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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 COURTICE LADY IS [ic i vss] | --=== |About 5000 Boys And Girls with panies ute sha | + J Will G ) NINETY YEARS UD i ic wis | ~ Will Go To Collegiate Or Bl at. | School Here Next Tuesday w---- NS Berry, with Mr, 1, G, McVittic ' | Birthday Party Held Ino Auistunt ' ' Winntpeg--Zone Nao, 4, under Mi i - A ao hid - we ------------------ Honor of Mrs. H Ydiey, with Mr, W, D, Fielding gehool bells will ving oul in Oshawa again on Wednesday morning ne / i 81) 4 » | : 1 4 | { Agnes Harris "LondoneZone No. § under Mr, 1 [ pont, September did, Ahiost 4000 public school studeats and ubout CTech wth Ms CH Lister a P ' / y 7 oe $00 Collegiate wid Vocational Institute puplls will be seen wending « Assiataitl, ais ar. a . ; 1 ' Pihelr way to tho various schools on this morning, Pupils of the Hepirite tourtice, B i Thus di hos an Zone) 6. and Wf tot vai n y 7 ! wy, 2 1 | | siehool will however stuart on the fall term one day cavlier, ) § , 1 shiwi LO a, 0, under a J : A wa at 4 a I R '"Birehard with Mr, M | i A 4 # q hk Vacation time witn its Jong huppy, lazy days Is over, 'The swimmin W a AR TL bey Ah y AatiTer gerald and Mo KA Tuck A 5 ve y b. 5 wr I s A \ / y or pool ny cull, the woods, the fields and other huunts will sill have the Mrs pina fren Ne ied her intants J A fi / wy Lo" T A ef 4 jh y 4 a. utbraetion but these things must be partially forgotten in the midst of witieticth h thoy, Ih "receptio " "Montreal Zone Na, 7, under My ny I y v 4 A 11g 4 books and lessons, Many smull boys no doubt will be gloomy or ab eas! | ' L I \ y ' 4d 1 y " A Tats ad) iit A. Everson with Mr NI : ¥ . - jg ' br BLT pretend to he on this eventful Wednesday morning But the return flowers, During the alternoon a Catudal und Mr, W, A, Melean is . Ai p> 4 he h Lm . Sih is A to sehool hat Hs delights ton, Chums will bo met again and many nonhes of relives and friends call Assistant 4 . ( J pros. rr "i 4 ih happy hours spent Ji discussing (the good Limes had £1 the summer ed to wish Mrs Harris many happy "St, John, NBZone Ni a returns, Delicioms refreshments were Me, Wo AL Fastwool, But, school days wre truly the happp days, Old timers sinile as they served to the guests hy Mrs, Short Jones as unsistunt think of thelr owir youth spent in trending the thorny path of kno and Ter sister, Mrs. Hicks of Toron Capable Manager ledge, helped along possibly with the ald of the hickory stick Many of life's fondest and sweetest memories ure ussoclated with the Jit) to, of which a birthday cake was one "We decided to maki hie 3 ' hy of the appetizing dainties, 5 ; Ar y old ved pehoolhoise Wadnesdany will oom with tremendous tmportance (o the Helle lois Mes, Haviis was the recipient some pretty bivthduy gifts and many congratilations were sent hy those portant changes only of [tive study and curelu who, lead by big brothers and pisterg, will enroll for the first the in Ne are confident t ) alr 2, ha j Wy, oT i £0) Manaxers and their capilie y Wg SAE RE il 7 , rh the