PAGE SIX a Re THE OSHAWA DAILY IIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 INVESTIGATION OF APPLE INDIISTRY IN DURHAM STARTEN Three O.A.C. Students Visit] Orchard Of Salem . Grower HE crt falem, Aug, 22.An investign tien started hy the Deputy Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa Incdindes all phases of the apple Industry such as cost of production, poss bilities of marketing, consumer de mand, dealer and consumer require ments ne to grade package, of Three OAC, students are mak ing a survey of the. vepresanintive fruit growers of this district, and spent Thursday afternoon Alscuss ing the gains and losses of an or. chard with Mr, Leslie Collnentt who Is considered a sucesssful or ehardist The survey Is to cover all the leading apple-growing sections of Canada and will, no doubt, (ake a Yor, It 1s hoped (hat this Dominion wide survey will explain why ap ples, grown in Durham, cost the Toronto consner almost as much nx Oranges, grown in California, while the fruit growers get such unsatis factory returns Master Dudley AWE, In Visiting Mr, and Mrs, J C, Dudley Mrs, Patterson, of Cannington Is visiting Mrs, Russel Wright Miss Marian Mutton, of Bowman ville, is holidaying with Mrs, Viola Bmith, Mr, and Mrs, Wm and Katharine, of Cobourg Mr, and Mrs, Willls Mewar! Mrs, James Htorey, Mr, and Mrs Maymond Clapp, Mr, and Mrs, C.D Hodgson and son, Glenn, and Mi John Noble were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Duve Hooper of Orono Messrs, M, and A, Phillips, My Charles Phillips, and son, Mel. hourne, motored from Essex Coun ty and visited Mrs, Phare and Messrs, Harry and Norman Colla cutt and other relatives and friends Mrs, Agnes Connors, Mr, and Mrs, Emmerson Connors and Mr and Mrs, Ralph Baker, of Toronto, recently visited the former's als. ters, Mrs, ¥. Woodley and Mrs Laura Burgess Rev, J. R, Trompour and Master Grenfell have returned from visit. Ing friends near Pleton Messrs, Daker and Ottawa. called on Mr, Rob Noy re cantly to get some statistios re garding the cost of producing ap. ples and other farm products, Mr Roy Is considered a representative orchardist and is an authority on oont of growing and marketing Mr, Bwart Pollard, or Toronto, Is holidaying at home Bradd, of Oh his grandparents MacDonald visited Murray, of | | "MIRACLE" HEROINE I'he uh British part Dull Cooper Ward, Vi Diana Duff Ce of Rutland, and American prod and ure ¢ ve phot continuing un Mi pinter, Wreford, Co Mrs, Wi I'l his Janetville Mrs, W Corn were gacent 4 to Corn an Bavery, « spent the week-end ents, Mr, and Mra Mrs, Doldge, Mra and son, Ewart, Mrs, 1 awa on Friday My; and My Mr, and Mrs, J, Hen were entertained wt Mr, and Mis Thursday evening was in honor of the Atchison, of Toronto algo ecolehrated his Monday Sr --_-- Chan (jaorge til Hah 1het { Mis visitors LEAR) en mt Me Lili ni und Fnglish the P11 ne ' Gilnd in re f Nawtonville with her Arthur Chan rd, the Cornish I'he Ruont, Mp birthday I pir Walsh Pollard motored to Osh and visited friends Cornish and of Oshawa, home of on dinner N Cornish on Modern Home Lighting ~ D° friends admire ¥ your rooms ? Modern lighting offers scores of decorative possibilities to mo* dern home-makers. There are Edison Mazda inside. frosted Lamps for every secket and every purpose. Their restful, glare-free light lends charm that can transform even the dullest reom, and add wonder fully te your comfort, EDISON MAZDA RE INSIOL FROSTED J LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT L200 | Albright, E | i ..r Ps E Cunnda Vise ]IGHT | ry, ON VISIT TO CANADA ntreal recent! hows u distinguished LEFT to RIGHT : Captain Alfred wit Ednam Gn FRONT); William La Diunag Munners (Lad ociety besuty, daughter of the Duke heroine of