he attracting as vet, but of course, it takes time to build up a relay team and no doubt there will be plenty of entries In these events before the nedt week inv over, There in still plenty of room for local entries in the M0 yard relay the All teann wishing to enter these events are asked: to mail their entries at once After having received a number of requests, the management of the meet have decided 1a include na Fives Mile program, This should he a big attraction and there should be plenty of local entries will hover) are very race and oneanile relay Race on the BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGLY, | Won Lost. V.C, G.B.1 Rochester .., 54 Ho 604 Baltimore , 4% ho Ya Montresl ,..77 hYy Toronto ....71 TV Newark hi 2) Bufltalo (3) 21% doorway City , 04 8) A400 IK ending h2 Bh inh 41 G01, Games hehind leaders, Mondny's Weoves - Toronto 2 Nuwirk Ul Rochester , 9 Jersey City ,,..% Moantres) hb Ronding ..ivi cl) Baltimore B Buttslo ,,v...48 AMERICAN LEAGH Wan Lost PA! Bh 4% hind 77 44 hi 74% hi ihe hh his hi 450 4% $00 "11 ARN Hel 44 #1 447 40 Gunmen behind leaders Monday's Meores Washington 3 Philadelphia Detroit § 1] Only played 'Vernon Gives Salmon Bellies 3-Goal Lead Allg Hh Vernon hh hl hi 76 hin h fh 404 449 ree ne rere ih UR AP I'hiladelphin Washington New York Cleveland Detroit Chicago wt, Lows , Boston gn hY% 10, 1] Lh Ye VER Lovin Knmng Winnipeg | Johnny tiuhhorn Muiping through Argos guard Westminster lend ly Cup hored " Winnipeg Int night to give New sulmonw Bolle " | the Manitoba chimmplon [the Mest gnme of the Mann sami fing) Vernon pounded (hire hots into the W thres-gonl avey Innipeg net in the | fourth quarter h Oto 8 winner of the round will Brampton in the finnle, which n foronto on lunt 1ap of British nil the fenm In the Hilmon the war-weglern "ny on The pin thr Mut urdny On the thelr ull Ihe to fight niprg lend the until Vernon Hawkin fli responsible for | minieter rally in cheek Argos Bush In Three Dixon nt wave he gon) when the firm only two balt minute I'hen In nueen Winnlpox rung uy Crowley sear annisted HH, Benson with another, and Wanlner neconnted for the (hird Wood took Vernon' nent pass in the gonl-mouth to bring Westminster within striking tapes ngnin and {ind ann Ihe Prairie Colmmblang had with Win Into » held WAY Argos first qunrier Ballles to a Nuhting Argon keaping the went anid on term findul fiery Houle, wa the ny Hoh thr home lend 'pan Isltors a period wa old threes Land n quick | Ronn of wlon were on din the Aral Dixon One lone effort ne | wedston ended Douglas and Vernon ndded gnals tn the furswest (ola and Oliver | lipped In Argos' tally Al the thressquarter mark they still were deadlocked and then Vernon | broke looks In earnest Vernon put the Salmon one up after passing dun) | running-mate, Dixon The ha pounded past Hawkins on pn pass from Hioddart and the third was hie A brilliant race the Winnipeg defence and gonlmaouth Westminster thraesgonl load game of the CRICKET NOTES I'he game between the and to Edmunds at Toronte on Satur day last had to he owing ter the I felis with second hin awn Into the thelr second will enrry into the weries tonight lacal ahandoned rain Cierge's ion, 1 he tal of 163 nouth had, ns St [were in'n very strong pu had conpiled the hig 1 for 6 wickets, when Captain Lar [ des laved the innings H. Howarth with the hat | There were Wa {On in his old farm and scored fo not out ten houndury hits in the | total, Go Mann plaved a great inn ngs for his 42, and ¥. Train mate his debut in great stvle hy hitting up W runs. During the innings, the rain win so bad that the winpires ealled a halt. The game was held up for hall an hour and on resuming the captain enlled fm his men, to give Bt, Kds munds uw chanee to have thelr knock Ihe pitch was sonked and the haw! ers foothold precarious, and although sawdust was used, the consistent rain made the pitch a quagmire, The hoawlers were in a sad plight, vet for all that, St. Edmunds Jost their fon hest hats for 27 runs, However nn more sawdust was available, and as the rain was teeming down, the ums pire declared the game closed, and the honours were divided Next Saturday, St. George's wind Wilh up their league hxtures, when Park dul visit Oshawa Chevs, Have Twenty Errors But Hit Opposing Pitcher Heavy and Often to Over- come Their Handicap and Win Game 16-14 -- Mal- leables Play Week Defen- sive Game, One Player Having Six Chevs Now Have a Chance to Tie With Whitby Counterbalaneing a weak defen | wive with a powerful offensive, | Chaves gueceaded in hammering (ut [# victory over Ontario Malleshles the asl meeting of these | tenmy thin searwon [ The winners were woefully Inept the field, | pluys time after time, Hut | the other hand, they were hrillium plate, and the barrage of Wows that slipped ofl was more than enough "up tha score of halls slipped through thelr fing in two | while In messing up 0) nt oILhe CXL Dass thelr