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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 PAGE FIVE 'Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. R. Davis and Miss Besele Buckler of Oshawa, are spending a holiday at Little Current, Mani- toulin Island. Miss Mario: ind Phyliss Tresise of this eit ire guests of friends in Toronto Mrs, 'ved Bull of Toronto is in town to attend the Mann---Me- Laughlin wedding and is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, D. B. Cayjyle Golf Street, Mrs, Frank [obson, Cedardale, is spending the week end in Gan- angue the guest of Miss Hanley of that town, Miss Margaret Anderson, who has been spending the summer in Muskoka Is In town to attend the Mann-MeLaughlin wedding this af- ternoon Messrs. John Hawkes and Bill Trewin left this morning to spend the week-end and holiday at Cull talkin Mrs, W. I. Henry and Mrs, Vasbinder, Albert street, Oshawa, left on Thursday for Albany, New York, where they will visit their sister, Mrs, M, Emith Mr. ang Mrs Arthur Woon, Division street, are spending their vacation in Drockville, Ontarlo Mr Canninpron, are and Mrp, W. | street, and Mrs, J, McKinnon, of the guests of Mr Lake, Division LAKE RCLUGOG CORN ROAST of Plone on Wed- company huge bonfire ronst held The The annual corn Point campers was nesday evening. 'gathered round a which was lighted about 9 p.m, and burned until long after mid- night. The evening's entertainment was featured by recitations hy Mr Fletcher and selections on the Hawailan 'guitar played by Miss Isobel Colclough Excellent ra. freshments were served by the young people, making the even- ing a complete success. SUMMER SALE Where Talks nt the | FASHION SHOPPE | Phone 2083W RORTERY . At * ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Aimecoe aed] "Wedding bells are ringing!" looks of the matrimony has its time from the later summer months (this year, All brides are reminded that modern laundries can ao family wash cheaper and better than it can bo done at home---and with less wear and tear, This par- ticular laundry has five dif- feront kinds of 'family wash" service. We would suggost that one of our young ladles discuss the 'problem with you and get you «off to a good start in your housekeeping. Phone today, or stop any one of our courteous drivers Phone 788 By. the new- papers switched June to Daughter of R. S. McLaugh- lin Weds Lieut. Churchill Mann of Royal Canadian Dragoons. "Parkwood", beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Samuel Mc. Laughlin, was the setting for one of the season's most beautiful wed- ings this afternoon when thelr daughter, Eleanor Victoria, became the bride of Lieut, C, Churchill Mann, of the Royal Canadian Dra- goons, son of Mr. C, Clarence Mann, Oriole Gardens, Toronto. The ceremony took place in the large oak pannelled living room against a background of palms and ferns and tall standards of pink gladioll and yellow 'mums. Roses too were used in profusion in the decoration scheme while the mantel was effectively aranged with beau- titul orebid blooms, The guests numbered almost five hundred, As the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin sounded from the great pipe organ, the bride made her appearance on the curving fron stairway, which had been festooned with greenery, Through an aisle of ribbons she came to the improvised altar in the Hving room, walking with her fath. er. The pale pink and white color scheme of the bridal attendants' gowng and the colorful uniform of the groom's fellow officers who act- ed as ushers, lent further interest to the picture, The ceremony was performed by the Rev, I. J. Maxwell of St. And- rew's Church, Oshawa. assisted by the Rev. J. P."Wilson, of Belleville, who had officiated at the marriage of the bride's parents. Presiding at the organ and playing softly throughout the ceremony was Mrs, W. G. Kent of Toronto, The bride was lovely in her nup- tial robe of antique white satin, cut In princess style with double circular skirt, and large square train which fell in one piece with the overskirt The yoke of the gown and sleevetops were of chif- fon embroidered with ivory and seed pearls in petal design, while the vell of antique Carickmacross lace and tulle was held to the head by seed. pearls and orange blos- soms The bride's only ornament was a necklace of pearls and ghe carried a large bridal bouquet of lilles of the valley The picturesque procession of bridesmaids included Miss Isobel MeLaughlin, sister, of the bride, as maid of honor, walking alone; Mrs, W. Eric