oe. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Revision, it Court of his home uf the away in where he has always lived SCHOOLS Belleville the seliools fer Cation CORNWALL TAX RATE Cornwall Cornwall's tux vite 1980 is the lowest since 1920 Iie general vate is twenty-one mills with a rate of five and oneifth mills for public school supporters and ten mil! for separate school ratepayers LUCKY" THIRTEEN Merrickyville="T'hirtecn wis un usually Jueky somber to Mrs, Junie Sword, of Merrvickyille, who entered thirteen entries in the flower show and received thirtees opr fio [TR i this full [STR AIT ( al hydro line wer in the district Mutint ae LAL) Crs fo ely the | convenience to fl | this district CANNING PL ANT SOLD Deseronto ie old establishe | firm 1h As octted Canners Limit ed has purchased the plant he Kastern Canners Limited TOWNSHIP Peto, = Cli fe vers clerk of the plifashurg, and for of Crowded conditions will present problem to HYDRO EXTENDED anppletion Pleasant C BeHeville terly, M.A. Ontario School addition troduced this year wires of stir toniidy superintendent fur the Deaf manta! work will into the One hupdred plendid farm Jand the institution will b CROWDED mn IT Board of Edu of thi evil farm Bloombie)d inod hey hin mu Hn tre will be made one of the ubjects tatght PICTON PEOPI Piectons se Donald Dinard and [{ Nellie: Todd, both of Picton, everly injured at Grimshy thei cat collided with that of | = obinson, 125 Jigs wor ii Ig oe fromm mnkes singing of far ho 1" LERK DIES H, Wright, for LOW fifty i", tuhip of * onto curs clot | passed Demorestyille was bor 70 years ago and t. NEW FARMING COURSE ~Acocrding to H. Ib, Vet the here, le | » HURT d Rod, LOWER HYDRO BILLS Laid sa tiles in America At Usual Coal Pri Jeddo Premium The Best Produced i DIXON COAL CO. | INCREASED Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines Thompson, principal of hould uppenr on he | conntenance town urotind | month at the substaniul [ will make when they Jowe hilt from the | ti his month in the oth of Kent street the cut in householders' ill cent, mo factor bil his was man on NAVINK fecelve per cent [241 1:2 per | io effect h Lat the dro oe HIGHWAY Aihe WORK k ha Wor ( tion of a permanent | through Athes vith the mith ut 1 On i the village to Delta the eral ces een watrolin in district for se Wir ortunt valuable lou mM treal nun ENROLMENT Accord { Lite the "enrol, mint "0 pg yo You WEEK-END Seedless Raisins HARRY HORNE'S § CUSTARD 160m. 100 22¢ | pkg. 23¢ amo Cake Mixture db Me Fancy Blend ( offer Cras HANDY Geli AMMONIA Powder | H § Phe. 19¢ | | L ittle Chip Orange md Lemon Marmalade, 12 on, . Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, small | : A -- -------- P&G SOAR, 10s. 35 Je 0 onl pm : 8.0, 8 B euttar v s 0.8, C leanser, 3 pad pk. vo for 27 jar 23¢ 3 tina 2 250 |] | | | | BREAD 1 1-21b, Leat 2 for 25¢ we sorted I corice. Allsuris Cais 1b, McLaren's Invincible Jolly Powders, bopkae 205 2e i eh Ke EE Rl McCORMICK'S ROYAL ASSORTED | BISCUITS Pag, 5c | A -------- ---- Fry' a Cocon Ih, tin tin 23¢ Shirriff's Pineapple Narmlade 12 on, .... . jar 23¢ KRAET VEL VE ETA CHEESE 1vo ib rig Ble Fruit Jars, small ....v 00000, dor, 89¢ Fruit Jars, med, ..........,, don. 99 Aylmer PEAS No, 2 Tin Sieve 4 0 Tins 29¢ EM EL nuns smn. andard | PEAS 2 Tin B Tine 20¢ ---------------------- CertsQ) Sure Jell 0000 Jk 29e Sunwheat Blseults 00000000 + pa 28¢ CHOICE CREAMERY : 59c BUTTER ». Size ctical Guarantee of Quality When you shop iat Arnold's you are sure of proven quality in every department, But if for any reason you should be dissatisfied, ur money will be gladly refunded, can always count on Arnold's. c-------------------- ECONOMIES * 2 1bs. 21c LA MB- Ib. 15¢ bh. 20¢ 28¢ ih. 12¢ Beek Roasts Chuck or Round Shoulder ih. 121¢ | Blade Roasts wn 14¢ Thick Rib Roast ih. 18e Fresh Wn AMS 25. -------------------- Sweet Pickled Shidr. of Pork uw 19¢ All Pork Sausage, ....... 1b. 28¢ Corned Beef, sliced ...... Ib. 28¢ Loins Legs La mb Liver Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for Shredded Wheat, . 