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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930 PACE FIVE ' of the Black Shadows came creep: 60 unexpected that he almost lost omen's Interests in the Home ... and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Evelyn Berey, of Brantford, is the guest of Miss Pauline Cond, #imeoe Street North, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Gray and son, Robert, spent a few days recently at Port Carling, Miss June Smith, Simcoe Bireet North entertained at tea at the Oshawa Golf Club on Tuesday af- ternoon, Professor and Mrs, A. M, Tilkey, of Crookston, Minn, are visiting Mrs. Tilkey's mother, Mrs, A, EK. Mounce, Colborne street, Miss Lottie Blckls, of - Dover, is visiting her sister, A. RR. Alloway, Bimcoe North Mr. Charles Hooper, Colborne street east, has left for Newfound land, where he will visit his rela- tives and friends, Port Mrs, Street Miss Evelyn Found and Miss Edna Boddy of this city have re- turned after spending two weeks at Presqu' Isle Point, ' Mr, und Mrs, James Fraser and family, Simecos Street North are leaving town on Haturdasy for Walkerville where they will make their new home, Dr, and. Mrs, G, W, Trewin and the doctor's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Trowin, of Bowmanville, are leav- ing today to spend a holiday at Gull Lake, Minden, Ontario, Mr, and Mrs, B. A, Mounce and family of Amherst, Nova BScotin, are in town visiting Mr, Mounce's mother, Mrs, A, E, Mounce, Col- borne street, Miss Margaret J, Cash, assist- ant ¢ity clerk of Sydney, Nova Scotia, is spending her holidays in this city the guset of Mr, and Mrs, Amos 8, Martin, Mary streot Misses Veta und Merle Stephen son,, Aberdeen St, have returned home after spending a month in Western Ontario Miss Gertrude Colver, matron of the Children's Shelter and her By Thornton W. B Buch friends we have Ag we may make; : Qur relatives we have to take, Striped Chipmunk Despite the warning he had re- celved from his father, Striped Chipmunk, Impy the black Chip munk persisted In staying out Inter than any of the others of his family, He liked to be out wfter the coming of the Black Shadows, You see, owing to that hlack cont of his, he felt very safe then He felt that Yie couldn't he seen und so had little to fear, Quite / ¥ Vy [rg Nd WA 7) EL KW Green Meadows, really wasn't far away, At least, you wouldn't have thought it far, But it was far enough so that In case of danger he would have to seamper a little way he fore he could dive to safety he. tween the stones of the olg wall, Now, of course, the wise and proper thing would have heen for Impy to start for home as soon us that first Black Bhadow reached the old stone wall, but he didn't, He waited for a second Black Whadow to come, and then a third and a fourth, Up overhead he saw the first little stars hegin to twin. kle, He doubted if his hrothers and sluters had ever seen a twinkling star, He felt very hold and very brave ing across the He "I'm not afraid," said he to him- self, "I don't see why people should he afraid just hecause it Is dark, Why, 1 have never had a single real scare after the coming of the Black Bhadows, | suppose that those Owls that my father told me ahout are dangerous: hut I guess If T wateh out I needn't worry ahout them hig balance, He Aid start 10 run when a voice sald, "What is your hurry, Cousin?' Impy stopped, Any one who called him Cousin could hardly be dangerous, He looked, There was a memher of the Bquirrel family nok so very mich bigger than him- slef, Cantiously, Impy took a step neurer, "Who are you?" he asked, "One of your cousins," replied the little stranger, "I am Timmy the Viying Squirrel," "Phe what?" cried Impy, Timmy chuckled, "The Flying Squirrel," sald he, "Do you really fly?" cried Impy, opening his eyes very wide, "No," sald he, chuckling again, "A lot of people think I