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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930 PAGE TEN CANSIDY INQUEST ADJOURNED Vortsmonth--"I'he inguest into ihe death of Thomas Cassidy, who dled about wu month ago #1 hin boarding houwss at Portsmouth from some unknown cause, Wis again adjourned on Monday night by Coroner Dy, W, J, Gardiner, Al the first sexsiom of the Inquest ad Journmeant had been made until a further axamination of the cons tents of the stomach could be made WIREET IMPROVEMENTS Westport I'he vatapayers of the village of Wastpory will vole on gaptemhbar 14 on a by-law under which it ix proposed to fssue des hentures to the value of £22,000 with which to grade, drain, sur face, and vurh corialn strests In the village, 'Ihe debenture debi of the villags now stands al #022 ANNUAL PLOWING MATCH Kingston A meeting was held recently of the ['rontenne Plow men's Association to make plans for tha Plowing Match for the coun ty, Jt was decided that the match would ha held on the farm oA Rows Dickson, Bunhury, on October 29, the plowing to start at 10 in the morning it a AAA REGULAR GOOD VALUE BONELESS HERRING Tiong, rand gs I i "un Y CROSBY CORN mn Hand 0 9 tn CHOICE WHOLE BABY BEETS yimer 0, 1 tn (2 i CUCUMBER RELISH nian wr hae EERIE "ww 2 PORATED HORSE RADISH PERRRRARI A VINING GOLVER Gananoque, A tenm of golfers from the Cataragul Golf and Couns try Club will visit Gangnogne Club, An Interesting festure of the visit In that W.-H, Herrington, president of the Kingston Flying Club, who 1 playing for Kingston, intends to fly down for the games, NAPANKE BOYN AT HAMILTON Napanee, Hurry Charles Amay, outstanding nthietes of Napaned, whose prowess Is pay tlenlarly well known in these paris; wore successful In ginining further Inurels for themselves and the Col laginte they so crediahly repre. wont, in the recent Interscholastic #ehoolhoy meet at Hamilton, DROWNED PAKTOR BURIED Belleville, Another chapter of the double drowning sceldent ut Piekey Lake, Tudor Tawnship lant Wadnesdny, when the body of Tey Pred Mayhew was lnld to rest in Madoc cemetery, The funeral was Inrgaly attended snd members of the Standard Churveh came from all parts of the county (o pay thely Inst reppects to the Inte Mado pastor ' HORN HHOEX HEVIVED ingeton Plitehing horseshoes N om A Wohinson and' EN Ul, Phe Aendin University ""Booknios bites," whieh sve travelling lends ing Hbravies, going Into the small villages and towns of the mark time provinces, as part of the oss tension department of the Univers In a gama that Ix helng revived In this district and It has heen shown tht thera are on number of expert players tn and around Kingston YOUTHVUL, FARMER INJURVD Ardoeh Kyorett, tha 10 old won of Michael Manton narrow ly escaped donth recontly of the Nxture fork, when some rom "nr | He wi | driving a team of horees on n hny- | sity, Vor wn doling nnd un hall a year iw person Ix entitled to borrow one hook on each trip of the Bookmos bile, which makes a round trip through the maritimes every threo weeks, vr sor---- broke, enusing a pole to fall and pire the Vittles lad on the head He was rashed to a doctor who draged hin wounds and after sev Lorn) houra of unconselougness In [ now progressing favourably CAL WHECKED DRIVER ENHUW Api A very unfortunsts Laeeldent occurred on the highway, A SPECIALS ON SALE AT THESE VERY LOW PRICES ug. 29 « Sept. 4 Watch For Red Price Tags 2 280 SPECIAL~ STUART'S Strawberry JAM 40-02, Squat Tins 25° 36¢ Jar 24¢ "ee 47 SPECIAL SINGAPORE Pineappl - 2 Sliced Borden's Evaporated MILK 2 Tall Tins 25¢ No. 2 Size Tin llc Shortening JEWEL 14h. Pkg. 16 'c SPECIAL Choice Quality Peas Size 20, 3, © While They Last Li 9 I PS ---- Buy TODDY ONE CENT MORE get « 380 pth. Tin Ih, Tin Se 31c Slc SPECIAL~ * SPECIAL Butter 2m. 61° 50 Simcoe St. N. | 225¢ ¥ "Ten-Second" Mixer California Seedless PIGS' FEET CUTLETS Boneless. 