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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 11

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Rss ---- a SAI PO A Ih, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN AAR" where, S ED SEC] ler VL ION \ CONANT & ANNIA, BAWWTETENS|DI © Notaries Publie, Ete, and paperal prac tice of law, Offices 7% Bimeoe St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D, Conant, BA, LLB; AV, Ane nis, B.A, LL.D W HB. N, SINCLAIR K.C, BANK of Commerce Building, JOBEPH P, IANGAN, TA, --DAT rister Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Money to loas, Of floes 14% King St, East, Osbewa, Phone 446, Jesidence phone Ki7, ORIBABON, CREIGHTON AND 'raser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publle, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Bimeoe coe St. Phone 12, J. ¥, Grisrson, K.C., 7. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C, Vyager, B.A, J . (O0TH 8, WYMAN, DANKIETER, $olleitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street porth, Phone 67, Rest: dened S473W,. a (MEER AND HUSMTPHREYE BAR visser, Solicitors, ete, 24% Bim- #00 Bt. N. Pnone 8160, Money to LOAN, a alas ALEN"0, MALL, 5A, HARRIR- ter, ety, Conveyancing and general practice, 22% King Bt, Eas, Phone 3287, a (tf) A. J. PARKHILL, BARKISPEK ets, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op: posite Prst Office, Phone 1014, FRANK 8, LBDS, DBARNISTEN, Solleitor, . Notary 'ublie, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third tioor new Alger Bullin;, opposite Pos Office, Phone 2000, Bolleltors, Conveyancing Medical BRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disneys Block, Phone 2060, Of- fice hours 0 a.m, to 8.80 pm, Dr, B, J. Hazlewood, special attestion to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B H. Harper, special attention to child ren's Diseases and Obstatries, Bune fay and night ealls 2416 or 123, , McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR DR. Mek her, Office and resis dence. King st, East, corner Vie torig Bt, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of fnfants and children, Office and vesidence, #7 Bond Kest, Phone 2180 imine oaa ema ---------- DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, L. R, C, P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phys slelan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 14% Bimeoe St, N, Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadlllne Ave, North, Phone 4186, _ 'DR, C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 612 Simeoe Street north, «Phone 2416, = 5 br J. ARCHER BROWN PHYSI- sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and renden:e, 188 Simeos Street, i North phone 3107 . Veterinary Surgeon CPR BATRLEY, VETERINATTAN , Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 803 ing West, Telephone (40, Ring (6 aug th) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PRT, HRYANS OITT00 BLOOR Street West Toronto will he at his office over Juv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, "Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ) TOHARDAON, specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2600 and 432), Architects UC, FTENAOURD --- OENTNAT architectural work, KFecond floor, Royal Bank Bullding, Phone 1496, ton, phone 000], Lu THOMSON AND JOHNEON, AR: soclate architects, Simcoe St, 8, Over elt Bros, i-------- Watch Repairing iA, VON OUNTEN EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is sollolted, Las Seco and Dealer NEW AND BRGOND WAND TUR: niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St, 1, Phone 1017M, (Aug. 22-1 mo) a UU UU Rates for Classified Ads. First toserticn=--114 ocenta per word, Minimum charge 80¢, Each supsequent oconsecus tive insertion lo pe? ward, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first \naertions (three cents a word), Minimum oha for three insertions, €0 oents, Bux number 100 additional