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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 " et the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship ST. ANDREW'S AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED ° Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Rev. J. 8. I, Wilson (in charge) : HURCHES 10 am. Union Services in Simcoe St. Church The Regular sunday nehool pession is withdrawn, but the Adult Bible Class, for men and women, will meet in the School Room of Bimeoe Bt, Church from 10 to 10,45, 11 a.m.--"PLAYING THE MAN." 7 p.m.--"PLAYING THE FOOL." PREACHER, REV, J, 8. I, WILSON You Will be Made Welcome King Street United Church Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, M.A. B.D, both services, EER '11 a.m.~Morning Worship, 7 p.m,~--Evening Worship The Rev. Seymour, of Belleville, will preach at Sunday School will be closed Sunday, August 31, but will resopen Sunday, September 7 nn--------"-- ITT ' ' Christ Church 1 (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts Rev, KR, B, Patterson, M.A Incumbent, 503 Masson Bt 8 am, -- Holy Com- munion, 9.50 am. School, am. Prayer. 7.00 p.m. Sunday 1 Morning - Evening First tist Churc KING ST, EAST Rev. Aubrey W, Small 184 Aberdeen Kt, In deference to the wishes of the Public Health De. partment there will he no Sunday School service, 11 am REV, E. D, FORD will preach No Evening Service Wednesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting WE INVITE YOu TO Evangel Tabernacle 200 King St, Wem J. T. BALL, Pastor Residence, 21 Park load South, Phone 1081), 11 a.m,~Morning Worship 7 p.m, Evangelistic, ® § pm, ~Tuesday and Thurs day All Welcome WORSHIP WITH US Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church #11 Celina Street Pastor OG, Legge In Charge 10 a.m, Sunday School 11 aan. Pastor G, Legge 7 p.m.~Evening Service Tues, 8 pm, -- Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 pm, == Bible Study Everyone Welcome ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, 8 0, MOORE, BA, WD, Minister 80 Elena Street, SPECIAL LABOR DAY SERVICES Mr, Moore Will Preach Morning and Evening Phone BOTH 11 a.m--'Labor, Love, Worship." 7 p.m,--*"The Gospel or Working Men." special Appropriate Music by the Choir a EVERYONE WELCOME MY GARDEN Come, with me inte my garden, Oh, 'tis not so very grand, But to me it Is the dearest Little place In all the land, the old stone flags we'll wander With the flowers on either side, Mignonete and tiger lilies, Marigolds and mourning bride, Down the chestnut spreads her branches There's a rustic seat or two, And an urn of morning glories, Stocks and periwinkle blue, Where Haollyhocks grow by the window Of my modest little cot, Larkspur blue and cool white lilies And the sweet forget-me-not, Peace | find within my garden, Peace, and happiness there too, All the cares of day forgotten, Just the stars, and flowers, and dew, il fr } -~Alleen Barr Brown PLUCK What we eall Luek is simply Pluck, And doing things over and over; @ourage and will, perseverance and skill, the four leaves of Luck's slover, Are General production in Manitoba has reached the highest peak in its history, according to a report pres sented to the industrial develops ment board of the province, The gross output is placed ut $106,000, 0 During the five months of this year ending June 1, the Holstein breeders of Canada have exported 1,868 cattle to the United States, Bome of the animals exported cross: ed the line at high prices, the beast sale probably being one of 81 head, consigned to a large hreeding estab lishment, at an average price of well aver §800 a head, while a Canadian-hred two-year-old hull ves cently sold in the Rarlville, N.Y, S Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churche Grace Lutheran Rev, A, C, Hahn, the pastor, will conduct. services of Grace Lutheran Church tomorrow, Evangel Tabernacle Bervices of Evangel Tabernacle tomorrow will he conducted by Rev, J, T. Ball, the pastor Christ Anglican Rey, R, B, Patterson, the rector will be in charge of tha services of Christ Anglican Church, Sunday, Christian Relence "Christ Jesus' Is the subject which will he discussed at the reg: lar service of the Pirst Church of Christ Beiantist tomorrow Free Methodist The regular Bunday services of the Free Methodist Mission are to he conducted by Rev, I, 1, Case ment, the pastor First Baptist On aeeount of the infantile par nlysis