Phillips, another sister of the bride, as matron of honor, and Mrs. Bruce King of Toronto, walk- ing together; Miss Bety Ellsworth of Toronto; Miss Ruth Cowans of Gay Gowns and Brilliant Uniforms Mingle at Smart Military Wedding At Parkwood, This Afternoon Montreal; Miss Louise Black of Oil City, Penna.; Miss Mary Justine Mann, of Toronto, sister of the groom; Miss Margaret McCausland, of Toronto, and Miss Helen Steele, of Toronto. The maid of honor and the mal- ron of honor were {rocked alike in shadow pink soufls de sol over. the same shade of satin. From bod- ices shirred In points, the very full skirts fell in a succesion of ruffles to the ground. Tiny capes of the same material were caught to the shoulders with pearl ties, The bridesmaids' frocks were fashioned similarly in a pale pink toned off white, while all of the attendants carried boquets of butterfly roses and lly of the valley, Their hats were large soft mo- hair models in pale pink with the new raised headline and caught at the side with big soft satin bows, which hung In graceful loops at the side, Immediately preceding the bride walked litle Miss Jocelyn Pangman niece of the bride a quaint picture in her frock of white chiffon ruffled | to the floor and tiny white cap bride, basket valley her very of the white the in the path her minjature with Hly of bride to guide long train, was another small of tendant, little Miss Diana Phillips niece of the bride, wearing a quaint ruffled frock of pink chiffon over pink, of floor length, with match ing mob cap. Capt, Stewart Bats man and -the ushers were: Li Rolph Barnes of Hamilton; It A. Anglin of the governor-general's body guard, Ottawa; Lt. G MacAgy, of Toronto; A. Grant, of Toronto; Li, A, don Cameron, of Toronto; IA don C. Trent, of Toronto; Lt, Bruce leaves from decked With the hest Ww acted ay Gor Gor mob | As she walked she scattered rose | Bd, | Kenneth | Major Donald | B. King, of Toronto and Gentleman | Cadet Arthur D Military College, Kingston, brother of the groom. Following the cere mony the bridal pair repaired to the library where the register signed, The reception beautiful gardens the bridal party taking fits stand beneath a large spruce tree helow the terrace Recelving with the bridal party were Mr. and Mryg, Me. Laughlin and Mr, C..Clarence Mann of Toronto, Mrs, McLaughlin wore a handsome gown of platinum grey lace over beige matin velled with 1.af brown chiffon. The full clrcul- ar skirt of ground length was bor- dered with the chiffon, while the bodice was fashioned in bolero style, Hr flowers were orchids, and her hat one of the large new off the face models of hrown velvet with gold and chenille Inserts i (Continued on Page 9) wins took place in the of "Parkwood," FASHIONABLE WEDDING A wedding that was solemnized in Victoria, B.C, August 1930 may be of interest locally, The bride on 10, y Jean Alexandra, younger daugh- Mr Mrs, F, A Small, Richmond Street, Vigtoria, and neice of Miss E, E was ter of and Small, who are former | residents of Oshawa. The bridegroom of Mrs Mr, the Logan, of Clo-oose, B.C, fashionable took in Oak Bay The bride, who was givep in marriage by her father, looked charming her of shell pink crepe de chine cut in prin cess lines with full skirt which touch- ed the floor at- the back and plain late The place David Logan and wedding Church, in gown loose coatee long veil of shell pink silk net with Honiton lace and confined to the héad with a cap of lace. She car- ried a shower houquet of sweetheart roses and maidenhair fern tied with cream tulle The 'bridesmaids, both cousins of the bride were Miss Georgina Moody of Toronto, and Miss Patricia Pearce Both "wore lovely frocks of prim- we flat crepe Master Alexander Glover, nephew of the bride, was a the brst man was Mr, cur der Chisholm and the usher was Mr, Alex. Glover, A small re- ception was held a the home of the wid 's parents, The bride and oom are spending their honeymoon fnaper Park and on their return pik will make their home in Clo-oose. mn ---------- Acid Stomach Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours at- ter eating, The quick corrective 1a un alkali which neutralizes acid. "he best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remain. ed standard with physicians In the 50 years since its invention, One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid, It Is harmless and tasteless and its action Is quick. You will never rely on crued methods, never con: tinue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts, Please let it show you--now, Be