2 for 19¢ Pink Salmon, tall tin, for Australian Peaches, Large Tins, .....3 for 73c Delmonte Pincapple, crush- ed or sliced Cc round will col- verted into garden plots and agricyls basic Mix were when AA re seizures AZURES inl police highw A For in seliool curriculum and eighty which patistuction homseholders this they their local hydro district STARTS started oj oy halted Inj ( winotineed meetin thie traction \ | la Hie pr GWT. D LOURISHING MES INVIN [Rd GOVT. T0 START WHARVES, DOCKS (Continued from VPage 1) The premier, ns minister of inunen und representative in the cominon of the minister of labor, fook it upon himeelt to personally gud the resolution through the debate 117,000 Unemployed Among other things, 'remief Bennett Indlented there 117,000 persons tf work Canada and added that the wig that many mors would ha amnloved during the coming wintrs He expressed tne opinlon that the government proposals, if placed | into affects, would material re. | dues the number of |) ane nud possibly reduce the total hy sever lal thousands within a fow week The government will deal directly with the in uf colief | Program praozines or | | munieipalitie pram'er stated SEL This mppronch would be ful | A yowed in the granting of one-third | of the total espendod hy | forced to pravide I he (1) wl fire How out 0 in | prospect | un provinces nffocting ¥, the wlio munifeipal Ihe relief other than employment pid, to ting Hnk The Canada hizhwauy hit the go did intend hullding to wecond const to cops! ad A ! Intunce might be fortheoriin federnl treasury, Prom nes for th p he assist the provine tonne up tho mn fran ernment not from | Lhe Hien mid to pro miudn of hig nett tennnee wn connectin pros ine Work, Not Work, not charity not the dol he influence tn the ern en Charity and will ent 1m" tn nti Hennatt net ploy in wild fhe ha Id a would be ap recom } mon vo PAE G1] of with I'm (Cun Inne nent Hepes Council of nl wn which n | tnwn reve After | thie tl hf | nature of a tin reconimenda Hon minis hi propo the re Ie throus honk palling n mune hie unemplo but he (44d hotle late tha eme ' wit no promine vment | ended aT nile In outlinin ol toy nation how the gover: ment mans wn h purliment would ba adied to sup ply, the prime minister sald ther were cortain national underinkin | which iy would not he com [mene i" ordinn wh thin whnrve does might he | Munitelpalition money for necommodnat | instituted [ helleved for work bullding nt once tn Huh uid puny eel wishing SULIE] horrow publi works LAE the program wer promptly ATL this, he wold provid hundreds of men and en | far hotter gonoral sconomi | Hon throughout Canad | Hon, Peter Ve former min! of Labor in tho King { requested an on | the government (hat | discrimination against | men haenuse of politieal nifiation He declared thers hand boen rotten polities played by the Ontario goy ernment In the last eampoalen par | Heularly In the northern part | | might ha 11 H Mn an LAT! man, toy ment govern nranew from there he no unamployed of the province REORGANIZATION (Continued from Page 1) least two oxisting portfolios to othe | or administrative heads, and a gon oral revamping of departmental woervieon ag al present constituted, ure other changes forecast According to the paper, the prospective effected on the Pramlor Ferguson "Should reorgiunization he Hines Indieated, will relinguish Skinny Men Gain 5 Lbs. In 30 Days Feel Superbly : Healthy With | Marvelous New Vitality and Strength--or Money Back! Liver Kxtract 'I'nh health-promoting, invigorating and rejuvenating elo. monts=that's the socret how so many thin, anomie man tre adding wturdy, rugged flesh on their werawny frames--how they're build ing up amaring power of enduy ance, groat vitality and energy, Cod Liver Extractives have been proveribed for years by world's groatest medical authorities for rundown, weak, nervous men, woms- on and children, The great onerglaing, flesh-add Ingeand health-regulating substance, found most abundantly in the Hivers of the lowly Codiish, has hoon oxtracted and put into de- Hghtfully pleadant and palatable sugar coated McCoy's Cod. Liver Katract Tablots, 60 tablets cost only iy conts at Jury & Lovell Ltd, 1 Mitehuil, W. 1, Karn, or any Re und It any skinny man daosn't galn at MoCoy's Cod lotys0 rich in CK PUDDING thospltuls und the org | or IM Ifollo | me nded wn the {ation opomed; | | | | wil employment | ONTARIO CABINET | convenient [ inlsh of the program . "oY CIBLE "oe of wr MucAulpy, M.I.A. fonth York, the education portfolio Lhe premier has administered wince Il government came Into offles; Wr. John M. Robb M. 1. A, Algo will take over the health de partment that will he extended, it be understood to include within fis Jurisdiction the provinels! mental phi general administered by Mr