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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA PAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 PALE THREE Keen Interest Marked Meeting of Ratepayers Last Night Boy: Scouts of District to Attend Big Rally Here on Weekend of Sept. 20, 21st HP mr ------------------------------ JUNIOR SECTION { © Oshawa Local Association Had Planned To Hold Event Earlier But Post. poned It On Account of Infantile Paralysis break FULL PROGRAM IS ARRANGED Cup To Be Presented to Best All Round Troop -- Bil: lets Arranged For Visiting Scouts--Will Hold Church Parade Sunday Morning ---- The scouting week end which will be attended hy troops from many neighboring towns and eltles is to he held hera on Saturday and sunday, Hep! Oshawa Local Association Boy Heouts' Association had plann ad to hold this event varlier in the month but dus to the outbreak of infantile paralysis MW deameod advisable to wait until the later date when there will he no danger in assembling a largs number of boys A full program lias been Arrang ad for the two days and the event is somewhat unusunl as it will of the WAS hring together hundreds of ener getie young lads who are good peouls in the truest sense of tha word, A cup for the best all round troop Is to be pre ented, pointy to he awarded for scout handicraft and for the success of the troops in eompetitive games, Needless lo say the games and displays to be indulged in Saturday afterndon constitute an Important part of the program, waturday's Program All troops are expected samble al the Armories al. 1.000 n'olock Haturday afternoon and will then parade to Alexandra ark with the visiting troops leading, follows ed hy the Oshawa troops dnd the Welt Cith packs according to troop numbers Arviving at. the park at 2.90 pm, the flag break will oceurr follow, ed by tha march pagt of all troops Addresses of welcomes are to he des livered by Mayor I, B the Distrigt Seout Master, The scout games and displays and wolf cub games will he held from 8.46 pm, to 445 pm, whieh the grounds will be cleared for the grand rally of all the troops at the saluting base, Af this june ture hrief apenches are to be made hy headquarter representative and President (". M, Mundy of the Oshawa Local Association Faturday's program will he cons eluded hy a rally in the GMC, au diterium at which moving pletures nf the hig Heout Jamboree in Kng land will he shown Munday Church Parade In As AU D.00 a.m, Sunday morning, all | troops are expectad to Assemble at the Avmouries and will parade al 10 o'clock to the Carden of the Un? forgotten whera thay will place a wreath on the War Memorial, Al 11 o'clock chureh parade is to he held ta St, Androw's United church and at thé conclusion of the service all troops will parade back to the Armories for dismissal Arrangements are being made to provide billels and meals foy the visiting scouts during thelr stay in the city, » The program of competitive gamen for Saturday afternoon ix as follows: Skin the Snake. 1One team cons sisting of 10 hoya from each troop) Message Carrying Relay, (One team consisting of 4 hoya from each troop), Fire Lighting and Pot Belling, (9 teams of 2 hays each from each troop), Push and Pull Tug of War, (One team of 8 hove from each troop), Land Roat Race, (One team econ. visting of & rowers and 1 epxawain from each troop), Knot Tying Relay, (One hoy from each troop)==knots to he standard tenderfool knots, Monkey and Crah Relay: (One team of 8 boys from each troop), Barnyard Relay, (One team of & hays from each troop), Rolater Rar (Pillow fAghting), (Twa boys fram each troop), Frietlon Fire Lighting (open event), Special priges wil he awarded for boys winning items 0 and 10 only, Troops will work for points an the All-round Cup in all other events, The Fields and Grounds Commits + {ee reserves the right to omit any of these events if time does not permit the running of tha coms plete program as