Professional or HRusinem Cards, $3.00 por month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per wonth for each wdditional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS CONT LITTLE: AO OOMPLISE NUCH Ask for Classified Ad Department Dental WAG sett's, Special attention to X-ray work, Oas extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 06), House 181%, north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Cas for extraction, Phone hd, OILY, VW, BROCK, DENTINT, 16 Simcoe Bt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Res, 202W, Bvenings hy appointment. ______ DI," LANGMATD, Dit, DAVIES, Dencists, 87 King Bt. E, Special attention to gas extraction and X- vay work, Nurse In attendanee, Phones 1248 and 864, Optometrist 0 HW, TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, snecinlist In muscle snomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Kye Care and Eye Strain, The Jhila and Its Development, Dis hey Moss opposite Post Office one 16146, (Aug, 17-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING WT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence B42 Mimcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, Hn ORHAWA RURTAT™ 00, M71, Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Bervine, day and night, Phone 1082W, K7 Celina, 4tr) Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE, 10 King st. west, Oshawa, The old. est Fira Agency In Oshawa, 40 Re. putahble Fire Companies WHEN" PLACING INBUTANCE gomsult MN. N. Johns, B80 Eimcoe porth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro- tected, Transportation CARTAGH AND BTORAGE COLE. man's, 86 Bond wast, Hpecialists in furniture moving sLOTagEe WAre: house and moving van equipment, Phone 82 ee a CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and einders, Local and lous digtanes hauling, smith & Cox P'hone 024, 10 Hond Ft, West, OSHAWA OLDERT RsTATH lished furniture movers, Park load cartuge, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd south, Phone 215. (Aug. 241 mo) MOVING CARTAUE, ALO HAND, gravel, stone, black loam, hauled anywhere, Phone 1070W (Aug, 29-1 mo) RR LAR 1 RR Beauty Parlors IFFT LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop, Hpeeclallsts (n permanont, finger and marcel waving, er manent wave prices $6, $7.60 and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culure, Phone 2008, Apply 86 Himeoe street north - TRPENT MANCELTING BY BiT- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Bhoppe. Marcel and shame poo §1, Phone 2008, - mi WATHONE ~~ BARAIR ~~ "AND Beauty Shop, § Celina 8t, We speor fallze In ladies' halr cutting, mare colling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For apprintments phone 2464, (Aug, 171 mo) PRADY' RE BATNHER ROOT, § Itlehmond Ht, Kant Ladies' halr cutting, 'curling, marcelling, ete I, M. Brady, prop, Phone 016 (bbe) . i hia Radio Service PATTERTES CHARGED The with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Htan Bligdon, 20 Min Bt. Phone 1880W, (Aug, 2 ® OFHAWA™WADIO HERVICE=HK: pairs on radios, power packs and elimipators, Tubos tested and supplied, radio poles for cale, Batteries charged und repaired, Phone 38060). Charles Wales, 140 Ligin east, (Aug, 13-1 mo.) GAN ON RADIO BATTERY, called for and delivered, 7b, Phone 1666) (18Aug-1 mo) ANVVART OT ADO WETY R: paired, battery sets electrified, ne. censories for sale, I'rices reason: able, Phone 2800W, George Bur: roughs, certified radiotriclan, (Hept, 21 mo) Money to Loan CUANE ON GOOD CITY PROPHET: ty and farinn, Apply A, J Parks hill, 87 King St, East, Phone 1614, (July 81tt) NTYOU RNEQUIRT MONEY, WE arrange first mortgage on your ronidence, if well located, Bradley Drow, over Ward's, 8imooe South (July 28th ON YOUR AUTOMORITL CARS refinanced. Payments reduced, Additional cash given, Terms ren. sonable, Motor Loans and Diss counts, Bulte 6, 14) King st, HE, Phone 2700, Open evenings, (Aug, 18 t1,) Auctioneer Qu 1 W, J, SULL AUG. tioneer, 346 Simcoe St 8 Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patrons age solicited. Hematitching HEMSTITCHING, PFICOTING, nine cents a yard, Pleating skirts one dollar, drosses cut and fitted perfectly, Kmbroldery work and all kiuds of men's repairing, ete, The Dall Shop, 2014 Simcoe scuath, Phoun 1606, (Aug: 23-1 mo) | MATIAM 1 $10} All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Fic. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal! arcounts of this nature, and collect for same. For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient w come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT For Rent TO TENN EW "8X oO M house, wll conveniences, electri fixture, garage, rent $26 per month, #4 Cadillse Avenue (B0c) AVANT == ROOME, (iN tral pix suite building, hol water, _aloctria rofvigerator, steam heat, veedecornted, furulshed if desired hone 1400, (he) Fon IIIN we FURNIEH GD rooms, every convenlence for lght house keaping Apply 211 Clarke Hlreel, morning or evenings (he) A AR 5, ol " For Sale or Rent FORFAR OI WENT=0 "ACT good house, barn, garage, chicken pon, summer cottage, small fruit, ete, 1 mile from Oghawe, Phone HARAW (hie) ' ew A # ad -- Real Estate For Sale FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, NEWLY pupered and painted, foside and oll, WHI wall cheap, Phones 404M (hike) Articles For Sale MINED HARD ANG 20F 1" WOOD) slabs, $4.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited | | | ! Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKY, BAND AND gravel for snle="To farure prompt delivery, place wders In Advance of delivery date, W, BDorrowdaie Phone 1618, > " - vw Falmist NENA, PALMIST, 346 Appointments, 'hone HERE AY Wapt, 4-1 ma) MADAME BROWN, PALMIRT, Phone appointments S686F, V3 Louisa street (Aug 40-1 mo) KAV=TPALMINT AND reandar hi iviston (be) a MADAME Buena Vista, fon cup 1014W, FE aR uid Motor Cars GIT YOUR CAL WASHED AT Jominion Garage, h¥ Bond streot west, Phone 3108, All curs at oue price $1,00, (Aug, 17-1 mo) PORTIA COUPE, Thik MODEL, excellent shape, price reasonable, part eash Balance, eaxy monthly payments Must be sold to clear Hen Phone 2700 Motor Loans and discounts 14% King Kast, upstairs, Caulking to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fucl, shuts out insects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, glves comfort Ior estimates apply to J. I, Law AON, route Oshawa, phona 783 re (Aug, 21-1 mo) a Agents Wanted DON'T WORRY SALARY INCREASED SELLING Imperial Art ""Made-In-Cinada' Christman Greeting Cards, Heleo tion entirely now, Novelty and beauty combined, at prices une equalled elsewhere, Hrmplo book pant on approval to reliable men and wymen only, Write "Imperial Art", 51 Wellington West, Tos ronto " " (Aug #0) . Music LEONARD RICHER, LP.AM, Sus pervisor of Music Publie Schools, dis rector of Musie Oshawa Collegiate, Lessonat Vielin, Theory, ete, Only limited number of pupils accepted 652 Carnegie Ave, FPhone 257817, (Aug. 25th) MRE, MEREDITH "MOFFATT, A, T.0,M,, Is prepared to take a lim ited number of pupils In pianos forte, Apply #0 Roxborough Avenue, Phone 45611W, Aug, 27-1 mo) TETHER CT TRENEER, ATC M.,, Organist apd Cholrmaster of King dtreet Church, will accept pupils in plano, pips organ and vocal muse, 60 Willlam Htreast Bast, Phone 2806, 28 to Hept Fa (Sept, 8 tf) VETA STRPHENSON, ACT, OTN, teacher of plano and theory, On the staff of the Toronto Conservas tory of Musgle, Studio, 48 Aberdeen at, Sal : 'Aug, 40-1 mao) ANNTE MoMARTRR ATOM, Teacher of Plano, studio 17 Cons naught Street, Phone 1161, (Sept, 8-1 mo.) or Dressmaking DESIMARER WILL 00 0UT iY the day or sew at home, Phone dow, (Aug, 21-1 mo) 5 IN AND children's dress and nurses' unis forma, Phone 677J or ¢all at 211 Albort 8, (Aug. 181 mo) Contracting w- CGONURETE lastering, eleotrie o alterations hone 130 for estimates. ()¥tt) For Rent APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, WKvery