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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, 10 Times In the Cowsn Telephones--=Offico~~587; Housew131, Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock Goodyear and Whiz to Meet In Final Battle Saturday Rr Large Crowd Is Expected to be Present to See Whiz Defend Their One Game Lead and Goodyear Their Last Yont's Honors i... Maturduy whould wes (he largest crowd at any ball game this season when the Goodyenr, lust year's champions defend thelr honors ngainst the Whig, 16 Is going to be A veal hard battle an the series so [ar have proved, Three games have heen tied, "he first § to K, the seus ond 6 to 6 und the third ¥ to §, Whiz won the fourth game by a seors of fifteen to thirteen after peven innings of soraggy ball in whith each team had many break. awnys and both made a poor diss May On Saturday one team must win the league, There will he plenty of time to play two games should the Goodyesr win the first and tie the round wenin and those who attend will have the ehanee of sees Ing a double header for their money, Hardly any local factory Is running on Saturday and supe porters of both teams should be much in evidence Hven if it wus a (aly practice to make comment on the chances of the respective (teams in this the final game it would he a most difs Hoult Job to make a choleg hes J Ween them go both are very even. iy matched, However as we do not make a practice of even guessing who will be the chnmplons we ure saved that much trouble, There Is one thing however whieh not only the players but everyone who Intends to witness the game will expect and that iv that there is no crabbing and dis- puting of the umpires' decisions whatever they muy be, 11 Weems hard sometimes to Agree with the verdict of an umpire and while they seldom make mistakes, ul though it may seem to some that they do, they are only human and one of the chief attributes of the human race fs 1s inability to al ways he right, Ne sporismunlike and when you wee the other (eum get an seeming hreak look closu and you will see that both sides got breaks in avery game Last of all he present ut thy finn! and best game of the season and finlsh the season in u better way than It was started, which will be remembered as commencs ing with very little enthusiasm Weddings ACONTA==IIUNNER At high noon, Haturday, Hep tember Oth, an Interesting event took place at the home of Nev, and Mrs, Wm, Alfred Dunner, Liberty Place, Bowmanville, when thelr daughter, Gladys Leavens, was i SL ONE THIRD OF YOUR COAL BILL CAN BE SAV. ED BY INSULATION There are made for this use--All are in some measure good but the original is still the best. "TEN TEST" Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 many Boards united In marriage with Antonio Viconte Acosta of Chicuko, son of Mr, Antonlo Acosta of Vorto Iico, The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, ussisted by Nev, Ki, Varnsworth of Belleville and ev, J. W, Bunner, of Bowman. ville, uncles of the bride; The wedding music was played hy Mrs, Muriel Wymons, sister of the bride, Before the ceremony Mrs, Hiusrt Algor, Oshawa, cousin of the bride, sung Dawning" most sweetly aud offectively, and after the nuptiu) knot was tied sung "God hath made two hearts as one," The bride looked radiantly hup- py in bridal white with vell and orange blossoms, Mer bouquet wis ophelin roses and ify of the valley, Bho was uttended by her sister, Miss Vivian Bunner, in pale bluse, with bouquet of pink roses, I'he groom was ably supported by Dr. dV. Varnsworth of Belleville, cousin. of the bride. Little Miss Isnbal MWharpe of Deseronto and Paul Wymons earvieg the ribbons that formed the aisle to the mare ringe altar, Joan Sharpe, the sweet little flower girl, curried un basket of wwebtheart roses and Liny or- chidw, Kelvin Hymons carried the ring on an old-fashioned nosegny. Vour young friends of the bride Assisted al the luncheon, Miss Jon: nis Ballantyne, of Toronto, Miss Isabel Ogden, Miss Ldup Jewell and My, Claude Ives, Dowman- ville, Thelr charming personalities and lovely gowns udded grace snd beuiity to the festive occasion, Mr, Acosta received her degres of Bachelor of Neliglous Kduen ton from Boston - University in 1046 and since then bas served as Director of Religious Kdueation in Bird Memoriul Church, Chie Wgo, Mr, Acosta obtained the de res of Bachelor of Luws from DePaul University, Chicago, und win onlled to the bar of Indisne und last May received his Fedora! Hoonse, In addition