scheduled NOWLERS VISIT QUOIT CLUR Twelve members of the Whitby Rowling Club paid a visit last night to the GMC, Haorseshoo and Quoit Club on MoMillan Drive, Three games of fifty points each were indulged in on the jitney basis, Oshawa olub will retury the vigit te Whithy in the near fut. ure, and on that ecoasion will bowl, Being out af a job is an endurance test which brings ne offers fram the newspapes and motion-picture people, w=Hosten Shas and Leather Reporter, Te Out 20 and 21, The | Mitchell and | following | 15 ARRANGED FOR FALL FAIR HERE Children's Exhibits Sponsored By Kifanis Club And Agricultural Society Kiwanis Club and [the Bouth Ontario Agricultural | Boclety together with the locas branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture ave endeavouring | this vear to work up a Junior | Hection of the Annual Vall Fap nnd with favorable results to date | There will he a live stock ped the will ieplem The Oshawa | | Judging of which Wednesday, tian, | take place on ber 10th at 1 o'clpek to 3.40 pm, | poultry section and wu Kran, | roots and vegetables section, the exhibits for which must he in place Tuesday evening al fi 6 n'tlock This section of the Fair Is open to hoys and girls in Durham and [opus Countie under 10H year of age, | Priges totalling well over $150 | | will he offered, | Among the prizes offers will he a case of silverwaras for Lhe | hos Dalry Calf, donated by he IF, ¥aton Co, a special sliver | {trophy donated Dh the Oshaws | | Kiwanis Club for the hest beet | calf, $5.00 cash donated hy Wis | wanian Lyman Gifford for the hest colt In addition a champlonship 1 prige of a two weeks' course at the Ontario Agricultural College wll axpanses paid, will he awarded the exhibitor winning the highest total pumber nf points Boys and givls who are inter | ested may obtain prign lists hy writing to ', 1", Davis, Fec'y Bouth Ontario AWA Agricultural Meelety, Osh |" OBITUARY | MAS, HANNAH M, GLEARON | The death accurred yesterday of Hannah M. Windover, widow of the ate Willis W, Gleason, in her elghtystirsl year, at tha home of hear daughter, Mrs, A, GG. Hroom [ field, 485 Masson Ht, Oshawa The late Mrs, (ileason had re sided in this elty for the last six years, heing formerly a resident of | | Cleason's ~~ Corners, Haldimand | Township, Ontario he was a | member of the Christian Church [Fhe deceased 8 survived hy twn daughters, Mrs, A, , Broomfield, of Oshawa, and Mra, K. A, Bradley of Noehester, N.Y., one son, Mr, 0 | 0, Gleason, of RAelleville, Ontarin, and one hrother, Clarke Wind "aver, of Cramahe : The funeral will ha held from tha residence of her daughter Mra, Aroomfield, at 465 Masson | St, on Friday afternoon, August 0, al 2.00 o'clock, daylight saving time, Rev, Marton, of Stouffville, Ontario, will' he In charge of the Herviea, Interment will he made in Kddystona Cemetery CITY NEWS PARKWOOD STABLES WIN RK MeLaughlin's Dark Michael cab a wecond in the Touch ang Qui Al the Coliseum at the Exhibifion yesterday, while the same owner "lo gained seconds with Punch and Michael in the fine jumping in pals and had entries in the inter. municipal jumping for teams of three horses. Mpa, Erie PRillips was riding Punch, COAL PRICES While no prices have vel heen sot for coal for winter months hy the Oshawa coal, merchants it fs believed that "coal will take a ralge in price In the next few Weeks, It 1s understood that the present market price for stove coal 15 R15.88 per ton with nut coal at $14.75 per ton, The pricey are it 1a stated, on a par with those ruling at this period last year, Any price valse would probs ably be in the neighborhaod of due per ton on all grades of fuel, LEGION CONCERT The second of a series of sums mer converts heing sponsored by the sports committee of the Osh ava Reanch of the Canadian Le. Elon ix being held in Rotary Mall on Friday evening, The first cons cert, held ahout a month ago, was a decided success, and the second Promises an even more