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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 rrwreey The Whitby Advertising, sub Whith, After School Bells To Ring Again on Tuesday Next Over five hundved Whithy children will vespond to the eall of the school hell nest Tuesday morning al nine o'clock, After the long suis, mer vacation, the seholaps, old and new, will tule up ser: fous tasks, During the summer months the school bulldings have heen venovated, and each school will have n complete staff of teachers, In connection with the High sehool, a special announcement with vegavd to the agricultural classes appears on page one of this Issue, These classes open on wept, MN, and Principal Archibald ants cipates a large vegistration, Principal 15, A, Bennett Is also looking forward to a Invge ens rolment in all public sehols, TWO YEAR COURSE IN AGRICULTURE WHITBY SCHOOL Classes Open on September 8th=Fine Opportunity For Students The Agrieultural Department of the Whithy High Echool should ins terest a number of hoys from in: surrounding eommunity this ye The primary purpose of the Departs ment Is to, provide a practical two. ya r eourse for hoys who do net in tand to continue on for matricula- tien, It Is planned especially i} boys wha intend to farm, Pujlls taking this course will devote aha half their time to academic subjects such as Literature, Compositio.., ngHptions and news will be received st Branch Office, at Gagette and Chronicle ~Telephons 23, siness Howre=Phone 359, REPRESENTATIVE--~JAMES H, ORMISTON Daily Times the Avithmetie, Geography, History, Physiography, Bookkeeping, Type writing; end the vest of thelr time tn Agrieultural subjects, ineludiig mechanics, Mr, Croskery, the Agrieultur | cenvesentative, will assist »"h the Judging work as he did lust /esr, and Mr, Pepper will continue takin the earpenter work, The principal, Mr, Avehibald, and Mr, Verguson, will take the rest of the work in .\g- rieulture, My, Verguson, who is a graduste of the Ontario Agrieultur- al College, Is on the regular staff of the school for the eom ng year, The school is hetter prepared to provide a good Agrviewltursl eourse than it has been in the past, Any boys, or parents of hoys are interested in this course, should gen the principal ne soon as pos: sible, The elnsses of the Agricultural Department will commences Monday, Bept, Kh, The Week in Whiy | Mrs, G, H, Johnston and daugh- tevs, of Bracebridge, Ont, were in town on Wednesday wand ealled on # number of old friends, Mr. Bob Blow and friend, of 1s troit, visited with the former's par ents, Mr, and Mrs, E, It, Blow, this week Alex Thompson, the genial junior elerk at the Royal Bank, has been confined to his home for the past week througn iliness, His many friends will he glad to know he is recovering, Miss Addie Graham, of Kingston, in visiting Miss Edna Johnston at Maple Lodge for a eouple of weeks Mr, GG, 'W, Price, of Orillia, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs, John A, Barber, Walnut Hireat, Miss Edith Finlay, of the Bank of who | Commerce staff, who has heen quite i for several weeks, is now reeovs ering nicely Mrs, P, Mathison home from a holiday and Quehee City Miss Ruth North, wha had an ops eration for tonsils, Is now recover ing nicely, Mr, 8B, W, Bawin, of Walmington, has in returned Montreal USED condition Bargains in Good One Whippet Six Sedan, late model,' beautiful 1928 Model A Ford coach--=looks like a new car 1938 Chev, Coach==in first class condition 1927 Chev, Sedan=~completely overhauled 4 Ford Coupes--~from $40 up CARS Ross, Ames 138 King St. W, Company, Limited & Gartshore ° Phone 1160 THE HAND OF TIME You can't push it back, but you ean prolong your days by eating foods that keep the arteries soft and pliant, the muscles strong and vibrant and the mind clear and active, Shredded Wheat with milk supplies the elements that keep the body strong and supple contains all the needed vitamins and mineral salts for insuring health and strength, It's ready.cooked, ready-to- serve, Delicious for any meal, with milk or fruits, DDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT {them to Buffalo and other Ameriean Del, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, A: Noss, The