to his seculul voeation of Attorney-ut-law, Mr, Acosta prepared himmself for part Lime religious work by gradunting from Union Theological Meminary, Porto Rico, post-graduate work at Princeton University, and nttends nce at Garrett Institute to study avaugellutic methods, and in pastor of the Hpanish speaking congrogn. ton of Bird Memorial Churel, Chi CARD Mr, and My Acosta Intend to remain in Chicago for a your and Him make thelr homas In Porto then GHEAV EN MOOI) A pratty Autumn wedding took place at tha home of Mes, 1, M Wilkon, Hond street, Lindsay, on Naturday, Neptember Oth, at 4 p m, when her only daughter, Evelyn Moore, was united In marriages to Mr, J. Morley CGirenves, of Lindeay, The marriage, which took place under an fluminated wre heuutl fully decorated with gladioll, ferns And pale, was solamnized hy Nev T. BB Holling, DD, minister of the 1st United Chureh, Lindsay The bride, wha was given In marriage by her hrother, Mr, dames I, Moors, of Bowmanville looked very lovely in n dress of white carriekemacross lace and chiffon, with long white embrold ored vell held In place with a bandean of weeded pearls, Meg shower houquet wan of Joanne Mil) rousa and lly of the valley, The bridesmaid, Miss Morence Greaves, Mrter of the groom, wore a pretty P'ranch dress of pale pink lace, and carvied a bouquet of Mriar Cliff roses, The bhesl man was Mr, Orial lidgarton, The wedding march was played hy Mrs, PP, C, Kdgerton, aunt of the bride. Durlg the signing of the register, Miss Marian Plekard mang "At Dawning" accompanied by Miss Iva Robertson After the ecaremony aaa Wr e----------e Knitted Suits $6.75 New two and three piece styles of all wool Knitted Suita, Regular values $9.95 and $12.95. $6.75 ' SPECIALS -- ------------ For F riday and er -- Saturday Picnic Sale, Selling at, pair ... Pure Irish hw H Chamoisette Gloves, Ladies' Silk Gloves. Special, Ladies' Silknit Shi Pettinickers on -- pa Allen Silk Hose, broken sizes of $1.00 quality, Ladies' Silk Gloves. Re, 98¢ for .......58¢ pa os Regular $1.25 and $1.50. Silk Chiffon Hose, Perfect. Regular $1.00 qual ity. Black and white only, Special, pair . . 38¢ RN ar Eraviirirass LE NE SS 5 ifs, cach ......6¢ 38¢ J J BRE ' , + 88¢ KID GLOVES ON SALE AT $1.89 French and Italian Kid Gloves, ' Grey, brown, sand, black, Regular values to $2.98 pair, Pie nic Special, $1.89 Ww. A.Dewland, Limited the young [ couple received the guosts, with Mrs, Wilson, mother of the bride, wonring un chiffon dress of wiunset color and corsage bouquet of Tells man roses, and Mrs, Greaves, mother of the groom, wearing a lovely dress of black lace and cor. Hugo of roses, A dainty buffet luncheon Was served, the. bride's table being beautifully decorated in pink and white, Dr. Holling proposed the toast to the bride, te which the groom responded, An Interesting feature of (he avent was the christening of the bride's little nephew, John RN Moore, son of Mr, and Mrs, James I, Moore of Wowmanville, which took place after the wedding sup- per, Vor going awny the bride wore # brown ensemble, with hat and shoes to match, After thelr honeys moon, spent In Quebec und Northe ern Ontario, the young couple will reside in Lindsny, Guests wers present from Toronto, Bowman: ville, Dunsford, Nestloton, Came bray, Venelon Valls and Kirkfield, NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Watch Your Mtep According to the Intests reports there ure yet ninety people in Bowmanville who are the owners of dogs and who have not paid thelr dog tax for the year, There ure also wix who have not yer paid thelr poll or statute Inbor tax, I'he collector has desided that those who do not pay their taxes within i short time will be prosecuted and this will cost them double the amount they unre now usked to pay; Work Commences Work commenced this morning on the widening of the roof of the town hall the contract for which was let to Maurice Tamblyn an fow weeks ugo, 1t Is hoped that theses repairs will prevent the winter wseaping through the roof ond wally un has been noticed in Lhe past few yours, Nwimming Tests Thursduy the Bowmanville Heouts tried thelr swimming tests ut Bowmanville on the lake, Luwr once Nahder, Clifford Mall, Tem Dustan, Bradley Honeyman, and Ned Hehdor taking purt Ned Wohder, oldest son of Mr, and Mra, C. BE, Rehdar, was the only one fram Bowmanville te oh tain high enough marks to win"the budge There were also some Scouts from Oshawa in the testy ; The local Keouts are under the loudarship of Heoutmaster Terry of Oshawa, and