outhreak, there will he no session of Bunday school at First Baptist Church tomorrow Ray A.W, Bmall, the pastor, will con duet the morning services Albert Bireet United "Labor, Love, Worship" is the subject which will he preached up on hy the pastar, Rev, 8. ©, oore at the morning serves of Albert Bireet United Chureh tomorrow In the evening ,the pastor will preach on "The Goipel for Work ing Men." Appropriate music wilh he rendered hy the choir The Church I'he Mission is interest among the Canada, Its work 1s among the Es kimos and Indians in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. There are 27 field workers, who are assisted hy IB natives, The territory lies in four dioceses the hishops reside on, Kenora and Coch rane Last year $75,000 was raised for this work - A "Fellowship of the Aretic" has heen organized to enlist support, offer prayer on | behalf and make an annual contri bution. for the work He J, M Crisall has been appointed assistant to Dr. H, J, Cody, at 5t. Pauls's, Tor onto. For, several vears he missionary a Aklavik Near the mouth of the Mackenzie River, Rey Thomas Murray 1s there at present Four Canadian bishops of the: Ang lican Church in Canada have endor sed the Mission of the Canadian Guild of Health I'he warden is Rev, T. E. Rawr Victoria, B.C, who some vears ago established hranches at Hamilton and 5t, Cath arines," Rishop Richardson of St John, N.B who 18 attending the Lambeth Conference, preached in St Mary's Church, Warwick, in the ely where his father, at one time, was rector, and he himsell, a choir-hay . » , Areti one ol greit Anglicans of and ut Dawson, Sim ayer Wis a of I'he Lutherans of America are looking forward to the Seventh Con vention of the United Lutheran Church. It apens in Milwaukee on Oct, 7th, It will take a full week to overtake the husiness oi the docs ket. Six official boards will report besides numerous committees and commissions, One of latter 1s on Lutheran Church ynit A very active organization of laymen meets at a banquet and noted orators are heard, © There will be an interesting discussion on the recommendations of the commissioners who attended the world Conference on Faith and Ovder, 'The report hy Dr, 1. A Marehead on the Lutheran Warld Convention is alse of great value The Young People are to report on the BETHESDA Rethesda, Aug, 24, -=Miss Trane recently visited friends in Oshawa, Mra, Bing and Miss Mahel Sing, of Toronto, and Mra, (', I". Johns, of Thornhill, motored out to J. R, R. Cole's on Friday, Misses Kath. er and Mary Johns returned with them, Mrs, Woodger, of Bowmanville, Mrs. Livingstone, Mr, and Mrs, A, T, Pearce, Misses Dorothy and Pat. rica, of West Orange, N.l, wera guests at the homes of T, J, T, Cole and J, R. R, Cale, on Tuesday, My, and Mri, Howard Coueh, Misses Marjory and Nene Coueh were Munday guests of Mr, W, J, Bragg in Bowmanville Mps MeGill, Misses 1, and L, MeGill and Dr, MeGill motored from Toronte and spent a few hours with the former's sinter, Mra, W. I. Roy, Mr, and Mra, Rowden and sons, of Oshawa, spent a day visiting Mr, 'and Mra, Frayne and family, Messrs, H, and R, Phillips, Mr Charles Phillips and son, Mel: hourne, of Easex, visited Mr, Phil. ippa' brother-in-law, Mr. Norman Collacutt, Mr, Alquire Murray, of Corns wall, spent Thuraday evening at J, R, R, Cole's, getting some facts regarding the apple Industry: vig, production, marketing, transporta- tion and storage, The Investigation was started hy the Commissioner of Agricultural Economies at Ottawa; two other students accompanied Mr, Murray, One spent hia time at 'Mr, Roh Roy's and the other at Mr, Hubert Foster's, It is estimated that this survey of the Dominion apple-grow. sale for 41,786, \ ing districts will take a year, Holy Trinity Anglican Rev, 8, C, Jarrett, the rector, will conduct the services of Holy Trinity Anglican Chureh on Bun. day, Wi, George's Anglican Rev, ¥, W, Barnstt, of Birch: cliffe, will preach at the services of Bt, George's Anglican Church tomorrow Oshawn Pentecostal Holiness Bervices of Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church tomorrow will he conducted hy the pastor, Rev, (4, Legge, Vyveryone Is welcome Northminstey United Rev, A, M. Irwin, the pastor, will preach at both morning and avening services of Northminsier United Church tomorrow, Tha Hunday school will not re-open un til the following Bunday Andrew's and Bimeoe Bireel United Maxwell and Rey, J Wilson