"All the News While It Is News" The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in » Growing City SE VOL, 7==NO, 48 a ot Oshaws, Ont, oi Susdort dnd Pulte Helldere an P a A Po Ld did lids LL a TTY News in Brief Hy Canadian Prom) Tey. D, W ia Dian ftony Brook, N I'he Rev, Dr David G, Wylie 78, president of the Lord's Day Alliance and a Vreshy- terian leader for mors than #0 yorrs, died unexpectedly at his syum- mer home here to-day, ' Li id Killed in Motorboat gauil Ble, Marie, Ont, =Edward wleele 33, Rogers City, was killed st Detour, when he was thrown from his speeding motorboat by » cable stretched from ithe lighter Champion to an anchorage n we, Mary's River, * LJ » Merious Fire in Regina Regina, Bask, Loss estimpted at. approximately 860,000 was caused here last night by fire that swept the wholesale furniture ware house of Boden and Innes, on tha northside of the city, destroying the building LJ Klected Grand Master Brookville, Aug, 27,1, B, Moon, Mount Forest, Ontario, was to-day rarelected supreme grand master of the Loyal True Blue Association in annual session herve, The nex meeting of the HKupreme Grand Lodge will be held in Winnipeg » LJ LJ ' . Record for Village Forest Hill With some $800,000 spent in Vorest THIEL Village sine Jun, 1 on the construetion of hones nearly 1,000 men nave been wlforded crustant employ ment I the 85. for the last mnths he kept up for the remninder of the year, it Is Nicely 10 set a new record ie hemebuil Veg dn the bs of Taromta, IC saVEN cin Sin LL LJ Overnumirs Death Lelleville,~After his hie practically despaired of a Clare Mebaul, young Allisonvill bay, is progressing to recovery, His heart was grazed by a pitchfork in the hands of a voungeir brother at play had beep week ago, . . . Fatally Stabbed Brantford. --Attacked with a byt cher-knife, George Lin, Chinese, wus fatally stabbed at the American Cale, Dalhousie Street, last evening at the supper hour, Bob Wong, a fellow waiter, Is In custody on uo charge of murder, » LJ Ld School Opening Postponed Lindsay = Public schools in Lind say will not open until a week or two later than usual, Schools were to Have been re-opened on the 2nd «of September, The order was issued by the medical health officer, Dy Blanchard, It is understood, how ever, that the collegiate institute will open on the dred, as usual yo» Millionaive Dies Saddenly Deep Brook, Dighy Edward P, Morse, United Drydock York city, aged 72 and native of Clementsport, N.S, collapsed today while supervising the construction of his new palatial home here and died before medical aid could reach him ' Dies of Injuries Mimieo =Struek down by a moto eyele while running for a street ear ahout one o'clock vesterday after naen, 1, B. Henderson, aged 77, 19 Robert Street, died six hours later in Joseph's Hospital, The aceldent aecurred on the Lake Symone Street » County; N, 8 president of the Company, New Dies From Burm Brantford, =Mrs, Alexander Camp, Harrisburg, died as a result of burns, received while lighting an oil steve in her home yesterflay morning Mrs Camp was alone at time, Her screams attracted the attention of Harry Woot, a neighbor Ry the time he had arrived the woman was a Nving toreh » . » Hamilton Growing Hamilton Hamilton's ~~ population is 150,068 or 85554 more than a year ago, Complete recapitulation figures were released today hy Assessment Commissioner Robinson. The gain is the largest experienced hy the city In Many years GROWERS APPROVE OF DUMPING DUTY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 27,-~The Anil Dumping Act, invoked by the fea: eral goverment aghingt imported fruits and vegetables, hus been re. calved with enthusiuam by Cana- dian growers and commission deals ern throughout Central Ontario, It was stated the move praotie ally eliminates competition from the United Mtates and in addition assures marketing of all the late Canadian fruit and vegetable crops which, until the new duty went | Into effect, had heen regarded as doubtful, WEATHER Pressure Is hi h over the Tower Lakes and the Atlantie States with a deep depression over Hudson Hay extending southward to Wisconsin, The tropleal storm: apparently eens tred about lat, 38, long, 65 In moving northeastward, It has been fair and warm in Kastern Can and cooler with lgiht local showers (n the wost, Tower Lakes and Georgian