attractive program, In addition to the Citis rena' Band, the following artists Will take part: Mra, Grant Berry, George Walsh, Mes, Fry, Alfred Henning, A, H. Power, William 'Harmer, 6G. Duffus, Bob Gibble, Bob Smith, and the Smith family Refreshments will he served du Ing the intermission period, and a' lucky tiok@ prize will be awarded. | rhe Importance of being Worlds | Minded, wis the thems which W, [H, Moore hammered home Lo men, Convention : Delegates May Present Report--To Dis cuss Building Site The regular meeting of the Oshe awn Branch of the Canadian Legion, to he held in the council chamber at cight clock, on Thursday evening, in expected to he an enthusiustic one wa a result of the sucess of the Osh aw delegates (0 the provincial con vention In securing the next annul withering for Oshawa The hye dele wites to the convention will present at least a preliminary report, and plans for (all activity will he pro ceeded with, 11 bs expected that ther will be a lwrge attendance on hand tr welcome home the delegites und diseiss in important busines which will come before the meeting White things wre more or less af a wtandstill with reference 10 the bullding "of w Legion Hall, on we count of the delay on the part bf th clty coupe! In taking noon the application for a site, the matter is sil) a Vive issue in the Legion, and annomncement in this hkely to he made at meet wn Hnpertiant connection Phursday night COURT WANTS TIME TO DETERMINE IF MAN UNBALANGED | Peculiar Case Heard at Whit. by Arising Out of Assault Charge Whith Aug, 4 Inu Iglous views wes cited nt insanity in an action heard hy Mag istrate J. Willis yesterday, endeay oring to have William David, 68, of Oshawn, committed to the Onptar fo Hospital eporis MoeGilliveas Dougnll ve unl re pregented by tw CW and Ih | | Mi ommended the commit ment of David to the hospital, hut Magistrate Willis reserved his da elslon The examinatipn followed the appearances of David in the Osh awa police eourt last when he was enmmitted to the Whithy all far mental Axamination heforn the him was heard ALLorne AM heneh there support a indecent as CARE AEpINN Yesterda Gibbon admitted to fhe wasnt an evidonea In charge of attempted anh The unusual religious views nf David and his unswerving falth in what he helleved wera considered important hy the physictans whn examined him Would dam Asylum Why he's only.a fyndamental int," declared Magistrate Willis It evervhody with queer religious ideas wera commitiad to the any lima thera wouldn't he room for them all" There wasn't anvihing pearance In RUREAR! mentality answer the charge of and dangerous tn ha at When the Rench read David remarked aguietl ry to hear that, your The vepoart of Dy admitted that David and active mind and that he waa well Informed on many subjects His mind was well oviepated in time, place and edreamatances and he had logical processes of thought, declared hath physfelans The only matter on which he was pacul tar wan an religious topies Called Nabbatavian The history of the case gatherad hy the doctors stated David had vecelved a fale education an a ehild and had become su printer Lanter he had hecome veliglous and had gone to New York to prepare him golf as a misslonary The doctors deserihed hin veligion as "sahbat arian," The ineldent In which the chavge David faced In Oshawa last week was hiked ocourred when two girls, the daughters of a naighhor, came inte his voem, According to in formation given to the court yes terday no misdead had oceurved, but a statement made hy David was misunderstood and vesulted In a charge of attempted indecent assallt haing laid, Fasts Three Days David wan unable to eat for threa days according to the phys wlolans, This was regarded as an evidence of hin unbalanced vells glous views, The reports vemarks ed on the fact that David was more concerned with the fact he helleved he had displeased Cod than he was with any possible legal resulta of hig hehavier, "1oknew