will. he In charge of union services of Bt, Andrew's und Bimeoe Street United Chureh congregations "tomorrow, Bervices throughout the day will he held In Bimeos Btreat Chureh und in the morning Rey. J. 8B, 1, Wilson will preach on "Playing the Man," he subject of Rev, Wilson's evening sermon 18 to he "Playing the Vool The regular Bunday school session is withdrawn hut the aduly Bible Class, for men and women, will meet in the school room of Bimeos Street Church from 10 to 10.45 me, Rav, V, J 8 1 the World Wide the Wu Luther league ind Missionary Society aetiviti the men's statement of the will he two on the "Challenge cation" hy Dr ve # het ial addresses, one of Christian Edu Luther A Weigle Dean of Yale Divinity School, and another hy Dr, J. A.W, Hass, Presi dent of Muhlenher, College, on the Ath anniversary. celebration of the Augshurg Confess) Spee n . ' * At the Wesleyan { Leeds, England, « wis held for preachers who had pa ser away during year, Fifty had died in Great Britain, two in Ireland, and 22 mis A lively discussion took place on report of a eam disapproved of ntering Parhament, and at the sp It was decid of th ankey ' memorial service OHari tee which ministers ine holding a charge I pot to interfere with an accepting the nondnstion us hut in the event of he at the poll, they must give up their appointments, as regu lar pastors, Regarding fortheoming Wis Methodism, it was explain ed that the three conferences meet as usual in 192 and a "umting Conference 1933 the first United Conference would meet for business, The presi dent-elueet is Dr. Ryder Smith, and Rey. Robert Bond was chosen as sci relar Ihe enlleges are having a trong held upen the chair \ year ao Dir, Lofthouse, of Handsworth College, at present Dr. Workman Wostminster College, and next year the above mentioned are in the ling of succession, Dr. Ryder Smith is spared to preside, he will he th last Wesleyan to hold it for a full veal hefore the Union: Among the veteran preachers, who were super annuated, was Rey Montgomery Pascoe, who was the means of Dy Parkes Cadman's conversion Fifty young men were ordained at the conference, the great gathering of ministers and friends singing, "0 Happy Day that Fixed My Choice" clerg a candidate ing su esslul nol would heconme Then in HAMPTON Hampton, Aug. 26.-Mrs, Wil hur Burnett, Mtouffville, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Will Wilbur The sympathy af this community in extended (the family of Ceell Gat. ehell, Bowmanville, who lost his life in the fire of Hately's garage, on Wednesday night, Mr, Gatehell was a former mall eourier from Bowmanville to Enniskillen and this village, Wiens Niddery and nephew, Hil lie Faulkner, Toronto, have re turned to Tavento, after spending holidays at the home of Mrs, #, GO, Niddery, Mra, Clifford Allin has heen un der the doctor's vare, Nelson Robbins In visiting tives in Rochester, N.Y Murray Wood, Bowmanville, has heen holidaying with his grands parents, Mr, and Mrs Silap Wil Hams, Mr. and Ms, James Wood and won, James, of Toronto, visited at the home of H, Holwell, recently, B, Horn was In Toronto on Wed- pesday, Mrs, Horn and Acy res turned home with him after apend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs, Gilbert Wilkinson, The many friends here extend congratulations to Rev, John RN, Grifith, of Humbererest United Church, Toronto, on his recent mars riage to Bona Mills, daughter of Jd, ©, Mills, Nydney, Nava Heotia, The marriage took place at Reau- salell Island, Georglan Hay, vecent- Iv. Ming Milla {8 secretary of the National Girla' work of the United Chureh of Canada, Mra, Lore Robbing, Liskard, rela visited her slater, Mrs, Gertrude On Liking Contrary to what we might al first Auch think, we often have our strongest attachment to the things that we have learned to like, Take it, even in the matter of taste for foods: some of things that we have the strongest liking for are things that we did not take naturally 10; our taste for them had to he cul tyated, You have heard some folks way (hit they never conld learn to Hke certain things that to yon seemed most nitrvactive; hut probably you wondered how hard they had tried, The man who can not ent this and eannot est {hit may he a sore tris to the tried housewife, hut he may he something worse than # ninsaned; his Inshll ity may go the length of heing # serious faulf 4 For no man has a right to gn around with his tastes and kines