Women's Missionary Bociety of the United Chureh will hold its monthly meeting at 5.80 pm, Tues day, Beptember 2nd, in the school room, A full attendance Is hoped The many friends of Mr, A, R, Colwill, of Toronto, who has heen ill suffering from an attack of pneu monia, at the home of his mother Mrs, 1, G, Colwill, will be pleased to lewrn his condition is mueh im» proved, Mrs, W, H, Kennedy, who has heen visiting her mother In Ux» bridge, was taken quite ill and has heen confined to the house for some time, Her many friends here wish her a rapid recovery, Miss Nellie Winn, of Hamilton, hus been spending her holidays with her grandmother, Mrs, George Wol ford, Perry street, Mys, M, 1, Jennings deeply up- preciates the sympathy extended hy many kind friends and neighbors during her vecent, bereavement, and ulgo the gifts of fruit, HEIR - WOMEN'S INNTITUTE PICNIC Whithy Women's Institute held fn plente at the Town Park last Pri day afternoon and had as thelr guests members of the Pickering and Brooklin branches, I'he wauth er was ideal for the outing and a program of contests and games wis rin off, The supper was not the lenst enjoyable Item on the pro gram, The visitors expressed thely appreciation of the hospitality of their hosts Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Davidson and children have veturned from a ver pleasant motor trip, which 44 paints, Rev, RB, G, McCormick, a former pastor of Bt, Andrew's Preshyterian Chureh, Whithy, and now stationed ut Thornton, near Parris, with Mrs MeCaormiek, visited with Miss Ida Lynde, Centre Breet north, week, Mr, J, KE fram a very in Algonquin Lakes distriet, Mr, and Mrs, J, H, Ormiston and daughter Joan returned on Moni from Albion, N.Y, where they visit ed Mrs, Ormiston's parents and bro thers for two weeks Rev, J, M, Crisall and family will leave: on Monday next for their new home in Tarentn Improvements have heen made to the store front of Mr, J, Frank Boothe, Broek Street south, inelud lant Waterhouse 18 home pleasant holiday spent 'ark and the Muskokn for, un this Ig the first meeting sinee | y | Juns, Weddings COVEY =AVYCONNOR Bt, Bernard's WN, C, Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Buaturday, August 26rd, when Mary Kathleen, eldest daughter of rv. und Mrs, J, J, O'Conner, of Whithy, besame the bride of Mr John Norman Colter, oungest kon of Mr, and Ms, J, N, Coffey, of "fo ronto, Rev, Pather Jack Vatlerton, ansinted by his brother, Rev, Vather dames Viullerton, cousing {the groom, officiated, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore u hecoming gown of white Joins de wplvet and tafels, made n princess style, with veil of brug weln net and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of Ophelin roses with lily of the valley and maiden hair fern, Bhe was attended by her wiuter, Miss Helen OConnor, who wore & dress of embroidered pink net over pink taffeta, hat of green mohair, and shoes to mateh, Bhe carried a bouquet of pink roses and fern, The groom wap sesisted 1, his brother, James Coffey, of Toron to, and the ushers were Vreank ani George O'Connor, brothers of t'/ bride, During the signing of the reg: ister, Mrs, Costells, of Toronto, cousin of the groom, sang "Ave Maria," Vollowing the wedding a delight ful reception was held on the lawn ut the bride's home on Broek Bi Mrs, O'Connor received In au dees of black georgette and Ines, h vel et hist to wateh, wearing a « wage bouquet of lavender swer pens, Mrs, Coffey, mother of the groom, wore u gown of navy georg otte, with navy hat to mateh, with corsage bouquet of pink roses, There ware about seventy guests present The out-of tawn guests were fr n Toronto, Detroit, Wignipeg, nul other points After the wveception the happy couple left on an extended ma. trip through the Btates, the bride travelling in # brown ensemble with hrown felt hat and shoes to mateh On thelr return they will + de | Toronto, The young couple were ciplents of some very sob wif ('CONNOR=Mae DONALD At Bt, Dunstan's Chureh, Taron to, on Aug, ith, the marriage of Cecelia Anne, daughter of Mr, Vind lny MaeDonald, Detroit, to George Joseph O'Cannar, of Detroit, son of My, and Mra, W, HB. O'Con nor, of Whithy, was solemniged hy Rev, D, J, O'Connor, The