Hay ==Light tn moderate winds: fair and warm tosday and most of Thursday, follows od by local thunderstorms, Shore Read al | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, BUILDING BYLAWS VOTE TOMORROW 1930 15 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents » Copy TWELVE PACES GEORGE YOL Frank Pritchard of Buffalo, | Dropped Out After Lead: ing the Race for the First Four Laps PORT COLBORNE LAD IN FIRST POSITION Vierkoetter and Other Well: Known Competitors Still in Running for the World's Long Distance Swimming Championship Toronto, Aug, 21 Prank Pritchard, after petting the pace for four laps of the 156 mile Canadian National Exhibition marathon swim today, was taken from the water at 2.43 p.m, this wlternoon, twenty minutes uftey George Young, of Toronto, swim ming in fourth place, succumbed tn stomach cramps, At the Lima Preitehard was hauled out It was believed he wis also A vietim to the same allment With Pritehard's lead swung to the youthful leader Wpondor, of Port Colborne, Ont who trated at an average distance of 2456 yard hahind Pritehard from the start, 'eitchard had gone about elght miles af the 15 mite upuree Lake Front removal, Lhe Young in Out Lakefront, Toronte, Aug. 21 Gearge Young, Toronto hoy and } last minute widely heralded favors Ite In today's 1H mila Canadian National Kahibition marathon Wim, was pulled from tha water on tha fourth lap of the eight lap course at 2.28 pom, this afternoon Young had held down fourth posi Lien almost from the start, trolling Frank Pritchard of Hulalo, Isadoy Kpondor, Port Calhorne, and Nam Bhields, Coral Gables, Fin,- At the time Young came out he was about KOO yards behind Pritehard He had coverad approximately half the Ih mile Journey As Young passed the press tent on his fourth lap he stopped fo) moment and spoke to Bhier Mendelson, manager In (Continued on Page 0H) CANADIAN VESSEL SEIZED BY GUARDS Cargo of Liquor Valued at $160,000 Found on Board Ship (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Naw York, NY, Aug. 7,The Canadian sen dory, Nova V with ap, proximately $160 000 worth of Ii quor in Afteen hundred chases, win captured yestarday by the coast gunrd off Khinnecock, Long Island and was brought Into New York harbor to-day hy the patrol host Cardigan, Ten members of the eraw of the Novae V ware under arrest, The crew of the Cardigan #nld the Nova V wus sighted shoul ten miles off the south ghore of Long Island and the const guard hoat held off un til the vessel was wall within the twelve mile Hmit, then overhauled her and took her In in tow Duke is Buried At Westminster Special Privilege of Family of Duke of Northumber- land Is Exercised (By: Canadian Press Lossed Whe) London, Aug, 27 Lxercising a right shaved only by voyalty, the Parcy family laid to rest in West minster Ahhey today the hody of the late Duke of Northumberiand, in a vault under Bt, Nicholas Chap el, the temh ef his forefathers epresentatives of the King, the Duke of York and members of noble families assembled to honor the dead Duke whosn casket was carried hy stalwart guardsmen oyer whom the duke served as an oMeey In the ease of a person other than royalty, special permission HOPE FOR BETTER TRADE IN CATTLE New Dominion Policy Ll Expected to Stimulate Business (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wie) Ottawa, Aug, 27.-=Untimely I quidation of unfinished cattle on the fall market will ha avolded to a connlderahle extent hy the feadar purchase poliey authoriged hy Hon, Robert Weir, minister of agrienl, ture, In tha opinion of aMelals of the livestock hranch The policy will alan stimulate the consumption of course grains in livestock feed ing "We have low priced cattle and low priced grain' sald RB, 8, Hamer, ehief of the cattle division, "And If we have a reasonable outlook as regards our market next spring which with the opening up of the must he obtained for burial in Westminster, To the 'evey family It fs an Inherited prerogative |8ix French Fliers Killed in Crash (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chartres, France, Aum, 37.