conveulence, Phone 1880 or 2347W, (30) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All fondnisnce hardwood floors Apply Bradley PON LLL , NEAR NOTE ora office, All conveniences, Hard wood floora throughout, fireplace, sun parlor, Apply #1 Ritson Road North, (Aug: 20-1 wo) For Rent FTRCOT MANO FOUTTAND five room. sultes, electri stoves, refrigeration, laundry, ences, Apply superintendent phone shiil, (hhtr) VICTORIA APA MTTR TA A new low rentuls, electrie refrigern tion, electric stove, washing much Ine and dryer, Apply superintend ent, Phone 20610) (hhtt) BACHELOR ACCOMMODATION lurge bedrooms 2 hathrooms and genial companions Ing fio Bimeoa Ki TWo on THRE} FURNIEHED or unfurnished rooms, All conven ences, heated reanonnble rent Apply 788 Bimeoe south 1002W (ONE) TO RENT=BEMALL COMPO ubly furnished kitchenette wpurts ment, private entrance, Kround oor, 86 Centra street { TO RENT AVAILABLYK ber first, 6 rooms new hardwood throughout, mantle blinds, fixture worm windows and electri hone 1143M FRONT APARTMENT, 4 and bath with Murphy lectrio stove, sink, | undry bination Newly decorated, lox B42 "ime (h¥tr TO RENT IX ROOM HOUHL, oll convenlences, moderate Apply 80 Brock sireet aust (hNe) TOT RENT-SWIVETRAOGS and wun room, central location, all conveniences, Winter conl in Apply 37 Bagot street (ON) FO RENTSSNINE ROOM "HOLTD brick house, 466 Bimeoe south, all conveniences, steam henting, pos wension. Oct, first Phone 08 (uke) STONE AND DWELLING ON Prince strest, all newly decorated #46 per month, Apply J, D erford, 104 Celina street gas) (ONL) FOR "RENT = "FURNISHED apartments for light housekoen Ing, all conveniences central Phone 2207 106 Colborne east (hNe) NEW "TIVE ROOMES IRICR bungalow, hardwood floors, ull conveniences Dloor street west $20 per month. Phone #4KNJ, (Bept, D1) TOMRNT=ARCINGTON AVERT bungalow, newly decorated, onk floors, all convenlonces, garage $10, 314 Dearborn Avenue, oak floors, fireplace, all conveniences, $40. Apply 408 Bimeoe north (hNe) 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMR TO rent, 1064 RNoxborn Avenue, (0h) TO TRNT=TWE ROOMS UNTO: nished 149 Roxhoro Avenue Phone #261, (he) TARO WED ATTN ROOM, Of light housekeeping room, In prive ate home, All conveniences, Cons tral, Apply 106 Albert St, conven! Common room, slhiowal Con Apply e north (hur VK) OcTo home, wleetiri EnTngn, BlLovi (hike) NOOM hed extra oon Phone (G00) TRODMED HOUSE FRENCH WI, | $86, 8 rooms, Arthur Also 4 rooms, Prince St, #18 I'hone Holden 471W, (Hh) FOR RENT<A NEW "HIGHT roomed house, close to Collegiate, Modern in every way, Large enough for two families, Rent $40.00, Apply 84. Allee wtreet, Phone 2001, (000) GARAGE TO ~ RENT -2 MRE Short, 18 Warren Avenue, "hone 127, (fhe) 8, #10, TO RENTS FIVE HOOMRED Phone (G0) house, Convenlences. 111aM, Phone | HOUSE | Ruths | Phone 1288 SApr ii) FOR BALE==HEINTZMAN co LA, planos, new and used planos, wlwo radios, Iatest models; terms arranged, Awply Q, Trull, Phone AY) (1111) FOIL WALK == PAINTH, VARN inhos We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishns, ete, in in. the elty The Puint Htore, KO King wtreet west (Apr, 36 Lt) ATH EDTIAL EI fn ix I'imes yon trie rad Cabinet model Hent condition I y ax HJ tale {Ll ACL TRED RT | evel reduced | Also C1 M TO nnd lon 14 mond fro pe "hn n (aon) | "OR BALE--TLAYER PTANO IN F060, Will arfect condition Cont player John "hone (B0n) PECTAT, Invi nt no hot i neluding 100 roll Spirella Shop MPTHKELLA NRINGE health, comfort, Pérsonal atten: thon and service, Phone Mrs, lilat. ter, District Manager, 2180M, (AUR 2:1 mo) Room and Board | ROAD ARH HOON IN PRIVAT | tamil Moto Aro But WTYLE, vine walk to wiv, hone 10621 (he) I'wWa Hock ROOM A private home Phone HOARD FOR Apply 14 13480 vl) mn | roel. went (hoe) Help Wanted--Male VOCALIRT, TENOR AND RARN wanted for eity ehureh ehinly, Vol | ntar Also Instrumentulist for | Aen tra, Phong 8110) (hike) | Wanted to Rent | [| W ANTED TO RENT-= IMMEDI: ately five or