hats 1 make which nru for of corel fur w total Tair white | Fourteen hits Iwenty-twn hanes ue and Thetr total collection of hake blows Ineluded an triple and double neers nto the thi | of the 1 10 homer [0 the mnjority tivities three ff we moments Mies Kn | od mL nppropri the lupin short Many New Faces Seen Errors ~-- Chews. Hit Hard and Often To Overcome Weakness in Field Beat O.M.I. 16-14 out, wis Mallealle the only ane of the losing 1eam Io distingulen herself al the hat, In tripe to the plate she Lhiree honest-Lo-goodne:ys on ench oceaniog only #aven thelr four didn't need top af the | five colle ad Aonuhles, Malleghivy tn Ori sacred value for teen 'vung, Bu they much hitting, In view of the pre alent Chev generosity in the mut. ter of ervors. According to the of ficial weorehook, Malleables woored aetly fourteen unearned Hn bvery one of thelr tallies uted fh # Chey mispla Mi Fihott in the for th witiney guve full value for he team's win ihe struck ont five wil three, and held the hit Wit) kind of sul field he could leahles down with halls rung on he hit Kive int #& ve om hook | {ona pi down well wny port In the have the Mal eds |] Mi ni I'he he i} Jet ar « Pipher {roel other han batting oft yi 1 1 mnning mning Kriuggle | wi not frame on i mn " rattled hit BUOre 1 moe ind Lhe nine VER tha of ighout, and fl was clove thro attled until the closing Inning They rushed three added pn for the ninth From he x1 h (Ame the zh Jey mir anth Ing elghth ood Mea off Mullen wid | or inning ral aut of the hile gn tn ed {he 16-14 I Wo un and a | At MLALAA. First Workout Montreal, Aug, 446 | time this season In Fastern {the thud of | wan heard last night on ron] Amateur Athletic A Lrrounds Twelve for places an the Hig Four ord and hurled other for an how egulars and among thos tha field tonight Kenny Grant, outside wing: #teve) on and Pean Bennett, flying wings and Johnny HRennett half among the last year's players, while Bert dams and Garbaring, who ha | bean playing senlor lacrosse [nt the Aeld hut not In Among the newcomers Welch, punting star of | Tlunrs Charlie Delaliny half of Bulmy Beach: Melntyvre of | Varsity Orphans, Tiny Guthrie, the [245 pound Balmy Beach plaver o {two years ago, and Benny Nichols, formerly an MAA A player | haw retiirned from Vancouver For the firm hoots on wu rug! the Mont ocinlion men, candidate MAAAS team In turned out wind kick the ball Ihe tn sarh NOWENMars = were on Vara Wara uniform were Huck Hamilton Kleking who Brampton Jrs. - Win First Game From Maitlands through | Tarontn, Aug Buunre wan ant of the cleanest lacrosse game plays ed under OA 1A, anuspioss this wen non when Brampton's Juniors romped home winners aver Mafit lands hy 6 to 2. The visitors noteh ed three In a row thrdugh the of- forts of Clarke, "Thompson and Burke, then Maitlands teok a hand at 1 and sent Hipgrave in for thaelp first tally of the match Rramp ton came hack*agaln with three nice | tallies, Burrows getting twa and Anthony one, followed hy one for Maitlands, Just prior to. the final whistle, HII! healng the marksman The good goaltending of the pes. | pective goalies kept the sears down [Wn many close-in shots had a tag on them and wera only diverted by uplendid defensive work 26 Cottingham WOODNTOCK REATK RT, THOMAS Woodstoek Aug on Whine Bangs defeated the 8t, Thos mas softhall team here last night by 7-5 in the second game of the playdowns in the O.A8.A,, The first game at Bt, Thomas vesulted in a tHe 7-7, Tonight's fixture drew a large crowd of fans, whe witnessed very good game of softhall, Wood. stock started off with a foursrun load, hut the vistors went ahead In the sixth with a fiverun nning, The Judge: "You must have found a horse with a heck and head long enough to win the Derby!" The Cunndn inl | evening the seens pencer, hh leDonnld, of MeDonnld, 4h 5 1. Ka ) | lelean 1h | Kio Av, Wilker H. Holm | B. Moredy V., Fulton, « G, MeComh, rf ih Oil hy first on 16 14 27 10 20 Pipher 1, hy TI halls, off Pipher Kitlott 8; two base hits, M ND. Kennedy, V, Elliott, M three hase hit, A, Walks home ran, V, Elliott Umpires Fale and Beores, A, Walker Sruek Hott § of Kay 8 Killott ar; Garrow, = ALEXANDER Murrays A SE New Martin TUES, WED "Wings of Adventure" Actions="Thrills Comedy GOODRYE LBGH STATION RT9AGR Vaolee of Hollywood PATHE NEWS Terme $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills || I RUTINR, Manager BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. McMANUS BY GOLLY I'T's NICE TO BE ABLE | or TO LOOK A COVPL FRET IN FRONT OF WOOL) AN NOT SRE A MINATURR GOLF T'S ALSO GOOD NOT TO HEAR ANY gol ) THERES: MIKE ROBE: | HAVEN'T BEEN HIM SINCE HE WENT r COVRLE Lp siiaianomons Bon sa Peas "oy FOYALK: LF L AINYT WRONG HN LRET THE QRCOS BOME TIME AGO NGS I'VE GOTTA SWELL. JOB NOW: RIGHT HERE IN "TOWN. I'M NIGHT WATCHMAN ON A MINATURE GOLF COURSE: afl rl fil {ih fh ih fi

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