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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 M PAGE SEVEN Interesting Pen Impres. sions of the Coming Attractions on .,. William Powe On Regent's F Regent Announces Line-up of World's Foremost Talk- ing Picture Hits For Im- mediate Oshawa Showings I 'you're one of the ten million peo ple whe found the ultimate in thrills in William Powell's portrayal in "Street of Chance" you've still to caperience the greatest of the Powell characterizations You'll find it in "Shadow of the Law" his latest talk ing picture production showing at the Regent today and on the hol dy "Shadow of the Law" is un new type of picture for Powell, This role gives him. none of the sophisticated superiority of the Philo Vance por- triayals, Nor vet does it impose i sinister glow, The Powell of "Shad ow of the Law" is a quiet-living en gineer drawn into ga web of clreum stances which land him In prison, The story Is packed with drgimn, ex citement, unusus!l and novel scenes, rounded, human characterizations, really great neting and solid enter talnment, Innocent, Powell Is convicted murder, sentenced for life; desperate, he breaks out of prison in a thrilling escape, establishes wn new Identity, meets romance; fugitive from justice, he cannot declare his love; tracked down, he takes a daring, thrilling chance, proves his HNoeence, nasires his happiness That's the story of "shadow of the Law' 'in brief, But it doesn't tell anything of the gripping drama, the heart-breaking suspense, the heart-throbbing happiness that's wrapped up In this film, Max Maren, inspired hy John A, Moroso's great novel, "The Quarry, wrote the story, and Louis Gasnler, ace hit-maker, di rected it The east Includes two women well worth seeing, Marion Shillidg, n com parative neweomer, recently signed hy Paramount, and Natalie Moor hend, the blonde beuuty who won ac claim In "The Benson Murder Case) Regis Toomey, seen with Powell In "Street of Chanee," has a strong role in "Shadow of the Law." of a Men's Suits. Regular | $28.00, Special $1 2 50 Dominion Clothing Co. | 68 King St. W. Phone 9141 | Il Stars Bill ine MP we-- ---- ---------- MIGHTY ATTRACTIONS COMING WITH NEW SHOW WORLD HERE Foday starts 4 new era of super entertainment at the Kegent, 1's going to be a great week Jor Olina theutre-woers for the New Show World Seison is being ushered into Oshawa's theatre beautiful bringing the cream of the 1930-31 talking pie tre releases for eager eyes and ears to behold, 2nd best of all it's just the beginning of a theatrical season of outstanding smashing hits! One after another nidghty attractions from the season's new product reaching i new entertainment peak will be ol fered tor your enjoyment, You'll see stirs than there are in heaven old favorite discoveries | You'll have the seeing and hearing the sisical and dreamt orks that blaze on electric sign Wrondway at the time New Yorkers are enjoying All this will he made possible through the untiving efforts of Lion Osler, the WKegent In striving to bring to this city such a might up of attractions, Among the vast array of coming feature pre setitution hich iH direct! the showing of William pasterful dewma "Shadow Law" whic! the World Cin afday, Wack Crom A id Mauek) In "Anyhod | Clarn Bow In "Love A I'he Millionaires" Jaan Crawford in "Our Blushing Brides"; Four Marx Brothers in "Anim! Cracker Constance Ben nett in "Comm ny Norma Shearer In "Let | He Claud ette Colbert n Manslaughter" Cyril Maude / Paul Whiteman In "King of Zane "Lust of the and other 1] more few distinetion of best plays, on sine them manager of Tine 5 New I'he IT Cand "Crrumpy"" Jaze" Plunnes nppenling Cire Many efuall tructions An unususlly lnrga crop hus heen planted this your thtoughont Nova Heotin, and prospect vary hright wlen of wend grain, man gels and turnip seed have haan very heavy, and unusually heavy sales of fertilizer are reported Gurde nelubs among the young people are healing rapidly extended in number throughout Nova Beotia provines, Home of these clubs have memberships high nas 40 In Cape Nreton Islands nlone there are now 100 of these garden :1ubs ne COLUMBUS a-- Columbus, Avg. p/) Purves spent 4 few 4d and Mrs, Paul Purves, Mrs, Geo, Hayes spent last week with her sister at Whithy, Messrs, Roy Lesch, Art Wilson, Stewart Murison, Vd, Tarves ang Pigin Bromell motored to Minden, Bunday, Miss llva Morgan, Toronto, visited with Mrs, J, James on Sunday Mr, Edmund Tink and bride of New Jersey are visiting relatives in this vicinity, Mrs, Annie ays with Mr Mrs, John Sutherland and children and Mrs, Sonle the home of Kobt, Sutherland recent y Mr. and Mrs. Thos Medcalle, Gilord spent a few days with My Larne Cook and family, Miss Mary Dyer, spending her vacation at Dyer's Mr, Howard James und Mi Clarence Huyes left on Tuesday for i motor trip to Detroit Mr, und Mrs, Wm, Dyer several days at Niagara Inst week Dr, Cooper und family and Mis Gertie Webber attended the Exhibi tion on Tuesds Miss Vera Cook, Oshawa, Is spend with Mr, Lorne (: Oshawa, Is My, Win spent ing a wee 0h and fami Mrs, Levi Killens is vi onto this week HARMONY Harmony, Aug. 25«Mr. und "J, Luke and Miss Eileen have heen spending a few days Mis, Geo, Hart at thelr summer home at Scugog Lake Mrs, M, Mackie was a recent visit in Toronto Mr, Hurry Hunking is visiting Lochester, Minnesota, for a We hope will be better when returns Mr iy und iting in Tor Mi Luke with while he hi Willson and Tum MeGill vi anid Mrs, HY Mrs, J. | Toronto Sunday Miss Dorothy Campbell turned home alter spending un week holidays ut Bala Island, Muskoka Mrs, OO, C, Lander, Misses Doris and Zella Lander left by motor Saturday for Maryland where they will holiday for wu short time Mis, Frank Danzey and fami the city were recent visitors Mr, and Mrs, Howard Wilson There will he no Sunday School un til notice is given in the paper, Fyers precaution being taken to wvoll the spreading of sickness Mr, und Mrs, Frank Fleur and Mrs, Murray Greentree and Miss Loraine Greentree Sun diay with Mr, and Mrs Gordon at Fenelon Falls Mr, Hetry Wilson and spent Friday Farents on hus re on ol with is spent 8] children In Oshawa's 1930-31 Theatrical Season Begins TODAY... comes smashing heatre-goers | Week after wee talking pictures! Here's opening the doer to sedunger, thrills, soulsgripping and daring courage, with the most excit you've Powell at his powerful hest! a pleture terror climax seen! Ing ever Setting w new entertainment peak the NEW SHOW WORLD SEASON Vint a week is in store for local And this 18 just the beginning of the big parade of hits! ulher coming to the REGENT in this mighty lineup of 1930-3 outstanding inte Oshawn today kK! Hb alter Wit! One on of the Inaugural Attraction Starts Today Just One Great Big Smashing Hit After Another... they are Twa women want him; money, love = and the law one for his one for his wants him for a life term in Jail! You'll thrill to new heart-plercing emo- tions when. you ses and hear SHADOW ij; TURSDAY=SRPT, 1 MORAN & MACK (Two Black Crows) a "Anybodys War" 4-MARX BROS, in "Animal Crackers" .... CONSTANCE BENNETT in "Common Law" ....... CYRIL MAUDE in "Grumpy" ........ CLAUDETTE COLBERT in "Manslaughter" ........ JOAN CRAWFORD in "Our Blush: ing Brides" ...... NORMA SHEARER in Let Us Be Gay." William Powell MARION SHILLING NATALIE MOORHEAD FOLLOWED BY THE HOUSE OF HITS THURSDAY =SEPT, 4 CLARA BOW "Love Among The Millionaires" ed in | of Utica, visited at | of WILLIAM Pow) Ly Lathor Day In ful talking slipparied Paramount of hits Intont and the first pleture his plays in Hinnle Powell | in Ley ' ---- so -- { g onc sto A GEJIERAL REVIE 15 AND CLOSE UPS | ---- W OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES | | FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN ee ---- ------ | In | tantion ol lumbin production setivity, the of the nis full Included in Cobumhian Cupra, Ldongl Harr Hawks, and hoopin vith Kote din po Narmu Te plated thelr naw lectures, und them within the month . tniverenl ha Iiracula whic) the pre od ning novelist | (HURRY "hi ind Doroth Ios Hrown dire reatured Fin Natheaux (uenl tL Lonse under Raovier, | ted the cast, co Columbia Davey Muti 1a le . ' nprind Hobart HY Kddie K ATT] LNA "Madam Matan" In Jenne tap Coell DeMille In