-Hix army aviators wera killed during the night when thelr plane, en gaged In night manoeuvers craahs ed In the village of Chavannes, about a mile and a hall from here The machine fell suddenly verti cally to the street there and dams aged three unoccupied houses, It was helievedl the acoldent waa caused hy loss of flying speed PARLIAMENT 1S LIKELY TO MEET ON SEPTEMBER 8 - (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Otluwn, Aug, 27, Announcement of he date of the opening of the session of parliament to den) with unemployment 14 expected to he made al the conclusion of a sitting of the cabinet meeting 1ate this af ternnon With Monday, Hept, # mentioned us mn Hkely date for (he opening, there ig avery indleation that parliament will convens nol Inter than that day Wednesday, Mapt, 4 Is an alternative date for consideration If parliament opens on Kept, § » full array of ministers in tha new Conservative government will he In thaly seats, Already writs showing the re-election of Premier Bennet! und fourteen of his ministers arn on their way to OLAws and all should he hers hy the end of tha won Nomination day In the case of the remaining minister with port follo 1a be elected-=Hon, ¥, N Ithodes 1s on Bept, 2 in Richmond. West, Capa Breton An noclama, tion ls expected which would enabhla the welts in (his ease to he hack In Ottawa hy Nept Beaverbrook 8 h Is Taken Ill | Aboard Yacht! 'Deputy- Returning Officers (By Canadian Prem Tassed Wire) Dover, Vngland, Aug, 27. lord Beaverbrook, iroprietor of the London Dally Wxpress and father of the Empire Free Trade move ment, a dominating features of bri teh antagonisms Just now, was taken 111 aboard his yacht to-day The yacht put in hers where the publisher could receive treatment, He was sild to ha suffering trom food poisoning Sailors Seek [ | | ! 4 Swim I. Spondor is Now Leading in Marathon 173 COMPETITORS START IN FIFTEEN MILE GRIND; ING DROPS oT PEER 7 TAKEN ILL LORD BEAVERBROOK British newspaper magnate and leader of the movement for Km, pire Free Trade was suddenly taken 1 today while cruising on hoard his yacht, RESULTS OF YOTE T0 BE Aid for Vessel Claim to Have Rowed For Sixteen Hours To Reach Land (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Atlantie City, NJ, Aug: 27 Three sallors landed oxhausted on thea heaeh this morning In quest of ald for on disabled schooner, which they sald they left adrift 16 miles oul at sen yesterday with four oth or men nhoard, The three rowed 16 hours in a dory When they came in sight of land It capsiged and they were fore od to swim two hours and a half to reach shore, they sald Count guards immediately pet out In wearch of the sohooney The three sallors, who sald they wore John Lares, Vreaman Nan, wera John Larrle, Freeman alp Halifax, NN, warn datained by the poliea pending the return of the const guards expected some time Inte this afternoon, Warm food and dry elothing were given to them old country trade we hope to have, It should he a better year to Anish cattle than we have had for a long time," The several provincial governs ments, lvestook associations, and grain Interests are co-operating with the federal department in the move to siabilige the Hvestook in. dustry and to facilitate the market. ing of coarse grains in the form of hetter finished heel and lve. stook, Aged Divine Dies Near Belleville Helleville, Aug. Aug, 81, == Rev, Dr, Wesley K, Bury, one of the oldeat divines in the Bay of Quinte dine trier, died yesterday at the resids enoe of his daughter in Amelia burgh Township, Prince Edward County Kighty-eight born in Prince where he spent most of hig lite, The late Dr, Hurry was associated with the Christian Churoh, He was Honorary President of the Ploton Historioal Noclety and was ohlefly responsible for the evection of a large calm at Burr's Cemetery last year, Hin death came sudden: veurs old, he was Kdward Ceunty, ly yesterday, 27.'"The year 1002 a great Toronto, 1081 year" This was the message which Paul (0, Hoffman, vice-president of the Htudabaker Corporation gave Ontar lo and Quebes Studebaker dealers gathered in convention at the Roy al York yesterday, In the autos motive Industry, he stated, 1080 would result in a realignment of leadership, Full confidence wan exprensed in the ability of the mot. or industry to march on te aven greater developments than in the at, once the present period of ullnean wan aver, Aug A EKood year Return of Prosperity is Predicted for Next Year Mara than 100 dealers attended the convention which was held in vonnection with the display of new Ntudehaker models featuring "Free Wheeling" at the Kxhibition auto: motive show Paul Castner of the Htudebaker truck division outlined the importance of truek business to motor dealers, Other speakers in eluded M, BH, Weloh, president of the HKtudebaker Plerco-Arrow Mx. port Corporation and C, M, Geller, anlen manager, D, R, Grossman, vicespresident and general manag: er, Htudebaker Corporation of Cans ada, was chairman, 27 e=Disregard: Issued against Montreal, Aug, Ing an injunction Wim hy another Judge of the Hus preme Court, Mr, Justice Coderve yesterday proceeded with the ree count of votes cast In Yamaska County in the Federal elections, and found Alme Boucher, Tiberal oandidate, elected by one vote, The result confirmed the oviginal count of the Returning Officer, The interesting features of the Peculiar Situation Arises in Federal Election at Yamaska, Que. apa wera the facts that for what i thought to be the first time in local legal history one Judge is sued an injunction against a cons frere sitting in the same division, and the Judge against whom |t wan lagued refused to obey the or der Wurther complicating the pra= ceedings, (h¥ Liberal candidate himaelt sought and obtained the Injunction against Mr, Justice Co- derrs, EA -- - ANNOUNCED Asked to Cooperate With Newspaper "Afrangements are Boing made by The Times to have the yesult of the voting on the elvie building and police sta tion by-laws announced at The Times office as soon as the figures are available, The polis close at seven o'clock, and It In expected that the result: will he known by elght o'clock, Citle rons who are interested are ins vited to coma to The Times' office to learn the result of the voting, In order to make the service an speedy as possible, all de: puty.returning ofMeers are res quested to telephone the Ag. ures, an quickly as they can, tn The Times, at No, 08. A fast return from thy thirteen polls ing divisions will enable The Timon to serve the citizens with fon usual promptness, and will he greatly appreciated, WORST OF SLUMP REPORTED PAST Nickel Survey Gradual Business Pick. up. in Fall | | Indicates | gudbury, Aug 27.=According to a. survey which has just heen completed hy International Nickel Company of Canada, through ita salen department, there 18 a grow ing feeling among the leading in: dustrialiste of the United Hiates and Canada that the worst of the prevailing period of receding buals ness In past and commencing this Fall a gradual plek-up may ba ex: pected, Heventeen out linen of Industry of 20 authorities where nickel market, expressed the that while the return to normality might be slow, a defin- {te revival of confidence and vigor, wo lacking during the past nina or ten months, is expected, In recent years, owing to Its expansion and the growing divers aty of {tn uses, the market for nlokel han joined the list of the more important barometers of trade, and when expectations In those lines of business affecting niokel are that 1081 will be a good year. Jt means that the nickel industry, in common with steel automobiles, rallroads, ete, In likely to share in the general proaperity COMMUNISTS FIRE ON U.S. GUNBOAT (By Canadian Press Loassd Wire) Shanghal, China, Aug, 27, Reda in the vielnity of Wusueh, Hupeh provinces to-day attacked the Units od Htatea gunboat Panay, shower Ing It with machine gun bullets. The Panay returned the fire, The damage inflicted upon the aftacks ars was not determined, The gun. in finds a opinion | U.S. Representative Leaves | York FAKE SPEED COP LANDED IN JAIL AT LONDON, ONT. Man With Official . Looking | Uniform Guilty of Reckless Driving (By Canadian Press Lassed Wire) London, Ont, Aug, Hurold Watson, of this eity won't be gly Ing provineinl highway patrol ofc ars any more trouble with his mot oreyels and his navy blus uniform Bam Brown helt ate, for the next threes months at least Pasudo "trae Cop" lost his driving per mit, and was assessed the penalty of $20 and costs (amount In nll to $51.26) In county polles court here to-day on A nominal charge of reckless driving ald hy Provincial Police Patrol OMcer Pat Cahill, of Barnin Unemployment Report Given To Labor Head (By Canadian Press Lansed Wiie) Ottawa, Aug, 27,The recom. mendations of the Employment wervien Counell of Canada In gon nection with the unemployment sit uation will ha formally placed in the hands of