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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 PAGE NINE 4 | Sy anrn flushed by the press stand on his | steady, even puce with no sign of| them around the course, the ringing of a little bell, RATEPAYERS SPONDOR LEADS third Jap, Pritchard up In front | worry at the lead his rivals had One Woman Entrant fixuctly one hong iver tho san, d Stock Market Prices i 4 wis ploughing steadily ahead with |amassed, Norman Robe, of Chicago The line of swimmers extended LUG Wirathon wal lon J Funk k -- [ MARATH N | M hb Wtoke, im Btalds, ol Cor. was somo 27% yards behind Velr- | from the shore almost to the break- | gor of Port Colborne, Sam Shields nl Gables Fla, tralled Bpondor hy Rar. I : om : 4 , a 5 ' koatter water a distance of 300 feel. lof Coral Gables, Via Georgn Markel Summary by Canadian Press VOTE 0 H 245 yards, and fifty yards behind a 4 : Ine? py ah . y him came George Young, ons of THE HIART Among them were Krnst Vierkoet- Young of Torn! or and Yi Ragas: by Roronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by ' 0 TO ) Toronto's hopes und conqueror of ter, German-Cansdian baker, who iy 0 Hyuonle, nn, 4 ' Biggar and Orawford, Alger Bullding, Oshawa Vl, (Cantinuod from Page 1) Cutuling Channel, who Was making (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) | triumphed in 1927 und swam sec. | der ns ) ------ the secompanying hont, It wan 0°-| 400d progress. with a slow stroke Lakefront, Tovonto, Ang, 27. ond last year, und George Young, - - tor the Toronto swimmer had passe | that was tiwed a1 only 42 to the { With tho water of lake Oniatle the conqueror of Catiliyga Anna RAILWAY WORKERS An (Continued from Page 1) od beyond the breakwater out into | minute, Young's bearliko army | over 70 degrees and calm an a mi Iriellor-Benoit of Miami, Via, was ud Toronto Stock Exchange New York Exchange morrow evening, All returns will | the uky thal ba appeared In ais were hauling Mm nt a steady pace ( pond, nowrly 200 swimmers goth | the only woman fo yoiens HAD NARROW ESCAPE 10m ' ' 11! tress, His bost went (to him quick- | 200 yards abead of Geprge Bland. | ored here just before the starting A newcomer to the Hne-iup was a------ ne be went to City Clary Hato who vi ly and a towel way fixed about Wiz { en, of Memphis, Shel gig "dark | of thelr 156 mile marathon, sehedul- | gum shields, known as the "ium | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) cn probably know the results o shoulders, He wag hauled In and | horse' threat, who had kept almost {ed tor 11 o'clock this morning speeder", He was delighted by | London, Ang, 27.~Bix employ- on Block High Low. Closs . a1% 150% 101% [lection within an hour after the | yi, wanders hogan working on him, | his same position from tho siart, fare of #10,000 and a world {the inviting appearance of the [ees of the bridge and building de. ™ pide Am. Cun 417% a0 pe i closing of the polls, He will make It was announced he had been | BI Radakovich, of Duquesne, Venn, | championship prompted the most | smooth water, Vddie Keating, | partment of the Canadian Notional If CBr. A OL 15% 16% Ln | Am, Fr. Pr. 0% 4% "1 he formal aunouncement of the |seized with stomach cramps, a new comer way pressing Bland. | famous professional swimmers of | last year's winner, wag missing, | Rallways jumped to safety west of