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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1930, p. 2

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of ye i» lw ] ly ly it " [+ \v ae PAGETWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930 lock, King Street, Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received st the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Telephones--Offico--B87; House=131, Bowmanville Represstiativcedt, Herbert Mortlock Goodyear and Whiz Play to Tie in First Game of Finals After nine innings of the nicest softball seen in Bowmanyillc this year Whiz and Goodyear were un. able to pull out of a tie'in the first game of the finals series at the Pub lic School grounds last night, The score was B to 8. Close on to four hundred fans ut- tended the game and seats had been placed wround the diamond for the first time making a decided im provement on the field, As an aded attraction the ¥ife and Drum Band played at the game, The Game Little more could have heen wish ed of a game of softball for there was little lacking in pep and vigour in either team, Hard hitting fast and hard hurling and steady and reliable fielding held the result in suspence s from the start to the finish There was really little to choose hetween either team and it would he very hard to find a more evenly matched pair, Goodyear opened the batting but failed to get further than third base, Whiz were unable to get that far in their first time at the plate although one more man batted Goodyear continued scoreless until the fourth when they made a real start with three However, Whiz had come along in the third with one and add. ed two more in the fourth making i A the secure year steadily eighth when they Making thew were out, hold with the second of even, Goodyenr crept up until the tie for either team, Home runs were Large, G, Piper, 1, Piper, and Moore starring for the Whiz and Osborne James doing Four more games are to series and in the event: of each taking two, an extra will have to be played to break the looks like the most MANY Years and it is pleasing to note the inter: est which is being taken by the gen Last night's crowd was twice as large as any which has at and Goodyear, be played in the the It esting final ser eral publie, tended a game The teams! Gi, Riper, ss; Knight, If; Cowle, ¢} Piper, Ib ~=(Jshorne, ss; FV Bots ef Hobbs Moore, rf; Large ef} | Goodyear well, 2b; Hert Goddard If; Colwell pi Ab; MeMurter, ¢} numerous likewise for les for this year, Whizg=Cameron, Rovan, Tames Ih Mooreraft had a scoreless fifth while the Auto Pros ducts men added four in the this in: nings putting them in the lead, Good. assed the Whiz cghth run before This lead they hoped w Whiz with, unly the one innings and one run' behind but In the eight equalized again and the ninth failed to break inter Corden, 1b; SILVERBROOK OREAMERY BUTTER Ee ONTARIO FANCY OR TODDY "NE nk 'lll 5.0.8 CLEANSER ... ST, CHARLES OR CARNATION || MILK =vaporated 3 32. | SALMON Pink... . 2 ¥ Fr wit, A IRE ATE RT ib ale LUX smn 3 rape. 2% 3 MEATS A & P Meats have come to be Cus sot "e ane ot ani oi Rig Bp Bg SUNNYFIELD y? SHIRRIFF'S TOP QUALITY FOODS AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES! AT THE A & P STORES \ \ A PRODUCT OF ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIES 2 be. 61. Cred ATOR HE wh Jar a ed as the +]. VINEST QUALITY THINLY SLICED BOKAR Bd 47 DY. J une 1b. 27¢ GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES PACKAGE OF § (ini VICTORY BRAND TOMATO JUICE i COCKTAIL > c I LABOR JAR uucecvivensnins CREAM CHEESE FEN INGERSOLL ies 2 Pkg. 28¢ A KITCHEN NECESSITY OXYDOL nfl, 23¢ be had at pod The Great Adantie & NEW SEASON | SPRING LAMB \ Legs .209¢ Loins ».22¢ CHEESE pub oe w. 20. { NEW, Mild ................. Ib Ble ANP Han. 31¢ ur Ble 3-Pad Size 14c best procurable, recogni «back guaranties and our clean, sanitary way ve made A A Canada's largest meat re FANCY QUALITY LONG ISLAND--ABOUT § LB. AVERAGE DUCKLINGS BOILED HAM =». 