do, but I don't, You see, | haven't real wings, and how can one fly with. oul wings? By the way, are you a Chipmunk?" "Certainly, Of course I'm a Chipmunk, I'm just as much & Chipmunk as any other Chipmunk, only 1 have a black eoat," replied Impy Copyright, 1040, 'T. W. Burgess, Just then there wag a little soft thump almost hegide Tmpy, IL was | The next story: Learns | From Timmy, Impy ming strong but had an entive lap . : to go when the last of the winners EE -------------- . ---- -- wera coming home, HI Erickson, | A T\ even Lidge . -~ ange od» the human cork, who swam until | Up Overhead he saw the first little three o'clock In the morning in stars begin to twinkle *0 a laa, dew, RCV i Red Rose Tea "ia quod, Ba," "Toio QuALITIes = = RED TABEL % Onanet Payot am i a a os niece, Ruth Moore, while in Eng land this summer stayed at Hears borough and Bridlington, two lovely east coast resorts My. and Mrs, Ww, ¥. Btutt and Mr, and Mrs, Robert Leigh of Red- lands, Cal, while driving through Oshawa yesterday stopped off for a fow hours with My, and Mrs, W, K. Smith, Albert stregt, "SUMMER SALE Where : " Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone 2OSSW hr BR BA lA S| very Iittle folk, tha naturally, he knew about the night-seeing ones who lke best. to hunt al night He knew nothing about eyes made for seeing In the dark, gometimes he himself could see very little hy the time he went to hed, He didn't know that there wera others who could see very well at that hour To he pure, fdtriped Chipmunk had told him ahout the Owl family, bul neve; having seen a memher of the Owl family, ha couldn' understand uhout those wonderful night-seeing eyes, As a EX:-PIRATE 18 PHILLIES STAR Philadelyhia, Pa, Aus B-~"The Phils deetuted the Braves yesterday in the opening gaine of a four-game series here hy the score of 9 to J} Fred Brickell, the outfielder from the Pittshurgh Pirates, had his home debut in a Philadelphia uniform and pp ¥ Here Is Mrs, Harry Hogarth of | Persian Kitten class at the Canine Rade thie HOgles nd a double in [ lan Natlonn) Exhibition ent show, | Y nes at bat, and wa e ba 1! | ] ( / ( It also took a second fn the novice | "M% HAT 01 the gan won first prize In the blue male | etmpe Miss Emily Colhoum, her broth- or, Jim Colhoum and Mimses Kitty and Sadie Kilpatrick, all of De- troit, Michigan, are visiting at the home of Miss Colhoum's sister, Mrs, I, Smythe, Cubért Street, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Whinfleld and daughter, Peggy, and Miss May Harper, Oshawa, have return- od from a vacation at Algonquin Park, where they were the guests of Mr, Whinfleld's brother, While there they had the pleasure of seeing Lord and Lady Willington wh@ visited the Park on August 20, Mrs. T. KE. Houston, Mrs, H, E, Smith and daughter, June Smith, are leaving town tomorrow for Montreal and will sall on Satur day morning on the Duchess of Richmond for Germany. After spending a fow weeks in Germany they will go to England where Miss June Emith will attend school at Ivy House, Wimbledon, Mrs, Houston will remain in England for the winter and Mrs, Smith will return to Canada, Ys, KE. A, Blandy, who cele brated her seventy-seventh birth. | day on Wednesday, August 27th, Was the guest of honor at a sup- por at the homa of Mrs, William Collins, and also was the recipi- ent of many kind remembrances from relatives from Nw Zealand, from relatives from New Zealand, Miami, California, and from many friends in Oshawa, Shber Chiffon Full Fashioned 4 Ny HOSTERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simcoe St 2 i RR FR Toronto, holding "Sultan," which BROOKLYN'S SLUMP ENDS New York, Fhe Brooklyn Robin of & seven-game losing streak to triumph over the Giants, 7 to 2, in the first of their four battles for second place in the National League Came out rule, Tmpy Aid not ven. ture far from the entrance to his home after the