my views seem peeul lar to others," sald David, in a aniet voles to the bench, 1 think they are vight, 1 don't hlame others for having different ideas, I think we will he judgad aceord. ing to the Hght we have received," In a quiet manner he explained to the court the reasons ha had for his faith, Magistrate Willis was impressed with hig quiet sins oerity and remanded the case foi three days for consideration, Crown in his ap heing Insane Inrpe the charge, "I'm ono worship." MeGiiiivray had an alert Caller: "1 would like to see the Judge, please" » Secretary "I'm a at dufiise) Caller: "Rut, my is important" Seiretaryy lv can't be sorry, sir; but he errand helpgd ain man, my proof of | unbalanced | when David appeared to | hers of the Oshawa Kiwanis club, Lkpeaking at thelr luncheon mest {ing yesterday, I "Oshawa Is essentially Interests Led In foreign (rade and conditions | rand Your suecess doapends on the ups and downs of economie Leonditions throughout the world," Up oventire Lo sy," remarked Mi Moore with gentle sayeasm, "tha! the average man in this yoom spends more time thinking ahoul golf and softhall than he does whont world affairs,' The speaker exploded the notion (hil the manufacturers ave the only people in this city who should take who metive interest In foreign af falrs "You are the leadng citizens of iu lending exporting community Governments can only act within the limits of entightened puble op inton Governments cannot events foreign trade, They can #ffect | favorably or adversely, hut they cannot hutld 1 up, unless thers exinte nn enlightened hody of pub He opinion, which understands the gltuntion in othey countries, and the need for export development,' Mr, Moore eontrasted the acon [} omic situations of Canada and the United States pointing out hat while the Uniled Blules 15 econom) eully nelf contained (0 nu greater Ax. (ent than any other eountry, Can, ada is In an exactly opposite posi tion, nesding innumerable riw mi tarinls which cannot be found or grown within her own horders "We have to go whrond for a ma jority of the materials wa nee, and therefor we mil go shrosd foy | | | | | our markets,' | The opportunity has come to (he Kiwanis club to securs an addl tional hutlding for thelr boys' camp | in an unique fashion A local firm, who intend putting up a cottages type hullding, 12x14 at the Vall Fair, have midy (he sporting proposition to the Kiwan lans that if the Iatter. given the materials, will construel the hulld ing hy thelr own labour the firm in question will afterwards donsie the bullding to the club to he used pi thely campsite, six miles north of the elty The Kiwanlans always ready to sale an opportunity of lmproving thelr camp, have secepted the chal lenge, and expect to start work on the construction of the hullding in ahout a week's. Hime ---- aa anddd LOL LLL lai e adds od What Others Say Kaas asssanssused atest] Kditor Pally Ont print the August i Family Matharsill came from the spring of Flies C Barton I'he | Oshawa | Oshawn Plonsn Times this and correct an Oshawa Ihe ervey on opening of Harhouy Tih, 1040, ra | Mather (eorge A | Kildure Ireland, in | RAH, and his wife | youngest sinter -of Bgulre Andrew | Harton Queen Count Iraland | and General Wiehard Barton of the Arm (she also had, at this time a hrothey in New and two in Ching, all In the King » with her four sons cams to this country in tha fall of the HwHme I'he vessel they ware on wan wracked In the Bt, Lawrence iver and they lost all save the luggngn they had In (thelr cabins Mr, Mathersill met them in Que Novamher 1st, 1880, and, to hont and Waggon, thay cama to make thelr homa in the distriet of which Kast Whithy Is a part Mr, (1, A, Motharsill the erown deeds of the land on | which th nventh Day Adventist | Cnllege sands Mr, Mother 1H and font farmed (he land and had a distillery on the farm, Dr, Low, nf Rowmanville, ha ing In pprinership with him in this Flatter Juvipey f Tater, Mr, Mothersill