are showing splendid progress Farewell Paty Mins Howe Bate, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Roland Date, was much entertained previous to her departure for Toronto, where she han entered St, Joseph's Hospital WE nurnesin<training, On Saturday evening, August 20rd, many friends and relatives gathered at her home and spent a very pleas: ant evening, Among the out eof town guests present worn her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Har- old Moore, and family, Ottawa, und Miss Mary Morris, Toronto Misa Morris contributed several! Pleasing nolo during the course of the avening, On the following Tuesday night many girl friends of Miss Date gathered at the heme of Misa Clara Ashlee, Church Ht A most enjoyable evening wan spent in games and cards, With a BIBLE SOCIETY EXECUTIVE ELECT NEW PRESIDENT Resignation of T, S. Loach Accepted With Regret, A well attended ménting of the executive of the loesl branch of the Bible Society, In the office of A..G. Browning, K.C., on Tuesday evening, hind before it the resignation of the President, Mr. I', B, Louch, who e¢ome munleated his desire to relinquish the duties of the office owing to his impending departure from this coms munity, With grest regret, the resignation wan neeepted, und hy unanimous vole the Secretiury - was asked to forward My, Louch a let. ter of uppreciution of his services, THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE sw n----h PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFI a -- ES E=---- -- FRY'S COCOA As IN. tin Lah PICNIC LUNCHEON SETS Delmonte Nrand am ths \ SARDINES Brunawiok Reand I'in LIFEBUOY SOAP For [Tealth noaly worded address of farewell the guest of the evening was pre mented with a beautiful rose on amber vanity wet, along with the | Kood wishes of all present, WHITBY CITIZENS' BAND AND LEGION POST SHARE IN PRORITS BE Street Fair Shows Fine Bal-| ance for Two Local | Enterprises | The committes in charge of the Annual Street Fair which was held this year on the evening of the Lith of August, held a mesting on Tuesday evening in the office of the Town Clerk to make up the books of the Fair and to pass sev. eral accounts that had been late In coming In. It is with the great: cnt of pleasure that the committee Is able to announce that Post 113, Canadian Legion and Tha Whitby Oitizen's Band will each receive $664.88 an thelr share of the ens terprise, The two recipients are two of thea most deserving of the support of the community, It was with a feeling of optims Iam for the work that the coms mittes has in view, that they wish to thank the people of the Whitby, district for the' splendid manner in which they patronized the street falr this year, The Fair itself way one of the most successful that han been undertaken hy the town In many years, The Fair was a sug. oosn hoth from a financial point of view and also from the stands point of the high order of enters talnment provided, One of the largest crowds in the history of the Fair attended and by their enerosity and good behaviour, \ve made the Fale one to look back on with pleasure, Net. receipia for the Faly total $2,004.47, The disbursements wor made an follows: <<Prises $494.00; merchandise and supplien $1,» ORT. 87: printing and advertising, $60.04; erecting and dismantling booths, $1205,00; miscellaneouy, $4880; Post 112 Canadian Le: gion, $504.88; Whitby Citisernia's Dand, $0604.88. Total $2,024.47, The hooks and vouchers of the fair committed may he seen at akon DILL PICKLES pin : 6 for PALMOLIVE SOAP In forums Prise PEACH JAM A } law Jrand TOMATO CATSUP C&R Nand Large howie | fon Rauat Tin 2 for CRAB MEAT Madam Brand Alyn Hl CHERRIES Aylmer Brand Nor ua for a .-~ 240 od. Pitted, Heavy 2m 280 ns well aw u message of 8 pathy in hin recent berenvement, Mr. Louc has heen a valued member of the Boclety for several years, To complete the term of office, G, M, Goodfellow was elected, und Mon sre. W. A. Holliday and Matthew Kerr were appointed to the Kxecu- tive. A, W. Beall, who has been one of the Bociety's most useful work ers, continues us Honorary Presi- dent, with A, G, Browning us Becre- tury, Plung were luld for the annual ennvias for funds, which will take pluce ax usual during the coming autumn, and the names of possible ipieukors for the annual meeting in Murch were wuggested, so that an outstanding man muy be secured in wdvanee, Lost yesr the Society had one of the mowt. successful years in the history of the local branch, nnd It Is hoped that 1050-41 will not be