Gon, I 1, Kennedy, SAH suecend Mr, Mar the agricultural de 10 Feopali) th n lo pr "nr mi, hospitals, now Goldie rig MLA, Peel tin ax head of partment "The fourth new nnlzed enbinet in the puper, will be that Rey, Willlamm G artin, MILA, Branttord, who will | antrusted with. the welfure port vis nrgontly report of the thgnted | welfare situ-] face In the re | | in of » | h | which recoms | roeent lon that general rotal comml {lie Inve proyinet New Provincia) Treensurer "Mr, Dunlop with he the ne vinelnl treasure fhe for coed While Hon, J. 1 Monteith, | Lenn roy Ines 1024 will head al 4 of portfolios, | und that of the rotny which It in pro | roe | va | w combination game and fisheries il provine \0 FINE LIVESTOCK SECTION FEATVIRES ever, | for the swine, ns ing only uununl when one niumher wine fin that there he enming the baek action of the the | ho | ear | bars THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 193 IGESTIBLE, Tg G FOR INVALID DES gy PING LAREN' is not the only t in this work Red roster, answers in a breed does provi they lay a good withering staten tam retive with ner of his nl a little thought lenge across the The boast of 1 left uu of his « THES YEAR'S FAIR ( yontinued from V'age 4) and he ry ereditalile wine morning wa i is not breeds nicet with nicer look lenging epithet across the buil tle the hiss been the ready this when he torian quacks er for he exhibit was whole the wil Wis huuy tims thelr moves no judging This dny There this clus veslordany and they moved into thelr peng on the this morning They were of fine quality ave fhe it oem KEABO onnds ne lets on und fotul pity | langage curry nway the The poults the judging of Lis as usual undertaken hy quali though an bul a common reporter | classe aver gels the m=] in the ery one Ig select | lection with the feeling | Tubb, loty of the very |G, } market in the | tion month As we uwinted at | the tart of this story and lookine | best coc vight to the tive stock | hen hird she Falr we til of | of Bowmanyill hint er | show, W. Edge finer showing of livestock | show, Vdna k history of the fah Poultry Show th tins « Woo have I hear t the Customer s-=| look une present " al all cannot zen "x OF eonrer In onl d men aking explon 1d them that oy Hwa will he L bueon the of hest Irwin ol largest Me or of on [4] on oie m nye opinion thorn ne "n i fhe nye Yi Operator Customer = Is Moy Diy KIVINE nn ony lonal pe hint to move « This nt It is hoped of traffic hare 1h tv in 1) | or o | ped will, ngo fare A huge He and hurls looking feathers matter a veteian round of and the very The pri special elas collection Ame that win Jehiode A to be decy hing "| GANDHI REGFIVES NUMEROUS LETTERS challenge that In de a decent meal an ' But He Won't Have Chance to Answer Them Until He Leaves Prison size cw at that, Thi La ent wakes the ban his head in the con mit he emerves after ther chal ht ult He re he Jthod | fon J illenrd the y IW and yonie with und othe crow chal size, ig combs, back and fon ling, Finally to duck who fuirs ul the crow of Presidency, - leader of the independence, in much mall as It comes from every- and pepper" enll them, Poona, Bombay Hy Gandhi, Indian's recelve Mahmatma move for the jull here, n guieten it a couple by HB 0omovie star, 'pall jall authorities letters wre lengthy, others Many contaln sugges- to what Mr Gandhl apd hin ought where letters {the Some peaks of the and are phort ceptionally hey neipal prize re, ditervanians, \ of Foniglishs, Whitby, best colle {uf et Hons ss followers to do with thelr fight Prison oMelals say that a "sur- prising' number are from the Unit. nd and thot several Amerl- rican, WA Vogel, {CAN pondents have written ry, 0, Fraiy, (Heveral timey wondering why thelr GN. Irwin, he letters have not heen answered, In w, 1. L. Crydermar the first place, the keepers explain, e. Dest cockerel i [the nationalist chief who fs being I, best pullet in the held "during the pleasures of the Atkinson government" under a regulation of 1827, could not possibly keep up with all this "fan mall," even if he wanted to and, secondly, the lei. will not he turned over to him the day he walks out of pri- £8 We SLA, coree ruth thi Ls) | ntil 1gon this fine a i ------ Two negro pri taken from two deputy cnr Mob Lynches BIOW (uleker and tempt gpned up i, facilitate the pa In bu thorough- lien now to are | travelling | mm geooba, M| I'wo ( not oners wes to sheriffs here yesterday by