Hor hour Master of what js now Oshawa Hnrhoi | Imperial Keryiee,) VOR hee gether hy his hoys Win | August the 26th FSA, he died [of eholara after a few hours' i | ness, as also did My, James Wood | hin amvociate dt (the harbour A inumber of emigrants had heen land od, all suffering from a very malig nant form of eholera "hose two OMcinls at the harbour found shel [tay for the poor creatures and gave | what ald they could to the suffer {ora hut they all died and ware hurled In the southwest corner of | the camatary on the hill tn the ast | | | of the harhour Mr, Wood died the following morning, and My Mothersil] in the afternoon, of this dled whille [dreadful disnase They diseharging the duties of thely nf Foe Bach left a wife My Waond left two sons and My, Moth arsill four Kons he oldest, practioad medicine for yaars Ontario, and died In mira ford Robert, the second son returned ta his father's hrothey fn Ireland who awned a ooffes planta, tion In Jamalen, Hin won in a Ku per-annuated Civil dervant in Ot tawa: as a civil engineer he entered dasaph iin Western the Public Works Dept, in 1870, doahn the third won and Richard the youngest each hought and farmed land a few miles from Osh awa Harbour George Rarton youngest son of John Mothers! still farms the land hin father hought In 1852 "Phe late Dry 1, J. Mothersill af Port Stanley was alan a son of John Maothersill T. 0. Mothevaill, contractor, and 1, 1 Mathersill both of Oshawa are sons of Richard Mothersill, The late T, ND. Mothersill, of Windsor, (af Mothersill's Heaslok Remedy) was the pan of Dr, Joseph Matheysill Yours truly Maud Mothersill August 8, 1030 Wl "Oshawa, Aum, BRR, 1000 The Property Owners of Oshawa! Ladies and Gentlemen; I notion In the KHditerial of your paper yesterday that at the elty hall meeting of Friday night last I wan reported as advocating the hullding of a $160,000.00 muniels pal and ofee hullding and that 1 Wak opposing thin by-law because the, $162,000.00 wasn not - large enaugh, AL that meating | endeavored to explain 1a those present that the hurden of taxes on the ordinary Property owners was extremely heavy, hefng an high as 8 or TO mills on the dollar, of the assess: ment when the frontage chavgoea were taken into account, 1 cans not understand hy what stretoh of Imagination the Hditor enuld cons ceive my statements to advocate a $380,000.00 expenditure, I did say that the $850,000.00 plans got out in 1825 showing com. THE MUNICIPAL, BUILDING BY Ww hall, and the agllips of the old LEGION MEETING |W. H. Moore Delivers Fine [SEVEN ARE FINED TOMORROW NIGHT =~ Address to Oshawa Kiwanis' gop FARE 10 town hall site for $64,000,00 as of fered us, was 'a mueh better pro position than the haphagard mess we mre asked to vole on al present, Resides this sines then the coun ell of last year voted an expend! ture excluding up-keep, oqunl to ahout, $400,000.00 and our mill rate went up H'% mille Now wu wre told (hat the firoposed expendi ture of $165,000.00 more will only ineredsn our mul rate 4 of one mill, Bear In mind that len than the elty, and Ing Interest in An Average $165,000.00 exelud charge of Zoenland | had | | | there are | B,O00 property owners in| over CURL for oach property | owner I am still opposing (this bylaw Yours tral John pHraee | THE CIVIC BUILDINGS { BYLAWS | Cishawa, Chitarn | Aug 26th, 1930 The "TIMES Oshawa, Ontann Liew LE] Allow mie the PACE I LOU) pape) La CNPIERA MY VIEWS IR OPPOSE Lin the By-laws which the Ratepa Leva of this city have been asked 1 [yore on Thursday, August 28th Phere are two questions in this is | rue which | eonsider FUoImnortan [ Ia Whit is the cost ta the Taxpi { ers, 2nd What benefit will the un lemplaved Taxpayers peceive for His | expenditiur | What is the Cost 10 the Taxpayers! In looking into the Nest question | of Fasation, there have heen som | ver extravagant and most foolish [ statements made as to whit the | bnlelin will cost the averag Ia paver. 