M "during It minke une ve tour of Canada, $3 (in tl riche ereafter MANCHESTER Mi Mor eldent lof Mi | 0 { lohn mot with a painful a In the grain mow when he was shoved the mow un hundle of und fell 16 font to the Heo was taken to his villuge where he Is hed Fortun hroken The on Baturday iwhester, Aug y in I racontly pencel ol hy houve one | floor Home til italy, no bones | necideant occurred | Aug, 140 Mr, and helow In the confined te Wi wets Mira, Dawey Van Zant and three children, of Toronto spent Hunday nt the home of hey parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Cummings Miss Gladys Commings, of To ronto, spent a week with her par ont Mr, and Min, A. Miller and fam Hy, of Lakeheld ware visitors at the home of Mr, and Mra, Wright Crogler, Ong thelr return home, they were nccompnnied by Mr, and | Mra, Geo, Bumells, Miss Florence Mrs, Crosler and non, Archie Mr. Vyotle Crogler, of Toronto, wan home for the week-ends Mr, Fred Lamb was In Toronto on Munday and on his return he wis necompanied by Master Harley Johnwon, who spent a week holl { dnying vith in Mount | Dennis Mr K foronto Mr, and Mrs, Bamell Mi Albright, wore visitors with Mi relatives His spent Hunday In , of Beugog, of Uxbridge, und Mra, W, Crozlm Mra, W, McClintock, of Port er wan no visitor 'at the home of and Mes, FF. Lamb Mr, Fred Masters, of 'ort Perry, ppont Bunday with relatives here, Mr, and Mrs, Evans, Raglan, were rooent visitors with the late ter's parents, Me, and Mra, Thos, MeKoo Rov, J, WW. West, a former resid. ont of Port Perry, will preach at Mt, John 4 Proshytarian Church for the next two Bundays August 24 and ¥1, My PICKERING Plokering, ANE. Ming Myra Cronk, of Toronto, in spending her viontion at the home of her pars ents, It, I, and Mra, Cronk, Mins Helen Burling, visited with her sister, Mrs, FT, Bunting, last week, A: Hand Mra, Clark, and fam Hy, of Lakefield, ave visiting the former's parents, W, J, and Mrs, Clark, Misses Marjorie and Marion Hhepherd, of Kesex, are the guests of thelr aunt, Mra, N, Banks, Misa Agnes Marquis, of Lefroy, In aponding a week with relatives in the village Mr, and Mra MoAvoy, of Tos ronto, spent w few days during the pant week, with the Misses Law, W. H, and Mrs, Westney, and son, Henry, spent Sunday with friends at Lake Cameron, Misses Hest, of Toronto, the guests of 00. were Miss Myra Cronk, EN RS ------------------ PASTRY FLOUR XXX, ECLIPSE, MARVEL 24 1b. Bag 88¢ BREAD FLOUR 'FIVE ROSES 24 1b. Bag $1.10 HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED PHONE 203 | Mrs, Frankly, of Vort Perry, | | | Yow ean stop thet "HAY FEVER LEE ta, Tid 'RAZ-MAH the at her home here, during week-end, Mrs, Matchett, ed with Norman anda Mrs. during the past week, Mrs, Thos, Law visiigd friends in Oshawa this ek, Arthur ang Mrs, Boyes, and won, Tnck, spent Sunday with A, and of Toronto, visit Banks, with i. A, and ig Bunting, and Miss Eva, 1, and Mrs, Bunting and sons, Sore to Lake Couche fching, on Bunday and spent the day beside the water Alexander Cuthbert, of Toronto, visited the village -on Monday, and called upon a number of old friends Mr, and Mrs. Juck Toronto, spent Faturduy with C, and Mrs, Baker, Mr, Jas, Allawny, wan a visitor to the village on Wednesday, The Women's Association. of the United. Church, held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, H, Boyes, on Tuesday afiers noon Mrs, Lucy Baker, of Toronto, spent the week-end with G, ¢, and Mru, Baker Mra, 'alter and won, of Toron- Lo, are visiting the former's aunt and uncle, I, 1, and Mrs, Hall, Mrs, Harry Powell and daugh tor, of Hamilton, fre visiting reln- tives in the village John O'Connor ang family Belleville, ure holidaying at home of the former's mother, J. O'Connor, Church ®t SEAGRAVE Alig, 21 The many and Mra, Kenneth Charters, of Toronto, sympathize with them in the loss of thelr Vittle daughter, fourtean months, whose recent death occurred in Toronto Mrs, Charters was formerly Miss Helan Hawkins of this village Mr. John Minty and won, of Win nipeg, Mrs. Carswell, of Toronto, Mrs, Rankin and Mr. Wm, McGill, of Cineinnat!, Ohio, wars the gussts of Mr, and Mra, Cophus Blesp ast wank Mr, and Mrs, J Una Park, Mr Mnelgrove, of Bund: the -home of My last week Mr, and Mra, 11, Wanamaker and Awo sons, Bertram and Glenn, visit od nt Enniskillen on Sunday Mi Robert Nrown In relatives nt Long Island, New York Mr, and Mrs. Orval Hione Sunday in Prince Albert Mr, and Mra, ¥. Bkurret, Johnston, of 0G, ol the Mrs Heugrave, friends of Mi mr nnd and, and Mra Welbourn, of Mrs, Mones visited at I, Beott of To | Myrite, visited friends here on | Wednesday evening, _ vith friends, visiting | spant | ronto, spent the wesk.end with Mr, | and Mrs ( Harvey Clarke home Mr. Rumsell Clements and Bieve Houndy, of Toronto, friends here on Hunday Mr, and Mrs | Irwin dnughter, necompnnied Mr, and Min, Orr Bhunk and daughter, Merele, of Port Yarry, spent Hunday nt Niagara Falls Minses Muriel and WwW. Clarke necompanied Mantar them Mi leona, by visited | and Kathleen | Clarke nre vikiting at London and | Toronto with relatives Mr, and Mrs, Philip Ripley, of Oshawa, visited relatives in the vil Inge on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, RH Htouffville, Miss Fox Hennet, of "Toronto, und Mra, A I, innt week Misa Lorna Dure, of Toronto, Ia visiting her sister, Mrs, 8. McFar lune, for a couple of weeks Mins Mildred Harrinon, of Myrtle, In visiting her aunt, Mra. R, Hooft, thin week Mm, CW Hastings, of and Mr, L, visited Mr Orehard one day Clarke and son, Har vey, Mra, K. Neaihel, of Thessalon, and Mra, 1, Beott apant Wednesday with relatives in Beaverton Mr. and Mra, ¥. Harrison, of Sketches Noted Surgeon Sir Thomsen, M.D. dh RG. > * R.C,, noted British n, who is known throughout Me ritish Isles and Europe an the 'doyen" of ot larphyolony, aa he aps he ian ra, talented steward of the Pacific liner Duchess of ford, apon which ship Sir 8t. Clair, ther with the. other members of fhe Rritiah Medical Assosiation, travelled recently to Montreal, on his way to 'Winni where the im convention of British sd dian Medical Associations is 0 be bald froin Aunsust 20.89. | ' Mrs, A, Lanner apd daughter, Wiss Vera, returned home (rom mhawa after an enjoyable holiday Migs Irene Mpoftard, Mrs. E, Cragg and daughter, of Greenbank, visited friends hers on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, C, Bleep were In Lindwny one day last week, Mrs, English, of Toronto, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs, A, Dawson, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Clarke, Mr, and Mrs, V. Sharpe spent Sunday nt Port Bolster, The hum of the threshing ma. chine Is heard on every side these dnys, Reports indicate a wonder. ful crop this season in this com- munity and surrounding country, rain, (ud to report that Mrs. 8, J Wooldridge's mother, Mrs, Jan, Loash, of Greenbank, is improving in health very rapidly after her worious necident, Muster Kenneth Scott Is visiting ralntives In Myrtle for a few dayns, Horn to Mr. and Mrs, Heyward #hort on Aus. Hin, 1020, n won ENFIELD NEWS Finfleld, Aug. 22. Rev, and Mra A. K. Harding, Cincinnattd, are vis. iting at Mr, Arthur Ormiston's, My, and Mrs, I. Norris, Mount Forest, visited at Mr, T. I. Bows man's recently, Mrs, John Hephurn spent a week ut Columbup Mr, and Mrs, Gordon White and Donnld, North Oshawn, Mrs, K, P Muckny and Helen, Mrs, CC, 1, Mac kny, Brook!in, Messrs, Oliver Heats He und John Allen, Blackwater and Minn