7-00 Jar ™ Looked mady 1) serve CORN FLAKES Nagar Krisp CHICKEN soup Ah" afc 2 for 1 L I} DATES oon Arand v 0 9 package aay | CUSTARD Kore & Double Cream n FRUITS FOR SALAD by v4 0 8 must, BLUEBERRIES saver Brand 0 9 un REET ERE] LMON CHOICE RED SOCKEYE = CLOVER LEAF or MAPLE LEAF BRAND No. 1 Tin Take Adviniage Tall d2c This. Wonderful! Value CROSSED FISH Sardines 2 Tins 33¢c NONSUCH SILVER POLISH Potatoes 27° pk. A EATO Ga RO CQL MEATS fe EATON'S SPECIAL Fri. and Sat. only CHOICE LOIN ROASTS Young Pork: 32¢ SPECIAL Brooms 29° each 2 || AN Tp . re SPECIAL. Fri. and Sat. only GUNN'S TIP TOP 23 37¢ URRY LIE RY ET oo SPECIAL Granulated Sugar 10 ». 48¢ Phone ™ 2400 five miles east of hers Haturdny afternoon, when a Vord couch, drive an hy Norman Hyland, Kingston, skidded off the pavement and went to the diteh at a point where the shoulder 1s shoul wix feet high The tar Is n complete wreck, The driver was fortunate enough to ey: caps without Injury, TIME TABLE | Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINES WEEK DAY BCHEDULE (EMesctive an und alter il 47, 199), (Daylight Baving Time) ing Wi Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa oh am, 700 nm, 7.0 am, KIO am, 0M am, «10,40 a.m AAO pon 200 pm 300 pom 4.10 ym, Sb pm 615 pom 740 p.m, 915 poy 10,20 pon HAD fm Arrive Howpital 10,50 am, HAS pony 149,45 a.m, LH pm 280 pom Ad pom, 4.45 pm fi Mj HM pom, 80 fm 2% pm 10.40 pm 158 pon Kant Arrive 4.5 pm 645 pom 10.5 pom HO om Arrive Bowmanville 7.80 wom 20 am 9.4) am 10.55 a.m 1A) pm 400 pm 3.80 f1.m 440 p.m EAD pom AAD pom, RO pom D.40 p.m 10.45 pom 1200 pom lasers ww Lonve Hospital Oshawa 6.50 a.m 750 am 850 wm 10,20) wm 1205 pom 1%) pom 245 pm A410 pm 5.08 pm 605 p.m 7.80 pm 9.0% p.m 10,40 p.m H¥ pm ars thiough HV am 7.0 a.m 4am 10.00 a.m HY am, 145 pm !M pom 145 pom, 445 pm 545 pm 7.00 pom 0,00 pm 9.50 pm 100 pom, 1110 pom Time marked * Whiklhy Hospital BUNDAY AND HOLIDAY BCHEDULE Going West Loave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa . Whithy Hospital M00 an 2% am DAS am, 10.00 wm 1208 pm, 1 100 po $40 pan 6,80 pm KIS pm EY pom 10.80 pom, 10.45 pm doing East Leave Arrive Oshawa NY am 1.00 am LO pom THIRD 6.50 p.m, Arrive ILM an 1A pm Sah pom 44 pm 745 pom 0.00 pn 1400 pw 116 frm $15 fm 61% pom 1,00 pm Arrive Bowmanville HAO gm 1X) pm RR AA pom 7.80 pom Loave Heapitsl 10.00 am 14,30 pm » Tinie marked * a8 through busses Whithy Hospital i Special Busses For All Occasions Ronsonable Rates and Caretul Drivers T. A: GARTON, Frapristor Bawmanville Phones 417 or MA Oshawa's Walting Room, Phone 11M CPR TIME TABLE Efective April 27, 1930 (Standard Time) Going Wasi SAY am Daly 10 Prince Mt, Going East Daily Dail Ia} 110 pom. Dail 1205 a.m, Daily CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change In Time effective July 17th (Standard Time) EASTBOUND Leave Oshawa R23 am Daly, Except Sunday 1558 am. Daily 128 pom. Dail 1.5K po. Daily 4A) pom Dagl SAL pon Dai) 0 nom Daily 1pm, Dail 1200 a.m. Daily WEATROUND Arrive Oshawa 406 am, Daily Sam Daily, 540 am, Daily 600 a.m, Dail O08 am, Daily, 110 pom, Daily, 00 pom, Dail 64% pom, Dal