45 1 Cottage Rolls. mw. 28: >. 17¢ A & P QUALITY Shoulder Roast. lb. 13¢ Blade Roast, " 1b, 18¢ Short Rib Roast. 1b, 14¢ Side Pork duis Ib. 28c "' PISH SPECIALS HAL By the Piece ...lb. 28¢c Steaks ...... $40 1b. 28¢ PRESERVING ITEMS «Rare « $1.00 Jaks £3900 44 Doz. Jar Rings we. 18e Rubber Sealtite ves, Se Pickling Spices. lb, 28¢ Para-Wax ent Fa 30.1 of war stares. A and vegetables FRUITS and VEGETABLES piel Ay at 3 native and mperved Pacitte Tea Co. | | ment | Stock Market Prices Marke. Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Mock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Orawford, Alger Bullding, Oshawa Certo ....:.Bottle 20c Umpires: Boitrell at plate, and Dut hh Oshorne and Ted Large on bases, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | No Softball Tonight There will be no softball game to-night, The next gama of Lhe finals will be held to-morrow night on the same grounds, #Heveral took notice of the request to be on time last night and were there so keep up the good work and he thove on time to-morrow night, Wool Awirds Threo local men werg winners of wool awards at the Canadien Nas tional) Exhibition yesterday, 'they were Harold Skinner of Tyrone who wis awarded prize for domestic mes dium combing, A, Ayre of Hampton far domestic low combing and V7, 1, (laspell algo of Hampton for domestic conrse combing, These three men are consistent winners at the "Ex." and have heen for Many Years, PARLIAMENT 10 OPEN ITS SESSION ON SEPTEMBER 8 Paviiament Ottawa, Aug, 28 will open on Monday, Rept, ¥, Of ficial Annoucement of the date of the opening was made last night by Wir George Perley, acting I'rime Minister and war-time Canadian high commissioner In London The hour set for the opening fir George Perley stated, Is 13 o'clock noon, although the more formal procedure will not take place until 4 o'clock (n the after "Skinny" Mother of 8 Children Gains 10 Lbs. in4 Weeks Mont Joli, Po TO --"Was skinny, weak, run-down, woking alter eight children," says Mrs, lol Gagnon, Jr, "Fried Ironized Yeust, Gained 10 1hs in 4 weeks, New strength" Don't he "skinny," weak, neryous New dronized Yeast adds 5 to 15 hs, in 8 weeks, Ugly hollows fill, bony limbs round out, Blemished skin clenrs Constipation, . indigestion, "nerves" go overnight. New pep first day Rich red blood, Iromized Yeast Is two great tonles in one, Welght-huilding brewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood en- viehing Tron, Many times more efs fective than unmedicated yeast. Re sults in half the time Sturt now tu gen weight, Avold danger of serious jis I'nke these pleasant little tablets, No gas; jo yeasty taste, If not delighted with quick gains, manufacturer refunds money, Get Tronlged Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomers row, Now pounds quick rE health King will then speak, followed hy Premier It, 1, Bennett in hig init inl address on the floor of the House as Prime Minister, In sll probability, Nobert: Gardiner, 1, IA, leader, will continue the dis cussion and the debate will have the vight of way until Its termina tion TOM MOORE FAVORS noon. This arrangement will per mit tha House of Commons to gal | right down to business on the first day of the special session to deal with unemployment reliaf and | doubtlessly take some nctlop on | the tariff | "The procedure, in view of the | nature of the coming session, will be somewhat different from the | usual opening [ Members of Parliament will as: | semble In the House of Commons at the noon hour with Arthur | Beauchesne, clerk of the House presiding After