'These hyilaws eall for an ¢ | pendiure of SIALO0000, spread ov 20 vear payment MEAN an annual paviient of $1227.10 which will be added 10 the debenture payments ol this city each vear CF course the city will devive a revenue from thi Public Unilities and Police Magi [trates Office of SIR40.00 which leaves a total still to he raised bh the city of SRAM) On the othe hand, raking Into consideration th the Public Utilities are using spas in these buildings it will necessart mean that the caretaking and heat ing expenses will he inereased. It is estimated that the caretaking and | heating of the new buildings, w { dount to 4,500.00 AL the present tine the City is paving $2,.56000 { thear services, thevetore, this differ ence in the caretaking and hea added to the annual payments, walk F10037211 which the Tax this city will have to pro vide "tor annually, Over and this, the city eouncil of "1930" have at the present time expended or au thoriged capital expenditures 10 the amount of SRO000.00 which means approximately another $7,500.00 in annual payments to he made hy the Laxpayer his added to the Ad ministration Building and Policy Huilding, the annual payments bring the total to $IRLIZ000 which is con [a total of pavers ol who siderably over a mill. The Asses ment Department have estimated that this year through increased ax sae on factory properties, we will have an inerease of taxable pros perty of $300,000.00, This at the gens eral rate of 28 mills will give an add of revenue to the city of $7,500.00 which leaves still a balances of $11,» 00.00 to he accounted for and 10 be looked atter fram neat year's taxpay ers. 'These ave figures which can he verified from eity offices and 1 think in face of the arrears of taxes as shown at the end of last year and which there is no question, will he wreath inereased at the end of this year, that the people of this City are unduly taxed What Benefit Will The Unemployed Taxpayer Receive for This Expenditure? The second: question in regard to unemployment, statements have heen made in regard. to these bylaws if carried, will help the unemployed, With: the amount of meney being asked for, 1 do nat think that the expenditure is warranted lor the amount of actual help that it will give the unemployed. A' conserva tive figure in estimating the actual amount of labor on buildings of this Kind, amount to 38 per cent, which would only mean an expenditure of $50.000.00 an labor, part of this, of course, would necessary mean, con tractors, wages, and profits therefore, the average taxpayer who is unem played would get a very small pros portion of this amount of money in the way of work. 1, therefore, sug plete munioipal bhulldings and nal S00 LIAL the ratepayers of this sity | , aig made on erning the mutter, all dogs Mist JIEAnurR: (one re Yolis mag 1h A good 400 citizens gathered in he properly registered and dug |B bro 4.000 iii { i axes pad. hy the Hyst of May, | County hy near) at bu tamarind Park Vat wight to Nsten Accordingly, the prosecutions mre thao) eMidren, for then rn tn the wddvesses dealing with the peing made for the offance of "nes | 8 The first of natin : in hotd | ole on the municipal hulldings by glecting to prope rly regisieg nnd eventoen schon) faire Wii) W ot | 1 w tamorrow pay dog tax before Mi first on Mondiy eplomhe 1 : And 1 was an Interesting mee! In ely police court tds mors cogog 1eliund tn (his [10 Interesting not only hecanss ing appeared the first consignment An y nos yi : mig RU of the wrguments ndyinced for and of delinquent I, Vovest, (0 year to 1Mpray d p Vugningl the pases of the hylaws i ator] Miss Vipond, Millon PrOogrsin me Intepspehul ofthal) IMA. Intavest I haciinn of tha al Kelly, J, MeCaulny, vn Lalong, | VAmes ard being arranged, tide of the men and women of were in turn brought before the The Inter-fchool Virst Ald 1.0) the elty who wers there muglsiviie, and assessed one dole] 1051 Khould prove interesiin : Ih [Cowan fogulet meeting