kindergarten clus A few of these tittle people will be vather shy wha could not attend. Hhe. 1s won vho have only to consider Ha ao 4. : ; i and timid shout 16 wll=but they will soon find that life in kindergarten derfully bright for a woman of hee | fare and husine i fo i 4! . nr AN In full of new delights and esperiencos age and we offer her our"congriaty- [#0065 whieh they are looking after i 4 of 4 , is) Merchants Cooperating fations will be able to form regular und ; lh 0 ! bo SHIRA ly A 7 i - wil I, in uw big Jub to prepare the boys and givls for there are many Hn us contact with each ane | THANE y vg, ois 1 A 4 : he things to eanslder--clothes, school bugs, books and what not, But Oshawa dealer in th ( ill f fia ' iE halls Sith ge ow 0 La 5 » Ai! purents will find that loesl merchants are prepared to serve thelr every 3 4 : . a ¥ J 2 need in this regard Mlores nre well stocked with supplies and the MYRTLE NEWS dle to doar at first ham merehant wie giving thelr best cooperation Announcements in thi - CHALLE ind wiki { N i y Pa . ; ve 9 k | Myrtle Aug, 23"The interior of |} dual deal uperating ; 1 ¥ Bi oe i 4 ¢ TY op BRP, 7 Ww WL [logue wre very timely and wre worthy of consideration hy every fiathe the school is being re-décorated and [he able, throug mal "fol . ' i Sky . Fr R " Land mother who Is getting nn boy or girl rendy for sehool will be in fine shape for the re-open. [Hon Manager th rend reciul i Eanctly 478 men took the | ar the starting font a spiitasccond [to be taking thele time Somes | goat Frank Pritchard of Buffalo New Teachers ng on September 2nd particuls USHINtity » Henle plunge to the stavter's gun In the | after the starters pun sounded, | whee dn this melee of aquatic " i Four new teachers will be on the staff of the public school th I've sympathy of the communi Ie " HE pond not ond Ch marathon swim at the CN The more enthurdnst be fave nls | gindiators is Annan' Benoll only took the lead The water Was | oem, C.F, Cannon, supervising prineipnd hag announced The Hams is extended to Mrs, Jacl i irl a id) be able to turn in to th VLE The photogeaph shows the scene [ready hit the water, others seem woman entrant, Hoon ater the | quite warm of the new teachers ure Ming Elizabeth Kift, Ritson Rd, School, -Mi hai ty JHUEL JHOTE Hd tite. 11 ! ; : [4 [Winnifred Gillespie, Centre Street School, Mr, J, € Fetterley, Cedard Healer 8 TEqUireney - . | #ehool, and Migs Cnrrie Mann, Ritson Rd, School helng over 70, who has been confined all summer I'he Women's Missionat gciety | VIRNg to a large extent, w p } ile field Pro ley Camp Compan will continu \ ' Duncan Mi 1, STIBE TIBET | cme ---------------- a ---------------- we entertmned at the home o rs. | ® Pr ibility of a car ove | . 