Frances Alexander North Osh awn were guests of Mr, L. C, Pas cor Min, Haury 8r., Burkston, visited wt Mr, "I", Hanry Mr, nnd Mra boro visited st fton's Mr. and Mrs, Cordon Taunton, visited at Mr bert's The Jjoyuhle H Mi Forrest George Ormis Hear lonnk Frank Gil Indies' Ald nfternoon pent n recently very en nt the Attractive Group Selec Ladies' Smart Shoes At Clearaway Prices Ciroup selection of odd size ¢ all clean new goods taken our higher priced lines marked for a quick clearance. All leathers, all styles and most $1.98 and $2.48 LADIES KID STRAP SLIPPERS Soft kid uppers, pliable sewn leather soles, low heel EE jon 1.99 Month-End Special A Value That Speaks For Itself LADIES' ARCH SHOES Oholoe of six styles, Straps or ties, You save $1.00 a pair uoninint 69 08 Month-End Special ..... MEN! ONCE AGAIN AGNEW-SURPASS OFFER YOU THE COUNTRY'S BIGGEST VALUES MEN'S BOOTS AND OXFORDS The bry, power of "Factory to Foot" selling. Fine factories, of selected leathers, oholos of black or brown calfskin, Goodyear welts od soles that will give absolute comfort CHECK UP ON YOUR WANTS $3.88, Ladies' Full Fashioned Silk Hose Extra 3 98¢ Special .... ure spending thelr vacation at Hes Honor Heroic Conductor Thue was jald recently | hy Colon) the Honorable Murtey Mao Laren, Minis ur of Fomal National Heslth and Colonel Hodgetts, director-Genera o " o Bt, John's Ambulance Associa fon 'to the herole setion of Clarence W, Lesch, passenger conductor on the romp sl Facto Rallway between Ottawa an Montreal who, by his promp 4 bod presence of pind rescued Claire McDougall from drowning the hide su Canal ast June, Mr, Loach is shown Manding third from oth nd alongside oh m are the Minister, Colonel Hodgetts ughes, C.P, RS p erintendent of Ottawa, * resentation the Taatimonisl 0) Royal Canadian Humane Boclety was e Minister's 3A Mr, Leach is inset, and Mrs, 1. J, 'T, Cole, Mr, and Mrs, I' A, Werry motor ad to Bethany on Bunday and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs, Fowan, Mossre, Jabez Vanstone and Art Kant, of Bowmanville, ware guests ut J, D, R, Cole's on Friday evens Ing Miss Morreroft, of Bowmanville, Miss Grass and Mr, Ernest Werry, of Knniskillen, were guests at T, J, T, Cole's on Bunday Dr, and Mrs, Colville ware guests on Sunday of Mre und Mr, Roh, Roy: Miss Norm Johns and Mr, Ralph Johns motored from Thornnill and spent the week-end at J. R, R, Cole's here Mr, and Mrs motored home from Friday and wpent with Mr, and Mrs Misnar Esther Honorary made in th home of Miss Klvae Ferguson Mr Mri, James Htark and Miss Orace gina, Miss Nancy Ormiston, ville, Iu spending a few Mr, George Ormiston's, Miss Elizabeth Pascoo Toronto recently, The farmers are busy harvesting and the crops seem to he excellent Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gilhert spent fn fow days at Venelon Falls BETHESDA My wpent Bowman dnys at visltedut of Orono, Roy Beathenda, Watson, of waoak.-and nt My, Phil Trane's Misses Esther and Mary Johns ure holidaying at J, I, I, Cole's, Miss Winnifred Cole, Ming Fdna Ciihert and Mr, Ward Gilbert, of Toronto, wers week-end guests of J. A the Aug, 1k Onhinwn, Kennotn Fraser Kingston on the week-end i, Vraser Mary Johns D and and the Misses Cole were entertain- od at luncheon at Mrs, Tod's, of Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Mr. B., Pearson, of IAverpool, England, Mr, D, A, Rutherford, of Oshawa, were visitors at J, B, R Cole's on Wednesday, Mr, and Mre, Harry Trear visited Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Hayward at Ty rons on Bunday, Miss Norns Johng, 'Mr. Ralph Johns, of Thornhill, Mr. and Mrs Ashton, Miss Florence Ashton and Messrs, Qordon and Roy Ashton, of Bowmanville, were entertained at 7, J.T, Cole's on