Draz a0ty "07% 20% [| Am, Tel ht A%- 214% results of the voting at noon on (By Conadian Press Leased Wire) on, only five yards behind the gouths | Kurope and Americn Into line | but Clarence ond Norman oss, | London al noon today an instant In Cty, Dry, 67 04 14 07 Am, Inter A % HER EER the following day Pritchard Keeps Head orn, Radakovich held a 75 yard |nlong the wiarting hoom near the | American veterans wera present, | before thelr gasoline Jigger wns An Hr. W I Si ' #4 at : ) 45% AY ADY A L] Lake Front, Toronto, Aug, 27.~ | lead over threo closely bunched | Prince's Gute of the Canodinn Na Sharp at 11,01 the gup---nand the | struck and demolished by He | . Es WA es B{ Anacuidi o ' an Councll Majority in Vavor With two and ono half laps of the | swimmers, with only five yards | tions) Exhibition, Blackened with | whole Hne plunged ns one and forg- | Chicago-Montreal express The _ Tord a ho Vy a Bendix Ah a2 a Mayor ; Mien and the city | 16 mile Canadian National Exhibi- | between the three, They were | grease and toughened by weeks of | ad away down the stretch before | bassenger train hit the Jigger at 60 n so dnt, NkI, 23% 21 244 | Beth, Bee) 827% 2% LIL] council, with the exception of two | tion marathon swim comploted nt | Stanley Pritchard, of Buffalo, | hard training, ghey wilted impatl- {thousands of spectators, miles an hour and tossed It 0 n- wdnt, Pet 17% 17% 17% | Dyers AM. 10% i" (& on 11dly behind the by L156 pm, to-duy, Vrank Pritchard, | brother of Prank, Mondell Burdett, | ently for the starting gun Two hundred yards from the | hundred yards, hut all of the men ni my O41 19 Wii 194 tan Dy A ah PY TY mewbers, Afs Ld ih vol? poi of Buffalo, N.Y., was out in front | Toronto pwimmer who finished in A huge crowd gathered ulong the [start most swimmers had digcard- | were clear and unhurt, 1p Ya I % A s fine 2 ' way, |1ws and have expiaine "of un large field by 260 yards, His | the money last year and Marvin | lake front to witness the start of | ed thelr sults, Alresdy life guards Se ------------ he 'Loh, "A" 1% 12% 1214 | Can, Pm Kieth 170% 17 fo tion to the public in a clear con- | nearest competitor wan the youth. Nolnog. Yor Dodge, Towa, hoy who | the snrathon Out In tho luke | were taking out the. first casually A statistician says that very fev ri Ms, Hr, 21% 18 [Cn Fm, Vr, 20% "0 20% vineing way. The Public Utilities ju lsudor Bvondor, of Port Col- {is a vogulur entrant in Toronto's | hundreds of sen-fleas and power | and his pleture was taken less than | women are content to stick to the 3 i ' oo 181 17% 18141. . t | borne who way travelling ot uw re- | marathons, In last year's swim he | bouts carried newspapermen and {three minutes after the gun, rigid path of economy, They prefer M: in 4, 18% on " =o id 4814 28% Comutiution, with the sxcepion ol markable fust clip in an effort to | collapsed 75 yards from the finish, | friends of the swimmers, A throng Michael Hambourg, Wind swim- | the buy-ways.