the minister of labor, Hon, G, D, Robertson hy the exe cltive of the. counell to-day, Benn tor Robertson stated ha would not comment on the proposals until he had received them and would pro bably defer any statement until af. 217 HII LE 'IVIL DISPOSES OF HUGE ESTATE Oil Millionaire Leaves Large Fortune to Mother And Family (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Clarion, Venn, Aug, 27 oxtute eptimated nl between $70, 000,000 and $100,000,000 was dis posed of in the will of Thomas 1} Wilek indepondent oll operator, whith was probated to-day Mick whe reputed (to be the wealthiest independent oll operator In the world The An vist fortune wag left to the widow, three children, and Hlek's mother, while no estimate of the value of the estate was contained in the will, #lick's attorney and others who were closely associated with him provided an estimate of its worth The oll operator's mother, Mra Maury Bleck, of Clarion, was provid ad with #B,000 nn year as long as she lives New Name for British Labor Proposal to Call Party Socialist Is Being Put tar he had submitted them to Lhe government, New Minister Flies to Post On Flight to Canadian Capital (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Aug. 27.-=Plloted by Captain Ira CO. Kaker, of the army alr service, Hanford MacNid or, American minister to Canada, took off from Bolling Pield to-day to Ay to his post in Ottawa, A special aluminum apparatus had been installed In the plane for Captain Kaker's use, because of the continued weakness of a strain {od ankle received lant weak when he Jumped by parachute from Washington 4a a post to present his Srdentinle stop for vefueling will pro babiy be made at Ryracuse, New Forward a (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Liandudno, Wales, Aug, 7 political organization which put fameny MacDonald in office an prime minister has among the first of the Items on its annual confers ence agenda constitutional amend ments which would change its of ficial name==the Labor Party One amendment put forward hy the extrome left wing would change the name to "The Hoclallst Party," Moderates who formed the great bulk of the party's members, how over, have an amendment which would make the oMeial name the URoclnlist and Labor Party" There are indications that this is the name which will he accepted hy a majority, Indian Leaders Are Arrested (Ny Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Delhi; India, Aug, 27.==Dract! cally the entire working commits tee of the All-India National Cons gress wore arrested here to-day Those taken into eustody Included V. J, Patel, who resigned his post an president of the legislative an, sembly to partake In the eivil dis obedience eampalgn, The Surround Ottawa, Aug. 27.-Heptember's extraordinary session of the House of Commons will open Monday the Ath, or as late as Thursday the 11th; it will be a business session, with no drawing-room no state dinner, and with a Speaker elect. od in the morning and the Hpeech from the Throne delivered in the afternoon, AL this session, monsures for relieving and remedying une ployment will be brought down, Including an emergency tariff ad. justment, 'The tariff matter in being worked upon at present by the government with the assist: ance of the permanent officials, The measure will be designed to encourage and enable industries 10 Inoreane their activities and provide more employment, It is Business Atmosphere will Special Session likely that industries will have It plainly intimated that they are expected to take up the slack, and that the government will "take steps to safeguard the consumer" Practioally all of the proposals of the Employment Service Couns ofl are in line with the views of the government and will he cars ried out and probably enlarged upon; The specinl session will not last much more than two weeks, {f that long. The government ix deters mined to have it over in time to permit of the departure of the Prime Minister and his delegation to the Imperial Conference and Empire Economie Conference, Should the Liberal opposition ate tempt to blockade, closure may be invoked, Saulte Ste, Marie, Ont, Aug, 27. «The bush fire on the Ghost River at Puckasaw ix again out of cons trol after consuming 2,400 acres of heavy spruce slashing on Rook Mountain. The fire ia one of the most