halleved to constitute n-re hy nh stnkle director One writer * + of the tipumont An absolute replica has heen hullt the uariet ne "talkie young tinte "héatre dramatint, nt melody In n Ww H, Mi Normun calling Rrougham, Aug, 25--Mrs chin, of Pickering, and My Mechin of Oshawa, were old friends in the village The W, I, Brown fami Sunday with their parent Mr, garant Maleoln of Galt, and Mr. Frank Mualeoln, of Toronto, spent Sunday with thelr relative Members of the Wilham Carlton family of Taronta spent Sunday with Mr, und Mrs, Al Hamilton Donald Wilson entertained ta friends on Sunday Mes, John Miller and sony spent the week-end in Hamilton, guests of George Stevenson Mr. Frank Bareley visited the city over the weeksend and reports Mrs Frank Rareley doing well after her recent operation for appendicitis Mrs, Charles Bareley is making satisfactory progress towards recoy ery and hopes to spon he able to return home, Mrs, Walter Bennett and Miss Mary Calvert of Markhany, have heen visiting the former's aunt, Mrs, John Patterson, 7th concession Mr. Gordon Wallace of Toronto, ealled on 'I C, Brawn on Saturday, Mrs, Richard Allen of Helena, Ark, Dr, Ben Churchill and W, J, Chu chill of the "Wisconsin News" and Miss Churchill of Wisconsin called to see the Brown fannly during the week, The family resided here nears ly 60 years ago and were pleased to find some friends of the old days, Rain was very welcome and much needed, hut it put No, 7 highway in bad condition where the steam shovel {8 in opration, part of the road near Markham tewnline being closed ta traffic on Sunday Some parties unknown had a nars row escape on Monday night when they took a wild plunge at the four corners through the diteh, hit the steps of the Drown residence and returned to the read, waking the neighborhood, hut were able to get on urdu apent I'oren und family, und Mrs, away. unrecownized, The only dams orld drama Matrodtioldwyn-Mayei fnman BROUGHAM NEWS | ian Toy renter and more pre hin secured the services In the Industry Kk directorial staff are Hiystone, HIP Y directors Frank Howard Maming, John Ld \ hd United have com releasing Kiddie ( Artiste ntor will he ' . paring for the screan version of will produce. Louls Bromfield, duptation lack Holt Harry fenturing second August release production whieh has an unusually Iarge 100 Het | turpis » » child Arhtur Matt Housman, Moore, Louis wn Macpherson's thirtysninth screen story producer-director Thin for number of seripts furnished » LJ Kent, 0 the Penshurst for "Thread Petey Godfrey, mithy at British. studios mine which directing A a ---------------- known hox of broken bottles I'he W.M.S, met Mes, John Phillips, on Thursday afternoon. In the absence of the president, the vice-president, Mrs folin Miller took charge of the meet. mg, There wax a good attendance al nn interesting program, Mrs, 'hillips and daughters served very dainty refreshments to those present, My Mrs. Stanley Johnston were guests of the L, Jolnston tamitly during the week, Mes HIE of Stouffville is visiting her dunghter, Mrs, 1, Phillips and family, Mr, and Verona, New \" Was i heer at the home of Mrs, DD. Turnbull of Jersey, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey this week, Mr, Howard Cluff, Albert Harvey and Mrs, Cosgrave, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the Harvey home, COURTICE ** Courtice, Aug, 35=Mrs. Jack Hicks, Fovonto, spent a few days with her sister, Mes, Ly A, J, Short and cele brated her mother's birthday, Mise 8. 8, Brooks is ip Toronto with her daughter, Mrs, Marshall Sonles, , Mp, and Mrs, Jesse "Arnot, Miss Nernfee and: Master Jack of Maxwell spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, H, IY, Osborne, Mr. and Mrs, Bradt, Oshawa, were recent visitors of Mrs, A. F, Rundle, Mrs, Will Perey, Toronto, spent a few days with her sister, Mra, 8, S. Rrooks Mr. Ronald Courtice returned to Toronto, after spending twe weeks at home Our: Pastor, Rev, H, C, Wollraim, Mra, Walfralm, Master Harry and Min Helen, are holidaying in Col. arne, i (Aton those who attended the Ex hibition have been Miss Louise Cours tice, Master Donald and Lawrence