0 out . p y : 3 | ason to the tl vy ti! Hi ! ' nam CI fae | i" y A wr feMi a I y OT ¢ My | i Mai id me was | PRY of gh Agi "the | ut little othe capicity of this |} Vand Mie. W, M, MeCan a or 0g smith ol 0. Fol ake Lis awn; Mr, nnd Mrs, W, RGolkle, Mr, and Mrs, J, Amorphy, Mr, and enjosed bh i tacto A " | {il tt MeCanpland, M ! $ oa ; A . Meg, It 8 Hwawlin, Major and Mrs [Mrs Charles Mundy, Miss Lo Mo ) al CC. Lawrer 0 aes s "oy , ! ! : i 1] Timed inte Jomploy iment en Tage, A and M Paul 15,8 er ron ly 4 nd Mi ! rit vo . Hodgins, Mr and M7 ZV. Mund Mi Prank: Robson and Dr, anc en, 4, Lawre fd to head up the yuri " ( Hn fi earn ih Shs Wildin of the i hein | potars. Mr and Min. Norman Forry er, Mr. Lonald ( Nae [ Lander, Mrs, BE. J, McDowell, Mv. land Mrs, W. H, Ross, Miss Lgl ( i | Mr und M Gordon 'hippen ob {donnid Violet fuyers, Mr and: Ms Charl Anderson, Miss [Rose Ro NF and Mw. J. Milton were o 0 rip 40 | Line k | n ' during the | alii : on rious | Teh abl ef er to the time fine nvolye Mie, Reginihe peiatt, M nf ov 9 : a i \ { : (eighto MeWhinney, Mr: Goorg : Me, Tom The re pol throug! | Hil Fgh HOA neces ! HEE n hi \ 1), Rone and Mis | 10 4 3 hs IM A po | Margaret Anderson Mr, and My ["Tamblyn, Migs Margaret Tamblyn : ; 1 4 ( Phpatrick, Mr and Mr visited friends here during the weed 2 , Benton's Retirement ' of men bo employed hi oi i Ir, end Mr Alfred Ie f ih AD he ' 1d y ovs Mr. and logs MeKinnon, My and Mr IG. IMr, and Mrs, G, D Conant, nll of fr Ti My i / f Wi i ' Fig 4 on Mond ' ' rh Hyckman, MV fk in ay Donald Hoss all of Toronto; | Mills, Mr, und Mrs, W, II, Moyse, |Oshawn, Mi Murcia Ro al Whitt \ irnetical all ope . | siting end } nected. with s; te ' ! bin muy be | fol | \ y : Ms Y i een visiting friends here : Yi Mela | Vopsis "0 und M Bethune and Mi 1. A choonmiker, i" Camp when itn of 1 " t : of Toronto \ tad wins | r 4 ] I'm; M ndeline Wilkin ewlelle Farmers have been speeding up |" hit ( ; : hin w hdl vil Ji | I relony, harvesting and threshing pp HM 1 hy f ' ad ) \ ih \ I ' od 0 ! oh ! ' Capt, and i. D bo ST CAMGOOF [Esai fv i wiht i El | (Et NL oft and detnnne ' ! \ y p ) y much better than was. anticipated | the office of Gey I ' during the hot weathe ' | coupled so credit COAI I$ COMING ha divi on ! I Vit 1M ' PRLS | M \f WE Vat Poles anes ia ull | of men ' t Ha I'o Ho LL fr, we \ l ¥ other, |! revent ( nee { J it UI | A060 Tonna Inrend N Ha Mann, |, on My, h dM 4 ) U SED CARS week-end with the latter in Stirling ! ¢ ! » be done on eamishin ( | \ \ al Mr. Jim Cooper ving 1 ( ' wger's p nti di 'alte 30. tah p iy Mans Art Ai WM mr AR oh an! ' ' hydro ntalled in his home vin]! € Carries i [ conl aliippls ough wit 11 foot 1 i) jel ' MY, Bn J oe Js i | | One Whippet Six Sedan, late model,' beautiful another moder ame he | on, r \ i | | ' ; \ Abd ' A / or berhaad : Ly re md s : ¢ nodepth of 26 fi I ( | \rmitt : n Min, felaughlin, M ) condition ws and Mr Bert 7] nel , wha [title of Supervisor Gf Zs y v will be but the abr In the) find conl capacity of and M i el a itn, Me, Bot 1928 Model A Ford coach--looks like a new car ave been living a veed since out ieney i h \ itd be sal ! { A ro A Hilly at, 2 v ' i i K n ql | AIL unloading equ ' i | ; ad and t. W 1928 Chev, Coach--in first class condition moved from here a few veut HERO, H 4 ha tie | i fe ) 1 " np | i itl quire Ine hil | BA) Tn, A inh i, and 1927 Chev. Sedan--completely overhauled 1 Ford