comimnand [tar and costs In addition fo the | Contest is open Lo Leama of EW oniy order) But IL was most un, veguluy tax of three dollny { prize is a First Ald Ki fo) Ihe {mletaknhly nol an. aputhetic meet Le ,, t | Hehool, Another. avant to bf heid Ling One could not avold gaining | urs these bylaws down and by don in the forenoon li the weed nam Liha Lmpression that the cirele of men r will give the city council & van in £on1ant ; Lwho stand shout the penkers' ta date to. go ahead with other local ' he Program le and Netened wo intently to what improvement eh ws hridae the | I'he nie hoon Pp hati mme Will wn vd, were making an honest ubwiy, outfall sewer of H necessi tart out with the 1h bewl xors | offapt ta face the problem with an 4 Porto of: eithes iis atiestion Ine I'he gehools will all Hne Up apap mind, and to make thelr de 1 exvenditure 'would give ut Teast 50 in order of thely numbers snd | cigion for or ngainst in a manner Let ent. of hot and i representa will be put through thelr gtrath eh would best fulfil thelr duty Hon was imade to the Provinelal ard CON BRereine i one group hy on AE PRLBPAY A) of this community Bewinion. Gavetment ora is + nf the teache All sehools Lak Objectors Absent dination hut thal th wold b ing part fn this deidl in a credit Tha nhjector who have put anite. willing. 10 Assist: In orb (| while manne will- ha nwarded pn ifhemeelves in Lhe Hmelight at ra this nature and net on buildin that ofthall ar un priee cent meating worn ahsent lawns mal A castle thevelore. | A programme of sport mi I nfght or If not absent, remained ol eH . ha : vel a1 | inging elocution anid publi {lent Mun quUeKLions were ake a pT A mush: ae iF wr w i" (of | BDOAKING fogether with remarks | ed, hit (he eomod (0 he petuated, anus vel Tues (i ove Wit TE | consernin the eshibdi Ih Mh not hy pre Judie on either rida nf nav Uh I will de the mest: woo fudges will round out the outside [Ihe ca : hil hy h Sinsare dauire to to the most people [ aRaEnann programme oy Sie ay or 0 i aris The ahnve isn deeenain ving | Children and parents are asked [00 the case halo arming an opine agitinatl the hylaws and if these h to rend thelr prizes lets eavefully | oh 1 taf Biv. th ' fain defeated: the Cit Canin on that exhibitors will not cause \ 114 unm ahah V. 10 trend on h 1" i arrv on the al profes confusion and misunderstanding BL ha she Riginhin BL, pmedinte! hy entering in classes in $which | ECE YT Tavor. f Pur Vaturs very tu hey may not be entitled (0 6x bl tH aa ou dh a pas Alderman Peter A, Macdonald { hibit Masling rake pa 4 hibit came Northeast Ward | Ghunkes In dates of Faire have from the middle of the rrowd heen found necassal dug In un | "yal voila tar 11 and. get 1s CRUSHED STONE SHOULDERS | Avoldabla clreumatances Nami fo, And not a dissenting ves \ nine boulder of erushed | And Mara ales dates have hoop mith wan heard in reply tone, with i dressing of tay hie witehed Adermen Mpoke i ing placed on the Kingston highwa Dates of Fars Onea mors were i Arguments i [ herween here and Whithy he | Pine Grove and Bunderiand have || tavor of tho bylaw marshalled toy and tar preparation extend hean Inter-changed, as have Mey und presented hy Mayor Mitehell aliout ene foo on both side of the | ROE and Manchester, "The date AS Lund We associates of the city coun. | pavement while beyond that fs the | they now stand throughout the (of), Ones mora were throes all fms | ordina earth shouldey In effect | County are portant points stressed hy every it mak the rod wider TRILL CUHROE Monday, Hept, Kh | upon lie "frat the mayor himself, : wheels of & ear wight run. ever tl Port erry Tuesday, dept, Mh, [then Alderman Doddy chairman of ished ston without danger of Manchester Wednesdn Hep [the General Purpose Committes, skidding 11h ind following them Alderman Har | Greenbank Thursday mapt, [man Alderman Watarous Alderman DIED | 11th {Hnlley and Alderman Gummow a | aphyre= Friday, Rept, 1211 | rorted, In clear