Courtice, Mr. Robert 'Courtice, Mr, Alan Law, Messrs, Gordon and Ken neth Osborne and Jas, Hancock, Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World a ---- wr PORT PERRY Vort Perry, Aug. 25=~Mr, and Mrs i, B; Flint, of London, Ont, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, FV, Harris, last week, Mrs, Cowan was the guest of Mrs Britton last week, Mr, Prank Gould of Warkworth was the guest of Port Perry friends last week, Mr, and Mrs, FVdward James Dutton and Miss Frances Dut ton and Miss Lillian Payne of "Tor onto, were week-end guests at the home of Mr, J. C, Cockburn, Miss Margaret Forman has re turned home ufter spending #4 vaca tion at Point Au Baril Mr, and Mrs, Winnett Nesbitt Detroit, are visiting his father, Wm, Neshitt Mr, and Mrs, W Miss Frances, have Wellington, where they spending a short holiday Mr, and My Parker daughters of Montreal, ) Scott of Westport, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, V, ( wart lust week, Middle School High School Betty Bland=Comp, ( Hist, 2, Geom, 2, Lat, Comp Darothy Balfour-=A, Hist Geom, C, Lat, A 2, Lat Al Fr, Comp, 1, Agr, | of Mr, A, Christy and returned from have heen two Miss the Tag and and results, Port Perr it Comp A Harle Geom, 2, Lat AS, Comp, |, torey A, Hist, C, Ad, Lat, Comp Agr, 1 ( beare--Comp, €, | Ballour C, Lieom, ( ker Tean Caw Robert Cawker Ceeom, 3, Agr. 11 Mervin Cuarrali Comp (, Hist 1, Geom, 2, Agri Veda | er Inez Fralick Tom Harris A AC, Fr. Comp hora Kaufman--A C, Fr. A 2 Fr. Comp Melville Lakey- Comp Hist, C, Geom, 2, Agr. 1] Kuby Lee~A, Hist, 3, Lat bat. C, 1. Fr. A Comp, | William Lyle mp 3, C, Hist, C, Geom, C, Agr Florence McMillan Robt, MeMillan=Comp, (, ( C, Geom, C, Agri, 1 ¢ Marjory Mitchell =A 2 Lat, AY Lat, Comp, C, Fr, Comp, I, Agr, 11 ( Alexander Moore --( { Lillia Murp! A Co Lat, A 3 Iat Agr, 11 C, Vr, Comp, | Douglas Nasmith--Comp 3, A, Hist Ag. 2 Lat, A 3 Lat. Comp, 3 ATL Fr. Comp, 1 rie Nasmith=Comp, €, Hist, 2, Geom. 1, Agr. 1 ( Hugh NindwComp Hist, 2, Geom I, Agr. 1 3 Irva Nott--=Geom, (, Josie Nott=Comp, ( Hist, 2 Marjorie Hist, ( Walter Comp Hist Hist, C, Alg Fr, A | omp Hist Conip 3 Fy Lt 1, GC "hoenix Phoenix C, Hist, 1, Alg, ( Frances Raines=A, Hist 2, Geom, I, Lat, A C, Lat A2 Fr, Comp 1, Agr Donald Shepherd «( 3, Geom, ( gi | Beverley Smallmar A 3 Fr. Comp, ( George Tinsley Hist, J, Geom, C, Father Turner~A Geom, C, Lat, A ( Fr. A 1, Fr. Comp. 1, H 3 Helen: Vickery Melvin Williams Comp Alg, 2 Comp, 3, Fr J 3 Hist 3, Comp \ Fi A. Hist 3 Comp, C, Lit, C, Agr. 12 Hist, 3, Alg, C, Comp. 2 I & Agr c Lat Agr Agr. 1 23 Comp. C, TYRONE Tyrone, Aug, 26, Mra, Patter son, of Cannington, has been visit ing Mrs, BE. White Mr, and Mrw visited his alnter, Orono, recently, Miss Flora McRoberts, of Osh Awa, In visiting, Miss Laverne Durs Bonn, Miss Clara Woodley and Mr, 0, W. Woodley recently visited Mr, and Mra, Alf, Gulley, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, C, D. Hodgson and little non, Glenn, have removed to their new home in Oshawa this week, Miss Rena Rall, of Leskard, in visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Virtue, Miss H, Went, of Toronto, ia visiting Mr, and Mrs, H, Annis, Mra, A, W, Clemens spent the week-end with friends among the Muskoka Lakes, Mra, Frayne has gone to To. ronto for a faw days visit, Mr, John Chalmers spent week-end in Toronto, Dr. and Mra, W, T, Willard mot. ored from Toronto and spent Suns day at J, R, R, Cole's, Misn Helen Baker, of Solina, Is Juiting her aunt, Mwy, Howard Miss Winnitred Cole, Miss Qiks bert and Mr, Ward Gilbert mots Seed Jon Toronte and spent Sun p ® . af ie home of Mr, and Mrs, - Mr ud Mra, Sid Lloyd and Alden Ho spending a week motoring, ph Ir Ing and fishi A distriot, NE in the Robeaygeon - Horatio Hilla Mra, Btutt, of the T, Hoar, Mas 85 Bond Street, West, Dutton, | | citing Story of the Ad- venturous West Hoot scree toda onto the Theatre Gibson will galley the New Martin "Roaring Ranch" one of the fastest and mosey exciting pic tures of Wis thrilling carcer It is wll-talking "Roaring adyenturon ne sizzling and conspiracies runs Hoot's humor The plot deal two mer weologist ol 1] Ranch" West