less noteworthy, p----m-- ------ Ie M. 1. Sexumith, of Bouth- umpton, formerly of Whitby, spent u few duys in town this week with friends, fit, Andrew's Ladies' Ald will hold un wile of home covking in the Couns el Chamber on Friday, Sept. 26th, ut 9 p.m. Minsen Jean and Ruin Robertson, of Toronto, formerly of Whitby, who completed their course in the Toron- to Normul Behool, ure now on the Oceuslonul staff of the Toronto Bourd of Eduention, They spent the week end with friends in Whithy, Miss Huth Spall, of Toronto, spent the week end with Miss Helitha Vanstone, Broek street south, and --,, attended the OkesGreene wedding on Saturday. Do you want a dellelous cake for the week end? Phone Luke's, 4127W. Mew, J. K, Bturr, of Vancouver, B, C., npent the week end at the "Maple J the guest of Mr, and Mrs, KE, KE, Starr, Rev. Mr, Withers, of Buskatoon, who wus holidaying in Toronto, oe cupied the pulpit in All Saints' Church on Sunday last, The Daughters of England will hold wu euchre on Monday evening, Sept, 16th, Everybody welcome, Members please note there will be no refreshments, APOLOGY TO BILL RUDDY We sincerely regret that In our raport in lust Issue of the members of Whitby Tennis Club who had pare ticiputed in the games of the One ia League and won group honors for Whithy, the name of Bill Ruddy wats inadvertently omitted, "Bi" in one of Whithy's chief "rucketecrs" and although he und his "opponent extraordinary" lan Davey, have not been heard us frequently at the local courts this year, Bill was able to mecompany the local satelites to Belleville on Saturday, and ig up a good game when one of the other League teams played here early in the summer, CHECKERS ARE MOVING very Tuesday and Friday even. Ing ut the Gun Club practice games ure played und problems explained, All ehieckerints in Whitby and vicine ity wre requested to attend and pre. with healthglving vita mines==thelr tempting flaver, thelr handy form, lends Itself to many de lghtfu! meal. dishes, = Popular at every "Skinny" Sick Father Gains 15 Lbs. In 3 Weeks, New Pep Anseliw, Altu==Mr, LE. Kother says: "lL was so run-down, weak, ner- yous, couldn't work, Then tried Iromzed Yeast, Gained 15 Ws, in 3 weeks, Regained my health," "Skinny," weak, nervous people winmzed at gaing of 5 to 15 lbs, in 3 weeks, Ugly hollows, bony limbs fill out, Blemished skin clears, New pep first day, Constipation, indiges tion, "nerves" wo overnight Avoids danger of serious il) Ironized Yeast is two great tonics in one, Weight-building, brewer's yeast plus strengthening, blood-en. riching iron, Many times more ef fective than unmedwated yeast, Wi sults in half the time, Don't be "skinny," weak, nervous, Take these pleasant little tablets, No yeasty taste; no gas, if not delight. ed with quick gains, manufacturer refiinds money, Get Ironized Yeist from druggist today, Feel great {o- morrow, New pounds quick, Ra, a pare for the local towrney which should bein about Oct, st, Hamilton hus asked for the next, Provincial tourney about next Easter and it will likely be held there, The next Dominion tourney will ---- --. be held in Toronto in 1932, YOU SAVE WHEN YOU SPEND AT EATON'S SPECIALS on, Sele at These Low Prices From SEPT. 12 to SEPT. IS "SPECIAL CAK GILCHRIST'S VALENCIA Deliciously Ib. i19¢ Fresh and Maoist ; dg Caffein H. A.C. COFFEE win Tin 35 6-02. Tin C The Bathroom Necemity -FLUSHO Tin 23¢ SPECIAL In Tomato Sauce Packed When Freshly Caught Marshall's 15b. Tins 2c Marmalade SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE 12-02. Jar 23c¢ MANYFLOWERS SOAP 3 BARS 19¢ SPECIAL! Golden Bantam Corn Choice Quality DOVE BRAND EATON'S MEATS Cp i es SPECIAL-~ Fri. and Sat. only Choice Front Quarters Spring Lamb © Sc A { | ! A oe | SPECIAL LOAF Special! Picake Shortening 2 1b, 29¢ Fri. and Sat. the Town Clerk's Office, SPECIAL Fri Blade and Shoulder Roasts | BEEF Finest Quality Ib. 16¢ a Fri. and Sat. only Macaroni and Thinly Sliced for Sandwiches ; Cheese cast PRA IL OPERATED BY *T, CATELLI'S READY-CUTS, LONG-EGG NOODLES, ALPHABETS, VERMICELLI 3 Fall | BY Con wa 6' 16-02, Pkgs. 19¢ EXCEPTIONAL VALUE THIS QUALITY PRODUCT Special! SUNGLO BUTTER Malt Syrup BUDWEISER No. 24% Size Tin 79¢ 2 lbs, 6l¢ Friday and Saturday Special! POTATOES 2 Pecks, 49¢ Per Bag, $1.35 av Sliced BACON SPECIAL! d Ham mv. 49¢ SPECIAL! * By the Piece i Special! CHOCOLATE BUDS 23¢ Lb, Box While They Lust ~~ wn. 20¢ | rR 2, TON Cee Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily

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