sure to get the genuine Phil lipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 60 years in cor- recting excess acids. Each bottle contains full divections--any drug store. was Mr. Ernest Logan, younger son | bodice with long tight sleeves and a | With 'this she wore a | diminutive trainbearer, in a smock of: | | | | | with Beef Grading the Best with The R-100 "Everything us,, we have room for nothing but the best' was the comment of the Pur chasing OMcer of the big British Dirigible R:100 when discussing | officials of the Dominion Department of Agri: | culture the question of meat snp | plies for the return trip to Card ington, He expresséd immediate | Buys counts Mann, of the Royal | | |] | tree Erowing Marshall Field 2rd of Chicage whose grandfather founded a great | mercantile house, and Mes, Dudle Coats, who has been prominent | | { | marviage at the y | n | Istry office In Lon | London society, after their recent | Marylebone rege | By Thornton W. Burgess Tmpy Has Chills Jack Prost may pinch and make i, But fear a greater chill West mop Mother My Chi the black "We sald Timmy Impy {be to the in id ne Squirrel munk I have h and | an I had thal ago but that wa ie going thing to eat ag ¥ hungry rv few momen hoeetls just an Aappet that ye ay to say all day enn thing "Do haven't o quired Impy "Do n iten a up and night?" dske Fimmy SOF course not, "That would he a do I sleep all n Well | sleep don't ge replied fool ght." all day course | tf up to eat hi Timmy Timmy fun Goody-hye" ton old ped over beside m the Lo ff the opportunity | the best heef by with ls apprecint Canada to t ernment hrand of quality, an « ROV guarame Missed Trophy by One Putt. six foot utt separated Dave Arnott o Winnipeg from the Prince of Wales Troy.y, coveted Piz of the recent Bani! Springs ote] Golf Course Tournament, in the last round of he Lg a one up on the day's play. Both he and his o nent, W. J, "Bill" son, of Toronto, made ves and their seconds them on the green, Arnott, six and Thompson five feet from the flag. Arnott's ball hovered on the lip of the cup, but Thomp. son sank his putt. This evened the match, but another hole was played Thompson winning easily an taking one of the most sought. after prizes in Canadian golfdom. Photo showa Thompson (left) and Arnott (runner-up), You see | 11 | Wind, ¢ p ef Of course | wl qt n "| Ho saw | the sky, and Ti n 3 el pi pea | wall, ran rapidly eemed to Impy t 1e [to space. He saw | against the disappeared where he was, th had learned f that he oug and that to I mant had n | {he | knew fro his | knew cibla | real dark Py home that thing do ing out [hui and brave | At last | gatting | would he | was just about to the top of a sma him ' unt LI A) | war something Fe was the yet and Impy | taln amount of excitement He felt as If he were very he decided a hit sleepy wise to _ WOME i RE RCH ia A E-------- - S Es So without another word, not even says ing thank you or good night, he dive ed down hetween the gtones of the old gtone wall, i | i i i Perhaps you have some article that you would like to enter for competi- tion in the Fall Fair, but are just not well enough acquainted with the rules and regulations and on that ac- count will fail to do anything fur- ther about it, This year there will be the usual displays in the Women's Building, Messrs. D. M, Tod, RD, Preston and I. V., Bowman are in charge of this section, The list of articles in the Ladies" Work départ- ment is a lengthy one and included domestic' needlecraft, dining - room furnishings, ~~ embroidered ; dining room furnishings, crochet or erochet trimmed ; bedroom furnishings em broidered and crochet crochet trimmed; ladies' personal wear, in- fants wear, and several other miscel laneous classes, Under the one mis- or cellancous class is listed a greaf var- iety of pickles, jams, pheserves, jel lies, bread, buns, cakes and pics. The competition for worthwhile open to all women in Ontario and Durham counties so if you have any article that you think might win a prize enter it by all means, All en tries must be made by Friday, Sep- tember 5 'Vhe secretiry, Chas. P, Davis, will be in his office on Sep tember rd, 4th and 5th, from 9 to 12 am, 2 to 6. pm, and 7 te 9 pm, to receive entries and entry fees and give information Fach exhibitor must purchase a member's ticket he fore making entries, The ticket the usual price of $1.00. More en- tries and keener competition wil help to make the fair a real success prizes is 18 | the cold chills to running all over the ery of Spooky Impy didn't know thig, for