-Montreal Star Hh w PY 1, an hrysler . o. '" 011 one momber is Also suppor ng VO [cut down the Buffalo man's lend, his trio held a 180 yard lead | of rowbosts headod foy tho first | mer of Toronto, waited a few min a_i a 4 17] Col, Cink 01% " | measures, The Chamber of Com- | Bpondor wag culting loose with a | over Ernest Vierkoetter, tho powers | buoy in the lake, where they will | utes before taking the plunge. He A woman always looks on the n 'ox Fim 14 Vi% 17% I merce which stands for everything | sharp overhand crawl stroke at [ful German swimmer, now a resi | plck up thelr swimmers 50 or 40 [swam alone, using a hrest stroke, | bright side of a thing=-if- the thing § d d Mi . F Gen, Kio 74M 718% 72% wileh igh Progra fot the oy the rato of 64 to the minute ax he ' dent of Toronto, who kept up o | minutes after the stare, and lead | A bont was guiding Hambourg with is a mirror.-Chicago Daily News, e tandar ining xchange Gen, Mot, 4 44% A47 [hes given the by-law pro " Aas AE SL . Ems yl ek rer " y unqualified endorsation, Prominent SAY : wp SE RAR a sine! "1 o time snd thought have not heen " Aba i 9 4 Mt 'Ward ji % J% 3th packward in showing that they fav. ly - ia Adix 104 EY 104 Nat, Cosh 45% 41 A0% | the measures. True thero has ul Amiel | Lod, Cont 17% 17% VT aay Gertain amount of opposi- i 1 MI T 1 Paramount iit 4 4 tion but aw the hour of veting np 1 Big oy : 4 Ph. N, Jor, H8% D27% i % proaches the opinfon of the grent i Fil ; 4d ftadio 41% 41 1% body of ratepayers seems to be | 1 Je ton, adic Kth, 45% 4M A6% gathering with great force behind In A 6 i 7h : Simmons hoy 24% nes the by-laws. Unless present indie he Hy i Y . Ht, hon 00% 60% |.giions are misleading the voters a 4 Gold 13 1 Rubber 20% 208 "0% are going to voles thelr approval at » 'Lh Bir a ! US. Bteel 1:3 170% 171% [the polls in no uncertain terms, To. ne ou sh, el val ' | Vanadium LY LE 39 | morrow night It 1s expected that it va Nrnda an 114 Yel, Truck } LEA 22% |nhas confidence in its own future ek Bh, Grd Money 214 per cont and Is prepared to go ahead with od a iy Ty 114 necessary publie works in order to | kK. Mg, #30 V0 a0 If a poet can't put fire into his [provide some measure of relief Lo | 180 verses he should reverse the process, | the unemployed within its borders a ------.-"e a iS | a, 4 a3 we In i GENTLEMAN'S WRIST 1 : For the Bylaws WAton Me 3 » i" Fine 15 Jewell Movement in it Permanent White case. Reg, - LE . o ay Are the Bylaws to be carried on Thursday? Will the ratepayers of Oshawa ilar $15.00. Removal Sale . \ * 2 ' ) + + . show by their votes that they are going to uphold the dignity of this city, by rice on seeing that the city officials are properly housed and a police station built in Gold Filled Gent's Wrist Oshawa suitable to its needs ' | Watch Regular Price $25.00, d Removal Sale Price hd i n oy Below is a list of property owners who have allowed their names to be used 5 as supporting both bylaws. Tomorrow we will give you another list - We vw Read Them Over # ot G: D. Conant J. T. Lethbridge G. T. Wright a e van a e 0 ese rices- u ow ™ D. F. Johnston A. R. Goyne B. A. Brown I] C, E. McTavish Martin Libby Norman McGee LE W, M. Gilbert W. H. Karn Wm. Goold [ » SOLID GOLD 14K a a. opr RI A. G, Storie G. T. Noxen R. E. Hawke G vd Genliiita INDIAN TREE A. W. Bell H, Simmons A. Marchant Ladies' Wrist juarantecc enue This famous pattern at i . F. L. Mason Cleve Fox R. J. Andison . > . a G. W. Haszelwood S. A. Gates N. G. Miller Greatly Reduced Prices F. J. Reddin Jas, H. Mallett Wm, J. Graham atches C. M. Mundy A. Mock W. Sharpe ; Colport Cup and Saucer, reg. $1 49 w E. A. Lovell Uriah Jones Dr. W. J. Langmaid 16 Jewel Guaranteed Movement, Reg. price $2:00 Moving Sale Price * * e W, J. Trick Rex Harper J. E. Alexander ular Price $25.00. Removal Sale Price : Tea Plate, reg. $2 25 ( r J. H. Beaton W. H. A. Patte P. J. Brady in white or green ; ' yi $1.59 | Ross McKinnon T. T. Corrin J. A, Wlison $12. 