assembling, the members will proceed to the Ben [mte chamber, where the deputy Governor-tieneral will ba present, and upon the direction of His Ex- | cellency will veturn to the Com mons to elect a speaker, Adjolirn will then he made until 2 o'clock when with the pomp and ceremony of tradition attendant upon the opening of Parliament Viscount Willingdon will arrive rom Rideau Hall and proceeding to the upper chamber, Hix Kxcels leney the Governor-General will read the Rpeech from the Throne, The address In reply to tha Hpoeth from the Throna will then le moved hy the mover and sees onder, Former Premier Mackenzie SHORTER HOURS (Continued from Page 1) organisation justifies this and the position measire of sucesss already attained gives inspiration for still greater future efforts "Frade unlonists have persist ently struggled to free themselves and thelr fellow workers from the thraldom of Industrial slavery, and hy thelr opposition to exploitation of those who toll In whatever form It presents itaeslf, alm In general to improve hy all legal means the sn olal, moral and economie con sony of the communities of whieh the are an integral part, "To-day the menace of unemplo) ean he sald that. thers must be » shortening of the work day and work week corresponding to the ins wrensed productivity of machinery, in inerease in the purchasing powey if the masses #0 wy Lo bring shout + great distribution of products st resent choking faelories and ware. houses, and provision through u national scheme of unemployment insurance for those for whom ree munerative work cannot he provid. ed," Tomorrow at . The C.N.E THUNNDAY, AUGUWE 8h Alberta, Musle and Womens Diy wo Bulldings and Midway open, Waughter competition judg ing contest Collseum, Twenty ninth International Cat Bhow, Cat $how Bullding, Staging and judgs ing cut flowers -gladioll, roses and dahling, Horticultural builds ing, Ayrshire Calle judging, Jor- soy Cattle judging, Holstein cattle Judging, Guernsey enttle judging, Yorkshire swine judging, Coliseum | charge of Alberta Women's Insti- and Live Block Arenas, 10,00 a.m, ~=Band contests hold | on the south band stand, 11.00:12.00 noon--Musies! pros gram mrranged hy Toronto local Counctl of Women Wert Wing, Wo, men's hullding 12:00 noon Alberta Luncheon, auspices Women's Institute, wos wing, Women's Building 1.50-6,00 pm. =Band Concerts hy Al-Cands Vermanent Horse Band, Canadian Cirenadier Gunrds and other Bands, North Band Miand, 200 p,m, Judging Hackney Horses, and Dajry Cattle, Collisoum Arena, z 2.00:2,80 p.m=~=Beotty Lirondcasts ing In her Model Kitchen, Women's Building (upstairs) 2.40 p.m,~Pramisr J, A, Browns loa und other speakers, Last Wing, Women's Bullding 2,00:6,00 p.m~Travelling Trou. hudours, vocal instrumental and dancing throughout the grounds 2,80 pm=Vaudeville, Grand. wand 2.40-4,80 Pos Program In wi or RR Lute, East Wing, Women's Build. ) 004, 00 pm~Musionl Pro- lan arranged by Toronto Loca) Counell of Women, West Wing, Wo- men's Bullding, 4.490 p.m, Demonstration of Canning Fruits upd Vegetables, East Wing, Women's Bullding, 6.40 pm, =Purachuts Jump Whatarfront, 7.00 pm~Classes DEV, and Runabouts, five mile outhoard motorboat race, p.m, « Vandeville, musien] ride, specincle 'Leas Voya- gours,' pyrotechnic display, grand wand, 7.40 pm~<Parade and Review of horses taking part In Coliseum Horses Show, mounted unity of the following R, C. Ds, Police Hunt Club snd others, in front of grand. stand, #.00 p.m=Becond Concert, Lx~ hibition Chorus, 2000 volees, Prices hox $1.00, ground floor 751, general admission 206, Accompanied by All-Canadn Permanent Florss Dand, Collweum, RL dN | MUCH INTEREST IN SWIM A large number of people from this district attended the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto yosterday afternoon in