and unmistakable Claremont Monday apt. hth, [language tha! the eonstruction of ! GLEARON=-In Oshawa, nn Tues Nrougham Tuesday, apt, | ALES, 000 worth of munfeipal build duy, August 2614, 1030; Han: | Lith [ Ings this fall would remedy an | nah MM, Windover, widow of the | Mekering Wednesday Hept, [oxtating situation which Is a dis Inte Willie W, Gleason, In her | 17) [Erace to the oily, could he dono KInl veay Oshawa==Thursday, Hept, 18th, [cheaper now than at any other time, Maneral from the residence of Nrookline-1riday, Phy Th 'would Impose ttle or no burden her daughter, Mrs, A. GG, RByoom Nenverton-Menday, fept, 22nd [ on tho taxpayers of tha elty and, field, 405 Mawson sireet on Frio | Rama--"Tuesday, Sept, 29vd " [nbove all, would provide sorely day, August 200h, 1030, Herviee al Mara Wednesday, Rept, 2411. | needed employment for the men of LOO pom: (Daylight Having Time) Cannington Fhursdas apt, [1M CILY who are WRlking the streets Interment Kddvatons Cemetery 'hth ! lonking for work (48a) Uxbridaa (Town) ==Friday, Sept, | Alternative Proposals | [ 20th | During the avening, several CARD OF THANKS underiand Monday, dot penkers dealt with the sewage dis 1h posal plant project which has bean > mn p navaneed ns an le h 'fle Mrs Edward 'hompaon and saci idee I'wp Tuesday, Nept, 1 nowy nth of bliormative prodoel family wish to thank thelr rein Lh showed Arst that the initial cont tives, friends and nelghbors, also 1 Q {of such a plant would he $570,000 General Motors of Canada, fol i great United States divigible [then added the fauet that ORFPVINK thelr kind expressions of sympathy |* & tribute 10 US dnftlative, It ix | charges would amount to $66,000" a and beautiful floral tributes in | POI ander Zeppelin patents and ! thelr recent sad bereavement cupped with German machiner (Continued on 'age 2) (ARR) | Tr----" -- Trend of Opinion Seemed to Lv Favor Bylaws as Audience is hat Ww Hs Heard Thoughtful Arguments | mgmt PREPARATIONS ARE "ee Besar Gorse Bylaw | 1 vues - According to Their Merits -- Eager For Facts oe we we oe | BEING MADE FOR niumher i tivity of n Inrge J ang Hnagtivy & ) i" ti ily who | 17 SCHOO! FAIRS PARK CROWD VOICES have neglected to gecure thelr Ao; y Ey. om pron Ings and pay (hair dog tkes, Mi ob ; ) LITTLE OBJECTION Nelson Balvd, city dog tax colle tor, J turned the names of 44 3. F 2 and Aldermen § cak a. over 0 the police, and About 4,000 Public School Mayor op In Favor of Mensures == Times liditor Appeals For Faith In City's Future i ' the 4% are helng hailed into police Children In County To court, one hatch at a thine, ma | ~ forced to pay a fine ns well as the | Take Part PORIUIAY tha According to the ety hvinw gov EE a ---- » Too Late To Classity GIRT, WANTH HOUREWORK perfenced, 'hone 21800, KX» (48a) BURERA™ VATTTI CLIANIR, all attachments complete, almost new, Ah Muu Fred Wateman, 13h house north of Ross Corners, weal ide (480) WH HAVE REVERAT NOY RRA for modern f voomed houses in first class Inoalities, Must ha a bargain, Apply Deadley Nroa (480) RETWEEN Pormanent ens parties, Apply n'olook tonight, (48a) oR FIVE conwenionges, Apply Rox doy (400) TONIGHT Cedardale School PUBLIC MEETING To Discuss the Civie Administration Building and Police Station Bylaws Mayor T. B. Mitchell Gordon D. Conant and members of the City Council will speak MEETING STARTS AT 8 P.M, All Citizens Welcome NOYH WANTED Ages 10 and 14 ployment to right SR Drew street, 7 WANTED=TOUR room bungale, all hy Neptember first Times, Coming Events CHOREN FRIENDS ROUND AND Rquare Dance tonight, Engel Hall over Dewland's Store, Ads mission ladies 100, gents 2he, (48a) AT MARKET, 28th, 2 pm (48a) CANADIAN LEGION CONCERT, * Rotary Hall, Friday, Aug, 20 splendid. program of music and entertainment, Tieketn 25 venta Everybody invited, (48a) CONSULT MADAME REDDA, selentitio palmist, 234 8t ule fon Street, ged aed (45a) 1 RUMMAGE SALK Thursday, Aug

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