P55 pom, Dally, Except Sunday (Eacept Sundar) Except Sunday Eacept Sunday Encopt Batyrday Except Bunday Facept Sunday Except Bunda 8.18 pm, Daily GRAY COACH LINES (Bandard Time) KM active April Rith, 1900, Loave Oshawa Leave Toronte AM, FM, ' rm (FE 5 re ll Au "4 h¥) th ¥ all a wy 10.5 INEW REFRIGERATOR IN CANADIAN FIELD Announcement wis nade on wiaturday that the IE, Canadian Corporation Limited, Toronto, of which Mr, ¥. A, 'U'restrafl 1s Trost dant, has just been appointed dig teibutor for a populav-priced else tele vofvigerviator thet 1s expecled to tap an entirely new market foy domestic slectyic refrigeration This new refrigerator Is being manufactured In accordance with the latest mathods of muss pros duction hy the Majestic House hold Utilities Corporation, Chios umo, an orgenfeation working In close co-operation with the Grigss hy-Grunow Company, makers of the famous Majestic Radio In the United Hinteg Roecognleing tha imporianes of the Canadian Nations! Kxhibition, the Canadian distributors rushed ona of the fret of the new rafrig orators to come off the assembly Hine to Toronto and this model 1y now on display In tha Industrial Hallding at tha Canadian Na tonal xhibition CO || Jeddo Premium' | The Best Produced al in America | At Usual Coal Price YL ei SS DIXON COAL C0. . Telephone 202 Five DirectLines | -------- MAY BE COMMISSIONER speciul Chamber of Commerce nico ng I. probably Lhe effected af Appointment of Industrial | ® which President Gould will he ake Cobourg MP, a gencral meeting of the organi! Fraser Cohourg Cammissiaoner, 1oy post he volunteered hi Hintlar at alto call at once which or a service RIS ¥ furniture values Due to special purchases we are now able to offer some mighty fine NAY fever cves ottered" ...s0 act NOW as these prices are greatly below regular, we urge immediate action HE SIGN OF BARGAINS! Every week:ond sees a saving in ie DRUG STORE AC. COUNT when you take ad: vantage of our special PENNY SAVERS Ae Kruschen Salt $1.00 Bath Sprays 1 Se Castile Soap, A for |, ( Pinawd's Face Powder $1.00 Pinaud's Face Cream Te Reg: $1.75 Value for $1.00 0c Chase's Nerve Food 80e Buy 10 Autestrop Blades at $1.00 and got a 800 Utility Knife=FREE 10c Palmelive Soap, 4 for 28¢ 40s Castorla v Me Me Gin Pills PLAYING CARDS BRIDGE SIZE Faney Colors, Reg: The, SPECIAL 8% Dr, Sand's Sea:PFine Bath Salt, Special 2on Tin ,, Me 8e Viek's Vape Rub. die 000 Volvo: San Pad ., 3 $1.00 Gillette Bla vr The §0e Gillette Blades ...... 40¢ RUBBER BABY PANTS Heavy Quality 00 10e 80¢ Dodd's Kidney Pills ih veviny 38 38¢ Listerine ...... Toddy ..voovo0000y 200 & dhe §0e Milk of Magnesia Tooth We EERRLEE WHEN YOU NEED DRUGS ! PHONE The REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. King 8t. E, © Simeon 5t, §, Phone 28 Phone 04 prices. If you Our --=-- MID-SUMMER SALE Closes Saturday, August 30th Do not miss this opportunity of procuring your requires ments in House Furnishings at these greatly reduced selections and we will hold for your convenience, cannot take delivery at once, make your Nine Piece This new strikingly $129.00 Buffet, China Cabinet, Regular price $189,00, for $129 designed Dining Room Suite in Walnut consisting of able and Six Chairs, upholstered in Blue oo Tod 00 Tent OSHAWA EXHIBITION DELIVERED, SET UP, AND REMOVED BY US s of All Sizes Can be rented for the For particulars inquire at Office Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St East Phones 78-79

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