six ropm house, 2 ndults only, liviwg room not less { than 16 x Owners only, hon 1240 (Lom) hE . TER WoT Help Wanted---Female WANTED EXPERIENCED plonographer Apply stating ase, length of experience, whera work od, to Hox Times 13, ote, Dah (hohy Nursing MATRRNITY NURHE -- DINEN pared Other cases taken, reason able, 1014W, (doh) PRACTICAL NURSE, DISKN- paged will take Invalid, * maternity, general nursing, hone 4034), (Sept, #1 mo) ad am a eh Sl Help Wanted MEN AND WOMEN WANTED tor Interesting work Apply 36 Ontario street, Hotween 6 and 8 Im (hse) i FRET Fun RR a en Elocution LIGSHONETTN REGCUTTON AND public speaking, private or in clupwes, For terms plhione Lol Mundy, No, 48, (Lhr) Work Wanted IRTHERIENCED MATH DIEETRES general housework, Phone 17T34W (hoe) ATFINNTEIT COOKS GENERAL DI. nires position, Phone 2781M, (don) RE RR RR RR "Painting an or d Decorating it GUTROLE, TINET GLASS PAs perhanger, paluting and graining, Pricea right, work guaranteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone S068w or 2067w, | brary vari ling (rate) PAIR LIVED ON FISH TWO DAYS Two Fishermen Have Har. rowing Experience After Losing Ship in Fog HE John's, Nfld. ~The blood and flegh of raw codfish wax the drink and food that sustained (wo young Newfoundlanders during the forty elght hours they wears natray from the Lunenhurg fishing schooner Al uation recently, Low fog henesth brilliant sun and a waler surface Whe glasg were the conditions under which Alfred Hardy, 10, and Jameg Baker, 20. both of Hencontra Vast, finally reached fund hy oar and well nfrey leaving the schooner in a dory und falling to locate the vessel later owing to the low-lying fog The Alsatian, commanded Captain Harold Corkum, took halting at Caplin Bay and sulled far the Grand Banks, where it en gaged in Aehing for four days On the morning of the last day, Mon duy, Hardy und Baker the sehooner ng dory matos Their duty was to shift the 24 lines, atch Neing BO fathoms In length, The) then steered un course In the Ap parent direction of the schooner No hell or horn was heard, howe) und no slgn of the vasgel could he in the dense fog The rowed until night ap prosehed, when they sol a wert course hy thelr compueg and put up sill tn hope of striking land or helng sighted hy some eraft Books ROBEITRITAW CICULATING You will enjoy reading the Fietian at minimum cost 1474, Wimeoe Kt, North ("Mellel tH) Pets and Live Stock. MYLLETH AND COCKER en our display at Wm, Kdgell, North (hie) ALT ==THAT GO00 QUIET ents old and milking good (hie) hy an laft detected fishermen ver ----t latent Phone 81 HOCK ele for Oshawa Onhinwa Fon » tow [ Phonas 420 Oshawa Wanted To Buy WANTED 50 WHITE LEGION Apply 300 Albert Phone 13460 "at hen slreet, Oshawn (fle) Auction Sale AUCTION RAYE MTRRE WILT ba sold at K§ Wing Htveet West Onhinwe, on Friday, September 13, 1000, tha following goods, 1 eles terfiald sulte, 0 place walnut din ing room suite, breakfast suite, kitehen cabinet kitehen table and chairs, Quehee enok stove with tile i @loca bedroom dimmon heads complete, 1 dress ing tuble and nent, 4 plece wicker pulte, number of rugs and carpets, quantity of dishes and eooking utensila, The above furniture is all in first clans condition, Nala will ha held Inside rain or shine, Sale at 1.40 pon, sharp, Terms cash, W, J, Hulley, Auctioneer, back, (Ahh) Lost and Found COENTR OVERCOAT, Varty ean have smo hy proving wwnership and paying for nd Phone 42371TW, (0a) OUND Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William James IHobbe, late of the City of Oshawa, in tha County and Provinces of Ontario, Gardener, deceased, Notice ia hereby given that all persons having claims against the entate of Willlam James Hobbs, who died on or about the Twenty third day of July, A.D, 1830, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required on or hes fore the Fifteenth day of October, AD, 1080, to wkend notice to the undersigned solicitor for the estate of the sald William