0 gold, fancy orange Moving Sale Price ........ Geo. Miller 0D, Guiltanan J. F. T. Harris blossom setting. Cake Plate, reg. $3.40 $2 49 n ' . Ll i R. F, Bennett Roy Fields Robt. Leyden reg. $26.00 Moving Sale Price a ' J. W. Borsbery lar, Welch C. F. Sturgess : C. R. Crozier J. T, Beaton A, Swartz R. Leo, Gray Foster Snowden Allred Kells SILVERPL ATE ODD ENGLISH C. M. Anderson Raloh M. Butt Stan. Young A. V. Swail C. V. Edmunds Thes. Knox Pie Plates; Pyrex lini DINNER SETS W. H. Hutchison N. 8. Baird Wm, Boddy 3h TYrex lining, . J. C, Young A. Bouckley W. J. Sulley reg. $4.00. Moving Sale} / . At Halt Price N. R. Waeir J. G, Langmaid Geo. L. Gummow Price M. A. Jacobi G. Clement A. C. Cameron 1 Set only, Jasmine, regular price D. J, Brown A Richard Clifford Harman $35.00 R. N. Johns « Fu Rishi Geo. T. Morris ok : 17.50 F. M. Tait H. P. Hart Geo. Hart Moving Sale Price "ia . Allin F. Annis Geo. Hughes Thomas Hawkes OC S Arcadia, 84 piece Dinner Set, reg- D. Campbell J. Norval Wilson Robt, McDonald ular $30.00 $15 00 Lieut, Col. F. Chappell J. A, Coleman Ed. Jackson Moving Sale Price . G. W. Garner E. Kutch J. B. Waterous Cathedral Gong Mantel Clocks. : i A. E, Cutler 5. Baldwin W. G. Buss Regular Price $10.00, $5 90 ALL CHINA "REDUCED E. Parsons A. 1. Milles T. B. Mitchel Removal Sale Price . ENGLISH . + : tea 2 : Mantel Clocks, fine Waln . 33 The following list of Ratepayers are added today to those whose names ap uh C Foi nig in aloe fi DINNE SETS pear above. ! 8, 94 Piece strike. Regular Price . $9 90 : "John Gibson S. H. Buckley E. Singer $15.00 Removal sale price PV * Gold and White. Regular Price Nellie C. Sulley W. C. Britton M. Greentree $20.00. Removal Sale Price | B. J. Gay H. Lyssk * Ri Greentree : H. D. Wilson Ww. D. Muckler ¥. Mediand $13.90 Sid Drinkle D. J. Riordan eo, Al C1 k R. E. Flintoff H. Barwell H. M. Smith arm OCKS ; R. R. Lander Geo. Metcalf . L. Smith ; | P. J. Kilburn Ouwcar. Shaw H. Tapping Reg. $1.50 values Special w-g9c Sooner sell than move and take the 8S. 8. Terry W. T. Suddard Robt, Brooks Price chance of Breakage Frank Dwake _ Geo. Boddy Phillip Drus Geo, Marnier J. As Bickel. ~ Une Gillard Mrs, Georgena Curl Mrs. Thos. Richardion alter Hudeo . W. Hopper Charlie Kinton & B Duluarne ) ETCHED TUMBLERS ! " " \ . il Thos. Johnston J: Minard E. Liddl oe. : i | Fine Belgium Glass. Regular $3.00 doz, b for 87¢ | Chas. A, Hunter S. Morey . [] 3 1 A W. Hambly P. Roirson F. Jones ; Regular $6.00. Removal Sale Price ! J. E. Fowlds I. Sisson | | CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS ) A, A. Engel J. Askew | ' i A. E. Murdoch J. Simmons John 8 °® Special for Moving Day 6 tor 6QC | 3 S. 8. Shaw C. I. DeGuerre W. Wessel ; Jt wR i l Mrs. K. E. Crowells Dan. Douglas y . A C. Knight. ; A, E; Crowells R. M. Kelly Stephen Salm : tephen ors A ' 3 ; E. Pearson Phillip Smith Geo. Gorman . \ wie The Je eller G. F. Turney S. Hewitt W. Witurcki i B® w : 3 Public Meeting Will be Held in Cedardale School to Discuss the Bylaw & é - King St. W. a ' : . a at 8 p.m. tonight. All Ratepayers in" South End of City are invited. : a . J | NA A A

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