he had never heard #pooky before, but he did know that somehow a strange terror had taken possesion of him Cold chills ran all over him He was to frightened to move He simply couldn't have run This, though he didn't knew it, was a very good thing Had he moved Spooky the sereech Owl would probably have seen him As It was he sat there motionless and spooky did not see him at all, Impy. It was the Screech Owl, Again came that quavering ery; and again the chills all over Impy the black Chipmunk, How he did wish that he had to hed with the rest of the family He no longer felt hold and brave He felt just scared, That was if, scar. ed He felt almost too seared to breathe. He just sat there--a little black, frightened Chipmunk, filled with an unnamed fear ran gone It seemed to Tinpy that he sat there ever and ever so long herore he heard, that voice again, this time over in the Old Orchard, Act- ually it was only a minute or two, Even then, althongh he felt sure that the unknown owner of .that volee wag no longer close at hand, Impy did not dare move, Suddenly there wag a light thump right bhe- wide him Had not Impy heen ton frightened to move he would have jumped right off the stone wall But he was go frightened that he war heyond jumping "Nid you hea Owl?" inquired Squirrel "Wa-wa-wa chattered Impy * know who ft " "Yes that was Spooky," Timm) "1 thought | come over here and see that vou were all right Now if you'll take my advice, vou'll go to hed' "I'm going," replied. Tmp Hpooky the Bereech Timmy the Flying that wpooky?" di-di-di-didn't WAKE was replied would Just and Summer COLD Quick | ¥ Relief 4 from any Cold, 4 Headache or Other Pain ON'T treat a "slight cold" lightly! The discomfort of a summer cold can easily develop into dangerous illness if neglected, A tablet or two of Aspirin will check a cold as quickly as it came, And you will get immediate relief from the headache that goes with it, If there's a sore throat, too, crush 2 tablets in 4 tablespoons of water, and gargle, Those who have learned the true value of Aspirin are never without it in any season of the ear, It's always ready to relieve Se thon neuritis, neuralgia, and a long list of aches and pains: see proven directions in each package, Aspirin does not depress the heart or upset the stomach, Druggists everywhere have it, : TRADE MARK REG+ SPIRIN Practical Training for Business Positions him for a moment against mmy had disap- red s to the top and y #imply Jump in iim for just a mo- sky and Timmy Impy sat right inking over what rom Timm He ht to go down in to hed He only sen It wasn't felt a cer no ) But In stay that ang that go to hed move when | Very he wn from tree neay came a strange quavering ery loud, but there fn it that started it Bros, The Leading Jeweler Establish 12 SIMCOE | | | od 1886 ST. SOUTH Baby's own Best for ou and Baby too He Would you like to be a.. STENOGRAPHER PRIVATE SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER OFFICE ASSISTANT WE TRAIN YOU FIRST--THEN HELP YOU FIND A POSITION are glad to pay good salaries, Education with "Cash va/ue' is the logical choice for young people under present economic conditions, Graduates of this schoo) are equipped with training for which employers Our courses in Typewriting, Shorthand, Books keeping, Business English and Office Practice make our students valuable to employers right from the first day on the job, Save Time and Money Because our courses are limited to only practical business subjects, you can prepare for a position here sooner than at most types of colleges, shorter time means less expense, and securing a position sooner, ployment Department cooperates actively with graduates in finding desirable positions, without cost to either the employer or the applicant, Write or Call For Free Literature The Our Eme tions held by former students. If you will send a post card request or call at cur office, we will be glad to give you complete details of courses and rates, and proof of posis You will not be obligated in any way. FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. 2nd Peerless Business College 174 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac Is Merely a Convenience GEE, TILLIE,\TS GREAT OF YOU "TO 60 RIDING WITH ME TDAIGH™T. { THOLGHT YOU HAD PASSED ME UP FOR, - RRR & eo0D DONT BE SILLY, MAC, YOU KNOW | | ALWAYS LIKE {TO 60 PLACES WITH You SUPPOSE WE RUN UPTO { "THE COUNTRY LLB GEE, THERES A'DANCE O THERE TO: 1 KNOW IT, | HAVE A DATE TO MEET 808 THERE By Russ Westoves

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