a mob and lynched, The two officers were tied to u tree by the mob, near id almost nominal fn futire In from eu that nn rognrding the Globe n it hu uuthovitntive announcement rneid Hree onleinl Ihe cabins amont of Promioey nrran he made bh Ierguson enn next waek x _# fila CANADIAN GIVES STIRRING SPEECH ntinued fram Ia ) ! Ariatid Briand, the Wa | eh In hie) nee condi disn mun hingtn lund dwell « of moral disarmament n " | tion adent to practical | mament Do we not Av hot he, ino tdmit the onfipetion wi | Kellogg ithe forme | uy tiles taken a memaorabl top towards mo In leading the y of Land moment jal 0 thong to rend Ih Hrmument of national poli AM nd tude for of trament world ow ound grit rful nodebt of thnt imperil As Ihe won Retnre hnhie fentfieanee known Peace [ Pact of Paris | Brland's Address Canadinn delegate' wid followed hy that of M France's foreign minister | pounded hig plan for an federation I'he poke before on packed hone Ho told his hearer | 1owooing with a profound Ha then Inunched into a {of the fight for peace, painting [the Drinnd-Kellogg pact as of in | | finite value, Then he spoke of (he | multipliention pacts of arbitras | friondship which ha said multiplied possibilitie The nddre Briand who ox Kuropean | veteran tatesman pers hope Itietory nf { tion nnd greatly pone Reduction hile, | tinued, wore The of hind With [| ment with enormous | He expressed a nEreament would tween France and Italy on naval ['Hmitation, and he declared "I am quite deetded in my will to await the dug whan thera will he no moro war." ° MEN'S ATHLETIC MEET ON TODAY maken it all the more for working people to ste the greater part of these events Tho frst event will ha the five mile race, and it will ho five o'clok before the shorter races and the more spectacular events, will be darted A larger sinh of 'ofticlola from Toronto und Hamilton will bo on hand today to handle (he events, and they will ensure con stunt petion from the start to the of and CRuUppre H armament phakos work met sion Po of hes con n finn! disnrming and would difficulties hope that an | bo reached be of | pene | people which will Baby Show Today Raby Show fd one of the major events of this alternvon, Although it was not duo to stan until three o'clock, anxious mothers, with thelr babies dressed up. in their host bibs and tuckers, begun arriving at the tent where (he Khow wax to be held. The entry Hat, IL was apparent, was to bo a large one, and ono did not envy the judge who was to ba given the roaponsibility of selecting tho win. ning babies, bocause this is ene content In which every entrant has a firm conviction that her baby is the best and finost of nll those onterod, and one cannot blame the mothers for that opinion, This evening, the Fair will come Lo a close (1 a blaze of glory, The grand stand performance whith till od the stand. last night, and ats tracted a turther crowd of hundreds of people on to tho race travk, will ngain be given in its entirety, and when it in over, the fireworks dis. play will be staged to ving down the aurtain on what, it is believed, The 0 money hack, least Oh pounds fn 80 davee-his with the Golden Voice VERYBODY'S listening to, talking about, and buying the new Atwater Kent==the triumph. ant new radio with the Golden Voice! Come in and see why the new Atwater Kent is so far ahead, Test the Golden Voice for sheer beauty of naturalness. See how the new Tone Control gives you four different tone shadings, bringing out low notes or high notes at will, See how simple itis now to get your stations with the new Quick-Vision' Dial=--as casy to read as a big clock «all the stations evenly separated by marvelous new compensating device==no guesswork==no stoop. ing or eyestrain, EVERYBODY WANTS T0 SEE AND "HEAR II i, ------ ;- (PATI ey . rim i AN MODEL 70 Matched Walnut Lowboy Finished in Genuine NOMAR $223 ote ubes, Com with / Sit down and take in the beauty of the new Atwater Kents, There's a design and size for every home. Let us put the wonderful new Atwater Kent in your home today. NEW QUICK.VISION DIAL w=tehole range of stations right in front of you. Easy to read as a clock, Touch of your finger whisks in your program. Speed! Convenience! Accuracy! Malcolm & Hill, Limited, Kitchener, Ont., Canadian Licensees Licensed hy Canadian Radio Patents Limited Radio Merchandisers Ltd. Toronto + DISTRIBUTORS will prove to he the most successful falr ever held in Oshawa,