coming of the Black Shadows He usually sat where he tould dive right into that entrance at the first alarm Once in un while, however, when he felt a little holder than usual, he would venture farther away from home, It happened one afte: noan that Impy was quite a little distance from home when the rirst wee IWO-Rine Vit tory RTT -- WHAT DO YOU MEANT? HOW CAN YOU GET THEM WHITE IF YOU PON'T SCRUB THEM? ESPECIALLY IN HARD WATER [ro ------ -------------------------- THERE! NO MORE SCRUBBING UNTIL NEXT MONDAY, HOW 18 IT YOU'RE THROUGH SO EARLY; DORA? MY WABHDAYS ARE EASY NOW. | NEVER SCRUB CLOTHES ANY MORE RINSO'S THICK BUDS IBOAK CLOTHES THE WHITEST WHITE EVER Wi sArELY! Fae -r-- ef "After having an operation, | was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work, | saw Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and tried it and believe i helped me wonderfully, 1 have no weak spells any more, the pains have left nie and my nerves are much bet ter. | feel safe in saying Lydia E. Piokham's medicines have helped me wonderfully," =Mr, Wm H Beschusller, Box 143, Port Colboms, Ontarios Lydia E. Pikham's Yegetahle Compound same CELEBRATE FORTY.NINTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Srs-- Mr, and Mrs, John Crossman, residents of Oshawa for the past thirty years celebrated their forty- ninth wedding anniversary on Monday last, They were fortunate in having with them on that day all their children, grandchildren and one great grand child, The dinner given in their honor was at the home of one of the daugh- ters, Mrs, George Sanders, and Mr. Sanders, Celina street, The others present were Mr. and Mrs, we otters lke this) Thousands write (Millions use Rinses «¢[ never boil any more are whiter' Y ang Hotes S, Linaman 1 whiter than Anthes much, much whitet "Rinso gets my clothes Muse hing machine. ap 1'veev sed in my WASHER any SOA er used I AY S40 Ringo suds are YOU WERE RIGHT, DORA, RINSO CERTAINLY MAKES WASHDAY EASY, WHAT RICH, LASTING SUDSI TRY RINSO FOR DISH. WASHING, TOO, YOU'LL BE SURPRISED TO SEE HOW IT LOOSENS GREASE ---------- mH BETTER BRAN FLAKES Uncooked ve . never boll {0S hel That means a lot here wher oe water 18 ' " t makes dishes sparkle! freners thick, soapy: fasting Tha ments gh itess vn hings ard, LF A oth my neighbor and th ' Rinso in the dishpan, tooil makes * When appetites lag re heaping howls of Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes, Children love thelr matchless flavor, Their crisp whole whéat brings sturdy energy, And they've Just enough bran to be mildly laxative, One taste and you'll vote them better bran flakes, At grocers, In the red-and-green package, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, w00099° BRAN FLAKES d o softener neede i le suds, dirt soaks outs uhbed threadbare. a kal ' J NArTKAD Tn Rinso's remain sor " 't need to he Snares Clothes Rr much longer Hands hy iY cou \ twice at water SOAD gives Paw rhs hard water SRF welght Lo ¢ water pid ven in har es ; ded--e f 38 washers THE GRANULATED HARD:WATER SOAR ios he) : linensy the makers © usher | Safe for Bac Try Rinse for dishes, too: rec BIG package: i S Oo Guaranteed bY the makers of LUXwlaver roth Toronto A " : intub orwasher for snowy:white clothes | Ne. An Easy Recipe 2 Eggs t Typn Salt 1 Tspn Mustard ¢ Cup Vinegar 1 Con Eagle Brand Milk William Crossman and family of [a speed swimmers' day; the waler Oshawa, My, and 'Mrs, Donald | wis warm, none of the finishers and Pontiae, Michigan, and Mr, and | makers were in the money ast . Mrs, George Foote of Pontine, Mr, year; Hpondor, oss and Vierkoet ADAMS IS POISON TO REDS floral gifts during the day, temperature hovered around 60 de. | ume substituting for Frankie Frisch Nelson, last year collapsed | 4, md base for the Cardinals, "0 ' IOWA {] Ni [ But the warmth did one thing; | yesterday at St. Louis and swept the It gave the fast, cold water men series with a 2 to | paces than aver hefore, break down the endurance of the fast, legs dur. | == {home winners, setting new speed records ' M fon reanched in the old argument | Marvin Nelson Stages Thril- of fast swimmers succumbing to th, . The leaders were In the majority, Win men who had proven thelp ability Toronto, Aug, 28.