deals with the the height of There are fight and through i own particular 'brand of speed efforts of the other a hand of a pret I'he ecret oil discovery, action uplenty the final und himself Hoot Hpporting cast h and capable part of lly Vilers, one of promising of the younger tresses of the scree The also includes Wheeler young Bobby Nels and Leo White Hee Fason, who directed, story of "Wouring Ranch," perfect. ro J pla vh himself, of with the one a ranches to win the ty school complicated by a and teucher uation | there | up and including fadeout has assem of an unus order, Pla ld ) ihe thie lending | charming most Ht notable Okman Frank Clar} CHS le mn the iil be fury rancher japectis perfect tornado vhen he finds out frying ta "put There n't ou osplit "ne in "Roaring Ranch" wha like 1) pleture ust thst iwi he « thrills HEPHESE lous efforts ure fir ounted on In even Hoot ean 0 deliver speed and "Roaring R (he teh" he hest of his pre There nre signs of encourage meant for the grape industry in the Okanagan valley In British Colum bin, This season growers have heen offered about $100 per ton hy a Victoria Winery company, and in addition to this outlet there 1] good market on the prairies grapes aw a fruit Unlon Terminal Elevator Winnipek, will Increase the storage capacity of Its big ole vitor at Port Arthur by one mil Hon hushels at a cost of #450,000 according to an announcement from the Inkehend, k In for The Compnny, LS all | also Ee. | My Famous Cowboy Ace In Exciting Story Of The Adventurous West Famous Cowboy Ace in Ex y | | CLAREMONT Claremont Aug, 25--Miss Hilda Selman, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Miss Jennie Michell of Toronto, returned home on 4 riday evening af- ter a pleasant visit with her relatives in the village Mi Mrs, have up mont welcome midst Mr, Je Soyer da other White of Maryland in Clare them to our and tuken We residence of with relative Detroit, spent his brother during the v couple Ira and week, Mis home of Betty Madill returned to her Voromto, alter 4 two weeks her aunt, Mrs. Esther Pal- MeVaurlane, of Kitchener vacation with Mr, and cott and other Clare Cott | §] friend ng | # mont * A much needed rain fell on Sat« urday afternoon, the late crops will greatly benefited, . Miss Mary Calvert and Mrs, Wale ter Le ef Markham, spent seve with Mrs, Min« Ine 1 eral days last weel Bennet Miss Neave have Hiry mn nie Green who Mrs, E, home and Mi ting Mr, and returned to their heen vi iit hive Foronto, Margaret Overland and bros wdon returned from their vae vith their grandparents M ther Cation pent Forin Mr, and their heusehe Monda ile Mi Mi M. |. Wilker moved Id effects to Toronto on where they will in future re Enid Cook and Miss Edna returned from a week's camping Claremont Horticultural Soe holding their Flower Show Masonic Hall on Saturday, Joth, from 3 to 9.30 pm, Ree will be served, Admis« in have viteation The ciety are in the Aug freshments sion 10 cent A Garden Party under the auspices of the Park Board was held on the Memorial Park on Friday evening last programme was furnished by Ontario County Militar Band Their selections were of a very high class, Bands« man Depnis and Sargeant Luke each gave a vocal solo, Bandsman Demp- sey played a corenet solo, Bandsman played un xylophene solo ind Bandsman Hamm an eboe sole. The audience was not as large as the programme merited grounds I'he the MeCrossin Ouerlooking the Ocean at Hlinols Avenue NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL AN ENSEMBLE OF LUXURY \___AND COMFORT SHOWERS AND BATHS RATES AMERICAN PLAN BOUBLE FROM 41. SPECIALWEEKLY RATES EUROPEAN PLAN IF DESIRED 'GARAGE CONNECTIONS SURF BATHING direct from hotel FETTER uN dye ) or LLINGER 2 EUGENE C.FETTER, Ang. Din ) AT } 7 DRAMA WITH THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE HOOT GIBSON WHIRL-WIND 'WESTERN COMEDY SALLY EILERS ANCH' NEW MARTIN SATURDAY AND MONDAY ER EI WILD COMPANY COMING TUES. "WED. CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD IN "SO LONG LETTY" HILARIOUS COMEDY CARTOON CAPERS "NEARLY MARRIED" A WORTH WHILE £I7°

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