spectacular Algoma has ever had to contend with, Rixty men are fighting the blaze, The fire lines are holding the blase on the northeast side, hut at the north: west a desperate battle is taking boat was not damaged, me adil Place. | vias wl wen al Spectacular Forest Fire Again Out of Control in North Country is the bois that at the of lunther companies the branch has discontinued permits in areas where fires could cause damage This applies te the Carpenter Hixon limita back of Blind River and to the Hope Lumber Co, limita at Ranger ig The ban will be lifted when rain come, The whole diatriot is shrouded in smoke, which makes it diftioult to define the limits of the Puckas So dry request forestry issuing bush saw fire, RATEPAYERS OF OSHAWA TO VOTE ON $153,000 PLANS FOR NEW CIVIC BUILDINGS "Polls will Open at 10 am. and Will Be Closed at 7 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Tomorrow WILL ALSO VOTE ON POLICE STATION SITE City Clerk Has All Machin« ery Ready, and Large Voto Is Expected to be Polled On ByLaws % -- To-morrow fu un eventful diay In the history of the municipality for it In then that ratepayers of this city will decide hy thelr ballots whether = new administration hullding nnd police station will he built oughly speaking nhout 4.600 eltigens are entitled ta nm ovote on the by-laws suthorizing the construction of the two build ings at cost of $164,000 The eyeq of other cities and towns through» out tha provinee will he on Osh Awn-=If the by-laws are defented they may not be so ecartain that the Motor City is one of the most pro. gressive In Ontarin The machinery for conducting the slection is In resdiness and tha ofca of Clty Clerk I", 15, Hare was husy this morning preparing the ballot boxes and other alection mas ferfnls to he used at the virlous polling sintions in the five warde A large white ballot is helng used for the by-luw vote while A smaller yellow ballot is to be used for the question of the polles station lo« cation While the majority of ratepayers ure only entitled to vote once on the hy-laws, property owners who own property in two or more wards are entitled to two or mora voles, Thus if a citizen owned property in ull five wards he would he entitled to five votes on the hy-laws, No ratepayer in allowed more than one vole on the question however Polls Close at 7 Polls will ha opened promptly at 10 o'clock daylight saving time tos morrow morning and will close at 7 o'clock daylight saving time, tow oo 'ontintied on Page 0) EDIGAL MEETING OPENS SESSIONS Two Thousand Doctors Are Attending Gathering At Winnipeg new (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Aug, 27.~Two thous sand medical men from all around the globe thronged the high.cells inged halls of the Manitoba legis lative buildings last night making morry with thelr ladies, At the colorful presidential reception, phys slolans from Canada, United States and every part of the British Kmse pire danced and chatted at the close of the first day of tha British Medis eal Association's 28th annual meets Ing Yesterday's notivitlen were marked by little of purely medical nature, but by all the solemn cere. monial connected with the near, contury of history of the noted Nritish body, Hon, R. 1B, Bennett premier of Canada who ix to present to the British Association a mounted buf falo head on behalf of the Canadian Modical Association was present at the reception, Radium will stand out an the most prominent tople in the three days of discussion starting today, In the opinion of Prof, Burgess who (x professor of gynaecology at the University of Manchester. Hw points that radiology in allotted a oomplete session in three of the 14 nootions of the meeting----surgery radiology and gynaecology, German Aviators Reach New York New York, Aug. 27.-=Achieving an-ambition of long standing, Cap tain Wolfgang von Gronau landed in the harbor yesterday, complet Ing an elgbtday flight from Gers many, during which he and his three companions flew over the foy wastes of lcelund and Greene land, Captain von Gronau said he had not decided how he and his coms panfona_would veturn, but if they flaw hgihe it would not be by the same Northern route, for no avs rangements have been made for fuel depots, They will stay here for several days at least and hops to visit the National Alr Races at Chicago.