bride, who WHE given in marriage by r father, wore a sharming gown of e_gshell satin, and earried us shower hou et of butterfly roses and hahy's hreah Miss Anna O'Conner, who was ing a fresh coat of paint, hridesmald, wore a gown of peach Faithful Teacher Honored After a Service of Twelve Years at | Miss Kennedy, leaving For Silver Service an Whitby School Toronto, is Presented With Flowers by the Citizens of Port Whitby~--Address Sets Forth Faithful and Effirient Twelve years of faithful service as teacher in the Hroek Bt, Public Hohool, Port Whithy, received tang {thle recognition on Friday yening last, when the Broek Ht, Home ane fehool Club, the Bouth Ward Rate: payers' Assoelation and eitigens of the Routh Ward gathered at the Community Hall, Brock Bt, south, to pay tribyte to the long years of service rendered hy Miss peri Kennedy, who is leaving | Whithy to take up her profession in loronto, was made the reciplent of a bouquet of twelve beautiful roses, one for each year she had been a teacher in the school, and a silver tea service, The gathering was most sincere In ita expressions of regret at the departure of a beloved teach: er and friend, but extended the hope that Miss Kennedy would enjoy an equal amount of success in her new field of endeavor, Rey, D, R, Langford, Rector of Rt, John's Anglican Chureh, Port Whit. hy, coupled the chair dunng the ev. ening, and spoke very highly of the eateem in whieh Miss Kennedy was held In the eommunity, Mn AN ford paid tribute<to the high order maintained hy the school during her term of office an teacher, and ex: pressed deep regret .at her departs ure, R, A, Hutehison, Inspector of Pub: lie Hehools In Ontario Mouth, spoke of the fine record ubtained hy Mins Kennedy, She was one of tha finest teachers in hia inspectorate, he sald, The presentation of the houguet of roses was made to Miss Kennedy hy Miss Levine, the youngest pupll in the sehool, while the presentation of the silver tea service was made hy Reeve A, W, Jackson, Mr, Jack: won spoke toelingly of the eateem in which Miss Kennedy was held hy all whe knew her, and extended the wish that she might be equally sues veaatul a dar new Jot, He LH Apoke o 8 regre L] Ne le of the -- ward at LA de: Rag, President of the Hrock 8t, Home and School py! hy ex» resned the regret of the Hub in the loss of a friend and fellow mems ber, Miss Bagg spoke of the fine apirit of co-operation that Miss Ken: nedy had always had towards the olub and ita members, Short Aptaches were also made by Seymour Mlvney, President of the Routh Ward epayers' Astogian on, Ane \ on, a member of the Road yi and Sees votary of the Rate re Assoolas tion, Foune lor hart Reld, of Port Whithy, also added his commendas Yon of the work carried on by i [1 annedy, The onloyme tof the evening was enhanced by the roddige of Mins argaret Sleep and the why Mrs, Arthur Lynde, Rabin son presided at the plano during the Service During Long Term of ohols | H riod of community singing EA HE Margaret Rynedy Teacher of Brook 8t, School, Port Whitby, | Dear Misa Kennedy, | The members of Brock 8b Home | and Behool Club, together with all the eitigens of the South end of the Town of Whithy, eomprising the Brock Nt, Behool Division, have learned with sincere regret of your resignation as Principal of our wehool, and of your deelslon to sever your connection with the teaching staff of the Town of Whithy x | For twelve years you have had charge of that great and Imbatans work, the education of our children, and for the whole of the twelve oars you have shown the greatest nterest in your work, Your fine ability as a teacher, your personal ity=your high and beautiful ehar aeter==have endeared you to your wpile, and all working together ave made possible the great sue cess you have attained among us, Not only have Fa won a high place in your profession, you have also won a high place in the love, admiration Mo JR dbo of those whe are parents of the eohildven whose lives you have heen so earefully moulding and directing, We fael sure that the example you have set for our boys and girls, the Influence you have had over them and the training you have given them during the past twelve years will not he forgotten as you now leave ua, to use