Coupes--from $40 up have moved to \Whithy, luce the Ie ell vii Aa phen Jone nnd Mi tuth Jone RIT, | Sl ER 7a i Bins Bn Bi bends S| | Ross, Ames & Gartshore Fred Company, Limited and Hen wm ro SE IN | hE ER SYSTEM ENPLANED 557i iy "ones MLR SEAS oo vl En ( entigued trom Mage also to the advantage of the Co torial r 1 splendic Istributing centr the i i i Silda dina pRny Hl We were to organize our sale en who are | ¢ 0" { | antiruoun i . i thy ve aga I ret f | it Ful N f Aer 5 £ uni i "RT Ff Canitnared ¢ | me aod ! 01 ! | i} | iy ! HR Donnell Agent at R. Merriam is re ation at Rice church services 4) vabibath at the regula rv {1 | | yvetem, placing ec ane under able management i sVALem, cope o erratic Ve b I" inl i vi "at 4 helieve, will work out to our muty pS | \ A Yir4 te \ vy did the ce ' th t ne of ) ; wrbour ann red) Ratan. : \ 4 i : 1 Niu tealized divisional sales erganizati hicl [ ¢ Henin | I : vol Aik Hi : (0 | a M race B A which we have maintained wutil 1 } } d «op ! \ irl of encaperation *F : s hie \ bude od el I ! oi unt My Donald | present time ! Thy 1 " ¢ \ hich ) Hi 11 the details of | ; ' 4 1 chilly The Zone Organization Feach and eve dei jy iWi's harbour development thus v dp x . (lent . Es dau W : It will perhaps interest ol to | con ¢owhich we \ will be made manifest bhoe mon : h ia { ' ! Mi RAL, Aid & know that we have now divided Can. [wel the nthe opening iio ng Lo, J | Hn yi i \ Lilian Malghe! du into eight zones, as follow i ll not of ' | tion by wa y In city he O ARN, i ; hp | RLY abel "nnd : shot! Vancouver, which we designat ¥ i ' | | nWi o iw R ending L Re ! fbi ifn y \ hodvan, Mr, John "A, Vearson, | § A thelr { hun ) x } Heoch il Ir, Gordon 1'er Hon. IH, Pip By." \ ANKOMONIE 80 a 1 Ww ) \1 < ! "art and Mrs. Phippon, Mr, and tn provide ontael with the | Hitary, Mi ol Tun [Ie Plummer, Miss Kathleen Inige coal hina W hte heing fq Mr. H | I \ ' vooME, and Mra, Victor Ross erect i the hathouy I'he CHY Donald Hunte ol. | { Floanor Ross and Mp, Forbo | 4: Ti NRTNe ig tiv a smith, | hn {ton, Mrs, W 1 Mi Co [1 Mujor Arthur €, Ryerson . meet jt depurisent willl vy. and Mi \ ing, nll of To d Mi Leslie Gi, Sa MY § lime sgl a SR A RR LI JL eg ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL oo SRA tranghipment | cock of Auro \ ul + fyi Goolfrey Somers, Mal Gon nd i | ( henefit much better than ST und Mi Alfred I. U wie ron, Tor M©51 people who buy Money onto; J. Harold Crang, Toronto; ' Ty _-- Mins Bdith Carruthers Ke ton Ming Josephine Dyver, Oshawa, f Orders could save time by } ' My (eo, Dowling Montreal; Dr | | | | If Kenneth Ferrie, My Grant Gor purchasing them at a bank. If, i] ! don Mr. Walter 1. Gordon, Mia Worth Anything ih El i ei EE ; : b "Rolph i BE OPEN AT 8.45 a.m. funn, Mr, Donald Gunn all Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 1930 as usually happens, the funds for | { On as fof Toronto; Mr. William Hendrie To You ? | cond bin, 300 feet long, 60 feet wide, | MatC'anl Ait Mr nnd Mr Ba FON Hamilton Mr. and Mrs : With no twofoot wall, will he eon Duncan J. MeDoukald, Miss Nancy | piclding BIgga Foronto; Mign the purchase are obtained ata | 4 a. ' | Hamilton t4<Col, and Mrs. AL RK ° 4 A LJ L, Hemming, Toronto, Col "ad Mis bank the Money, Order can be - bg, | Homing, Toronto: Col Mn f | in, Ottawa; Mr. and Th rook | tracted at the harbour The Val [MoDougald, Mv. and. My Tohn Mos | Loulse Black, O11 Clty, Pa Mi bought at the same time, : : ER | Doll, Toronto; Mr, and Mix, 6, W : Me | pornard, St, Catharines; My, and In this way two transactions [ Mrs. Grayson Durruass, Toronto; y . i i i [ Phot Officer 1, G, Care-Harrin WILL BE OPEN FOR are very conveniently come j {Camp Borden; Mr. and Murs, Hugh " ' : on " |Caviey, Toronto; Mes, Arthur Drum bined in one. : ; mond, Montreal; Mr, and Mra . Huntley Drummond, Mentreal: Ma ; i . jor = Arthur Everett, MC, Min Money Orders are sold at all y . Helan Gurney, Mr, J. B. Ganong, e istration | HOA J ' Jr; Major Donald A, Grant, M.C., : ; branches of this Bank, Our LA ~ ig Tong dun a AbOrE i ; Wo 0) i d Mus, Ml p nearest branch will be only ' all of Toronto; Dr. and Mrs, Arthuy : Henderson, Montreal, Mr, and Mra a M r A x . A ¥ "nn " ) ' N n too glad to serve you in this : 7 8% 4 gM. Rug, Torunta; Mr, uta My i Pa " i Pangman, Col, and Mrs, W. Erk respect, A ; 4 ANTI Mr. and Mra Allan Phils e nes ay, ept. 3r ) 930 % i i HE lps, Mr, and Mrs. H, IY, Schall, My, fa % A and Mra, W, KE. N. Sioclale, and : Miss Minerva, Mrs, ¢ A, Willlama 8.45 a.m. and Miss Helen, - Mr, and Mra Willlk MH. Talt, Mrs, Geo, H, Ped: lr, Mr, and Mrs, Roland Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs Chay, Robson, Mv, and Myr, Chas, 15, Schofield, all of Okh . o 4 . away Mr John Kent,' Mr. C.K It is hoped that all pupils will attend on the opening day, MaoAlgy, Major and ra, G8 ' O'Nedan, My, Hugh Plaxton, Mr . H . HH 3 : : ' ah ust Plaxo, Vo in order to facilitate registration and thus make it easier K. Steathy, Mr, Colin Steathy, Mis . . ) to handle the problem of increased attendance, OF OMMERCE : " . ; hai : % ) Hotty Southam, Major-tion and i} J A RE ) Mes Vietor Williams, Mr, Tan Wil ( With which is ama liga oad - ---- won, Major: and Mrs. EK, L, Cald : wv well, Mr, Stuart Carnahan, Col, and . \ THE STANDARD BANK < OF CANADA | The biggest lacrokse attraction | Brampton. Above are shown (wo | Mes. J. B Mackonn Capt. Aor! Mrs C.HR FULLER, ALEX W, BELL, | of the your are the Mann CUD [op (he Bram T w lp oy 3 pton stars, "Teddy" [1 A. James, Major and Mra, Frank 1d Business Administrator Chairman Board games, "emblematic of the Cann | 0 a0 loft, and Goorge | Sowers, Mes, MM, Bucknall, Mr Walker, all of Tor and Seccretary-Treasurer of Education 800 Branches in Canada ; dian chiamplonships, avd being ' and Mm. C H 8 The S nA ay J4 Rodis : : Phe | Sproule, manager, and winner of CME And Mr HR Wilt held this year at Toronto, onto! games bring together the New [Murphy teophy for best lacrosse | comb, Worcoster, Mass: Miss Nou | Weatmulnster Salmon Bellies and | play in Ontario, _ llah Wilson, Mv. Gordon C, Treat, } vm A ---------- TEE]

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