THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 PACE FIVE Timmy's eyes must be better than Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, 8. Logerman, PM, has re- turned home from Brockville, where she attended the L.T.B, Grand Lodge convention, i * . Ld Mr, and Mrs, Godron Ratcliffe, Masson fireet, are leaving to-mor- row for a two wesks' motor trip in Quebec and will return to Ott~ nwa for the opening of parliament on Neptamber the eighth, LJ] LJ . Miss Helen Hteels, of Toronto, was hostess at a charming dinner party 1ast evening given in honor of Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, whose marriage takes place to-morrow, SUMMER SALE Whave | nm) Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone BOSBW Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOMIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Noor Cor. King & Blmcoes 84 PEERLESS BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 2 OWNice Hours: 10:12; 24.30 PHONE 3216 Mr, and Mrs, E, D, Nelson and daughter Ens, and son Gerald, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, V, ¥, Bartlett, Brock Sireet East, v LJ LJ Mrs, R, Work, who has been vis iting In town leaves to-day Tor her home in Winnipeg, Her sister, Mrs, Dave Moffatt, Athol Street, will accompany her " far as Toronto, ' Miss Louise Stephenson has re- turned home after a two months' tour of Western Canada and Unit od Htates, While sway she visited both Banff and Yellowstone Na tional Parks, Ld LJ] Ll] Mr, W, H, Greenly has returned after spending a few days with friends and relatives In Toronto, Hamilton, Bt, Catharines and Niag arn Falls, 1] . Migses, Vida and Sybil Lang. maid, Bimeoes Htrest Mouth, and Misses May and Dora Ball, Taun- ton, have been holidaying at Day- tonin Lodge, Kohshe Lake, ' Mr, and Mrs * Ernest MeGirr, who have been spending the sum- mer months in Toronto, returned to Oshawa yesterday. . LJ] The engagement fan been an nounced of Marion Noreen Bradley, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank WwW. Bradley, of Port Perry, former. ly of Oshawa, to Mr, John Roms Harenconrt, of Oshawa, The mar. riage will take piace on Beptember sixteenth LJ . . Mr, and Mrs, John Ross, King Street West, and Mr, and Mrs, John Sutherland, of Ancaster, Ontarlo, returned yesterday from a motor trip in Northern Ontario, Travel Hing by way of the Ferguson High way, The party visited Halleybury, New Liskeard, Cobalt, and Une Park, where they called on Mrs, Ross's brother, Mr, J, T. Wel bourne and Mrs, Welbourns, While away Mr, Ross and Mr, Sutherland had excellent luek trout fishing, In the northern lakes . » v Before leaving this week for Bt, Johns, New Brunswick, Mrs, Jam. '| a8 Taber was the guest of honor # a supper brigde on Thursday evening At the home of Mrs, Living. stone, B41 Bimcos Htrest North Mrs, Taber was presentad with some pleces of linen, Assisting Mrs, Livingstone were Mra, F. Germond and Mra, 1, Alexander, FEEDING THE BIRDS Golfer (Just learning) "Ter. rible lot of birds about boy." Caddio~"Yos-~1 suppose they are followolng us around for the worms." -=fydney Bulletin, "I love being with Tony. He entertains me, by talking about things othep Men never mention," "Oh, han he proposed io you?" for the Collegiate, 18 King St. East tell | Are Here Again OPENING DATE SEPTEMBER 2nd And we are prepared to supply all your needs whether it be for Public School or Everyone Knows the Place HENDERSONS BOOK STORE your = Mother School Days Phone 142 I CRISP corn is one of nature's At the Canadian National Fx hibition the National Council of Women were hostesses at n pleas. ant luncheon, The committee In charge was under the Joint chalr. manship of Miss Maury MacMahon, Mrs, G. A, Grover and Miss Kliza« beth Newton, In the trades and professions committees of the coun ell, Above are pictured (two of the speakers, At the left Is Miss Helen Cleveland, president of the Nas tional Federation of Zonta Clubs, who brought greetings from that organization, and nt the right Is Miss Edith Garbett, secretary to the Hon, W. H, Price, attorneys general of Ontario, who gave an interesting address on "Necretarinl Work for Girls ==Photograph of Miss Cleveland hy Charless=I"hotos graph of Miss Garbett by Ashley and Crippen, HOW COULD YOU KNOW? You who sip from day to day From out a silver spoon, How could you know The heat and burden of the way My tired feet go? You with your silver and your gold To satisfy each wayward whim, How could you understand The sting of cold And my restricted hand? How could you know my