your talent whare there {x perhaps greater apport: nity, but that the memory of the en vironment you have thrown around their young lives will remain with them, and in future years will he a great influence, helping them to lives of usefulness and service and Cana: dian eltisenship of the highest order, We have met together this even: Ing to tender to you our eongratula tions upon your success aa a teach: er, our profound thankfulness for the eare and Industry you have shown in the education of our dear ones, And to express our regret Laat you have found It advisable to leave us But while we feel keenly aur loss, wa Ydognise that your great abil ity as a teacher must sooner or later take you to the larger centres of population, we therefore say=-fare. well==ta you, knowing that our press ont loan will ha great galn to the City where you will hereafter carry on your work, ne and all we wish you furthe great success in your profession, an we wigh you health, happiness and proaperity in your future life, We ask you to accept thin bouquet of voses==one for each year of the twelve you have been with us=--and thin silver tea service, honing tat a8 you may make use of {t In he days to come, it will constantly Jomind you that in the heart of old Whithy hia wil always have a warm and a ing, Place, igne " Alf of the Reock 8b, ome fo) ohoal Club and the eitis wenn of Port thy, .~ Rag rol, met, ¥ ool Club, Elisabeth Crawfarth, li ---- Bai NB on Bunday next, morning and evening, when It Is expected there will be large oonkregs- thong on hand to hear him, The following Sunday Rev, My, Cris: all will assume his new duties, fuking pare in all the serviees of Bt, Paul's Church; A number of applientions for the vacancy in the parish have heen rece 4, and it is expected immediate wheps will he taken to secure ew rector, Wishop Wweeney is now in Englund, hut is expecded home shortly, CHVCKERK ARK, MOVING A ren) surprise party came to the Whithy Checker Club Tuesday sven ing, Mr, Joe Brown, and My, J Glover, of "Poronto, also Mr, Noy man MeGen and My, Yd, Vowers of Oshawa, ull expert eheekarisls, The hosts of the evening were Messrs, Geo, Whitelaw, W, A, Brought Wm, Stone, Chief Quantrill and Capt, Best, A vary pleasant, evening win enjoyed hy alt, Vveryone 1, fed to pluy with euch of the visitors, 1 whan chaekers anid checkers and more checkers, the loesl pl eve ho' ing thelr awn with the vigltors very well, while My, Brown, of Toronts, proved to he the outstanding expert of the evenl nn, Refreshments wee Whitby Rector Says F are well jurvad by the home team, and i Sunday Next imme vn rus sd br St RUNDAY BCHOOL LEAGUE, | Ihe following Ig the standing of | the Bouth Ontario Bunday Eehool | Bofthall Lengue, Indluding the sum mary georgette and lace, and euri'ed bouquet of Columbia roses, Ih groom was npwiutan by hig other, | Mr, Prank O'Connor, Vollowing thw ceremony Mr, and Mrs, O'Connor left, for Montrenl, On their return they will reside in Detroit, BUPERINTENDENT OF V, 0, PRESENTED TO ROYAILNY This tem will no doubt be of in terest, to Joes! members of the V. 0 MN, who were pivie ed to meet Miss Bmellie when she vigited the Branch here In connection with the work, Broekville, Ont, Aug, 46th=Hon Geo, VP, Graham, national president of the Vietorian Order of Nurses, received a eablegram to-day from Lundy Aberdeen, the founder of the order, mating that Miss Llizaheth Bmellia, its chief superintendent, hal heen presented hy 44 Aberdeen to the King and Que upon thelr mr vival In Aberdeenshire, Mise Smeal ie, who has heen the guest of 1o | und Lady Aberdeen at Galluter, is enguegd in making obeervations in helnlf of the work of the Vietorian Order of Nurees finn N, slore Whith Vor, Columb vB Hev, J. M, Crisall, 11h, wha some weeks ago resigned from the reetorship of All Maints' An whican Church, Whithy, to ne cept the important post of as misdunt to the Rev, Canon Cody | | Wan 14 Ia wh mh ost harnton's Comers 9 r Whitevale 14 wt BE Paul's Chureh, Toronts, ; Myrtle : h will preach his farewell sermons Ve tn. 1f ori So Wd Ab . WIORY Fred. Landon, owner of Whithy's | ' radio shop on Broek street north, | hus revently made sone Shietinlyy improvements to his premises, in| oluding the installation of a