and habits too much at varignee with the normal and expected, He ean learn to ke: he ean conform and conformity 1s sometimes very solemn and positive duty Bueh an ides muy not he very popu Inv Just at the moment--for it is A oprent Any for the slressing of individuality but haing differant Isn't the virtue that some peopl weem to think 1 | A slavish following of enstom muy he stupid hit a too complete and Loo oslenti tious hreak with custom mn hie aven worse than stupid I'o learn to Hke to do the things that are | seamly and in good taste 16 to lesrn lessgong In good morals ne well as In good manner thie as much as the Inti In a multitude of aRsy In that learning may hi vir solemn and tive dul We have Lisnrd people BAY that they did not Hke poetry, that they did not Hke reading bin graphy or histo that the hin not lke galing to chureh, and say Win -sheh a way that It was clearly avident that they felt that the while Iasun in things had heen of Hiking Wie say thu! the 1 tain Indi fone M Former (quite matters 1 is Ihes post Bin tn it relation to wall lad for them hive hess when 1hely hind he "eX eR sed even heard people onl ke Auils nnd the that (he ary af that Inability to them If nit ean learn ort (1h urm tn Justi Ned In helng Isn't It altogether to lke Lo do avary fine and honorahle and unselfish wand thing that 1 1s our duty and right tn do if wa Bol our mind ta i stead fastly and intelligently and heli ingl Cartan! trenuaus effort in that direction would EOOm In he the only right attitude to take i Tue heonise mean and nast Indesd almost Irie that we fommendable inl Lona in Christ | In every hedga and garden Fine Christian Conference Held at Ferndale, Muskoka "A tremfndously interesting ex periment in ix challenge Lo holiday paekers 10 put spivitunl things first in planning their vacation," Is the manner in which one prominent business man describes the Canis dian Keswick Conference, which hog Just concluded kn very muccessiul wonson at Verndale, Muskoko, and which during, the past six weeks has bronght together in a distinel ively evangelical atmosphere more than eight. hundred vacationists from all paris of the country, Church, home, business and pro« fassionn) life has heen well reprs- pantad, with guests from sll walks of Ife intermingling freely in happy fellowship aL this unique gather: Ing Denominations) differences simply did nol exist among this happy family of Christians, al: though practically al) of the Pro: Lestant communion were represent ed, Veteran missionaries from the ends of the earth, enthusiastic youths fresh from school and eol lage, middle-nged men and women freed for awhile from the respon: sibilities of business and hone fies all were drawn together hy the magle tonehstone of the Keswick splat, summed up in is motto, 'Al Jagus,' wausion on Bunday, particular interest of Keswick, August in (ET) loaned nf The which oh, wh A ' The Solitary fy Nathaniel Benson I cams one day to Bradford With August In the sir, The flowers danced Hikes fairies And nodded everywhere En Above me elm and maple Weare arching low in green And from an emeaersld hill-top A low red spire was seen, Half-hidden in the green Bright huds and blossom sweet Clothed the ptill vale with magic Var Faney's wandering fest to southward, Lay counties blue, and cloud, I'he silence of late summer, I'he golden farmlands proud, The wind no longer loud There, far Away | wandered through the village, Hy narrow leaf-lulled ways, Hy garden tree and collage With none to sing thelr praise A a TTI A OO MO MEO MER NON IN THE CHURCHES ¢ OF WHITBY | TIP PA ot rr FAP St, Andrew's Preshytervian Church | Rev.John Lindsay, Pastor, Buniday Aug, #1, 10 a.m, Babbath School und Bible Study, The regular ser vices at 11 am, and 7 pm., will he conducted hy the pastor, A hearty welcome Is extended to all St, Johns Chureh, Port Whithy Rector, Rev, D, B, Langford, Bun day, Aug, 01st, Labour Bunday, 10 a.m, Bunday Behool and Bible elas Loam, and 7 pom, services, reac ar, the rector Haptist Chureh Union services, Baptist and United Chureh will wor ship together again Hoth Munday chools at 10 am, 11 a.m, subject I'he Holy City," Mrs, Michael vi) sing "The City Four Square" hy ppecial request, 8.80 p.m, Almands ehureh, 7 pm., suhjeet: "Our Mar velloug Times: and What They are Leading To." Rev, TI, ¥, Hest at all services, Thursday, &. pm, Prayer meeting, study, "Thy Will be done," All. cordially Invited, Rev, A