needs Who know not stinted ways, Or any lack of golden days Or gold control; How could you know The longing In my heurt The hunger of my soul? By Laura RNedell, From The Chatelaine MODE IN PAJAMAS Paris. ~As compensation for the new ladylike lines of conventional clothing Paris has let its imagine tion looks in pajamas, Pajamas of 1030-31 are Aegean, Algerian, Victorian, Parisian, They combina Ideas from beaches, ballrooms, bathrooms and bars In utilitarian or merely aAmum ing garments which are making Paris laugh in anticipation, They are cogquettish beruftied af, fairs for the debutantes and sub. debutantes, One such model has B60 yards of Ince on each leg, & Aus: pended top of lace ruffles and not much else, There are black velvet pujamnns with white ermine trimmed pepluma and short ermine teim jackets, One model han A white. velver hodles top For ladies who need not eount the cost Paris makes white velvet pajamas fine pleated. They are In the general style of evening dresses and will substitute for dinner dresses, Bifurcated frocks for dancing are Again Included In some collections but Instead of making them of ohiffon an formerly, dressmakers Are experimenting with weightier materials Ifke orepa marooain, orepe satin and lame, 'S CORNER HONEY INSTEAD OF SUGAR In unclent times the Greeks be. lleved that honey was the food of the gods who dwelt on Olympus, and in the early days before trade with the troples Introduced cane MUgny Into the temparate regions, honey was hy far the most prized of sweets available ror human cone sumption But today, when one may pur chase it, sirained, blended ang rendy to serve, for a small sum, the value of honey as a delieate and wholesome foodstuff is too often overlooked, The anergy content of honey is only one<Afth less than that of sugar, and, combined with other foods, It forms attractive dishes In great variety and deserves edly ranks us a staple food Honey will bring some delightful surprises to the housewife In ponrch of unususl flavors, Most women know that it can be used In cookery, but few realize In how muny ways or with what delicious and different results The fact that honey consists principsily of sugar and water at once suggests tt un a suitable sun. stitute for. molasses, It contains lows acid than molasses, hut with loss soda ('4 to 4 teaspoon) it oan he used with great success, In all forma of bread, muffins and cakes IL makes a much more dell cately flavored product, One cup of honey corresponds to a little over one cup of common sugar and this should he taken in to consideration when substituting honey for sugar For practiesl purposes it ix enough to consider the water content as about ones fourth cup. These facts kept In mind will enable the cook to use honey in any ordinary recipe with only slight variations in the other Ingredients, A honey cake made without hut. ter will keep fresh for months and aven improve in flavor, One made with butter will keep until the fat goes rancid, GAT, GAP CLOSES TOMORROW One Week of Happy Days Spent at Kiwanis Camp Cottage omorrow a week of happy Wp days will come to an end for the ten' Canadian Girls in raining and thelr leaders of King fitrest United Church, For the past week the girls have been occupy: ing the Kiwanis Cluh camp In North Oshawa, According to all reports it has been mn week filled with fun and good times, Miss Vel. ma Harris, C.GLT, leader is in charge of the camp and has As her assistants Miss Mildred Hunt who supervises the swimming and conducts Natures Study classes, and Miss Mildred Bull who gives In struction in dramatics which form an important part of the camp activities, Mrs, W. C, Ashton of Albert Street, Oshawa, In the camp mother Before going to camp a splendid programme was Arranged so that not a minute would he wasted dur. ing the week, sporis, study, wor. ship services, are all in the day's routine with alse abundant time left for vest, Rising at seven and retiring at ten gives the girls a long day for thelr play and for thelr study, Mora than any other time the girls enjoy the evenings That Is the times when everyone gathers around the hig campfire for an hour or two of singing and story-telling when happenings of the day are related and amusing incidences joked ahout, One feat. ure of the camp ia its dally paper Immediately after supper in the early evening the girls get to. gether and. the pacer Is made up, containing such tema, as events of the day, announcements for the day to follow, hits of versa and stories and Jokes, This in read at the eamp fire, Thursday