large plate glass front Installed pumps, handling the highest grades of gasoline, On page eight of this Issiia there appears an important aynouncement, regurding the new Delores. Crossly radio models for LOuL which are now on view in hig b ' ees ¥ "8IVY 444 ' Ld CHIEF GUNSON 15 PRAISED FOR WORK Thomas Mother Com: mends Efforts of Police | that his fami! In Cleanup Drive 3 BL Thomas [or the appreciation felt in this eom munity tar clean-up of "blind ples' and hootlegking, new Chisf of Police G16 son, formerly of CANADA ™ LL: CANADA YEAR ror bea No Brookiin tr ar one} Broughan The fire, play Thornton's Corners und Whitevuls played mm Wednesday, tory for Thornton's Corners and the next game is at Whitevale reog IMPROVEMENTS | - tla Mr three Landon has gashline fl fH 1 vrs 14 71 ol game hetwe nm ' Tho mton's Coencrs Lig 20, with a vie ug, 41, B88 | the hrest app: price Bankist A | [74 he ily pol The write wl ehildran wh 8 "hilind wand spend ai mre Work that thnt plc lvidenes Hi Aug, 27 (hh BON instiuted hy the Hernert (bun Whithy Ig furnish mueh lange ported that fey on | This is All-Canada Your at the famous Canadian National Exhibition. "Se i' 1 | hy. 4 #05 ROGME WEA WATER BATHS OV MEEKE, Myr £. Phos ethin hese i ntiec City is always in season" There's never a duh moment at Atlantic City ail-yenr found io yasation time Brasin fl i id wonderiuilond=yeis x ation! Bpenda wees oy Berk eng, with us, , ani rau n hammeleel [rghit freatyignroue § ' 4 #4 / Jotinad ll dari olton Manor One of the Finest Hotels In Atlantic City or 8 week oF 8 week-end enioy the lirury of sintments without esnriiiant Wire nr wire lar iaseryutions, BYERLEGAKING THE GLEAN AC, ANDEEWE, fom, fen station to-day ¥, tha mother of sever named an coptain placa pik, And said har hy EO Much money Lage 18 In wan! doing #0 much good that | thought wid do something with wrote, "Passes 1 I can't stung 1 pr Chief Ounson 1¢ the place had heen yy wha ITT Uirvaillanes far the last month exhibited best The vast throng from Ontario who will see the Pure Food Exhibits will be reminded there of the continuous exhibits of reliable food products to be found in all Loblaw Groceterias throughout the entire year. Thewe Specials on Sale for Week of August 28th to September 3rd, HOLIDAYS=STORE HOURS Stores wlll be closed all day Sept. 1 (Labour Day) but will remain open all day Wed., Sept. 3, until 6 p.m. TE ST AP ~~ ~~ PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE Is fast becoming the Pride of every home in Ontario Lgelb, 1slb, TIN 25¢ TIN 49c "So Good You'll Want More" SNAP The Antiseptie Hand Cleaner rv Ide freshment and SPECIAL LOBLAW'S FRESH VALENCIA aad When visiting the Pure Food Ruilding at the Exhibition there is re: a wel come awaiting pou at the LOBLAW Booths, PRIDE of ARABIA (¥ OFFER in Booths Nos, 13:73 Egyptian Blend Tea in Booths Noa, 173:3+4 RATAN ATR Ae Te once In a while ean you buy such excels lent cake at this BLEND Is at present satisfyin than the average 23¢ in «1b, TIN EGYPTIAN TEA who demand something better thousands tea 45¢ For CAKE: pe 1 9° rev SPECIAL--REAL GOOD VALUE ASPARAGUS NONSUCH Liquid Stove Polish sorrie | 7e Cuttings She Tin The Bot 21° AWERT CORN e---- AVEIMER Chales Quality No, # alse Hin "r25¢ CATSUP Aylmer G rr wie 18¢ atte SPECIAL-~~RED PITTED CHERRIES SPECIAL~CHATEAU--RIDEAU~VELVEETA Cream or Pimento Ne. 3 SIZE [|] TIN Rot 17 35° PRGS, CHEESE 2 ok LUX oll Ane laundering 2 Me ]9¢ H.P. SAUCE One and Only me 26¢ OLIVES Club Nourse : Pi Tde te SALMON Sovereign Finest See Tin 24c ROBIN HOOD row -- SPECIAL~The Whole Wheat Biscuit Pan Dried fe 26¢ MUFFETS 2 21° hie's HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce Peon, Tin 1 20 Fruit Jare-~-Medium Size Corona Brand Fruit Jare-=Small Size Corona Brand . Parowax-- Imperial 1=lb, Package Zine Jar Rings-~Good, Heavy Quality vv VITALI A A Buy TODDY any size can mand for ONE CENT MORB get a 280 REE Te STII ANIL AAA we \ Dosen $1.09 snnmmennniIOBOR rn POC kAge Certo--~Sure Jell--Makes more and Better Jam and Jelly .............. Bottle Rubber Jar Rings--Extra Hea re pg ty yay 98¢ 12¢ n SPECIAL~-PEARL WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP \ REE } oY \ _IELT L ¢ nab A

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