James Hobbs, decensed, with thelr full names and addresses and full particulars In writing of thelr claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Adminiatratrix will proceed to distribute the ass sete of the sald deceased among the parties entitled thereto, and will not he liable for the sald as- Heth or any part thereof te any perion of whose elalm notice shall not have heen received at the time of such distribution, Dated at Oshawa, this Tenth day of Reptember, A.D, 1030, JOBEPH I". MANGAN, Narrator &e,, Ouhawa, Ont, for Louisa Hobby, Administratrix, Solicitor north; suite, J On Tuerdiny morning the weaths WHE YOry warm Thelr thirst becoming slinost unbearable, the men split some of the figh in the dory, dvinking the blood nnd ent ing some of the flesh, Little was sald of how the men gpant the rest of that doy and night, hut the cons tnued worm weather and lack of supplies Indicates (to some extent the ordeal suffered, AL daybréul Wednesdu morning, wu reflected Heht in the sky led Baker 10 he lave Bt, John's wag within reach An hour later they thought they ware off Caps Bt, Vrancis, Taking down sail, they vowed (on fishing slags nour a house and found they were at lat Hock, Bt, John's Yast, where neither hud ever heen hefora, They given food, tohaceo and shelter, nnd left Inter dny for #8, John Hhuleen hy thelr sxperieneos, Har dy and Baker decided to give up the fixhing for this year very dory helonging to a sehoon apernting Chrnnd Bunks, A GINErEen( hut their tid the ar wir in the VOyiie or, an the ig required gupply of food wind am Wil not Ko [men to carry WHEY up plied | ' CANADIAN CATTLE TO GO TO CHINA I'he Jlodstein Canada has ind thout bought sh Columbia, The hint &in Janu pure bred Hol Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Bh Ek of i RA | ta Ching will bie Stite Nefora placing Automobile Ine gurance, get my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dears born Fark, subdivision, west of Bimeos N, J. H, R. LUKE Negent Theatre Nidg, ' JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONY J. W. Wernill, Oph, D, Kyesight Specialist 'hone 8215 TR | A Bond Strest, West, BI, _-e", Men's - Suits, Regular es. $1250 Special .... Dominion Clothing Co. || G8 King Bt, W, Phone 2144 -------- a ------ a PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt, 8 = Wes Deliver deli LA LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lamber ang Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 824 Whithy 19 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your walch is uot giving satisfaction we can repair aud meke it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Wateh Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awn Rallroads 10 King st, W. Phone 180 BC ..u, Expert Watch Repairing URNS JEWELRY STORE King & P'riace Ma, Less than 8 per cent, Ash MALLETT BROS. Albert Nt, Phone 8000 Te TN HC BY Y, Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King St, W, Phone 1214 ES, = ------ Ontario: Motor Sales Ltd. FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade Just points, adjust garburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 000 models, 00 Simcoe Nt, South Ye CAREW LumBiR (0 4 AlTHOL LW OSHAWA Hn -- Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner fl} ELENA STREET BARGAIN Heick, 7 rooms, all convenls ences, worth 84300, but $8500 will buy it, The more eash you pay the cheaper you get it, Make offer to DISNEY REAL ENTATH Phone 1380 For Fireproof Garage 900 Carnegie Ave, Use CEMENT BLOCKS W. BORROWDALE Phone 1088 anil . COAL COAL hone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard=-di Woop Atreet B. Orders 'romptly Delivered - Disney EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Spailnlining exclusively in muscle bid ++ and glasesn. W10=Phone=1510 Blok + Opposite Bert Olfeg ELLA CINDERS--A Big Order By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb

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