wan wporta' day, on Tuesday evening thelr was a gypsy festival and this avening the closing exercises are to take place, Thers will ha a play. lot and several skits by the drama. tie claws, besides special songs, and stories. On Saturday afternoon the girl will reluctantly leave their camp, to return. to town realising that such a good time as they exparienced In the last week cannot go on forever hut sincera ly hoping that they will have an- other week or two of it next year, -- home after spending a week with friends In Bethany Miss Boone, of Quebec, han re- turned home after visiting with her friend, Miss Jean Dyrden, Wa ara pleased to have Rev, VP, H, Jull 'and family with us agaln after a month's vacation The Brooklin Branch of the Women's Institute were the Rueats of the Whithy Rranch on Friday last, A very apant hy all Miss Louise Robinsem, of New- market, visited with friends here . Miss Kathleen White ia apend Ing her vacation In Montreal with her friend, Mrs, Walter Thompson, Misa Hilda Mackey has secured A ponition In Toronto Miss Lilllan Dorman, of Chle- Ago, In visiting with Mr W. M, Draper, 304 Hn. NEW DATE FOR STREET FAIR Northminster { Church Fair To Be Held on Septem. ber 5 At a meeting of the Street Fair Committes of Northminster United Church, last night, it was decided that the Street Fair which was post. poned alnce Aug, 22, on account of precautions being taken in the city to prevent the spread of poliomyel. itis, be held on Friday, Sept, 5, The reports of the various com. mitteas promise a very suggessful event, rota Htreet will ba used for the Fair, A noftball game and quoita tournament will oreate a lively Interest for the early part of the evening, on the School grounds, Launch will be served, beginning at five o'clock, Groceries fruits and vegetables can be hought at the Country Stores, The Women's Assooiation also have a Home Cook. ing and a Fancy Work Booth, loe- oream, pop, candy and a Fish Pond will delight the children. 'The Roy Boouts are prepared to serve hot-dogs and corn, The Young Yeople are in charge of a candy and novelty booth, The Choir and C, G.1T. will provide the ice-cream and "pop", The Bunday School's Flower Booth will he an attractive spot, Mr, George Alchin has kind. ly offered two radios to supply the musical entertainment, Come and join the folks of Northminster United Church in the good time on Friday, Sept, 8, BROOKLIN NEWS Prooklin, Aug. 36~Mm, WF Robinson and won, Glen, have ro turned home after spending A month with her parents In God. erioh, Miss Eftin and Fred Lyons have returned. home after spending & couple of weeks In Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Agar and family are spending a few weeks In North ern Ontario, A number of O.G.IT, girls are camping at Lake Couchiching for a few dayn, Misa M, White han returned HER FAT IS MELTING FAST AWAY All aver the world Kruschen Salts Is appealing to girls and women who strive for an attractive, free-from-fat Sgure that cannot fall to win admira« 100, Here's the yesipe that banishes fat and brings into blossem all the nas tural attractiveness that every wo. man possesses, Every morning take one-half tea. spoon of Kruselhen Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast, Be sure and do this every mornin for "It's the daily dose that takes o the fat" Don't miss a morning. Kruschen daily means that every particle of poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases are expelled from the system, At the same time the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are toned up and the pure, fresh bleed containing Nature's six lifesgiving salts is cars ried to every organ, gland, nerve and fibre of the body, and this is followed by "that Kruschen feeling" of ener: etic health and activity that is re. ected in bright eves, clear skin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure, enjorvable time was | TORIES rer By Thornton W. Burgess Always be prepared to learn; The wise will never knowledge spurn ~(ld Mother Nature Two odd little cousins sat on the old stone wall in the midst of the Black Shadows They were Impy the black Chipmunk and Timmy the Flying Squirrel, Impy should have been at home in hed, Yes, sir, that is where he should have been, But he liked to be out ji the early even. ing and it was all on account of that black coat of his, It gave him a feeling of safety which he would not have had in the usual striped coat of the Chipmunk family, Until Tim my had suddenly landed beside him, Impy hadn't known that he had such A COUSIN "I've seen my cousin Happy Jack the Gray Squirrel and my other couy- sin Chatterer the Red Squirrel, | have seen them many times, Why have | never seen you before?" said Imps Timmy chuckled be full of chuckles before," said he, "I'd like to know when," cried Im p "Several times," replied Impy. "I've watched vou when you didn't have the least idea | was anywhere near That's what comes from having the right kind of eves for seeing at night," Impy forward and leoked closely at Timmy's eyes, They are large," said he, "Do vou really think you can see better than I ean" He seemed to "I've seen you leaned Impy Learns F rom Timmy, By Thornton W. Burgess "I've seen you hefore," sald he. "I don't think anything about it; I know," replied Timmy, "Do you see that reetle over there crossing that stone y Iinpy looked where Timmy point. ed, but he saw no beetle, In fact, he could do little moré than make out the outline of the stone, "I don't sce any heetle," said. he, "and I don't vou do either" Instead of replying, Timmy sud. denly darted forward and in a mom- ent he was back. He had a large heetle 'Here it is," said he, and proceeded to pound it on the stone on. which they were sitting, Then he ate it and smacked his lips, Mean. while, Impy was feeling very foolish He realized that Timmy really had believe his own, "Why have | never seen you in the daytime?" Impy asked, "For the same reason that 1 never see any of your family at night," re« plied Timmy, "Chipmunks are day folk; Flying Squirrels are night folk," "Can't you see in the daytime?" asked Impy, "Yes," replied Timmy, "But the light hurts my eyes, 1 don't like it, S50 1 sleep through the day and come out when the Black Shadows arrive, When it is time for jolly, round, bright Mr, Sun to climb up in the. blue, blue sky in the early morning, and the Black Shadows are hurrying back to the Purple Hills, I go home to bed, But aren't you taking # chance? One who can see no better than you can should not be out at this hour, Supposing Hooty the Ow! should come this way," "Ive heard of Lim," said Impy, "Can he see as well ap you cant "Just as well" ol Fg Timmy, "1 don't know but that he can see a little better, I have to watch out for Hooty the Horned Owl and Spooky the Screech Owl every night, just ay you have to watch out for members of the Hawk. family, during the day, If you'll take my advice, cousin, you won't venture far from your door. step after shadow time (Copyright, 1930, T, W, Burgess) The next story: "Impy Has Chills," ---- TWO'S ENOUGH Mrs Band--"Anyone would think | was nothing but a cook in this houss," Mr, Sand-"Not after a couple of meals. ~--Answers, The Way Out Mr, White used to say that 1f he depended on letter-writing te out-of-town friends, he'd be utter. ly friendless, "I can't get it over with a pen," he says, "I have to talk to people, Bo I make it a point to call my various friends by Long Distance, The night rates make it inexpensive, and it is so easy, I don't know of anything that gives seen that heetle and that therefore, me mores pleasure!' I ALS ------ 68 KING ST. W. 10th Anniversary Sale Now On At The DOMINION CLOTHING CO. WE DELIVER PHONE 2141 Bloomers, reg. $8.50 Extra Special ......... BOYS' SUITS, 1 pair longs and 1 pair DRESS THE BOYS UP FOR SCHOOL WITH THE FOLLOW- ING EXTRA SPECIALS BOYS' NAVY BLUE AND TWEED KNICKERS, regular 95¢ Extra Special .. vet ieves $5.49 59¢ BOYS' TWEED CAPS, Extra Special ,....... reg. tees 5% 30¢ BOYS' STOCKINGS, all sizes, reg. 28¢c. Extra Special, pair . BOYS' SUITS, tweeds, 2 pair knickers Regular $6.50 Extra Special ....0vv004.s $3.95 15¢ Regular 68¢ Extra Special ........ BOYS' ALL WOOL GOLF HOSE Extra Special BOYS' BLOUSES ,reg. 0: 29¢ EERE RN BOYS' 39¢ 49¢c. Extra Special , ,.. BOYS' COTTON JERSEYS, reg. BLACK LEATHER OX. FORDS, regular $2.95 Extra Special ...000viiees ® $1.89 25¢ BOYS' BRACES, 10c. pair 86 KING ST. W, Dominion Clothing WE DELIVER Co. HONE 2141 PASTRY BREAD FLOUR XXX, ECLIPSE, MARVEL X 24 1b. Bag 85¢ FLOUR FIVE ROSES 24 lb. Bag $1.10 HOGG © LYTLE LIMITED 2.8) most appetizing and healthful grains. More than 12 million people every day enjoy the flas vor of golden corn at ite best « « « in crisp, delicious J ye *The patented waxtite, inner soul wrapper. heeps them ovensfrosh TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac Furnishes the Flowers WELL, | BOUGHT TILLIE A on M DOZEN ROSES WITH "THE A FIVE DOLLARS | BORROWED --g FROM WOR MAYBE SWB'LL Te o0F. So ae oDesk. ABW ~ 17 § PAC 4 0) ERG : : \ kite SOME 7 "a + Vo pie Pe Atic 80 : 2 "THIS EVEM