Bunday, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Scott and children, of Nakina, Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Beott, of Orono, and Mr, and Mrs, Tom Bcott spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Scott, fevernl orchardists from community met other fruit grow ars at the orchard of Mr, A. A Colwill, Newcastle, on Wednesdn) Aug, 20th The party also visited the Ont arlo Orchards at Newcastle and the orchard of Mr, W, H, Carruthers at Bowmanville, fpecial talks ware glven hy Mr, Forsyth Bmith, Fruit Commissioner In England Mr, A, Fulton, Ontarlo Frult Grow ers' representative in England; Mr P, W. Hodgetg, of tha Prait Branch, Toronto, and Prof. Chesar of OA, C.,, Guelph, Laneheon was served at the Ral moral Hotel and moving pletures immediately after the luncheon Masrs, J, I. IL, ColeT. A, Werry, Harry Trear and Norman Collacutt went to Whithy on Thursday morn Ing to meet officials of the CNR to use? all the Influance pose hle to keep the Whithy-Part Hope sarviea ag convenient as it now | In all probability the freight ser vice will remain, this A Modern Habit Toronto and Montreal have more telephones than the combined number In six of the other pro inces, Telephones----everywher necessity--nare accepted ns tegral part of big-city life. And the habit of calling friends and loved ones at a dAlstance Ix grow [] an in INK Apace a a A ONCE A MONTH SAVING OPPORTUNITY TT SR BE "I SHOESALE Here's & Three-Day Bargain Event establish- ing hitherto unprecedented standards of style and value, You choose here from well filled stocks of up to the minute footwear whose quality we ask you to judge, No time, no where have better values been offered, Check over'the items listed here, they are but a few of the smashing values you may expect, 3 Big Bargain Days Thursday, Friday and Ry hoes from and sleen Send the Kiddies Back to School Well Shod . . . You'll Find the Prices Decidedly Attractive Back to School Specials in CHILDREN'S SHOES y By far the peat value we have ever Superb Quality offered in children's shoes, Volume Incomparable Prices busness produced this outstanding special, Straps, ties, oxfords of highest quality leathers; stout sewn leather soles, Every par guarans teed to give satiafaction, wn $4.95 $225 $2.50 Sizes 8 tol0Y; Sizes 11to2 biggest men's shoe value in the couns this is your opportunity to test the The favored black or colors 9! brown, suntan 's shoes, avery pair made in our own ties OF pumps, long gervice. ®ises 6 to 11, prices. HARD TO EQUAL AT $4.48, | $2.88, $4.98 $3.98 AGNEW-SURPASS SHOE STORES, LIMITED 234 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH OSHAWA NOW MEN AT Quality At Low Cost In Boys' Sturdy School Boots Built For Hard Wear Outfit the boys with these qual~ boots, Sewn and nailed soles Panco or leather, rubber heels, kb of selected box calfskin, Sensational savings here, In sizes 1 to B%, $2.19 and $2.88 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Stout full grain uppers in Panco or oak leather solos, Every pair guaranteed for service, and miracle values at $2.68 to $3.48 Final Clearance MISSES' STRAP SLIPPERS A great assortment of fine patent straps, broken lines from our regular stock, pliable sewn soles; values to $3.80, Month-End $1 ! 39 Special «v1 No Need to Sacrifice Style and Quality . « « You Can Get Both Here . . . Plus Real Economy LADIES' FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR A remarkable offering here, ladies, many of the new fall lines are inaluded here. leathers, kid or patent, in others, Spanish or Cuban heels, straps, The finest group of up tosthesminute styles ever offered at out YOU'LL FIND THESE VALUES $3.68, Clear Out Prices On All Fleet Foot "wanine Shoes For 3 Days