Richards, B.D, will he home and in his pulpit Sunday, Sept, Tth Seed Virtue, on Thursday, Lathan Jehson friends in Toronto « Mr, Jerome Harrie, Rochesiar, visited at the home of Mrs, Wm Hinale Mes, Barrie returned home with him after spending several weeks with her mother, The weather prevented the Hal vation Army band coming from Okhawa on Sunday morning to hold # meeting in the park here, Hows aver, we are looking forward te having them next sunday morning, weather permitting, Mroand Mra, James and family, accompanied hy Mins Rhannon, Pleton, were guests of Mr, and Mra, BR, Avery on dunday, alan renewing acquaintances of twenty years or more ago, when he was manager of the apple evaps orating plant here, The building haw recently been changkd Inte a ehieken-house, (lao, Harron has winee hought the building, whieh was lately used hy Jno, Wakely, who lives near, as a driving-shed, Those were the days when apples wera much more plentiful than they are today, They are very soarea this year, particularly in this loeality, Misa Aklster, haw heen visiting Billett returned acohmpanied hy Mr, and Mrs, H, family, Those who have threshed ves port splendid crops of grain, hut oorn for the moat part la very poor, owing to the very warm and dry weather, some felda having the apearance of helng affected by frost, However, there are a few good patches, Mr, W. G. Doldge's garden and 1, D, Hykes' field helny about the beat in this distviet, The voot crop Is promising, weath- er conditions being favorable The sky on Friday nlght showed algne of a thunderstorm, However, visiting with a Walinsley Hunderland whe her cousin Reta hame on Hunday, My. Billett, and W. Wileox and the sky cleared, but, by Saturday golden, hung On hills the grain lay I'he pear tree's hranch low eemed | trod a highway I walked with footsteps slow With one so long Ago I'he wind and | were posts And once we sang of dawn, Anil sang of one so lovely "or ever, ever gone Hoon, IE WAR OVEIcasl AgRID, O0CAN slonul showers falling most of the afternoon, continuing until Buns day night, Old Saul putting in his appearance agaln on Monday mor nine nnday services wera fairly ats tended Hey, George Mason Hows munville, ogeupied the pulpit in the evening, taking for his text "The Ladder up to Heaven," which was based on the words of Uenesls 24th, Chapter and 18th, verse: "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder wet Up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven! and hehold the angels of God ascending and dese cending on It" Mrs, Kenneth Caverly, Windsor, sang in her us unl fine voles, "The Light of Life" Mra, Barron, Western Ontarle, In visiting her son, George Marron The Women's Institute are pre, paring for thelr annual basaar at the Hehool falr again this year, Mra, Will Ranton Trenton is vias iting her slater, Mrs, W, J, Virtue, Marjorie Pascoe 1s enjoying a visit near Detroit with friends, Wilfred Greenaway accompanied some of his Knniskillen boy friends on a Ashing trip around Muskoka ditriot, recently, : Owing to the prevalence of ins fantile paralysis, the play, "And Mary Did" whieh was te be given at knniskillen, by Hammon Young People's Club, has been postponed for the time heing, They have alan received an invitation te Als bert Bt, Chureh, Oshawa, for next month, Misses Frankie Wood and Ruth dohna visited Toronto friends and attended the Wxhibition, NEW MOTORISTS' ACT EFFECTIVE - ON SEPTEMBER | Financial Responsibility Law Believed Measure For Safety Within a few days thousands of motorists in the Pravinee of Ontario, both resident and non-resident, will have thelr responsibilities ax operas tors and owners of ears increased hy an act of the last session of the legis lature, The Ontario Highway Trafic Amendment Aet, eammonly known ax the new financial responsibility law, will' present to many motorists on and after September | the danger of loging the privilege to operate a car, unless proper steps are taken to ahs tain the protection needed to safe that, instead of being led hy clergy. men, It ministered mainly through business ana Je mien} men who have learns the joy of putting Christ first in thelr dally lives, Prominent among the laymen who brought messages during this se cond conference period were Mr, samuel NR, Toggs. Philadelphia, past internationn) president of The Gldsons; Mr, Hugh RB, Monro, pre. gldent of the Virst Nations! Bank, Montclair, NJ; Dr. 