ordér to wil~ ness the "Big Swim," Oshawa mani fosted keen Interest In Lhe swim and The Times received many cally during the afternoon from persons anxious to learn how it was pro growing, ------------------ Windsor ~Joseph Latorte, 13 of Lagalle, died in Grace Hospital about 1.30 o'clock yesterday after- noon of injuries sustained when he was struck by a light delivery truck on Malden Toad an hour earlier, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378," NEXT THE POST OMID Celebrating Our Second Anniversary = ment hangs. over all countries, | blight or as to actions whieh are homes of millions of workers, | Largely through trade unfon aglia tion this has now hecome yecognis od, not us heing the problem of the unemployed. workar alone, but one ta which governments must devote thelr attention if elvilisation is to Progross, Shorter Hours Needed "Without entering. into deta] as to the many caunes of this social bight or as to actons which ape necessary to overcomes the same, it Toronto Stock Exchange Stock High Low Close Br. A. Ol 1844 15% 15% Bras, .. A} 1] 1 Y% Can, 1st 02 nl 0: Cockshutt 14 1% 1h Cty, Dry, 00% (TAM A014 Dig, Sgrm, dl LE RY Gypsum 104 10 104 Hr, Wal, fl L] ] Int, Nkl, 204 ERY RE" Int, Pet, 17% 17% 11% Imp, O11 10% 18% 10 Ms, Hr, 20 10 104% Mt, Pr, ho Y AS BOW 4 Standard Mining Exchange Ajax .. 208 A00 200 Amulet LY 80 A De, Mna, 700 784 780 Faleon, 178 176 174 Hell, .., AR%0 540 A80 Hd, Pay 760 750 060 Lk, §h, 2380 2100 2040 Nrnda, 2160 2160 2100 sh, Grd, 130 185 130 e---- A -------- A a Hd, Rs 110 110 110 Tk, Hg, A435 Ha0 a0 Wr. Hr. 175 174 178 New York Exchange flock High Low Clone Am, Can, 111 130% 1 am, Fr, Pr, 714 4 nN Am, Tel Mey 1 HY Am, Inter, Ahly HER ay Anaconda 45 45 4h Auto Strop 71% 0% 104 Bendix +... 014 nw Hy Neth, Steal 8&3% LER LE RN fyers AM, T4 (50 " Chrysler .. 28 11% b Col, Gan , A144 0 ly 011 'ox Flim ATM 7 47% (Gen, Klee 1 TN Tau Gen. Mot, EER" "Hy LER Int, Tel, .« 1% 10 (SRM Kelvinator 16% 16% 168 Mt, Ward ah hl) HER Nat, Cash dd ¥ "Hy "Hy Pl, Rd, Coal 174% 174% 174 Paramount 40 AN fo Radio .... 40% 40 10% Radio Kth, 86% ab AM Bt, NJ... 604 08% 68 1.8, Rteel ATM 100% 171 Vianadium fy LBRTY LRRY Yel, Truck 20% My 10Yy New! FinePROOR! HOTEL = AND CONFO fou UXURY T wR ~ SHOWERS AND BATHS RATES AMERICAN PLAN SERCULNENY RATES \ "= SURF BATHING dbrect fram dor The Fashion 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083w colors await you. QPHN| The New Fall Styles Are Here! N store presented such an unique display as is presented this year in our The very latest in flattering styles in gorgeous materials and EVER before in the history of this business have the new styles These new fashions are all ready to become a part of the Fall wardrobe for those who appreciate the utmost modishness in coats, ensembles, dresses, milinery and accessories The New Fall and Winter Coats Use Fur Lavishly In The New Paris Manner ie coats are unusual because of clude carocul, Jap mink. Fall "Fall, that in interesting include black, the abundant use of furethe riche ness of the fabrice--the expert tailoring and the authentic 1931 fashions. All the rich new broadcloth fabrics, suede fine ishes and tweed are included. Furs ine Different And Very Flattering ISTINCTIVE D new details that frocks exploit for They are all here in a collection includes velvets, spiral crepe and light woolens, Dresses of velvet show bloused back and lingerie jabot treatments . . . Wool crepe fects and new sleave details . . . Canton crepe in semi-fitted modes with petal collar and pleated skirt detail. wine shades, green and blue Shoppe Opposite Bruce St. fox, wolf, squirrel, lapin, Dresses Are are the interesting jacquard silks, designs show bolero ef. Colors the new off-black, brown,

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