--=Marvin Nel K vin \ At the time muny cold water swimmers went under, Mens year ago on the hrakerods of freight trains and travelled to the honors, was forced to relinquish his game struggle when he set a pace won $10,000 and the swimming champlonship of the world, To-day swam before | (leorge Young, blinded and | race ever held In Toronto--the reatest In upsets | actnelon, K paoty in spectacles, In legs. Blg Bi Sadlo was still swim. Exhibition waterfront, All previous times for the distance were shatters swam across the finish line 7 43 minutes and 86 weconds after | finished the greatest of the eight trips he made around the course, | had mercilessly pursued the many leaders early In the awim, and had who came to Toronto a year ago In his father's butcher shop truck He won $2,600, First Four Under 88 years of age, They wera Nelson, Spondor, Bill Goll of New York who place and $750, Nelson Is 10 years old, Spondor is 18, Goll 1s 22 and of prise winners, Toronto's own Ernst - Vierkoetter, and Norman They received $500 and $250 res pectively, Each Is a former win- In the upsets were the falls of Clarence Rows, Sam Shields, George Lamg and won, Nell, of Oshawa, [few of the losers complaining of Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Crossman, of [the cold. Yet threes of the moneys and Mrs, Crossman recelved many [ter, all of them winners when the Cincinnati, Aug, 28--"Spark" Ad 40 yards from the finish line. | ,, poison to the Cincinnati Reds WINS MARAT i opportunity to wet even faster HON nhle swimmers and then romp | If only onan thing wers accom. plished, It was the conclusive decis | ling Finish to onslanghts of endurance swimmers In cold water They continued to prove thele ability In warm water son, the "loway Kid'" with the big smile, who came to Toronto first a dell Burditt, who has never failed to uphold his shure of Toronto's 1080 Canadian Nationa) Exhibition swim on borrowed money, yesterday which kept him up with the lead ors He swam faster than he aver he Is king of the marathoners, It was the greatost swimmers' evampod, was taken from the water | by his trainer, unable to move his speed, In the nervous tension of tens of thousands who packed the ed when the Ind from Fort Dodge 7 hours, the starter's gun, And he did it only after he had after he had swum lsador Sponder of Port Colborne Into subjection, won down all opposition to his long, powerful strokes. S8pondor th. lad and lived on hot dogs and ham burger sandwiches, came second It was a young man's race, The first four finishers were under 25 wins $1,000, and (leorge Blagdon of Memphis, who captured fourth Blagden ia 25, Two veterans completed the list | Ross, the big popular Chicago man and the Hercules of the swimmers, ner, hoth names being famous in the awim world, Young, Lyle Hubbard and both Stan and Frank Pritchard, It was Bar vigorouslyall ingredients except vinegar, for a few min- utes. Add vinegar, stir welland set aside for a few hours to thicken, This dressing willkeep for weeks, : Clip and try this simple recipe «vo you will ind it delicious, EAGLE BRAND ssw MILK THE BORDEN CO., LIMITED, 140 St, Paul W., Montreal Send me free recipe book * New Magie in phe Kitehen TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac "Rose" to the Occasion WAS "THAT "MIGHTY I'll. BET YOU LIKE A ROSE* You WERE WHISTLING. I'LL. SHOOT THE FIVE *&POT TO Ml MAKE A WIT WITH HER HELLO g.Ler i ME HAVE FIVE: |i DOLLARS FOR A |! ll FEW DAYS, WiLL "YOU? ter. NAME. Cnn \ Aporuas.. EE RH A

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