1, KH. Erb, pathologist, Toronto; Mr, W, Pp. Veaser and Dr. A, V, Purkis, Vis. burg-~the former a prominent merchant of that eity, A deeply spivitunl and evangslioal Lone marks ed wll of the addresses, and in this connection special mention should he made "of the ministry of Dr. Jonathan Goforth, of Chine, whose presence, with that of his wife, was # henadiction to all, Other mis wlonaries who grippad the heart with thely imessages were fir, 't Lambie, Abyssinia and Dr. A, P, Btirrett, Nigeria Guests and leadary were enthi siastie In thelr appreciation of the oppartunity afforded for informal intedeourse and happy fallowship amid such delightful surroundings and the indiestions sre that much larger things will have tn he plann ad for next year to Accommodate wll who wish te attend I A ERE PEST SE ESE guard that privilege Iinmedinte wetion in obtaining the necessary protection whieh will be required under the law In numerous instances Ig the suggestion of The Travelers Insurance Company to drivers and owners of ears in On tiario who do net want ta run the risk of losing the privilege to operate automobiles In the Provinee and elsewhere after the act goes into ef feet, Under the new acer automobile insurance will provide not only pro tection nghingt the possible suspen ston of the driving licenses and car permits of motorists in Ontario und elsewhere, but protection as well Against Judgments for injuries, death or damage to the property of others While the net was not designed aninst drivers and owners of cars who use the highways in Ontarle with care and consideration for others, many motorists are lkely to run Feounter to the act's provisions by he coming involved through no fault of thelr own in aecidents causing injury of at least $100 to persons or damage to the property of others CHRISTADELPHIAN A GLIMPSE OF CONDITIONS ON EARTH WHEN CHRIST 18 KING "There shall be ne more thense an infant of days, nor an old man that has not Alled his days=For as the days of a tree are the days of my people." Read lealah 05, 17:25, (Acts 3, 19:25, . TTT | CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel Centre Athol 8, WesteNurth Bide ROBERT SIMPSON of the Toronto Bible Col. lege Preach at vices, Sunday Fehoo) 8 p.m, Prayer Meoting, Wed, pm, and Bat, 7,80 p.m, Both Bers wil TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8 C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St, 10 a m.=Sunday School I'l am, == Matine and Sermon, 7 pm, Evensong and Sermon. KNOX Presbyterian Church Bimooe Street North apd Brock Hireet Revi Duncan Monroe #4 Rrock 86 W, Phone 8854 Sunday School will re! open Sept, 7 at 3 o'clock Rev, L, Standret of Osh. awa will preach at 11 am and 7 pm Sound Dootrine, Nearly Rloging and a Real Wel: come are featur of Knox Chureh, i Hearty All the Churches Bid You a elcome | St. George's | ANGLICAN CANON C, R, dePENCIER M.A, Cor, BagoL and Centre Sis, Organist and Cholrmuaster=- Matthew Gouldburn, ALCM, I a TC: E---------- cE 10.16 a.m, ~~Bunday Schoul, 11 a.me==Morning Vrayer, REV, F. WW, Barnett of Bircheliff, will preach --_ 7 pm. Eveusons, Baptisms second Sunday ' each month, Free Methodist MISSION (Over Arcads) 10 BIMCOK NT, N, | Rev. I, 1. Casement, Pastor Sunday, August 31 2.30 p.m, Sunday School | | 3.30 p.m, Preaching Ser. | A vice, Wed, 7.50 p.m, ==Prayer Meeting, fl Cordial Welcome ---- eS -- "Christian Science" First Church of Christ, Holentist 64 Colborne Sireet Bast Sunday, August 31 Morming Service at 11 am, SUM ECT "Christ Jesus" Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Selénoe, You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorised Obristian Nelence literature may be fend, borrowed or purobased and sriodieals subseribed for, Open on uesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from ¥ to b p.m, Centre St, United Church Rev, W, P, Fletcher, B.A, D.D. Sunday, August 31 The Regular Bunday Behool Nervices will not be held on Bunday, Rev. W.P. Fletcher Will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, GRACE Lutheran Church MABONIO BUILDING Rev, A, QO, Hahn 180 Alice Btreet Sunday, August 31 10,800 am, Morning Wore ship, ALL ARI CORDIALLY WROOME Northminster United Church Rev. Mansell trwin, nA, no, Pastor 80 Greta St. Phone 8200W 10 Am ==Hunday Sohoo! reopens Heptember 7, 11 am==The Pastor, T pm="The Pastor Street Fair Friday, Sep. tember 8th, at Greta Stree

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